The page lists 1099 projects related to the topic "times".
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2 | Volcanoes Night III | Volcanoes' Night III. - Researchers' Night of the Canary Islands | 2014 |
3 | nEUROSTRESSPEP | Novel biocontrol agents for insect pests from neuroendocrinology | 2015 |
4 | CIRCODE | Cell-type specific mechanisms regulating rhythms in leukocyte homing | 2015 |
5 | TILDA | Towards Industrial LES/DNS in Aeronautics – Paving the Way for Future Accurate CFD | 2015 |
6 | RCMS | Rethinking Container Management Systems | 2015 |
7 | EMPOWER | EMPOWERING a reduction in use of conventionally fueled vehicles using Positive Policy Measures. | 2015 |
8 | DESTinationRAIL | Decision Support Tool for Rail Infrastructure Managers | 2015 |
9 | SYNCHRO-NET | Synchro-modal Supply Chain Eco-Net | 2015 |
10 | C2NET | Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks (C2NET) | 2015 |
11 | ProRegio | Customer-driven design of product-services and production networks to adapt to regional market requirements | 2015 |
12 | BOREALIS | Borealis – the 3A energy class Flexible Machine for the new Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing on next generation of complex 3D metal parts. | 2015 |
13 | GlioVac | Validation of a conceptually new treatment for glioblastoma multiforme with an IP protected small molecule | 2015 |
14 | URBANFLUXES | URBan ANthrpogenic heat FLUX from Earth observation Satellites | 2015 |
15 | ALKENoNE | Algal Lipids: the Key to Earth Now and aNcient Earth | 2015 |
16 | ASTROROT | Unraveling interstellar chemistry with broadband microwave spectroscopy and next-generation telescope arrays | 2015 |
17 | CUSTOM-SENSE | Custom-made biosensors – Accelerating the transition to a bio-based economy | 2015 |
18 | CSINEUTRONSTAR | The physics and forensics of neutron star explosions | 2015 |
19 | DESCRAMBLE | Drilling in supercritical geothermal condition | 2015 |
20 | STEPWISE | SEWGS Technology Platform for cost effective CO2 reduction the in the Iron and Steel Industry | 2015 |
21 | CPVMatch | Concentrating Photovoltaic modules using advanced technologies and cells for highest efficiencies | 2015 |
22 | GEO VISION | GNSS driven EO and Verifiable Image and Sensor Integration for mission-critical Operational Networks | 2015 |
23 | 5G Wireless | Innovative Architectures, Wireless Technologies and Tools for High Capacity and Sustainable 5G Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks | 2015 |
24 | Biorapid | Rapid Bioprocess Development | 2015 |
25 | ELECTOR | eHealth in Rheumatology | 2015 |
26 | Flourish | Aerial Data Collection and Analysis, and Automated Ground Intervention for Precision Farming | 2015 |
27 | TIPS | Thermally Integrated Smart Photonics Systems | 2015 |
28 | FLOBOT | Floor Washing Robot for Professional Users | 2015 |
29 | Film265 | Improving European VoD Creative Industry with High Efficiency Video Delivery | 2015 |
30 | STEER | Support Tool for Energy Efficiency pRogrammes in medical centres | 2014 |
31 | DECADE | Deploying High Capacity Dense Small Cell Heterogeneous Networks | 2015 |
32 | C-FOOT-CTRL | Developing on line tools to monitor, control and mitigate GHG emissions in WWTPs | 2015 |
34 | QUINCY | Quantifying the effects of interacting nutrient cycles on terrestrial biosphere dynamics and their climate feedbacks QUINCY | 2015 |
36 | CNT-QUBIT | Carbon Nanotube Quantum Circuits | 2015 |
37 | GraM3 | Surface-grafted metallofullerene molecular magnets with controllable alignment of magnetic moments | 2015 |
38 | SUPERCELL | Single-Use paPER-based fuel CELLs | 2015 |
39 | TransSOL | European paths to transnational solidarity at times of crisis: Conditions, forms, role-models and policy responses | 2015 |
40 | Re.Cri.Re. | Between the representation of the crisis and the crisis of representation. How crisis changed the symbolic background of European societies and identities. Implication for policies and policy making | 2015 |
41 | CP2 | CP2 is a project to develop a new wrist placement technology that can detect anomalies with both the Cardio and Vascular systems simultaneously. | 2014 |
42 | MICROAB | Micro machining with abrasive waterjets | 2014 |
43 | NiGlucoMon | A Non-Invasive GLUCOse MONitoring device for diabetics based on Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy in a quick, cheap and painless method. | 2014 |
44 | FFI | Forward Flow Infusion - Low Cost Composite Manufacturing Process for High Volume Production | 2014 |
45 | ACfoil | Anti-counterfeit foil for security packaging | 2014 |
46 | MOSART | Advanced Automated Process for Low Cost Efficient Custom Mosaic Manufacturing | 2014 |
47 | CAREMiBRAIN | A new brain-dedicated Positron Emission Tomography (PET) system to identify β-amyloid biomarker for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of cognitive decline | 2014 |
48 | HiCompost | Novel business based on high efficiency composting technology | 2014 |
49 | SKLCarbon | Development of CDC production technologies for the next generation of supercapacitors, feasibility study | 2014 |
51 | OPSINEVOL | Evolution of opsin genes in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) relative to male colour: a window into the genetics of mate choice | 2015 |
52 | ClumpLab | A clumped isotope laboratory for the Netherlands | 2015 |
53 | FACADE FIRE | Numerical characterisation of fire growth in external facades and other vertical spaces | 2016 |
54 | PALEO-AGRI | agroPastoral Activities and effects on Landscapes and ErOsion dynAmics in the alps: a new insight from Geological appRoaches and lake sedIment DNA | 2015 |
55 | NeoGenHeritage | Neotithic transition in the Iberian Peninsula: reviewing an old question from new technological and computational genome wide approaches | 2015 |
56 | FDtoQG | From fluid dynamics to quantum gravity | 2015 |
57 | WhereWolf | The history of wolves, and their contribution to adaptation and phenotypic diversity in dogs | 2016 |
58 | EBUCAI | European Banking Union and Current Account Imbalances | 2016 |
59 | EARMEDCASTILE | The formation of the state in Early Medieval Castile: craft production and social complexity | 2015 |
60 | StarlightWinds | Mass loss in the lives and deaths of massive stars | 2015 |
61 | QuantMR7 | Quantitative MRI of the brain using magnetic resonance fingerprinting | 2016 |
62 | GLOBE | All Organic Redox Flow Batteries | 2015 |
63 | GATEWAY | Developing a Pilot Case aimed at establishing a European infrastructure project for CO2 transport | 2015 |
64 | ZERO-TRAIN-BCI | Combining constrained based learning and transfer learning to facilitate Zero-training Brain-Computer Interfacing | 2015 |
65 | NITEC | NITEC: a Negative Ion Time Expansion Chamber for directional Dark Matter search | 2015 |
66 | STOICHIOMET | Blending Stoichiometric and Metabolic Theories from Genes to Populations: Resource Stochiometry and Temperature Effects on Consumers with Contrasting Life-history Strategies | 2015 |
67 | LeGaNa | Leggett-Garg test of a vibrating carbon nanotube | 2016 |
68 | Micro-SOLUTION | Micro-Solid Oxide Fuel Cells based on highly catalytic ceramic oxide thin films nanostructures | 2015 |
69 | PALADIN | Positron Annihilation Detection Beyond the Limits | 2015 |
70 | CuPESS | Catchments under Pressure: Ecosystem Service Solutions | 2015 |
71 | FCSM | Human myosins | 2015 |
72 | Consciousness online | A real-time, online study of the functions of consciousness | 2015 |
73 | OCTANT | Modeling the chronology of deep ocean circulation changes during abrupt climate transitions | 2016 |
74 | HIGGS-BSM-EFT | Higgs and Beyond the Standard Model Effective Field Theory, systematic developments. | 2015 |
75 | BinCosmos | The impact of Massive Binary Stars through Cosmic Times | 2015 |
76 | DRESSINGTHENEWWORLD | Dressing the New World. The Trade and the Culture of Clothing in the New Spanish Colonies (1600-1800) | 2015 |
77 | Res2Pel | Innovative treatment process for biogenic waste and residual materials to manufacture compactedfuels as pellets or briquettes | 2015 |
78 | SENSITIVITYMARKERS | Clinical validation of prognostic biomarkers of chemotherapy response in liquid biopsies | 2015 |
79 | climote | climote Advanced Demand Management of Heating and Cooling | 2015 |
80 | ITECCO | Innovative Transport Equipment for Coal, Coke and Ore | 2015 |
81 | MAMANUCA | Microfluidic Advanced Manufacturing of Ultrasound Contrast Agents | 2015 |
82 | Bioprene | Bio-based high-purity isoprene through high-yield technology | 2015 |
83 | IVANCA | IntraVenous ANtibiotic Compounding Automation | 2015 |
84 | Ripesense | An innovative fruit ripeness checker, to offer non-destructive testing in order to ensure resource efficient fruit processing - Ripesense | 2015 |
85 | OABCAP | Demonstration of a new diagnostic device for the Overactive Bladder syndrome | 2015 |
86 | VR-Suit | VR-Suit : MultiModal experiences in a Virtual World | 2015 |
87 | Ph1ProHap2 | hapticom launches the world‘s 1st special tablet for over 20 million visually impaired people in the EU, enabling them access to barrier-free digital information and communication with all of society | 2015 |
88 | FlowcusinUp | Scale Up of Microencapsulation Systems by using Flow Focusing Technology | 2015 |
89 | OP3C | On board Processing for Compression and Clouds Classification in hyperspectral data | 2015 |
91 | uDAS | An Automatic Microfluidic Device Assembly System | 2015 |
92 | MicroMap | A new instrument for mapping the ultrafast photo-conductivity of materials for optoelectronics | 2015 |
93 | 2-NanoSi | Ratiometric FRET Based Nanosensors for Trypsin Related Human Recessive Diseases | 2015 |
94 | EbolaVac | Development of a Chimpanzee Adenovirus Type 3 Ebolavirus Zaire Vaccine | 2014 |
95 | Hydrofaction | Resource and Cost Effective Conversion of Biomass to HydrocarbonTM Oil | 2015 |
96 | FREEWAY | FREEWAY : safely and effortless commute in an urban environment | 2015 |
97 | SmartX | SmartX is an innovative ICT platform for electricity demand-supply management | 2015 |
98 | Delirium Monitor | Objective delirium detection with an innovative EEG-based spot monitor | 2015 |
99 | BRAINSPECT | Ultra high resolution Single Photon Computed Emission Tomography for the molecular imaging of brain disease | 2015 |
100 | DryEye | Validation of a Novel Diagnostic Biomarker for Dry Eye Syndrome based in nucleotides detection | 2015 |
101 | eKuore | eKoure: the world´s first wireless stethoscope of the mhealth market. | 2015 |
102 | Cydar PaaS | Disrupting the real-time medical imaging market, and accelerating innovation, with cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) | 2015 |
103 | 3D Reloaded | 3D Reloaded: Novel Algorithms for 3D Shape Inference and Analysis | 2015 |
104 | CEPPI 2 | Coordinated energy-related PPIs actions for cities (CEPPI) | 2015 |
105 | Testforall | FOOD SAFETY CONTROLS FOR ALL | 2015 |
106 | Colibri | The compact LIBS module for advanced materials analysis | 2015 |
107 | DEEP TIME | Dynamic Earth Evolution and Paleogeography through Tomographic Imaging of the Mantle | 2015 |
108 | Eco-UV | Low carbon footprint and eco-innovative UV water disinfection | 2015 |
110 | EXTMOS | EXTended Model of Organic Semiconductors | 2015 |
111 | NEWCARBOVAX | New generation of carbohydrate-based vaccines via rational understanding of their immunological mechanism | 2017 |
112 | Lingvist | Lingvist - the next generation language-learning software | 2015 |
113 | AF16 | Adaptation Futures 2016 | 2015 |
114 | Dermtest | An empowering toolkit for general practitioners to prevent, detect and treat melanoma (Dermtest) | 2015 |
115 | VATech | Virtual AntennaTM Technology: the Next Generation Antenna for Wireless Devices | 2015 |
116 | RETYRE | Recycling waste tyres into devulcanized rubber | 2015 |
117 | ImagePlanetFormDiscs | Imaging the Dynamical Imprints of Planet Formation in Protoplanetary Discs | 2015 |
118 | FMCONTAINERS | Fast Moving Containers Caming Solutions | 2015 |
119 | HyCloud | Hybrid Cloud solution based on a disruptive method for data redundancy and a network attached storage device, to store, access and back-up digital content safer, faster and cheaper. | 2015 |
120 | ULTRAWINE | Eco-innovative maceration system based on LFHP ULTRAsound technology for WINEmaking | 2015 |
121 | TailorFit | TailorFit; The Integrated “made to measure” workflow automation for menswear | 2015 |
122 | TGRIP | Nanostructured gripping material for clamping complex workpieces | 2015 |
123 | GAREP | Novel GAsification REactor for combined heat and power Plant | 2015 |
124 | REACH | REACH: Risk, Resilience, Ethnicity and AdolesCent Mental Health | 2015 |
125 | ValChem | ValChem - Value added Chemical building blocks and lignin from wood | 2015 |
126 | PULP2VALUE | Processing Underutilised Low value sugarbeet Pulp into VALUE added products (PULP2VALUE) | 2015 |
127 | SUPERFLUIDITY | Superfluidity: a super-fluid, cloud-native, converged edge system | 2015 |
128 | CogNet | Building an Intelligent System of Insights and Action for 5G Network Management | 2015 |
129 | CHARISMA | Converged Heterogeneous Advanced 5G Cloud-RAN Architecture for Intelligent and Secure Media Access | 2015 |
130 | Social Resp Shopping | Creating the first Social Responsibility Shopping platform to link small businesses and local non-profits organizations through an innovative business model leveraging on responsible consumption | 2015 |
131 | ARENA | Arena-Master Mobile Solution for Complete Synthetic Turf Recycling On-site | 2015 |
132 | NAVDEC | Navigational Decision Support System for Improved COLREGs Safety Management | 2015 |
