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H2020 projects about "agents"

The page lists 574 projects related to the topic "agents".

# achronym  title  year 
1 MIROCALS Efficacy and safety of low-dose IL-2 (ld-IL-2) as a Treg enhancer for anti-neuroinflammatory therapy in newly diagnosed Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) patients 2015
2 MOCHA Models of Child Health Appraised 2015
3 nEUROSTRESSPEP Novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology 2015
4 NOMORFILM Novel marine biomolecules against biofilm. Application to medical devices. 2015
6 SUFISA Sustainable finance for sustainable agriculture and fisheries 2015
7 PRISM Ice-binding proteins: from antifreeze mechanism to resistant soft materials 2015
8 ROBOTAR Robot-Assisted Flexible Needle Steering for Targeted Delivery of Magnetic Agents 2015
9 BUCOPHSYS Bottom-up hybrid control and planning synthesis with application to multi-robot multi-human coordination 2015
10 REMEMBER Adaptive immunity in prokaryotes: how Bacteria do not forgive and do not forget their enemies 2015
12 TIMESTORM Mind and Time: Investigation of the Temporal Traits of Human-Machine Convergence 2015
13 Cancer-Targeted PolyIC Treatment of EGFR over-expressing cancers by targeted non-viral delivery of PolyIC 2015
14 socSMCs Socialising Sensori-Motor Contingencies 2015
15 BINGO Breeding Invertebrates for Next Generation BioControl (BINGO) 2015
16 TOLLerant Toll-Like Receptor 4 activation and function in diseases: an integrated chemical-biology approach. 2015
17 TargetCaRe Targeting Cartilage Regeneration in joint and intervertebral disc diseases 2015
18 INTEGRATE Interdisciplinary Training Network for Validation of Gram-Negative Antibacterial Targets 2015
19 KANT Key Account management and inNovation capacity support services for Triveneto SME’s 2014
20 OpenAIRE2020 Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2020 2015
21 TREGeneration Repair of tissue and organ damage in refractory chronic graft versus host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation by the infusion of purified allogeneic donor regulatory T lymphocytes 2015
22 ALABO Advanced laser ablation barrier films for organic and large area electronic devices 2015
23 BISON BIg Speech data analytics for cONtact centres 2015
24 FlyHigh Insect-plant relationships: insights into biodiversity and new applications 2015
25 MULTISURF MULTI-functional metallic SURFaces via active Layered Double Hydroxide treatments 2015
26 MeTABLE Advanced bioinformatics for genome and metagenome analyses and discovery of novel biocatalists from extremophiles: implications for improving industrial bioprocesses 2014
27 WeLive A neW concept of pubLic administration based on citizen co-created mobile urban services 2015
28 DIGIWHIST The Digital Whistleblower. Fiscal Transparency, Risk Assessment and Impact of Good Governance Policies Assessed 2015
29 EMPOWER Local Electricity retail Markets for Prosumer smart grid pOWER services 2015
30 EFICONSUMPTION Innovative System for Electrical Energy Efficiency in industrial plants 2014
31 WINETWORK Network for the exchange and transfer of innovative knowledge between European wine-growing regions to increase the productivity and sustainability of the sector 2015
32 COMBPDCHEMOTHERAPY Rational design of combined PDT photosensitizers and chemotherapeutic agent as new approach in cancer therapy: a computational approach 2015
33 TRILLION TRusted, CItizen - LEA coILaboratIon over sOcial Networks 2015
34 C-BORD effective Container inspection at BORDer control points 2015
35 TARGET Training Augmented Reality Generalised Environment Toolkit 2015
36 PRIVACY FLAG Enabling Crowd-sourcing based privacy protection for smartphone applications, websites and Internet of Things deployments 2015
37 LAW-TRAIN Mixed-reality environment for training teams in joint investigative interrogation-Intelligent interrogation training simulator 2015
38 AUGGMED Automated Serious Game Scenario Generator for Mixed Reality Training 2015
39 GROUPCOG From individual cognition to collective intelligence 2016
40 GATTACA Genetics of Alternative Transcript Abundance upon immune Cellular Activation 2015
41 BBLOCK Stereocontrolled synthesis of polypropionates based on building block assembly strategies by lithiation-borylation methodologies 2015
42 CONSCRISIS Households’ Consumption during the Great Recession: A structural analysis on the role of expectations 2015
43 SingMet Development of MRI contrast agents based on long-lived singlet states 2015
44 LIB-Si anode Silicon/Carbon Nano-Hybrid Lithium-Ion Battery Anode: Green Facile Scalable Synthesis Inspired by Thermosetting Polymers 2015
45 Transnat_farright Transnational nationalism. Far-Right Nationalist Groups in East Central Europe in the 20th and 21st centuries 2015
46 SO-CMA Improving the safety of oral immunotherapy for cow's milk allergy in children 2016
47 NIMBLIS Laser Induced Synthesis of Biocompatible Multifunctional Inorganic Nanoparticles: A Novel Route to Produce Multifunctional Contrast Agents for Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer 2016
49 CoEvolFramework Unified Framework for the Analysis of Co-evolutionary Systems 2016
50 STROMAMECH Targeting stromal cells to modify tumor mechanical microenvironment and optimize drug delivery 2015
51 FreeMi Using FREshwater organisms to MItigate the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis 2015
52 MASIEGE Multilateral adverse selection in industrial economics and general equilibrium 2015
53 PEERS Peer effects and endogenous network formation 2015
54 AuNP-PhotoBioDrug Functionalized AuNPs and their use for biological applications 2015
55 PREF LEARNHEUR Learning heuristics in preference elicitation tasks: insights from behavioural, computational and neurobiological investigations 2015
56 DCmucoHIV HIV/SIV exploits DCs in mucosal infection: mechanisms of transmission and modulation by semen associated factors 2015
57 NANOSPHERE NANOStructure Photochemistry via Hot Electron driven REactions 2015
58 MSMART Margination of Microcapsules in Small Arteries 2015
59 REZONABLE Regeneration and zonation by ZEB2 of Liver Endothelium 2016
60 ChemoBOOM Development of Palladium-Labile Prodrugs for Bioorthogonally-Activated Chemotherapy 2016
61 MYO-DESMOPLASIA Modulating the behaviour of cancer myofibroblasts to control tumour desmoplasia 2015
62 ReaDoubt Reasonable Doubt: An epistemological and psychological approach 2015
63 EGFR-Activ Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activation by cytohesins - Structural Insights 2015
64 SynBiol-DynHet Diversity in Synthetic Biological Systems 2015
66 FLORALWOOD Selecting non-crop flowering plants for enhancing natural enemies of crop pests in agro ecosystems under climate change perspective 2016
67 ACT against AMR Abyssomicin C Truncated derivatives against Antimicrobial Resistance 2015
68 MetAccembly Accelerating metal-directed assembly, recognition and catalysis with computational methods 2015
69 REBuILD Exploring the role of TFEB in exosome biology and in novel approaches for treatment of lysosomal diseases 2016
