The page lists 1021 projects related to the topic "competitiveness".
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1 | EUCYS 2014 | European Union Contest for Young Scientists 2014 | 2014 |
2 | AtlantOS | Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System | 2015 |
3 | SUSFANS | Metrics, Models and Foresight for European Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security | 2015 |
4 | FATIMA | FArming Tools for external nutrient Inputs and water MAnagement | 2015 |
5 | ParaFishControl | Advanced Tools and Research Strategies for Parasite Control in European farmed fish | 2015 |
6 | SIS-RRI | Science, Innovation and Society: achieving Responsible Research and Innovation | 2014 |
7 | SUCCESS | Strategic Use of Competitiveness towards Consolidating the Economic Sustainability of the european Seafood sector | 2015 |
9 | CARBAZYMES | Sustainable industrial processes based on a C-C bond-forming enzyme platform | 2015 |
10 | EcoPROLIVE | Ecofriendly PROcessing System for the full exploitation of the OLIVE health potential in products of added value | 2015 |
11 | FieldFOOD | Integration of PEF in food processing for improving food quality, safety and competitiveness | 2015 |
12 | PrimeFish | Developing Innovative Market Orientated Prediction Toolbox to Strengthen the Economic Sustainability and Competitiveness of European Seafood on Local and Global markets | 2015 |
13 | ENGRes2014 | EU2014 Conference on the Empowerment of the Next Generation of Researchers - “Promoting talents, spreading excellence” | 2014 |
14 | IN2RAIL | Innovative Intelligent Rail | 2015 |
15 | NIPSE | Novel Integration of Powerplant System Equipment | 2015 |
16 | NeTIRail-INFRA | Needs Tailored Interoperable Railway | 2015 |
17 | FLEXOP | Flutter Free FLight Envelope eXpansion for ecOnomical Performance improvement | 2015 |
18 | EXTREME | EXTREME Dynamic Loading - Pushing the Boundaries of Aerospace Composite Material Structures | 2015 |
19 | PSYMBIOSYS | Product-Service sYMBIOtic SYStems | 2015 |
20 | sCorPiuS | European Roadmap for Cyber-Physical Systems in Manufacturing | 2015 |
21 | MEMAN | Integral Material and Energy flow MANagement in MANufacturing metal mechanic sector | 2015 |
22 | SYMBIO-TIC | Symbiotic Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly: Technologies, Innovations and Competitiveness | 2015 |
24 | MaMMoTH-Up | Massively extended Modular Monitoring for Upper Stages | 2015 |
25 | CAPTure | Competitive SolAr Power Towers – CAPTure | 2015 |
26 | CannaPreg | Development of pregnenolone derivatives as allosteric inhibitors of CB1 cannabinoid receptors for the treatment of schizophrenia and psychotic syndromes | 2015 |
27 | BINGO | Breeding Invertebrates for Next Generation BioControl (BINGO) | 2015 |
28 | EECIPInnoman | Provision of services to enhance the innovation management capacities of SMEs in the East of England - 2014 | 2014 |
29 | E-KnoT | E-GNSS Knowledge Triangle | 2015 |
30 | FAME | Flexible and Mobile Economic Processing Technologies | 2015 |
31 | Real-Time-Mining | Real-time optimization of extraction and the logistic process in highly complex geological and selective mining settings | 2015 |
32 | IPCOS | Imprinted Polymers as Coffee Sensors | 2015 |
33 | BRODISE | BROWNFIELD Decontamination In Southern Europe. Preparing PCP to R+D for efficient, cost effective and innovative solutions for brownfields decontamination | 2015 |
34 | InnovImp | Improving the Innovation Management Capacities of SMEs | 2014 |
35 | INNOKAM | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein | 2014 |
36 | AdapTT | Real time therapy planning for Thermal based therapy modalities in oncology care. | 2015 |
37 | CoACH | Advanced glasses, Composites And Ceramics for High growth Industries | 2015 |
38 | INCAME | INnovation CApacities of Mediterranean Enterprises | 2014 |
39 | Biorapid | Rapid Bioprocess Development | 2015 |
40 | INNO-HUN2014 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2014 |
41 | Magic SWF SMEs | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West France SMEs | 2014 |
42 | KANT | Key Account management and inNovation capacity support services for Triveneto SME’s | 2014 |
43 | INNO RO 4 EUROPE | Enhancing economic impact in SME's in Romania by building innovation management capacity | 2014 |
44 | SEIMED-INNOSUP | SEIMED support to enhance the innovation management of SMEs | 2014 |
45 | EIIRCBG_H2020 | Establishing services Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in Bulgaria | 2014 |
47 | MED4INNO | French MEDiterranean Support for INNOvative SMEs | 2014 |
48 | THURINN | Assessment and capacity building on innovation management for potential- and successful proposers of the HORIZON 2020 SME calls | 2014 |
49 | BASQUE_SME | Support Services to Basque SMEs to Enhance Innovation Management Capacities during 2014 | 2014 |
51 | EURACTE INNOV | Advanced support services to enhance the innovation management capacity and SME Instrument projects of northern France SMEs | 2014 |
52 | CESEAND INNO-ASES | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. | 2014 |
53 | MyCyFAPP | Innovative approach for self-management and social welfare of Cystic Fibrosis patients in Europe: development, validation and implementation of a telematics tool. | 2015 |
54 | DiCoMo | Direct conversion hybrid-organic X-ray detectors on metal oxide backplane | 2015 |
55 | fromROLLtoBAG | Consumer Driven Local Production with the Help of Virtual Design and Digital Manufacturing | 2015 |
56 | AEROWORKS | Collaborative Aerial Robotic Workers | 2015 |
57 | SWEEPER | Sweet Pepper Harvesting Robot | 2015 |
58 | AutoPost | Deformable Surface Tracking and Alpha Matting for the Automation of Post-production Workflows | 2015 |
59 | SMARTSET | High Performance Low Cost Virtual Studios for Creative Industries SMEs | 2015 |
60 | AquaSmart | Aquaculture Smart and Open Data Analytics as a Service | 2015 |
61 | GateOne | GateOne - Innovation Service for European Smartization by SMEs | 2015 |
62 | RAPID-MIX | Realtime Adaptive Prototyping for Industrial Design of Multimodal Interactive eXpressive technology | 2015 |
63 | EuDEco | Modelling the European data economy | 2015 |
64 | RobDREAM | Optimising Robot Performance while Dreaming | 2015 |
65 | VirCoin2SME | Social, complementary or community virtual currencies transfer of knowledge to SME: a new era for competitiveness and entrepreneurship | 2014 |
66 | ENviSION | EmpoweriNg (European) SME business model InnovatiON | 2015 |
67 | I3U | Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union | 2015 |
68 | ERN | The European Remanufacturing Network - coordinating and supporting European remanufacturers | 2015 |
69 | ENF2015 | EuroNanoForum 2015 | 2014 |
70 | Flex4Grid | Prosumer Flexibility Services for Smart Grid Management | 2015 |
71 | FLEXICIENCY | energy services demonstrations of demand response, FLEXibility and energy effICIENCY based on metering data | 2015 |
72 | GEMM | Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets | 2015 |
73 | IIT | Industrial Innovation in Transition | 2015 |
74 | IN-BEE | Assessing the intangibles: the socioeconomic benefits of improving energy efficiency | 2015 |
76 | MPSAT | Multi-Payload satellite as an innovative service for technology experimentation in space | 2014 |
77 | 16gAirTest | Development of replacement method for all kind of 16g dynamically tested aircraft cushions. | 2014 |
78 | Ultramelt | An innovative, disruptive, advanced technology for ultrasonic flow enhancement of injection moulding that significantly reduces cooling times improves productivity | 2014 |
79 | REBOOT | Retrofit all-Electric Bus for reduced Operator Operating costs in urban Transport (REBOOT) | 2014 |
80 | PILOTS | Prototyping Internet Lot of Things Software | 2014 |
81 | EB2BSN | Let us build the first European Business-to-Business Social Network | 2014 |
82 | AERFOR | Proactive Passenger Flow Management for Airports with an Advanced Forecasting System | 2014 |
83 | MPerS | Sustainable Mixed-ion Layered Perovskite Solar Cells | 2015 |
84 | Flex-ON | Flexible Optical Networks – Time Domain Hybrid QAM: DSP and Physical Layer Modelling | 2015 |
85 | ECOCHAMPS | European COmpetitiveness in Commercial Hybrid and AutoMotive PowertrainS | 2015 |
86 | FOX | Forever Open infrastructure across (X) all transport modes | 2015 |
87 | Silver Stream | Social innovation and light electric vehicle revolution on streets and ambient | 2015 |
88 | SafeCloud | Secure and Resilient Cloud Architecture | 2015 |
89 | ASCENT | Access to European Nanoelectronics Network | 2015 |
90 | DebtRisks | Public Debt: Risk Management and Restructuring Optimization | 2016 |
91 | SOS-Nano | Structure – Oxidative Stress relationships of metal oxide nanoparticles in the aquatic environment | 2015 |
92 | HISTORIC | High efficiency GaInP/GaAs Tandem wafer bonded solar cell on silicon | 2015 |
93 | UltraTherMicroscope | Ultra-sensitive Thermal Nanoscale Microscope | 2015 |
94 | SMARTLAW | Towards a regulatory framework for climate smart agriculture | 2016 |
95 | WetCarb | Wetland Emissions of Carbon (CO2 and CH4) in China under Climate Change: Analysis, Development and Implementation | 2015 |
96 | SEAGAS | Multi-disciplinary Comparison of Fluid Venting from Gas Hydrate Systems on the Mediterranean and Brazilian Continental Margins over Glacial-Interglacial Timescales | 2016 |
97 | COUPCAT | Coupling dimerisation and metathesis reactions to produce propene from ethanol using heterogeneous catalysts and microreactor systems | 2015 |
98 | QuantuM-nano | Quantum Measurements with Bose-Einstein condensates strongly coupled to nanophotonic structures | 2015 |
99 | 2D Hetero-architecture | Engineered two-dimensional hetero-architectures for nanoelectronics | 2016 |
100 | FertilityPolicies | Fertility, Public Policies, and Women in Turkey in Comparative Perspective | 2016 |
101 | BIDAMARK | BIg DAta-driven MARKeting for better competitiveness | 2015 |
102 | ORRmetIR | Development and in situ Infrared study of Novel Strained Core-shell Electrocatalysts: Towards an Understanding of the Oxygen Reduction Mechanism | 2015 |
103 | REAP | Real-time diagnostics for Enabling Advanced laser-based roll to roll materials Processing | 2015 |
104 | SkillUp | Skill development and firm upgrading to sustain the competitiveness of the EU manufacturing sector | 2015 |
105 | NCDIFFGEO | Models of noncommutative differential geometries | 2016 |
106 | LoStPReCon | Long-term structural performance of pre-stressed concrete bridges: A risk-based monitoring informed framework for life-cycle asset management | 2015 |
107 | FeedbackTeamContest | FEEDBACK IN TEAM COMPETITIONS | 2015 |
108 | RyM | Experimental Studies of Strongly Interacting Quantum Gases in an Optical Lattice | 2015 |
109 | POSEIDON | novel bioreactor Platform for reprOducible, Scalable ExpansIonand cardiac DifferentiatiON of hiPSC in suspension culture | 2015 |
110 | PRIME | Process Invigoration through Model Embellishment | 2015 |
111 | ECOHYDRY | Advancing dryland ecohydrology: factors and mechanisms determining catastrophic shifts | 2016 |
112 | EPIGENHEART | Epigenetic control of retinoic acid-dependent genes during heart development | 2015 |
113 | ITER | Improving Thermal Efficiency of horizontal ground heat exchangers | 2015 |
114 | EPI_nanoSTIM | Enabling motor control after a spinal cord injury through nanoscaled electrical | 2015 |
115 | RAPSODY | Fermentation processes for functional foods from RAPeseed, Sunflower and Other EU matrices Devoted to Young animals.Zero-miles model boosting safety and competitiveness of livestock sector | 2015 |
116 | RemoteControl Device | Remote Controllable Devices | 2015 |
117 | HitSeedSME-1-09-14 | HitSeed application for the Horizon 2020 dedicated SME Instrument - Phase 1 2014. September 2014. | 2014 |
118 | YouBeep | YouBeep – InStore mobile shopping and analytics | 2015 |
119 | HELIUM | High European Laboratory for Institutes, Universities and Markets | 2015 |
120 | WHEY2VALUE | Whey2Value: valorising waste whey into high-value products | 2015 |
121 | GroundCLeaner | Fast and cost-effective combined remediation technology for the elimination of chlorinated and otherhydrocarbons from soil | 2015 |
122 | ECOFLEX | Feasibility study of a Eco-friendly, Compact and Flexible System for Post Digital Printing Treatment of Textiles | 2015 |
123 | Bio4Med | International Doctoral Programme in Biological Bases of Human Diseases | 2015 |
124 | APEX | Advanced Process Economics through Oxidoreductases | 2015 |
125 | CarNet | Rapid Data Communication Network for Connected Cars | 2015 |
127 | SMART-GRAN | Development and Commercialisation of a Self-Guided Fluidised Bed Granulation Solution | 2015 |
128 | SCALEPHA | Industrial and commercial SCALE-up of Bio-on technology for the production of PHA polymers from sugar industries waste, co- and by-products | 2015 |
129 | WEL-FIT | Feasibility Study of the induction WELding, FIbre placement and shaping of Thermoplastic composites | 2015 |
