Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Ecole polytechnique federale de lausanne"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 MEMSTICK Synaptic mechanisms of memory loss: novel cell adhesion molecules as therapeutic targets 2008 4˙138˙676.00 2˙970˙372.00
2 SENSORY THALAMUS Thalamic sensory processing during different behaviours 2008 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
3 CHAPERONES IN ND The Role of Molecular Chaperones in Parkinson' s Disease 2008 178˙163.00 178˙163.00
4 MNRGN The elucidation of the nuclear receptor gene regulatory network in mouse microglia 2008 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
5 SURUCO Sugar-linked Ruthenium-anticancer Complexes 2008 246˙744.00 246˙744.00
6 DC-LYMPH The Role of Lymphatic Vessels in Dendritic Cell Homing and Maturation 2008 1˙730˙966.00 1˙730˙966.00
7 ACAPOLY Academia and Company collaboration and technology transfer in Advanced POLYmers 2008 521˙706.00 521˙706.00
8 NEMSIC Hybrid Nano-Electro-Mechanical / Integrated Circuit Systems for Sensing and Power Management Applications 2008 5˙157˙875.00 3˙899˙998.00
9 PARVIRDIS Enhancing natural wastewater treatment systems: the role of particles in sunlight-mediated virus inactivation 2008 188˙793.00 188˙793.00
10 SIMP Ultra-high-Q Physics: Towards single molecules and phonons 2008 1˙332˙000.00 1˙332˙000.00
11 ULTRAsponder Invivo Ultrasonic Transponder System for Biomedical Applications 2008 4˙325˙722.00 3˙149˙997.00
12 TOBI Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction 2008 11˙922˙155.00 9˙049˙996.00
13 ANGIOSCAFF Angiogenesis-inducing Bioactive and Bioresponsive Scaffolds in Tissue Enginering 2008 15˙468˙430.00 11˙631˙240.00
14 BREASTCANCERWNTDDR Mechanisms underlying Wnt-induced DNA Damage Response in primary human breast epithelial cells 2008 180˙431.00 180˙431.00
15 EQUIARITH Equidistribution in number theory 2008 866˙000.00 866˙000.00
16 LAXALGHOMOTOP Lax Algebras in Homotopy Theory 2009 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
17 MATHCARD Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of the Cardiovascular System 2009 1˙810˙992.00 1˙810˙992.00
18 RINEC "River networks as ecological corridors for biodiversity, populations and waterborne disease (RINEC)" 2009 1˙146˙200.00 1˙146˙200.00
19 NANOPEC Nanostructured Photoelectrodes for Energy Conversion 2009 3˙589˙188.00 2˙699˙909.00
20 SIRTUINS Phenogenomics of sirtuin corepressor family 2009 2˙485˙000.00 2˙485˙000.00
21 SYSTEMSHOX.CH A System Approach to Hox Genes Regulation in Vertebrates 2009 2˙418˙000.00 2˙418˙000.00
22 FMWK 1870-2008 "The surfaces of cement and reinforced concrete. A history of the formworks and processing of the surface, 1870-2008" 2009 660˙000.00 660˙000.00
23 GUTDROSO Gut immunity and homeostasis in Drosophila 2009 1˙485˙626.00 1˙485˙626.00
24 ECC SCIENG Error-correcting codes and their applications in Science and Engineering 2009 1˙959˙998.00 1˙959˙998.00
25 CENDUP Decoding the mechanisms of centrosome duplication 2009 2˙004˙155.00 2˙004˙155.00
26 TERRA "Telomeric Repeat Containing RNA: Biogenesis, Composition and Function" 2009 2˙385˙047.00 2˙385˙047.00
27 SEMISYNTHESIS Semisynthesis of caged a-Syn 2009 180˙801.00 180˙801.00
28 NANOIMMUNE Nanoparticle Vaccines: At the interface of bionanotechnology and adaptive immunity 2009 2˙499˙424.00 2˙499˙424.00
29 PLKS IN PD Elucidating the Role of Phosphorylation by Polo-like kinases in Modulating Alpha-Synuclein Aggregation and Toxicity in Parkinson's disease and Related Disorders 2009 180˙234.00 180˙234.00
30 STOADA Synthesis of Targeted Organometallic Anticancer Drugs and their mode of Action 2009 189˙163.00 189˙163.00