70 STTDAA Synthesis of Truncated Tirandamycin A-D Derivatives as new Antihelminthic Agents 2015
71 SENSITIVITYMARKERS Clinical validation of prognostic biomarkers of chemotherapy response in liquid biopsies 2015
72 MAMANUCA Microfluidic Advanced Manufacturing of Ultrasound Contrast Agents 2015
73 ULISENS Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing 2015
74 LEGEND LEGEND, Sport goes viral 2015
75 EVIDENT Ebola Virus Disease - correlates of protection, determinants of outcome, and clinical management 2014
76 PCT Plant CT - Making Plants Healthier 2015
78 HybridFarm Eco-innovative housing solution for efficient production of slaughterpigs with limited environmental impact. 2015
79 GREEN-WIN Green growth and win-win strategies for sustainable climate action 2015
80 DRIVE Diabetes Reversing Implants with enhanced Viability and long-term Efficacy 2015
81 Phoenix Exploring the Unknown through Reincarnation and Co-evolution 2015
82 SynCatMatch MATching zeolite SYNthesis with CATalytic activity 2015
83 CoPS Coevolutionary Policy Search 2015
84 OTTOCONFESSION The Fashioning of a Sunni Orthodoxy and the Entangled Histories of Confession-Building in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire, 15th-17th Centuries 2015
85 CARBONFIX Towards a Self-Amplifying Carbon-Fixing Anabolic Cycle 2015
86 RABIOPRED RABIOPRED - Clinical validation of BIOmarker assay to PREDict treatment response in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients 2015
87 AutArt Clinical validation of the AutArt rheumatoid arthritis diagnostic device 2015
88 BIOINOHYB Smart Bioinorganic Hybrids for Nanomedicine 2016
89 GenoSpec Insights from Population Genomics to the Evolution of Host Specificity in Insect Fungi 2015
90 PEMP Political Economy with Many Parties: Strategic Electorate and Strategic Candidates 2015
91 MaTissE Magnetic approaches for Tissue Mechanics and Engineering 2015
92 CITRIMACC Circulation Pilot with Continuous Control of Multi-Modal Air Cargo Containers 2015
93 Baby Beat Providing Clarity of Fetus Heartbeat Through Baby Beat Bracelet Measuring Fetal Arterial Pulse Wave 2015
94 SMS SMS - Safety Micro Sensor 2015
95 INDIMACRO Individual decisions and macroeconomic robustness 2015
96 BayesianMarkets Bayesian markets for unverifiable truths 2016
97 Drug-Seq Unravelling the Genomic Targets of Drugs Using High-Throughput Sequencing 2015
98 DNA2REPAIR DNA strand break repair and links to human disease 2015
99 ZAUBERKUGEL Fulfilling Paul Ehrlich’s Dream: therapeutics with activity on demand 2015
100 TASPPI Targeted small-molecule Stabilisation of Protein-Protein Interactions 2016
101 INCITE Innovative controls for renewable sources Integration into smart energy systems 2015
102 GRACE GRACE: Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe 2015
103 TERRA Tandem Electrocatalytic Reactor for energy/Resource efficiency And process intensification 2015
104 REE4EU REE4EU: integrated high temperature electrolysis (HTE) and Ion Liquid Extraction (ILE) for a strong and independent European Rare Earth Elements Supply Chain 2015
105 TWIN-CONTROL Twin-model based virtual manufacturing for machine tool-process simulation and control 2015
106 ArtEmpire An ARTery of EMPIRE. Conquest, Commerce, Crisis, Culture and the Panamanian Junction (1513-1671) 2016
108 i-LiveRest Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure ulcer risk by real time measuring of tissue viability and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context 2015
109 resistance evolution Bacterial evolution of hypersensitivity and resistance against antimicrobial peptides 2015
110 BIOCONTROL-A Biocontrol of Aflatoxin Contamination Using Atoxigenic Strains from Almond and Pistachio Orchards 2016
111 Diversity6continents Ecological determinants of tropical-temperate trends in insect diversity 2015
112 MYCOCHASSIS Engineering of a minimal bacterial therapeutic chassis 2015
114 Ocean Medicines Ocean Medicines 2015
115 SV2 Machine vision system for road safety inspection- SV2 2015
116 EndoNaut EndoNaut Delivery Platform 2016
117 PANG Pathogen and Graphene 2016
118 RCC-TEST A breakthrough in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Personalized RCC-Test 2016
119 INSECTBARRIER Insect-repellent coating for food packages 2016
120 EFFICIENT Environmentally Friendly Fire Suppression System for Cargo using Innovative Green Technology 2016
121 ERNCIP CBRNE STDS 16 ERNCIP thematic group activities in 2016 supporting development of Mandate 487 for standards in security 2016
122 PREG-LAB Distinctive characterization of regulatory plasma cells and pro-inflammatory B cells in immunity: their origins, molecular properties, and cellular fates. 2016
123 METAWARE Behavioral and neural determinants of metacognition and self-awareness in human adults and infants 2016
124 HUMO What is everybody doing? Social prediction, categorization, and monitoring in the Prefrontal Cortex of the Macaque adopting a new human-monkey (H-M) interactive paradigm. 2016
125 FORCE Imaging the Force of Cancer 2016
126 IDentIFY Improving Diagnosis by Fast Field-Cycling MRI 2016
127 SPCCT In Vivo Spectral Photon Counting CT Molecular Imaging in Cardio- and Neuro-Vascular Diseases 2016
128 Click-It “In Vivo Click PET Imaging Agents”: Improving clinical companion diagnostics 2016
129 StemBAT New players in human BAT differentiation and activation: a human PSC-derived BAT approach combined with state of the art genome engineering and –omics based methodologies 2016
130 NormativeEconomics Reconstructing normative economics on a foundation of mutual advantage 2016
131 ISECO Information services: competition and externalities 2015
132 PAAL-POC Practical Approximation Algorithms - Proof of Concept 2015
133 CARTHER Carbon-based nano-materials for theranostic application 2016
134 MediHealth Novel natural products for healthy ageing from Mediterranean diet and food plants of other global sources 2016
135 IMMUNE-EXPRESS Proteasome-Mediated Gene Expression in Plant Immunity 2016
136 UNREST Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe 2016
137 PREWArAs The Dark Side of the Belle Époque. Political violence and Armed Associations in Europe before the First World War 2016
138 SAFEIMMUNOSUPPRESS Development of immunosuppressive treatments with better safety 2016
139 SDDM-TEA Static and Dynamic Decision Making under Uncertainty: Theory and Applications 2016
140 ZeBiolApp Developing Structure-Reactivity Relationships of the Zeolite Catalysed Bio-alcohol Mediated Aromatic Alkylation Processes via a Multi-Spectroscopic Investigative Approach 2016
141 OptiQ-CanDo Hybrid Optical Interferometry for Quantitative Cancer Cell Diagnosis 2016
142 APTASENS A new generation of AptaSensors 2016
143 LDC4PCaTher BMX-targeted ligand-drug conjugates for prostate cancer therapy 2016
144 HyGlio Theranostic Injectable Hydrogel for Glioblastoma 2016
145 INATTENTION Behavioral and Policy Implications of Rational Inattention 2016
146 PEP-PRO-RNA Peptide-derived bioavailable macrocycles as inhibitors of protein-RNA and protein-protein interactions 2016