130 | AgriCloud | Demonstration of a cloud-based precision farming management system for a sustainable and intensive agriculture to secure long-term food supply in Europe | 2015 |
131 | Neural Designer | A high performance solution for predictive analytics | 2015 |
132 | ELECTRIC_AXLE | Electric axle for hybrid / electric commercial vehicles | 2015 |
133 | MCTDC | Multi-channel time-to-digital converter sensor with ultra high resolution | 2015 |
135 | TES | Total Energy System: innovative in-farm cogeneration plant for manure valorisation viable even for small farms | 2015 |
136 | CARDISENSE | Innovative sensor for continuous monitoring of heart function during and after surgery | 2015 |
137 | SPM | Strawberry Processing Machine | 2015 |
138 | CiWater | Feasibility study for water leakage detector CiWater | 2015 |
139 | CLOUDWATCH2 | Think Cloud Services for Government, Business Research | 2015 |
140 | SOMATCH | Support IT solution for creative fashion designers by integrated software systems to collect, define and visualize textile and clothing trends through innovative image analysis from open data | 2015 |
141 | CLUSDEV MED | Cluster Development Med | 2015 |
142 | MD-SD-OCT | An innovative double technologies medical device for corneal diseases. | 2015 |
143 | RESYNTEX | A new circular economy concept: from textile waste towards chemical and textile industries feedstock | 2015 |
144 | APESA | Advanced Pump Engineering for Severe Applications | 2015 |
145 | SMART GEMS | Smart Grids Energy management Staff | 2015 |
146 | ECOFISH | Researches on the potential conversion of conventional fish farms into organic by establishing a model and good practice guide | 2015 |
147 | ICRI-BioM | International Centre for Research on Innovative Bio-based Materials | 2015 |
148 | NORTEXCEL2020 | Creating a Centre of Excellence on Medical Devices in the Norte Region to boost RDI excellence | 2015 |
149 | VOXEL | volumetric medical x-ray imaging at extremely low dose | 2015 |
150 | CONQUER | Contrast by Quadrupole Enhanced Relaxation | 2015 |
151 | SMART LOIRE VALLEY | SMART LOIRE VALLEY: Curiosity, Imagination and Intuition | 2015 |
152 | IC-3i-PhD | Institut Curie 3-i PhD Program | 2016 |
153 | EURO 5G | Euro-5G | 2015 |
155 | HTMD | Feasibility assessment of a cloud application platform for rational drug design using high throughput molecular dynamics | 2015 |
156 | SURI | Novel concept of a modular Shelter Unit for Rapid Installation | 2015 |
157 | RETYRE | Recycling waste tyres into devulcanized rubber | 2015 |
158 | BELS | Building European Links toward South East Asia in the field of GNSS | 2015 |
159 | HU-MOLMEDEX | Creating the Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine | 2015 |
160 | TEMARA | Teaming to Extend Maltese Ambitions in the Aerospace Sector | 2015 |
161 | OBSERVE | Observing Emergence | 2015 |
162 | ALISE | Advanced Lithium Sulphur battery for xEV | 2015 |
163 | H3O | Healthy crop, Healthy environment, Healthy finances ... through Optimization | 2015 |
165 | VirtuCrete | A new integrated process to valorise hazardous leaded glass from CRTs and transform it into high performance geopolymer blocks - VirtuCrete | 2015 |
166 | HYDRACTVAL | Low-energy leak-proof double seat control valve based on a water hydraulic actuator system | 2015 |
167 | EXCELLtoINNOV | Leverage research EXCELLence and INNOVation potential of Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM) through translational biomedical research in immunity and infection. | 2015 |
168 | NewFert | Nutrient recovery from biobased Waste for Fertilizer production | 2015 |
169 | SynBioTEC | Establishing ERA Chair position in Synthetic Biology at University of Tartu Institute of Technology | 2015 |
170 | mmMAGIC | Millimetre-Wave Based Mobile Radio Access Network for Fifth Generation Integrated Communications | 2015 |
171 | RUNSAFER | Market introduction of an innovative wearable device, consisting of a novel running shoe with embedded electronics providing real-time biomechanical feedback to reduce risk of injuries | 2015 |
172 | DISCO | Data Integrated Supply Chain Optimisation | 2015 |
173 | BLOSTER | Innovative biopesticides production: valorisation of endemic plants and green industrial residues | 2015 |
174 | SERVIOPTIMAL | The Global Marketplace for Optimized Field Work Delivery | 2015 |
175 | INNO-SOFC | Development of innovative 50 kW SOFC system and related value chain | 2015 |
176 | ORCHEXTRA | A disruptive innovation in mobile marketing and business intelligence for drastically increasing SMEs competitiveness | 2015 |
177 | SaveEUSaffron | Sales and production acceleration of EU saffron through an innovative cultivation and crop system that allows European producers to increase eco-efficiency, production and processing | 2015 |
178 | PERFUME | Smart Device Communication: A paradigm for high PERformance FUture Mobile nEtworking | 2015 |
179 | AutoRE | AUTomotive deRivative Energy system | 2015 |
180 | HEALTH-CODE | Real operation pem fuel cells HEALTH-state monitoring and diagnosis based on dc-dc COnverter embeddeD Eis | 2015 |
181 | I-KAM2EU | enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU | 2015 |
182 | INCAME-2 | INnovation CApacities of Mediterranean Enterprises | 2015 |
183 | InnoHessen2Europe | Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity in Hessen | 2015 |
184 | SWENNIS2 | Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2015 |
185 | VOLUMETRIQ | Volume Manufacturing of PEM FC Stacks for Transportation and In-line Quality Assurance | 2015 |
186 | GO4APP | Graphene Oxide for advanced polymers APPlication | 2015 |
187 | IPERION CH | Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Cultural Heritage | 2015 |
188 | LASERLAB-EUROPE | The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures | 2015 |
189 | MANTIS | Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance | 2015 |
190 | EUCALL | European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources | 2015 |
191 | SciChallenge | Next Generation Science Challenges Using Digital and Social Media to Make Science Education and Careers Attractive for Young People | 2015 |
192 | INNOKAM 2015-16 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg andSchleswig-Holstein | 2015 |
193 | BASKAM | Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs during 2015-2016 | 2015 |
194 | MAKEOVER | MAKEOVER - Innovation MAnagement support and KEy account serVices for Triveneto small and medium EnteRprises | 2015 |
195 | InnoCap Transylvania | Services to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the macro-region 1 in Romania | 2015 |
196 | ProteinConjugates | A training network for the chemical site-selective modification of proteins: Preparation of the next-generation of therapeutic chemically-defined protein conjugates | 2015 |
197 | ESiWACE | Excellence in SImulation of Weather and Climate in Europe | 2015 |
198 | ModLife | Advancing Modelling for Process-Product Innovation, Optimization, Monitoring and Control in Life Science Industries | 2015 |
199 | TERRE | Training Engineers and Researchers to Rethink geotechnical Engineering for a low carbon future | 2015 |
200 | AdMoRe | Empowered decision-making in simulation-based engineering: Advanced Model Reduction for real-time, inverse and optimization in industrial problems | 2015 |
201 | Tendon Therapy Train | Engineering in vitro microenvironments for translation of cell-based therapies for tendon repair | 2016 |
202 | POP | Performance Optimisation and Productivity | 2015 |
203 | MaX | Materials design at the eXascale | 2015 |
204 | IMPROVE | Innovative Modeling Approaches for Production Systems to raise validatable efficiency | 2015 |
205 | EPOS | Enhanced energy and resource Efficiency and Performance in process industry Operations via onsite and cross-sectorial Symbiosis | 2015 |
206 | TWIN-CONTROL | Twin-model based virtual manufacturing for machine tool-process simulation and control | 2015 |
207 | Indus3Es | Industrial Energy and Environment Efficiency | 2015 |
208 | REinEU2016 | Re-Industrialisation of the European Union 2016 | 2015 |
209 | IND2016 | IND2016: KETs as drivers for the future of industry | 2015 |
210 | MICROMAN | European Training Network on “Process Fingerprint for Zero-defect Net-shape MICROMANufacturing” | 2015 |
211 | BitMap | Brain injury and trauma monitoring using advanced photonics | 2016 |
212 | ELIXIR-EXCELERATE | ELIXIR-EXCELERATE: Fast-track ELIXIR implementation and drive early user exploitation across the life-sciences. | 2015 |
213 | CooExcell2015 | Collaborating for the excellence of public entities for business promotion. An example of policies aimed at the improvement of the competitiveness of the regional enterprises throughout the EFQM | 2015 |
214 | FrEBT | Improving diagnostics of respiratory diseases and boosting the COMAC MEDICAL Ltd. competitiveness and growth by validation of fractional EBT biomarker through new method of measurement and device | 2015 |
215 | PERFORM | Participatory Engagement with Scientific and Technological Research through Performance | 2015 |
216 | Colodetect | Development of a novel blood-based diagnostic test for colorectal cancer | 2015 |
217 | MAGIC SWF SMEs II | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West France SMEs | 2015 |
218 | SEIMED INNOSUP | SEIMED services to enhance innovation management capacity of SME's KAM services | 2015 |
219 | FINKAMIE2016 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of Finnish SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in 2015-2016 | 2015 |
221 | INNOVIST | INcreasing the InNOVation Management Capacity of SMEs in ISTanbul | 2015 |
222 | InnoSuppEastMed | Innovation Support Network East Mediterranean | 2015 |
223 | Fortissimo 2 | Factories of the Future Resources, Technology, Infrastructure and Services for Simulation and Modelling 2 | 2015 |
224 | RESSTORE | REgenerative Stem cell therapy for STroke in Europe | 2015 |
225 | SKHINCAPS | SKin Healthcare by Innovative NanoCAPsuleS | 2015 |
226 | PROCETS | PROtective composite Coatings via Electrodeposition and Thermal Spraying | 2016 |
227 | SexSeed | Sexual Plant Reproduction – Seed formation | 2016 |
228 | SEA FOAM | innovative Steering-triangles rEAlized with Aluminum FOAM technology for motorcycle industry | 2015 |
229 | CANDLE | Cancer Diagnosis by Multiplex Protein Epitope Profiling | 2015 |
230 | VIPACO | Increase Energy Efficiency rates in buildings and white goods through advanced Vacuum Insulation Panels Quality Control | 2015 |
231 | WHEY2VALUE | Whey2Value: Valorising waste whey into high-value products | 2015 |
232 | COLLOGISTICS | Express Delivery end-to-end Management System through collaborative intelligence. | 2015 |
233 | GLAD-2 | GNSS/INS Low-cost Attitude Determination and navigation system - Phase 2 | 2016 |
234 | UCoCoS | Understanding and controlling complex systems | 2016 |
235 | INNO-HUN2015-16 | Providing services under Horizon 2020 enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network - 2015-16 | 2015 |
236 | HPC4E | HPC for Energy | 2015 |
237 | ECLIPSE | European Consortium for Lithium-Sulfur Power for Space Environments | 2015 |
238 | MIRPHAB | MidInfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications | 2016 |
239 | MIRPHAB | MidInfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications | 2016 |
240 | ColRobot | Collaborative Robotics for Assembly and Kitting in Smart Manufacturing | 2016 |
241 | SUPERMAT | The VIRTUAL Centre for Integration of INNOVATIVE synthesis and Processing methods for SUSTAINABLE advanced Materials operating under Extreme Conditions | 2016 |
242 | RAAI | Whole Life Rail Axle Assessment and Improvement Using Ultrasonic Phased array and Corrosion Inspection Systems | 2015 |
243 | ReSpirA | Olive oil wastewater Reuse for the production and commercialisation of Spirulina Alga | 2015 |
244 | RapidBact | Innovative Business Models for a new Integrated Rapid Microbial Pathogen Tester | 2016 |
245 | PresConfLuxDec | Innovative Enterprise Conference on Circular Economy and Access to Risk Finance | 2015 |
246 | WORKSHOP4.0 | Automated real-time production forecasting for industry | 2016 |
247 | IMERSO | IMERSO - Virtual Reality System | 2015 |
248 | LEILAC | Low Emissions Intensity Lime and Cement | 2016 |
249 | MEDEAS | Guiding European Policy toward a low-carbon economy. Modelling Energy system Development under Environmental And Socioeconomic constraints | 2016 |
250 | MULTILAT | Multi-phase Lattice Materials | 2016 |
251 | CESEAND InnoAses2 | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2015-16. | 2015 |
252 | DEMOGRAVI3 | Demonstration of the GRAVI3 technology – innovative gravity foundation for offshore wind | 2016 |
253 | COMPA | COMPA - Market Study of Composite Patch Repair for Marine Pipes A cost-efficient and durable pipe repair in urgency | 2015 |
254 | RAMPup | Robotic Automation Modules for Production | 2016 |
255 | CatASus | Cleave and couple: Fully sustainable catalytic conversion of renewable resources to amines | 2016 |