32 NOWIRE Network Coding for Wireless Networks 2009 1˙771˙520.00 1˙771˙520.00
33 FLATRONICS Electronic devices based on nanolayers 2009 1˙799˙996.00 1˙799˙996.00
34 ORGELNANOCARBMATER A Universal Supramolecular Approach toward Organic Electronic Materials and Nanostructured Carbonaceous Materials from Molecular Precursors 2009 1˙700˙000.00 1˙700˙000.00
35 BIOENGINEERED NICHES Bioengineering the neural stem cell niche to identify regulators of fate determination 2009 190˙297.00 190˙297.00
36 UFO Uncovering the origins of friction 2009 1˙773˙000.00 1˙773˙000.00
37 CURVACE Curved Artificial Compound Eyes 2009 2˙726˙578.00 2˙090˙085.00
38 SBLIME Systems Biology of Lipids Metabolism 2009 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
39 MINE Molecular Interfacial structure and dynamics of Nanoscopic droplets in Emulsions (MINE) 2009 1˙149˙999.00 1˙149˙999.00
40 PALMASSEMBLY Protein assembly: From the molecular scale to the mesoscale with super-resolution imaging 2009 1˙542˙518.00 1˙542˙518.00
41 NOVEL TOOLS IN PD Novel tools for real time monitoring and quantification of protein aggregation in Parkinson s disease and related neurodegenerative disorders 2009 1˙495˙400.00 1˙495˙400.00
42 CCCM Cooperative Communications with Confidential Messages 2009 251˙049.00 251˙049.00
43 UPCON Ultra-Pure nanowire heterostructures and energy CONversion 2010 1˙286˙000.00 1˙286˙000.00
44 CALYX MMFF Molecular mechanisms of the formation and early function of calyx of Held synapses in the auditory brainstem 2010 189˙730.00 189˙730.00
45 QM Quantum Measurements and Ground State Cooling of Mechanical Oscillators 2010 172˙565.00 172˙565.00
46 CARDIAC Coordination Action in R&D in Accessible and Assistive ICT 2010 562˙449.00 499˙991.00
47 NANOSYS "Nanosystems: Architectures, Design and Applications" 2010 2˙499˙594.00 2˙499˙594.00
48 VVINCANCER Novel vinca alkaloids analogs as anticancer agents: a multidisciplinary quest 2010 172˙565.00 172˙565.00
49 STEMCELLSTRESSCHIP "Microfluidic device for high-throughput three-dimensional culture, mechanical stimulation and drug screening of stem cells" 2010 173˙565.00 173˙565.00
50 LABCHIP_MULTIPLEX Simultaneous Detection of Multiple DNA and Protein Targets on Paramagnetic Beads Packed in Microfluidic Channels using Quantum Dots as Tracers 2010 1˙400˙000.00 1˙400˙000.00
51 SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS Somatosensory signals and the “I” of conscious experience in healthy subjects and neurological patients 2010 172˙565.00 172˙565.00
52 TCPBRCBDP Tandem catalysis for the production of biofuel related chemicals from biomass derived polyols 2010 181˙970.00 181˙970.00
53 FEAR AND TRAUMA Neurobiology of the persistence of traumatic memories 2010 172˙565.00 172˙565.00
54 SPARSAM Sparse Sampling: Theory, Algorithms and Applications 2010 1˙839˙174.00 1˙839˙174.00
55 DPRETB "Exploring decaprenyl-phosphoryl ribose epimerase (DprE1) as a validated target for TB drug discovery: Assay development, high-throughput screening and search for novel DprE1 inhibitor scaffolds" 2010 174˙065.00 174˙065.00
56 "SPICES, GUT & BRAIN" "TRP Channels in Gut and Brain – Function, Role and Ligand Crosstalk" 2010 173˙565.00 173˙565.00
57 EXCITONIC SOLAR CELL Photovoltaic Excitonic Solar Cells 2010 182˙970.00 182˙970.00
58 WANDLAND Effects of wetting and drying cycles on landslide activity 2010 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
59 STEEPER Steep subthreshold slope switchesnfor energy efficient electronics 2010 6˙111˙900.00 4˙099˙999.00
60 MONO-U4 Microbial and Geochemical Factors influencing the speciation of uranium in the subsurface 2010 174˙065.00 174˙065.00
