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H2020 projects about "demonstration"

The page lists 897 projects related to the topic "demonstration".

# achronym  title  year 
1 EUROfusion Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium 2014
2 SAPHIR Strengthening Animal Production and Health through the Immune Response 2015
3 ULTRADIAN Dynamic hormone diagnostics 2015
4 DIVERSIFOOD Embedding crop diversity and networking for local high quality food systems 2015
5 EUCLID EU-CHINA Lever for IPM Demonstration 2015
6 METASPACE Bioinformatics for spatial metabolomics 2015
7 REGAIN REgeneration of inner ear hair cells with GAmma-secretase INhibitors to regain hearing in patients with sensorineural hearing loss 2015
8 CARBAZYMES Sustainable industrial processes based on a C-C bond-forming enzyme platform 2015
9 EcoPROLIVE Ecofriendly PROcessing System for the full exploitation of the OLIVE health potential in products of added value 2015
10 FUTURE-FOOD Faster Upcoming Technology Uptake Relevant for the Environment in FOOds Drying 2015
11 TILDA Towards Industrial LES/DNS in Aeronautics – Paving the Way for Future Accurate CFD 2015
13 LeanShips Low Energy And Near to zero emissions Ships 2015
14 SYNCHRO-NET Synchro-modal Supply Chain Eco-Net 2015
15 REWARD REal World Advanced Technologies foR Diesel Engines 2015
16 EDEN ISS Ground Demonstration of Plant Cultivation Technologies and Operation in Space for Safe Food Production on-board ISS and Future Human Space Exploration Vehicles and Planetary Outposts 2015
17 ROADART Research On Alternative Diversity Aspects foR Trucks 2015
18 REProMag Resource Efficient Production Route for Rare Earth Magnets 2015
19 MOBILE FLIP Mobile and Flexible Industrial Processing of Biomass 2015
20 MAShES Multimodal spectrAl control of laSer processing with cognitivE abilities 2014
22 ECO-Binder Development of insulating concrete systems based on novel low CO2 binders for a new family of eco-innovative, durable and standardized energy efficient envelope components 2015
23 BRESAER Breakthrough solutions for adaptable envelopes for building refurbishment 2015
24 TASIO Waste Heat Recovery for Power Valorisation with Organic Rankine Cycle Technology in Energy Intensive Industries 2014
25 FoF-Impact Enhanced impact of the Factories of the Future PPP through technology transfer and expanded community 2015
26 GOTOFLY Boosting the European Innovative Satellite Technologies with In-Orbit Demonstrations 2015
27 INsPIRE Chip-scale INtegrated Photonics for the mid-Infra REd 2015
28 SMIRP Silicon mid-infrared photodetectors 2014
29 PERASPERA PERASPERA (AD ASTRA) Plan European Roadmap and Activities for SPace Exploitation of Robotics and Autonomy 2014
30 DEMOCRITOS Demonstrators for Conversion, Reactor, Radiator And Thrusters for Electric Propulsion Systems 2015
31 NEOShield-2 Science and Technology for Near-Earth Object Impact Prevention 2015
32 DEMETRA Demonstrator of EGNSS Services based on Time Reference Architecture 2015
33 STEPWISE SEWGS Technology Platform for cost effective CO2 reduction the in the Iron and Steel Industry 2015
34 GreenMethanol A new process for the manufacture of methanol from waste glycerol 2015
35 CCMI-ARDS Medically Licensed Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. 2015
36 BlueStep Blue Combustion for the Storage of Green Electrical Power 2015
37 G MOTIT Galileo-Enhanced MOTIT: an electric scooter sharing service for sustainable urban mobility 2015
38 e-Airport Increase airport capacity, safety and security using European GNSS 2015
39 Real-Time-Mining Real-time optimization of extraction and the logistic process in highly complex geological and selective mining settings 2015
40 SOLEDLIGHT Solution Processed OLEDs for Lighting 2015
41 Optintegral Advertisement displays manufactured by hybrid in-mould integration 2015
42 eNHANCE eNHANCE - intention based enhancement of reaching and grasping in physically disabled people - personalized to maximize user performance 2015
43 M3TERA Micromachined terahertz systems -a new heterogeneous integration platform enabling the commercialization of the THz frequency spectrum 2015
44 PING Printed Intelligent NFC Game cards and packaging 2015
45 IMMORTAL Integrated Modelling, Fault Management, Verification and Reliable Design Environment for Cyber-Physical Systems 2015
46 SANSA Shared Access Terrestrial-Satellite Backhaul Network enabled by Smart Antennas 2015
47 SEERS Snapshot spEctral imagEr for cost effective IR Surveillance 2015
48 RoMaNS Robotic Manipulation for Nuclear Sort and Segregation 2015
49 CHEQUERS Compact High pErformance QUantum cascadE laseR Sensors 2015
50 ERANet SmartGridPlus ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus: support deep knowledge sharing between regional and European Smart Grids initiatives 2015
51 ELSA Energy Local Storage Advanced system (ELSA) 2015
52 ATLASS Advanced high-resolution printing of organic Transistors for Large Area Smart Surfaces 2015
53 STORY STORY- Added value of STORage in distribution sYstems 2015
54 Flex4Grid Prosumer Flexibility Services for Smart Grid Management 2015
55 CITYKEYS Smart City performance measurement system 2015
56 NAIADES Na-Ion bAttery Demonstration for Electric Storage 2015
57 GrowSmarter GrowSmarter 2015
58 NETFFICIENT Energy and economic efficiency for today’s smart communities through integrated multi storage technologies 2015
59 P2P-SmarTest Peer to Peer Smart Energy Distribution Networks (P2P-SmartTest) 2015
60 FLEXICIENCY energy services demonstrations of demand response, FLEXibility and energy effICIENCY based on metering data 2015
61 DemoWind DemoWind ERA-NET Cofund action - delivering cost reduction in offshore wind 2015
62 Triangulum Triangulum: The Three Point Project / Demonstrate. Disseminate. Replicate. 2015
63 POPSTAR Low power consumption silicon optoelectronics based on strain and refractive index engineering 2015
64 GreenPlay Game to promote energy efficiency actions 2015
65 STORM Self-organising Thermal Operational Resource Management 2015
66 OrbEEt ORganizational Behaviour improvement for Energy Efficient adminisTrative public offices 2015
67 TherVIS A Thermal-Visual Integrated System Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for 3D energy performance mapping and forecasting and damage evaluation 2014
68 MPSAT Multi-Payload satellite as an innovative service for technology experimentation in space 2014
69 4FOLD 4FOLD Reduction of the International Transport of Empty Containers by Folding 2014
70 NDTMF New Drying Techniques for Moulded Fibres 2014
71 ELOXIRAS Electrochemical Oxidation in the Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Industry 2014
72 BIOCERAMINK New ecological BIO CERAMIC INK based on bio-solvents for ink jet printing (BIOCERAMINK) 2014
73 Direct Drive TT Feasibility study for an innovative direct drive tidal turbine 2014
74 REBOOT Retrofit all-Electric Bus for reduced Operator Operating costs in urban Transport (REBOOT) 2014
75 BAG-FS Biopolus Aero Green - Feasibility Study 2014
76 ProZero ProZero - Carbon Based fast boats for professional use 2014
77 SWH Demonstration of a Binary-Logic Hybrid Transmission for Heavy-Duty Vehicles 2014
78 POLYSOLAR A light weight, recyclable, tracking support system, for solar photovoltaic modules based on inflatable polymer membranes 2014
79 OILMOD Optical Injection Locked Modulator 2014
80 GasOn Gas-Only internal combustion engines 2015
81 HDGAS Heavy Duty Gas Engines integrated into Vehicles 2015
82 CONSORT Controlled Singlet Oxygen Release Photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy 2015
83 SAT STABILIS Nonlinear Sampled-data Attitude Stabilization of Underactuated Spacecraft 2015
84 EcoSwing EcoSwing - Energy Cost Optimization using Superconducting Wind Generators - World’s First Demonstration of a 3.6 MW Low-Cost Lightweight DD Superconducting Generator on a Wind Turbine 2015
85 STEELANOL Production of sustainable, advanced bio-ethANOL through an innovative gas-fermentation process using exhaust gases emitted in the STEEL industry 2015
86 GAMMALAS Towards gamma-ray lasers via super-radiance in a Bose-Einstein condensate of 135mCs isomers 2015
87 NATCONSUMERS NATural Language Energy for Promoting CONSUMER Sustainable Behaviour 2015
88 ORC-PLUS Organic Rankine Cycle - Prototype Link to Unit Storage 2015
89 2G BIOPIC Second Generation BIoethanol sustainable production based on Organosolv Process at atmospherIc Conditions 2015
90 MIP4CELL Molecular Imprinting mediated regulation of cell behavior and related biomedical applications 2016
91 LEACON LEArning-CONtrol tight interaction: a novel approach to robust execution of mobile manipulation tasks 2016
92 RyM Experimental Studies of Strongly Interacting Quantum Gases in an Optical Lattice 2015
93 E-GRA-MONS OPTICS Coupling Quantum Emitters to Graphene Plasmons: a new route towards fast Quantum Optics 2015
94 SYMULGAS Synthetic magnetism with ultracold Fermi gases of strontium 2015
95 Topological superfluidity Topological superfluidity in ultracold gas of Dysprosium atoms 2015
96 RAPSODY Fermentation processes for functional foods from RAPeseed, Sunflower and Other EU matrices Devoted to Young animals.Zero-miles model boosting safety and competitiveness of livestock sector 2015
97 Mubic Mushroom and biogas production in a circular economy 2015
98 ITECCO Innovative Transport Equipment for Coal, Coke and Ore 2015
99 Tunnelsafe2020 Road and rail tunnel fire protection 2015
100 INNO-HTM Innovative eco-friendly heat transfer media 2015
101 TCN TimeAnalyzer TimeAnalyzer in real-time networks 2015
102 USELA Useful energy from contaminated landfill gas 2014
103 MeRIT MeRIT - Maximising Renewable Energy Integration 2015
104 WHEY2VALUE Whey2Value: valorising waste whey into high-value products 2015
105 CREST Climate Resilient Agriculture through revolutionary Weather Forecast and Data 2015
106 TRANSREGEN Portable thermal fluid regeneration system for Solar Thermal Plants 2015
107 TrustNode A Disruptive Router Platform for the Internet of Things – TrustNode 2015
108 PHOCCS Photon Cross Correlation Spectroscopy 2015
109 APEX Advanced Process Economics through Oxidoreductases 2015
110 IRWES Integrated Roof Wind Energy System 2015
111 Hydrofaction Resource and Cost Effective Conversion of Biomass to HydrocarbonTM Oil 2015
112 Heat2Energy Demonstrating a highly-efficient and cost-effective energy conversion technology for waste heat recovery 2015
113 Remote Sanitation Remote Sanitation – New sustainable sanitation solution for remote areas 2015