257 | SUN-to-LIQUID | SUNlight-to-LIQUID: Integrated solar-thermochemical synthesis of liquid hydrocarbon fuels | 2016 |
258 | DevTMF | Development of Experimental Techniques and Predictive Tools to Characterise Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Behaviour and Damage Mechanisms | 2016 |
259 | eWINE | elastic WIreless Networking Experimentation | 2016 |
260 | BIORECYGAS | Farming high value algae with industrial gas emissions | 2015 |
261 | RISEN | Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering Network | 2016 |
262 | ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC | implementAtion anD OPeration of the gateway for healTh into BBMRI-ERIC | 2015 |
263 | CROWD4ROADS | CROWD sensing and ride sharing FOR ROAD Sustainability | 2016 |
264 | STRADE | Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe | 2015 |
265 | INTMET | Integrated innovative metallurgical system to benefit efficiently polymetallic, complex and low grade ores and concentrates | 2016 |
266 | RurInno | Social Innovations in Structurally Weak Rural Regions: How Social Entrepreneurs Foster Innovative Solutions to Social Problems | 2016 |
267 | MEDGENET | Medical Genomics and Epigenomics Network | 2016 |
268 | ReTuBi | Towards outstanding research and training in tumour biology at IMM | 2016 |
269 | BILAT USA 4.0 | Bilateral Coordination for the Enhancement and Development of STI Partnerships between the EU and the USA | 2016 |
270 | WaterWatt | Improvement of energy efficiency in industrial water circuits using gamification for online self-assessment, benchmarking and economic decision support | 2016 |
271 | VIP4SME | Value Intellectual Property for SMEs | 2015 |
272 | EnergyWater | Improving energy efficiency in industrial water processes through benchmarking and benchlearning tools in Europe manufacturing industry. | 2016 |
273 | LEFAPO | Lead free automotive SLI power | 2015 |
274 | EUFRUIT | EU Fruit Network | 2016 |
275 | GoodBerry | Improving the stability of high-quality traits of berry in different environments and cultivation systems for the benefit of European farmers and consumers | 2016 |
276 | THALEA II | THALEA II - Telemonitoring and Telemedicine for Hospitals Assisted by ICT for Life saving co-morbid patients in Europe As part of a Patient personalised care program of the EU | 2016 |
277 | MAKERS | Smart Manufacturing for EU Growth and Prosperity | 2016 |
278 | EuroDairy | A Europe-wide thematic network supporting a sustainable future for EU dairy farmers | 2016 |
279 | CyPod | On-Chip Cytometry Printed On Demand | 2016 |
280 | VIVALDI | Preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve diseases | 2016 |
281 | ROBOTT-NET | ROBOTT-NET - A shared infrastructure to sustainably optimise technology transfer throughout Europe | 2016 |
282 | iSAGE | Innovation for Sustainable Sheep and Goat Production in Europe | 2016 |
283 | SMART Fertigation | Subarea specific irrigation system for pivot- and linear fertigation techniques (SMART Fertigation) | 2016 |
284 | sqetch | Sqetch – easily connecting fashion brands with apparel manufacturers | 2016 |
285 | Agricolus DSS | Agricolus Decision Support System | 2016 |
286 | Sensolweighs | Solar energy and pressure sensor based solution for truck weighing | 2016 |
287 | MinWaterCSP | MinWaterCSP - Minimized water consumption in CSP plants | 2016 |
289 | LATIPP | LATIPP: An innovative cloud based Business management system for SMEs in the HORECA sector | 2016 |
291 | G-Valve | Unraveling the mechanobiology of tissue growth in native and tissue-engineered heart valves | 2016 |
292 | MATChING | Materials Technologies for performance improvement of Cooling Systems in Power Plants | 2016 |
293 | NOVAMAG | NOVel, critical materials free, high Anisotropy phases for permanent MAGnets, by design. | 2016 |
294 | DD-DeCaF | Bioinformatics Services for Data-Driven Design of Cell Factories and Communities | 2016 |
295 | SET-Nav | Navigating the Roadmap for Clean, Secure and Efficient Energy Innovation | 2016 |
296 | RI-LINKS2UA | Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine | 2016 |
297 | INNOVATE | The innovation journey of tourism entrepreneurs: evidence from the UK and Spain and policy implications | 2016 |
298 | COBOTNITY | A community of surface bots for creative storytelling | 2016 |
299 | Female Empowerment | “The Role of Urbanization in Female Empowerment: the Turkish Case in Comparative Perspective” | 2016 |
300 | plaNET-seq | Temporal mapping of environmental sensing transcription dynamics in Arabidopsis thaliana | 2017 |
301 | SynGenes | Defining the genetics of grapheme-colour synaesthesia | 2016 |
302 | TONSOPS | Titanium Oxide Nanocomposites for Scalable Optimized Perovskite Solar cells | 2016 |
303 | NARS | Novel ecological adsorbent using Schwertmannite material for Removal of Selenate and Selenite from contaminated water | 2016 |
304 | NanoTrIAL | NanoTribochemical Investigation of Advanced Lubricants | 2016 |
305 | MAIT | Evolutionary conserved T cells specific for a microbial metabolite: deciphering their development in the thymus and mapping their interactions with the gut microbiota in vivo. | 2016 |
306 | ITPF | Interfaces in Turbulent Premixed Flames (ITPF) | 2016 |
307 | ADVANTA | Toward a new generation of miniature multifrequency antennas using multiresonance platform based on subwavelength structures inspired by advanced metamaterials | 2017 |
308 | MANAN | Mannan-related enzymes of wheat endosperm | 2016 |
309 | CR-Compressor | Centric Recipocating Compressor | 2016 |
310 | BioMEP | Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics | 2016 |
311 | DACUSNEX | DACUSNEX COMBI, the first complete solution for the olive fly (Bactrocera oleae) pests in olive trees | 2016 |
312 | gmSCAN | Automatic scanner for determing lean meat distribution in pig carcasses | 2016 |
313 | B-Ecolyol | Improving the productivity of Biodiesel plants through their adaptation for the production of polyols | 2016 |
314 | AgriCloud P2 | Demonstration of a cloud-based precision farming management system for a sustainable and intensive agriculture to secure long-term food supply in Europe - Phase II | 2016 |
315 | Open Science | NESCIO: NEtherlands Science Conference on Inclusive Open science | 2016 |
316 | GaLIophore | Selective recovery of gallium from wastewaters of GaAs fabrication industry using siderophore based bisorptive biocomposites | 2016 |
317 | REFOLDAMER | Communication through Polarity-Switchable Foldamers | 2016 |
318 | ADAPT | Adaptive Decision support for Agents negotiation in electricity market and smart grid Power Transactions | 2017 |
319 | SiLaSpaCe | Si based Layer Stacks for Rear-Side Passivation and Enhanced Reflection of GaInP/GaInAs/Ge Triple-Junction Space Solar Cells | 2016 |
320 | 3DAM | 3D Advanced Metrology and materials for advanced devices | 2016 |
321 | ARIES | reliAble euRopean Identity EcoSystem | 2016 |
322 | BRIGAID | BRIdges the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience | 2016 |
323 | STIMEY | Science Technology Innovation Mathematics Engineering for the Young | 2016 |
324 | TECNIOspring PLUS | ACCIÓ programme to foster mobility of researchers with a focus in applied research and technology transfer | 2016 |
325 | EDGE | Cutting Edge Training - Cutting Edge Technology | 2016 |
326 | YoungInnovative | Young and Innovative: how to help young entrepreneurs be more innovative – a peer learning project | 2016 |
327 | ANGIO-IMAGE | ANGIO-tracer for immuno-PET imaging: a stratification and monitoring tool for anti-angiogenesis treatment | 2016 |
328 | LORCENIS | Long Lasting Reinforced Concrete for Energy Infrastructure under Severe Operating Conditions | 2016 |
329 | MERCES | Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas | 2016 |
330 | TENSOR | Retrieval and Analysis of Heterogeneous Online Content for Terrorist Activity Recognition | 2016 |
331 | ENABLE-S3 | European Initiative to Enable Validation for Highly Automated Safe and Secure Systems | 2016 |
332 | SemI40 | Power Semiconductor and Electronics Manufacturing 4.0 | 2016 |
333 | ASTONISH | Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health | 2016 |
334 | IoSense | Flexible FE/BE Sensor Pilot Line for the Internet of Everything | 2016 |
335 | EnSO | Energy for Smart Objects | 2016 |
336 | ACTECH | Ancient ConstructionTECHniques between East and West. Building traditions, technological innovations and workmanship circulation: from Roman Arabia to Medieval Europe. | 2017 |
337 | FIMAF | Isotopic evidence for the impacts of fishing on marine foodweb structure | 2016 |
338 | SAGE | Systemic Action for Gender Equality | 2016 |
339 | SOFIA | Situated Learning Opportunities fostered by ICT applications in Alternative Agro-Food Networks | 2016 |
340 | IMPERIUM | IMplementation of Powertrain Control for Economic and Clean Real driving emIssion and fuel ConsUMption | 2016 |
341 | DISCO | Data Integrated Supply Chain Optimisation | 2016 |
342 | AVELEDA Fruit Wine | AVELEDA Fruit Wine | 2016 |
343 | MiniMo-Logistics | MiniMo-Logistics application | 2016 |
344 | NEPTUN | Novel closed-cage system for high-value marine aquaculture | 2016 |
346 | SIAM | Source Integration for Agriculture Management | 2016 |
347 | F2F | Fusion-to-Fossil Heat Exchanger for Supercritical Power Plants | 2016 |
348 | ASCEMA | ASCEMA: Content Aware Technology for IP Protection in Supply Chains | 2016 |
349 | CDRONE | Towards un-subsidised solar power – Cleandrone, the inspection and cleaning solution | 2016 |
350 | SwiftBuild | Swiftty web mobile builder | 2016 |
351 | Arctus | Turn-key modular aluminium smelter for a Zero Emission Production Process | 2016 |
352 | ResolutioNet | Resolving the Tussle in the Internet: Mapping, Architecture, and Policy Making | 2017 |
353 | PHOSave | Innovative solution for phosphate recovery from exhausted extinguishing powders | 2016 |
354 | CoolFarm | CoolFarm – The intelligent and flexible system that provides to plants what they need, when they need it! | 2016 |
355 | EURACTE-INNOV II | Establishment, promotion and implementation of new support services aiming at enhancing the innovation management capacity and projects of SMEs based in the Nord – Pas de Calais region | 2015 |
356 | AEOLIX | Architecture for EurOpean Logistics Information eXchange | 2016 |
357 | PERMIDES | Personsalised Medicine Innovation through Digital Enterprise Solutions | 2016 |
358 | TAROX | Targeting oxidative repair proteins for treatment of cancer and inflammation | 2016 |
359 | Reaching out | demonstRation of EU effective lArge sCale tHreat and crIsis maNaGement OUTside the EU | 2016 |
360 | HIOS | Highly Integrated Optoelectronic Sensor | 2016 |
361 | OnceForAll | Streamline the european business environment with first class disruptive technology | 2016 |
362 | ProteinPlus | Let's give the world appetite for health | 2016 |
363 | FC21S | Cost-effective aluminium die casting for automotive industry | 2016 |
364 | Digiteal | Digiteal: European Payment and e-Invoicing platform | 2016 |
365 | MOON-MEMS speaker | Development of the most advanced audio systems enabling the production of a revolutionary generation of MEMS micro speakers that will be deployed in the world's top mobile applications | 2016 |
366 | IOTI4.0 | Integral Open Technology for Industry 4.0 | 2016 |
367 | MAGTEST | MAGTEST: Simple and specific next generation lab-on-a-chip in-vitro molecular diagnostic device | 2016 |
368 | INVENTORY | INVENTORY: Unique Online B2B Marketplace for Industrial Products | 2016 |
369 | EEN Serbia SGA | EEN Serbia (specific grant agreement): Improving competitiveness of Serbian SMEs trough implementation of integrated services focused on innovative capacities, productivity and internationalization. | 2016 |
370 | DaphNet | Dynamic Preservation of Interactive Art: The next frontier of Multimedia Cultural Heritage | 2017 |
371 | CoDiS | Compact, high-power, frequency-converted diode laser systems (CoDiS) | 2016 |
372 | PIPS | Passive Ice Protection System | 2016 |
373 | ENF2017 | EuroNanoForum 2017 | 2016 |
374 | Wall-ACE | Wall insulation novel nanomaterials efficient systems | 2016 |
375 | EMMC-CSA | European Materials Modelling Council | 2016 |
376 | OcuTher | Educational Network in Ocular Drug Delivery and Therapeutics | 2016 |
377 | PaREGEn | Particle Reduced, Efficient Gasoline Engines | 2016 |
378 | SPOTVIEW | Sustainable Processes and Optimized Technologies for Industrially Efficient Water Usage | 2016 |
379 | MONSOON | MOdel based coNtrol framework for Site-wide OptmizatiON of data-intensive processes | 2016 |
380 | HUMAN | HUman MANufacturing | 2016 |
381 | VULKANO | Novel integrated refurbishment solution as a key path towards creating eco-efficient and competitive furnaces | 2016 |
382 | FUDIPO | Future Directions of Production Planning and Optimized Energy- and Process Industries | 2016 |
383 | Factory2Fit | Empowering and participatory adaptation of factory automation to fit for workers | 2016 |
384 | RADSAGA | RADiation and reliability challenges for electronics used in Space, Avionics, on the Ground and at Accelerators | 2017 |