61 PPIDR Privacy-Preserving Intrusion Detection and Response in Wireless Communications 2010 165˙865.00 165˙865.00
62 SPADnet Fully Networked, Digital Components for Photon-starved Biomedical Imaging Systems 2010 5˙301˙770.00 3˙700˙000.00
63 BIOCARB Carbonate Biomineralization in the Marine Environment: Paleo-climate proxies and the origin of vital effects 2010 2˙182˙000.00 2˙182˙000.00
64 BOI Body-Object Integration (BOI): The neurocognitive basis of integrating conceptual object knowledge in the body representation 2010 180˙970.00 180˙970.00
65 EMM3 Emerging Materials and Methods for 3rd generation solar cells 2010 250˙392.00 250˙392.00
66 CIFINE Controlling information flow in multi-layered neuronal networks 2010 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
67 PORABEL Nanopore integrated nanoelectrodes for biomolecular manipulation and sensing 2010 1˙439˙840.00 1˙439˙840.00
68 LOVE Low-temperature heat valorisation towards electricity production 2010 5˙061˙351.00 3˙299˙789.00
69 TRANSCEND Understanding Transport for Concrete which is Eco friendly iNnovative and Durable 2010 4˙036˙120.00 4˙036˙120.00
70 SUBSPARSE Geometric and combinatorial foundations for emerging information and inference systems 2010 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
71 USED Ultrafast Spectroscopic Electron Diffraction (USED) of quantum solids and thin films 2010 1˙464˙000.00 1˙464˙000.00
72 CLEANLE Concept Study of a cleaning device for wing leading edges 2010 39˙940.00 29˙955.00
73 WALK AGAIN Multi-pronged Strategies to Regain Voluntary Motor Functions after Spinal Cord Injury 2010 1˙395˙540.00 1˙395˙540.00
74 MICROTHRUST MEMS-Based Electric Micropropulsion for Small Spacecraft to Enable Robotic Space Exploration and Space Science 2010 2˙842˙535.00 1˙992˙906.00
75 CAT4ENSUS Molecular Catalysts Made of Earth-Abundant Elements for Energy and Sustainability 2011 1˙475˙712.00 1˙475˙712.00
76 RMSSSHMP "Role of the mitochondrial sirtuins, SIRT3 and SIRT5, in hepatic metabolism and pathology." 2011 173˙565.00 173˙565.00
77 BOROMAT Boronic acids as building blocks for construction of molecular nanostructures and polymeric materials 2011 181˙970.00 181˙970.00
78 COSYM Computational Symmetry for Geometric Data Analysis and Design 2011 1˙160˙301.00 1˙160˙301.00
79 ESKIN Stretchable Electronic Skins 2011 1˙499˙737.00 1˙499˙737.00
80 RIGIDITY "Rigidity: Groups, Geometry and Cohomology" 2011 1˙332˙710.00 1˙332˙710.00
81 CONQUEST Controlled quantum effects and spin technology - from non-equilibrium physics to functional magnetics 2011 1˙500˙000.00 1˙500˙000.00
82 DOPPLER Domain-optimised parallelisation by polymorphic language embeddings and rewritings 2011 2˙392˙400.00 2˙392˙400.00
83 FUN-SP "A functional framework for sparse, non-gaussian signal processing and bioimaging" 2011 2˙106˙994.00 2˙106˙994.00
84 KRABNKAP KRAB/KAP1-mediated gene regulation in mammalian physiology and human diseases 2011 2˙499˙996.00 2˙499˙996.00
85 Guardian Angels Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life 2011 1˙712˙293.00 1˙404˙838.00
86 HBP Human Brain Project 2011 1˙632˙174.00 1˙414˙388.00
87 COMCOM Communication and Computation - Two Sides of One Tapestry 2011 1˙776˙472.00 1˙776˙472.00
88 MULTIRULES Synaptic multi-factor learning rules: from action potentials to behaviour 2011 2˙449˙218.00 2˙449˙218.00
89 ESDEMUU Efficient sequential decision making under uncertainty 2011 232˙777.00 232˙777.00
90 COMPLEXDATA "Statistics for Complex Data: Understanding Randomness, Geometry and Complexity with a view Towards Biophysics" 2011 681˙145.00 681˙145.00
91 MOBILE-W Exploring Mobile Interfaces: Domain Walls as Functional Elements 2011 2˙475˙600.00 2˙475˙600.00