114 FREE-D CNC dynamic mold for producing freely curved glass panels 2015
115 LeakFree Development of a reliable quality control system using advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) technologies for the production environment of leak-free fuel tanks from plastics and composites 2015
116 Aerowash II InnovAtive automatic battERy pOwered WASHing robot for the aviation industry – Aerowash II 2015
117 Cryoshelter Bringing a new LNG-tank technology to industrial readyness 2015
118 TyRec process TyRec process: Whole Tyre Recycling within 30 Minutes with Molten Zinc – towards a circular economy 2015
119 ROLL-OUT High-performance, Flexible, AUTOnomous Systems manufactured with Unique, Industrial ROLL-to-roll equipments 2015
120 LEO Low-cost / energy Efficient Oleds for lighting 2015
121 ZEBCOM Zero Emission Robot-Boat for Coastal and Inland Water Monitoring 2015
122 HybridFarm Eco-innovative housing solution for efficient production of slaughterpigs with limited environmental impact. 2015
123 CORSAIR Increasing the quality mindset of COnstruction workers involved in building Refurbishment processes through a Software Application capable of using among others visible or InfraRed pictures of defects 2015
124 ELECTHANE Microbiological conversion of renewable electricity and CO2 to a natural gas quality bio-fuel 2015
125 Bio-HyPP Biogas-fired Combined Hybrid Heat and Power Plant 2015
126 Eco-UV Low carbon footprint and eco-innovative UV water disinfection 2015
127 RESYNTEX A new circular economy concept: from textile waste towards chemical and textile industries feedstock 2015
129 iMETland iMETland: A new generation of Microbial Electrochemical Wetland for effective decentralized wastewater treatment 2015
130 SUBSOL bringing coastal SUBsurface water SOLutions to the market 2015
131 MOSES Managing crOp water Saving with Enterprise Services 2015
132 RealValue Realising Value from Electricity Markets with Local Smart Electric Thermal Storage Technology 2015
133 PlastiCell Using a natural cellular plasticity event to decypher the cellular requirements and molecular circuitry promoting transdifferentiation at the single cell level. 2015
134 SAMOFAR A Paradigm Shift in Reactor Safety with the Molten Salt Fast Reactor 2015
135 sCO2-HeRo The supercritical CO2 Heat Removal System 2015
136 MYRTE MYRRHA Research and Transmutation Endeavour 2015
137 Modern2020 Development and Demonstration of monitoring strategies and technologies for geological disposal 2015
138 ShaMROCK ShaMROCK – Secure professional Mobile Radio Over Commercial networKs 2015
139 Starlight Demonstration of a High Definition Low Light Sensor (Starlight) for use in the Surveillance and Protection of Urban Soft Targets and Critical Infrastructures. 2015
140 DigiArt The Internet Of Historical Things And Building New 3D Cultural Worlds 2015
141 DIACAT Diamond materials for the photocatalytic conversion of CO2 to fine chemicals and fuels using visible light 2015
142 INCEPTION Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling 2015
143 MINERAL EYE Real-time on-line mineralogical analysis for the process optimization and more sustainable mining 2015
144 HTMD Feasibility assessment of a cloud application platform for rational drug design using high throughput molecular dynamics 2015
145 MEWi-B More Efficient Wind Blades 2015
146 ITI Intelligent Trading Interface 2015
147 NAV4VIP 3D Sound Navigator Assistant for Visually Impaired People 2015
148 ALISE Advanced Lithium Sulphur battery for xEV 2015
149 PVPS Powerstar Virtual Power Station (PVPS) solution - Powerstar Virtue 2015
150 Mucky MUCKY: The circular solution for the valorisation of mixed municipal waste streams. 2015
151 5 LIVES Search, Challenge, Fight, Care, Rescue for Lives. 2015
152 PANDEM Pandemic Risk and Emergency Management 2015
153 AMPYXAP3 Commercial introduction of the first Airborne Wind Energy system: Renewable energy at costs below fully depreciated coal fired power plants 2015
154 ValChem ValChem - Value added Chemical building blocks and lignin from wood 2015
155 PULP2VALUE Processing Underutilised Low value sugarbeet Pulp into VALUE added products (PULP2VALUE) 2015
156 Flex5Gware Flexible and efficient hardware/software platforms for 5G network elements and devices 2015
157 5G-Crosshaul 5G-Crosshaul: The 5G Integrated fronthaul/backhaul 2015
158 RUNSAFER Market introduction of an innovative wearable device, consisting of a novel running shoe with embedded electronics providing real-time biomechanical feedback to reduce risk of injuries 2015
159 REVEN-X1 REVEN-X1: Automatic Vulnerability Detection in Binary 2015
160 EcoContainerCleaner Proving the IBC Robotics container cleaning system as an economic, climate- and environmentally-friendly and safe contribution to the EU transport system in order to disrupt the global market 2015
161 INNO-SOFC Development of innovative 50 kW SOFC system and related value chain 2015
162 FCL Upgrading a commercially-available Fault Current Limiter to a more cost-effective device for enabling additional capacity and improving energy efficiency, by limiting destructive fault currents 2015
163 TRICHO T-18 Environmental friendly fungicide based on new endophytic Biological Control Agent Trichoderma asperellum strain T18 2015
164 SEFI Solar Energy for Food Industry 2015
165 MIRIPSHE MID-IR Integrated Photonic Sensor for Health and Environment 2016
166 PHOSFUN Phosphorene functionalization: a new platform for advanced multifunctional materials 2015
167 Robolution Robotic Recycling Revolution 2015
168 ELYntegration Grid Integrated Multi Megawatt High Pressure Alkaline Electrolysers for Energy Applications 2015
169 CHeaP Cost-effective Combined Heat and Power generator for camping vans 2015
170 RESCUE REsistive-Switch CompUting bEyond CMOS 2015
172 iPURXL iPURXL: Scale-Up of Liquid Nano-reactor for the Destruction of Contaminants in Turbid Fluids 2015
173 ZERO-PLUS Achieving near Zero and Positive Energy Settlements in Europe using Advanced Energy Technology 2015
174 SYMBIOPTIMA Human-mimetic approach to the integrated monitoring, management and optimization of a symbiotic cluster of smart production units 2015
175 CREATE Compact REtrofit Advanced Thermal Energy storage 2015
176 I-ThERM Industrial Thermal Energy Recovery Conversion and Management 2015
177 REnnovates Flexibility Activated Zero Energy Districts 2015
178 ReCaM Rapid Reconfiguration of Flexible Production Systems through Capability-based Adaptation, Auto-configuration and Integrated tools for Production Planning 2015
179 DuaLine The validation, certification and industrial testing of advanced road marking retro reflectance (RL) measuring equipment (RetroTek-M) for the global market. 2015
180 i-LiveRest Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure ulcer risk by real time measuring of tissue viability and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context 2015
181 Bosolog Bosolog – Multi-sensors and Assets' Log Monitoring and Management Software 2015
182 SeNaTe Seven Nanometer Technology 2015
183 BIO-CHIP BIOengineered grafts for Cartilage Healing In Patients (BIO-CHIP) 2015
184 HTC4WASTE Up-scaling, demonstration and first market application of Loritus’ patented hydrothermal carbonisation as an eco-efficient and cost-effective organic waste processing technology 2015
185 ProDIA Production, control and Demonstration of structured hybrid nanoporous materials for Industrial adsorption Applications 2015
186 EUBra-BIGSEA EUrope-BRAzil Collaboration on BIG Data Scientific REsearch through Cloud-Centric Applications 2016
187 CEWET Cost Effective Wireless Electrical Transportation 2015
188 GIDROM Drone-based integrated monitoring system for early detection of crop pathology and pest control in high tech greenhouse agriculture. 2015
189 LCSAC Low cost solar absorption cooling 2015
190 HEAT-R Modular thermoelectric system for industrial waste HEAT Recovery (HEAT-R) 2015
191 SE-NBW Demonstration of a self-erection system for wind turbine towers 2015
192 WATLY An autonomous and mobile water treatment plant powered by solar energy 2015
193 PROMOTION PROMOTioN - Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks 2016
194 SBSI Structure-based subwavelength imaging 2015
195 TFQD Thin film light-trapping enhanced quantum dot photovoltaic cells: an enabling technology for high power-to-weight ratio space solar arrays. 2016
196 TULIPP Towards Ubiquitous Low-power Image Processing Platforms 2016
197 REMINDER Revolutionary embedded memory for internet of things devices and energy reduction 2016
198 BIOWYSE Biocontamination Integrated cOntrol of Wet sYstems for Space Exploration 2016
199 PerMarDrive Integrated PERmanent Magnet Motor-Clutch Drive for Parallel Hybrid Power MARINE Propulsion Systems 2015
200 WASCOP Water Saving for Solar Concentrated Power 2016
201 DEMOGRAVI3 Demonstration of the GRAVI3 technology – innovative gravity foundation for offshore wind 2016
202 Plants for Plants From plants for plants: enhancing crops potential and resilience by reliable new generation biostimulants 2016
203 DemoWind 2 DemoWind 2 ERA-NET Cofund action - delivering cost reduction in offshore wind 2016
204 WASABI Towards the Wider uptake of Arterial Stiffness As a BIomarker for cardiovascular diseases 2015
205 INSIGHT Integration of III-V Nanowire Semiconductors for next Generation High Performance CMOS SOC Technologies 2015
206 ACT Accellerating CCS technologies as a new low-carbon energy vector 2016
207 SOLPART High Temperature Solar-Heated Reactors for Industrial Production of Reactive Particulates 2016
208 PropMat Support to Future CROR and UHBR Propulsion System Maturation 2016
209 HyBalance HyBalance 2015
210 OLU-PREG Affordable organosheets for mass-customised FRP components in multiple sectors 2016
211 BABET-REAL5 New technology and strategy for a large and sustainable deployment of second generation biofuel in rural areas 2016
212 CONQUEST Companion Nanodiagnostics for Quantifying EPR and Stratifying Patients to Targeted Nanotherapies 2016
213 UNEXMIN Autonomous Underwater Explorer for Flooded Mines 2016
214 EVA EVA - patient ventilation beyond limits 2015
215 FloTEC Floating Tidal Energy Commercialisation project (FloTEC) 2016
216 E2District Energy Efficient Optimised District Heating and Cooling 2016
217 POWER Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges 2015
218 SEAF Standardisation and Communication of Sustainable Energy Asset Evaluation Framework 2016
219 BESTF3 Bioenergy Sustaining the Future (BESTF) 3 2016