147 HOLDING-HANDS Holding hands: cell-cell junctions in breast cancer metastasis and resistance to therapy 2016
148 BARCODE DIAGNOSTICS Next-Generation Personalized Diagnostic Nanotechnologies for Predicting Response to Cancer Medicine 2016
150 Smart Colour Remotely Adjustable Structural Plasmonic Colour 2016
151 COBOTNITY A community of surface bots for creative storytelling 2016
152 LATE-STAGE Palladium catalyzed C(sp3)‒H late-stage diversification of biologically active molecules 2016
153 EPILIPRO Elucidating the role of Arid1a in adult liver 2016
154 MCNANO “Multi-component nanoparticles as bimodal contrast agents for MRI and optical detection of tumors and for targeted photodynamic therapy” 2016
155 CONSALT CONtrast through metal-enriched polymer SALTs: novel contrast agents for dual-energy micro-computed tomography 2016
156 Degrees of Belief The Nature of Degrees of Belief 2017
157 SDchirnanocat Sputtering-deposition of metallic nanoparticles onto chiral ionic liquids andapplications in enantioselective hydrogenation 2016
158 INTO Inorganic therapeutic nanoparticles for osteoporosis 2016
159 GlobalPolicyUncertainty Global Policy Uncertainty and International Asset Markets 2016
160 PepPtNPAntiCan Peptide Coated Platinum Nanoparticles as Antitumor Agents 2016
161 GCG-T3 Dyslipidemia Validation and Molecular Characterization of Novel Glucagon-Thyroid Hormone Conjugates for the Efficient Management of Dyslipidemia and Fatty Liver Disease 2016
162 NIR-BIO-FLU Bio-conjugatable and Bio-responsive Near Infrared Fluorochromes 2016
163 Tribocharge Control of Triboelectricity from Micro to Macro as a Principle ofSticking, Particulate Contamination and ESD Prevention of Micromachines 2016
164 THERAGEL Development of a chemotherapeutic gel for glioblastoma multiforme treatment 2016
165 LoGIcInMAS Logics and Games for Imperfect Information in Multi-Agent Systems 2016
166 MPIPETrace Clinical performance validation of a novel biomarker for quantitative imaging of coronary artery disease. 2015
167 REACH Renewable Energy and Connectivity Hub 2016
168 FCSSSLP First Chemoselective Synthesis and Structural Studies of Lasso Peptides 2016
169 ADAPT Adaptive Decision support for Agents negotiation in electricity market and smart grid Power Transactions 2017
170 NIR-VANA Networking Innovation Room for Added Value Networking Alliances 2016
171 FLUORODRUGS Smart Theranostic Agents for the Tumour Microenvironment 2017
172 DEGLUMINATE Light-Responsive Adhesives for Debond-on-Demand Solutions 2016
173 Endogenous_Info Financial Decision Making with Endogenous Information Acquisition 2016
174 Frontiers in Design Frontiers in Mechanism Design: Methodology and Applications 2016
175 Sense of Commitment An Integrative Framework for Modeling the Sense of Commitment 2016
176 Lumiblast A paradigm shift in cancer therapy – using mitochondria-powered chemiluminescence to non-invasively treat inaccessible tumours 2016
177 EVNSMAS An evolutionary approach to automated norm synthesis for multi agent systems 2016
178 LSD-CortLVPC Applying voltage-imaging techniques to visualise the effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on cortical layer V pyramidal cells and its adaptation during tolerance development 2016
179 NANOTER Development of Ultra-Sensitive Nanotherapeutic Anticancer Agents for Boron Neutron CaptureTherapy 2016
180 NATCOOP How nature affects cooperation in common pool resource systems 2016
181 TiDrugArchitectures Highly Competent and Safe Titanium(IV) Therapeutic Frameworks that are Cancer Targeted based on Complex 1, 2, and 3D Chemical Architectures 2016
182 BAYNET Bayesian Networks and Non-Rational Expectations 2016
183 iCARE MobIle health-Care system for monitoring toxicity and symptoms in cAncer patients ReceivingdiseasE-oriented therapy 2016
184 reNEW Valuable product recovery from sewage sludge 2016
185 HPGen On-site, on-demand Hydrogen Peroxide Generation for a cost-effective, eco-friendly and safe biocide and oxygenator 2016
186 TRANSAFELOAD TRANSAFELOAD: Testing the real behaviour of packaged loads during transport 2016
187 DisWildPop Impacts of Diseases on Wild Bird Populations 2017
188 Observable Stability Evolutionary stability, observability, and efficiency 2016
189 BROKERS Participatory Urban Governance between Democracy and Clientelism: Brokers and (In)formal Politics 2016
190 GroundForce GroundForce: Grounding Natural Language Semantics in Video Games 2016
191 CDK6-DrugOpp CDK6 in transcription - turning a foe in a friend 2016
192 CrUCCial Novel diagnostic and therapeutic approach to inflammatory bowel disease based on functional characterization of patients: the CrUCCial index 2016
193 PFKFBLOCK Translating fundamental insights in endothelial metabolism: PFKFB3 drug discovery and development 2016
194 FC21S Cost-effective aluminium die casting for automotive industry 2016
195 Plasmapower PlasmaPower: hydro-catalytic plasma gasification for high-efficiency energy generation 2016
196 CHESS Cegasa Portable Hybrid Energy Storage Solution 2016
197 DRYMIX Feasibility Study of energy efficient, sustainable, innovative Ceramic powders Dry-Mix method and enabling additives 2016
198 tagMDR Identification of Multidrug Resistance for Chemotherapy Guidance in Cancer Using a Lab-on-a-chip Platform 2016
199 NanoSil4Cancer Smart Multifunctional silica-based Nanoparticles for Targeted Therapy 2016
200 ASSIMILES Advanced Spectroscopy and Spectrometry for Imaging Metabolism using Isotopically-Labeled Endogenous Substrates 2016
201 Sphingolead Development of a potent dual GCS/GBA2 inhibitor as a best in class Gaucher therapeutic 2016
203 REDOXDRUGS Discovery and commercialisation of novel compounds targeting redox proteins 2016
204 LoC The Logic of Conceivability: Modelling Rational Imagination with Non-Normal Modal Logics 2017
205 FluoroDendriNostic Combined fluorinated polymer and poly-L-lysine dendrimer as new potential contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging 19F 2016
206 chemos Chemical Hematology: breaking resistance of hematological malignancies through personalized drug trials 2016
208 Inno4Grass Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe 2017
209 Bio4Comp Parallel network-based biocomputation: technological baseline, scale-up and innovation ecosystem 2017
210 CONQUEST CONQUEST: Enabling advanced medical imaging 2016
211 MiMo Inference in Microeconometric Models 2017
212 PAMMOTH Photoacoustic/Ultrasound Mammoscopy for evaluating screening-detected abnormalities in the breast 2017
213 DPC_REPAIR Mechanism of DNA-protein cross-link repair in S phase 2017
214 SupraCarrier Supramolecular hydrogels as local controlled drug delivery carriers 2017
215 Dreams4Cars Dream-like simulation abilities for automated cars 2017
216 CORPLINK Corporate Arbitrage and CPL Maps: Hidden Structures of Controls in the Global Economy 2016
217 InStance Intentional stance for social attunement 2017
218 ROBUST Robust Mechanism Design and Robust Prediction in Games 2016
