The page lists 555 projects related to the topic "prevention".
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1 | CATCH ME | Characterizing Atrial fibrillation by Translating its Causes into Health Modifiers in the Elderly | 2015 |
2 | RNEst14-15 | Estonian Researchers' Nights 2014-2015 | 2014 |
3 | DYNAHEALTH | Understanding the dynamic determinants of glucose homeostasis and social capability to promote Healthy and active aging | 2015 |
4 | SHIPS | Screening to improve Health In very Preterm infantS in Europe | 2015 |
5 | SECURE | Secondary prEvention of CardiovascUlaR disease in the Elderly trial | 2015 |
6 | DIAGORAS | Chair/bedside diagnosis of oral and respiratory tract infections, and identification of antibiotic resistances for personalised monitoring and treatment | 2015 |
7 | B-CAST | Breast CAncer STratification: understanding the determinants of risk and prognosis of molecular subtypes | 2015 |
8 | ImmunoAgeing | An integrated approach to dissect determinants, risk factors and pathways of ageing of the immune system. | 2015 |
9 | ENSAT-HT | Application of omics-based strategies for improved diagnosis and treatment of endocrine hypertension | 2015 |
10 | SUSTAIN | Sustainable tailored integrated care for older people in Europe | 2015 |
11 | MOCHA | Models of Child Health Appraised | 2015 |
12 | PoC-ID | Platform for ultra-sensitive Point-of-Care diagnostics for Infectious Diseases | 2015 |
13 | ParaFishControl | Advanced Tools and Research Strategies for Parasite Control in European farmed fish | 2015 |
14 | EUthyroid | Towards the elimination of iodine deficiency and preventable thyroid-related diseases in Europe | 2015 |
15 | EYE-RISK | Exploring the combined role of genetic and non-genetic factors for developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A systems level analysis of disease subgroups, risk factors, and pathways | 2015 |
16 | FORECEE | Female cancer prediction using cervical omics to individualise screening and prevention | 2015 |
17 | CARBALIVE | Clinical evaluation of carbons of controlled porosity as a new therapeutic for the treatment of liver cirrhosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. | 2015 |
18 | ICare | Integrating Technology into Mental Health Care Delivery in Europe | 2015 |
19 | PRECIOUS | PREvention of Complications to Improve OUtcome in elderly patients with acute Stroke | 2015 |
20 | SCOPE | Screening for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) among Older People across Europe (SCOPE) | 2015 |
21 | BRIDGES | Breast Cancer Risk after Diagnostic Gene Sequencing (BRIDGES) | 2015 |
22 | SILNE-R | Enhancing the effectiveness of programs and strategies to prevent youth smoking: a comparative realist evaluation of 7 European cities | 2015 |
23 | ADVOCATE | Added Value for Oral Care | 2015 |
25 | RADICLE | Real-time dynamic control system for laser welding | 2015 |
26 | PredicTOOL | Nanomethods to understand what makes an endogenous protein immunogenic | 2015 |
27 | CRCStemCellDynamics | Molecular Subtype Specific Stem Cell Dynamics in Developing and Established Colorectal Cancers | 2015 |
28 | aCROBAT | Circadian Regulation Of Brown Adipose Thermogenesis | 2015 |
29 | EpiPredict | Epigenetic regulation of endocrine therapy resistance in breast cancer: A systems medicine approach to predict treatment outcome | 2015 |
30 | ERACoSysMed | ERACoSysMed - Collaboration on systems medicine funding to promote the implementation of systems biology approaches in clinical research and medical practice | 2015 |
31 | NoHoW | Evidence-based ICT tools for weight loss maintenance | 2015 |
32 | SMART2D | A people-centred approach through Self-Management and Reciprocal learning for the prevention and management of Type-2-Diabetes | 2015 |
33 | Feel4Diabetes | Developing and implementing a community-based intervention to create a more supportive social and physical environment for lifestyle changes to prevent diabetes in vulnerable families across Europe | 2014 |
34 | iHealth-T2D | Family-based intervention to improve healthy lifestyle and prevent Type 2 Diabetes amongst South Asians with central obesity and prediabetes | 2015 |
35 | TREGeneration | Repair of tissue and organ damage in refractory chronic graft versus host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation by the infusion of purified allogeneic donor regulatory T lymphocytes | 2015 |
36 | MyCyFAPP | Innovative approach for self-management and social welfare of Cystic Fibrosis patients in Europe: development, validation and implementation of a telematics tool. | 2015 |
37 | GEO-RAMP | Geohazards: Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Prevention | 2015 |
38 | TraSaCu | Traffic Safety Cultures and the Safe Systems Approach – Towards a Cultural Change Research and Innovation Agenda for Road Safety | 2015 |
39 | PRECeDI | Personalized PREvention of Chronic DIseases | 2015 |
40 | | Financial Transparency Platform for the Public Sector | 2015 |
41 | Pro-Staph-ID | Clinical biomarker and rapid diagnostic test for Staphylococcus aureus induced ventilator-associated pneumonia | 2014 |
42 | E-saving Ultrasonics | Energy-saving and reducing carbon emissions by applying advanced ultrasonic technology to industrial maintenance services for compressed air systems | 2014 |
43 | BUStoB | BUILD UP Skills to Business | 2015 |
44 | SURVEIRON | SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures | 2014 |
45 | Stefy | Sensor Technology for Food analYsis | 2014 |
46 | EU-CIVCAP | Preventing and responding to conflict: developing EU CIVilian CAPabilities for a sustainable peace | 2015 |
47 | STRESSAGED | Molecular Mechanisms Linking Psychological Stress and Ageing-Related Disease | 2015 |
48 | TRILLION | TRusted, CItizen - LEA coILaboratIon over sOcial Networks | 2015 |
49 | GelSwimming | Bacterial motion in polymer solutions and biogels | 2016 |
50 | IECEU | Improving the Effectiveness of the Capabilities (IEC) in EU conflict prevention | 2015 |
51 | IMPACT | Impact of Cultural aspects in the management of emergencies in public Transport | 2015 |
52 | INSPEC2T | Inspiring CitizeNS Participation for Enhanced Community PoliCing AcTions | 2015 |
53 | EMYNOS | nExt generation eMergencY commuNicatiOnS | 2015 |
54 | WOSCAP | Whole-of-Society Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding | 2015 |
55 | ICT4COP | Community-Based Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform | 2015 |
56 | ESATM | Embryonic stem cell origin of the adipose tissue macrophages | 2015 |
57 | DiverseRoots | Drivers of Root Dynamics in Diverse Plant Communities | 2016 |
59 | FireAndRiskPrevention | When the smoke clears: predicting and preventing catastrophic erosion and flooding after wildfires in volcanic terrains | 2015 |
60 | MicroEcoEvol | Ecological and evolutionary forces shaping microbial diversity in freshwater blooms | 2015 |
61 | BBFGEN | Genetic analysis of rare and common variation in a large Brazilian bipolar family | 2015 |
62 | PEMETH | Planning and Evaluation Methodologies for Mental Healthcare Buildings | 2015 |
63 | ARENAVIRUS | Molecular mechanisms of arenavirus cell entry and antibody-mediated neutralization | 2015 |
64 | GLOID | Genetic and Lifestyle Origins of Inflammation in Depression | 2015 |
65 | FREE_TEEN_DESIRE | Contributing to identify causes of gender violence among teenagers | 2015 |
66 | OLIGOBINPRO | Non-canonical nucleoside incorporation into synthetic RNA-oligonucleotides: investigations towards the discovery of selective RNA-binding proteins | 2015 |
67 | PRe-FActo | Periodontal Regeneration through Femtosecond laser Action | 2016 |
68 | MDR Tuberculosis | Evolution and success of the multi-drug resistant M. tuberculosis SIT41 (LAM7-TUR) lineage | 2015 |
69 | ACM | Cholesterol metabolism as a driver of prostate cancer aggressiveness | 2015 |
70 | KCs and Gut Antigens | Elucidating the role of liver resident Kupffer cells in the regulation of the immune responses to intestinal antigens | 2015 |