385 | DREAM | Design for Resource and Energy efficiency in cerAMic kilns | 2016 |
386 | DryFiciency | Waste Heat Recovery in Industrial Drying Processes | 2016 |
387 | MONROE | Modelling and evaluating the socio-economic impacts of research and innovation with the suite of macro- and regional-economic models | 2017 |
388 | BASMATI | Cloud Brokerage Across Borders for Mobile Users and Applications | 2016 |
389 | SCORE | Score board of competitiveness of European transport manufacturing industries | 2016 |
390 | FINE 1 | Future Improvement for Energy and Noise | 2016 |
391 | CITADEL | Empowering Citizens to TrAnsform European PubLic Administrations | 2016 |
392 | TAVAC | Technologies for Active Vibration and Acoustic Comfort | 2016 |
393 | INSPIRE | Towards growth for business by flexible processing in customer-driven value chains | 2016 |
394 | MPC-. GT | Model Predictive Control and Innovative System Integration of GEOTABS;-) in Hybrid Low Grade Thermal Energy Systems - Hybrid MPC GEOTABS | 2016 |
395 | INNOVATION | Multi-wavelength regeneration technologies for advanced modulation optical signals | 2016 |
396 | RePower | RePower: Maintenance-free and cost-efficient fuel for wireless sensors to energy- and resource-saving solutions | 2016 |
397 | FUTURE-RADAR | Future Research, Advanced Development and Implementation Activities for Road Transport | 2017 |
398 | CERERE | CEreal REnaissance in Rural Europe: embedding diversity in organic and low-input food systems | 2016 |
399 | SUSFOOD2 | ERA-Net Cofund on Sustainable Food production and consumption (SUSFOOD2) | 2017 |
400 | DEIS | Dependability Engineering Innovation for CPS - DEIS | 2017 |
401 | AiRT | Technology transfer of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) for the creative industry | 2017 |
402 | MINOTOR | MagnetIc NOzzle thruster with elecTron cyclOtron Resonance | 2017 |
403 | SELMUS | The Formex® raft: Towards the revolution of the European mussel farming | 2016 |
404 | FORAM | Towards a World Forum on Raw Materials (FORAM) | 2016 |
405 | COLIBRI | Carrier-selective contacts for silicon photovoltaics based on broadband-transparent oxides | 2016 |
406 | FLAME | Facility for Large-scale Adaptive Media Experimentation | 2017 |
407 | INJECT | Innovative Journalism: Enhanced Creativity Tools | 2017 |
408 | ULPEC | Ultra-Low Power Event-Based Camera | 2017 |
409 | CHROMIC | effiCient mineral processing and Hydrometallurgical RecOvery of by-product Metals from low-grade metal contaIning seCondary raw materials | 2016 |
410 | SAFE4RAIL | SAFE architecture for Robust distributed Application Integration in roLling stock | 2016 |
411 | INNOWAG | INNOvative monitoring and predictive maintenance solutions on lightweight WAGon | 2016 |
412 | HEMPT-NG | High Efficiency Multistage Plasma Thruster – Next Generation | 2017 |
413 | INNOPATHS | Innovation pathways, strategies and policies for the Low-Carbon Transition in Europe | 2016 |
414 | GIESEPP | Gridded Ion Engine Standardised Electric Propulsion Platforms | 2017 |
415 | SENSAGRI | Sentinels Synergy for Agriculture | 2016 |
416 | MinFuture | Global material flows and demand-supply forecasting for mineral strategies | 2016 |
417 | PLIS | Peer Learning Innovation Services | 2016 |
418 | PRODUCER | PeRsOnalized DocUmentary Creation based on Automatically Annotated Content | 2017 |
419 | CloudPerfect | Enabling CLoud Orchestration, Performance and Cost Efficiency Tools for QoE Enhancement and Provider Ranking | 2016 |
420 | INTERSTELLAR | Building the next generation high-speed data converters to strengthen European excellence and competitiveness on space applications and beyond | 2016 |
421 | DAHLIA | Deep sub-micron microprocessor for spAce rad-Hard appLIcation Asic | 2017 |
422 | CareSTOR | Market Uptake of Sustainable and Competitive Carbons for Energy Storage | 2016 |
423 | PICCOLO | Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improved in-vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision support | 2017 |
424 | DRYNET | Setting an interdisciplinary/sectorial/international research network to explore dry storage as an alternative strategy for cells/germplasm biobanking | 2017 |
425 | PROMECA | PROcess intensification through the development of innovative MEmbranes and CAtalysts | 2017 |
426 | 3D NEONET | Drug Discovery and Delivery NEtwork for ONcology and Eye Therapeutics | 2017 |
427 | Green Gravure | Roto-Hybrid Process® Cylinders for Green Gravure Printing | 2016 |
428 | BREATH | BREATH: Biomarkers for Respiratory diseases detected in Exhaled Air through a new Technological instrument for research and Healthcare markets. | 2016 |
429 | COCORO | Cocoro Advanced Lingerie, the ultimate reusable absorbent underwear | 2016 |
430 | BBEC2016 | The role of regions in the European Bioeconomy - Bratislava Bioeconomy Conference 2016 | 2016 |
431 | OPTOGENERAPY | Optogenetic Protein Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis | 2017 |
432 | MULTI2HYCAT | MULTI-site organic-inorganic HYbrid CATalysts for MULTI-step chemical processes | 2017 |
433 | IoF2020 | Internet of Food and Farm 2020 | 2017 |
434 | SAFE-Aqua | SustainAble Farming for Effective Aquaculture | 2017 |
435 | VISGEN | Transcribing the processes of life: Visual Genetics | 2017 |
436 | NanoPack | Pilot line production of functional polymer nanocomposites from natural halloysite nanotubes: demonstrating controlled release of active antimicrobials in food packaging applications. | 2017 |
437 | ORBIT | Aerodynamic rigs for VHBR IP turbine | 2017 |
438 | INNOLABS | INNOvative LABS for leveraging cross capacity building between ICT, Health, BIO and Medicine sectors for new emerging industries in personalized health | 2017 |
439 | NEPTUNE | New cross sEctorial value chains creation across EuroPe faciliTated by clUsters for SMEs's INnovation in BluE Growth | 2016 |
440 | GLOBALPROD | The Global and Local Organization of Production | 2017 |
441 | INSHIP | Integrating National Research Agendas on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes | 2017 |
442 | EW-Shopp | EW-Shopp - Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey | 2017 |
443 | FI-NEXT | Bringing FIWARE to the NEXT step | 2016 |
444 | SME 4.0 | Industry 4.0 for SMEs - Smart Manufacturing and Logistics for SMEs in an X-to-order and Mass Customization Environment | 2017 |
445 | PVCLOUD | Innovative Cloud-Based PV Workflow for Semiconductor Foundries | 2017 |
447 | ELG-blocks | Sustainable production of lightweight thermal concretes and concrete blocks with use of recycled industrial waste for construction of energy-efficient and/or highly seismic-safe masonry buildings | 2017 |
448 | NOC | Nerve-on-Chips | 2016 |
449 | spinitCompanion | A point of care device to provide real-time blood analysis for chronic diseases. | 2016 |
450 | Windtree | Nature inspired energy generation system for urban distributed power | 2016 |
451 | DRYFIT | Plant conditioner enhancing plants' drought resistance based on proline aminoacid | 2017 |
452 | certMILS | Compositional security certification for medium- to high-assurance COTS-based systems in environments with emerging threats | 2017 |
453 | qSOFC | Automated mass-manufacturing and quality assurance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell stacks | 2017 |
454 | DIGIMAN | DIGItal MAterials CharacterisatioN proof-of-process auto assembly | 2017 |
455 | FORCE | Cities Cooperating for Circular Economy | 2016 |
456 | OPTICON | Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy | 2017 |
457 | AMITIE | Additive Manufacturing Initiative for Transnational Innovation in Europe | 2017 |
458 | VAHVISTUS | Integrative development of smart drug-vector nanostructures for adaptive delivery to target cells | 2017 |
459 | LLR | Laser Lightning Rod | 2017 |
460 | MARINET2 | Marine Renewable Infrastructure Network for Enhancing Technologies 2 | 2017 |
461 | NET-Tools | Novel Education and Training Tools based on digital applications related to Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology | 2017 |
462 | Q-Air | Sustainable Prefabricated Glass Façade with Performance Exceeding State-of-the-art Glass Façades | 2017 |
463 | BEATTI | BEaring Advanced Technologies for Turboprop engine Innovation | 2017 |
464 | FLORADAPT | Plant resilience and floral adaptation to pollinator change during a range expansion | 2016 |
465 | 3D-COMPETE | Mini Factories for 3D printing of Large Industrial Composite Structures | 2017 |
466 | WONOWO | Search engine for organising complete collaborative economy experiences. | 2017 |
467 | INNOVENTUALLY | INNOVENTUALLY, One-stop source for innovation” — A PaaS (Platform as a Service) for the management of Open Innovation Challenges and Needs. | 2017 |
468 | WOW | Digitalization of outdoor advertising | 2017 |
469 | i2factory 2.0 | i2factory- Disrupting integration platform: secure and easy integration without any programming or component installation | 2017 |
470 | Rhomb | Innovative modular hardware development platform | 2017 |
471 | ENERGIZE | Efficient Energy Management for Greener Aviation | 2017 |
472 | CORDIAL | Collaborative OWA robots for drilling and fasteners insertion in assembly lines | 2017 |
473 | TOPMOST | Optimization two phases cooling solution using micro pump brick | 2017 |
474 | YawSTOP | First stabilisation device to enable rotation-free and rotation-controlled lifting and loading of cargo and goods by cranes or helicopters to make transportation more efficient, reliable and safe | 2017 |
475 | IDEA.k | Industrial Design Easy Assembly Kit | 2017 |
476 | PRECISE | Pulsed eddy current inspection system for pipeline health monitoring | 2017 |
477 | EURACTE-INNOV III | Deployment of support services aiming at enhancing the innovation management capacity and projects of SMEs based in the Hauts de France region | 2017 |
478 | KAM2EastPoland | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland | 2017 |
479 | SEIMED INNOSUP | SEIMED Innovation Management Support | 2017 |
480 | InnoCap Transylvania | Serces to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the macro-region 1 in Romania | 2017 |
481 | INNO-HUN2017-18 | Providing services under Horizon 2020 enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network - 2017-18 | 2017 |
482 | INNOVIST 2.0 | INcreasing the InNOVation Management Capacity of SMEs in ISTanbul 2.0 | 2017 |
483 | CAMART2 | Centre of Advanced Materials Research and Technology Transfer CAMART² | 2017 |
484 | HCEMM | Establishing the Hungarian Center of Excellence for Molecular Medicine in partnership with EMBL | 2017 |
485 | Swennis 2017-2018 | Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network 2017 - 2018 | 2017 |
486 | REsiliENCe | Research and development of innovative Enamels and Nanocoatings for the Cooking appliances market | 2017 |
487 | MED4INNO | French MEDiterranean Support for INNOvative SMEs | 2017 |
488 | HISMACITY-pro | Historical Small Smart City Protocol for integrated interventions. | 2017 |
489 | MAREXT | Macrocyclic receptors for selective anion extraction | 2018 |
490 | CAP-SAliPharm | Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) sterilization of powdered products: optimization and validation at alimentary and pharmaceutical levels | 2018 |
491 | EXPERTISE | models, EXperiments and high PERformance computing for Turbine mechanical Integrity and Structural dynamics in Europe | 2017 |
492 | KAM2CY3 | Key Services for Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in Cyprus through the local member of Enterprise Europe Network – KAM2CY3 | 2017 |
493 | FINKAMIE2018 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of Finnish SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in 2017-2018 | 2017 |
494 | SecIoT | Cybersecurity Threat Detection for Internet of Things Connected Devices | 2017 |
495 | InnoSuppEastMed | Innovation Support Network East Mediterranean | 2017 |
496 | ALDing | Novel industrial processes using the Atomic Layer Deposition technique | 2017 |
497 | RAMP | RAtionalising Membrane Protein crystallisation | 2017 |
498 | MARVEL | Novel MAterial and Process Design for ReVerse Electrodialysis-Water ELectrolysis Energy System | 2017 |
499 | ACTrans | Accelerating Clinical Translation. Charting the Politics of Translation in the European Union | 2018 |
500 | VAC2VAC | Vaccine lot to Vaccine lot comparison by consistancy testing - Sofia ref.: 115924 | 2016 |
501 | Wearonics | Developing Stretchable Conductive Fibres and their Implementations in Wearable Electronics | 2017 |
502 | ME-Optogen | Micro-endoscopes for in-depth high-resolution optogenetics | 2017 |
503 | CAP-ICE | CArbon Production of under-ICE phytoplankton blooms in a changing Arctic Ocean | 2018 |
504 | PhotoHeatEffect | Heat Transport and its Effects on the Performance of Nanostructured, Photonic Materials | 2017 |
505 | SAFS | Development of screw anchors for floating Marine Renewable Energy system arrays incorporating anchor sharing | 2017 |
506 | CLUSTERS 2.0 | Open network of hyper connected logistics clusters towards Physical Internet | 2017 |