220 ELIRAD Everyday Life Radar Sensors For Transportation 2016
221 DR-BOB Demand Response in Block of Buildings 2016
222 NeMoFoil NeMoFoil: electronic foil for neuromonitoring 2016
223 EuroDairy A Europe-wide thematic network supporting a sustainable future for EU dairy farmers 2016
224 CyPod On-Chip Cytometry Printed On Demand 2016
225 VICINITY Open virtual neighbourhood network to connect intelligent buildings and smart objects 2016
226 PVSITES Building-integrated photovoltaic technologies and systems for large-scale market deployment 2016
227 UPWAVE Demonstration of a 1-MW wave energy converter integrated in an offshore wind turbine farm 2016
228 ARIADNE ARgon ImAging DetectioN chambEr 2016
229 DIBOR Unsymmetric diborane(4) compounds for small molecule activation and B-B coupling 2016
230 TERAULTRA Terahertz Ultra-Short Pulses from Self-Induced Transparency Modelocked Quantum Cascade Lasers 2016
232 STEMM-CCS Strategies for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and Storage 2016
233 Supra spin-selection Spin-Selection using Chirality: A Supramolecular Approach 2016
234 IrisPhone A novel and intuitive communication interface providing life enriching experiences for users in risk of social exclusion 2016
235 Strength2Food Strengthening European Food Chain Sustainability by Quality and Procurement Policy 2016
236 LightPipe Antiresonant Hollow Optical Fibres for a Quantum Leap in Data and Optical Power Transmission 2016
237 STOREandGO Innovative large-scale energy STOragE technologies AND Power-to-Gas concepts after Optimisation 2016
238 Mobiclock Development and characterization of an ultra-high performance mobile optical atomic clock based on lattice-trapped atoms 2016
239 ISG Induction Starter Generator 2016
240 MATChING Materials Technologies for performance improvement of Cooling Systems in Power Plants 2016
241 SMILE SMILE - SMall Innovative Launcher for Europe 2016
242 TresClean High ThRoughput lasEr texturing of Self-CLEANing and antibacterial surfaces 2016
243 ROFeRS Engineering ground-state pair interactions by Rydberg Optical Feshbach Resonance Schemes 2017
244 SUPEREOM Microwave-to-Optical Quantum Link: Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Illumination with cavity Optomechanics 2016
245 QuardCard Powered smart card with a biometric one time password system 2016
246 SynBioGABA A new biosynthesis procedure for pharmaceutically active gamma-aminobutyric acids 2016
247 DIGITALIA Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs 2016
248 EXTREMDRON Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for protecting soft/critical urban infrastructures, and the general public in extreme environments. 2016
249 FLOW New Floating Platform for offshore wind in deep waters. 2016
250 DAPS Drone Alarm and Protection System 2016
251 ECROWD2D ECrowd!2D – Streamlining the due diligence process to finance more sustainable energy projects 2016
252 AgriCloud P2 Demonstration of a cloud-based precision farming management system for a sustainable and intensive agriculture to secure long-term food supply in Europe - Phase II 2016
253 SIM4NEXUS Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe 2016
254 AMASS Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems 2016
255 PROTECT Pervasive and UseR Focused BiomeTrics BordEr ProjeCT 2016
256 ELSi Industrial scale recovery and reuse of all materials from end of life silicon-based photovoltaic modules 2016
257 CleanOil Global business challenge: Breaking the oilgas water dependency with a cost-effective no-waste nanomembrane technology for water reuse 2016
258 caLIBRAte Performance testing, calibration and implementation of a next generation system-of-systems Risk Governance Framework for nanomaterials 2016
259 S3NET Satellite Swarm Sensor NETwork 2016
260 INCOVER Innovative Eco-Technologies for Resource Recovery from Wastewater 2016
261 INTCATCH Development and application of Novel, Integrated Tools for monitoring and managing Catchments 2016
262 AquaNES Demonstrating synergies in combined natural and engineered processes for water treatment systems 2016
263 LANDSENSE A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring 2016
264 FLOWERED de-FLuoridation technologies for imprOving quality of WatEr and agRo-animal products along the East African Rift Valley in the context of aDaptation to climate change. 2016
265 THOR THOR – Total solution for High throughput surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy 2016
266 DECISIVE A DECentralIzed management Scheme for Innovative Valorization of urban biowastE 2016
267 Ground Truth 2.0 Ground Truth 2.0 - Environmental knowledge discovery of human sensed data 2016
268 INNOQUA Innovative Ecological on-site Sanitation System for Water and Resource Savings 2016
269 EnSO Energy for Smart Objects 2016
270 TAKE5 Technology Advances and Key Enablers for 5 nm 2016
271 A-LITHIA Plastic nanoscale electronics via novel fabrication paradigms 2016
272 4FOLD Phase 2 4FOLD Reduction of the International Transport of Empty Containers by Folding 2016
273 LIMAStruct Light-matter interaction with structured light 2016
274 NEOBALLAST New high-performant and long-lasting ballast for sustainable railway infrastructures 2016
275 GroutTube DMC grouting tube system 2016
276 XCORE XCORE: Enabling breakthrough weight reduction for the next generation of cars 2016
277 Giantleap Giantleap Improves Automation of Non-polluting Transportation with Lifetime Extension of Automotive PEM fuel cells 2016
278 HYTECHCYCLING New technologies and strategies for fuel cells and hydrogen technologies in the phase of recycling and dismantling 2016
279 HyGrid Flexible Hybrid separation system for H2 recovery from NG Grids 2016
280 ELY4OFF PEM ElectroLYsers FOR operation with OFFgrid renewable installations 2016
281 T2gE Transition to the Green Economy 2016
282 ECOPULPING Valorising the straw waste stream through a novel bio-mechanical process which converts 100% of the waste into three high value products including bleached paper pulp. 2016
283 INSPIRE Integration of Novel Stack Components for Performance, Improved Durability and Lower Cost 2016
284 EnviroALARM Early alarm system for groundwater contamination monitoring 2016
285 DTD SYSTEM A disruptive innovation for the minimisation of railway maintenance costs 2016
286 Appytalent Human Resource Management Tool Based on Emotional Intelligence 2016
287 OHFASTT Advanced Ohmic Heating for resource efficient Thermal Treatment to produce high quality food products 2016
288 ABSOLUTESPIN Absolute Spin Dynamics in Quantum Materials 2016
289 DG-PESP-CS Deterministic Generation of Polarization Entangled single Photons Cluster States 2016
290 3D-Forensics/FTI Mobile high-resolution 3D-Scanner and 3D data analysis for forensic evidence fast track to innovation 2016
291 Microbes4U Study of the therapeutic potential of an Akkermansia muciniphila-based products in subjects with an increased cardio-metabolic risk. 2016
292 AD-HOC Artificial Dielectrics for High-frequency On-Chip antennas 2016
293 IDENTITY Usable Digital Signature 2016
294 HORTILED Market Opportunity Validation and Business Plan Development for horticulture research LED solution - HORTILED 2016
295 LICORNE LIssage de COrdons Robotisé Novateur Expert 2015
296 ACTTiVAte PAn-European Clusters for Technology Transfer and new VAlue chains 2016
297 REFERENCE Rf Engineered substrates to FostER fEm performaNCE 2015
298 TRAIN-HEAL-TH Empowering expectations for health and disease: Development of a pioneering training tool 2016
299 LEAPS Light effected autonomous molecular pumps: Towards active transporters and actuating materials 2016
300 EntangleGen Entanglement Generation in Universal Quantum Dynamics 2016
301 Reaching out demonstRation of EU effective lArge sCale tHreat and crIsis maNaGement OUTside the EU 2016
302 WINDASH Wireless with Increased Network Density, Antennas, Spectrum and Heterogeneity 2016
303 MUTX MUTATION++ library, technology transfer from atmospheric entry plasmas to biomass pyrolysis 2016
304 optiTruck optimal fuel consumption with Predictive PowerTrain control and calibration for intelligent Truck 2016
305 MERCURY Meeting 100Gbps Ethernet Requirements with CMOS Integrated Circuit Chipset to Dramatically Cut Energy Use in Data Centres 2016
306 GreenDrive A molecular fuel modifier for ships able to reduce the costs related to fuel and maintenance for fleet operators. 2016
307 SURGIS Open Platform for X-Ray robotics medical imaging and surgical navigation 2016
308 ShowerPod ShowerPod 2016
309 Cassantec Cassantec Online for SMEs, an advanced prognostic platform for predictive maintenance and failure of industrial assets 2016
310 Fox-IT Fitting-to-Outcome eXpert for semi-automated cochlear implant fine-tuning 2016
311 ICECHILLING Ice Chilling System for Enhanced Food Cooling 2016
312 OILBLOCK Immediate Oil Spill containment to mitigate impact on the marine ecosystem 2016
313 MOON-MEMS speaker Development of the most advanced audio systems enabling the production of a revolutionary generation of MEMS micro speakers that will be deployed in the world's top mobile applications 2016
314 EASYPONIC The unique “Nanny” sensor and app that cares and engages growers through the hydroponic process 2016
315 SHIM Shim-Scaling mental well-being through an automated self-help app 2016
316 ENOS ENabling Onshore CO2 Storage in Europe 2016
317 HyTeChaN Hydrothermal synthesis of ThermoElectric Chalcogenide-based Nanocomposites 2016
318 FlexTrans a universal thin film transistor platform for flexible and curved displays 2016
319 CoDiS Compact, high-power, frequency-converted diode laser systems (CoDiS) 2016
320 Fabriscale Fabric management for the software defined data centre 2016
322 MAESTRO Modular laser based additive manufacturing platform for large scale industrial applications 2016
323 GreenProtein Revalorisation of vegetable processing industry remnants into high-value functional proteins and other food ingredients 2016
324 Zelcor Zero Waste Ligno-Cellulosic Biorefineries by Integrated Lignin Valorisation 2016
325 HINDCON Hybrid INDustrial CONstruction through a 3D printing “all-in-one” machine for large-scale advanced manufacturing and building processes 2016
326 KRAKEN Hybrid automated machine integrating concurrent manufacturing processes, increasing the production volume of functional on-demand using high multi-material deposition rates 2016
327 GreenSolRes Demonstration of solvent and resin production from lignocellulosic biomass via the platform chemical levulinic acid 2016