71 | NoBios | No Biofouling Surfaces | 2015 |
72 | Re.B.Us | Rewiring Brain Units - bridging the gap of neuronal communication by means of intelligent hybrid systems | 2016 |
73 | TONEURENDO | In search for endothelial mechanisms of TPO-induced neuroprotection | 2015 |
74 | GACD | Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Secretariat | 2015 |
75 | COSMOS | Optical point of care system for heart failure mass screening | 2015 |
76 | ADA | Accelerating the Dissemination of Agluna(R), a clinically proven innovative silver ion based anti-microbial surface technology, from orthopaedics sector into the dental implant sector | 2015 |
77 | SAFETY4WORKERS | Breakthrough for outdoor autonomous heavy machines: Safety-directed collision avoidance system for workers based on UWB radios with performance level | 2015 |
78 | EbolaVac | Development of a Chimpanzee Adenovirus Type 3 Ebolavirus Zaire Vaccine | 2014 |
79 | REACTION | Evaluation of the efficacy and of the antiviral activity of T-705 (favipiravir) duringEbola virus infection in non-human primates humans | 2014 |
80 | eKuore | eKoure: the world´s first wireless stethoscope of the mhealth market. | 2015 |
81 | PETRA | PETRA - Photonic Environment moniToring Risk Assessment | 2015 |
82 | BAMB | Buildings as Material Banks: Integrating Materials Passports with Reversible Building Design to Optimise Circular Industrial Value Chains | 2015 |
83 | Dementia | DNA rEpair impaired Mice with accElerated Neurodegeneration as Tool to Improve Alzheimer therapeutics | 2015 |
84 | Dermtest | An empowering toolkit for general practitioners to prevent, detect and treat melanoma (Dermtest) | 2015 |
85 | BIOCAPAN | BIOactive implantable CApsule for PANcreatic islets immunosuppression free therapy | 2015 |
86 | Calcivis CAIS | Validation of clinical performance and pre-commercial development of a novel diagnostic for dental caries assessment | 2015 |
87 | OsteomiR | OsteomiR-Test – An In-Vitro Test for the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis and associated Fracture Risk | 2015 |
88 | REACH | REACH: Risk, Resilience, Ethnicity and AdolesCent Mental Health | 2015 |
89 | DYNADE | Dynamics of Development: Understanding Adolescents' Intergroup Attitudes, National Feelings, and Perception of Social Norms | 2016 |
90 | NAVDEC | Navigational Decision Support System for Improved COLREGs Safety Management | 2015 |
91 | INNOPREFAT | Natural Food formulation for the prevention and treatment the Obesity and Metabolic syndrome obtained with herbal extracts | 2015 |
92 | BIOMENDELIAN | Linking Cardiometabolic Disease and Cancer in the Level of Genetics, Circulating Biomarkers, Microbiota and Environmental Risk Factors | 2015 |
93 | SafeTrain | Piloting and industrial validation of autonomous and sustainable animal deterring system for the rail transport | 2015 |
94 | SMART FIRE BARRIER | Innovative Forest Fires Prevention Infrastructure for Residential Areas, Forestry and Critical Infrastructures | 2015 |
95 | ENVIROIMMUNE | Environmental modulators of the immune cell balance in health and disease | 2015 |
96 | RotaxHEC | Click to Lock: Mechanically Interlocked Architectures as Hydrogen Evolving Catalysts | 2015 |
97 | Baby Beat | Providing Clarity of Fetus Heartbeat Through Baby Beat Bracelet Measuring Fetal Arterial Pulse Wave | 2015 |
98 | E-LOCKS | Electronic security for OIL/LPG tanks | 2015 |
99 | EFD | The e-wallet Fraud Detection | 2015 |
100 | STARS | Strategies Targeting Thyroid Hormone in Athrophy Related Syndromes | 2015 |
101 | TARLOOP | R-loops as a major modulator of transcription-associated recombination and chromatin dynamics | 2015 |
102 | Ada | Ada 2020 | Visual Reasoning Support for Healthcare Professionals | 2015 |
103 | EVOluTION | European Vascular Interventions and Therapeutic Innovation Network | 2016 |
104 | MovAiD | Movement Assisting Devices: Manufacturing of personalized Kineto-Dynamics parts and products for workers, elderly and children | 2015 |
105 | HEPCIR | Cell circuits as targets and biomarkers for liver disease and cancer prevention | 2016 |
106 | NED- Nano Eye Device | THE NANO EYE DEVICE | 2015 |
107 | i-LiveRest | Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure ulcer risk by real time measuring of tissue viability and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context | 2015 |
108 | TransCTNeurodev | Transgenerational transmission of maternal childhood trauma and its sequelae – Altered maternal physiology during pregnancy and implications for newborn neurodevelopment | 2015 |
109 | MMAF | Novel multimodal approach to atrial fibrillation risk assessment and identification of targets for prevention by interdisciplinary exploitation of omics, advanced electrocardiography, and imaging | 2016 |
110 | EVILTONGUE | No Sword Bites So Fiercly as an Evil Tongue?Gossip Wrecks Reputation, but Enhances Cooperation | 2015 |
111 | PAINSTRAT | Novel neurophysiological techniques to quantify pain and stratify patients | 2016 |
112 | EU-rhythmy | Molecular strategies to treat inherited arrhythmias | 2015 |
113 | INSOMNIA | Insomnia’s Negative Sequelae On Mood: from Neuroscience to Intervention in the Aged | 2015 |
114 | FRESH AIR | Free Respiratory Evaluation and Smoke-exposure reductionby primary Health cAre Integrated gRoups | 2015 |
115 | SmokeFreeBrain | Multidisciplinary tools for improving the efficacy of public prevention measures against smoking | 2015 |
116 | PreventIT | Early risk detection and prevention in ageing people by self-administered ICT-supported assessment and a behavioural change intervention delivered by use of smartphones and smartwatches | 2016 |
117 | VaVeL | Variety, Veracity, VaLue: Handling the Multiplicity of Urban Sensors | 2015 |
118 | BIOWYSE | Biocontamination Integrated cOntrol of Wet sYstems for Space Exploration | 2016 |
119 | UEWC | Ubiqutek Electrical Weed Control (UEWC): An advanced electrical weed control device to be integrated with existing agricultural equipment, yielding a zero chemical, organic result at a reduced cost | 2015 |
120 | microCrysFact | Microfluidic Crystal Factories (μ-CrysFact): a breakthrough approach for crystal engineering | 2016 |
121 | D3 | Smart propulsive device for controlled satellite decommissioning and reentry. | 2015 |
122 | BlueHealth | Linking Up Environment, Health and Climate for Inter-sector Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in a Rapidly Changing Environment | 2016 |
123 | THYRAGE | Resetting the THYRoid axis for prevention of AGE-related diseases and co-morbidities | 2016 |
124 | T2DSystems | Development of a systems biomedicine approach for risk identification, prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes | 2016 |
125 | HEP-CAR | Mechanisms underlying hepatocellular carcinoma pathogenesis and impact of co-morbidities. | 2016 |
126 | CoCA | Comorbid Conditions of Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder | 2016 |
128 | GALAXY | GALAXY: Gut-and-liver axis in alcoholic liver fibrosis | 2016 |
129 | SPCCT | In Vivo Spectral Photon Counting CT Molecular Imaging in Cardio- and Neuro-Vascular Diseases | 2016 |
130 | SPEXOR | Spinal Exoskeletal Robot for Low Back Pain Prevention and Vocational Reintegration | 2016 |
131 | DMC-MALVEC | Automated diagnostic platform, data management system and innovative communication tool, for improving the impact of malaria vector control interventions | 2016 |
132 | POWER2DM | POWER2DM - Predictive model-based decision support for diabetes patient empowerment | 2016 |
133 | STARR | Decision SupporT and self-mAnagement system for stRoke survivoRs | 2016 |
134 | ePerMed | Rise of scientific excellence and collaboration for implementing personalised medicine in Estonia | 2016 |
135 | ESPrIT | Strengthening the Occupational Health Expertise and Scientific Capacity of Public Health Institution of Turkey [ESPRIT] | 2016 |
136 | LockAndCharge | Ground-breaking and convenient electronic bicycle fleet management system available for the mass adoption. | 2016 |