133 | ANDROTEST | Point of care test for non invasive differential diagnosis of obstrutive and non-obstructive azoospermia in male fertility | 2015 |
134 | CIGUALERT | Reference standards for a specific, reliable and early detection of the marine toxins that causes ciguatera disease | 2015 |
135 | ORCHEXTRA | A disruptive innovation in mobile marketing and business intelligence for drastically increasing SMEs competitiveness | 2015 |
136 | PLUSH | Platform Universal Self Hosting, a hybrid-cloud Platform as a Service reducing web application development cost by 40% for SMEs | 2015 |
137 | DIVI | Direct Visualization of Light-Driven Atomic-Scale Carrier Dynamics in Space and Time | 2015 |
138 | EXTRA | Exploiting eXascale Technology with Reconfigurable Architectures | 2015 |
139 | DEPURGAN | Swine-farm revolution | 2015 |
140 | LaForte | Large Format Textile Printing | 2015 |
141 | LAA-THz-CC | Lens Antenna Arrays for Coherent THz Cameras | 2015 |
142 | MolCellTissMech | Molecular and cellular determinants of cell monolayer mechanics | 2015 |
143 | MOPHIMPOC | Optical Ultrasound Imaging for Real-time Guidance of Intracardiac Procedures | 2015 |
144 | Spin-NANO | Nanoscale solid-state spin systems in emerging quantum technologies | 2016 |
145 | BIGCHEM | Big Data in Chemistry | 2016 |
146 | One-EG | Wearable Brain Monitoring Technology for Quick Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders | 2016 |
147 | ADIR | Next generation urban mining - Automated disassembly, separation and recovery of valuable materials from electronic equipment | 2015 |
148 | ReCaM | Rapid Reconfiguration of Flexible Production Systems through Capability-based Adaptation, Auto-configuration and Integrated tools for Production Planning | 2015 |
149 | OPENMIND | On-demand production of entirely customised minimally invasive medical devices | 2015 |
150 | EP TENDER | An innovative range extending service for Electric Vehicles (EV), based on a modular range extender, available for on demand rental, and attached occasionally to the EV for long distance trips | 2015 |
151 | IonoChem | IonoChem: A new and highly efficient cross membrane drug delivery strategy | 2015 |
152 | GDC | A Genetic Data CUBE - An innovative business model applied to predictive and prescriptive analytics, exploring Big Data and empowering cloud-services and urgent computation | 2015 |
153 | CONDUCT | Cost efficient thermal management in motors using next generation nanomaterials | 2016 |
154 | ICEYE | Microsatellite radar network for fast update Arctic ice surveillance. | 2015 |
155 | GEO | Green Efficient Outboards | 2015 |
156 | FOREMAT | Finding a needle in a haystack: efficient identification of high performing organic energy materials | 2015 |
157 | MALMECC | Music and Late Medieval European Court Cultures: Towards a Trans-Disciplinary and Post-National Cultural Poetics of the Performative Arts | 2016 |
158 | FIRST LIGHT | Early Star-Forming Galaxies and Cosmic Reionisation | 2015 |
159 | NorFish | North Atlantic Fisheries: An Environmental History, 1400-1700 | 2016 |
160 | NANOTUN3D | Development of the complete workflow for producing and using a novel nanomodified Ti-based alloy for additive manufacturing in special applications. | 2015 |
161 | DigiTech | Development of a novel generic digital controller for hydraulic load profiling control systems to significantly reduce costs and time in aircraft test rig development and commissioning | 2015 |
162 | MODBRIDGE | Modular 100% Carbon Fibre Footbridge | 2015 |
163 | ZinkOn Growth | Advanced and smart system for optimizing the non-conformities and concession processes within the aerospace industry. | 2015 |
165 | WhiteLase-2020 | White Light Fibre Lasers - Highly Disruptive Illumination Technology for Industry and Medical Surgery | 2015 |
166 | LIFE-BATTERY | Long lifespan battery for hybrid vehicles | 2015 |
167 | COBRI | Ultrasound NDE tomograph. Design and construction of a portable 3D ultrasound scanner for non-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT and NDE) of concrete in bridges and other building structures | 2015 |
168 | LiraTower | Novel concept of cost-effective and simplified in-situ concrete tower of 140m for harnessing higher and more consistent wind velocities and enhancing the power output of wind turbines | 2015 |
169 | LEAF LINE | The first ground stations network enabling real-time, cost-effective, and easy access to micro/nanosatellite data | 2015 |
170 | INCH | INteractive CHarging | 2015 |
171 | GOTSolar | New technological advances for the third generation of Solar cells | 2016 |
172 | NCUscan | Rapid Defect Characterisation by Non-Contact Ultrasonic Scanning | 2016 |
173 | RecRoad | From Aquileia to Singidunum (Belgrade), reconstructing the paths of Roman travelers | 2016 |
174 | InVID | In Video Veritas – Verification of Social Media Video Content for the News Industry | 2016 |
175 | HIPERDIAS | HIgh throughPut LasER processing of DIamond and Silicon | 2016 |
176 | HERCULES | High-Performance Real-time Architectures for Low-Power Embedded Systems | 2016 |
177 | VanderSat | High Resolution Soil Moisture Mapping | 2015 |
178 | HAMLET | Heterogeneous Advancement and hybrid integration of polymer and tripLEx platform for Integrated Microwave PhoTonics | 2015 |
179 | iSIM | Integrated Standard Imager for Earth Observation Microsatellites | 2015 |
180 | SaSHa | Si on SiC for the Harsh Environment of Space | 2016 |
181 | CAT-CAM | The Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR): an Historical Analysis Between US and Europe | 2016 |
182 | INSUPanel | Building the green way: wide take-up of a versatile, proven, energy and cost efficient insulation technology | 2015 |
183 | ShopStar | Image learning to create a new online marketing tool | 2015 |
184 | BrakeDiam | BRAKE DIsc for AutoMotive - performance enhancement by insertion of diamond particles | 2015 |
185 | p-DRIVE | Pyrolysis of Derived Residues of waste, providing Improved gas for Vehicle Engines | 2015 |
186 | AUDITOR | Advanced Multi-Constellation EGNSS Augmentation and Monitoring Network and its Application in Precision Agriculture | 2016 |
187 | MEDEAS | Guiding European Policy toward a low-carbon economy. Modelling Energy system Development under Environmental And Socioeconomic constraints | 2016 |
188 | ONEPLY | The Greenest Tissue Paper in the World | 2015 |
190 | DISTRACTION | Design against DISTortion of metallic aerospace parts based on combination of numeRical modelling ACTivities and topology optimisatION | 2016 |
191 | NET4TRAIN | Revamping trains with the most advanced broadband communication system | 2015 |
192 | COMPA | COMPA - Market Study of Composite Patch Repair for Marine Pipes A cost-efficient and durable pipe repair in urgency | 2015 |
193 | iMPACT | innovative Medical Protons Achromatic Calorimeter and Tracker | 2016 |
194 | PlasMelt | Design and Manufacture of Scaled up 50 kg capacity Plasma Melt Overflow (PMO) system for the commercial production of titanium and iron-chrome-aluminium alloy fibres. | 2016 |
195 | IN-SKA | Square Kilometre Array: Infrastructure Detailed Design for SKA Phase 1 | 2016 |
196 | GlucoBeam | GlucoBeam: A portable device for pain-free glucose self-monitoring in diabetic patients | 2016 |
197 | PowerKite | PowerKite - Power Take-Off System for a Subsea Tidal Kite | 2016 |
198 | SICLE | Saadian Intellectual and Cultural Life | 2016 |
199 | HyBalance | HyBalance | 2015 |
200 | SubCage | Submersible Tension Leg Fish Cage for Mariculture in Unsheltered and Offshore Areas | 2015 |
201 | CARIM | Commercialization of a full carbon wheel manufactured with an automated high-volume process for the automotive market | 2016 |
202 | HYPERDIAMOND | The Diamond Revolution in Hyperpolarized MR Imaging – Novel Platform and Nanoparticle Targeted Probe | 2016 |
203 | CONQUEST | Companion Nanodiagnostics for Quantifying EPR and Stratifying Patients to Targeted Nanotherapies | 2016 |
204 | FutForm | Future Formulations: Developing Future Pharmaceuticals Through Advanced Analysis and Intersectoral Exchange | 2016 |
205 | Bi-Stretch-4-Biomed | BIaxial STRETCHing of PLLA-WS2 nanocomposites FOR thinner and stronger BIOMEDical scaffolds | 2016 |
206 | ABRACADABRA | Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to zeRo energy, Activating a market for deep renovation | 2016 |
207 | WaterWatt | Improvement of energy efficiency in industrial water circuits using gamification for online self-assessment, benchmarking and economic decision support | 2016 |
208 | SCODEV | Scooping Device for Aerial Forest Fire Suppressant | 2016 |
209 | DYNAMICMARCH | Dynamics of Multiple, Interacting and Concurrent Markov Chains | 2016 |
210 | SoftPro | Synergy-based Open-source Foundations and Technologies for Prosthetics and RehabilitatiOn | 2016 |
211 | LEFAPO | Lead free automotive SLI power | 2015 |
212 | INDIGO | New generation of Intelligent Efficient District Cooling systems | 2016 |
213 | SmartStars | Pathways towards forming super-massive black holes in the early Universe | 2016 |
214 | BATH | A Probe for Environment Properties in Open Quantum Systems: Accessing Spectral Densities with Multi-Dimensional Coherent Spectroscopy | 2017 |
215 | ICEWIS | Intelligent and cost-efficient wind turbine power production using optical sensors | 2016 |
216 | sqetch | Sqetch – easily connecting fashion brands with apparel manufacturers | 2016 |
217 | TERAULTRA | Terahertz Ultra-Short Pulses from Self-Induced Transparency Modelocked Quantum Cascade Lasers | 2016 |
218 | 16gAirTest-Phase2 | Innovative EASA certified dynamic test method for 16g aircraft seat cushions | 2016 |
219 | VOSS | Ground-breaking flywheel composed of patented pre-stressed concrete that immensely enhances the electrical storage capabilities of renewable energy sources | 2016 |
220 | CARMI | Cosmology, Astronomy, and Religion in Medieval India | 2017 |
221 | nCell | an advanced thermal insulating material with improved properties based on NanoCELLular polymers | 2016 |
222 | SABRE | Transforming the biodiesel industry to meet Europe’s need for sustainable aviation fuel: business feasibility study, technical validation and real-world demonstration | 2016 |
223 | LightPipe | Antiresonant Hollow Optical Fibres for a Quantum Leap in Data and Optical Power Transmission | 2016 |
224 | Fluid Foil | A groundbreaking no contact, roll to roll, modular transportation and fluid delivery technology that enables faster and more uniform chemical reaction of any feature size without risk of damage. | 2016 |
225 | JapPrehistMigration | How and when was Japan settled by speakers of Japanese? Exploring the clues to Japanese prehistory preserved in old dialect divisions | 2016 |
226 | TOTAL | Technology transfer between modern algorithmic paradigms | 2016 |
227 | INTERTRAP | Integrated absolute dating approach for terrestrial records of past climate using trapped charge methods | 2016 |
228 | DigitalDoctors | Making Clinical Sense: A comparative study of how doctors learn in digital times | 2016 |
229 | NANOthermMA | Advanced Simulation Design of Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials with Enhanced Power Factors | 2016 |
230 | HOLDING-HANDS | Holding hands: cell-cell junctions in breast cancer metastasis and resistance to therapy | 2016 |
231 | DEEPVISION | Information-age microscopy for deep vision imaging of biological tissue | 2016 |
232 | PARTIAL-PGMs | Development of novel, high Performance hybrid TWV/GPF Automotive afteR treatment systems by raTIonAL design: substitution of PGMs and Rare earth materials | 2016 |
233 | AURORA | Advanced User-centric efficiency metRics for air traffic perfORmance Analytics | 2016 |
234 | AlgDates | Dating Plastid Endosymbiosis and Diversification in Eukaryotic Algae | 2016 |
235 | InviCitRom | Invisible Edges of Citizenship: Re-addressing the position of Romani Minorities in Europe | 2017 |
236 | THERMOSTALL | High Performance Seasonal Solar Energy Latent Heat Thermal Storage Using Low Grade, Low Melting Temperature Metallic Alloys | 2016 |
238 | FUTBOL | Two Dimensional Materials for Bolometers of the Future | 2016 |
239 | MatchForSolar | Mechanochemical Approach to Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells | 2016 |
240 | NAMESTRANSIS | Nanomechanical spin-to-photon transduction in silicon | 2016 |
241 | Perceptual Dominancy | Using Psychophysical And Neuroimaging Tools To Identify The Mechanism Underlying Perceptual Dominancy In Vision | 2016 |
242 | SPARk | Adding Pieces to the Puzzle of Sexual Differentiation In P. falciparum: A Systematic Analysis of RNA Processing | 2016 |
243 | SOSiC | Southern Ocean Silicon Cycling: combining views of the past and present using silicon isotopes | 2016 |
244 | HYBCOPTER | Hybrid multi copter with 6 times more flight time. | 2016 |
246 | DIGITALIA | Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs | 2016 |
247 | COPCAR | Heart monitoring and early assistance in high risk crisis without patient intervention (COPCAR) | 2016 |
248 | CORNposite | Valorisation of corn processing by-products into plastic bio-composites | 2016 |
249 | EggPlant | A feasibility study, to investigate and verify the commercial and industrial viability of a wastewater processing solution to generate bioplastics from agri-food and municipal wastewater sources. | 2016 |
250 | The Invisible Helmet | Airbag bicycle helmet based on One Piece Woven technology | 2016 |
251 | SEGU | SEwer inventory system to safeGUard waste water infrastructures | 2016 |
252 | MID | Molecular Information Dynamics | 2016 |
253 | TibArmy | The Tibetan Army of the Dalai Lamas (1642-1959) | 2016 |