219 OpenRiskNet OpenRiskNet: Open e-Infrastructure to Support Data Sharing, Knowledge Integration and in silico Analysis and Modelling in Risk Assessment 2016
220 NanoPack Pilot line production of functional polymer nanocomposites from natural halloysite nanotubes: demonstrating controlled release of active antimicrobials in food packaging applications. 2017
221 GEOTHERMICA GEOTHERMICA - ERA NET Cofund Geothermal 2017
222 XSPECT Expecting Ourselves: Embodied Prediction and the Construction of Conscious Experience 2017
223 Neuroheart Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging for Personalized Tailored Treatment 2017
224 DYNMECH Dynamic Mechanisms 2017
225 iGBMavatars Glioblastoma Subtype Avatar models for Target Discovery and Biology 2017
226 REDOX SHIELDS Protection of Redox Catalysts for Cathodic Processes in Redox Matrices. 2017
227 TKI resistance Resistance mechanisms to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in solid tumors 2016
228 P2Property Peer to Peer Property 2017
229 DRYFIT Plant conditioner enhancing plants' drought resistance based on proline aminoacid 2017
230 HIVACAR Evaluating a Combination of Immune-based Therapies to Achieve a Functional Cure of HIV Infection 2017
231 HONOURs Host switching pathogens, infectious outbreaks and zoonosis; a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Training Network 2017
232 NeuroAgents Neuromorphic Electronic Agents: from sensory processing to autonomous cognitive behavior 2017
233 HIntNets Higher-order interactions and Laplacian dynamics in complex networks: structure, dynamics and control 2017
234 FANCODRUG Reactivation of the Fanconi anemia-BRCA pathway in cells carrying patient-derived missense mutations: finding a drug to cure Fanconi anemia 2017
235 MIX-Effectors T6SS MIX-effectors: secretion, activities and use as antibacterial treatment 2017
236 THz-FRaScan-ESR THz Frequency Rapid Scan – Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy for spin dynamics investigations of bulk and surface materials (THz-FRaScan-ESR) 2018
237 Bronchomycn First in class epithelial Barrier-enhancing medicine for respiratory diseases 2017
238 BIOECOMARINE New Ultrasonic Cost-Effective Equipment as Anti-Fouling System for Vessels 2017
239 RELEASE Nanofiber based drug delivery for surgical therapy of adult and paediatric solid tumours 2017
240 LiveJourney LiveJourney 2017
241 IDEM In Defence of Experimental Medicine: Emotional Appeals and Medical Didacticism in Germany,Britain and North America, 1870-1914 2017
242 MYCOBIOME Detection of biocontrol agents from casing material to inhibit mushroom mycoparasites through casing microbiome characterization and Raman spectroscopy of isotopically labelled organisms. 2017
243 TRPLigDrugConj TRPV1-targeted ligand-drug conjugates to treat prostate cancer 2017
244 GlycoModels 3D glyco-engineered models to address the role of glycosylation in gastric cancer clinical management 2017
245 DARE Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality 2017
246 WakeOpColl Learning and collective intelligence for optimized operations in wake flows 2017
247 TheranOMICS Integration of high resolution -OMICS datasets towards personalized therapy in bladder cancer 2017
248 OF vacancy Expert in selective/genetic breeding 2017
249 BCSC-ST Breast cancer stem-like cells specific vulnerabilities: focus in HER2 over-expression and protein glycosylation 2017
250 Nano Traction Nano Traction 2018
251 GlycoNanoPep Glyco and Nano Peptide Conjugates for Selective Cell Penetration 2017
252 RHOMBOSMALPS Enabling malaria rhomboid proteases as drug targets: usage of molecular cookie cutters to shape novel activity assays and inhibitors. 2017
253 PhoRAu Photochemistry and radiolabelling of gold(III) anticancer prodrugs 2018
254 QAPs G-Quadruplex-associated proteins (QAPs) and their role in transcriptional regulation 2017
255 GeoMOP Modern Geospatial Practices for Ancient Movement Praxis 2018
256 CaraSlug Carabids as biocontrol agents for slugs in Oregon and Ireland - a novel and interdisciplinary approach to determine key malacophagous species and beneficial management options 2017
257 FIT-UTI Fully Integrated Technology based on quantitative polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of Urinal Tract Infection 2017
258 BROS Blockchain: a new framework for swarm RObotic Systems 2017
259 RESILIENCE Understanding the resilience of Amazonian floodplain ecosystems 2017
260 PhARRAO Photo- And Radical induced Reactivity of Atmospheric Oxidants 2017
261 LIsTEN β-Lactams as flaviviral NS3 protease inhibitors 2017
262 Tuning COPs Tuning both the photoluminescence and conductive properties of new COP materials 2017
263 BICEPSvsHIV Novel strategies for anti-HIV-1 therapy: Small molecules targeting RNA partners of the nucleocapsid protein 2017
264 IB4SD-TRISTAN Imaging Biomarkers (IBs) for Safer Drugs: Validation of Translational Imaging Methods in Drug Safety Assessment - Sofia ref.: 116106 2017
265 BAPS Bayesian Agent-based Population Studies: Transforming Simulation Models of Human Migration 2017
266 SELFCEPTION Robotic self/other distinction for interaction under uncertainty 2017
267 DUALITY An Integrated Computational and Experimental Approach to Rapid Synthesis of Highly Selective Dual-Targeted HDAC/CK2, MMP2/CK2 Inhibitors 2018
268 GENSEG Understanding the impact of parental occupation on gender differences in field of study choice in Germany 2017
269 MENTALIZINGORIGINS Origins of theory of mind: action prediction by great apes and human infants 2018
270 NARCOREADER Novel electrochemical strategies for rapid, on-site multiscreening of illicit drugs 2017
271 ELECTRO-HEAL Electroactive Materials based Bandage for Accelerated Wound Healing 2018
272 NEUROABSTRACTION Abstraction and Generalisation in Human Decision-Making 2017
273 UNCERTAINPOWER Uncertain Power: Representing the king in the Portuguese empire (1640-1750) 2017
274 ZECARDIO Cardiotoxicity High-throughput screening (HTS) with zebrafish embryo 2017
275 POLITRAITS Politicians’ traits and public policies: learning how personal features influence fiscal outcomes 2017
276 NICHOIDS Nichoid: nanoengineered three-dimensional substrate for stem cell expansion 2017
277 NEST Nanoengineering of radioactive seeds for cancer therapy and diagnosis 2017
278 BLMs 4 TB Beta-lactams for Tuberculosis Treatment 2018
279 FORENSICS Illicit Markets, Unobserved Competitors, and Illegal Behavior 2017
280 FAIR LIMITS Can Limitarianism Be Justified? A Philosophical Analysis of Limits on the Distribution of Economic and Ecological Resources 2017
281 ECOXY Bio-based recyclable, reshapable and repairable (3R) fibre-reinforced EpOXY composites for automotive and construction sectors. 2017
283 MINDED MultIscale precision therapies for NeuroDEvelopmental Disorders 2018
284 DOCTRINA A Unique Virtual Environment where Healthcare Professionals Can Find the Support that They Need for an Adequate Use of Pharmaceutical Products 2017
285 ReLaDe Reusable Laundry Detergent 2017
286 UNIGEM Next Generation ‘Unified Guest Engagement System’ for Smart Hospitality Services and Unparalleled Guest Loyalty. 2017