328 AM-motion A strategic approach to increasing Europe’s value proposition for Additive Manufacturing technologies and capabilities 2016
330 ReWaCEM Ressource recovery from industrial waste water by cutting edge membrane technologies 2016
331 SESZEP Support to Energy Stakeholders of the Zero Emission Platform 2016
332 ALFA Advanced Laminar Flow tAilplane 2016
333 AgriMax Agri and food waste valorisation co-ops based on flexible multi-feedstocks biorefinery processing technologies for new high added value applications 2016
334 5GPagoda A network slice for every service 2016
335 RE4 REuse and REcycling of CDW materials and structures in energy efficient pREfabricated elements for building REfurbishment and construction 2016
336 AeroPul Curved profiles for aerospace applications manufactured by Pultrusion 2016
337 THERMOSS Building and district thermal retrofit and management solutions 2016
338 INSPIREWater Innovative Solutions in the Process Industry for next generation Resource Efficient Water management 2016
339 HASTECS Hybrid Aircraft; academic reSearch on Thermal and Electrical Components and Systems 2016
340 PRINTSolar Printable Perovskite Solar Cells with High Efficiency and Stable Performance 2016
341 UHPE Integrated Intelligent Bearing Systems for UHPE Ground Test Demo (I²BS) 2016
342 Co-Active CO-modal journey re-ACcommodation on associated Travel serVices 2016
343 ASPIRE Advanced Smart-grid Power dIstRibution systEm 2016
344 Innova MicroSolar Innovative Micro Solar Heat and Power System for Domestic and Small Business Residential Buildings 2016
345 ULTRASTABLE Ultrastable optical frequency comb systems 2016
346 P2Endure Plug-and-Play product and process innovation for Energy-efficient building deep renovation 2016
347 9eGEN 9eGEN - Development of innovative lightweight HVDC 9-phase Brushless/Generator for Clean Sky Rotorcraft 2016
348 SPICE Support Procurements for Innovative transport and mobility solutions in City Environment 2016
349 MultiPACK Demonstration of the next generation standardised integrated cooling and heating packages for commercial and public buildings based on environment-friendly carbon dioxide vapour compression cycles. 2016
350 ITECCO Demo Demonstration and market replication of Innofreight’s innovative rail logistics equipment for the raw material supply of the steel industry 2016
351 NEXT-CSP High Temparature concentrated solar thermal power plan with particle receiver and direct thermal storage 2016
352 ACAP Asset Centric Adaptive Protection 2016
353 PJ31 DIGITS Initial Trajectory Information Sharing 2016
354 inSSIght In-depth support for innovation and exploitation in Smart Systems Integration 2017
355 HyperOLED Development of high-performance, hyperfluorescence OLEDs for use in display applications and solid state lighting 2017
356 INLIFE Incubate a New Learning and Inspiration Framework for Education 2016
357 AGROinLOG Demonstration of innovative integrated biomass logistics centres for the Agro-industry sector in Europe 2016
358 SABANA Sustainable Algae Biorefinery for Agriculture aNd Aquaculture 2016
359 EMEurope ERA-NET Cofund Electric Mobility Europe 2016
360 PJ22 SEabird PJ22:Validation and Demonstration Engineering 2016
361 InToTidal Demonstration of Integrated Solution for offshore Tocardo Tidal power plants. 2017
362 GoSAFE RAIL GoSAFE RAIL – Global Safety Management Framework for RAIL Operations 2016
363 FACILITATORS Facilities for testing orbital and surface robotics building blocks 2016
364 PLAID Peer-to-Peer Learning: Accessing Innovation through Demonstration 2017
365 AgriDemo-F2F Building an interactive AgriDemo-Hub community: enhancing farmer to farmer learning 2017
366 SIROM Standard Interface for Robotic Manipulation of Payloads in Future Space Missions 2016
367 PYCSEL PYroelectric Conformable SEnsor matrix for Large area applications in security and safety 2017
368 HypoSens Nano-confined photonic system for detection of breast cancer spread to the lymph nodes 2016
369 RotorDEMO Norsepower Rotor Sail Solution demonstration project 2017
370 SMARTSAND Transforming fly ash waste from coal-fired power plants into lightweight engineered sand formultiple applications 2016
371 ST4RT Semantic Transformations for Rail Transportation 2016
372 FHP Flexible Heat and Power, Connecting heat and power networks by harnessing the complexity in distributed thermal flexibility. 2016
373 mySMARTLife Smart Transition of EU cities towards a new concept of smart Life and Economy 2016
374 REFILLS Robotics Enabling Fully-Integrated Logistics Lines for Supermarkets 2017
375 OPTIMA Towards Demonstration of Photonic Payload For Telecom Satellites 2016
376 RADoTE Remote-Activated Delivery of Therapeutic Exosomes (RADoTE) via an Injectable PEG Hydrogel Carrier 2016
377 E2mC Evolution of Emergency Copernicus services 2016
378 CYBERLEGs Plus Plus The CYBERnetic LowEr-Limb CoGnitive Ortho-prosthesis Plus Plus 2017
379 PIXAPP Photonic Integrated Circuits Assembly and Packaging Pilot Line 2017
380 DECODE Decentralised Citizens Owned Data Ecosystem 2016
381 MONICA Management Of Networked IoT Wearables – Very Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural Societal Applications 2017
382 NAIAD NAture Insurance value: Assessment and Demonstration 2016
383 PENTAGON Unlocking European grid local flexibility trough augmented energy conversion capabilities at district-level 2016
384 MAGENTA MAGnetic nanoparticle based liquid ENergy materials for Thermoelectric device Applications 2017
385 H-CCAT Solid Catalysts for activation of aromatic C-H bonds 2017
386 PJ28 IAO Integrated Airport Operations 2016
387 STARCELL Advanced strategies for substitution of critical raw materials in photovoltaics 2017
388 M-PAC Miniature beam-driven Plasma ACcelerators 2017
389 SACCRED Structured ACCREtion Disks: initial conditions for planet formation in the time domain 2017
390 THEMIS Development of a Terahertz Self-Mixing Imaging System 2017
391 SSFENZYMES Feasibility study for the implementation of the production of organic, granulated enzymes for detergent application by automated solid-state fermentation and fluidised-bed technology 2016
392 FLEXPOL Antimicrobial FLEXible POLymers for its use in hospital environments 2017
393 GEOTHERMICA GEOTHERMICA - ERA NET Cofund Geothermal 2017
394 ScalABLE4.0 Scalable automation for flexible production systems 2017
395 DiePeR Diesel efficiency improvement with Particulates and emission Reduction 2016
396 OCEANERA-NET COFUND Ocean Energy ERA-NET Cofund 2017
397 InteGrid Demonstration of INTElligent grid technologies for renewables INTEgration and INTEractive consumer participation enabling INTEroperable market solutions and INTErconnected stakeholders 2017
398 inteGRIDy integrated Smart GRID Cross-Functional Solutions for Optimized Synergetic Energy Distribution, Utilization Storage Technologies 2017
399 SMARTsurg SMart weArable Robotic Teleoperated Surgery 2017
401 CORE An innovative web-service to securely issue, store and verify online academic credentials 2017
402 REGMAX An innovative process for the regeneration of acids used in the steel pickling process 2016
403 ZIKAVAX Fast track development of a Zika vaccine based on measles vector 2016
404 PECSYS Technology demonstration of large-scale photo-electrochemical system for solar hydrogen production 2017
405 INLINE Design of a flexible, scalable, high quality production line for PEMFC manufacturing 2017
406 Demo4Grid Demonstration of 4MW Pressurized Alkaline Electrolyser for Grid Balancing Services 2017
407 SORCERER Structural pOweR CompositEs foR futurE civil aiRcraft 2017
408 NANOPHOM Nanophosphor-based photonic materials for next generation light-emitting devices 2017
409 DEGOO Degoo backup – the first back-up service based on dynamic routing of transfer data to data centres 2016
410 CO2Catalyst Pilot scale demonstration of novel CO2 co-polymerisation catalysts in the PU polyol market 2016
411 SiLAS SiliconLaser 2017
413 ArrestAD 3-O-sulfated heparan sulfate translocation in altered membrane biology: A new strategy for early population screening and halting Alzheimer’s neurodegeneration 2017
414 ARCC Automated Rail Cargo Consortium: Rail freight automation research activities to boost levels of quality, efficiency and cost effectiveness in all areas of rail freight operations 2016
415 PJ27 IOPVLD Flight Object Interoperability VLD Demonstration 2016
416 DEMOTIDE DEMOnstration for Tidal Industry DErisking 2017
417 Safe2LPG Device for safety and security in liquid petroleum gas systems 2017
418 SURVANT SURveillance Video Archives iNvestigation assisTant 2017
419 LYO-CHECK Automatic inspection of lyophilized preparations through innovative ICT control system 2016
420 URBAN-EU-CHINA EU-China Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanisation 2017
421 DynamicBrainStates Monitoring changes in brain states using dynamical causal networks 2017
422 NeuronAgeScreen A Drug Discovery and Target Identification Screening Platform for Age-Associated Neurodegenerative Disorders 2017
423 AORTA Alginor`s Ocean Refining Total utilizing technology 2017
425 Tail Redefining the dog collar - fresh and innovative, first all-in-one IoT platform. 2017
426 Oblow Oblow, an effective solution in the reduction of stress 2017
427 GASMETRIC New multi-parameter automaton for measurement of indoor environmental conditions in livestock exploitations 2017
428 DePharm A cost-effective and energy-efficient water treatment technology to remove pharmaceutical pollutants from urban wastewater 2016
429 MYSIS A novel weaning diet to optimize performance of farmed shrimp larvae 2017
430 AOrbit Orbiting Journal Bearing Experiment 2017
431 JIVE Joint Initiative for hydrogen Vehicles across Europe 2017
432 INSTEP INnovative SmarT Electric Power Distribution 2017
433 TOPOQDot A bottom-up topological superconductor based on quantum dot arrays 2017
434 SATH New twin floating platform for offshore wind turbines 2017
435 Al-medicare Disruptive Artificial Intelligence engine to facilitate rapid low cost development of specialist e-health applications for smart decision making in medical pre-diagnosis 2017
436 RoboCat Molecular Robotics for Synthesis and Catalysis 2017
437 ICE Intelligent Control of Energy Storage for Smart Buildings and Grids 2017
438 aPad aPad - smaller, lighter, smarter autonomous marine surface vehicle 2017
439 DIGITALIA 2 Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs 2017