507 | SiTaSol | Application relevant validation of c-Si based tandem solar cell processes with 30 % efficiency target | 2017 |
508 | GEOCOND | Advanced materials and processes to improve performance and cost-efficiency of Shallow Geothermal systems and Underground Thermal Storage | 2017 |
509 | VALUEMAG | Valuable Products from Algae Using New Magnetic Cultivation and Extraction Techniques | 2017 |
510 | GoSMEs | Governance and value-creation in SMEs in a service-dominant logic | 2017 |
511 | CoupledDB | High-Performance Indexing for Emerging GPU-Coupled Databases | 2017 |
512 | ENCIRCLE | European Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLuster | 2017 |
513 | TITANIUM | Tools for the Investigation of Transactions in Underground Markets | 2017 |
514 | dCas9 | Dissection of the mammalian transcription termination mechanism by CRISPRi technology. | 2017 |
515 | EpiAGPs | Breaking frontiers in plant reproduction: understanding the roles of AGPs and epigenetics regulating male-female crosstalk towards fertilization | 2017 |
516 | MELIITA 2 | Maltese-European Linkages for Internationalisation, Innovation and Technology Transfer 2 [Innovation services] | 2017 |
517 | DATATRANS | PROVENTA Smart Database Transformation Framework | 2017 |
518 | MedAID | Mediterranean Aquaculture Integrated Development | 2017 |
519 | ROCK | Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities | 2017 |
520 | SIMS | Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems | 2017 |
521 | EUSMI | European infrastructure for spectroscopy, scattering and imaging of soft matteer | 2017 |
522 | INCAME_2 | INnovation CApacity of Mediterranean Enterpises | 2017 |
523 | INNOKAM 2017-2018 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein | 2017 |
524 | MAGIC SWF SMEs 3 | Establishing in-depth services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West of France SMEs in 2017-2018 | 2017 |
525 | BASKAM2 | Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs during 2017-2018 | 2017 |
526 | | The European watch on cybersecurity privacy | 2017 |
527 | InnoHessen2Europe | Innovating Hessian SMEs towards Europe | 2017 |
528 | eNOTICE | European Network Of CBRN TraIning CEnters | 2017 |
529 | GHOST | Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-time Risk Control | 2017 |
530 | GEECCO | Gender Equality in Engineering through Communication and Commitment | 2017 |
531 | I-KAM2EU | enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU | 2017 |
532 | KAIROS | KAIRÓS - Key Account services and Innovation management support for TRivenetO SME’s | 2017 |
533 | BECOOL | Brazil-EU Cooperation for Development of Advanced Lignocellulosic Biofuels | 2017 |
534 | LigniOx | Lignin oxidation technology for versatile lignin dispersants | 2017 |
535 | 3DFlameGT | Evaluation of three-dimensional velocity field, mixing field, and flame-front in a model gas turbinecombustor | 2018 |
536 | ChemPET | Industrial scale PET chemical recycling plant based on innovative glycolysis process | 2017 |
537 | EFFIGAS | Innovative self-controlling biomass gasification technology to improve the biogas efficiency achieving a top quality syngas | 2017 |
538 | ReMIX | Redesigning European cropping systems based on species MIXtures | 2017 |
539 | LIVESEED | Improve performance of organic agriculture by boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe | 2017 |
540 | PerformFISH | Consumer driven Production: Integrating Innovative Approaches for Competitive and Sustainable Performance across the Mediterranean Aquaculture Value Chain | 2017 |
541 | PAPERCHAIN | New market niches for the Pulp and Paper Industry waste based on circular economy approaches | 2017 |
542 | CLARA | Climate forecast enabled knowledge services | 2017 |
543 | R3-PowerUP | 300mm Pilot Line for Smart Power and Power Discretes | 2017 |
544 | BIOMOTIVE | Advanced BIObased polyurethanes and fibres for the autoMOTIVE industry with increased environmental sustainability | 2017 |
545 | NAFTI | Noise Abatement Fms with Tactile Interface | 2017 |
546 | Constance | Flight Critical Wireless Slip Ring for Civil Tiltrotor | 2017 |
547 | DEMMOW | Detailed Model of a Morphing Wing | 2017 |
548 | CLEANTECHBLOCK2 | Market maturation of CleanTechBlock technology | 2017 |
549 | VERT | Vertex switch – the foundation for a more sustainable and reliable railway transport system | 2017 |
550 | MEDIVAC | Machine learning software to design personalized neoantigen vaccines tailored to specific vaccine delivery systems | 2017 |
551 | NOVIMAR | NOVel Iwt and MARitime transport concepts | 2017 |
552 | WInSiC4AP | Wide band gap Innovative SiC for Advanced Power | 2017 |
553 | H2020 WP2017-2018 | Implementation of innovation in enterprise management | 2017 |
554 | LEU-FOREvER | Low Enriched Uranium Fuels fOR REsEarch Reactors | 2017 |
555 | MEACTOS | Mitigating Environmentally Assissted Cracking Through Optimisation of Surface Condition | 2017 |
556 | SMARTSOUND | Pre-Commercialisation of Sound Recognition for Surveillance Applications | 2017 |
557 | EEN Scotland EIMC | EEN Scotland EIMC | 2017 |
558 | IL TROVATORE | Innovative cladding materials for advanced accident-tolerant energy systems | 2017 |
560 | Enhancement SGA2 | Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities and Key Account Management (KAM) services for Greek SMEs | 2017 |
561 | HiLICo | High Luminescence In Cockpit | 2017 |
562 | ARIESS | Augmented Reality and Indoor Navigation for Enhanced ASSembly | 2017 |
563 | To-Euro-5G | To-Euro-5G: Supporting the European 5G Initiative | 2017 |
564 | FED4SAE | Federated CPS Digital Innovation Hubs for the Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative | 2017 |
565 | HEART | HEalth related Activity Recognition system based on IoT – an interdisciplinary training program for young researchers | 2017 |
566 | EExres | Estonian Presidency Research Policy Conference ‘European Research Excellence - Impact and Value for the Society’ | 2017 |
567 | D-PAL | Innovative DePaLletiser for the automated feeding of signatures in the bookbinding industry | 2017 |
568 | InnoSpaceComm | EnduroSat provides innovative space communication satellite solutions. | 2017 |
569 | EEN InnoSupp BG | EEN InnoSupp BG | 2017 |
570 | BITNET-INNOSUP | Improvement of Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs from Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBH) through the Enterprise Europe Network | 2017 |
571 | GO 4G | InvizBox Go 4G - Security and Privacy, Everywhere | 2017 |
572 | LeMO | Leveraging Big Data to Manage Transport Operations | 2017 |
573 | LIS-Water | Centre of Excellence (CoE) Lisbon International Centre for Water | 2017 |
574 | PORTAFACT | Sustainable, Ecological PolyUrethane Foam Panel Construction System, integrated into an Innovative Portable Factory Solution | 2017 |
575 | SAGRIS | Sentinels-based Agriculture Information Service Component | 2017 |
576 | SENSE | Affordable CFD simulation software for SMEs in the transportation industry | 2017 |
577 | TAIRA | Fault Tolerant Aileron Actuation System for Regional Aircraft | 2017 |
578 | tCat | Disrupting the rail maintenance sector thanks to the most cost-efficient solution to auscultate railways overhead lines reducing costs up to 80% | 2017 |
579 | Cross4Health | Collaboration among Aerospace, Biotechnology, ICT, Energy and Medical Devices sectors in generating innovative solutions, business models and work-flows that enhance patient-centered care | 2017 |
580 | ACROSS | Centre of Excellence for Autonomous and Cooperative Robotic Systems | 2017 |
581 | AGRICYGEN | Establishment of an Agricultural Genomics Centre in Cyprus | 2017 |
582 | EPPN | European Network for Pilot Production Facilities and Innovation Hubs | 2017 |
583 | CleanPack | UltraCLEAN thermoforming equipment for food PACKaging, a cost-effective alternative to clean rooms | 2017 |
584 | HTSEmpower | The High Throughput Satellite Enabler Instrument: HTSInstrument | 2017 |
585 | YEASTDOC | Yeast Biotechnology Doctoral Training Programme | 2017 |
586 | ANNULIGhT | Annular Instabilities and Transient Phenomena in Gas Turbine Combustors | 2017 |
587 | CloudiFacturing | Cloudification of Production Engineering for Predictive Digital Manufacturing | 2017 |
588 | CRESTING | CiRcular Economy: SusTainability Implications and guidING progress | 2018 |
589 | ETVAX | ETVAX – the first oral vaccine for protection against traveller’s diarrhoea caused by ETEC | 2017 |
590 | L4MS | Logistics for Manufacturing SMEs | 2017 |
591 | MI-BIKE | World's Most Individual Bikes and e-bikes | 2017 |
592 | MOSSWOOL | Sustainable growing media for vegetable cultivation | 2017 |
593 | PV-Prosumers4Grid | Development of innovative self-consumption and aggregation concepts for PV Prosumers to improve grid load and increase market value of PV | 2017 |
594 | COSMIC | COmbatting disorders of adaptive immunity with Systems MedICine | 2018 |
595 | ROMSOC | Reduced Order Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Coupled systems | 2017 |
596 | InDEStruct | Integrated Design of Engineering Structures | 2018 |
597 | PEGASUS | Plasma Enabled and Graphene Allowed Synthesis of Unique nano Structures | 2017 |
598 | STEVE | Smart-Taylored L-category Electric Vehicle demonstration in hEtherogeneous urbanuse-cases | 2017 |
599 | MUBIC | Mushroom and biogas production in a circular economy | 2017 |
600 | InSightPro | Commercialising an Innovative and Autonomous Analytical Solution Combining On-Line Measurements with Intelligent Cloud Functionalities for Adding Value to Dairy Products. | 2017 |
601 | IProPBio | Integrated Process and Product Design for Sustainable Biorefineries | 2018 |
602 | ecoSave | Market maturation of a packaging concept for sustainable and resource efficient food packaging | 2017 |
603 | BioCatPolymers | Sustainable and efficient bio-chemical catalytic cascade conversion of residual biomass to high quality biopolymers | 2018 |
604 | iNanoBIT | Integration of Nano- and Biotechnology for beta-cell and islet Transplantation | 2017 |
605 | LOTER.CO2M | CRM-free Low Temperature Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to Methanol | 2018 |
607 | TEMPO | TEMPerature Optimisation for Low Temperature District Heating across Europe | 2017 |
608 | ANIMA | Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches | 2017 |
609 | IMAGE | Innovative Manufacturing Routes for Next Generation Batteries in Europe | 2017 |
610 | NEWBIE | New Entrant netWork: Business models for Innovation, entrepreneurship and resilience in European agriculture | 2018 |
611 | MiGANSOS | Millimetre wave Gallium Nitride Space evaluation and application to Observation Satellites | 2017 |
612 | GREENPATROL | Galileo Enhanced Solution for Pest Detection and Control in Greenhouse Fields with Autonomous Service Robots | 2017 |
614 | RadHard | Ultra High Efficiency Radiation Hard Space Solar Cells on Large Area Substrates | 2018 |
615 | SpaceCarbon | European Carbon Fibres and Pre-Impregnated Materials for Space Applications | 2018 |
616 | ESSI | European Support to Social Innovation | 2017 |
617 | SCALESCRAPERS | SCALESCRAPERS - how to support the growth of scale-ups to only sky is the limit | 2017 |
618 | AgriChemWhey | An integrated biorefinery for the conversion of dairy side streams to high value bio-based chemicals | 2018 |
619 | SmartCow | SmartCow: an integrated infrastructure for increased research capability and innovation in the European cattle sector | 2018 |
620 | COMPAR-EU | Comparing effectiveness of self-management interventions in 4 high priority chronic diseases in Europe | 2018 |
621 | MarketPlace | Materials Modelling Marketplace for Increased Industrial Innovation | 2018 |
622 | EASIVIRAL | EASIVIRAL | 2017 |
623 | TRUFUS | MAZARO’s innovative transmissions for unrivalled electricity and fuel savings in transport | 2017 |
624 | EN SGplusRegSys | A European joint programming initiative to develop integrated, regional, smart energy systems enabling regions and local communities to realize their high sustainable energy ambitions | 2018 |
625 | COACCH | CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs | 2017 |
626 | REPO-TRIAL | An in silico-based approach to improve the efficacy and precision of drug REPurpOsing TRIALs for a mechanism-based patient cohort with predominant cerebro-cardiovascular phenotypes | 2018 |
627 | WATSON | FrameWork methodology for SME innovATion policy SuppOrt within RD tax credits and inceNtives schemes in the EU (WATSON) | 2017 |
628 | NanoFEED | Nanostructured carriers for improved cattle feed | 2018 |
629 | IMAGE | Innovative Optical/Quasioptical Technologies and Nano Engineering of Anisotropic Materials for Creating Active Cells with Substantially Improved Energy Efficiency | 2018 |
630 | Signa2.0 | Signaturit | 2018 |
631 | TRIBLADE | Demonstration of a disruptive rotor blade concept for large wind turbines | 2017 |
632 | HYDRAITE | Hydrogen Delivery Risk Assessment and Impurity Tolerance Evaluation | 2018 |