254 | INFORMATIVEPRICES | Market Selection, Frictions, and the Information Content of Prices | 2016 |
255 | e-Cat | The Electron as a Catalyst | 2016 |
256 | iTRACK | Integrated system for real-time TRACKing and collective intelligence in civilian humanitarian missions | 2016 |
257 | FTI Cocoon | Optimization of the production line of an innovative biodegradable water reservoir to be applied in efficient landscape-scale ecosystem restoration plans | 2016 |
258 | AGRICADOPT | Environmental indicators for agricultural adoption, success, and continuity in the Nile Delta | 2016 |
259 | FUTURE-MOBILE | Distributed Massive MIMO for Next Generation Wireless Communications | 2016 |
260 | CleanOil | Global business challenge: Breaking the oilgas water dependency with a cost-effective no-waste nanomembrane technology for water reuse | 2016 |
261 | Immune Regulation | How Infection History Shapes the Immune System: Pathogen-induced Changes in Regulatory T Cells | 2016 |
262 | BeLEADFREE | High Strength Bearing for Large-Bore LEAD FREE Engines | 2016 |
263 | DELPHI4LED | From Measurements to Standardized Multi-Domain Compact Models of LEDs | 2016 |
264 | LAWALISI | Law, Authority and Learning in Imami Shi'ite Islam | 2016 |
265 | ByoPiC | The Baryon Picture of the Cosmos | 2017 |
266 | FLIPT | FLow Induced Phase Transitions, A new low energy paradigm for polymer processing | 2016 |
267 | IceXL | IceXL: Advanced modeling and slicing software for additive manufacturing | 2016 |
268 | BIOCOMPLACK | Eco-friendly food packaging with enhanced barrier properties | 2016 |
269 | cryo-bacteria-reactor | Development of the flow through bioreactor of 3D-structured bacteria for biodegradation of aromatic chloroderivatives from contaminated water | 2016 |
270 | NATURAL_BAT_NAV | Neural basis of natural navigation: Representation of goals, 3-D spaces and 1-km distances in the bat hippocampal formation – the role of experience | 2016 |
271 | EpiMech | Epithelial cell sheets as engineering materials: mechanics, resilience and malleability | 2016 |
272 | LogCorrelatedFields | Extremes in logarithmically correlated fields | 2016 |
273 | FRAME | Frequency Recognition Algorithm for Multiple Exposures | 2016 |
274 | CRO-INSPECT | Collaborative RObotic Solution for Advanced Inspection of Complex Composite parts | 2016 |
275 | ULISENS | Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing | 2016 |
276 | iProcell | Commercial validation of iPROCELL: a novel modular assembly practice | 2016 |
277 | ASURI | Advanced Surgical Implants (ASURI) | 2016 |
278 | reNEW | Valuable product recovery from sewage sludge | 2016 |
279 | MP-ORIF | Innovative biocompatible game changing material for medical implants in trauma | 2016 |
280 | WhiteBox EEG | Big Data EEG Recording and Analysis platform | 2016 |
281 | SpaceInvader | SpaceInvader – Gain value from empty and unused cargo space | 2016 |
282 | NORMOPERF | Normothermic perfusion devices for renal and hepatic preservation and viability assessment | 2016 |
283 | bioburner | Sustainable Hybrid Dual Burner | 2016 |
284 | Tom PIT Studio | Tom PIT Studio - platform for designing information systems | 2016 |
285 | ZeoBio-NG | Innovative biogas upgrading system based on novel Zeolite adsorbent technology for producing Bio-based Natural Gas | 2016 |
286 | VDRConnect | VDRConnect: VDR-based vessel telematics solution | 2016 |
287 | BISS | Biometric Identification Security System | 2016 |
288 | SOLVE | new machine tool for SimultaneOus pLate beVElling on all material types | 2016 |
289 | WHEKEE | Smart modular panels for hotel and retail shop construction and refurbishment which reduces embodied energy by 30% respect to state of the art systems | 2016 |
290 | SmartRAIN | SmartRAIN: an IoT-based solution for real time rain mapping | 2016 |
291 | ECOOL | Evaporative Cooling Technologies for dry and humid climates | 2016 |
292 | HEATSTACK | Production Ready Heat Exchangers and Fuel Cell Stacks for Fuel Cell mCHP | 2016 |
293 | MYKI | A Bidirectional MyoKinetic Implanted Interface for Natural Control of Artificial Limbs | 2016 |
294 | GuppY | Recombination, sex-specific adaptation and evolution of the poeciliid sex chromosomes | 2016 |
295 | ABSOLUTESPIN | Absolute Spin Dynamics in Quantum Materials | 2016 |
296 | IsoMS | Mass Spectrometry of Isomeric Ions | 2016 |
297 | SFS | Situating Free Speech: European parrhesias in comparative perspective | 2016 |
298 | ARENA | The first on-site mobile solution for complete synthetic grass recycling and materials reuse | 2016 |
299 | RollArray | A disruptive mobile photovoltaic array that can pack up to 20kWp of generating power into a domestic trailer and 100kWp of generating power into an ISO 20-foot shipping container. | 2016 |
300 | iNTACT | Commercialisation of the world’s first iNTelligent Access Cover Technology for the protection of ALL underground infrastructure. | 2016 |
301 | JEM Phase 1 | JEM: The world safest subcutaneous, enclosed, biocompatible implantable device, attached directly to a AV fistula or graft or vein, for chronic disease patients in need of repetitive vascular access | 2016 |
302 | Teraki | Making Big Data Small for the Internet of Things | 2016 |
303 | Persia and Babylonia | Persia and Babylonia: Creating a New Context for Understanding the Emergence of the First World Empire | 2017 |
304 | ImpAncCit | The Impact of the Ancient City | 2016 |
305 | ERCOPE | The ER located master regulation of endosomal positioning and further movements | 2016 |
306 | PhysSF | Physics of Star Formation and Its Regulation | 2016 |
307 | 100 Archaic Genomes | Genome sequences from extinct hominins | 2016 |
308 | BABYRHYTHM | Oscillatory Rhythmic Entrainment and the Foundations of Language Acquisition | 2016 |
309 | Detect and React | Distracted drivers in autonomous cars: Do drivers safely detect and react to unexpected warning signals? | 2016 |
310 | MWDIR | Media Warfare and the Discourse of Islamic Revival: The Case of the Islamic State (IS) | 2017 |
311 | MIRCOMB | Chip-based mid-infrared frequency combs | 2016 |
312 | CAREMIBRAIN | A new brain-dedicated Positron Emission Tomography (PET) system to identify β-amyloid biomarker for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of cognitive decline | 2016 |
313 | HETSPRESSO | A cartridge based flow chemistry machine for the automated synthesis of N-heterocycles for drug discovery | 2016 |
314 | TOUCHVIE | Catch what you watch; a game-changer technology that will change how people watch TV and revolutionise in-movie advertising and product placement | 2016 |
315 | POWERVE | Portable Weigher for Railway Vehicles | 2016 |
316 | Gybrid | EKUPD | 2016 |
317 | PAPER-P | Unique technology to turn on-site paper waste from the printing industry into high-quality PHA bioplastic | 2016 |
318 | MORPHCAST | Real time video creation according to your emotions | 2016 |
319 | BlockPLA | Innovative Biodegradable PLA Plastic for an Increased Range of Packaging Applications | 2016 |
320 | BioMicroGels | Innovative environmentally-benign wastewater treatment reagents offering a step change in efficiency in the cleaning of water from oils and metal ions and in liquidation of emergency oil spills | 2016 |
321 | PROMETHEUS | Platinum gRoup MEtals saving by monoliTHos Efficient and disrUptive catalySt innovation | 2016 |
322 | HyPump | Enabling Sustainable Irrigation through Hydro-Powered Pump for Canals | 2016 |
323 | SmartHeat | SmartHeat – An eco-innovative solution towards zero-carbon household heating | 2016 |
324 | Naturbo | Naturbo, the first air purification technology using a patented process of biotransformation to transform bad indoor air into healthy, fresh, and natural air. | 2016 |
325 | SEQUOIA-DD | Boosting productivity and performance in drug discovery with SEQUOIA - Semantic Query of Information Assets | 2016 |
326 | SQuaPh | Scalable Quantum Photonics with Ultra Bright Photon Sources | 2016 |
327 | Fabriscale | Fabric management for the software defined data centre | 2016 |
328 | ARTIVISM | Art and Activism : Creativity and Performance as Subversive Forms of Political Expression in Super-Diverse Cities | 2016 |
329 | HEATSENS_S | Lab-on-a-chip microfluidic device based on plasmonic driven thermal nanobiosensing for rapid detection of Salmonella in chicken meat. | 2016 |
330 | ES-Cat | Directed Protein Evolution for Synthetic Biology and Biocatalysis | 2017 |
331 | PAcMEN | Predictive and Accelerated Metabolic Engineering Network | 2016 |
332 | ENCOMPASS | ENgineering COMPASS | 2016 |
333 | iPerm | iPerm: Guided wave monitoring tool | 2016 |
334 | MMPCURSRT | A multi-method perspective on children's use of rehearsal in serial recall tasks | 2016 |
335 | TheraPD | TheraPD: Smart and safer automated peritoneal dialysis by means of sterile connectivity, bio-sensors control systems and more biocompatible solutions for preventing rapid degradation of peritoneal mem | 2016 |
336 | SCR | Disruptive Cybersecurity SaaS for SMEs and freelance developers | 2016 |
337 | Eclipse | Ecological Low Impact Production Sport Elastomer | 2016 |
338 | HUTI | Feasibility Study for HUTI – the Human Traffic Assistance System | 2016 |
339 | ROLINCAP | Systematic Design and Testing of Advanced Rotating Packed Bed Processes and Phase-Change Solvents for Intensified Post-Combustion CO2 Capture | 2016 |
340 | WaveBoost | Advanced Braking Module with Cyclic Energy Recovery System (CERS) for enhanced reliability and performance of Wave Energy Converters | 2016 |
341 | NET4IQ | Network Techniques for Interaction Quenches | 2016 |
342 | HiperLoc-EP | High performance low cost electric propulsion system development | 2017 |
343 | SELMUS | The Formex® raft: Towards the revolution of the European mussel farming | 2016 |
344 | WELFAREPRIORITIES | Welfare state politics under pressure: Identifying priorities, trade-offs and reform opportunities among citizens, political and economic elites | 2017 |
345 | IntAir | Cheaper, Lighter, Safer Composite Materials for Aircraft Interiors | 2016 |
347 | SMARTSAND | Transforming fly ash waste from coal-fired power plants into lightweight engineered sand formultiple applications | 2016 |
348 | CLOUDSTORM | Transforming the enterprise software industry: CloudStorm open source enterprise application development and integration framework | 2016 |
349 | SHAR-Q | Storage capacity sharing over virtual neighbourhoods of energy ecosystems | 2016 |
350 | PJ24 NCM | PJ24 VLD Network Collaborative Management | 2016 |
351 | PaPaAlg | Pareto-Optimal Parameterized Algorithms | 2017 |
352 | PJ05 Remote Tower | Remote Tower for Multiple Airports | 2016 |
353 | DAHLIA | Deep sub-micron microprocessor for spAce rad-Hard appLIcation Asic | 2017 |
354 | MMA | Molecular Mechanical Adhesives | 2017 |
355 | TENBRIN | Application of high power ultrasounds (HPUs) to improve the sustainability in meat TENderize and BRINe processes | 2016 |
356 | FASTGRID | Cost effective FCL using advanced superconducting tapes for future HVDC grids | 2017 |
357 | THEMIS | Development of a Terahertz Self-Mixing Imaging System | 2017 |
358 | BIOMULCH | Integrated solution for innovative biodegradation control of agricultural plastic mulches. | 2016 |
359 | METACELL-TM | METAbolism analysis made easy for CELL Translational Medicine | 2016 |
360 | Octopus Technology | Octopus Technology: Shale gas and tight oil drilling technology evolution - 100’s micro laterals drilled simultaneously to maximise well productivity | 2016 |
361 | WISH | Wearable Integrated System for Early Detection of Preterm Labour | 2016 |
362 | HF-BWT | Safeguarding shipping operations via a novel modular high frequency power converter to boost installation and performance of ballast water treatment systems | 2016 |
363 | SHOTL | A shared mobility On-Demand Service | 2016 |
364 | SCRAMJET | Empowering Business Flights | 2016 |
365 | DiGas Dual fuel | A novel dual fuel system for diesel locomotive modernisation to CNG or LNG operation | 2016 |
366 | EVALVE | Biomechanics and signaling in models of congenital heart valve defects | 2016 |
367 | PUNCA | Preparing for Unveiling the Nature of the Cosmic Acceleration | 2017 |
368 | MedPub | Medieval Publishing from c. 1000 to 1500 | 2017 |
369 | ClustersXCosmo | Fundamental physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics: Galaxy Clusters at the Cross-roads | 2017 |
370 | BiofoulRepel | Biofoulant-repelling surfaces for catheters and other biomedical devices | 2017 |
371 | Fed4FIREplus | Federation for FIRE Plus | 2017 |
372 | SZ_TEST | Towards Early Molecular Diagnostics of Schizophrenia | 2017 |
373 | is3DMIMO | indoor small-cell Networks with 3D MIMO Array Antennas | 2017 |
374 | GRETA | Green REcyclable Tanks made of innovative resin rilene | 2016 |
375 | IHS | water and energy efficient Induction Humidification System for textile applications | 2016 |
376 | Intranetum | Disrupting the Way We Store and Search for Files, Replacing The Folder-Based With a Context-Based Filing Paradigm. | 2017 |
377 | VACCELERAID | A novel vaccine technology leading to accelerated availability of vaccines and improved delivery | 2016 |
378 | Homer | HOMER - Development of Home Rehabilitation system | 2016 |
379 | spinitCompanion | A point of care device to provide real-time blood analysis for chronic diseases. | 2016 |
380 | SLIM | Strong, Lightweight and Indestructible Marble | 2016 |
381 | HydroNanoCoating | Hydrophobic Nano Coating for Cardboard Food Packaging with a 40% increased resistance to water and 3x times longer durability | 2016 |
382 | ScaleMazeMap | Scaling MazeMap to a global provider of indoor maps | 2016 |