440 SIGNSPACE Multilingual work spaces for sign language users – An online portal driving social innovation 2017
441 Robust OTFT sensors Ultra-robust, flexible organic sensors for application in lactic acid sensing and selective biosensing 2017
442 EsterPep Polyester/Polypeptide hybrid biomaterials for biomedical scaffolds 2017
443 OpTiCA Optimisation of Tidal energy Converter Arrays 2017
444 Runway-Star A Novel Solution for Aircraft Washing and De-Icing 2017
445 PARK-IT 2.0 Unobtrusive, Continuous and Quantitative Assessment of Parkinson’s disease: Hard Evidence for Optimal Disease Management with Information Technologies 2017
446 AdD HyStor Demonstration of dynamic grid stabilisation with an Adaptive-flywheel/battery Hybrid energy Storage system in Ireland and UK 2017
447 NIBEA Nano Impacts for Biomedical and Environmental Analysis 2017
448 BEQOM Bell Experiment on Quantum Optomechanical Microresonators 2017
449 EMPHASIS Enabling Multifunctional Plasmonics on Hybrid Artificial Scale-Integrated Systems 2018
450 MUTAnTS A microfluidic high throughput approach to helicase biophysics 2018
451 DRAPer Dressing Robotic Assistants for Persons with Reduced Mobility 2018
453 SAFE-10-T Safety of Transport Infrastructure on the TEN-T Network 2017
454 NHYTE New Hybrid Thermoplastic Composite Aerostructures manufactured by Out of Autoclave Continuous Automated Technologies 2017
455 TO-SYN-FUEL The Demonstration of Waste Biomass to Synthetic Fuels and Green Hydrogen 2017
456 M-DrivE Metabolic Drivers of Epigenetic Modifications: metabolic inducers of histone post-translational modifications in a biological setting 2018
457 ENCIRCLE European Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLuster 2017
458 FIRE-IN FIRE-IN - Fire and Rescue Innovation Network 2017
459 SMILE SMart IsLand Energy systems 2017
460 SMuPhoS Solid-State Multi-Photon Sources for Larger-Scale Quantum Optics and Photonics 2017
461 A-ZEB Affordable zero energy buildings 2017
462 TROPICSAFE Insect-borne prokaryote-associated diseases in tropical and subtropical perennial crops 2017
464 VISCA Vineyards´ Integrated Smart Climate Application 2017
465 ZERO BRINE Re-designing the value and supply chain of water and minerals: a circular economy approach for the recovery of resources from saline impaired effluent (brine) generated by process industries 2017
466 FiberEUse Large scale demonstration of new circular economy value-chains based on the reuse of end-of-life fiber reinforced composites. 2017
467 Water2REturn REcovery and REcycling of nutrients TURNing wasteWATER into added-value products for a circular economy in agriculture 2017
468 SYSTEMIC Systemic large scale eco-innovation to advance circular economy and mineral recovery from organic waste in Europe 2017
469 ECOBULK Circular Process for Eco-Designed Bulky Products and Internal Car Parts 2017
470 eNOTICE European Network Of CBRN TraIning CEnters 2017
471 SYLFEED From forest to feed: enable the wood industry to bridge the protein gap 2017
472 AFTERLIFE Advanced Filtration TEchnologies for the Recovery and Later conversIon of relevant Fractions from wastEwater 2017
473 OCTARRAY Scaling up to the Normandie Hydro Open-Centre Tidal Turbine Pilot Array 2017
474 NERO Cost reduction of new Nearly Zero-Energy Wooden buildings in the Northern Climatic Conditions 2017
475 TestConCert TestConCert is a future-proof fusion of automation technology using IoT communication strategies with flight test bench control and test management from requirement up to the certification document. 2017
477 QuardCard Powered smart card with a biometric one time password system 2017
478 TERRA Technological European Research for RPAS in ATM 2017
480 C2C-NewCap Towards a safe, reliable and cost competitive transport sector in Europe 2017
481 UNALAB Urban Nature Labs 2017
482 CLARITY Integrated Climate Adaptation Service Tools for Improving Resilience Measure Efficiency 2017
483 URBAN GreenUP New Strategy for Re-Naturing Cities through Nature-Based Solutions 2017
484 R3-PowerUP 300mm Pilot Line for Smart Power and Power Discretes 2017
485 UMWP-CHIP Universal microwave photonics programmable processor for seamlessly interfacing wireless and optical ICT systems 2017
486 ACETOGENS Acetogenic bacteria: from basic physiology via gene regulation to application in industrial biotechnology 2017
487 SYNJET3C Synthetic Jet flow Control CFD and Characterization 2017
488 ASCENT Active Simulator Cockpit Enhancement 2017
489 VERT Vertex switch – the foundation for a more sustainable and reliable railway transport system 2017
491 P2PCS Peer-2-peer Car Sharing 2017
492 NOMAD Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) System for the Inspection of Operation-Induced Material Degradation in Nuclear Power Plants 2017
493 NARSIS New Approach to Reactor Safety ImprovementS 2017
494 THERAMIN Thermal treatment for radioactive waste minimisation and hazard reduction 2017
495 TrustVehicle Improved trustworthiness and weather-independence of conditional automated vehicles in mixed traffic scenarios 2017
496 CAPABLE Composite integrated photonic platform by femtosecond laser micromachining 2017
497 HYDRO_RIG 3G Development of a hydraulic installation for electro-hydraulic integration of hybrid surface actuation systems in on-ground rigs 2017
498 GEMINI Plus Research and Development in support of the GEMINI Initiative 2017
499 5GCITY 5GCITY 2017
500 TERAPOD Terahertz based Ultra High Bandwidth Wireless Access Networks 2017
501 5G ESSENCE Embedded Network Services for 5G Experiences 2017
502 METRO-HAUL METRO High bandwidth, 5G Application-aware optical network, with edge storage, compUte and low Latency 2017
503 TERRANOVA Terabit/s Wireless Connectivity by TeraHertz innovative technologies to deliver Optical Network Quality of Experience in Systems beyond 5G 2017
504 CARTOFF Ultrasensitive Cartography of vectorial Force Fields at the nanoscale 2017
505 BlockchainKYC Blockchain-based, 100% automated KYC (Know Your Customer) service 2017
506 ICO2CHEM From industrial CO2 streams to added value Fischer-Tropsch chemicals 2017
507 Inkless by Tocano Inkless by Tocano – Printing without consumables 2017
508 MAGTOPRECON Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy: from Topological Defects to Reconfigurable Magnetic Devices 2018
510 PALMS Plasma Additive Layer Manufacture Smoothing Technology 2017
511 RenoZEB Accelerating Energy renovation solution for Zero Energy buildings and Neighbourhoods 2017
512 SmartLine Smart in-line metrology and control for boosting the yield and quality of high-volume manufacturing of Organic Electronics 2017
513 Autonomous Autonomous – Novel Smart Home and facility management solution from embedded robots and indoor navigation 2017
514 Clear5G Converged wireless access for reliable 5G MTC for factories of the future 2017
515 DiaMon Continuous Diaphragm Monitoring of mechanically ventilated patients 2017
516 DEMETO Modular, scalable and high-performance DE-polymerization by MicrowavE TechnolOgy 2017
517 TOMOCON Smart tomographic sensors for advanced industrial process control 2017
518 Wind-Drone A powerful UAV-based ICT solution allowing safe, reliable and effective inspections of wind turbines 2017
519 ASPIN Antiferromagntic spintronics 2017
520 ELVITEN Electrified L-category Vehicles Integrated into Transport and Electricity Networks 2017
521 FAIR Stations Future Secure and Accessible Rail Stations 2017
522 FEEdBACk Fostering Energy Efficiency and BehAvioural Change through ICT 2017
523 HYCOAT A European Training Network for Functional Hybrid Coatings by Molecular Layer Deposition 2018
524 IBiS Full scale demonstration of an Innovative solution for Baggage Handling Systems at airports (IBiS) 2017
525 KNOX Cost advantageous and scalable drone alarm and protection system for urban contexts 2017
526 microSPIRE micro-crystals Single Photon InfraREd detectors 2017
527 ModulED Modular Electric Drivetrains 2017
528 MOSSWOOL Sustainable growing media for vegetable cultivation 2017
529 NANOCOATINGS Innovative Technique for Large-Scale Production of NANO COATINGS to Reach Global Market ofSynthetic Diamond 2017
530 PUMP-HEAT Performance Untapped Modulation for Power and Heat via Energy Accumulation Technologies 2017
532 SCORES Self Consumption Of Renewable Energy by hybrid Storage systems 2017
533 SERENA VerSatilE plug-and-play platform enabling remote pREdictive mainteNAnce 2017
534 SFICAM SFICAM: Ultrafast Fiber-Based Single-Photon Camera for Advanced Microscopy 2017
535 SOcool SunOyster cooling (SOcool) 2017
536 SOLARIS Solaris energy tobacco for the creation of a European sustainable biojet fuel value chain 2017
537 CLEANKER CLEAN clinKER production by Calcium looping process 2017
538 xCLASS Next generation Compact Lightsource And Spectrometer Systems 2017
539 InBetween ICT enabled BEhavioral change ToWards Energy EfficieNt lifestyles 2017
540 ASSURED fASt and Smart charging solutions for full size URban hEavy Duty applications 2017
541 STEVE Smart-Taylored L-category Electric Vehicle demonstration in hEtherogeneous urbanuse-cases 2017
542 GHOST InteGrated and PHysically Optimised Battery System for Plug-in Vehicles Technologies 2017
543 UNITED-GRID Integrated cyber-physical solutions for intelligent distribution grid with high penetration of renewables 2017
544 TDX-ASSIST Coordination of Transmission and Distribution data eXchanges for renewables integration in the European marketplace through Advanced, Scalable and Secure ICT Systems and Tools 2017
545 COHESIVE COHErent Setup and Demonstration of Integrated Travel SerVices 2017
546 MIRASPEC Miniature on-chip Raman spectrometer for personal volatile organic compound (VOC) monitoring 2018
547 CHEERS Chinese-European Emission-Reducing Solutions 2017
548 3DMOSHBOND Three-Dimensional Mapping Of a Single Hydrogen Bond 2018
549 MUBIC Mushroom and biogas production in a circular economy 2017
550 Propelair The refinement, miniaturisation and demonstration of an ultra low flush toilet capable of saving 2.8 billion litres of clean, potable water being unnecessarily wasted in Europe every day. 2017
551 FloatMastBlue Offshore Wind Energy Cost Reduction by an Innovative Floating Met Mast Platform 2017
552 TREAT-NPM1-AML Improving therapy of NPM1-mutated AML 2017
553 CLOTHILDE CLOTH manIpulation Learning from DEmonstrations 2018
554 QUSCO Quantum superiority with coherent states 2018
555 LOTER.CO2M CRM-free Low Temperature Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to Methanol 2018