92 DINURU The Synthesis and Evaluation of Organometallic Dinuclear Ruthenium Complexes as Anti-Cancer Drugs 2011 178˙601.00 178˙601.00
93 PHOMULDNAPOL Photoresponsive multifunctional DNA block copolymer nanocarriers for drug delivery and vaccine development 2011 236˙283.00 236˙283.00
95 IRCOMB Monolithic Frequency Comb Generators In the Mid-Infrared 2011 181˙101.00 181˙101.00
96 FUTURE PROOF Theoretical and Algorithmic Foundations for Future Proof Information and Inference Systems 2012 1˙824˙220.00 1˙824˙220.00
97 ALGILE Foundations of Algebraic and Dynamic Data Management Systems 2012 1˙480˙548.00 1˙480˙548.00
98 SIMCOMICS Simulation of droplets in complex microchannels 2012 1˙405˙796.00 1˙405˙796.00
99 USOM Ultrastrong optomechanical coupling for quantum optomechanics experiments and novel radiation-pressure devices 2012 186˙028.00 186˙028.00
100 SCALABIM Scalable Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning and Imaging 2012 1˙401˙697.00 1˙401˙697.00
101 NOBUGS Toward Zero-Defect Software Through Automatic Cooperative Self-Improvement 2012 1˙334˙977.00 1˙334˙977.00
102 INTERNEURONS Optogenetic decomposition of inhibitory micro-circuits in the mouse V1 and S1 2012 236˙033.00 236˙033.00
103 POLARITRONICS Manipulation of trapped quantum polariton fluids 2012 2˙000˙000.00 2˙000˙000.00
104 HIVESIGN High Impact Vector Signaling for Energy and Pin Efficient Communication between Electronic Components 2012 168˙224.00 150˙000.00
105 NEUROGLIAFORM CELLS Contribution of neurogliaform cells to signal flow in the barrel cortex during whisking behaviour 2012 178˙601.00 178˙601.00
106 MARCONI Nano-scale and Artificial Materials for Adaptive Electromagnetic Wave Control 2012 184˙709.00 184˙709.00
107 OPPORTUNISTIC-DSP Opportunistic Approximations to Break the Traditional Efficiency Limits of Flexible DSP Implementations 2012 184˙709.00 184˙709.00
108 XBEBOA Extreme ultraviolet and X-ray spectroscopy to understand dynamics beyond the Born Oppenheimer Approximation 2012 264˙112.00 264˙112.00
109 MIRSS Parametric fiber-based Mid-IR Swept-Source 2012 75˙000.00 75˙000.00
110 SENSORIMOTOR Synaptic Mechanisms of Cortical Sensorimotor Integration 2012 2˙340˙000.00 2˙340˙000.00
111 QPOS Quantum Phenomena in Optomechanical Systems 2012 184˙709.00 184˙709.00
112 PHASENANOCRACKER The Metallurgical Nutcracker: Probing at the Nanoscale the Structure and Properties of Hard Second Phases in Alloys and Composites 2012 2˙496˙000.00 2˙496˙000.00
113 AMORPH Analysis and Modelling of the Reactivity of Pozzolans during Cement Hydration 2012 192˙622.00 192˙622.00
114 CQOM Cavity Quantum Optomechanics 2012 5˙717˙363.00 5˙717˙363.00
115 IDSC Indoor Dye Sensitized Solar Cells 2012 160˙400.00 148˙440.00
116 RASTREO multi-Reconfigurable Antenna SoluTions based on REflectarray technOlogy 2012 184˙709.00 184˙709.00
117 TRANSFORMERSURFACES Dynamic Libraries for the Synthesis of New Multifunctional Silica Striped Nanoparticles 2012 184˙709.00 184˙709.00
118 PRESSUREOSCILLATIONS Pressure Oscillations: A New Lung Therapy Approach 2012 128˙182.00 128˙182.00
119 OQL Optomechanics at the Quantum Level 2012 179˙101.00 179˙101.00
120 TOPOMAT Topological insulators: computational exploration of emerging electronic materials 2012 1˙643˙997.00 1˙643˙997.00
121 WHITELIGHT Polymer-Based Color Conversion Films for White Lighting Devices 2012 162˙700.00 148˙400.00
122 LIDA "Light on the Dark: Probing Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Dark Ages" 2012 2˙499˙935.00 2˙499˙935.00
123 CELL CYCLE PALM Quantifying regulatory protein diffusion in the bacterial cell cycle by high-throughput single particle tracking PALM 2012 192˙622.00 192˙622.00