383 | ESSI | Developing the EFAS Smart Services Initiative to introduce a game -changer in the digital tachograph market | 2016 |
384 | REASSURE | Robust and Efficient Approaches to Evaluating Side Channel and Fault Attack Resilience | 2017 |
385 | PJ25 XSTREAM | Cross Border SESAR Trials for Enhanced Arrival Management | 2017 |
386 | INLINE | Design of a flexible, scalable, high quality production line for PEMFC manufacturing | 2017 |
387 | SPECTRAL | low-coSt Printing of high-pErformanCe Thermoplastics foR structurAl appLications | 2017 |
388 | BrainInBrain | Neural circuits underlying complex brain function across animals - from conserved core concepts to specializations defining a species’ identity | 2017 |
389 | QD-NOMS | Elementary quantum dot networks enabled by on-chip nano-optomechanical systems | 2017 |
390 | IN-POWER | Advanced Materials technologies to QUADRUPLE the Concentrated Solar Thermal current POWER GENERATION | 2017 |
391 | STONE WOOD | Silicon Treatment ON Exterior Wood | 2016 |
392 | OMCIDC | Optical Manipulation of Colloidal Interfaces, Droplets and Crystallites | 2017 |
393 | I-MUST | A handheld, ultra-sensitive device for rapid contactless explosive vapour detection in open air, based on Ion Mobility Universal Sensor Technology | 2016 |
394 | SIMFAL | Assembly Planning and SIMulation of an Aircraft Final Assembly Line | 2017 |
395 | Q-Air | Sustainable Prefabricated Glass Façade with Performance Exceeding State-of-the-art Glass Façades | 2017 |
396 | ADVANTAG5 | Advanced Wide-Band Transceiver Architectures for Beyond 5G Wireless Systems | 2017 |
397 | CAPABLE | Chemical Composition characterization of air pollution (aerosols and gases) on the basis of nonlinear multi-channel lidar experiments | 2017 |
398 | LightFasTR | Understanding the light-fastness of heritage Turkey Red textiles through modern dye chemistry and historical dyeing technology to inform sustainable display and access | 2017 |
399 | THz-FRaScan-ESR | THz Frequency Rapid Scan – Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy for spin dynamics investigations of bulk and surface materials (THz-FRaScan-ESR) | 2018 |
400 | GenGeoHol | Non AdS holography and generalized geometric structures | 2017 |
401 | RECEPT | Real-time precision tests of lepton universality | 2017 |
402 | METLAKE | Predicting future methane fluxes from Northern lakes | 2017 |
403 | MAFRAN | Mathematical Frontiers in the Analysis of Many-particle Systems | 2017 |
404 | ACTIVEPHANTOM | Active Organ Phantoms for Medical Robotics | 2017 |
405 | AXONE | Commercial multiple electrode lead technology for cardiac disease | 2017 |
406 | Logist-IoT | SensorToCloud Technologies for Loss Prevention and Smart “Last Mile” Logistics Operations | 2017 |
408 | LiveJourney | LiveJourney | 2017 |
409 | smartFEEsh | Smart FEEding Systems for Hatcheries: Automatic central feeding system of live food and microdiets for farmed fingerlings | 2017 |
410 | ARION | A reusable launch system of small payloads to suborbital space | 2017 |
411 | DePharm | A cost-effective and energy-efficient water treatment technology to remove pharmaceutical pollutants from urban wastewater | 2016 |
412 | LEXR Sterilizer | Low Energy X Ray Sterilizer – bringing OEM medical device sterilization in house and streamlining production | 2017 |
413 | xBeam | xBeam 3D Metal Printing | 2017 |
414 | HFLE | Hybrid Fixed Leading Edge | 2017 |
415 | AQSuS | Analog Quantum Simulation using Superconducting Qubits | 2017 |
416 | BACCO | Bias and Clustering Calculations Optimised: Maximising discovery with galaxy surveys | 2017 |
417 | MEM-DG | Modular Electric Motor technology with integrated Digital Gears for increased driving performance | 2017 |
418 | BactiLine | BactiLine at-line system for automatic monitoring of microbial bacteria in water | 2017 |
419 | FUNGISEI | Liquid biopesticide for integrated and effective pest control | 2017 |
420 | ASAP-MALDI-MS | Advanced Sample Preparation by Electrowetting Technology for MALDI Mass Spectrometry | 2017 |
421 | HarvPell | Upscale and redesign of a mobile harvesting and pelletizing disruptive all-in-one machine | 2017 |
422 | COEXIST | Confined, Optically Enhanced, X-ray Imaging Source for Tomography | 2017 |
423 | iMDx | Microfiber Electrofluidics for Integrated Molecular Diagnostics | 2017 |
424 | MaQSens | Magnetomechanical Platforms for Quantum Experiments and Quantum Enabled Sensing Technologies | 2017 |
425 | INWELCHAV | Intersectional Analyses of Welfare Chauvinism in Europe | 2017 |
426 | WARCAP | Fiscal capacity and warfare in Europe and Latin America in the long nineteenth century (1789-1913). | 2017 |
427 | FLUDD | Late Stage Fluorination and its Applications to Drug Discovery | 2017 |
428 | CROSSROADS | Human Evolution at the Crossroads | 2017 |
429 | TEA | Theory and Empirics of Asymmetry | 2017 |
430 | GlucoBeam | GlucoBeam: A portable device for pain-free glucose self-monitoring in diabetic patients | 2017 |
431 | TreatStroke | arTificial neuRal nEtwork prediction of hAemorrhagic Transformation in STROKE. | 2017 |
432 | INSPIrE | Intellectuals in History: Political Process and Cultural Impacts in Medieval Europe (14th and 15th centuries) | 2017 |
433 | Mobilising Archives | Mobilising Archives: photography in Southwest Angola | 2017 |
434 | THEcore | Thermally efficient, cost-reduced nanostructured foams for vacuum insulation panels | 2017 |
435 | REPLICIAS | Architectural replicas in the scramble for the past: Politics of identity in Istanbul, Athens, Skopje | 2017 |
436 | PULSATES | PULsar Science Across The Electromagnetic Spectrum | 2017 |
437 | AJAPP | Writing Jewish History: Ancient Judaism as a Political Problem in Central Europe at the Rise of the Nation State | 2017 |
438 | XeMoon | Sources and sinks for excess Xe and Ar on the Moon | 2018 |
439 | SQALE | Integrating Superconducting Qubits with Two-dimensional Electron Systems | 2017 |
440 | FASTR 3D SIM | Focus on Advancing Spatial and Temporal Resolution of 3D Structured Illumination Microscopy | 2017 |
441 | PRIMASKOTI | PReparing Introduction to MArket of SKOTI (PRIMASKOTI) - a breakthrough solution for real-time studies of cytoskeletal motors at single-molecule resolution | 2017 |
442 | DIGITALIA 2 | Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs | 2017 |
443 | ZooMWest | Zooarchaeology and Mobility in the Western Mediterranean: husbandry production from the Late Bronze Age to Late Antiquity | 2017 |
444 | CMBSPEC | Next Steps in Cosmology with CMB Spectral Distortions | 2017 |
445 | HYPNOTIC | Hybrid Indium Phosphide on Silicon nanophotonics for ultimate laser diodes, flip-flops and memories | 2017 |
446 | SecIoT | Cybersecurity Threat Detection for Internet of Things Connected Devices | 2017 |
447 | ATRA | Atlas of Renaissance Antiquarianism | 2017 |
448 | Basquesmith | Ironworking technology and social complexity of rural comunities during the Early Medieval Ages | 2017 |
449 | COPWOM | The Continuation of Politics with Other Means: War and Protest, 1914-2011 | 2017 |
450 | TRAVELLING SOUNDS | Travelling Sounds: A cultural analysis of sonic artefacts in postcolonial Europe | 2018 |
451 | CaraSlug | Carabids as biocontrol agents for slugs in Oregon and Ireland - a novel and interdisciplinary approach to determine key malacophagous species and beneficial management options | 2017 |
452 | DropContEvo | A droplet microfluidic system for continuous in vivo evolution. | 2018 |
453 | DENPH | Dental anthropology at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition – insights on lifestyle and funerary behaviour from Neolithic Liguria (Italy) | 2017 |
454 | HappyHR | Commercialising Innovative Disruptive Solution for Improving Human Resources Management and Practices | 2017 |
455 | Runway-Star | A Novel Solution for Aircraft Washing and De-Icing | 2017 |
456 | ODORPREP | Real time, automatic and remote-activated sampling system for industrial odour emissions compliant with the European Standard EN 13725 | 2017 |
457 | OSMOSIS | One Step Modification of Space-Integrated Systems | 2017 |
458 | AdD HyStor | Demonstration of dynamic grid stabilisation with an Adaptive-flywheel/battery Hybrid energy Storage system in Ireland and UK | 2017 |
459 | CRNPE | Chemical Recycling for the New Plastic Economy | 2017 |
460 | HARM | High Attenuation Recycling Materials as sustainable barriers for waste disposal sites | 2018 |
461 | COEXIST | Coexistence on the boundary of chaos | 2017 |
462 | MYRiCE | The church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople: the MYth and its Reception across the CEnturies | 2017 |
463 | HIVGAYM | Analysing the migration choices of HIV-positive gay men in England and France | 2018 |
464 | URBANiTE | Post-crisis urban governance transformations in Southern Europe: a comparativist approach | 2017 |
465 | umCryofix | A microfluidic cryofixation method for time-resolved correlative microscopy | 2017 |
466 | NanoVoltSens | Voltage-sensing nanorods for super-resolution voltage imaging in neurons | 2017 |
467 | MOOAC | Multi-compartmental Organ-on-a-Chip | 2018 |
468 | ROLEDS | Highly Efficient Photoemitters for Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Intramolecular Rotation | 2017 |
469 | FILODIAG | Ultra-Fast Molecular Filovirus Diagnostics - Sofia ref.: 115844 | 2015 |
470 | TENGEAD | Tribo-Electric-Nanogenerator for Energy Autonomous Devices | 2017 |
471 | GrapheneBiosensor | Electrochemical Graphene Sensors as Early Alert Tools for Algal Toxin Detection in Water | 2017 |
472 | CHIRALQUBIT | Antiferromagnetic spin-chiral triangles as decoherence-free qubits | 2017 |
473 | ME-Optogen | Micro-endoscopes for in-depth high-resolution optogenetics | 2017 |
474 | PresWoodenHeritage | Preserving Wooden Heritage. Methods for monitoring wooden structures: 3D laser scanner survey and application of BIM systems on point cloud models | 2017 |
475 | RASCIO | Reader, Author, Scholar in a Context of Information Overflow.How to master and manage knowledge when there is too much to know? | 2018 |
476 | TopoInMulTermJJ | Multi-Terminal Josephson Junctions as a novel platform for high dimensional topological matter | 2017 |
477 | NHYTE | New Hybrid Thermoplastic Composite Aerostructures manufactured by Out of Autoclave Continuous Automated Technologies | 2017 |
478 | EU-FER | Economic Uncertainty and Fertility in Europe | 2017 |
479 | GLARE | Exploring Gender in Children's Literature from Cognitive Corpus Stylistic Perspective | 2017 |
480 | GlucoTear | Non-Invasive Fluorescence-based Tear Glucose Sensor Integrated to a Smartphone | 2018 |
481 | HYMEFCECS | Hydrogen production by membrane free chemical – electrochemical systems | 2017 |
482 | BAoBaB | Blue Acid/Base Battery: Storage and recovery of renewable electrical energy by reversible salt water dissociation | 2017 |
483 | SMuPhoS | Solid-State Multi-Photon Sources for Larger-Scale Quantum Optics and Photonics | 2017 |
484 | EuroEXA | Co-designed Innovation and System for Resilient Exascale Computing in Europe: From Applications to Silicon | 2017 |
485 | BUSUP | BusUp: Multi-platform On-demand Crowdsourced Bus Transportation for Smart City Mobility | 2017 |
486 | SENSEE | Replicating the SUN through affordable, efficient and accurate LEDs | 2017 |
487 | Cosmic_Gas | Mapping the Cosmic Gas Supply with ALMA | 2017 |
488 | COMPECON | Complexity and Simplicity in Economic Mechanisms | 2017 |
489 | MoQuOS | Molecular Quantum Opto-Spintronics | 2017 |
490 | OpSec | Goodmill - Operational Security Through Ensured Connectivity | 2017 |
491 | SEAMLESS | Surface Catalysed Adhesive for Low Temperature Joining of Lightweight Materials and Components | 2017 |
492 | 5G STEP FWD | 5G System Technological Enhancements Provided by Fiber Wireless Deployments | 2017 |
493 | LiquidHouseCycle | A Unified Framework of Business Cycles and Household Portfolios: Income Risks, Asset Liquidity, and Inequality | 2017 |
495 | PATHS | The Paths of International Law: Stability and Change in the International Legal Order | 2017 |
496 | SOURCE | Self Organization in Competition and Diversity | 2017 |
497 | Load Slice Core | Load Slice Core: A Power and Cost-Efficient Microarchitecture for the Future | 2018 |
499 | FeetWell | Innovative diagnostic and eHealth monitoring system for diabetic foot complications | 2017 |
500 | ZIRONITRO | Constructed wetland to produce high-quality drinking water free from nitrates | 2017 |
501 | SPEEDY-3D | Plugin-free easy-to-use software for high-speed virtual reality in e-commerce | 2017 |
502 | PlaSSteel | Plasma Nitriding and Nitrocarburising for high wear resistance and high corrosion stability Stainless Steel | 2017 |
503 | PACS | Pantograph Active Control System for e-Highways | 2017 |
504 | Sightless Touch | Sightless touch infotainment system for drivers | 2017 |
505 | ALELION | Trucks as a part of the grid, energy storage made easy | 2017 |
506 | MILDTECH | MILDTECH- Low cost, low temperature, rapid and energy efficient dual frequency microwave assisted vacuum system for drying and cooking foods | 2017 |
507 | FastFinder | Artificial intelligence for automated, standardised interpretation of DNA testing results | 2017 |
508 | BinGraSp | Modeling the Gravitational Spectrum of Neutron Star Binaries | 2017 |
509 | ZEOSOL | Integrated solar heating and cooling unit based on a novel zeolite chiller and heat pump | 2017 |
511 | iPROCELL | Commercial validation of iPROCELL: a novel modular assembly practice | 2017 |
512 | MASS | Micro AIS Shore Station - MASS | 2017 |
513 | SPACE | Space-time structure of climate change | 2017 |
514 | POLYWOOD | Combining wood and polymers to produce a translucent, reinforced and ecological material | 2017 |