556 COOL DH Cool ways of using low grade Heat Sources from Cooling and Surplus Heat for heating of Energy Efficient Buildings with new Low Temperature District Heating (LTDH) Solutions. 2017
557 EMPATHIC Empathic, Expressive, Advanced Virtual Coach to Improve Independent Healthy-Life-Years of the Elderly 2017
558 SEAFOODTOMORROW Nutritious, safe and sustainable seafood for consumers of tomorrow 2017
560 SiEUGreen Sino-European innovative green and smart cities 2018
561 MAtchUP MAximizing the UPscaling and replication potential of high level urban transformation strategies 2017
562 Hi-FLY High-Speed Integrated Satellite Data Systems For Leading EU IndustrY 2018
563 NADiRA Nurturing Africa Digital Revolution for Agriculture 2017
564 MiGANSOS Millimetre wave Gallium Nitride Space evaluation and application to Observation Satellites 2017
565 RadHard Ultra High Efficiency Radiation Hard Space Solar Cells on Large Area Substrates 2018
566 DTD SYSTEM 2 A disruptive innovation for the minisation of railway mantenance costs 2017
567 RECOPHARMA Removal and Recovery of Pharmaceutical Persistent Pollutants from Wastewater by Selective Reagentless Process 2018
568 cleanMOULD CleanMOULD: Advanced low friction and fretting-resistant diamond-like coating solution 2017
569 BIOSIM Accelerating the commercialisation of a disruptive analytical technology which enables the biopharmaceutical industry to manufacture drugs faster, cheaper and with greater regulatory confidence 2017
570 NanoCommons The European Nanotechnology Community Informatics Platform: Bridging data and disciplinary gaps for industry and regulators (NanoCommons) 2018
571 CMEQIP Cavity-mediated entanglement of trapped-ion qubit arrays for quantum information processing 2018
572 LONGSPIN Long-range coupling of hole spins on a silicon chip 2018
573 MEMBER Advanced MEMBranes and membrane assisted procEsses for pre- and post- combustion CO2 captuRe 2018
574 CORNET Multiscale modelling and characterization to optimize the manufacturing processes of Organic Electronics materials and devices 2018
575 PRoPART Precise and Robust Positioning for Automated Road Transports 2017
576 ESBO DS European Stratospheric Balloon Observatory Design Study 2018
577 Haeolus Hydrogen-Aeolic Energy with Optimised eLectrolysers Upstream of Substation 2018
578 ZEFER Zero Emission Fleet vehicles For European Roll-out 2017
579 REFLEX Reversible solid oxide Electrolyzer and Fuel cell for optimized Local Energy miX 2018
580 REVIVE Refuse Vehicle Innovation and Validation in Europe 2018
581 OMVCRC Engineered bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) for colorectal cancer immunotherapy 2018
582 GRADE GNSS Solutions for Increased GA and Rotorcraft Airport Accessibility Demonstration 2018
583 PODIUM Proving Operations of Drones with Initial UTM Management 2018
585 WHIITE Waste Heat Integrated Industrialised Trucks and Tractors Engine 2017
586 DINTRA Innovative railway sleeper design increasing track lateral resistance, reducing significantly costs related to track misalignment events 2017
587 TSNet Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) technologies for Next Generation Ethernet 2017
588 GT POSITION High precision and scalable indoor positioning system 2017
589 TiltHex Tilt Rotor Heat Exchanger 2018
590 ReCO2ST Residential Retrofit assessment platform and demonstrations for near zero energy and CO2 emissions with optimum cost, health, comfort and environmental quality. 2018
591 COMANFLO Computation and analysis of statistical solutions of fluid flow 2018
592 TripleA-reno Attractive, Acceptable and Affordable deep Renovation by a consumers orientated and performance evidence based approach 2018
593 DEFLECT DEvelopment of Functionalizable materiaLs for Electrical CabineTs 2018
594 ShellJeTTPlus Automated System for Total Fouling Removal of Heat Exchangers 2018
595 ARION Reusable launch vehicle for small payloads 2018
596 HIGDARS High Bandwidth Flexible Satellite communicationSystem for 1 Gigabit/sec communications 2018
597 SRSensor A breakthrough high resolution, real-time, industrial molecular analyser for advanced process control in the biogas production industry 2018
598 NOXTEK NOx-Mitigation Technology for Retrofitting Diesel Engines 2018
599 ENIGMA Supervisor Control for ENhanced electrIcal enerGy MAnagement 2018
600 HADES HADES - Optical Hot Air Leak DEtection System 2018
601 MOTIVE Multi-physics mOdelling of high Temperature engIne ValvEs 2018
603 B-SOCIAL BANK SOCIALISER: BANKing platform based on SOCIAL media Interactive SERvices 2018
604 POWERSWAP Fully robotic system for swapping electric car batteries within 3 minutes. 2018
605 NEFERTITI Networking European Farms to Enhance Cross Fertilisation and Innovation Uptake through Demonstration 2018
606 BOOST 4.0 Big Data Value Spaces for COmpetitiveness of European COnnected Smart FacTories 4.0 2018
607 ACOUSTIC Assessment of cardiac function by new ultrasound imaging strategies: towards a reliable clinical routine 2018
608 DIGITS-AU Demonstration of ATM Improvements Generated by Initial Trajectory Sharing - Airspace User Part 2018
609 CINDERELA New Circular Economy Business Model for More Sustainable Urban Construction 2018
610 CIRC4Life A circular economy approach for lifecycles of products and services 2018
611 CRYOSTEM Solvent free Cryopreservation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells 2018
612 CYMEIT Cyanated macrocycles for electron and ion transport 2018
613 DIVA Boosting innovative DIgitech Value chains for Agrofood, forestry and environment 2018
614 MegaRoller Developing the PTO of the first MW-level Oscillating Wave Surge Converter 2018
615 ARTISTIC Advanced and Reusable Theory for the In Silico-optimization of composite electrode fabrication processes for rechargeable battery Technologies with Innovative Chemistries 2018
616 IoT4Industry Towards smarter means of production in European manufacturing SMEs through the use of the Internet of Things technologies 2018
617 VIDA Value-added Innovation in fooD chAins 2018
618 Upgrade DH Upgrading the performance of district heating networks in Europe 2018
619 DTOceanPlus Advanced Design Tools for Ocean Energy Systems Innovation, Development and Deployment 2018
620 FLEET Flying Electromagnetic Toroids 2018
621 EU-SENSE European Sensor System for CBRN Applications 2018
622 PDP4E Methods and tools for GDPR compliance through Privacy and Data Protection Engineering 2018
623 ROBOTGENSKILL Generalizing human-demonstrated robot skills 2018
624 GuEst New Directions in Guaranteed Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Their Applications toChemical Engineering Problems 2018
625 ReaLCoE Next Generation 12+MW Rated, Robust, Reliable and Large Offshore Wind Energy Converters for Clean, Low Cost and Competitive Electricity 2018
626 MEET Multidisciplinary and multi-context demonstration of EGS exploration and Exploitation Techniques and potentials 2018
627 GeoFit Deployment of novel GEOthermal systems, technologies and tools for energy efficient building retroFITting. 2018
628 FlexJET Sustainable Jet Fuel from Flexible Waste Biomass 2018
629 SHIP2FAIR Solar Heat for Industrial Process towards Food and Agro Industries Commitment in Renewables 2018
630 VolThinSens VolThinSens. Challenging societal needs involving ions detection: New strategies for the development of Voltammetry ion Sensors based on Thin membranes 2018
631 RNAmpMax Maximization of amplification of next-generation RNA replicon vaccines through synergistic molecular and formulation design 2019
632 FASTEST Fully Air-Processable and Air-Stable Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Inorganic Metal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals 2018
633 PreSTO Pilot scale hybrid Photocatalytic Processes for the simultaneous removal of Pathogens and Pharmaceuticals from wastewaters 2018
634 HelpingHAND A 3D printed, affordable myoelectrical prosthetic hand of personalizeable size for optimal comfort and functionality 2018
635 EuroXpand EUROpean clinical validation of a new ex vivo eXpanded stem cell theraPy for cArdiac regeNeration after acute myocarDial infarction: EUROXPAND 2018
636 DACOMAT Damage Controlled Composite Materials 2018
637 ReMAP Real-time Condition-based Maintenance for Adaptive Aircraft Maintenance Planning 2018
638 RURITAGE Rural regeneration through systemic heritage-led strategies 2018
639 SecREEts Secure European Critical Rare Earth Elements 2018
640 AFarCloud Aggregate Farming in the Cloud 2018
641 HEALIGRAFT Synergistic growth factor microenvironments for veterinary bone regeneration. 2018
642 Q-MIC Quantum-enhanced on-chip interference microscopy 2018
643 PIEDMONS Portable Ion Devices for Mobile-Oriented Next-generation semiconductor Technologies 2018
644 ONE-MIX Mid-infrared optical dual-comb generation and spectroscopy with one unstabilized semiconductor laser 2019
645 PITBUL Point-of-Care implementation of TB testing with ultra-fast Local Heating PCR 2017
646 EVERYWH2ERE Making hydrogen affordable to sustainably operate Everywhere in European cities 2018
647 SAMS SAMS - International Partnership on Innovation in Smart Apiculture Management Services (Apiculture = Beekeeping) 2018
648 SYS GAM 2018 Systems ITD 2018
649 NextGen Towards a next generation of water systems and services for the circular economy. 2018
650 HydroPLAST A hydrophilic polymer material 2018
651 REGMAX An innovative and sustainable process for reducing the environmental impact of stainless steel production, enabling impressive recovery rates and cost savings. 2018
652 CAtALySt NeurescueTM: Computer- controlled aortic occlusion device for the treatment of cardiac arrest 2018
653 Phytoponics A sustainable, affordable scalable hydroponic system for large-scale agriculture 2018
654 BUTANOVA Novel technology for biobutanol production 2018
655 GlasSkin 2018
656 cPET Tackling the global plastic waste issue, by upcycling no value streams into 100% virgin material and enabling new plastic circular economy 2018
657 UFine An innovative ultra-fine bubble engineered nozzle for sustainable cost-effective water aeration 2018
658 EGgPLANT Sustainable and carbon-efficient mono-Ethylene Glycol generation in demonstration PLANT 2018
659 MIN4ALD Use of MIN-102 for the treatment of children with cerebral ALD 2018
660 XCORE XCORE: Low Cost CFRP Production for the Next Generation of Lightweight Cars 2018
661 AMPS Aircraft Modular Power Converter Solutions 2018
662 Quakebots Artificial Intelligence and IoT for seismic monitoring 2018
663 Airline Team xStream Airspace User Support to Arrival Management 2018