137 | my-AHA | My Active and Healthy Aging | 2016 |
138 | PROMISS | PRevention Of Malnutrition In Senior Subjects in the EU | 2016 |
139 | VIVALDI | Preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve diseases | 2016 |
140 | MycoKey | Integrated and innovative key actions for mycotoxin management in the food and feed chain | 2016 |
141 | Sea Litter Critters | A compact, unmanned, renewables-powered and self-sufficient vessel able to pick up marine litter and to treat it on board for volume reduction and energy recovery | 2016 |
142 | Jam | Enhancing fuel efficiency and reducing vehicle maintenance and downtime costs, using real-time data from vehicle sensors (IoT) and a machine learning algorithm for big data analysis. | 2016 |
143 | ProFatMRI | Magnetic resonance imaging platform for probing fat microstructure | 2016 |
144 | REACH2020 | Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare | 2016 |
145 | INTERPLAY | Interplay between genetic determinants of glycaemia, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in interaction with dietary and lifestyle factors | 2017 |
146 | PROTECT-2 | PeRsonnel lOcation and Tracking for safEty of Critical InfrasTructures | 2016 |
147 | PreventStoCan | Understanding microbe-induced stomach cancer – the key to a workable strategy for worldwide prevention | 2016 |
148 | BEAMED | Better Addiction Medicine Education for Doctors | 2017 |
149 | NUTBIO-DIAB | Nutritional biomarkers to advance understanding of association between diet and type 2 diabetes | 2016 |
150 | NEUROTUNN | Mechanisms of α-synuclein spreading, implications for synucleinopathies | 2016 |
151 | CONNECT | Connecting neuronal network activity with regional specificity for Alzheimer pathology: a multi-modal neuroimaging approach | 2018 |
152 | BiominAB-3D | Revealing the composition and formation mechanism of carcinogenic asbestos bodies in human lungs | 2016 |
153 | TACT | Towards an objective and quantitative Assessment of human Corneal Transparency | 2017 |
154 | SURVEIRON | SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures | 2016 |
155 | PRONKJEWAIL | Protecting patients with enhanced susceptibility to infections | 2016 |
156 | RETINAL | Retinal Imaging prevention and early detection of chronic diseases | 2016 |
157 | DAA | Development of mesosphere in-situ measurement tools: Atmosphere Analyser | 2016 |
158 | DDBSD | Diagnostic Test For The Differential Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder | 2016 |
159 | EDGE | Training network providing cutting-EDGE knowlEDGE on Herpes Virology and Immunology | 2016 |
160 | HAZE | Reducing the Burden of Smouldering Megafires: an Earth-Scale Challenge | 2016 |
161 | PROTON | Modelling the PRocesses leading to Organised crime and TerrOrist Networks | 2016 |
162 | PROTECTIVE | Proactive Risk Management through Improved Cyber Situational Awareness | 2016 |
163 | ARIES | reliAble euRopean Identity EcoSystem | 2016 |
164 | | Strengthening the Capabilities and Training Curricula for Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Personnel with ICT-based Collaboration and Knowledge Approaches | 2016 |
165 | GAP | Gaming for Peace | 2016 |
166 | EpiHope | Epigenetic biomarkers for prediction of vascular complications and response to treatment in subjects with diabetes | 2016 |
167 | NPAD | Multiregional rtfMRI Neurofeedback for the Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease | 2016 |
168 | AD-gut | Alzheimer Disease - gut connection | 2016 |
169 | Urban_Wins | Urban metabolism accounts for building Waste management Innovative Networks and Strategies | 2016 |
170 | UrBAN-WASTE | Urban strategies for Waste Management in Tourist Cities | 2016 |
171 | TENSOR | Retrieval and Analysis of Heterogeneous Online Content for Terrorist Activity Recognition | 2016 |
172 | ASGARD | Analysis System for Gathered Raw Data | 2016 |
173 | STEFY | Sensor Technology for Food analYsis | 2016 |
174 | URBANREC | New approaches for the valorisation of URBAN bulky waste into high added value RECycled products | 2016 |
175 | PANDORA | Platelets: at the nexus of brain aneurysm | 2016 |
176 | ORACLE | Origins of Alzheimer's disease across the life-course | 2016 |
178 | TM Academy | TM Academy - intelligent transport control and monitoring system | 2016 |
179 | biowater | AQANAT® biowater: Advanced sustainable residue free sanitation system for post-harvest food processing resulting in a 70% reduction in water usage and a 50% reduction in post-harvest losses | 2016 |
180 | ASCEMA | ASCEMA: Content Aware Technology for IP Protection in Supply Chains | 2016 |
181 | POnTE | Pest Organisms Threatening Europe | 2015 |
182 | GEMH | Video games for the prevention of depression and anxiety: A 21st century approach to emotional and mental health in adolescents | 2016 |
183 | TRAIN-HEAL-TH | Empowering expectations for health and disease: Development of a pioneering training tool | 2016 |
184 | PLATINUM | Portable Diagnostic Medical Device Based on Lab-on-Chip for Detection of Protein Biomarkers of Medical Interest. | 2016 |
185 | X-10 Pathology | X-10 Pathology, Empowering diagnostics | 2016 |
186 | Qone | Novel pressure relieving and sensing mattress and an intelligent control system that predicts and prevents pressure ulcers in bedridden patients | 2016 |
187 | Phespa | Phytogenic HEat Stress Prevention in farm Animals | 2016 |
188 | ISOBAR | Cost Effective Personalised Compression Therapy for Chronic Venous Insufficiency with Accurate Pressure Delivery for Comfort and Efficacy of Treatment | 2016 |
189 | INVeST | INdividual Vascular SignaTure: A new machine learning tool to aid personalised management of risk for cardiovascular disease | 2016 |
190 | ESSENS | Early Stage Sensing of Fouling in Membrane Water Treatment | 2016 |
191 | EPoCH | Exploring and Preventing Cryptographic Hardware Backdoors: Protecting the Internet of Things against Next-Generation Attacks | 2016 |
192 | Z-Fact0r | Zero-defect manufacturing strategies towards on-line production management for European factories | 2016 |
193 | TEAM | Technology Enabled Adolescent Mental Health | 2016 |
194 | EVOTION | EVidenced based management of hearing impairments: Public health pΟlicy making based on fusing big data analytics and simulaTION. | 2016 |
195 | RAPID | Rapid Antimicrobial susceptibility testing and phylogenetic Identification | 2016 |
196 | UbiqutekGlide | UbiqutekGlide: An advanced electrical weed control device to be integrated with existing agricultural equipment, yielding a zero chemical, organic result at a reduced operational cost | 2016 |
197 | NASCENT | Novel Approach to Systematically Characterize Exercise- and Nutrient- responsive genes in Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease | 2017 |
198 | IC-Health | Improving digital health literacy in Europe | 2016 |
199 | XF-ACTORS | Xylella Fastidiosa Active Containment Through a multidisciplinary-Oriented Research Strategy | 2016 |
200 | EMbRACe | Effective Multidrug Cocktails for Cancer | 2016 |
201 | EXNADMINA | EXercise as a regulator of hepatic NAD metabolism and MItochondrial function in Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease | 2016 |
202 | REUSE4MALARIA | Drug Repurposing for Malaria Chemoprotection | 2016 |
203 | EnteroBariatric | Investigating Host-Microbial Interactions after Bariatric Surgery | 2017 |
204 | RESTASSURED | Secure Data Processing in the Cloud | 2017 |
205 | RAID | A Veterinary Decision Support System by Rapid Bacterial Infection Detection (RAID) | 2016 |
206 | ICPerMed Secretariat | Secretariat for the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (IC PerMed) | 2016 |
207 | ZIKAction | ZIKAction: Preparedness, research and action network on maternal-paediatric axis of ZIKV infection in Latin America and the Caribbean | 2016 |
208 | FLEXPOL | Antimicrobial FLEXible POLymers for its use in hospital environments | 2017 |
209 | CLIP | Comprehensive Lifestyle Intervention Project (CLIP) | 2017 |