633 | NEXIS | Next generation X-ray imaging system | 2018 |
634 | ESMERA | European SMEs Robotics Applications | 2018 |
635 | PHENOMENON | Laser Manufacturing of 3D nanostructured optics using Advanced Photochemistry | 2018 |
636 | SAUCE | Smart Asset re-Use in Creative Environments | 2018 |
637 | PICKPLACE | Flexible, safe and dependable robotic part handling in industrial environments | 2018 |
638 | ReTV | Enhancing and Re-Purposing TV Content for Trans-Vector Engagement | 2018 |
639 | I-BiDaaS | Industrial-Driven Big Data as a Self-Service Solution | 2018 |
640 | MyLeg | Smart and intuitive osseointegrated transfemoral prostheses embodying advanced dynamic behaviors | 2018 |
641 | BIRAN | IP TurBIne Rear Stage Aero/Noise Rigs | 2018 |
642 | Tremipen | The first simple monitoring device for Parkinson and other Tremor diseases | 2017 |
643 | Avionero | Avionero – a new standard in flight search | 2017 |
644 | FuRIC | Future Recycled Inert Concrete Made of Steelworks Residues | 2017 |
645 | ForestValue | ForestValue - Innovating forest-based bioeconomy | 2017 |
646 | NanoTextSurf | Nanotextured surfaces for membranes, protective textiles, friction pads and abrasive materials | 2017 |
647 | YAKSHA | Cybersecurity Awareness and Knowledge Systemic High-level Application | 2018 |
648 | DEFLECT | DEvelopment of Functionalizable materiaLs for Electrical CabineTs | 2018 |
649 | CBCLASER | Revolutionizing Industrial Materials Processing with Optical Phased Array Coherent BeamCombined High Power, Digitally controlled Lasers. | 2018 |
650 | SmartEye | The most accurate 3D scanner for boosting the uptake of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) | 2018 |
651 | HepaCheC | HepaCheC - an in vitro diagnostic assay for the early detection of liver cancer | 2018 |
652 | OMNISCIENT | Prediction and optimisation platform for the mobile assets management | 2018 |
653 | DARETOMODEL | DAta-dRivEn, low-rank, jeT-nOise MODELling | 2018 |
654 | CONCERTO | Computation of cOmpouNd rotorCraft latEral RoTor nOise | 2018 |
655 | IMBALS | IMage BAsed Landing Solutions | 2018 |
656 | WAI | Wiraya Activation Intelligence | 2018 |
657 | BOOST 4.0 | Big Data Value Spaces for COmpetitiveness of European COnnected Smart FacTories 4.0 | 2018 |
658 | PHOTOCHIRO | Photocatalysis to crop protection: asymmetric cascades for chiral heterocycles | 2018 |
659 | SmallDrugRheuma | Discovery of Immune Therapeutic Targets and Immunomodulators for the Development of Novel Therapies in Rheumatoid Arthritis. | 2018 |
660 | POLYPHEM | Small-Scale Solar Thermal Combined Cycle | 2018 |
661 | CC-LEGO | CC-LEGO: robust protein blocks to build cages and layers | 2018 |
662 | 4D-POLYSENSE | 4D-POLYpropylene meshes as SENsitive motion SEnsors | 2018 |
663 | 5GTRACK | Efficient 5G Localization, Tracking, and Environment Mapping for Systems of Autonomous Vehicles | 2019 |
664 | FINDER | FINDER: FIghtiNg DEngue viRus, a novel strategy for the development of fully protective antiviralsthat act by disrupting the DENV NS3/NS5 interaction | 2018 |
665 | NeCOL | NeCOL: An Innovative Methodology for Building Better Deep Learning Tools for Real Word Applications | 2018 |
666 | B4EST | Adaptive BREEDING for productive, sustainable and resilient FORESTs under climate change | 2018 |
667 | CellularNanoMachines | Development of Stimuli-Responsive Nanoparticle-carrying T lymphocytes in the Fight against Cancer | 2019 |
668 | COGBIAS | Neural circuitry and health consequences of cognitive bias | 2019 |
669 | ComplexSignal | Deciphering the combinatorial signalling patterns in brain development by structural studies of axon guidance receptors and adhesive GPCRs | 2018 |
670 | Digiteal | Digiteal: Next generation e-invoicing and e-payment platform, one-click and automatic invoice payment anywhere in the SEPA zone | 2018 |
671 | ECOBREED | Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding | 2018 |
672 | MICHELANGELO | MultiphasIc NanoreaCtors for HEterogeneous CataLysis via SmArt ENGinEering of TaiLored DispersiOns | 2018 |
673 | IoT4Industry | Towards smarter means of production in European manufacturing SMEs through the use of the Internet of Things technologies | 2018 |
674 | NEWSENs | eNergy nEutral Wireless SEnsor Networks | 2019 |
675 | GOTaM Cities | GOTaM Cities - Geography Of Talents in Metropolitan Cities | 2019 |
676 | MYlandOURland | How Institutions Shape Culture: Survey and Experimental Evidence from a Large-Scale Land Tenure Reform Implemented as a Randomized Control Trial | 2019 |
677 | HACKIT | Hacking your way to IT expertise: What digital societies can (and need to) learn from informal learning in hackerspaces | 2019 |
678 | HyPoStruct | A key breakthrough in hydrogen fuel cells: enhancing macroscopic mass transport properties by tailoring the porous microstructure | 2019 |
679 | SOLWARIS | Solving Water Issues for CSP Plants | 2018 |
680 | SUPER PV | CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems | 2018 |
681 | VolThinSens | VolThinSens. Challenging societal needs involving ions detection: New strategies for the development of Voltammetry ion Sensors based on Thin membranes | 2018 |
682 | Green-DROP | Precise subarea specific irrigation and fertilization system | 2018 |
683 | NoLiMit | Non-Linear Bayesian partition-modeling of the Earth's mantle transition zone | 2018 |
684 | H2O-SPLIT | Carbon-Oxynitride Coupled Artificial Photosynthesis System For Solar Water Splitting Beyond 600 nm | 2019 |
685 | Med-N-Change | Assessing the Interactive Effects on N Addition and Climate Change on Soil Processes through the Biological Soil Crust in Mediterranean Ecosystems | 2019 |
686 | ONCOTHERANOSTICS | Advanced Theranostic Nanomedicines for Oncology. Development of new combinatorial therapies for primary and metastatic Breast Cancer. | 2019 |
687 | LEUKEYOLK | Uncovering the origin and mechanisms of Down syndrome-associated leukaemia through human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived haemopoiesis | 2019 |
688 | SINDIA | Sulphide INclusions in DIAmonds: A Window into The Earth’s Interior Through Time | 2019 |
689 | IMM-GNRs | Human IMMune profiling of Graphene NanoRibbons | 2018 |
690 | NSINC | Novel Soliton Synchronization and Interactions in Coupled Kerr Combs | 2018 |
691 | PeLED | Towards Efficient and Stable Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes | 2018 |
692 | NovelKnees | Targeting Subchondral Bone Marrow Lesions, Microdamage and Remodelling using Novel Bisphosphonate-Loaded Delivery Systems to Prevent Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis after Acute Knee Injury | 2018 |
693 | GEISIE | Gender and Ethnic Integration in Science, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship | 2018 |
694 | PCaProTreat | Multi-omics molecular treatment targets for Prostate Cancer | 2018 |
695 | HYSCALA | Hybrid SCAlable sparse matrix Linear Algebra for industrial applications | 2018 |
696 | TECNIOspringINDUSTRY | ACCIÓ programme to foster mobility of researchers with a focus in applied research and technology transfer | 2019 |
697 | BP3 | Beatriu de Pinos-3 Postdoctoral Programme | 2018 |
698 | KEMISTATIC | New ElectroSTATIC Spraying Process of Two-Component, Solvent-Free, Fast-Curing, Liquid Resins | 2018 |
699 | Innovators2B | Integrated approach to first time innovators – assisting SMEs in transition of their potential to actual innovation | 2018 |
701 | Ventura Habitat | Commercialisation of Ventura Habitat - a novel wind turbine blade maintenance enclosure tomaximize downtime productivity | 2018 |
702 | Farmers Pride | Networking, partnerships and tools to enhance in situ conservation of European plant genetic resources | 2017 |
703 | SMARTCHAIN | Towards Innovation - driven and smart solutions in short food supply chains | 2018 |
704 | MUSIC-haic | 3D MUltidisciplinary tools for the Simulation of In-flight iCing due to High Altitude Ice Crystals | 2018 |
705 | MADELEINE | Multidisciplinary ADjoint-based Enablers for LArge-scale INdustrial dEsign in aeronautics | 2018 |
706 | Handshake | Enabling the transferability of cycling innovations and assessment of its implications | 2018 |
707 | AIRPOXY | ThermoformAble, repaIrable and bondable smaRt ePOXY based composites for aero structures | 2018 |
708 | GLOPACK | Granting society with LOw environmental impact innovative PACKaging | 2018 |
709 | RURITAGE | Rural regeneration through systemic heritage-led strategies | 2018 |
710 | PACIFIC | Passive seismic techniques for environmentally friendly and cost efficient mineral exploration | 2018 |
711 | CarE-Service | Circular Economy Business Models for innovative hybrid and electric mobility through advanced reuse and remanufacturing technologies and services | 2018 |
712 | REACTION | first and euRopEAn siC eigTh Inches pilOt liNe | 2018 |
713 | NUMERICS | International PhD programme in NUMERICal Simulation | 2018 |
714 | GAIN | Green Aquaculture Intensification in Europe | 2018 |
715 | Pharma-Factory | Building the product pipeline for commercial demonstration of Plant Molecular Factories | 2017 |
716 | ECO GAM 2018 | Eco-Design Transverse Activity GAM 2018 | 2014 |
717 | AgrowFab | Far Infrared Radiation Smart Fabric Heating Element for GreenHouses | 2018 |
718 | POC | PieceOfCake: an AI-driven chatbot to manage complex business data | 2018 |
719 | FRESHTRAY | New multi-active cardboard packaging solution to extend the shelf-life of fresh fruits and vegetables by 40%. | 2018 |
720 | FoodMonitor | Inline real-time 4.0 quality monitoring in food production | 2018 |
722 | NAVSCIN | High Accuracy Navigation under Scintillation Conditions | 2018 |
723 | Achilles | Overcoming specific weaknesses in tendon biology to design advanced regenerative therapies | 2018 |
724 | ALTOM | Ground-breaking two-phase cooling solution for Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles | 2018 |
725 | DG Island Mode | Deep Green Island Mode | 2018 |
727 | CreamOlive | Industrial scale-up of the first all-natural solid fat based on olive oil to produce healthier bakery foods | 2018 |
728 | PPROI | Restoring competitiveness – Information system for the 21st Century Manufacturing | 2018 |
729 | SPOTT | Pioneering ICT-platform setting the new standard on advertising and how consumers shop | 2018 |
730 | MiCoBion | Microbial Communities in Biomedical and Environmental Areas, and Systems Biology | 2018 |
731 | EUREMnext | Taking European EnergyManagers to next efficiency levels by implementing energy audit recommendations | 2018 |
732 | SEABOAT | Sustainable Environmentally-friendly Advanced-Composite Zero-Emission Boats | 2018 |
733 | LiionFire | Automated e-buses Lithium Ion Battery Early Warning and Fire Suppression System | 2018 |
734 | QuickMIC | QuickMIC™ - an ultra-rapid diagnostic system for Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing (AST) | 2018 |
735 | G4SEMI | Graphene for Semiconductor Industry | 2018 |
736 | MolPredict | Neural-based solution to boost drug preclinical research success | 2018 |
737 | OpenRIs | RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES FLAGSHIP CONFERENCE Enhancing Long Term Sustainability and Opening Up RIs to Society and Industry | 2017 |
738 | StarLink | StarLink: The World's First Intelligent Vacuum Pump System | 2018 |
739 | LYSOCIL | Excel in Rare Diseases’ Research: Focus on LYSOsomal Disorders and CILiopathies | 2018 |
741 | EFFECTIVE | Advanced Eco-designed Fibres and Films for large consumer products from biobased polyamides and polyesters in a circular EConomy perspecTIVE | 2018 |
742 | AROBMACH | Cognibotics: driving the revolution in accurate robotic machining | 2018 |
743 | Neo-PRISM-C | Neo-PRISM-C: NEurodevelopmental Optimal-Predictors, Risk factors, and Intervention from a Systems approach to Maladjustment in Children | 2018 |
744 | MesoBrainMicr | Novel high speed and high resolution microscopy setup for cytoarchitectonic studies of mesoscale sized human brain tissues, healthy and affected by Focal Cortical Dysplasia | 2018 |
745 | EUROoC | Interdisciplinary training network for advancing Organ-on-a-chip technology in Europe | 2018 |
746 | DOC-3D-CERAM | Development Of Ceramics 3D-Printing, Additive Manufacturing | 2018 |
747 | BRIEFING | Bridging the FET Innovation Gap | 2018 |
748 | WEO | International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook analysis of the implications of the European Union’s Energy Union on key energy sector indicators. | 2018 |
749 | SINNCE | Strengthening Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research at CEITEC | 2018 |
750 | NextWave | Wave Energy Technology Made Mainstream | 2018 |
751 | CIRMET | Innovative and efficient solution, based on modular, versatile, smart process units for energy and resource flexibility in highly energy intensive processes | 2018 |
752 | WrightBroS | Working in a Collaborative Factory of the Flight Simulators Branch of RISE | 2019 |
753 | CLARA | Chemical Looping gAsification foR sustainAble production of biofuels | 2018 |