664 ESKAM Electric Scalable Axle Module for e-Mobility 2018
665 photonicIons Cavity-mediated entanglement of trapped-ion qubit arrays for quantum information processing 2019
666 Biopsy X Endodrill® Model X - a new endoscopic biopsy instrument taking multiple cancer samples of varying depth in one single session 2018
667 SMIMS Single Molecule Imaging Mass Spectrometry 2018
668 Microguard A neural network based counterfeit detection system to verify the authenticity of products 2018
669 AirPlatform An open integration platform for professional displays 2018
671 EFFECTIVE Advanced Eco-designed Fibres and Films for large consumer products from biobased polyamides and polyesters in a circular EConomy perspecTIVE 2018
672 SUSFERT Sustainable multifunctional fertilizer – combining bio-coatings, probiotics and struvite for phosphorus and iron supply 2018
673 Polaris Lighter, Cheaper Thermoplastic CNG Tanks for Automotive & Commercial Vehicle Markets 2018
675 MaCChines Molecular machines based on coiled-coil protein origami 2018
676 2D-SIPC Two-dimensional quantum materials and devices for scalable integrated photonic circuits 2018
677 S2QUIP Scalable Two-Dimensional Quantum Integrated Photonics 2018
678 CoLLaboratE Co-production CeLL performing Human-Robot Collaborative AssEmbly 2018
679 ViewGas ViewGas – Patented gas vision system for a safe and fast detection of gas leaks 2018
680 A-LIFE The asymmetry of life: towards a unified view of the emergence of biological homochirality 2019
681 IT4B-ALL Therapeutic immunotherapy targeting NG2 and CD22 antigens for MLL-rearranged and MLL-germline B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 2019
682 Tryst Energy Tryst Energy: Light Energy Harvesting for the IoT-industry 2018
684 ARBAHEAT Cost-effective transformation of a Highly-Efficient, Advanced, Thermal Ultra-SuperCritical coal-fired power plant into a CHP by retrofitting and integrating an ARBAFLAME biomass upgrading process. 2018
685 BioRen Development of competitive, next generation biofuels from municipal solid waste 2018
686 i4Offshore Integrated Implementation of Industrial Innovations for Offshore Wind Cost Reduction 2018
687 PreMa Energy efficient, primary production of manganese ferroalloys through the application of novel energy systems in the drying and pre-heating of furnace feed materials. 2018
688 REMIND Renewable Energies for Water Treatment and REuse in Mining Industries 2018
689 GenRes Bridge Joining forces for genetic resources and biodiversity management 2019
690 BIM4REN Building Information Modelling based tools & technologies for fast and efficient RENovation of residential buildings 2018
691 QMiCS Quantum Microwave Communcation and Sensing 2018
692 BORGES Biosensing with ORGanic ElectronicS 2019
693 iCAREPLAST Integrated Catalytic Recycling of Plastic Residues Into Added-Value Chemicals 2018
694 DiManD Digital Manufacturing and Design Training Network 2019
695 QIA Quantum Internet Alliance 2018
696 PHP2 Pulsating Heat Pipes for Hybrid Propulsion systems 2018
697 IGNITE High performance generation channel Integration and Testing 2018
698 3D Cer-Met 3D Thin-Walled Ceramic and Ceramic-Metal Components using Electrolytic Plasma Processing 2019
699 FAWORIT 2018-2019 Fascinating World of Researchers in the Age of Technology – Cultural Heritage & the New Generation of Innovators 2018
700 PhoQuS Photons for Quantum Simulation 2018
701 CiViQ Continuous Variable Quantum Communications 2018
702 HACE Making wave energy competitive with wind and solar energy 2018
703 BIM-SPEED Harmonised Building Information Speedway for Energy-Efficient Renovation 2018
704 POLYNSPIRE Demonstration of Innovative Technologies towards a more Efficient and Sustainable Plastic Recycling 2018
705 SIMPLIFY Sonication and Microwave Processing of Material Feedstock  2018
706 ANALYST EM compatibility ANALYsis Statistical Techniques in aeronautics 2018
707 EVC1000 Electric Vehicle Components for 1000 km daily trips (EVC1000). 2019
708 PULSE High-Power Ultrafast LaSErs using Tapered Double-Clad Fibre 2019
710 BIPVBOOST Bringing down costs of BIPV multifunctional solutions and processes along the value chain, enabling widespread nZEBs implementation 2018
711 Be-Smart BE-Smart: Innovative Building Envelope for Sustainable, Modular, Aesthetic, Reliable and efficient construction 2018
712 SunHorizon Sun coupled innovative Heat pumps 2018
713 DIMES Development of Integrated MEasurement Systems 2019
714 Wavepiston Competitive Wave Energy on Islands 2018
715 sustAGE Smart environments for person-centered sustainable work and well-being 2019
716 TRINITY Digital Technologies, Advanced Robotics and increased Cyber-security for Agile Production in Future European Manufacturing Ecosystems 2019
717 SENS4ICE SENSors and certifiable hybrid architectures FOR safer aviation in ICing Environment 2019
718 MAKING-CITY Energy efficient pathway for the city transformation: enabling a positive future 2018
719 USIS U-Space Initial Services 2018
720 MadFlex Double face foldable composite material for disruptive applications – MADly strong, Super FLEX 2018
721 SmoothTool Welding SmoothTool 2018
722 FLAGSHIPS Clean waterborne transport in Europe 2019
723 HYDROSOL-beyond Thermochemical HYDROgen production in a SOLar structured reactor:facing the challenges and beyond 2019
724 ReaxPro Software Platform for Multiscale Modelling of Reactive Materials and Processes 2019
725 Si-DRIVE Silicon Alloying Anodes for High Energy Density Batteries comprising Lithium Rich Cathodes and Safe Ionic Liquid based Electrolytes for Enhanced High VoltagE Performance. 2019
726 SimDOME Digital Ontology-based Modelling Environment for Simulation of materials 2019
727 TeDiMo Technology Diffusion Model 2018
728 CUREX seCUre and pRivate hEalth data eXchange 2018
729 PULSAR Prototype for an Ultra Large Structure Assembly Robot 2019
730 LEON Compact THz lasers based on graphene quantum dots 2019
732 NCLas NanoCrystals in Fibre Lasers 2019
733 GuidedNW-PV High-Voltage Micro-Photovoltaic Cells and Photodetectors Based on Guided Nanowires for On-Chip Powering of Autonomous Microsystems 2019
734 FOODCULT Food, Culture and Identity in Ireland, 1550-1650 2019
735 SensMat Preventive solutions for Sensitive Materials of Cultural Heritage 2019
736 ZEOCAT-3D Development of a bifunctional hierarchically structured zeolite based nano-catalyst using 3D-technology for direct conversion of methane into aromatic hydrocarbons via methane dehydroaromatization 2019
737 QAFA Quantum Algorithms from Foundations to Applications 2019
738 EFESTO European Flexible hEat Shields: advanced TPS design and tests for future in-Orbit demonstration 2019
739 EJP RD European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases 2019
740 ReSoil Innovative technology for Removal of toxic metals form highly contaminated soil & sediments 2019
742 EPI SGA1 SGA1 (Specific Grant Agreement 1) OF THE EUROPEAN PROCESSOR INITIATIVE (EPI) 2018
743 AUDACITY compAct powerfUl anD reliAble piezoeleCtrIc acTuator for landing gear sYstems 2019
744 DELTA Development and Execution of innovative test procedures for vaLidation of Thermoplastic Aircraft fuselage panels 2019
746 CO3 COld sprayed COating on COmposite 2019
747 SPARTA Strategic programs for advanced research and technology in Europe 2019
748 CyberSec4Europe Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe 2019
749 ECHO European network of Cybersecurity centres and competence Hub for innovation and Operations 2019
750 FODBASA Advanced System for Foreign Object Debris, Drone and Bird-Aircraft Strike Avoidance 2019
751 VILB Very high temperature HVDC busbar (180 - 240°) with reliable and cost effective technology 2018
752 CoordiNet Large scale campaigns to demonstrate how TSO-DSO shall act in a coordinated manner to procure grid services in the most reliable and efficient way 2019
753 FAIR4Health Improving Health Research in EU through FAIR Data 2018
754 FALCon Formation flight for in-Air Launcher 1st stage Capturing demonstration 2019
755 PINTA2 IP1 Traction TD1 and Brakes TD5 – Phase 2 2018
756 ENERGY-X ENERGY-X: Transformative chemistry for a sustainable energy future 2019
757 DEBRA Diamond Element BeaRings with Air-cooling 2018
758 GraFludicDevices Realization of water permeation kinetics in two-dimensional nanocapillaries to develop desalination and energy harvesting membranes 2019
759 StabPerov Stable Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals for Efficient Optoelectronic Devices 2019
760 HyCARE An innovative approach for renewable energy storage by a combination of hydrogen carriers and heat storage 2019
761 AUTOSHIP Autonomous Shipping Initiative for European Waters 2019
762 HELD Hetero-structures for Efficient Luminescent Devices 2019
763 FREEMIND Ferroelectric REsistors as Emerging Materials for Innovative Neuromorphic Devices 2019
764 DNAMAKER Molecular additive manufacturing through DNA nanotechnology 2019
765 AUDIO Airspace User supporting Demonstrations of Integrated Airport Operations 2019
766 WaysTUP! Value chains for disruptive transformation of urban biowaste into biobased products in the city context 2019
767 MajoranasAreReal Search for mechanisms to control chiral Majorana modes in superconductors 2019
768 SecureGas Securing The European Gas Network 2019
769 GUARD A cybersecurity framework to GUArantee Reliability and trust for Digital service chains 2019
770 ScalableControl Scalable Control of Interconnected Systems 2019
771 D4FLY Detecting Document frauD and iDentity on the fly 2019
772 VAMOS Value added materials from organic waste sugars 2019
773 VEHICLE Valorise Extensive quantities of HemIcellulosic and Cellulosic sugars from Lignocellulosic biomass into high-value End products 2019
774 ISOTOPEST ISOtope TOols for assessing PESticide faTe in the environment 2019
775 WATCH Wessex–Armorica: Territories, Connections and Hierarchies 2019
776 TEG AGS Incorporation of Thermoelectric Generator into Advanced Glazing Systems and Vacuum Glazing Systems 2020
777 MIDLIFT Mid-infrared laser system for high-throughput bioprinting by laser-induced forward-transfer 2019
779 SATH New twin floating platform for offshore wind turbines 2019
780 SRSensor A breakthrough high resolution, real-time, industrial molecular analyser for advanced process control and energy optimization 2019
781 BRIGHT 40 Hz Masked Light: A new venture to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease 2019
782 ELEMENT Effective Lifetime Extension in the Marine Environment for Tidal Energy 2019