124 SKILLASSIST Skill Assistance with Robot for Manual Welding 2012 248˙451.00 248˙451.00
125 STEMCHIP Probing organ-level stem cell dynamics on a chip 2012 1˙500˙000.00 1˙500˙000.00
126 NAMIC Nanowire Atomic Force Microscopy for Real Time Imaging of Nanoscale Biological Processes 2012 1˙264˙640.00 1˙264˙640.00
127 COMPOREL Large-Scale Computational Screening and Design of Highly-ordered pi-conjugated Molecular Precursors to Organic Electronic 2012 1˙482˙240.00 1˙482˙240.00
128 POLYTE Polynomial term structure models 2012 995˙155.00 995˙155.00
129 BUILDNET Smart Building Networks 2012 1˙460˙232.00 1˙460˙232.00
130 IMPRO Implicit Programming 2012 1˙439˙240.00 1˙439˙240.00
131 HI-SENS Surface Enhanced NMR Spectroscopy 2013 3˙449˙400.00 3˙449˙400.00
132 DETECT "Describing Evolution with Theoretical, Empirical, and Computational Tools" 2013 1˙119˙307.00 1˙119˙307.00
133 MATISSE Middle Infrared Broadly Tunable Compact Cavity-Less Source based on Parametric Conversion 2013 1˙499˙972.00 1˙499˙972.00
134 VIR4ENV Virulence factors of facultative pathogens and their role outside the human host 2013 1˙698˙924.00 1˙698˙924.00
135 STOPP VEHICLES Specific Targeting of Organelles using Peptide-Polymer Vehicles 2013 184˙709.00 184˙709.00
136 MOWSES Nanoelectronics based on two-dimensional dichalcogenides 2013 3˙703˙140.00 3˙703˙140.00
137 SIGT-OR-G Signal transduction of Olfactory Receptors to their G protein 2013 138˙532.00 138˙532.00
138 ARIPHYHIMO Arithmetic and physics of Higgs moduli spaces 2013 1˙304˙945.00 1˙304˙945.00
139 COHABIT Consequences of helminth-bacterial interactions 2013 1˙480˙612.00 1˙480˙612.00
140 CASDKP Synthesis of Diketopiperazine Based Bioactive Compounds via Palladium Catalyzed Cascade Alkynylation Reactions 2013 192˙622.00 192˙622.00
141 E-WALK Spinal cord rehabilitation enhanced by the use of data-driven and dynamic cortical state models 2013 192˙622.00 192˙622.00
142 MATH2WARD From math to ward: mathematical models in the doctor's hand 2013 167˙983.00 149˙785.00
143 MEMSFORLIFE Microfluidic systems for the study of living roundworms (Caenorhabditis elegans) and tissues 2013 2˙492˙400.00 2˙492˙400.00
144 GUTENCODE Decoding the transcriptional networks controlling the adult Drosophila midgut compartmentalization 2013 184˙709.00 184˙709.00
145 LYMPHIMMUNE Flow in the tumor microenvironment: Linking mechanobiology with immunology 2013 2˙499˙636.00 2˙499˙636.00
146 VOLTSENS Probing the sequence determinants of ion channel voltage sensing via computation: towards the design of custom-tailored voltage-sensing modules 2013 264˙112.00 264˙112.00
147 EPFL FELLOWS "Experienced Researcher Fellowship Programme at the ""Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)""" 2013 5˙713˙779.00 2˙285˙511.00
148 COCHALPEC Development of electrodes based on copper chalcogenide nanocrystals for photoelectrochemical energy conversion 2013 184˙709.00 184˙709.00
149 NOVELTAP Novel diagnostic Tools for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases 2013 159˙592.00 147˙936.00
150 QUREM Cavity Quantum Optomechanics: Exploring mechanical oscillators in the quantum regime 2013 2˙496˙000.00 2˙496˙000.00
151 FASTSCAN "Fast, Targetted, High-Throughput Scanning Electron Microscopy" 2013 166˙000.00 149˙100.00
152 3D-MAPS 3D Dark Matter and Stellar Mass Mapping of Wide Field Imaging Survey 2013 192˙622.00 192˙622.00
153 HALLMARKS-TO-THERAPY "Intersecting hallmarks of cancer: mechanisms of and interplay between invasion and angiogenesis, guiding new strategies for cancer therapy" 2013 2˙500˙000.00 2˙500˙000.00