287 PALE-Blu Understanding pathogen, livestock, environment interactions involving bluetongue virus 2017
288 MUSA Microbial Uptakes for Sustainable management of major bananA pests and diseases 2017
289 SOURCE Self Organization in Competition and Diversity 2017
290 Group Agency The Normative and Moral Foundations of Group Agency 2017
291 gdTCR-Ligand Investigating the recognition of a novel ligand by gamma-delta T cells and the translation of this interaction into molecules for future cancer immunotherapy 2017
292 PRELICAN Treatment of liver disease and cancer prevention 2017
293 CellFoam A novel tissue remodelling biomaterial to offer a revolutionary solution for treating Urinary Incontinence in dogs 2017
294 SynPlex Tailored chemical complexity through evolution-inspired synthetic biology 2017
295 Connections Oligopoly Markets and Networks 2017
296 ADORA Asymptotic approach to spatial and dynamical organizations 2017
297 STRCHANGEINEQ Effects of Structural Change on Income Inequality 2017
298 DynaCOMP Assessing compounds targeting DNA replication licensing complexes as anti-tumor agents 2017
299 GlobalBLED Ecosystem of Advanced ICT-based Services Personalised Training for Efficient Secure Driving 2017
300 Hubble Hubble – smart workplace allocation platform 2017
301 EVOCLIM Behavioral-evolutionary analysis of climate policy: Bounded rationality, markets and social interactions 2018
302 GoNano Governing Nanotechnologies through societal engagement 2017
303 TRACS Commercialisation of TRACS, An Artificial Intelligence Inspired, Text Response Automation system for Customer Support 2017
305 COUCH Council of Coaches 2017
306 MixITiN Bringing the paradigm for marine pelagic production into the 21st century: incorporating mixotrophy into mainstream marine research 2017
307 POEM PARTICIPATORY MEMORY PRACTICES. Concepts, strategies, and media infrastructures for envisioning socially inclusive potential futures of European Societies through culture 2018
308 RECOMS Building Resourceful and Resilient Communities through Adaptive and Transformative Environmental Practice 2018
309 SLIM SLIM: Strong, Lightweight and Indestructible Marble 2017
310 FlexAnalytics Advanced Analytics to Empower the Small Flexible Consumers of Electricity 2018
311 DecodingInfection Decoding the host-pathogen interspecies crosstalk at a multiparametric single-cell level 2017
312 FACESYNTAX Computing the Face Syntax of Social Communication 2018
313 PolControl Engineering translation machinery to produce light-responsive protein-polymers 2017
314 SCALAR Scaling up behavior and autonomous adaptation for macro models of climate change damage assessment 2018
315 FAITh Fighting Anxiety with Importin-based Therapeutics 2017
316 HypoRuLight Hypoxic Tumour Models for Photoactivatable Ruthenium-based Chemotherapy 2017
317 TREAT-NPM1-AML Improving therapy of NPM1-mutated AML 2017
318 NANOELECTROCHEM Electrocatalytic Nanoreactors for Absorption, Detection and Decontamination of Hazardous Compounds 2017
319 PANAMA Probabilistic Automated Numerical Analysis in Machine learning and Artificial intelligence 2018
320 SWINOSTICS Swine diseases field diagnostics toolbox 2017
321 GRAPHENART Graphene as effective anti-fading agent for the protection of artworks 2017
322 TRANSGANG Transnational Gangs as Agents of Mediation: Experiences of Conflict Resolution in Street Youth Organizations in Southern Europe, North Africa and the Americas 2018
323 LTCSEI Learning through Categories in Social and Economic Interactions 2018
324 MoTIVE Moments in Time in Immersive Virtual Environments 2018
325 TRACE Transfer of multivirus-specific T-cells following transplantation 2018
326 INFLUENCE Influence-based Decision-making in Uncertain Environments 2018
327 AltCheM In vivo functional screens to decipher mechanisms of stochastically- and mutationally-induced chemoresistance in Acute Myeloid Leukemia 2018
328 WellCO Wellbeing and Health Virtual Coach 2017
329 e.THROUGH Thinking rough towards sustainability 2018
330 Nano-OligoMed Hybrid Nanostructured Oligonucleotide Platforms for Biomedical Applications 2017
331 COLOSTEO Nutraceutical supplementation based on colostrum for prevention of osteoporosis 2018
332 reNEW Sustainable cleaning agent and organic fertilizer recovery from sewage sludge 2017
333 Glyco-DeCon Decontamination by glycosylation based wipes 2018
334 NovAnI Indentification and optimisation of novel anti-infective agents using multiple hit-identification strategies 2018
335 SUEE Strategic Uncertainty in Economic Environments 2018
336 HINBOTS Highly Integrated Nanoscale Robots for Targeted Delivery to the Central Nervous System 2018
337 LIPOFABRIK LIPOFABRIK: A ground-breaking biomolecular production platform for safer, more efficient and sustainable pest control and crop health management. 2018
338 NovInDXS Development of novel inhibitors of the anti-infective target DXS using dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) 2018
339 RNActivate Optochemical control of cell fate by activation of mRNA translation 2018
340 IMMUNOMARK Omics integration for precision cancer immunotherapy 2018
341 INSPIRE Instrument Shape Sensing for Minimally Invasive Interventions 2018
342 BEHAVFRICTIONS Behavioral Implications of Information-Processing Frictions 2018
343 CAPPERAM Contrast Agents for Protontherapy PET Range Monitoring 2018
344 CHANGE CHAlleNging Gender (In)Equality in science and research 2018
345 CORNEA Controlling evolutionary dynamics of networked autonomous agents 2018
346 DYCODE The Dynamics of Constructive Deliberation 2018
347 ECHO Harmonization of Regulation of Abusive Non-Judicial Debt Collection in the European Union: Models, Benefits and Challenges 2019
348 ECOFOULPEST From marine molecules to eco-friendly tools for agriculture 2018
349 ELECNANO Electrically Tunable Functional Lanthanide Nanoarchitectures on Surfaces 2018
350 ENAMARE Enactive model of aesthetic perception through rhythm and entrainment 2018
351 PIXEL Port IoT for Environmental Leverage 2018
352 SynBioBrain Building biological computers from bacterial populations 2018
353 SEA The Social Epistemology of Argumentation 2018
354 ESC2RAD Enabling Smart Computations to study space RADiation effects 2018
355 MAGIC Multimodal Agents Grounded via Interactive Communication 2018
356 WomENt Women's journey through entrepreneurship in the tourism industry 2018
357 TheraSonix Ultrasonic Imaging and Drug Propulsion Into Tumors Using Genetically Encoded Gas Nanostructures 2018
358 SPeNTa-Brain Synthetic Peptidic Nanovesicles for Targeting Paediatric Brain tumours 2019
359 ORTHOCAT Bioorthogonal Photocatalytic Activation of Metal-Based Prodrugs 2018
360 O6-alkylguanines Characterisation and quantification of O6-alkylguanine DNA adducts derived from nitrosated amino acids: Risk factors in colorectal cancer. 2019
361 MOFUS Metal Oxide Functionalized carbon nanostrUctures for photonic gas Sensors 2018
362 OilandEmp Crude Empire. British 'Oil Imperialism' and the making of the modern Middle East (c.1901-c.1935). 2019