210 | GUTPEPTIDES | Novel therapeutic approaches to improve gastrointestinal wound healing | 2017 |
212 | CAPICE | Childhood and Adolescence Psychopathology: unravelling the complex etiology by a large Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Europe | 2017 |
213 | INTRICARE | International Network for Training on Risks of vascular Intimal Calcification And roads to Regression of cardiovascular diseasE | 2017 |
214 | CM | Prevention of Cosmetic-Induced Non-Communicable Diseases and Micro Plastics entering Food Chains with the CosmEthics- Health App | 2016 |
215 | CCHFVaccine | Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever Vaccine | 2017 |
216 | Lifebrain | Healthy minds from 0-100 years: Optimising the use of European brain imaging cohorts | 2017 |
217 | LIFECYCLE | Early-life stressors and LifeCycle health | 2017 |
218 | SPICES | Scaling-up Packages of Interventions for Cardiovascular disease prevention in selected sites in Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa: An implementation research (SPICES Project) | 2017 |
219 | ESCAPE-NET | European Sudden Cardiac Arrest network: towards Prevention, Education and NEw Treatment | 2017 |
220 | NICEDROPS | Precise and smart nanoengineered surfaces: Impact resistance, icephobicity and dropwise condensation | 2017 |
221 | EUROlinkCAT | EUROlinkCAT: Establishing a linked European Cohort of Children with Congenital Anomalies | 2017 |
222 | ArrestAD | 3-O-sulfated heparan sulfate translocation in altered membrane biology: A new strategy for early population screening and halting Alzheimer’s neurodegeneration | 2017 |
223 | PIMS | Mechanistic studies of long chain omega-3 fatty acid supplementation and inflammation in metabolic syndrome. | 2017 |
224 | GLYCONEOBRAIN | Exploring glycosidic neo-epitopes of degenerative hippocampal granules in aged mice and humans: implications for ageing and dementia | 2017 |
225 | DroneHopper | DroneHopper: an innovative solution for firefighting through remote-controlled aircrafts. | 2017 |
226 | BIOECOMARINE | New Ultrasonic Cost-Effective Equipment as Anti-Fouling System for Vessels | 2017 |
227 | Renaparin | Improving kidney transplantation outcome with Renaparin® for patients with End-Stage Renal Disease by attenuating graft ischemia reperfusion injury | 2017 |
228 | KWIDO_TELECARE | Multidevice software platform for caring elderly patients at home | 2017 |
229 | ChiPyrNMR | Better tools for combating insect borne diseases by understanding influences on the fate of common pesticides in paint formulations | 2017 |
230 | WILDBERRY | Novel application targets and products derived from wild arctic berries | 2017 |
231 | AFRI-SKYFOR | African Sky Forests: services, threats and management recommendations | 2017 |
232 | PRE-PSYCH | The Prelude to Psychosis: Brain network analysis in emerging schizophrenia | 2017 |
233 | ARTEMIS | Assessment of Reserve: Translational Evaluation of Medical Images and Statistics-Prediction models for outcomes of brain health | 2017 |
234 | CrowdHEALTH | Collective wisdom driving public health policies | 2017 |
235 | HIVGAYM | Analysing the migration choices of HIV-positive gay men in England and France | 2018 |
236 | SELFCONTROLHEALTH | Childhood Self-Control, Social Conditions, and Adult Health | 2018 |
237 | MOBER | Maternal Obesity and Epigenetic Reprogramming: from Gametogenesis to Early Embryonic Development | 2017 |
238 | FireCracker | Reuse of Waste Materials for Fire-Spalling-Proof and Crack-Resistant Sustainable Concrete | 2017 |
239 | RHAPSODY | Assessing risk and progression of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes to enable disease modification - Sofia ref.: 115881 | 2016 |
240 | AMYPAD | Amyloid imaging to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease – Sofia ref.: 115952 | 2016 |
241 | RESCEU | REspiratory Syncytial virus Consortium in EUrope - Sofia ref.: 116019 | 2017 |
242 | MOPEAD | Models Of Patient Engagement for Alzheimer’s Disease - Sofia ref.: 115985 | 2016 |
243 | CPR | A cross-country comparison of Communications designed to Prevent Radicalisation | 2017 |
244 | SAREE | The Social Anthropology of Rabies Epidemiology and Elimination | 2018 |
245 | CAR ART | Chimeric Antigen Receptor to generate Alloantigen-specific Regulatory T cells and promote allograft tolerance | 2017 |
246 | NOSUDEP | A Wearable Electronics Approach To Reduce Mortality in Epilepsy | 2017 |
247 | IndiviStat | Individualizing statin therapy by using a systems pharmacology decision support algorithm | 2017 |
248 | UVdynamicsProtection | Aligning pigmentation and repair: a holistic approach for UV protection dynamics | 2017 |
249 | VetBioNet | Veterinary Biocontained facility Network for excellence in animal infectiology research and experimentation | 2017 |
250 | INNODIA | Translational approaches to disease modifying therapy of type 1 diabetes: an innovative approach towards understanding and arresting type 1 diabetes – Sofia ref.: 115797 | 2015 |
251 | SAURON | Scalable multidimensionAl sitUation awaReness sOlution for protectiNg european ports | 2017 |
252 | META-DORM | Mechanobiology of METAstatic and DORMant cancer cells in bone marrow lesions | 2018 |
253 | SECOPS | An Integrated Security Concept for Drone Operations | 2017 |
254 | EpiFAT | Epigenomic Reprogramming of Adipose Tissue Function and Energy Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes | 2017 |
255 | TROPICSAFE | Insect-borne prokaryote-associated diseases in tropical and subtropical perennial crops | 2017 |
256 | STOP-IT | Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of water Infrastructure against cyber-physical Threats | 2017 |
257 | DAREnet | DAnube river region Resillience Exchange network | 2017 |
258 | Pericles | Policy recommendation and improved communication tools for law enforcement and security agencies preventing violent radicalisation | 2017 |
260 | PALE-Blu | Understanding pathogen, livestock, environment interactions involving bluetongue virus | 2017 |
261 | WATERPROTECT | Innovative tools enabling drinking WATER PROTECTion in rural and urban environments | 2017 |
262 | DELTA-FLU | Dynamics of avian influenza in a changing world | 2017 |
263 | PIGSs | Program for Innovative Global Prevention of Streptococcus suis. | 2017 |
264 | PRELICAN | Treatment of liver disease and cancer prevention | 2017 |
265 | MIDA | Modelling and Imaging Development for precision Agriculture | 2017 |
266 | SECURE | the new gold standard for nondestructive testing in industry, using next generation electromagnetic induction techniques | 2017 |
267 | SidekickHealth | Improving health the fun way… seriously | 2017 |
269 | ImmuneCheckpointsAD | Immune checkpoint blockade for fighting Alzheimer’s disease | 2017 |
270 | PEVIA | PAN EBOLA VACCINE INNOVATIVE APPROACH – Sofia ref.: 116088 | 2017 |
271 | CAPITA | CAPITA: Child Abuse Prevention International Training and Access | 2017 |
272 | PRACTICIES | Partnership against violent radicalization in the cities | 2017 |
273 | HEART | HEalth related Activity Recognition system based on IoT – an interdisciplinary training program for young researchers | 2017 |
275 | NSstop | Development of a policy to stop the suffering caused by Nodding Syndrome and Onchocerciasis associated epilepsy | 2017 |
276 | PoCOsteo | PoC in-office device for identifying individuals at high risk of Osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture | 2017 |
277 | Smartscope-X | Affordable, accessible and automatic screening solution for diabetic retinopathy | 2017 |
278 | Z-BRE4K | Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems for Zero-unexpected-Breakdowns and increased operating life of Factories | 2017 |
279 | CETOCOEN Excellence | CETOCOEN Excellence | 2017 |
280 | CryO2 | Telemetric control of oxygen delivery for therapy optimization and adherence | 2017 |
281 | BRIOAGRO | Intelligent low-cost, scalable, adaptive ecosystem for intelligent irrigation and fertilization ensuring high performance and quality crops | 2017 |