154 HYPERBOLE HYdropower plants PERformance and flexiBle Operation towards Lean integration of new renewable Energies 2013 6˙232˙785.00 4˙325˙542.00
155 HBP The Human Brain Project 2013 72˙729˙860.00 54˙000˙000.00
156 SYNSIGNAL Synthetic Cellular Signaling Circuits 2013 9˙413˙071.00 7˙279˙203.00
157 MOBILE2DG Mobile Two Dimensional Gas 2013 165˙040.00 149˙869.00
158 E2SWITCH Energy Efficient Tunnel FET Switches and Circuits 2013 6˙216˙649.00 4˙374˙000.00
159 QCDOM Quantum Coherence and Decoherence in Cavity Optomechanics 2013 184˙709.00 184˙709.00
160 OPTAPPROX Strong Convex Relaxations with Optimal Approximation Guarantees 2014 1˙451˙052.00 1˙451˙052.00
161 CEMOS Crystal Engineering for Molecular Organic Semiconductors 2014 1˙477˙472.00 1˙477˙472.00
162 MIOCTI Modeling and Integration of Orchestrated Classrooms through Tangible and paper Interfaces 2014 184˙709.00 184˙709.00
163 ITOOLS4MC Hypervalent Iodine Reagents: A Tool Kit for Accessing Molecular Complexity 2014 1˙500˙000.00 1˙500˙000.00
164 HARNESS Advanced Resonant Nano Electromechanical SystemS 2014 87˙500.00 87˙500.00
165 TARGID Host target identification of anti-virulence drugs 2014 192˙622.00 192˙622.00
166 METAFERW Modeling and controlling traffic congestion and propagation in large-scale urban multimodal networks 2014 1˙242˙162.00 1˙242˙162.00
167 PRECOMET Predictive Computational Metallurgy 2014 2˙347˙920.00 2˙347˙920.00
168 PALMERA Roles of Palmitoylation networks in ER architecture and functions 2014 2˙443˙949.00 2˙443˙949.00
169 SOLICOMB Soliton Kerr Physics in microresonator-bases frequency combs 2014 199˙317.00 199˙317.00
170 GAPS Guiding Physical Security by Proofs 2014 199˙317.00 199˙317.00
171 CENFOR Dissecting the mechanisms governing centriole formation 2014 2˙499˙270.00 2˙499˙270.00
172 GRYPHON Tunable Graphene Nanostructures for Plasmon-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy 2014 199˙317.00 199˙317.00
173 STRICTSYN Collective Syntheses and Biological Evaluation of Akuammiline Indole Alkaloids 2014 207˙928.00 207˙928.00
174 TRUEVIEW Time-Resolved Ultrafast Electron Visualization of Evanescent Waves 2014 199˙317.00 199˙317.00
175 VIDA Transforming Raw Data into Information through Virtualization 2014 1˙976˙762.00 1˙976˙762.00
176 DROSOSPIRO The Drosophila-Spiroplasma interaction as a model to dissect the molecular mechanisms underlying insect endosymbiosis 2014 1˙963˙926.00 1˙963˙926.00
177 CYTRIX Engineering Cytokines for Super-Affinity Binding to Matrix in Regenerative Medicine 2014 2˙368˙170.00 2˙368˙170.00
178 ROBOMED Commercialisation of a robotic platform enabling high-precision force control in multi-dimensional applications 2014 163˙669.00 149˙757.00
179 CYPEPUTICS Tricyclic Peptides for the Development of Therapeutics 2014 199˙317.00 199˙317.00
180 AOC Adversary-Oriented Computing 2014 2˙147˙012.00 2˙147˙012.00
181 CLEANLE2 Demonstration of a Decontamination Device Protoype for buisness jets and Experimental Validation 2014 649˙332.00 470˙971.00
182 GUT IMMUNITY GRNS Characterizing the Gene Regulatory Networks Mediating Gut Immunocompetence in Drosophila 2014 268˙685.00 268˙685.00
183 MSAXSC A multi-scale numerical approach for a consistent understanding and modelling of structural concrete 2014 207˙928.00 207˙928.00
184 WII "Water, Ions, Interfaces: Quantum effects, charge and cooperativity in water, aqueous solutions and interfaces" 2014 1˙999˙983.00 1˙999˙983.00
185 NERVE-REPAIR Development of biodegradable conducting scaffolds for treating peripheral nerve lesions taking into account the influence of mechanical vibrations on neurons regeneration in tissue engineering 2015 282˙542.00 282˙542.00

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