515 | NOSCEMUS | Nova Scientia. Early Modern Scientific Literature and Latin | 2017 |
516 | FIRMNET | Firms and Their Networks | 2017 |
517 | STAMP | Stratified turbulence and mixing processes | 2017 |
518 | EASY | Ejection Accretion Structures in YSOs (EASY) | 2017 |
519 | CRiSTA | Multifunctionnal Cabin ReST Area | 2017 |
520 | Hyper360 | Enriching 360 media with 3D storytelling and personalisation elements | 2017 |
521 | PPPL | Novel paper pallet and manufacturing technology | 2017 |
522 | MINIMA | Introducing the next computing power revolution: Minima microprocessor technology to reduce the energy need of digital computing by 20 times. | 2017 |
523 | INOVER21 | Mass-customisation of custom-made medical implants | 2017 |
524 | iSIM | Integrated Standard Imager for Earth Observation Microsatellites | 2017 |
525 | BEATIK | E-ClassicalMusic for everyone | 2017 |
526 | SUBPORT | Subsea socket for offshore Platforms based on Tide turbines | 2017 |
528 | KWatch Glucose | K'Watch Glucose: A ground-breaking biometric wearable for painless, minimally invasive and blood-free glucose monitoring. | 2017 |
529 | MATRIX CHARGING | Novel, automated charging infrastructure for electric vehicles | 2017 |
531 | PROMETHEUS | Platinum gRoup MEtals saving by monoliTHos Efficient and disrUptive catalySt innovation | 2017 |
532 | SENSE | Affordable CFD simulation software for SMEs in the transportation industry | 2017 |
533 | tCat | Disrupting the rail maintenance sector thanks to the most cost-efficient solution to auscultate railways overhead lines reducing costs up to 80% | 2017 |
534 | AlchemEast | Alchemy in the Making: From ancient Babylonia via Graeco-Roman Egypt into the Byzantine, Syriac and Arabic traditions (1500 BCE - 1000 AD) | 2017 |
535 | CYCLODE | Cyclical and Linear Timing Modes in Development | 2017 |
536 | ADDABU | Automated detection of damage to buildings | 2017 |
537 | BEEOXAL | Treatment against honeybee varroosis based on highly effective application of oxalic acid through sublimation | 2017 |
538 | 3DTRAY | Innovative lightweight sustainable solutions for additively manufactured aircraft interior parts | 2017 |
539 | EMMTRIX | Emmtrix Technologies : European breakthrough in Software parallelization | 2017 |
540 | TRACS | Commercialisation of TRACS, An Artificial Intelligence Inspired, Text Response Automation system for Customer Support | 2017 |
541 | Wind-Drone | A powerful UAV-based ICT solution allowing safe, reliable and effective inspections of wind turbines | 2017 |
542 | CloudiFacturing | Cloudification of Production Engineering for Predictive Digital Manufacturing | 2017 |
543 | DoDyNet | Double Dynamics for design of new responsive polymer networks and gels | 2017 |
544 | EASITrain | European Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training | 2017 |
545 | ECOLE | Experience-based Computation: Learning to Optimise | 2018 |
546 | HiFi-ELEMENTS | High Fidelity Electric Modelling and Testing | 2017 |
547 | MataMoss | Development of a growing and delivery process for mass producing sphagnum moss for peatland restoration and cultivation as an economical and sustainable growing media | 2017 |
548 | MI-BIKE | World's Most Individual Bikes and e-bikes | 2017 |
549 | MUMMERING | MUltiscale, Multimodal and Multidimensional imaging for EngineeRING | 2018 |
550 | POWERSTORE | MikroMasch Powerstore for renewables microgeneration: scaling up the next generation battery technology for residential and commercial energy storage systems | 2017 |
551 | SFICAM | SFICAM: Ultrafast Fiber-Based Single-Photon Camera for Advanced Microscopy | 2017 |
552 | SOLARIS | Solaris energy tobacco for the creation of a European sustainable biojet fuel value chain | 2017 |
553 | MOLEMAT | Molecularly Engineered Materials and process for Perovskite solar cell technology | 2017 |
554 | COLSOC | The Legacy of Colonialism: Origins and Outcomes of Social Protection | 2018 |
555 | REACT | Realizable Advanced Cryptography | 2017 |
556 | PV-Prosumers4Grid | Development of innovative self-consumption and aggregation concepts for PV Prosumers to improve grid load and increase market value of PV | 2017 |
557 | QuIET | Quantum Interference Enhanced Thermoelectricity | 2018 |
558 | PLANET | Planning and operational tools for optimising energy flows and synergies between energy networks | 2017 |
559 | Hi-ThermCap | High-capacity and high-performance Thermal energy storage Capsule for low-carbon and energyefficient heating and cooling systems | 2017 |
560 | Portapower | Device for much improved performance portable power | 2018 |
561 | CGinsideNP | Complexity Inside NP - A Computational Geometry Perspective | 2018 |
562 | noRAG-TOR | Rag-independent regulation of mTOR by Amino Acids | 2018 |
563 | ImPRESS | Imaging Perfusion Restrictions from Extracellular Solid Stress | 2018 |
564 | AfricanWomen | Women in Africa | 2018 |
565 | Big Policy Canvas | Big Policy Canvas - Needs, Trends and ICT Tools for Advanced Data-Driven Public Sector | 2017 |
566 | ADMIRE | A holographic microscope for the immersive exploration of augmented micro-reality | 2017 |
567 | InSightPro | Commercialising an Innovative and Autonomous Analytical Solution Combining On-Line Measurements with Intelligent Cloud Functionalities for Adding Value to Dairy Products. | 2017 |
568 | MuBoEx | Mushroom Body Expansion in Heliconius butterflies | 2018 |
569 | INVICTUS | IN VItro Cavitation Through UltraSound | 2017 |
570 | eco-soft | Industrial manufacturing of eco-innovative, safe, sustainable functionalised microencapsulated fragrances for fabric softeners | 2017 |
571 | EUROMIX | Regulating mixed intimacies in Europe | 2017 |
572 | Multicellularity | The genetic basis of the convergent evolution of fungal multicellularity | 2018 |
573 | sCENT | Cryptophane-Enhanced Trace Gas Spectroscopy for On-Chip Methane Detection | 2018 |
574 | Desert Networks | Into the Eastern Desert of Egypt from the New Kingdom to the Roman period | 2017 |
576 | FreeWheel | Lifecycle-reconfigurable Smart Mobility Platform to enable autonomous and cost-effective personalized solutions for social inclusion of disabled and elderly while leveraging AM technologies | 2017 |
577 | QAMeleon | Sliceable multi-QAM format SDN-powered transponders and ROADMs Enabling Elastic Optical Networks | 2018 |
578 | NarcoScan | NarcoScan pocket-sized and affordable narcotics screener: making drug detection on the streets as common as catching drunk drivers | 2017 |
579 | ELECTROU | MW Fuel Cell micro grid and district heating at King’s Cross | 2018 |
580 | TERRESTREVOL | Exploring terra incognita: terrestrialization of arthropods in the era of genomics | 2018 |
581 | CLIMB | Development of a Cavity Supported Lipid Membranes Biomimetic drug permeability models (CLIMB) | 2018 |
582 | CMEQIP | Cavity-mediated entanglement of trapped-ion qubit arrays for quantum information processing | 2018 |
583 | HumanTrafficking | Human Trafficking: A Labor Perspective | 2018 |
584 | FODEX | Tropical Forest Degradation Experiment | 2018 |
585 | LNEXPANDS | The Mechanisms and Dynamics Controlling Cycles of Lymph Node Expansion | 2018 |
586 | SUPERSTARS | Type Ia supernovae: from explosions to cosmology | 2018 |
587 | ESBO DS | European Stratospheric Balloon Observatory Design Study | 2018 |
588 | MAMA-MEA | Mass Manufacture of MEAs Using High Speed Deposition Processes | 2018 |
589 | TheyBuyForYou | Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence | 2018 |
590 | 3PEAT | 3D Photonic integration platform based on multilayer PolyBoard and TriPleX technology for optical switching and remote sensing and ranging applications | 2018 |
591 | SUITCEYES | Smart, User-friendly, Interactive, Tactual, Cognition-Enhancer that Yields Extended Sensosphere - Appropriating sensor technologies, machine learning, gamification and smart haptic interfaces | 2018 |
592 | BIOGASTIGER | BIOGASTIGER® system – turning global organic waste streams into smart and clean energy | 2017 |
593 | Starcounter | In-Memory Computing and Artificial Intelligence Platform for Building Next Generation Enterprise Software | 2017 |
594 | SmartHeat | SmartHeat – An eco-innovative solution towards zero-carbon household heating | 2017 |
595 | Demographica | Helping marketing campaigns go viral | 2017 |
596 | MSH | The one-stop-shop for urban and regional mobility | 2017 |
597 | CERATONIA | Valorisation of the carob pod into an added value natural extract for the food and drink industry | 2017 |
598 | Turbo-FuelCell | Compact, light, efficient and reliable turbo compressor for fuel cell vehicles | 2017 |
599 | Genomcore Identity | Genomcore Identity: databank proxy for DNA fingerprinting from whole exome/genome for biometric identifica-tion | 2018 |
601 | Sana | Sleep on Command: a breakthrough technology for sleep, pain relief, enhanced performance and regenerative health. | 2017 |
602 | Day-by-day | Day-by-Day Short-Term Traffic Forecasts for Road Concessions (top app) | 2017 |
604 | V-SPHERE | Vulnerability Search and Prevention through Holistic End-to-end Risk Evaluation | 2018 |
605 | ImmuneHunter | Bioinformatics platform for profiling of health: allowing early and accurate detection of multiple diseases simultaneously | 2017 |
606 | ULTRA | Increasing the Spatial Correlation of Logical Units of Data to Enable an Ultra-Low Latency Internet | 2018 |
607 | LOQO-MOTIONS | Local quantum operations achieved through the motion of spins | 2018 |
608 | LENSNOVA | Cosmic Fireworks Première: Unravelling Enigmas of Type Ia Supernova Progenitor and Cosmology through Strong Lensing | 2018 |
609 | RAISE | Reliable Aircraft electrical Insulation System sElection | 2018 |
610 | PICOPROP4CT | Commercial feasibility assessment of the first single-photon detector for CT | 2018 |
611 | HIGDARS | High Bandwidth Flexible Satellite communicationSystem for 1 Gigabit/sec communications | 2018 |
612 | SmartEye | The most accurate 3D scanner for boosting the uptake of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) | 2018 |
613 | FREEDD | A real-time answer to environmental heavy metal contamination | 2018 |
614 | DrBox | eHealth platform to assess patient clinical progress due to prescribed medication | 2018 |
615 | ECOMESH | A hybrid solar panel that maximises heat capture and electricity generatio | 2018 |
616 | BotsAndUS | BotsAndUS - First Assistant Robot For Retail And Hospitality | 2018 |
617 | GREEN BOARD | Sustainable Production of High-End Wood Products Using Recycled and Environmentally FriendlyMaterials | 2018 |
618 | HouseBuildR | Build your house exactly as you imagined it | 2018 |
619 | BioBur | Multifuel, Economic, High Efficiency High Thermal Power Rotating Biomass Burner for IndustrialApplications | 2018 |
620 | Smart Cooking | Low energy, infrared oven for an improved automated cooking | 2018 |
621 | BLUESKY | Robust kit to convert diesel vehicles to Natural Gas and Biogas for extended life and reducedcontaminants emission | 2018 |
622 | AlkFood | A disruptive cost-efficient industrial technology using bioreactor to boost compounds yields in roots, shoots, leaves for agri-food, flavors, biopesticides | 2018 |
623 | DyNET | Dynamical river NETworks: climatic controls and biogeochemical function | 2018 |
624 | MicroAdiPSChip | Micro-Fat Tissue on Chip | 2018 |
625 | MAF | More Automated Factories | 2018 |
626 | MOTIVE | Multi-physics mOdelling of high Temperature engIne ValvEs | 2018 |
627 | ELECTRO-POM | From discovery to scale up of cluster based electrolytes for Ultra-high energy storage flow batteries | 2018 |
628 | SPotEU | Sugar Pot manufacture in western Europe in the medieval and post-medieval period (11th-16th centuries AD) | 2018 |
629 | WAI | Wiraya Activation Intelligence | 2018 |
631 | Pewas AQS | New seed treating method - hydrostimulation - for higher crop yields in water deprived regions | 2018 |
632 | ThromboSLE | Accurate assessment of thrombosis risk in systemic lupus erythematosus | 2018 |
633 | ImageToSim | Multiscale Imaging-through-analysis Methods for Autonomous Patient-specific Simulation Workflows | 2019 |
634 | WAVREP | WAVe Resource for Electrical Production | 2018 |
635 | ThermOutOfEq | Thermalization of out-of-equilibrium quantum matter | 2018 |
636 | ShaMROCk | Superconductive MiR phOton Counter | 2018 |
637 | Exoplanet Finder | Blazing the Trail: Enabling Exoplanet Imaging in the Habitable Zone with the European Extremely Large Telescope | 2018 |
638 | MicroMOUPE | Microscopy - Making optimal use of photons and electrons | 2018 |
639 | HydroFlex | Increasing the value of Hydropower through increased Flexibilty | 2018 |
640 | OROARAB | The Orosius Arabicus and the Arab Vision of the Graeco-Roman World: Researches on theMediterranean Responsiveness | 2018 |
641 | FoodLoss | Food Loss in History. Insights into the food produced but never consumed | 2019 |
642 | OE Scan | A next generation diagnostic device that effectively screens for breast cancer in all tissue types, without the use of ionising radiation | 2018 |
643 | COMEX | COmputational Modelling for EXtreme conditions | 2018 |
644 | Cosmo-Blow-Up | Deflating the blow-up: controlling infinities in cosmic fluid descriptions | 2018 |
645 | DFitHH | Digital Forensics in the Historical Humanities: Hanif Kureishi, The Mass Observation Archive, Glyn Moody | 2018 |
646 | DiverseJust | Addressing Diversity: How Immigration Shapes Criminal Justice and Welfare Policies | 2019 |
647 | DualDur | DualDur: A Disruptive Diagnostic Technology that Enables for the First Time an Early and Accurate Diagnosis of the tick-borne Lyme Disease. | 2018 |