363 RhizoTalk Decrypting the role of bacterial signals in microbial interactions to enhance Lysobacter establishment in the rhizosphere 2018
364 NeuroVU NeuroVU: Real-time Sensing in Microfluidic Models of the Neurovascular Unit 2018
365 SKIN SUBSTITUTE Development of hybrid artificial skin substitute for chronic diabetic wounds 2018
367 MRI COMIQSUM MRI COntrast using MIcrobubbles in Quantitative SUsceptibility Mapping 2018
368 AnBIOSST Anaerobic Biotechnology for Sewage Sludge Treatment: Integrating Anaerobic Bioleaching with Anaerobic Digestion 2018
369 NovelKnees Targeting Subchondral Bone Marrow Lesions, Microdamage and Remodelling using Novel Bisphosphonate-Loaded Delivery Systems to Prevent Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis after Acute Knee Injury 2018
370 OliveFlyBacteria New Bacterial Pathogens and Endosymbionts of the Olive Fly, Bactrocera oleae, for the Development of Innovative Fruit Fly Biocontrol Strategies 2019
371 SMARTFAN Smart by Design and Intelligent by Architecture for turbine blade fan and structural components systems 2018
372 LOGISTAR Enhanced data management techniques for real time logistics planning and scheduling 2018
373 BIORECAR Direct cell reprogramming therapy in myocardial regeneration through an engineered multifunctional platform integrating biochemical instructive cues 2018
374 Couplet Transient climate change in the coupled atmosphere--ocean system 2018
375 FunMagResBeacons Functionalized Magnetic Resonance Beacons for Enhanced Spectroscopy and Imaging 2018
376 HOWPER An open or closed process: Determining the global scheme of perception 2018
377 PaVeS Parametrized Verification and Synthesis 2018
378 OCAL Optimal Control at Large 2018
379 HealthcareLabour Empirical evidence on the impact of the labour market on the production of healthcare and health 2018
380 APMPAL-HET Asset Prices and Macro Policy when Agents Learn and are Heterogeneous 2018
381 B2B Modeling spontaneous Breast cancer metastasis TO the Bone with a first-of-its-kind 3D device that recapitulates physiological tissue-level complexity. 2018
382 evFOUNDRY The Extracellular Vesicle Foundry 2018
383 CO-CREATE Confronting Obesity: Co-creating policy with youth 2018
384 COEXIST Bacteria-phage-antibiotic interactions in variable environments: a community ecology perspective 2018
385 botconnect Collaboration of humans and AI in the enterprise 2018
386 GI-BCT Disruptive imaging technology for accurate and painless breast cancer diagnosis 2018
387 BEMYEYES Be My Eyes - The mobile platform that allows sighted people to lend their eyes to the blind and visually impaired 2018
388 WoundRinse Preventing Chronic wound infections with a novel, antibiotic Wound Irrigation Solution; relieving patients from pain, risk of amputations and ensuring large cost savings for all Healthcare Systems. 2018
389 NoVaMigra Norms and Values in the European Migration and Refugee Crisis 2018
390 iMEC Real-time assessment of toxic sulphide in wastewater – market maturation of an Industrial Micro Electrochemical Cell 2018
391 Asterix Weeding robot for precision farming reducing herbicide usage by 95% 2018
392 SkinKer Absorbable and wearable keratin-based nanofibers for wound healing and skin reconstruction 2018
393 CV4RE Computer vision with an eye For Real Estate 2018
394 CollSupportSMEs Improvement of Support Capacities for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Agriculture and Agri-food Sector 2018
395 TARGETSS Targeting SWI/SNF complex function in cancer 2019
396 SAMCAPS Self-Assembled MicroCAPSules: Synthesis, Characterization, and Eco-friendly Application in Home Care Products 2018
397 ACORN Nanoparticle-Based Therapeutic Applications and Detection of Carbon Monoxide Releasing Molecules 2018
398 COSMOS Game theoretic Control for Complex Systems of Systems 2019
399 RePAST Strengthening European integration through the analysis of conflict discourses: revisiting the past, anticipating the future 2018
400 TheaTheor Theorizing the Production of 'Comedia Nueva': The Process of Play Configuration in Spanish Golden Age Theater 2018
401 SOMIT Leveraging a novel platform technology to develop a first-in-class immunotherapy for Celiac Disease 2018
402 KlotoDx KlotoDx A quick and cost-effective near-patient tool to identify sepsis-related bacteria and antibiotic resistances 2018
403 PIcelles Penetration-promoting and Imageable Polymeric Micelles as a Platform Technology for Individualized and Improved Tumor-targeted Drug Delivery 2018
404 CL-IO Commercial feasibility of non-pathogenic Clostridium-Mediated Cancer Immunotherapy: leveraging the presence of tumour hypoxia & necrosis 2018
405 COCLICAN COllaborative Consortium for the early detection of LIver CANcer 2018
406 REACH Renewable Energy and Connectivity Hub 2018
407 NanoPol Soft Biocompatible Polymeric Nanostructures: A Toolbox for Novel Generation of Nano Pharmaceuticals in Ophthalmology 2019
408 REACT REsponsive theranostic nanosystems for Advanced Cancer Treatment 2019
409 MIDNP Metal Ions Dynamic Nuclear Polarization: Novel Route for Probing Functional Materials with Sensitivity and Selectivity 2019
410 EPIC Enabling Precision Immuno-oncology in Colorectal cancer 2018
411 MOAB Miniaturised optically accessible bioreactor for drug discovery and biological research 2018
412 FitteR-CATABOLIC Survival of the Fittest: On how to enhance recovery from critical illness through learning from evolutionary conserved catabolic pathways 2018
413 EPI-X4Health Therapeutic potential of optimized derivatives of an endogenous CXCR4 antagonist for the treatment of cancers and inflammatory diseases 2018
414 ACT Communities of PrACTice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe 2018
415 STIMUNO Searching for novel strategies improving cancer immunotherapy 2019
416 INTEGRATA Integrating chemical and biological approaches to target NAD production and signaling in cancer 2018
417 SusDrug Sustainable Approach to Drug Discovery 2019
418 MIAMI Machine Learning-based Market Design 2018
419 AIMS-2-TRIALS Autism Innovative Medicine Studies – 2 – Trials 2018
420 DNAProteinCrosslinks DNA-protein crosslinks: endogenous origins and cellular responses. 2019
423 ColorSensing A quantitative, multifunctional, non-invasive and cost-effective food freshness indicator to reduce food waste 2018
424 SPEAR Supporting and Implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia and Research 2019
425 ChemPrime A new crop protection strategy by chemical priming of the plant immune system 2019
426 ERINHA-Advance Advancing European Research Infrastcuture on Highly Pathogenic Agents 2019
427 RUSTRANS The Dark Side of Translation: 20th and 21st Century Translation from Russian as a Political Phenomenon in the UK, Ireland, and the USA 2019
428 DAFINET Dynamic Attitude Fixing: A novel theory of opinion dynamics in social networks and its implications for computational propaganda in hybrid social networks (containing humans and bots) 2018
429 BUBBLE CURE Targeted microbubble vibrations to accurately diagnose and treat cardiac device-related bacterial biofilm infections 2019
430 Combat_ALS Development of new chemical tools to combat ALS 2019