282 | AQB-CARE | AQUABUDDY-CARE: A Groundbreaking Solution for Elderly and Disabled people with Reduced Mobility that Finally Enables Caregivers to Effectively and Safely Bathe/Shower them in their own Beds. | 2017 |
283 | TAPAS | TArgeting Platelet Adhesion receptors in thrombosiS | 2018 |
284 | vCare | Virtual Coaching Activities for Rehabilitation in Elderly | 2017 |
285 | CURE-XF | Capacity Building And Raising Awareness In Europe And In Third Countries To Cope With Xylella fastidiosa | 2017 |
286 | ETVAX | ETVAX – the first oral vaccine for protection against traveller’s diarrhoea caused by ETEC | 2017 |
287 | PAINTBOX | Pancreatic islet dysfunction and type 2 diabetes – beyond the genome | 2017 |
288 | Dam2Age | DNA Damage and Repair and its Impact on Healthy Ageing | 2017 |
289 | RTCure | Rheuma Tolerance for Cure | 2017 |
290 | AstroNeuroCrosstalk | Astrocyte-Neuronal Crosstalk in Obesity and Diabetes | 2018 |
291 | CLAIM | Cleaning Litter by developing and Applying Innovative Methods in european seas | 2017 |
292 | OCARIoT | smart childhood Obesity CARing solution using IoT potential | 2017 |
293 | COMBACTE-CDI | Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe - Clostridium Difficile Infections | 2017 |
294 | GeroProtect | Developing Geroprotectors to Prevent Polymorbidity | 2017 |
295 | GOTBONE | Novel mechanisms of site-specific regulation of bone strength for the prevention of osteoporotic fractures: a translational project | 2017 |
296 | PRESTIGE-AF | PREvention of STroke in Intracerebral haemorrhaGE survivors with Atrial Fibrillation | 2017 |
297 | ECoWeB | Assessing and Enhancing Emotional Competence for Well-Being (ECoWeB) in the Young: A principled, evidence-based, mobile-health approach to prevent mental disorders and promote mental well-being | 2018 |
298 | ME-WE | Psychosocial Support for Promoting Mental Health and Well-being among Adolescent Young Carers in Europe | 2018 |
299 | R-LiNK | Optimizing response to Li treatment through personalized evaluation of individuals with bipolar I disorder: the R-LiNK initiative | 2018 |
300 | COGNAP | To nap or not to nap? Why napping habits interfere with cognitive fitness in ageing | 2018 |
301 | MHINT | Genetic, behavioural and cognitive mechanisms underpinning the association between mother and offspring mental health problems: mental (M) health (H) intergenerational transmission (INT) -(MHINT) | 2017 |
302 | GRIEVANCE | Gauging the Risk of Incidents of Extremist Violence Against Non-Combatant Entities | 2018 |
303 | STANDUP | Smartphone Thermal ANalysis for Diabetic foot Ulcer Prevention and treatment | 2018 |
304 | SCALA | Scale-up of Prevention and Management of Alcohol Use Disorders and Comorbid Depression in Latin America | 2017 |
305 | COLOSTEO | Nutraceutical supplementation based on colostrum for prevention of osteoporosis | 2018 |
306 | PRODEMOS | Prevention of Dementia using Mobile phone Applications | 2018 |
307 | ePersonam | The simplest and most efficient platform to unify medical records and manage health careprofessionals. | 2017 |
308 | NUADA | NUADA: YOUR LIFE. HANDS-ON. | 2017 |
309 | EpiCBiome | Development of an innovative Airway-on-Chip microbiome cell culture model to investigate host-microbiome interactions at the airway epithelial surface | 2018 |
310 | HIV ECLIPSE | HIV-1 acquisition and the future of prevention strategies: deciphering the eclipse phase through modelling and phylogenetics | 2018 |
311 | FeelAgain | Restoring natural feelings from missing or damaged peripheral nervous system by model-driven neuroprosthesis | 2018 |
312 | Pros-RODAM | Hypertension Susceptibility in African Migrants: Solving the puzzle through transcontinental prospective cohort study design | 2018 |
313 | TransSec | Autonomous emergency manoeuvring and movement monitoring for road transport security | 2018 |
314 | PEGASUS | PEMFC based on platinum Group metAl free StrUctured cathodeS | 2018 |
315 | BigMedilytics | Big Data for Medical Analytics | 2018 |
316 | JUMPAIR | Decubitus Ulcers Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart ICT Anti-Decubitus System based on known Ulcers Activity Biomarkers | 2018 |
317 | IDAaaS | Trusted online service for identity assurance | 2017 |
318 | SeQfood | Cost-Efficient Network for the Genetic Certification of Food Quality | 2018 |
319 | CROSS-NEUROD | Transferring autonomous and non autonomous cell degeneration 3D models between EU and USA for development of effective therapies for neurodegenerative diseases (ND) | 2018 |
320 | ImageToSim | Multiscale Imaging-through-analysis Methods for Autonomous Patient-specific Simulation Workflows | 2019 |
321 | CIVICS | Criminality, Victimization and Social Interactions | 2018 |
322 | POLYTHEA | Design and photo-optimization of Photosensitizer for Human Health and Food security applications or “how light can save lives” | 2018 |
323 | IPACBIS | Identifying preclinical Alzheimer´s disease in the community using a panel of biomarkers among individuals with Subjective Memory Complaints | 2018 |
324 | AXO-MATH | Imaging and analyzing dynamics of reward-related long-range axons during decision-making in behaving mice | 2018 |
325 | BAHCI | Bringing a health claim to information: Measuring the impact of health data on the health outcomes of European citizens | 2018 |
326 | BITCRUMBS | Towards a Reliable and Automated Analysis of Compromised Systems | 2018 |
327 | SAFECARE | SAFEguard of Critical heAlth infrastructure | 2018 |
328 | VENUSCANCER | Women’s cancers: do variations in patterns of care explain the world-wide inequalities in survival and avoidable premature deaths? | 2018 |
329 | VERA | VERA: Extracellular VEsicles, miRNAs and particulate Air pollution: developing a new tool to identify subjects with high exposure-associated cardiovascular risk | 2018 |
330 | CONNEXIONs | InterCONnected NEXt-Generation Immersive IoT Platform of Crime and Terrorism DetectiON, PredictiON, InvestigatiON, and PreventiON Services | 2018 |
331 | PROTAX | New Methods to PRevent, Investigate and Mitigate COrruption and TAX Crimes in the EU | 2018 |
332 | CCI | Cutting Crime Impact – Practice-based innovation in preventing, investigating and mitigating high-impact petty crime | 2018 |
333 | RESPONSE 5G | Resilient and Secure Multi-controller Communication Platform for 5G Networks | 2018 |
334 | Stress Granules | Using Reconstituted Stress Granules to Gain Insight into the Molecular Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases | 2019 |
335 | GraFrontLev | A theoretical, experimental and numerical study of the formation of coarse dry granular fronts and spontaneously self-channelizing levees in debris flows | 2018 |
336 | REPTOL | Pre-leukemic B cell repertoire alterations in patients with familial chronic lymphocytic leukemia: looking for evidence of a genetically-inherited defect in tolerance induction | 2019 |
337 | TRIANGLE | A novel integrative strategy to prevent colorectal cancer within the diet-host-microbiota triangle: from organoids to human in vivo reality | 2018 |
338 | WolAntiS | Using antisense inhibition to understand Wolbachia symbiosis and antiviral protection | 2019 |
339 | VIAR | Virus-induced autophagy restriction | 2018 |
340 | SinMolTermination | Single-molecule visualisation of eukaryotic DNA replication termination to uncover novel mechanisms of replication stress | 2019 |
341 | MECoCaM | Human gut Microbiome, gene Expression and Colorectal Cancer: Assigning causal roles from a novel Mendelian randomization perspective. | 2018 |
342 | miVaO | Microbiota mediating Vagal communication in Obesity | 2018 |
343 | ProCenDecl | Synthesis and validation of chemical Probes for Centrosome Declustering: development of potent and selective anti-cancer agents. | 2019 |
344 | ProLung | The role of maternal microbiota in offspring lung development and function | 2019 |