648 | E-SCENT | Epidermal sensors as personal chemical environmental monitoring tools | 2018 |
649 | MICHELANGELO | MultiphasIc NanoreaCtors for HEterogeneous CataLysis via SmArt ENGinEering of TaiLored DispersiOns | 2018 |
650 | MQC | Maintaining Quantum Coherence for Quantum Information Applications | 2018 |
651 | AMBH | Ancient Music Beyond Hellenisation | 2018 |
652 | MetChromTx | Macrophage metabolism and signal-induced chromatin and transcription changes: an integrated, multi-layer approach | 2018 |
653 | TimeAdapt | Tracking Genetic Adaptation of Populations Using Time-Series Genomic Data | 2019 |
654 | SOLWARIS | Solving Water Issues for CSP Plants | 2018 |
655 | SMERC | Strong Microwave Erbium Coupling | 2019 |
656 | TheraSonix | Ultrasonic Imaging and Drug Propulsion Into Tumors Using Genetically Encoded Gas Nanostructures | 2018 |
657 | MOSPhotocat | Application of Metal Oxide Semiconductors in Photocatalysis | 2018 |
658 | SUPERS | Unmasking the Progenitors and Energy Sources of Superluminous Supernovae | 2018 |
659 | WET MARS | Hydrological processes on late Mars: water under the telescope and under the microscope | 2018 |
660 | InDyMag | Internal Dynamics and Magnetic field generation in rocky bodies: planets and large moons in the solar system | 2019 |
661 | IDCLOTHING | Clothing, fashion and nation building in the Land of Israel | 2019 |
662 | LasInPOP | Direct Laser Interference Patterning of Ophthalmic Polymers | 2019 |
663 | LOWCOST-PBI-HTPEMFC | Novel binder-ionomer-free electrodes enable ultra-low Pt loading electrodes for low cost High Temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells based in phosphoric acid-doped polybenzimidazole membranes | 2018 |
664 | UVSIGNAL | Unravelling the mechanisms underlying the evolution of ultraviolet signals | 2018 |
665 | SYMOBLIGA | Comparative genomics of host-symbiont dependency | 2018 |
666 | DEEPADAPT | The molecular drivers of deep-sea adaptation in brittle stars | 2018 |
668 | LHCBIGDATA | Exploiting big data and machine learning techniques for LHC experiments | 2018 |
669 | ICOFAS | Improved Coherence Fast Swept Source Lasers for Optical Imaging Applications | 2019 |
670 | KEMISTATIC | New ElectroSTATIC Spraying Process of Two-Component, Solvent-Free, Fast-Curing, Liquid Resins | 2018 |
671 | PFS | A cost- energy-efficient treatment technology to remove pharmaceutical pollutants from water | 2018 |
672 | RebelRocket | RebelRocket: 10x better Wi-Fi for the passenger transportation industry | 2018 |
673 | Leaf Line | The First Global Ground Station Network to Fully Exploit Microsatellites Data | 2018 |
674 | SOFTCAR | The cleanest and lowest cost car ever! | 2018 |
675 | AIRPOXY | ThermoformAble, repaIrable and bondable smaRt ePOXY based composites for aero structures | 2018 |
676 | NAVAIS | New, Avanced and Value-Added Innovative Ships | 2018 |
677 | INSCRIBE | INvention of SCRIpts and their BEginnings | 2018 |
678 | 5G_GaN2 | Advanced RF Transceivers for 5G base stations based on GaN Technology. | 2018 |
679 | PREMOL | At the crossroad of molecular physics, quantum optics and spectroscopy:ultra-high-precision molecular spectroscopy for fundamental physics | 2018 |
680 | FunMagResBeacons | Functionalized Magnetic Resonance Beacons for Enhanced Spectroscopy and Imaging | 2018 |
681 | DMIDAS | Astrophysical constraints on the identity of the dark matter | 2018 |
682 | UPRmt | The Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response | 2018 |
683 | MS SPIDOC | Mass Spectrometry for Single Particle Imaging of Dipole Oriented protein Complexes | 2018 |
684 | NORMOPERF | Normothermic Perfusion Device for Renal and Hepatic Preservation and Viability Assessment | 2018 |
685 | DAMIC-M | Unveiling the Hidden: A Search for Light Dark Matter with CCDs | 2018 |
686 | Families_Share | Socializing and sharing time for work/ life balance through digital and social innovation | 2018 |
687 | ARcopter | The Game Changer Free-wing VTOL Drone for Commercial and Governmental Missions | 2018 |
688 | Mycotaff | A renewable bio-based material that enables efficient, cost-effective production of high-quality insulation, packaging, dry-wall, and other building materials | 2018 |
689 | GDS | A safe and effective non-surgical and reversible procedure for weight loss | 2018 |
690 | S2S | Signals to Solutions: a change of paradigm in predictive maintenance market | 2018 |
691 | Community Cloud | Cubbit. The first distributed data-center. | 2018 |
692 | HypoSkin | Unique breakthrough ex vivo human skin model to predict efficacy and toxicity of subcutaneous drugs | 2018 |
693 | WELLGENETICS | Disruptive tracer technology based on synthetic DNA to map subterranean resources | 2018 |
694 | WindiBox | A novel shrouded vertical axis wind turbine for power generation in buildings | 2018 |
695 | Print4Caps | Printing cap system with LED UV drying system with improved efficiency and quality | 2018 |
696 | POWDER | POWDER: DeveloPment and Optimisation of 3D Printing with neW Certified PowDER Material. | 2018 |
697 | EndoTrainer | EndoTrainer - A revolution in non-invasive surgery training | 2018 |
699 | HyperCollar3D | Improving the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer without Additional Side Effects | 2018 |
700 | Cupris | The first smartphone-connected medical device for a secure remote diagnosis of ears, nose, eyes and skin conditions | 2018 |
701 | FACT | Falex Application Center for Tribology | 2018 |
702 | SMARTRIOX | Disruptive targeted drug delivery system via synergistic combination of intelligent DNA molecular machines and gated mesoporous nanoparticles | 2018 |
703 | ArchFarm | Revisiting funerary practices: A methodological approach to the study of funerary sequences and social organisation in the Neolithic Near East, integrating forensic experiments in archaeo-anthropology | 2018 |
704 | TherGelFas | Novel nanometrically structured therapeutic hydrogel as injectable for fascial tissues surrounding the nerves intended for preventive treatment of chronic pain | 2018 |
705 | BlockPLA | Innovative nanostructured PLA polymer to expand suitable uses of biodegradable packaging | 2018 |
707 | Phytoponics | A sustainable, affordable scalable hydroponic system for large-scale agriculture | 2018 |
708 | PROTECTOR | Improving resource efficiency through a protective film for hose reel irrigation | 2018 |
709 | HYBRiX | Hybrid fuel-electric multicopter RPAS with 10 times more flight time than current solutions in the market | 2018 |
710 | ADDPRIME | Multifunctional smart inhibitors for anti-corrosive coatings, enabling a significant reduction of maintenance costs on metallic surfaces | 2018 |
712 | DG Island Mode | Deep Green Island Mode | 2018 |
713 | Tactonom | Reducing the unemployment rate amongst blind people by introducing a working tool that increases their autonomy and productivity. | 2018 |
714 | RF Beamformer | Ultra-low-cost terminals that meet the special requirements of all satellite operators allowing them to access markets currently inaccessible due to terminal economics. | 2018 |
715 | GROVF4.0 | Feasibility study for Grovf hardware accelerated no SQL database for Industry 4.0 | 2018 |
716 | MITTE | MITTE: Create your own mineral water like nature | 2018 |
717 | CLEAN CABINET | A unique and innovative cleanliness test bench that allows to increase test efficiency and reduce costs for cleanliness assessment of hydraulic, automotive and aeronautic components and systems | 2018 |
718 | KHON2bTREAT | Late Clinical Development of KH176: an innovative orphan drug to reach mitochondrial disease patients & market | 2018 |
719 | Asterix | Weeding robot for precision farming reducing herbicide usage by 95% | 2018 |
720 | CFAM | Large-scale Continuous-Fiber Additive Manufacturing for the Maritime and Infrastructure Sectors | 2018 |
721 | WeShare | Innovative Platform for horizontal collaboration in Road freight transportation | 2018 |
722 | SIESTA-PRO | Advance atomic-scale simulation solutions | 2018 |
723 | GLAZER | A breakthrough laser technology for all types of glass processing (ordinary, laminated, tempered, smart, low-energy and other) | 2018 |
724 | C-TCS | A Disruptive Treatment Control Software for Particle Therapy Centers | 2018 |
725 | OxygeAte | First long-lasting super-oxygenated water to promote post-exercise recovery and plant health, boosting crop yields sustainably | 2018 |
726 | UFine | An innovative ultra-fine bubble engineered nozzle for sustainable cost-effective water aeration | 2018 |
727 | ACT | Low energy aeration solution for waste water treatment plants using hydrodynamic cavitation technology. | 2018 |
729 | MATTERHORN | Electronic Thruster Controller for Underwater Vehicles and Robots | 2018 |
730 | PULVERCOAT | Low Curing Temperature and Energy Efficient Powder Coatings | 2018 |
731 | Wonderlogix STUDIO | End-to-end web platform for the design and implementation of Industrial Control Systems | 2018 |
732 | SQ Building | SQ Building – Solving the Trilemma of Comfort, Energy and Operational Costs in Buildings | 2018 |
733 | Rotation Heat Pump | ROTATION HEAT PUMP – the refrigerant free highly-efficient heat pump for industrial use | 2018 |
734 | K-Smart Environment | Kunak Sensing Anywhere, an ultra-energy-efficient wireless critical system for smart environmental monitoring | 2018 |
735 | CellCount | CellCount – a revolutionary testing platform to solve current problems with microbiological contamination in water and food industries | 2018 |
737 | DigRTEpi | New integrated system to automatically record impact of interictal epileptic activity on behavior, reactivity, and consciousness of epilepsy patients | 2019 |
738 | CARBIDE2500 | The first 2500°C industrial furnace, for higher efficiency and up to 5 times higher strength materials | 2018 |
739 | G4SEMI | Graphene for Semiconductor Industry | 2018 |
740 | photonicIons | Cavity-mediated entanglement of trapped-ion qubit arrays for quantum information processing | 2019 |
741 | IM2S | Inspection Magnetique de Surface (Contacless magnetic inspection) | 2018 |
742 | SIWI | Automatic Hitching for total Safety of Farmers when Coupling machinery | 2018 |
743 | MolPredict | Neural-based solution to boost drug preclinical research success | 2018 |
744 | Takeafile | Takeafile: A peer-to-peer online platform to transfer files of any size at maximum speed and in a secure way. | 2018 |
745 | Klimator-RSI | Connected cars for real time smart road maintenance and increased driving safety | 2018 |
746 | VeCoScan | Development of a Multispectral, Versatile Film Scanner | 2018 |
747 | Milis | Milis, a novel sweet protein for use as flavouring in the food and beverage industry | 2018 |
748 | SOPaaS | Smart Ordering Plan as a Service | 2018 |
749 | ClinAO | Translating adaptive microscopes to the clinic for tissue analysis during surgery | 2018 |
750 | PanINSULA | PanINSULA - The next first commercially sustainable and therapeutically effective beta cell therapy for diabetes | 2018 |
751 | Capacitoxx | Innovative and advanced manufacturing process to produce biological nanomaterial super-capacitors for superior battery performance in smart devices | 2018 |
752 | HONEXT | Bringing HONEXT to the market | 2018 |
753 | COINFLIP | Coupled Organic Inorganic Nanostructures for Fast, Light-Induced Data Processing | 2019 |
754 | FLUO | Industrial implementation of a step-change technology to measure fluorescence | 2018 |
755 | ReduceSearch | Rigorous Search Space Reduction | 2019 |
756 | HECTOR | Τhe New Generation of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors for Critical Infrastructures | 2018 |
757 | LoCoMacro | Local Control of Macroscopic Properties in Isolated Many-body Quantum Systems | 2019 |
758 | NEFERTITI | NEar FiEld cosmology: Re-Tracing Invisible TImes | 2019 |
759 | LPPDS | A portable peritoneal dialysis system for home use that monitors for infection | 2018 |
760 | IIAMS | Innovative Infusion Airframe Manufacturing System | 2018 |
761 | PIcelles | Penetration-promoting and Imageable Polymeric Micelles as a Platform Technology for Individualized and Improved Tumor-targeted Drug Delivery | 2018 |
762 | Tryst Energy | Tryst Energy: Light Energy Harvesting for the IoT-industry | 2018 |
763 | PhotUntangle | Rendering the opaque transparent: Untangling light with bespoke optical transforms to see through scattering environments | 2018 |
764 | BIOFIT | Bioenergy retrofits for Europe’s industry | 2018 |
765 | FLEX | Flexible RTM tool with automated distortion correction | 2018 |
766 | sEEIngDOM | Ecological and Evolutionary Importance of Molecular Diversity in Dissolved Organic Matter | 2019 |
767 | CEVOLVER | Connected Electric Vehicle Optimized for Life, Value, Efficiency and Range | 2018 |
768 | iFishIENCi | Intelligent Fish feeding through Integration of ENabling technologies and Circular principle | 2018 |
769 | JEWTACT | Jewish Translation and Cultural Transfer in Early Modern Europe | 2019 |
770 | RESOLUTION | Radiocarbon, tree rings, and solar variability provide the accurate time scale for human evolution and geoscience | 2019 |
771 | IQONIC | Innovative strategies, sensing and process Chains for increased Quality, re-configurability, and recyclability of Manufacturing Optolectronics | 2018 |
772 | PhoG | Sub-Poissonian Photon Gun by Coherent Diffusive Photonics | 2018 |
773 | SemanticCity | Structuring Raw Scans | 2018 |
774 | SHIVADHARMA | Translocal Identities. The Åšivadharma and the Making of Regional Religious Traditions in Premodern South Asia | 2018 |
775 | infra4Dfuture | Infrastructure for the Future | 2018 |