431 ForeCast Ground-Breaking Software for Sustainable Smart City Planning 2018
432 NaturalDyers Textile mass-personalisation and process-automation, integrating the textile value-chain to deliver scalable ‘Virtual Giga Factory’ production of biodegradable woven textiles. 2018
433 INSTABRIQ Resource-efficient Machine for the Recycling of coal dust into High-calorie Briquettes 2018
434 IM2PACT Investigating Mechanisms and Models Predictive of Accessibility of Therapeutics (IM2PACT) Into The Brain 2019
435 SomSOM Self-organisation of microbial soil organic matter turnover 2019
436 MycoVAP Bacterial chassis for treating ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) 2019
439 URBANA Urban Arena for sustainable and equitable solutions 2019
440 wHiSPER investigating Human Shared PErception with Robots 2019
441 SafeWaterpark Ensuring the safest conditions in waterparks, public pools and hotel pools and facilitating crowd-based prevention across the world 2019
442 FRINGE Fluorescence and Reactive oxygen Intermediates by Neutron Generated electronic Excitation as a foundation for radically new cancer therapies 2019
443 HDPROBES Photoactivatable Sensors and Blinking Dyes for Live-Cell, Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy 2019
444 DREAM Distributed dynamic REpresentations for diAlogue Management 2019
445 BioLyco Biologic Lycopene from Tomatoes 2019
446 MP-101 a novel drug for prevention and treatment peripheral neuropathy symptoms 2019
447 INSPECS Improved Nano-Structure for Photocatalytic Efficient Cleaning of Surfaces 2019
448 SinFonia Synthetic biology-guided engineering of Pseudomonas putida for biofluorination 2019
449 CUSTOMISIZE New tailor-made sizing strategies for recycled carbon fibres to improve the mechanical properties of polymeric and cementitious composites 2019
450 Cr Free REAL Development and testing of innovative Cr Free solution for REmoval of Anodic Layers 2019
451 CancerFingerPrints Identification of nano-mechanical fingerprints as a biomarker for cancer treatment prognosis 2019
452 RESOLVE tPA-Nanoconstructs for Treating Acute Ischemic Stroke: a Technical and Commercial Analysis 2019
453 Cluster-Buster Development of small molecule inhibitors of circulating tumor cell clusters 2019
454 FOCUS Forced displacement and refugee-host community solidarity 2019
455 Amazonart Conquering Self-Representation: A Collaborative Approach to the Aesthetical-Political Dimension of Amazonian Contemporary Art 2019
456 RESIST3D Targeting drug resistance in ovarian cancer through large-scale drug-response profiling in physiologically relevant cancer organoids 2020
457 CHEMICROS CHEmically-mediated MICRobial Interactions maintained by the toxic dinoflagellate OStreopsis cf. ovata 2019
458 CIRICC Complicity: Individual Responsibility in Collective Contexts 2019
459 deCrYPtion Decrypting Mycobacterium cytochrome P450 (CYP) physiological functions by testing hypotheses emitted form large-scale comparative genomics analysis 2019
460 PoliticalPrisoners Political prisoners: a transnational question in 19th century Italy 2019
461 DiLeBaCo Distributed Learning-Based Control for Multi-Agent Systems 2019
462 GEARING ROLES Gender Equality Actions in Research Institutions to traNsform Gender ROLES 2019
463 COART-INT Decentralizing Conceptual Art's Internationalism: Latin American artists in Western Europe, 1968-1979 2019
464 PARNANT Pathogenetic pathways in age-related neurodegenerations as novel therapeutic targets for Parkinson’s disease 2019
465 Social Smart The Neural and Network Dynamics of Social Influence Across Adolescence 2019
466 CARES City Air Remote Emission Sensing 2019
467 THERAPROBES Biodegradable fluorescent nanoprobes for early detection of (pre)malignant lesions of the gastrointestinal tract 2019
468 Need2immune Personalized liposomal cancer vaccines within days by rapid formulation screening 2019
469 FUN2MODEL From FUnction-based TO MOdel-based automated probabilistic reasoning for DEep Learning 2019
470 COLEX Coopetition and Legislation in the Spanish Netherlands (1598-1665) 2019
471 Finite Memory Finite Memory and Dynamic Decision Problems 2020
472 F4TGLUT Food for thought: monitoring the effects of drugs and diet on neuronal glutamate release using nanoelectrodes 2019
473 ProDelivery High Throughput Synthesis of Polymeric Vesicles for Protein Delivery 2019
474 CoCoNat Coordination in constrained and natural distributed systems 2019
475 POLAR STAR Polymeric cyclodextrin-based nanoparticles for combination therapy of castrate-resistant prostate cancer 2019
476 CAR-OAC Carotid-artery-on-a-chip device to model thromboembolisms induced by vascular lesions and perform drug screenings 2020
477 FarGo 'Farming God's Way': Cultivation and religious practice in contemporary South Africa 2019
478 CULTUS Public Cults in Private Hands: the Appropriation of cult sites from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD 2019
479 PHOTOCYLINDER Photodynamic therapy enabled DNA-fork-binding metallo-cylinders: drugs and release triggers 2019
480 MODFaBe Modelling individual farmer behaviours in Coupled Human Natural Systems under changing climate and society 2020
481 OLECAT Development of Stereoselective Olefin Functionalization Methods 2019
482 BorderSens Border detection of illicit drugs and precursors by highly accurate electrosensors 2019
483 MIMIC Mapping and modulating integrin mediated interactions 2020
484 FEN INHIBITORS Development of Kinetoplastida Flap Endonuclease Inhibitors in Search for Novel Therapeutics 2020
485 SENTIMOUV Spatial and demographic dynamics of disease transfer at the wildlife-human interface 2020
486 PhenAnOx New Chemical Synthetic Methods for Reacting Phenols Selectively with Different Molecules and With Itself: Use of Electricity as a Sustainable, Economic and Traceless Reagent. 2020
487 SHOR Social History of Riding in Late Medieval Spain and the Early Modern Americas (13th-16th c.) 2020
488 MeNDD Metaphorical Narratives in Dementia Discourse 2019
489 VINCI The Value of Information and Choice to Improve Control. 2020
490 PePiPOM Peptide-functionalized POMs as biofilm disruption agents: searching for synergy in bactericidal materials 2019
491 REACT REcycling of waste ACrylic Textiles 2019
492 CHyMERA Monitoring cancer heterogeneity based on the dynamic assessment of the Warburg effect under metabolic perturbation 2019
493 HARP Heating Appliances Retrofit Planning 2019
494 HEMOSNOW HEMOSNOW: A revolution in haemostatic technology to stop bleeding in delicate surgery and enhance patient recovery 2019
495 HaLO How Language Oppresses 2019
496 UNPACK PD-L1 Molecular mechanism and inhibition of extracellular vesicle-mediated PD-L1 release in melanoma cells 2020
497 UNITE Unification Through Law: The Court of Justice of the European Union as Cultural-Moral Agent 2019
498 ATEMPGRAD Analysing Temperature Effects with a Mobile and Precise Gradient Device 2019
499 e-DNA BotStop e-DNA BotStop 2019
500 iv4XR Intelligent Verification/Validation for Extended Reality Based Systems 2019