345 | EpiBigDatainWomen | Epigenetic Data Integrated in a Big Data Approach to Unravel Novel Pathzays of CV Risk independent of classical CVD Risk Factors in Women. | 2019 |
346 | EuroXpand | EUROpean clinical validation of a new ex vivo eXpanded stem cell theraPy for cArdiac regeNeration after acute myocarDial infarction: EUROXPAND | 2018 |
347 | HOMED | HOlistic Management of Emerging forest pests and Diseases | 2018 |
348 | RUSTWATCH | RustWatch: A European early-warning system for wheat rust diseases | 2018 |
349 | BIORIMA | BIOmaterial RIsk MAnagement | 2017 |
350 | PhaseControl | How cellular suicide programmes control phase transitions in fatty liver disease and liver cancer | 2018 |
351 | HEY BABY | Helping Empower Youth Brought up in Adversity with their Babies and Young children | 2019 |
352 | PRECISE4Q | Personalised Medicine by Predictive Modeling in Stroke for better Quality of Life | 2018 |
353 | ElectroGene | Electrogenetics – Shaping Electrogenetic Interfaces for Closed-Loop Voltage-Controlled Gene Expression | 2018 |
354 | BiomeRiskFactors | Discovering microbiome-based disease risk factors | 2019 |
355 | MAGNETO | Multimedia Analysis and Correlation Engine for Organised Crime Prevention and Investigation | 2018 |
356 | COPKIT | Technology, training and knowledge for Early-Warning / Early-Action led policing in fighting Organised Crime and Terrorism | 2018 |
357 | IMPRODOVA | Improving Frontline Responses to High Impact Domestic Violence | 2018 |
358 | sFilm-FS | Fibrin sealant for anastomotic leaks and haemostasis | 2018 |
359 | EDIT | Novel precision technological platforms to promote non-invasive early diagnosis, eradication and prevention of cancer relapse: proof of concept in the bladder carcinoma. | 2018 |
360 | SENSITIVE | Early Detection of cancer onset based on sensing field cancerization at the organ level | 2018 |
361 | RETINAL | Retinal imaging prevention and early detection of chronic diseases | 2018 |
362 | DynaMORE | Dynamic MOdelling of REsilience | 2018 |
363 | HOPE | Host Protective Engineering of Cancer Immunity by Targeting the Intracellular Immune Checkpoint NR2F6 | 2018 |
364 | RISE | Prevention of child mental health problems in Southeastern Europe - Adapt, Optimize, Test, and Extend Parenting for Lifelong Health | 2018 |
365 | RV001 | RV001: An anti-metastatic cancer vaccine | 2018 |
366 | ProbeFix | ProbeFix: an Innovative MedTech Solution to improve the use of ultrasound for better Cardiac diagnosis in the EU | 2018 |
367 | Clean City | Improve urban cleanliness while optimising resources and environmental footprint | 2018 |
368 | LEAD | Miniature colon spectral scanner that gives real-time automatic alerts for pathological findings. | 2018 |
369 | ANTOFERINE | ANTOFERINE: An innovative eco-friendly process for chemical solvent free extraction of bioactive antifungal polyphenols from vineyard waste. | 2018 |
370 | ASSYSt | A reliable CXCL4 biomarker assay to improve diagnosis and treatment of Systemic Sclerosis | 2018 |
371 | LIFESPAN | Early-life influences on suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and suicide mortality: a life-courseperspective to inform prevention | 2018 |
372 | TherGelFas | Novel nanometrically structured therapeutic hydrogel as injectable for fascial tissues surrounding the nerves intended for preventive treatment of chronic pain | 2018 |
373 | EBOVAC3 | Bringing a prophylactic Ebola vaccine to licensure | 2018 |
375 | Be12 | A cyphered cloud based DataBank for the corporate sector | 2018 |
376 | AlchemyML | AlchemyML, The “One-Click Data-In Model-Out” | 2018 |
377 | ONCORED | An unrivalled medical device based on red- light photo biomodulation to prevent, improve and remove oral mucositis and dermatitis chemo radio induced as a side effect of cancer treatment | 2018 |
378 | Hydro-S3DP | Sens Solutions Smart Disinfection Platform for Legionella Prevention in Hospital and Hotel water heating & cooling systems. | 2018 |
379 | PoCMICRUX | An affordable Multi-analyte Point-of-Care system for Chronic Disease Self-Control and Management | 2018 |
380 | HPV OncoPredict | A Groundbreaking Stand-Alone Diagnostic Kit to Predict Human Papilloma Virus Infections Evolving into Cervical Cancer | 2018 |
381 | TFS | Feasibility study for Titan Fire System S.L. | 2018 |
383 | ColonScan | A simple to use, accurate and cost-effective blood test for large-scale colon cancer screening | 2018 |
384 | PANDA | The Game Changer of Physiotherapy towards Arthrosis Prevention | 2018 |
385 | Ammune | Mitigating botnet DDoS attacks with an artificial intelligence powered solution | 2018 |
386 | FitteR-CATABOLIC | Survival of the Fittest: On how to enhance recovery from critical illness through learning from evolutionary conserved catabolic pathways | 2018 |
387 | PROTEIN | PeRsOnalized nutriTion for hEalthy livINg | 2018 |
388 | VIRUSES AND RNA | RNA regulation during viral infection | 2019 |
389 | COR1-TCELL | Analysis of the role for coronin 1-dependent cell density signalling in T-cell homeostasis | 2019 |
390 | IM-ID | Defining the intrinsic transcriptional programs and the microenvironmental signals tailoring lung Interstitial Macrophage IDentity | 2019 |
391 | LiveRest | Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure injury risk by real time measure of tissue viability, and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context | 2018 |
392 | HAZARDOmics | Liquid Chromatography-Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry and Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry as ground-breaking approaches to expand the boundaries of metabolomics in chemical risk assessment | 2018 |
393 | IMPACT HAU | The Hau of Finance: Impact Investing and the Globalization of Social and Environmental Sustainability | 2019 |
394 | Mokita | The NGOs’ virtual reality content viewing platform | 2018 |
395 | SAFETY FOREST | An integrated decision-making platform for the prediction, prevention and extinction of wildfires in real-time. | 2018 |
396 | VirtualBrainCloud | Personalized Recommendations for Neurodegenerative Disease | 2018 |
397 | DIH-HERO | Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics | 2019 |
398 | VIRTUALTIMES | Exploring and Modifying the Sense of Time in Virtual Environments | 2019 |
399 | MegaALS | Unravelling the Interplay between Metabolism, Gut Microbiome and Adaptive Immunity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | 2018 |
400 | TXpp | A technological solution for the 50 billion EUR VAT fraud problem | 2018 |
401 | DetecTag | A new level of security in fashion retail – RFID hardtag and label with tamper detection function | 2019 |
402 | SCUBY | SCale Up an integrated care package for diaBetes and hYpertension for vulnerable people in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium | 2019 |
403 | JPCOFUND2 | ERA-NET to support the Joint Programming in Neurodegenerative Diseases strategic plan (JPND) | 2019 |
404 | INTE-AFRICA | Integrating and decentralising diabetes and hypertension services in Africa | 2019 |
405 | Me-Check | Me-Check - Screening of the dry eye syndrome | 2019 |
406 | System EYE | System EYE - Ñutting-edge innovation to make your drive safer, collect and monetize automotive data | 2018 |
407 | SUNI-SEA | Scaling-up NCD Interventions in South East Asia | 2019 |
408 | AMANDA | AutonoMous self powered miniAturized iNtelligent sensor for environmental sensing anD asset tracking in smArt IoT environments | 2019 |
409 | LEGACy | CeLac and European consortium for a personalized medicine approach to Gastric Cancer | 2019 |
410 | Smart4Health | Citizen-centred EU-EHR exchange for personalised health | 2019 |
411 | BIONIC | Personalised Body Sensor Networks with Built-In Intelligence for Real-Time Risk Assessment and Coaching of Ageing workers, in all types of working and living environments | 2019 |
412 | ESCALON | European-Latin American network for the assessment of biomarkers to predict and diagnose hepatobiliary malignancies and characterization of risk factors for cancer development | 2019 |