754 | NextGenRoadFuels | Sustainable Drop-In Transport fuels from Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Low Value Urban Feedstocks | 2018 |
755 | SKOPA | Skin friction and fiber-optics-based surface pressure measurements for aircraft applications | 2018 |
756 | WeldGalaxy | Digital Dynamic Knowledge Platform for Welding in Manufacturing Industries | 2018 |
757 | QUANT | A Quantitative Approach to Neolithic Plant-working Techniques: From Assessing Tool Use to Modelling Human Dispersals | 2018 |
758 | CODOBIO | Continuous Downstream Processing of Bioproducts | 2019 |
759 | AD Detect-Prevent | Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Detect & Prevent - Presymptomatic AD detection and prevention | 2018 |
760 | NanoPol | Soft Biocompatible Polymeric Nanostructures: A Toolbox for Novel Generation of Nano Pharmaceuticals in Ophthalmology | 2019 |
761 | MLFPM2018 | Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine | 2019 |
762 | GREAT | Grating Reflectors Enabled laser Applications and Training | 2019 |
763 | G-IMAGER | New Graphene Imager based on Graphene-on-wafer | 2018 |
764 | WoodZymes | Extremozymes for wood based building blocks: From pulp mill to board and insulation products | 2018 |
765 | DiManD | Digital Manufacturing and Design Training Network | 2019 |
766 | FITGEN | Functionally Integrated E-axle Ready for Mass Market Third GENeration Electric Vehicles | 2019 |
767 | RE-CITY | Reviving shrinking cities – innovative paths and perspectives towards livability for shrinkingcities in Europe | 2018 |
769 | RETINA | Miniaturised Photonics Enabled Next Generation SAR | 2018 |
770 | ALFAMA | Advanced Lightweight and Flexible Array with Mechanical Architecture | 2018 |
771 | SALUTE | Smart Acoustic Lining for UHBR Technologies Engines | 2018 |
772 | SELECTOR | Smt compatible ELECTroMechanical relay for cOmpact redundancy Ring | 2019 |
773 | DIALYBRID | Revolutionising the world of hemodialysis with a novel, hybrid, silk fibroin/polyurethane vascular access | 2018 |
774 | Ceres | Proactive system to forecast and reduce environmental footprint while maximising agriculture performance | 2018 |
775 | SecRHC-ETIP | Secretariat of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling | 2018 |
776 | sustAGE | Smart environments for person-centered sustainable work and well-being | 2019 |
777 | DIH² | A Panâ€European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production | 2019 |
778 | RIMA | Robotics for Infrastructure Inspection and MAintenance | 2019 |
779 | CREATINNO | Innovating support ecosystem of creative SMEs at regional level | 2019 |
780 | SFERA-III | Solar Facilities for the European Research Area - Third Phase | 2019 |
781 | B-LigZymes | Bacterial Enzymes and Bioprocesses for Lignin Valorisation | 2019 |
782 | OSCAR | Open ScienCe Aeronautic & Air Transport Research | 2019 |
783 | COSAFE | Cooperative Connected Intelligent Vehicles for Safe and Efficient Road Transport | 2018 |
784 | ASIMIA | Advanced High-Order Simulation Methods for Industrial Applications | 2019 |
785 | PhilHumans | Personal Health Interfaces Leveraging Human-Machine Natural Interactions | 2019 |
786 | GRRIP | Grounding RRI practices in research performing organisations | 2019 |
787 | SYNCANO 2.0 | Accelerating software development, empowering rapid innovation | 2018 |
788 | SmoothTool | Welding SmoothTool | 2018 |
789 | OpenInnoTrain | Open Innovation – Research Translation and Applied Knowledge Exchange in Practice through University-Industry-Cooperation | 2019 |
790 | AERO | Improving jet fuel efficiency through automated, high-precision and performance of engine manufacturing | 2018 |
791 | RESTORE | User-centred smart nanobiomaterial-based 3D matrices for chondral repair | 2019 |
792 | WASTE2GRIDS | Converting WASTE to offer flexible GRID balancing Services with highly-integrated, efficient solid-oxide plants | 2019 |
793 | SmartCrys | Advanced intelligence and close-loop control for Crystallisation of API’s (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) | 2019 |
794 | MDOT | Medical Device Obligations Taskforce | 2019 |
795 | CFA | The Clinical Flexible Analyzer- a new generation IVD testing device aimed to increase the competitiveness of local healthcare vs. large laboratories | 2018 |
796 | RELAX-MAX | Launching high-resolution relaxometry - A powerful new analytical tool for industry | 2019 |
797 | TBMED | A testing bed for the development of high-risk medical devices | 2019 |
798 | BrightnESS-2 | Bringing together a neutron ecosystem for sustainable science with ESS (BrightnESS-2) | 2019 |
799 | EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE | Ensuring long-term sustainability of excellence in chemical biology within Europe and beyond | 2019 |
800 | Fish-AI | Developing an Artificial Intestine for the sustainable farming of healthy fish | 2019 |
802 | EEN InnoSupp BG-3 | EEN InnoSupp BG-3 | 2019 |
803 | INNOKAM 2019 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg andSchleswig-Holstein | 2019 |
804 | KAM2EastPoland2019 | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland 2019 | 2019 |
805 | KAM2CY4 | Provision of services for enhancing innovation management capacity of the Cypriot SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus | 2019 |
806 | KAIROS | Key Account services and Innovation management support for TRivenetO SME’s | 2019 |
807 | InnoManage BB 2019 | EEN Innovation Management Berlin-Brandenburg (InnoManage BB 2019) | 2019 |
808 | InnoSuppEastMed | Innovation Support Network East Mediterranean | 2019 |
809 | FINKAMIE2019 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of Finnish SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in 2019 | 2019 |
810 | InnoCap Transylvania | Services to enhance the innovation amangement capacity of SMEs in Roamania macro-region 1 | 2019 |
811 | BASKAM3 | Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs for 2019 | 2019 |
812 | INNOVACCION | Supporting Innovation actions in SMEs | 2019 |
813 | M2O | MAke RAil The HOpe for protecting Nature 2 future OPERATION | 2018 |
814 | Innovation.NRW_1 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2019 | 2019 |
815 | HBP SGA2 | Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 2 | 2018 |
816 | WoodCircus | Underpinning the vital role of the forest-based sector in the Circular Bio-Economy | 2018 |
817 | EFESTO | European Flexible hEat Shields: advanced TPS design and tests for future in-Orbit demonstration | 2019 |
818 | EJP RD | European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases | 2019 |
819 | Swennis 2019 | Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network 2019 | 2019 |
820 | InnoHessen2Europe_19 | Innovating Hessian SMEs towards Europe | 2019 |
822 | INNOVIST 3.0 | INcreasing the InNOVation Management Capacity of SMEs in ISTanbul | 2019 |
823 | MAGIC SWF SMES 2019 | Establishing in-depth services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West ofFrance SMEs in 2019 | 2019 |
824 | CURVE-X | Industrialisation of curved sensors and related imagers | 2019 |
825 | LIGHTYEAR | Developing the electric car that charges itself: Lightyear One | 2019 |
826 | REBICOM | New innovative REcyclable and BIo-COMpostable film for flexible packaging | 2019 |
827 | 3H-ADC | High-speed, High-accuracy and Radiation-Hardened (Rad-Hard) Analog-to-Digital converter (ADC) in CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) technology | 2019 |
828 | EEN Scotland EIMC | EEN Scotland EIMC | 2019 |
829 | INNO-HUN2019 | Providing services under Horizon 2020 enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network - 2019 | 2019 |
830 | FIN-TECH | A FINancial supervision and TECHnology compliance training programme | 2019 |
831 | AUDACITY | compAct powerfUl anD reliAble piezoeleCtrIc acTuator for landing gear sYstems | 2019 |
832 | ELCOCOS | Enhanced Low-cost COmplex COmposite Structures | 2019 |
833 | FITCoW | Full-scale Innovative integrated Tooling for Composite material Wing-box | 2019 |
834 | I-KAM2EU | enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU | 2019 |
835 | Enhancement SGA3 | Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities and Key Account Management (KAM) services for Greek SMEs | 2019 |
836 | TRIcEPS | Tilt Rotor Integrated Air Intake and Engine Protection Systems | 2019 |
837 | FR8RAIL II | Digitalization and Automation of Freight Rail | 2018 |
838 | EventAI | Revolutionary Artificial Intelligence Platform for Managing and Optimising Event Planning | 2018 |
839 | BLAZE | Biomass Low cost Advanced Zero Emission small-to-medium scale integrated gasifier-fuel cell combined heat and power plant | 2019 |
840 | SELENDIS | SELENDIS: A novel detection strategy to discover light Dark Matter | 2019 |
841 | RETALT | Retro Propulsion Assisted Landing Technologies | 2019 |
842 | DOLPHIN | Disruptive PEMFC stack with nOvel materials, Processes, arcHitecture and optimized Interfaces | 2019 |
843 | ENGAGE | ENGineering extracellular matrix-based de novo proteins with high Affinity to Growth factors for Enhancing bone regeneration | 2019 |
844 | SSST-BD | Smart Specialization Strategy Tools with Big Data | 2019 |
845 | CHEMICROS | CHEmically-mediated MICRobial Interactions maintained by the toxic dinoflagellate OStreopsis cf. ovata | 2019 |
846 | StringyGeometry | Stringy geometry: quantum corrections and the fate of string compactifications from spacetime and the worldsheet | 2020 |
847 | EvolvAnt | Natural selection during the recurrent evolution of a major social trait | 2019 |
848 | ZWIPE | Zwipe is a technology provider that enables ultra-low-power biometric authentication solutions for Financial Services. Mission is to “Make Convenience Secure” for banks, merchants and consumers. | 2019 |
849 | AUTOSHIP | Autonomous Shipping Initiative for European Waters | 2019 |
850 | STRICt | Sustainable development Transition through Regulation-Induced technological Change | 2020 |
851 | LawLove | The origins of the legal protection of heritage. Legislation on the safeguard of monuments and artworks issued in 15th- to 18th-century Europe. | 2019 |
852 | SPIR | Spasers in the infrared range | 2020 |
853 | CODEV | Co-diversification and co-evolution of human populations and cereals in Africa | 2019 |
854 | TEXDANCE | TEXtiles in Etruscan DANCE (8th-5th centuries BC) | 2019 |
855 | REPRODAGEING | Direct and transgenerational consequences of divergent reproductive strategies on ageing trajectories of parents and their offspring | 2019 |
856 | WEAN-IT | WEaning practices in ANcient ITaly: from Neolithic farmers to the first cities | 2020 |
857 | BIOMOSAIC | From Biopigments to BIOelectronics: MOdelling Semiconducting EumelAnin-based InterfaCes | 2020 |
858 | WONDER | Low-Bandgap Fused Ring Electron Acceptors towards High-Efficiency Organic Solar Cells | 2019 |
859 | ISOTOPEST | ISOtope TOols for assessing PESticide faTe in the environment | 2019 |
860 | NEUROSHELL | Advancing knowledge and acquiring expertise in shellfish research by investigating environmental, neuroendocrine and endocrine control of key stages in oyster aquaculture, using a rhythmic approach | 2019 |
861 | DONNA | Engineering de novo production of chlorinated polyketides in Pseudomonas putida | 2020 |
862 | NUTRIENT | Identification of physiological and molecular mechanisms mediating the response of Nitrogen nutrition to eCO2 | 2020 |
863 | RADIOFREPOLIS | An Innovative and Energy-Efficient Radio Frequency Pretreatment on Emerging Micropollutants and Transformation Products in Anaerobic Sludge Digestion for Waste Reuse | 2019 |
864 | TOPIS-BioCirc | Integrating torrefaction of pulp and paper industry sludge with microbial conversion: A new approach to produce bioenergy carriers and biochemicals in a view of bio and circular economy. | 2020 |
865 | MIFLUKE | Microbial fluxes of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) in karst ecosystems: comprehensive assessment and biogeochemical modelling | 2019 |
866 | cesmine | Cultural ecosystem services of post-mining sites: socio-economic rehabilitation after quarrying | 2020 |
867 | PEDPOC | Rapid diagnosis of preeclampsia at the point-of-care | 2019 |
868 | Full5G | Fulfilling the 5G Promise | 2019 |
870 | | Utilizing Urban Tech to Power Smarter Cities | 2019 |
871 | TANKRETE | A breakthrough concrete mega tank for thermal fluids storage over 500ºC in thermal solar energy generation | 2019 |
872 | UNITY | Unified, holistic medical data collection and analysis platform | 2019 |
873 | Infobel | Infobel Business Data Hub = GET + USE + IMPROVE | 2019 |
874 | AGILE 4.0 | AGILE 4.0: Towards cyber-physical collaborative aircraft development | 2019 |
875 | CHICKENSTRESS | Variations in stress responsivity in hens: matching birds to environments | 2019 |
876 | AQUA-FAANG | Advancing European Aquaculture by Genome Functional Annotation | 2019 |
877 | Block.IS | Blockchain Innovation Spaces | 2019 |
878 | HELIAUS | tHErmaL vIsion AUgmented awarenesS | 2019 |
879 | eCOCO2 | Direct electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 into chemical energy carriers in a co-ionic membrane reactor | 2019 |