776 | RedStroke | Smart ICT-solution to cost-efficiently detect atrial fibrillation to Reduce Europe’s burden of Stroke | 2018 |
777 | ERARD | Emotion regulation in adolescents at risk for depression | 2019 |
778 | Matrix Charging | Matrix Charging: Novel, automated charging infrastructure for electric vehicles | 2018 |
779 | MENHIR | Mental health monitoring through interactive conversations | 2019 |
780 | TOPCL | Table-top cathodoluminescence microscope | 2019 |
781 | SUSTINNO | Sustainability Innovations in Global Production Networks – Addressing Socio-Ecological Challenges in the Global Economy | 2018 |
782 | beyondRCFT | Beyond Rationality in Algebraic CFT: mathematical structures and models | 2019 |
783 | OLIVE-SOUND | Ultrasound reactor - The solution for a continuous olive oil extraction process | 2019 |
784 | SIMPLIFY | Sonication and Microwave Processing of Material Feedstock | 2018 |
785 | ADDAPTTA SEALS | ADDitive mAnufacturing oPTimized TAilored SEALS | 2018 |
786 | Snowless | Real-time reaction, autonomous and energy-efficient snowmelt technology for lightly and heavily trafficked pavement surfaces. | 2018 |
787 | MEGANTE | MEasuring the Gravitational constant with Atom interferometry for Novel fundamental physics TEst | 2019 |
788 | ALFAMA | Advanced Lightweight and Flexible Array with Mechanical Architecture | 2018 |
789 | SmartDataLake | Sustainable Data Lakes for Extreme-Scale Analytics | 2019 |
790 | ORIONAS | Lasercom-on-chip for next generation, high-speed satellite constelation interconnectivity | 2018 |
791 | C2C4LMB | Gigstarter — A C2C Solution for Live Music Bookings | 2018 |
792 | Cyanobacteria | Developing a process for the production of an organic hydroponic fertilizer using nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria | 2018 |
793 | Tiimood | Tiimo mood: integrating end-user’s self-assessment module in ADHD assistive technologies for the continuous enhancement of non-medical therapies | 2018 |
794 | APICUS | Artificial Intelligence approach for Product Inspection through the use of Cobot enabling quality control of Unshaped products Solution | 2018 |
795 | Biodentify | Oil and Gas Exploration Made Greener and Cheaper | 2018 |
796 | evaGuide | Security Management Platform for enhanced situation awareness and real-time adaptive evacuation strategies for large venues for sports and entertainment | 2018 |
797 | MIGOSA | MIGOSA - Image Sensor for low light Camera Applications | 2018 |
798 | SENSiSOFT | New sensor devices based on soft chemistry assisted nanostructured functional oxides on Si integrated systems | 2019 |
799 | GANGS | Gangs, Gangsters, and Ganglands: Towards a Global Comparative Ethnography | 2019 |
800 | ECHO | Practical Imaging and Inversion of Transient Light Transport | 2018 |
801 | BROKEX | Brokering China’s Extraversion: An Ethnographic Analysis of Transnational Arbitration | 2019 |
802 | SMAART | The breakthrough laser machining intelligence as saver of jobs and competitiveness for Europe's manufacturing business | 2018 |
804 | DNAFoil | Rapid DNA screening to secure the global food supply chains | 2018 |
805 | BEBOP | Bacterial biofilms in porous structures: from biomechanics to control | 2019 |
806 | TOXICROP | Cyanotoxins in Irrigation Waters: Surveillance, Risk Assessment, and Innovative Remediation proposals | 2019 |
807 | ECOFER | ECOFER: Next Generation Slag and Mineral Processing Technology | 2018 |
808 | SYNCANO 2.0 | Accelerating software development, empowering rapid innovation | 2018 |
809 | MITrep | Automated mini-invasive surgical approach to the treatment of mitral insufficiency | 2018 |
810 | PYROTECH | Climate Positive Drying System for Coffee Industries using a highly disruptive Pyrolysis Technology | 2018 |
812 | HYDROSOL-beyond | Thermochemical HYDROgen production in a SOLar structured reactor:facing the challenges and beyond | 2019 |
813 | DigiBreakers | Putting Digital Circuit Breakers at the Centre of the Smart Grid | 2019 |
814 | NATURALSKIN | Rapid absorption denaturalized collagen dressings | 2019 |
815 | SINTEC | Soft intelligence epidermal communication platform | 2019 |
816 | OS for Ind robots | Disrupting industrial robots with AI software - how new AI-driven software can be used to program industrial robots to do new tasks faster, resulting in massive productivity savings | 2019 |
817 | Glazetile | Innovative approach for the digital ceramic tile glazing process, using a continuous in-line glazer | 2018 |
818 | NG-WTEM | Next-generation water testing for the European market (NG-WTEM) | 2019 |
819 | i-TRIBOMAT | Intelligent Open Test Bed for Materials Tribological Characterisation Services | 2019 |
820 | UTOPEST | Unified Theory of Efficient Optimization and Estimation | 2019 |
821 | NoLiMiTs | Novel Lifesaving Magnetic Tentacles | 2019 |
822 | TIES-TEST | Optimization and clinical testing of Transcutaneous Implant Evacuation System. | 2019 |
823 | Nessox | Changing the electric-vehicle paradigm with green, long-lasting and fast recharge liquid batteries | 2019 |
824 | IVD4Sepsis | Novel ultrasensitive detection device for early Sepsis diagnosis | 2019 |
825 | Mercurius Connect | Mercurius Connect | 2019 |
826 | Governance | Democratic governance in a turbulent age | 2018 |
827 | Polygreen | The acrylamide free Superabsorbent Polymer for agriculture water footprint reduction | 2018 |
828 | LoGov | Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay | 2019 |
829 | BEBOP | Binaries Escorted By Orbiting Planets | 2018 |
830 | ToxMate | ToxMate: Automated on-line and real-time monitoring of wastewater toxicity with ToxMate | 2018 |
831 | ARIADNEplus | Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Data Networking in Europe - plus | 2019 |
832 | TBMED | A testing bed for the development of high-risk medical devices | 2019 |
833 | CeraText | Tailoring Microstructure and Architecture to Build Ceramic Components with Unprecedented Damage Tolerance | 2019 |
834 | LRC | Laser Resonance Chromatography of Superheavy Metals | 2019 |
835 | 3DLT | 3D Living Tissues | 2019 |
836 | ADVERSARY | Digital platform for hands-on cybersecurity training | 2018 |
838 | ChipAI | Energy-efficient and high-bandwidth neuromorphic nanophotonic Chips for Artificial Intelligence systems | 2019 |
839 | IQubits | Integrated Qubits Towards Future High-Temperature Silicon Quantum Computing Hardware Technologies | 2019 |
840 | NEOCANTAL | New Oleocanthal-based functional ingredients with anti-inflamatory properties obtained from olive pomace valorisation | 2019 |
841 | Synx BIOS | Synx BIOS: The revolutionary web-BIOS that fully enables the Internet of Things (IoT) through the Real Time Web | 2019 |
842 | Fine Birth | Diagnosis of preterm birth risk and success of induced labour | 2019 |
843 | One4Two | All-in-one genetic test for fast and accurate diagnosis of the causes of infertility | 2019 |
844 | Geowox COMP | Quick, cost-effective and accurate residential property valuations for the European mortgage lender market. | 2018 |
845 | QuantumBirds | Radical pair-based magnetic sensing in migratory birds | 2019 |
846 | SAFEWAVE | Guided Data-Driven Safety at Sea | 2019 |
847 | GeoTherm SWS | The First Truly Mobile Geothermal Drilling Rig | 2019 |
848 | MARSoluT | Managed Aquifer Recharge Solutions Training Network | 2019 |
849 | CollectionCare | Innovative and affordable service for the Preventive Conservation monitoring of individual Cultural Artefacts during display, storage, handling and transport | 2019 |
850 | FirmIneq | Wage inequality within and across firms: The role of market forces, government and firm policies | 2019 |
851 | NEPAL | NEw Physics searches with tAu Leptons | 2019 |
852 | AI4EU | A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem | 2019 |
853 | ADMITTED | Advanced Data Methods for Improved Tiltrotor Test and Design | 2019 |
854 | SIWI | Automatic Hitching for theTotal Safety of the Farmers when Coupling machinery | 2019 |
855 | IMIR-UP | Scale-up of INNER MAGIC and INNER REFLECTION: Virtual Ultrasound Sensors for Smart Devices. | 2019 |
856 | Hailo-8 | End-to-end hardware implementation of Artificial Neural Networks for Edge Computing in Autonomous Vehicles | 2019 |
857 | SafeCHIP2 | "A software platform used by electronic-chip designers to add ""Functional Safety"" to their chips to meet the highest safety requirements of the Automotive Functional Safety standard ISO-26262, ASIL-D" | 2019 |
858 | Tydo-Stimulant | An Effective Microwave-Assisted Extraction Process for a Natural Biostimulant Blend | 2019 |
859 | SoundID | The Smart Broadcast Monitoring and Management System | 2019 |
860 | DuraCap | The first ultra-thin, flexible and durable pseudocapacitor fully integrated in a device for low power applications | 2019 |
862 | DACTREOC | Disruptive Attitude Control Technology foR Earth Observation Competitiveness | 2019 |
863 | SECONDS | On Time Emergency Response System | 2019 |
864 | Predistroke | Portable solution for prehospital diagnosis of stroke in the ultra-acute phase | 2019 |
865 | 2D4QT | 2D Materials for Quantum Technology | 2019 |
866 | NADiA | Novel Air Distribution Approaches | 2019 |
867 | DELTA | Development and Execution of innovative test procedures for vaLidation of Thermoplastic Aircraft fuselage panels | 2019 |
868 | Cluster-Buster | Development of small molecule inhibitors of circulating tumor cell clusters | 2019 |
869 | Circlenergy | Production of renewable methanol from captured emissions and renewable energy sources, for its utilisation for clean fuel production and green consumer goods | 2019 |
870 | Lipofabrik | A ground-breaking biomolecular production platform for safer, more efficient and sustainable pest control and crop health management | 2019 |
871 | INTEGRATE | Identifying the Impact of Asylum Polices on Refugee Integration and Political Backlash in Host Communities | 2018 |
872 | SAVANA | Massive reutilization of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) through AI to enhance clinical research and precision medicine | 2018 |
874 | CITRES | Chemistry and interface tailored lead-free relaxor thin films for energy storage capacitors | 2019 |
875 | SLOW_SOURCE | Finding the Origin of the Slow Solar Wind | 2019 |
876 | EnviroCaps | Enabling a future of safer laundry products and cleaner oceans | 2019 |
877 | BD-KNEE | Big Data driven personalized knee replacement | 2019 |
878 | RATIOS | Regional Aircraft breakThrough InteriOr Solution | 2019 |
879 | HOCOM | A Transparent Hole Conductor by Combinatorial Techniques for Next-Generation Energy Conversion Devices | 2019 |
880 | POTENT | A new model for potato tuber initiation and yield development | 2019 |
881 | OpenWave | Validation and Optimization of an Open-Source Novel Nonlinear Froude-Krylov Model for Advanced Design of Wave Energy Converters | 2019 |
882 | CLAYONRISK | Bricks manufacturing technologies to increase built heritage resilience and to raise common identities of peoples | 2019 |
883 | DIFTERIA | Development of a simple and rapid assay for early diphtheria diagnosis. | 2020 |
884 | PETRA | Deciphering the magnetic record of planetary rocks using spacecraft and laboratory measurements | 2019 |
885 | ADMIGOV | Advancing Alternative Migration Governance | 2019 |
886 | EMERGE | Reconstructing the emergence of the Milky Way’s stellar population with Gaia, SDSS-V and JWST | 2019 |
887 | HIGHWAVE | Breaking of highly energetic waves | 2019 |
888 | DOUBLE-TROUBLE | Replaying the ‘genome duplication’ tape of life: the importance of polyploidy for adaptation in a changing environment | 2020 |
889 | SAECG | Prediction of AF incidence using PR interval measurements, echocardiographic data and biomarker profiles: Analyses within epidemiological Framingham Heart Study and LIFE Health Care Study cohorts | 2019 |
890 | SUPREME | Sustainable Polyesters and Renewable Terpenoid Monomers | 2019 |
891 | NeT-HiDeA | New Times at Work. Rethinking History and Politics through Delay and Anticipation | 2020 |
892 | EuroDipl | European Diplomacy Practices post-Lisbon: Adding Value through Cooperation | 2020 |
893 | COLLECTITUDE | Building the collective at times of precarity: precarious labour and its countermovements | 2020 |
894 | Narratives4Change | Capitalising Public Narratives in the organising of Grassroots Roma Women | 2019 |
895 | InnoDAF | Innovative model-based design and operational optimization of Dissolved Air Flotation | 2019 |
896 | CausalBoost | Using causal discovery algorithms to boost subseasonal to seasonal forecast skill of Mediterranean rainfall | 2020 |
897 | ElectroCatFlow | Fluorination of Aryl Halide Compounds under Electrochemical-Flow Conditions | 2019 |
898 | TOPLASMON | Experimental study of plasmon polaritons in topological insulators and Weyl Semi-Metals. | 2019 |
899 | SmartSorp | Smart Ceramic Hollow Fibers for Energy Efficient Gas and Vapour Sorption | 2019 |
900 | ClassRockED | Rocking in the Midwest: Transmitting and Performing Social Class in Rock Music Education | 2019 |
901 | BRAIN-MATCH | Matching CNS Lineage Maps with Molecular Brain Tumor Portraits for Translational Exploitation | 2019 |
902 | SubNano | Computational Photochemistry in the Long Timescale: Sub-ns Photoprocesses in DNA | 2019 |
903 | HomDyn | Homogenous dynamics, arithmetic and equidistribution | 2019 |
904 | COMPASS2020 | Coordination Of Maritime assets for Persistent And Systematic Surveillance | 2019 |
905 | EstAMR | Estimating the Prevalence of AntiMicrobial Resistance | 2020 |
906 | BIZPOL | Business as political actor – evolving practice, emerging norms and shifting expectations for a pivotal determinant of public trust in both business and democracy (BIZPOL) | 2019 |