413 | LIMBo | Zooming the link between diet and brain health: how phenolic metabolites modulate brain inflammation | 2019 |
414 | TREG | TREG – innovative cell therapy targeting Diabetes Type 1 | 2018 |
415 | GEMMA | Genome, Environment, Microbiome & Metabolome in Autism: an integrated multi-omic systems biology approach to identify biomarkers for personalized treatment and primary prevention of Autism Spectr | 2019 |
416 | GUTSY | The gut microbiota and its systemic effects on metabolism and atherosclerotic disease | 2019 |
417 | CEAD | Contextualizing Evidence for Action on Diabetes in low-resource Settings: A mixed-methods case study in Quito and Esmeraldas, Ecuador. | 2019 |
418 | NEUROPRECISE | Precision medicine in traumatic brain injury using individual neurosteroid response | 2019 |
419 | MagentiqEye | Automatic Polyp Detection System | 2019 |
420 | Brain Health Toolbox | The Brain Health Toolbox: Facilitating personalized decision-making for effective dementia prevention | 2019 |
421 | RayVS1 | A unique radar sensor system to monitor movement and vital signs for elderly people in care homes | 2019 |
422 | SensMat | Preventive solutions for Sensitive Materials of Cultural Heritage | 2019 |
423 | ImmuNiche | Identifying spatial determinants of immune cell fate commitment | 2019 |
424 | SoNAR-Global | A Global Social Sciences Network for Infectious Threats and Antimicrobial Resistance | 2019 |
425 | DIAdIC | Evaluation of Dyadic Psychoeducational Interventions for People with Advanced Cancer and their Informal Caregivers (DIAdIC): An international randomized controlled trial | 2019 |
426 | Racefox | Making better runners & cross-country skiers by real-time AI coaching | 2019 |
427 | BioLyco | Biologic Lycopene from Tomatoes | 2019 |
428 | MP-101 | a novel drug for prevention and treatment peripheral neuropathy symptoms | 2019 |
429 | ScarLessWorld | A WORLD WITHOUT SCARS: Regenerating wounded skin rather than patching with scars | 2019 |
430 | ARISE | African Research and Innovative Initiative for Sickle cell Education: Improving Research Capacity for Service Improvement | 2019 |
431 | CVD_CysSSSCys | Investigating the Therapeutic Potential of Persulfides: Implications of their Roles in Cardiovascular Disease | 2019 |
432 | I-AM-GUT | Impact of maternal Adrenomedullin on the Microbiome and Gut health: insights into preventing chronic intestinal disorders | 2019 |
433 | ECRAID-Plan | European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases (ECRAID) - Business Plan | 2019 |
434 | EOBRECA | Differential Roles of Estrogens in Obesity-mediated ER+ Breast Cancer Development | 2019 |
435 | PHAS | Development of a new generation of bioengineered bandages | 2019 |
436 | BIOCONTACT | Contact Mechanics of Soft and Complex Biological Tissues | 2019 |
437 | EpIg Men | The Role of Antibodies (Ig) and the Respiratory Epithelium in the Prevention of Invasive Meningococcal Infections in Different Age Groups | 2019 |
438 | RoboTexTherapy | Textile-based Wearable Mechanotheraphy Device with Liquid/Vapor Phase Change Actuation | 2019 |
439 | BIOMAP | Biomarkers in Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis | 2019 |
440 | HyTunnel-CS | PNR for safety of hydrogen driven vehicles and transport through tunnels and similar confined spaces | 2019 |
441 | INTERACT | Phylogenetic association mapping and its application to secondary metabolite variation in Brassicaceae species | 2019 |
442 | BacDrug | Bacterial membrane vesicles a novel delivery system for the treatment of multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections. | 2020 |
443 | SAECG | Prediction of AF incidence using PR interval measurements, echocardiographic data and biomarker profiles: Analyses within epidemiological Framingham Heart Study and LIFE Health Care Study cohorts | 2019 |
444 | uTSSreg | Regulation of mammalian genes by new classes of promoter proximal transcription start sites | 2020 |
445 | INF-CVD | Chronic inflammation and cardiovascular risk | 2019 |
446 | Grolaries | Cartilage progenitor cells for growth plate regeneration | 2019 |
447 | Adductomics | Novel DNA adductomics methodological developments for research in colon cancer | 2019 |
448 | Food-PPP-NAFLD | Discovery and characterization of food bioactive compounds modulating the Pentose Phosphate Pathway against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. | 2019 |
449 | SATIE | Security of Air Transport Infrastructure of Europe | 2019 |
450 | SDN-microSENSE | SDN - microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm | 2019 |
451 | HYDROBLOCK | Discrete Multi-physics modeling of hydrate blockage in pipelines | 2020 |
452 | VDGSEGUR | Gender Violence and Security in the Interoceanic Industrial Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec: A Critical Examination of Policies and Practices | 2019 |
454 | BOOST HEALTH | Introducing preventive management of chronic thyroid conditions through patient empowerment and a ML-powered mHealth solution | 2019 |
455 | Hyalcis | Hyaluronic-Cisplatin Film for Implant in Malignant Mesothelioma Recurrence | 2019 |
456 | LASH FIRE | Legislative Assessment for Safety Hazards of Fire and Innovations in Ro-ro ship Environment | 2019 |
457 | VASA | Vaccine Against Schistosomiasis for Africa. A Phase I clinical study of the SchistoShield® anti-schistosomiasis vaccine in adults in endemic areas of sub-Saharan Africa | 2019 |
458 | DIAS | Smart Adaptive Remote Diagnostic Antitampering Systems | 2019 |
459 | FF-IPM | In-silico boosted, pest prevention and off-season focused IPM against new and emerging fruit flies ('OFF-Season' FF-IPM) | 2019 |
460 | HealthierWomen | A woman's reproductive experience: Long-term implications for chronic disease and death | 2019 |
461 | CREST | Fighting Crime and TerroRism with an IoT-enabled Autonomous Platform based on an Ecosystem of Advanced IntelligEnce, Operations, and InveStigation Technologies | 2019 |
462 | EuReCa | Institut Curie EuReCa PhD Programme | 2020 |
463 | VECTRACK | Earth observation service for preventive control of insect disease vectors | 2019 |
464 | Bio Ring Diagnostics | Bio Ring Diagnostics | 2019 |
465 | TSS | The definitive solution to prevent fuel theft in road goods transport | 2019 |
466 | AxleRing | Breakthrough self-charging remote monitoring device for smart rail freight wagons to enhance sustainability of railway sector | 2019 |
467 | SamurAI | Samurai - Platform detecting and preventing cyber violence | 2019 |
468 | InsoFeet | Cutting-edge insoles with advanced characteristics for medical and sports applications | 2019 |
469 | 3DBrainStrom | Brain metastases: Deciphering tumor-stroma interactions in three dimensions for the rational design of nanomedicines | 2019 |
470 | SAMOSAFER | Severe Accident Modeling and Safety Assessment for Fluid-fuel Energy Reactors | 2019 |
471 | VERDAD | A blood based biomarker identifying early Alzheimer Disease's pathology | 2019 |
472 | DEEPDREAM | A Data-drivEn computational mEthod for PersonalizeD healthcare in chronic REspiratory diseases through big-dAta analytics and dynamical Modelling. | 2020 |
473 | FibroFix | FibroFix™Cartilage, an innovative implant for cartilage repair and regeneration, introducing a new paradigm in osteoarthritis (OA) treatment. | 2019 |
474 | BreakingBarriers | Targeting endothelial barriers to combat disease | 2019 |
475 | FIREOUT | First fully autonomous fire detection and extinction system for industrial settings | 2019 |
476 | D-FENCE | D-FENCE: Deceptive Monitored Environments for Cybersecurity in Enterprises | 2019 |
478 | eCARE | Digital solutions supporting continuum of care for frailty prevention in old adults | 2019 |
479 | Sano | Centre for New Methods in Computational Diagnostics and Personalised Therapy | 2019 |
480 | GACD | Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Secretariat | 2019 |
481 | VISION | Strategies to strengthen scientific excellence and innoVation capacIty for early diagnoSIs of gastrOintestinal caNcers | 2019 |