783 IPM Decisions Stepping-up IPM decision support for crop protection 2019
784 FOX Innovative down-scaled FOod processing in a boX 2019
785 CREAToR Collection of raw materials, Removal of flAme reTardants and Reuse of secondary raw materials 2019
786 CityLoops Closing the loop for urban material flows 2019
787 CIRCuIT Circular Construction In Regenerative Cities (CIRCuIT) 2019
788 S3FOOD Smart Sensor System for Food Safety, Quality Control and Resource Efficiency in the Food Processing Industry 2019
789 MISSION Multifunctional aIrcraft power network with Solid-State electrIcal pOwer SwitchiNg 2019
790 PERICLeS PERovskIte Coherent Light Sources 2020
791 DRIVE 0 Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process 2019
792 PIACE Passive Isolation Condenser 2019
793 Aseptic Smart World’s first unmanned, fully aseptic multi-functional commercial filling line for the bio-/pharmaceutical industry 2019
794 VECTRACK Earth observation service for preventive control of insect disease vectors 2019
795 RAID Veterinary Decision Support System by Rapid Bacterial Infection Detection (RAID) 2019
796 ImmuniPrDx PrDx - Advanced Software for Predicting the Immune Response During Drug Development 2019
798 Patwiser A revolutionary patent drafting tool powered by cutting-edge AI algorithms 2019
799 MELLODDY MachinE Learning Ledger Orchestration for Drug DiscoverY 2019
800 2D-QuEST Chemical Structure, Photo Physics and Emission Control of Single-Photon Emitters in Two-Dimensional Materials 2019
801 TRI-HP Trigeneration systems based on heat pumps with natural refrigerants and multiple renewable sources. 2019
802 PEROGAN Novel Light Emitters based on Nanostructures of III-Nitrides and Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals 2020
803 CO2Fokus CO2 utilisation focused on market relevant dimethyl ether production, via 3D printed reactor- and solid oxide cell based technologies 2019
804 MOF4AIR Metal Organic Frameworks for carbon dioxide Adsorption processes in power production and energy Intensive industRies 2019
805 EnergyShield Integrated Cybersecurity Solution for the Vulnerability Assessment, Monitoring and Protection of Critical Energy Infrastructures 2019
806 5G CONNI Private 5G Networks for Connected Industries 2019
807 BLOCKPOOL Pooling SME adoption and deployment of Blockchain and other DLTs 2019
808 THE GREEN FACTORY Avant-garde R&D platform and demonstration plant towards efficient industrial biotechnologies 2019
809 HYDRACTFLEX Full-scale demonstration of a flexible inline production concept for breweries, drawing on water hydraulics 2019
810 DGIM2 Deep Green Island Mode 2 2019
811 LNC Making Earth Green Again with Liquid Nano Clay 2019
812 BovINE BovINE Beef Innovation Network Europe 2020
813 AUTOMATO Autonomous affordable robot for tomato harvesting in passive environments 2019
814 Great Bubble Barrier The Great Bubble Barrier: An effective solution to plastic pollution 2019
816 SiC-MOSFET Gas Sensors for future Ultra Low NOx Emission Legislation – Euro 7 2019
817 FoodE Food Systems in European Cities 2020
818 INCITE Innovative Chemoenzymatic Integrated Processes 2019
819 EXCESS FleXible user-CEntric Energy poSitive houseS 2019
820 iPRODUCE A Social Manufacturing Framework for Streamlined Multi-stakeholder Open Innovation Missions in Consumer Goods Sectors 2020
821 UltraFastNano Electronic generation and detection in nanoelectronic devices at the picosecond scale 2020
822 MOTOR5G MObility and Training fOR beyond 5G Ecosystems 2019
823 INEVITABLE Optimization and performance improving in metal industry by digital technologies 2019
825 EuroSea Improving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable use of the Oceans 2019
826 ATTILA Advanced Testbed for TILtrotor Aeroelastics 2019
827 Phyron Phyron platform for automated production of top-quality customizable product videos with 80% higher conversion rate for a fraction of today`s cost 2019
828 PLS Perinatal Life Support System: Integration of Enabling Technologies for Clinical Translation 2019
829 Nanolace Mask Based Lithography for Fast, Large Scale Pattern Generation with Nanometer Resolution 2020
830 TeraSlice Terahertz Analogue-to-Digital Conversion Using Photonic Chipscale Soliton Frequency Combs and Massively Parallel Spectrally Sliced Detection 2020
831 RECYCLES Recovering carbon from contaminated matrices by exploiting the nitrogen and sulphur cycles 2020
832 AWE Harvesting Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) using Rigid Kites 2019
833 STRAIN2EXTREME Straining electromechanical coupling in layered crystals to new extremes 2019
834 CoCoNut Complex Cores for New Utilities 2019
835 TRINITI Multi-Material Thermoplastic high pressure Nitrogen Tanks for Aircraft 2019
836 PHAROS Physical Architecture Optimization System 2019
837 3DScavengers Three-dimensional nanoscale design for the all-in-one solution to environmental multisource energy scavenging 2020
838 MERGING Manipulation Enhancement through Robotic Guidance and Intelligent Novel Grippers 2019
839 SynOil Taking SynOil to the market: Synthetic oil (SynOil) from plastic waste with the molten zinc reactor 2019
840 MiniStor Minimal Size Thermal and Electrical Energy Storage System for In-Situ Residential Installation 2019
841 Yodiwo FEMP An eco-friendly, Integrated Facility and Energy Management Platform for continuous reduction of infrastructure operating cost, driven by AI. 2019
842 HEAT2VALUE Increased energy efficiency, flexibility and reduction of green-house gases using thermal battery 2019
843 PILOTING PILOTs for robotic INspection and maintenance Grounded on advanced intelligent platforms and prototype applications 2020
844 AMPERE A Model-driven development framework for highly Parallel and EneRgy-Efficient computation supporting multi-criteria optimisation 2020
845 MOVING TOGETHER MOVING TOGETHER – reimagining mobility worldwide 2019
846 VIDEO Video Imaging Demonstrator for Earth Observation 2019
847 EDDA European Direct-Drive Architecture 2019
848 SeCoIIA Secure Collaborative Intelligent Industrial Assets 2019
849 3beLiEVe Delivering the 3b generation of LNMO cells for the xEV market of 2025 and beyond 2020
850 SOLiDIFY Liquid-Processed Solid-State Li-metal Battery: development of upscale materials, processes and architectures 2020
852 OPSI19 Making innovation a consistent, reliable and strategic resource for governments 2020
853 SmartCLIDE Smart Cloud Integrated Development Environment supporting the full-stack implementation, composition and deployment of data-centered services and applications in the cloud 2020
854 CountIce A portable instrument (PINE) for the autonomous detection of atmospheric ice nucleating particles aimed at the research, global monitoring and cloud seeding markets 2020
855 GEONAV IoT Galileo dual frequency, 5G, IoT devices and services for Drones, Assets Management and Elite sport 2019
856 PREPARE Ships PREParE SHIPS - PREdicted Positioning based on Egnss for SHIPS 2019
857 Rising STARS RISE International Network for Solutions Technologies and Applications of Real-time Systems 2020
858 AutoCRAT Automated Cellular Robot-Assisted Technologies for translation of discovery-led research in Osteoarthritis 2020
860 T-SKIN Shaking-up user experience by introducing the first-in-kind arduino-programmable AI-driven gesture control wearable 2019
861 OhmMAT-NANO Next Generation Composite Material Heating 2019
862 GC_1000 GROUP CARE FOR THE FIRST 1000 DAYS (GC_1000): If it takes a village to raise a child, group care is the first step 2020
863 DIAMONDS Diagnosis and Management of Febrile Illness using RNA Personalised Molecular Signature Diagnosis 2020
864 1-SWARM Integrated development and operations management framework for cyber-physical systems of systems under the paradigm of swarm intelligence 2020
865 PHABULOUS Pilot-line providing highly advanced & robust manufacturing technology for optical free-form micro-structures 2020
866 SEQUENCE Cryogenic 3D Nanoelectronics 2020
868 NanoDrip Revolutionary Nanodrip printing technology for industrial scale manufacturing enabling the next generation of high-end devices Type of funding scheme: SME Instrument 2019
869 DC-ren Drug combinations for rewriting trajectories of renal pathologies in type II diabetes (DC-ren) 2020
870 ENDFLU Evaluation of ratioNally Designed Influenza vaccines 2020
871 SHOW SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption 2020
872 PEROGAN Novel Light Emitters based on Nanostructures of III-Nitrides and Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals 2020
873 PERCISTAND Development of all thin-film PERovskite on CIS TANDem photovoltaics 2020
874 FEVER Flexible Energy Production, Demand and Storage-based Virtual Power Plants for Electricity Markets and Resilient DSO Operation 2020
875 COMAP-4S COmponents and MAcrocomponents Packaging For Space 2020
876 VLD2-W2 STAIRS Surface Traffic Alerts Improve Runway Safety 2019
877 ATTEST Advanced Tools Towards cost-efficient decarbonisation of future reliable Energy SysTems 2020
878 UV-LASE Out of the blue: membrane-based microcavity lasers from the blue to the ultraviolet wavelength regime 2020
879 CCedit Coiled-coil mediated exonuclease tethering technology for the enhancement of CRISPR gene editing 2020
880 EXCITE Scalable excitonic devices 2020
882 TRANSLATIONAL A new translational strategy for tailored treatment of type 2 diabetes 2020
883 SIMIS Strongly Interacting Mass Imbalanced Superfluid with ultracold fermions 2020
885 SPINHALL Computing with mutually synchronized topological insulator based spin Hall nano-oscillators 2020
886 MaCDAC Machining and Commercialising Diamond Anvil Cells 2020
887 GelPrint Printable polypeptide hydrogels with antimicrobial properties 2020
888 AquaLub A new high-performance aqueous lubricant formulation for soft bio-contact surfaces 2020
889 BeamSense Making more with less: intelligent wavefront design to enable high resolution images of unstable samples. 2020
890 SWaG Freshwater production from seawater and atmospheric moisture enabled by a solar-driven water generator 2020
891 CriLiN An Atomic Quantum Simulator with long-range, multi-body interactions 2020
892 CHALLENGES Real time nano CHAracterization reLatEd techNloGiEeS 2020
893 NanoPAT Process Analytical Technologies for Industrial Nanoparticle Production 2020
894 APRIL multipurpose robotics for mAniPulation of defoRmable materIaLs in manufacturing processes 2020
895 ExIQ Exponentially Improved Quantum memory 2020
897 POTION Photodiode integration on silicon nitride 2020