501 PRESENT Photoreal REaltime Sentient ENTity 2019
502 Anti-L1CAM Anti-L1CAM antibody: A novel efficacious immunotherapy for pancreatic and ovarian cancer patients 2019
504 PYRATEX Natural, health-benefiting fabrics to protect our skin from external agents 2019
505 DEEPFIELD DeepField- Deep Learning in Field Robotics: from conceptualization towards implementation 2019
506 AB-DiRecT Antibiotic Distribution and Recovery in Tissue 2019
507 SEAS Science education for action and engagement towards sustainability 2019
508 OSHub Open Science Hub Network: Empowering Citizens through STEAM Education with Open Schooling 2019
509 PHERECLOS Partnerships for pathways to Higher Education and science engagement in Regional Clusters of Open Schooling 2019
510 CompuLaw Computable Law 2019
511 MABIOS The first microalgae platform for the production of anticancer biopharmaceuticals 2019
512 Promitil Promitil® - a new ‘smart’ nanomedicine for cancer chemo-radiotherapy. 2019
513 DrugPhosphoProfiler Accelerating drug and biomarker discovery through a new proteomic service: DrugPhosphoProfiler 2019
514 MIBEst Molecular Infection Biology Estonia - Research capacity building 2019
515 DIMMs Durable Infrastructure Materials Modified by self-assembled hollow nanostructured materials 2020
516 BIKEINSIDE Automated modular vertical parking for bicycles: guard your bike inside! 2019
517 SMARTINCS Self-healing, Multifunctional, Advanced Repair Technologies IN Cementitious Systems 2019
518 proEVLifeCycle The life cycle of extracellular vesicles in prostate cancer: from biogenesis and homing, to functional relevance 2019
519 PreMeDosE Precision Medicine via Diagnostic Enzyme Activity Testing 2020
520 NOVA-MRI Novel Applications in 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2020
521 CYPNASH Validation of a novel class of cyclophilin inhibitors for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis 2019
522 AutoCapSyn Capsule based machines for the automated synthesis of organic molecules for drug discovery and medicinal chemistry 2019
523 ElectroMed Electrochemically-enabled high-throughput peptidomics for next-generation precision medicine 2020
524 TRANSFORM Trafficking transformations: objects as agents in transnational criminal networks 2020
525 Back2theFuture Back to the Future: Future expectations and actions in late medieval and early modern Europe, c.1400-c.1830 2020
526 CustomerServiceAI CustomerServiceAI: Fully language-independent AI platform for automated and augmented customer service 2019
527 AlternativesToGd Hyperpolarised MR technologies and molecular probes as alternatives for conventional metal-containing contrast agents for MRI examinations 2019
528 Aware Aiding Antibiotic Development with Deep Analysis of Resistance Evolution 2019
529 COALA COALA - Cloud-based AI-driven and Language-agnostic Customer Support Assistant 2019
530 Cenya Ex vivo cell labelling for in vivo imaging applied to cell therapeutics 2019
531 PROT-RESIST Toward the Commercialization of a Proteolytically Resistant APPI Variant for Inhibiting Metastasis in Prostate and Pancreatic Cancer 2019
532 MitoRepairosome Dissecting the mechanism of DNA repair in human mitochondria 2020
533 AQUASERS The European first generation of aquaculture SERS-based Biosensor 2019
534 WELCOME Multiple Intelligent Conversation Agent Services for Reception, Management and Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU 2020
535 PAVE Preventing and Addressing Violent Extremism through Community Resilience in the Balkans and MENA 2020
536 PEriTiA Policy, Expertise, and Trust in Action 2020
537 EDAS HEALTHCARE AI-based infectious diseases diagnosis in seconds 2019
539 COMBINE Collaboration for Prevention and Treatment of MDR Bacterial Infections 2019
540 Bio-TUNE Fine tune of cellular behavior: multifunctional materials for medical implants 2020
541 SWORD Smart Wound monitoring Restorative Dressings 2020
542 Co-Change Co-Create Change in Research Funding and Performing 2020
545 CHUbVi Ubiquitin Chains in Viral Infections 2020
546 StuDySARCOMERE Structure and Cellular Dynamics of the Sarcomere 2020
547 BACCHUS MoBile Robotic PlAtforms for ACtive InspeCtion and Harvesting in AgricUltural AreaS 2020
548 NextGen Industrial breakthrough of plasma deposited functional Nanocoatings for Filtration Applications 2020
549 MITOvTOXO Understanding how mitochondria compete with Toxoplasma for nutrients to defend the host cell 2020
550 MAGNIFISCENT mesoscale multi-mode MRI of molecular targets 2020
551 DDREAMM Dna Damage REsponse: Actionabilities, Maps and Mechanisms 2020
552 KnowStudents From East to West, and Back Again: Student Travel and Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (c. 1470- c. 1620) 2020
553 HyperCube HyperCube: Gram scale production of ferrite nanocubes and thermo-responsive polymer coated nanocubes for medical applications and further exploitation in other hyperthermia fields 2020
554 SENATOR Staff Exchange for Novel applications in 19f magnetic resonance imaging 2020
555 LEAFHOUND Leader-follower hybrid control and task planning for multi-agent systems under spatiotemporal logic specifications 2020
556 Walleye The world’s first fully portable hand-held microwave imaging technology scanner 2019
557 SURE 3-D Super resolution Ultrasound Real time imaging of Erythrocytes 2020
558 RECYPION Resurrecting the Carboxyl Polyether Ionophores 2020
559 Ru4EYE Ruthenium-based photoactivated chemotherapy against eye cancer 2020
560 ClickandTreatCancer Ligand Directed NIR-based Theranostic Prodrugs for Prostate Cancer 2020
561 TMIM Textiles and the Making of Israeli Modernism: From the Zionist Bauhuas to Feminist Art 2020
562 OXYGEN The redox evolution of arc magmas: from the oxygenation of the Earth’s atmosphere to the genesis of giant hydrothermal ore deposits 2020
563 MAESTRO Magneto-Acoustically Engineered Steerable Robots 2020
564 ECOGAL Understanding our Galactic ecosystem: From the disk of the Milky Way to the formation sites of stars and planets 2020
565 TS4NC TS4NC: Therapeutic S4N Chelation targeting Alzheimer's Disease. 2020
566 DYNAMOD-VACCINE-DATA A new method for dynamic opinion modelling of surveys applied to vaccine hesitancy data 2020
567 COVADIS Deciphering the Code of Value Signals in the Human Brain 2020
568 SWEET The sweetest gender: feminine subjectivities and the gendering of sweets in Barcelona (1650-1800) 2020
569 CATKERB Total Syntheses of Catharanthine and Keramaphidin B by an Iridium-Catalyzed Reductive Cyclization Cascade 2020
570 ECURES Encouraging CUlture of REsponsible RoboticS 2021
571 PDASwITch Super-enhancer modules controlling plasticity and response to therapy in pancreatic cancer 2020
572 ICG68-PROG Imaging of c-Met aberrant cancers with Gallium-68 chelators for positron emission tomography 2020
573 HypoCyclo Multifunctional Polymeric Cyclodextrin Nanocarriers As Novel Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment: A Versatile Photo-Chemotherapy Bypassing Hypoxic Conditions 2020
574 antiCSC Targeting the cancer stem cell (CSC) metabolism with designed, reactive metal complexes 2020