880 | NIVA | A New IACS Vision in Action | 2019 |
881 | EMB3Rs | User-driven Energy-Matching & Business prospection tool for industrial Excess heat/cold Reduction, Recovery and Redistribution | 2019 |
882 | Peer2Scale-Health | Peer2Scale-Health: Peer-learning action to improve innovation support to health SMEs in their scale-up process | 2019 |
883 | GRAPHENE WATER | High-Quality Graphene Dispersion in Water for Anti-Corrosion Applications | 2019 |
885 | Coldab | An innovative Pulsed Laser Deposition process for next generation of Li-ion batteries | 2019 |
886 | UDIGITAL | The Digital Marketplace to empower SMEs for the digital transformation | 2019 |
887 | VERTIGO | VERy high Throughput Satellite-Ground Optical Link | 2019 |
888 | OPEN DEI | Aligning Reference Architectures, Open Platforms and Large Scale Pilots in Digitising European Industry | 2019 |
889 | 5GhOSTS | 5th GeneratiOn Security for Telecom Services | 2019 |
890 | HIBOO | HIBOO, the data platform to visualize and predict the industrial world | 2019 |
891 | Exa-FireFlows | Exascale framework for supporting high-fidelity simulations of multiphase reacting flows in complex geometries | 2019 |
892 | P2Med | IMIBIC Fellowship Programme for Personalised and Precision Medicine | 2019 |
893 | ENLIGHTEN | ENhanced PhD Fellowship Programme in the Sciences of LIGHT | 2020 |
894 | INNOVA MEASURE IV | Econometric analyses and indicators on Research, Excellence and Impact of Research and Innovation | 2019 |
895 | COREWIND | COst REduction and increase performance of floating WIND technology | 2019 |
898 | SiNfONiA | Safety in NanOmaterials & NAnotechnology | 2019 |
899 | PHERECLOS | Partnerships for pathways to Higher Education and science engagement in Regional Clusters of Open Schooling | 2019 |
900 | Chaperon | ERA Chair Position for Excellent Research in Oncology | 2019 |
901 | 5G CONNI | Private 5G Networks for Connected Industries | 2019 |
902 | NEUROTWIN | Pan-European twinning to re-establish world-level Neuroscience Centre in Kiev (NEUROTWIN) | 2019 |
903 | CPS4EU | Cyber Physical Systems for Europe | 2019 |
904 | NOMATEN | Centre of Excellence in Multifunctional Materials for Industrial and Medical Applications | 2019 |
905 | COBRAIN | Armenia Center for Translational Research on Chronic Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Neuroscience Initiative on Maintaining Healthy Brain Ageing | 2019 |
906 | CMMI – MaRITeC-X | Marine and Maritime Research, Innovation, Technology Centre of Excellence | 2019 |
907 | HYDRACTFLEX | Full-scale demonstration of a flexible inline production concept for breweries, drawing on water hydraulics | 2019 |
908 | DGIM2 | Deep Green Island Mode 2 | 2019 |
909 | DrugPhosphoProfiler | Accelerating drug and biomarker discovery through a new proteomic service: DrugPhosphoProfiler | 2019 |
910 | HighLite | High-performance low-cost modules with excellent environmental profiles for a competitive EU PV manufacturing industry | 2019 |
912 | CITRUS-PORT | Global advisory DSS platform for citrus fruit growers | 2019 |
913 | SMARTPROTECT | SMART agriculture for innovative vegetable crop PROTECTion: harnessing advanced methodologies and technologies | 2020 |
914 | ELICA | ELectric Innovative Commuter Aircraft | 2019 |
915 | ChemPET | Industrial scale PET chemical recycling via an innovative glycolysis process | 2019 |
916 | VALUE-RUBBER | Recycling technology to introduce rubber from End-of-Life Tyres into production lines as virgin rubbers substitute | 2019 |
917 | RASMAC | Regulatory Approved Software for Mutation Analysis in Cancer | 2019 |
918 | SMART-X | Study of carrier transport in MAterials by time-Resolved specTroscopy with ultrashort soft X-ray light | 2020 |
919 | TReSPAsS-ETN | TRaining in Secure and PrivAcy-preserving biometricS | 2020 |
921 | SOCCRATES | SOC & Csirt Response to Attacks & Threats based on attack defence graphs Evaluation Systems | 2019 |
922 | 3TR | Identification of the Molecular Mechanisms of non-response to Treatments, Relapses and Remission in Autoimmune, Inflammatory, and Allergic Conditions | 2019 |
923 | TargetSME | Proactive communication and marketing measures for SMEs | 2019 |
924 | SIRA | A disruptive machine to enable mass production of composite parts | 2019 |
925 | EMOTION | Enhanced Mould for Thermoplastic Fuselage in and out of Autoclave Consolidation | 2019 |
926 | FLOAWER | FLOAting Wind Energy netwoRk | 2019 |
927 | DigiJourney | Digital transformation journey for SMEs | 2019 |
928 | ENCATFLOW | Encapsulated catalysts in flow chemistry for continues chemical processes | 2019 |
929 | AgRefine | A Disruptive Innovative Cooperative Entrepreneurial (DICE) education, training and skills development programme rolling out the next generation of Agri Biorefinery and Valorisation Bioeconomy leaders | 2019 |
931 | MATER | Innovative Training Network in Female Reproductive Care | 2019 |
932 | FORESTMAP | Quick and cost-effective integrated web platform for forest inventories | 2019 |
933 | ADDI-OPTIMISE | ADDI-OPTIMISE - Process Efficiency & Quality Assurance in Metal Additive Manufacturing | 2019 |
935 | optiSLATER | optiSLATER: Automated Classification System for the categorization of slate slabs. | 2019 |
938 | EPICA | Improved Credentialess and Secure Cloud Access | 2019 |
939 | IVANHOE | Installed adVAnced Nacelle uHbr Optimisation and Evaluation | 2019 |
940 | SmaCS | Smart Cabin System for cabin readiness | 2019 |
941 | PHAROS | Physical Architecture Optimization System | 2019 |
942 | SONAR | Modelling for the search for new active materials for redox flow batteries | 2020 |
943 | REMODEL | Robotic tEchnologies for the Manipulation of cOmplex DeformablE Linear objects | 2019 |
944 | CoFBAT | Advanced material solutions for safer and long-lasting high capacity Cobalt Free Batteries for stationary storage applications | 2019 |
945 | IOTI4.0 | Integral Open Technology for Industry 4.0 | 2019 |
946 | iFACT | iFACT - Iodine Fed Advanced Cusp field Thruster | 2020 |
947 | CPSoSaware | Cross-layer cognitive optimization tools & methods for the lifecycle support of dependable CPSoS | 2020 |
948 | ICHTHYS | OptImization of novel value CHains for fish and seafood by developing an integraTed sustainable approacH for improved qualitY, safety and waSte reduction | 2020 |
949 | BD4OPEM | Big Data for OPen innovation Energy Marketplace | 2020 |
950 | MULTIPLE | Multimodal spectral sensors and orchestrated deep models for integrated process optimisation | 2019 |
952 | Musicon BAND | A complex educational tool based on the power of music, dedicated to preparing children for the challenges of the future by supporting global educational and therapeutic systems. | 2019 |
953 | SURPRISE | SUper-Resolved comPRessive InStrument in the visible and medium infrared for Earth observation applications | 2020 |
954 | UNICOM | Up-scaling the global univocal identification of medicines | 2019 |
955 | reCreating Europe | Rethinking digital copyright law for a culturally diverse, accessible, creative Europe | 2020 |
956 | TECHEYE | Artificial Intelligence beyond quality | 2019 |
957 | SeCoIIA | Secure Collaborative Intelligent Industrial Assets | 2019 |
959 | PEPPER | Industrial-scale plant-based protein production in a cell-free platform | 2019 |
960 | Pledger | Performance optimization and edge computing orchestration for enhanced experience and Quality of Service | 2019 |
961 | IPN-Bio | Integrated Photonic-Nano Technologies for Bioapplications | 2020 |
962 | Translate4Rail | Translation for breaking language barriers in the railway field | 2019 |
963 | MIGRATECH 4.0 | The revolution in micro-granulation technology for eco-friendly, production efficient, superior ceramic tiles | 2019 |
964 | E-Solution | Flexible and effective solution for people with motor disabilities | 2019 |
965 | MACADAMIA | Machine learning Augmented Computational Analysis of composite panels: new insights into DAmage Mechanisms In Aerospace structures with nanoparticles | 2020 |
967 | 4 | 4 - Leveraging Asia for European GNSS | 2020 |
968 | SOPHIA | Socio-physical Interaction Skills for Cooperative Human-Robot Systems in Agile Production | 2019 |
969 | SHOP4CF | Smart Human Oriented Platform for Connected Factories | 2020 |
971 | EEN Scotland EIMC | EEN Scotland EIMC | 2020 |
972 | PICOMB | Photonic Integrated Comb Source | 2020 |
973 | Plural AI | The knowledge engine for finance | 2019 |
974 | TPV 2500 | High performance hydraulic pump for off road mobile equipment | 2020 |
975 | SGPR | Development of a breakthrough spectral ground-penetrating radar revolutionizing sub-surface analysis across industries | 2020 |
976 | NewSOC | Next Generation solid oxide fuel cell and electrolysis technology | 2020 |
977 | NEWELY | Next Generation Alkaline Membrane Water Electrolysers with Improved Components and Materials | 2020 |
978 | SAMMBA | Standard And Modular Microlauncher BAsed services | 2020 |
979 | ENVOL | European Newspace Vertical Orbital Launcher | 2020 |
980 | LASERLAB-EUROPE | The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures | 2019 |
981 | CUBER | Copper-Based Flow Batteries for energy storage renewables integration | 2020 |
982 | MAGIC SWF SMEs 20-21 | Establishing in-depth services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West of France SMEs in 2020-2021 | 2020 |
983 | FR8RAIL III | Smart data-based assets and efficient rail freight operation | 2019 |
984 | EPIC2 | Electric Propulsion Innovation and Competitiveness 2.0 (EPIC2) | 2019 |
985 | Innovation.NRW | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2020-21 | 2020 |
986 | BASKAM4 | Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs for 2020-2021 | 2020 |
987 | FINKAMIE2021 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of Finnish SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in 2020-21 | 2020 |
988 | EURACTE-INNOV III | EURACTE-INNOV III 2020-21 | 2020 |
989 | INCAME_2 | INnovation CApacity of Mediterranean Enterpises | 2020 |
990 | InnoCap Transylvania | Services to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in macro-region 1 in Romania | 2020 |
991 | MELIITA 4 | Maltese-European Linkages for Internationalisation, Innovation and Technology Transfer 4 | 2020 |
992 | INNOKAM 2020-21 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein | 2020 |
993 | APII-H2020-GA4-20-21 | Establishing services to “Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs that are members of the EEN Tunisia. | 2020 |
994 | INNOVACTION 2020-21 | Actions in support of innovation in SMES | 2020 |
995 | INNO-HUN 2020-21 | Providing services under Horizon 2020 enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network – 2020-21 | 2020 |
996 | Swennis 2020-2021 | Sweden EEN consortium Innovation Support 2020-2021 | 2020 |
997 | InnoHessen2Europe | Innovating Hessian SMEs towards Europe | 2020 |
999 | KAM2CY5 | Provision of services for enhancing innovation management capacity of the Cypriot SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus | 2020 |
1000 | KAM2EastPoland2020-2021 | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland | 2020 |
1001 | EEN InnoSupp BG-4 | EEN InnoSupp BG-4 | 2020 |
1002 | InnosuppEastMed | Innovation Support Network East Mediterranean | 2020 |
1004 | INNOVIST 4.0 | INcreasing the InNOVation Management Capacity of SMEs in ISTanbul | 2020 |
1005 | InnoManage BB 20-21 | EEN Innovation Management Berlin-Brandenburg (InnoManage BB 2020-2021) | 2020 |
1006 | nanoEx | Towards nanopore proteomics: enhancing cytolysin performance through genetically encoded noncanonical amino acids | 2020 |
1007 | MelImmuneOrg | Deciphering the tumor-immune-microenvironment profile and organization within the tumors of melanoma patients undergoing immunotherapy | 2020 |
1008 | I-KAM2EU | enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU | 2020 |
1009 | cONCReTE | DevelOpmeNt of Cancer RNA TherapEutics | 2020 |
1011 | CYCLOTUBES | Artificial microtubules based on switchable cyclic peptides | 2020 |
1012 | BRAVO | Establishing Blend Repair limit of blisks –from A perspective of Vibration amplificatiOn | 2020 |
1013 | Alloem | Maternal immune response to allogeneic embryos | 2020 |
1014 | CIRCULAR X | Experimenting with Circular Service Business Models | 2020 |
1015 | ALGWAS-BIOR | Sustainable Valorization Of The Algae Industry Waste-Stream Within An Advanced Clean Technologies-Based Integrated Biorefinery Concept | 2020 |
1016 | RECYCALYSE | New sustainable and recyclable catalytic materials for proton exchange membrane electrolysers | 2020 |
1017 | APRIL | multipurpose robotics for mAniPulation of defoRmable materIaLs in manufacturing processes | 2020 |
1018 | GAMBBa | Gene-activated AntiMicrobial Biomaterials for Bone regeneration | 2020 |
1019 | INVENTOR | INnoVative dEsign of iNstalled airframe componenTs for aircraft nOise Reduction | 2020 |
1020 | RAPID | Risk-aware Automated Port Inspection Drone(s) | 2020 |
1021 | Hydra | Hybrid power-energy electrodes for next generation litium-ion batteries | 2020 |