482 | COBRAIN | Armenia Center for Translational Research on Chronic Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Neuroscience Initiative on Maintaining Healthy Brain Ageing | 2019 |
484 | Wirecath | Novel Catheter for the Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disease | 2019 |
485 | INCLUDING | Innovative Cluster for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies | 2019 |
486 | PyroSafe | Integration of new nano-engineered safe energetic layers with Sensors and Electronics to manufacture Safety-Critical Microsystems | 2019 |
487 | NANOELAST | Next-Generation Urinary Catheters for Preventing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections: Emphasis on Antibiotic Resistance | 2019 |
488 | DEMPREV | Dementia Prevention: Imaging risk in primary care and catalysing behaviour change | 2019 |
489 | PREDICT | The Future of Prediction: The Social Consequences of Algorithmic Forecast in Insurance, Medicine and Policing | 2020 |
490 | IMMUNOTHROMBOSIS | Cross-talk between platelets and immunity - implications for host homeostasis and defense | 2019 |
491 | REAL | local Renewable-based Energy Autonomy from the transformation of solid recovery fueL | 2019 |
492 | TagAndGo | First low-cost semi-passive RFID tags for cold-chain logistics digitalisation and optimisation | 2019 |
493 | RetinDR | RetinDR: The first topical ophthalmic formulation (eye drops) that effectively prevents and/or treats the retinal neurodegeneration induced by diabetes (diabetic retinopathy) and/or aging | 2019 |
494 | COSA | Contagion Spread Awareness System in Neonatal Intensive Care Units | 2019 |
495 | cRGS | Cognitive Rehabilitation Gamming System (cRGS): a novel Virtual Reality-based system for the conjunctive training of stroke-derived cognitive impairments | 2019 |
496 | SMARTINCS | Self-healing, Multifunctional, Advanced Repair Technologies IN Cementitious Systems | 2019 |
497 | SOCRATIC | SOCRATIC: A real-time effluent management software based on artificial intelligence and industrial automation, specific for the prevention of combined sewage overflow | 2019 |
498 | DohART-NET | Periconceptional Programming of Health Training Network | 2019 |
499 | CANCERPREV | Innovative strategies for cancer prevention with focus on sex hormone signaling and chronic inflammation | 2019 |
500 | EULAT Eradicate GBC | Establishment and Exploitation of a European-Latin American Research Consortium towards Eradication of Preventable Gallbladder Cancer | 2019 |
501 | S2IGI | Integrated Fire Management System | 2019 |
503 | PyroLife | PyroLife - training the next generation of integrated fire management experts | 2019 |
504 | NUADA | YOUR LIFE. HANDS-ON. | 2019 |
505 | MeDiTATe | The Medical Digital Twin for Aneurysm Prevention and Treatment | 2020 |
506 | AVANT | Alternatives to Veterinary ANTimicrobials | 2020 |
508 | SHOW MOTION | SHOW MOTION: Real time intelligent system for biomechanical motion and muscular diagnosis | 2019 |
509 | RV001 | RV001: An anti-metastatic cancer vaccine | 2019 |
510 | Kerefish | KerecisTM Omega3 Wound: the first fish skin substitute in the European Market for chronic wound care | 2019 |
511 | Path Feel | Insoles for Neuropathy and Balance Issues | 2019 |
512 | Oralis | Oralis, The first oral human insulin treatment for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | 2019 |
513 | ORIGIN | Optical Fibre Dose Imaging for Adaptive Brachytherapy | 2020 |
514 | PERSIST | Patients-centered SurvivorShIp care plan after Cancer treatments based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies | 2020 |
515 | PAVE | Preventing and Addressing Violent Extremism through Community Resilience in the Balkans and MENA | 2020 |
516 | SMART UV | Intelligent Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation Filters | 2019 |
517 | ReCreo | Sustainable Use of Metallic Resources: Industrial Waste Prevention | 2019 |
518 | CHROMREP | Dissecting the chromatin response to DNA damage in silenced heterochromatin regions | 2019 |
519 | AARN | Ascend Avian Radar Network | 2020 |
520 | CANDY | Comorbid Analysis of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Epilepsy | 2020 |
521 | CONNEKT | CONtexts of extremism iN mEna and balKan socieTies | 2020 |
522 | InterTAU | Integrative structural biology of pathological tau protein, an appealing therapeutic target for Alzheimer´s disease modifying drugs | 2020 |
523 | SINO-EU-PerMed | Widening Sinoâ€EU policy and research cooperation in Personalised Medicine | 2020 |
524 | Clarity | Real-time renal diagnostic to prevent ICU-acquired Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). | 2019 |
526 | PRIME | Prevention and Remediation of Insulin Multimorbidity in Europe | 2020 |
527 | HAP2 | Host-targeted Approaches for the Prevention and the treatment of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia | 2020 |
528 | IMPACT DIABETES B2B | Implementation Action to prevent Diabetes from Bump 2 Baby (IMPACT DIABETES B2B): a low-resource system of care intervention for appropriate gestational weight gain and improved postnatal outcomes | 2020 |
529 | MINDUP | Mental Health Promotion and Intervention in Occupational Settings: MINDUP | 2020 |
530 | ATHLETE | Advancing Tools for Human Early Lifecourse Exposome Research and Translation | 2020 |
531 | REMEDIA | Impact of exposome on the course of lung diseases | 2020 |
532 | DPR-VAX | Dipeptide-Repeat Vaccine to prevent ALS and FTD in C9orf72 mutation carriers | 2020 |
533 | GAP SIMULATOR | Novel Calculation and Analysis Method, Planning and Application Platform That Personalizes the Mathematical Definition of Spinal Alignment and Shape (GAP Simulator) | 2020 |
534 | CoroPrevention | Personalized Prevention for Coronary Heart Disease | 2020 |
535 | LiverScreen | Screening for liver fibrosis - population-based study across European countries | 2020 |
536 | EPOCHAL | Beyond seasonal suffering: Effects of Pollen on Cardiorespiratory Health and Allergies | 2020 |
537 | FEVER | Flexible Energy Production, Demand and Storage-based Virtual Power Plants for Electricity Markets and Resilient DSO Operation | 2020 |
538 | COLLABS | A COmprehensive cyber-intelligence framework for resilient coLLABorative manufacturing Systems | 2020 |
539 | EJP SOIL | Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils | 2020 |
540 | PoreDetect | Bench-top system for detection and analysis of miRNA using solid-state nanopores | 2020 |
541 | TRANSLATIONAL | A new translational strategy for tailored treatment of type 2 diabetes | 2020 |
542 | PreventALL | Prevention of childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia immunology links oncology | 2020 |
543 | FatVirtualBiopsy | MRI toolkit for in vivo fat virtual biopsy | 2020 |
544 | Clarifruit Oct 19 | Innovative platform for fresh-produce quality control | 2020 |
545 | SulPure | Exhaust Gas Purification System | 2020 |
546 | BeePath | Impact of vector-mediated transmission on the evolution and ecology of a bee virus | 2020 |
547 | RADICALISATION | ‘We’re not neo-Nazis anymore’: Radicalisation strategies in online far-right propaganda and disinformation campaigns | 2020 |
548 | HollidayTrack | Tracking the movement and dynamics of Holliday junctions | 2020 |
549 | DLD-PI | Developmental Language Disorder - Prevention and Intervention | 2021 |
550 | SupraRNA | A Comprehensive Supramolecular Approach for an RNA vaccine for Influenza A (H1N1) | 2020 |
551 | MAP-AD | A multimodal approach to accelerate drug discovery and development in Alzheimer’s disease | 2021 |
552 | ARMOUR | smARt Monitoring Of distribUtion netwoRks for robust power quality | 2020 |
553 | CoMPOSE | Cortical Microcircuits: Parvalbumin neurons Orchestrate Stress Eating | 2020 |
554 | POPP | Putting Offence Prevention into Practice | 2020 |
555 | APT | The Sound of a Healthy Herd. Revolutionising the Care of Dairy Cattle with Pioneering Acoustic Technology | 2020 |