907 | LCxLCProt | Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography for the characterization of protein biopharmaceuticals at the protein level | 2020 |
908 | Gentime | Eschatological time as women’s time? Gendered temporality and female holiness in Early Christianity and Byzantium | 2019 |
909 | MeNDD | Metaphorical Narratives in Dementia Discourse | 2019 |
910 | POLARC | High Arctic Polynyas in a Changing Climate | 2019 |
911 | GIoT | Nano-satellites based Global Infrastructure to Enable IoT/M2M Networks - GIoT (Global IoT) | 2019 |
912 | LICE | LICE CULTIVATOR: Fast mechanical cultivator reducing fuel and herbicide use | 2019 |
913 | ECBS | Equinom computational breeding system | 2019 |
914 | i4case | The first accurate, portable and easy-to-manage pulse oximeter located on the user´s mobile for the prevention and monitoring of COPD disease | 2019 |
915 | NANOGO | Innovative, automatic, fast and cost-effective nanovesicles manufacturing equipment | 2019 |
916 | AFactory | THE FUTURE OF FOOD: Disrupting protein production with microalgae | 2019 |
917 | SimplyData | Unlocking unstructured data towards intelligent wotk automation for the banking industry | 2019 |
918 | MS-INFINITE | MASS SPECTROMETRY WITHOUT LIMITS: Pioneer MS equipment and Automated Sample Preparation unit to boost New Therapies Development | 2019 |
919 | VARIANT | Multiband miniature antenna for Open Hardware IoT Platforms | 2019 |
920 | BIOsens | BIOsens – cutting-edge portable device for precise and rapid analysis of crops | 2019 |
921 | FS-UNIT | FS-UNIT: Light-weight, portable medical Field Suction Unit to disrupt the pre-hospital market | 2019 |
922 | Caraffee | Pioneering the Fourth Wave of Coffee | 2019 |
923 | SmartCHP | Smart and flexible heat and power from biomass derived liquids for small-scale CHP application | 2019 |
924 | SUMMER | Sustainable management of mesopelagic resources | 2019 |
925 | PureNano | A purification/regeneration process of spent plating baths base on functionalized magnetic nanoparticles. | 2019 |
926 | LOCOMOTION | Low-carbon society: an enhanced modelling tool for the transition to sustainability | 2019 |
927 | Water-Cultures | The Water Cultures of Italy, 1500-1900 | 2019 |
928 | TOCINA | Topological Crystalline Insulator Nanowires | 2019 |
929 | ULTRA-LUX | Ultra-Bright Thin-Film Light Emitting Devices and Lasers | 2019 |
930 | ExCOM-cCEO | Extremely Coherent Mechanical Oscillators and circuit Cavity Electro-Optics | 2019 |
931 | RespiriNTM | Progress novel assets (one FIH start) for non-tubercular mycobacteria that may act synergistically with bedaquiline and cytochrome bc drugs | 2019 |
932 | DynamicColor | Energy-efficient digital outdoor billboards for sustainable advertising | 2019 |
933 | VIDMIZER | The first video content management platform integrated with machine learning to centralize, organize and collect data from marketing videos | 2019 |
934 | HIPPJ | High-performance Independent Platform for low-cost big data ProJects | 2019 |
935 | HEMOSNOW | HEMOSNOW: A revolution in haemostatic technology to stop bleeding in delicate surgery and enhance patient recovery | 2019 |
936 | AVEHIL | A modern professional race car simulator for racing teams and individuals | 2019 |
937 | KYLUS | Fully autonomous real-time inventory management system, based on drone technology with high precision indoor localization | 2019 |
938 | BRC | Brextor - The horizontal forces concrete pile removal head for high-precision piles preparation | 2019 |
939 | RE_CREATE | Eco-innovative building products for sustainable construction | 2019 |
940 | CellSorb | Cost-efficient and safe cellulosic food pad | 2019 |
941 | MDURANCE | Pervasive muscle response monitoring for everyone, a physiotherapy revolution | 2019 |
942 | UDIGITAL | The Digital Marketplace to empower SMEs for the digital transformation | 2019 |
943 | SamurAI | Samurai - Platform detecting and preventing cyber violence | 2019 |
944 | SaPhaDe | Know your enemy: systematic discovery of Salmonella anti-Phage Defences for the improved design of phage therapeutics | 2019 |
945 | SecWire | A highly innovative and low-cost anti-counterfeiting solution which utilises micro-wires to maximise security and authentication | 2019 |
946 | ScleroTest | A rapid and cost-effective point-of-care diagnostic kit able to predict treatment response for appropriate Multiple Sclerosis management | 2019 |
947 | InsoFeet | Cutting-edge insoles with advanced characteristics for medical and sports applications | 2019 |
948 | Turbo-FCell | Compact, light, efficient and reliable turbo compressor for fuel cell vehicles | 2019 |
949 | KINETICfinder | KINETICfinder: A disruptive method to determine kinetic profiles in drug discoveries | 2019 |
950 | GHZ-BURST | Industrial GHz repetition rate, burst mode, ultrashort pulsed fiber laser for high speed volume-ablation micromachining applications | 2019 |
951 | DISKtoHALO | From the accretion disk to the cluster halo: the multi-scale physics of black hole feedback | 2019 |
952 | FibroFix | FibroFix™Cartilage, an innovative implant for cartilage repair and regeneration, introducing a new paradigm in osteoarthritis (OA) treatment. | 2019 |
953 | M-CTS | The disruptive Multifunctional Container Transfer System, a seamless & horizontal transfer of containers - low cost, more efficient utilisation in cargo freight and with care for the environment | 2019 |
954 | EPSTech | Elevated Pressure Sonication (EPS) for the non-thermal processing of new Extended Shelf Life products for adding value in the Dairy industry | 2019 |
955 | E-RESCUE | E-RESCUE - Changing forever the way we rescue crash victims - Saving time and lives during the Golden Hour | 2019 |
956 | Optium | Smart charger device to increase smartphones’ battery lifetime, prevent fire accidents, and provide cross-brand flexibility | 2019 |
957 | EarWay | EarWay: a simple, safe and efficient medical device for earwax removal | 2019 |
958 | TWIND | Twinning for an Offshore Wind Energy Partnership | 2019 |
959 | SEAS | Science education for action and engagement towards sustainability | 2019 |
961 | JONIXAirPlasma | Robust technology combining both air filtration and purification with zero chemicals used and zero residues produced | 2019 |
962 | Sislum | Smart signaling system to increase road safety | 2019 |
963 | DEEPTIME | Probing the history of matter in deep time | 2020 |
964 | MAXIPLAN | Cultivated barnacle offspring – the solution for realizing marine aquaculture growth | 2019 |
965 | DGIM2 | Deep Green Island Mode 2 | 2019 |
966 | Minor Universality | Minor Universality. Narrative World Productions After Western Universalism | 2019 |
967 | ENDOGI | The first multiple stent delivery system for the treatment of biliary, pancreatic and urologic strictures and stenosis | 2019 |
968 | Nano-Edison | The most viable stationary energy storage solution for grid applications | 2019 |
969 | cloudsensing | Internet of Things (IoT) platform for concrete strength measurement and Machine Learning (ML) predictions in construction. | 2019 |
970 | ATOP | Atomically-engineered nonlinear photonics with two-dimensional layered material superlattices | 2019 |
971 | Hot Lithography | The disruptive 3D printing technology Hot Lithography with highperformance polymers for the Additive Manufacturing of spare parts and small series of functional parts | 2019 |
972 | AGRICAM | AGRICAM – reducing the usage of antibiotics and increasing animal welfare through advanced thermal imaging system for detecting early cases of mastitis in dairy cows | 2019 |
973 | Warrick X1 | Safe home-based portable peritoneal dialysis system that offers simpler dialysis and improved quality of life for patients | 2019 |
974 | Kolibri | Kolibri – Ultra-Small Plasmonic Modulators for Terabit Communications | 2019 |
975 | WMT | A scalable, low cost solution for healthy mineralization of drinking water | 2019 |
976 | ngCon | Building concrete solutions. A unique additive for the ideal concrete. | 2019 |
977 | SmartMelt | SmartMelt: A Data-Driven Melting Process Optimizer | 2019 |
978 | BIKEINSIDE | Automated modular vertical parking for bicycles: guard your bike inside! | 2019 |
979 | ZELP | Zero emission livestock project | 2019 |
980 | Pacefish | GPU-accelerated CFD software - Highest accuracy in unparalleled speed | 2019 |
981 | S2S-Future | SIGNAL PROPAGATION IN SOURCE TO SINK for the FUTUre of earth Ressources and Energies | 2020 |
982 | SOCRATIC | SOCRATIC: A real-time effluent management software based on artificial intelligence and industrial automation, specific for the prevention of combined sewage overflow | 2019 |
983 | MAGELIA | A disruptive Magnetically Enhanced Library preparation platform for Next Generation Sequencing | 2019 |
984 | NPP | NanoPowder Plant – Metal nanopowders for a world of great opportunities | 2019 |
985 | RTExD | Intelligent acoustic sensor for real-time monitoring of large infrastructures | 2019 |
986 | UltraFastNano | Electronic generation and detection in nanoelectronic devices at the picosecond scale | 2020 |
987 | OLIGOARCHIVE | Oligoarchive - Intelligent DNA Storage for Archival | 2019 |
988 | ETIQMEDIA | Counterfeiting and Piracy will not affect to our firms in the EU any longer. | 2019 |
989 | UncorrelaTEd | Solid-liquid thermoelectric systems with uncorrelated properties | 2020 |
990 | DigiJourney | Digital transformation journey for SMEs | 2019 |
991 | BEEP | Bio-inspired and bionic materials for enhanced photosynthesis | 2020 |
992 | FORESTMAP | Quick and cost-effective integrated web platform for forest inventories | 2019 |
993 | ADDI-OPTIMISE | ADDI-OPTIMISE - Process Efficiency & Quality Assurance in Metal Additive Manufacturing | 2019 |
994 | optiSLATER | optiSLATER: Automated Classification System for the categorization of slate slabs. | 2019 |
995 | AUTO-MEA | AUTOmated Manufacturing of wound components for next generation Electrical mAchines | 2019 |
996 | SmartMap | Technology maturation of global first-movers in automated indoor map generation | 2019 |
997 | HEATforecast | Dynamical constraints for the predictability of heat waves in current and future climates | 2020 |
998 | SiC nano for PicoGeo | SiC optical nano-strain-meters for pico-detection in Geosciences (SiC nano for picoGeo) | 2019 |
999 | TPAAE | Transcultural Perspective in Art and Art Education | 2020 |
1000 | SIPAR | A revolutionary gait analysis system for smart injury and performance management. | 2019 |
1001 | Community Cloud | Cubbit - the first distributed data-center recycling the internet resources we waste into the most competitive cloud provider. | 2019 |
1002 | Citibox | Revolutionising the way in which parcels are delivered | 2019 |
1003 | CRACKNP | Finding Cracks in the Wall of NP-completeness | 2020 |
1004 | STRAIN2EXTREME | Straining electromechanical coupling in layered crystals to new extremes | 2019 |
1005 | SAFE-CAB | Laser-Assisted Surgical System to Revolutionize Cardiac Bypass Surgeries | 2019 |
1006 | SAB | Fully integrated solution to both monitor and control indoor air quality thanks to a network of inbuilt sensors array combined with an AI driven management of the HVAC system | 2019 |
1007 | QBusSi | Optomechanical quantum bus for spins in silicon | 2020 |
1008 | SWOP | The first non-toxic bio-based polymer resin to revolutionize the wood panel industry | 2019 |
1009 | UNITY | Linking ecology, enzymes and ecosystems in the global nitrogen cycle | 2020 |
1010 | MiniStor | Minimal Size Thermal and Electrical Energy Storage System for In-Situ Residential Installation | 2019 |
1011 | HYPOS | HYdro-POwer-Suite | 2019 |
1012 | IPT-Core | New dimension of fibre optics – bringing 5G to your town with IPT-Core | 2020 |
1013 | Rodinia | Clothing manufacturing 4.0 – Changing the way we make fashion | 2019 |
1014 | Waste reduction | Freshness and expiration date measurement | 2019 |
1015 | BioFuel Fab | Biogas production from non-food lignocellulosic biomass waste. | 2019 |
1016 | Klepsydra | High-speed data-processing software framework that speeds up and streamlines processes in the space, aerospace, robotics and IoT industries | 2019 |
1017 | mfloDx | Adaptable Multiflow Diagnostic Platform to Genetically Identify Drug Resistant Infection | 2019 |
1018 | CyreenApplication | Connecting Ad-Impressions with Purchase. The new advanced Advertisement at the point of sales. | 2019 |
1019 | FIDA | Scale-up of our disruptive antibody analytical platform based in flow-induced dispersion analysis (FIDA) to increase efficiency in the research of new antibodies and vaccines | 2019 |
1020 | SafeSpace | Radiation Belt Environmental Indicators for the Safety of Space Assets | 2020 |
1021 | CURE | Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe | 2020 |
1022 | KYKLOS 4.0 | An Advanced Circular and Agile Manufacturing Ecosystem based on rapid reconfigurable manufacturing process and individualized consumer preferences | 2020 |
1023 | ATLOMY | Anatomy in Ancient Greece and Rome: An Interactive Visual and Textual Atlas | 2020 |
1024 | PREVEX | Preventing Violent Extremism in the Balkans and the MENA: Strengthening Resilience in Enabling Environments | 2020 |
1025 | COMPAX - SWC | Compax - smart waste compactors (SWC) for indoor applications | 2019 |
1026 | XEERPA | The Nº1 Social Media Profiling Solution: understanding customer preferences through their activity in social media | 2019 |
1027 | KiCloud | Intelligent and serverless, cloud-based infrastructure for medical diagnostic devices | 2019 |
1028 | FOODWATERH2020 | Water treatment and reuse technology based on constant water quality monitoring thanks to multi-censoring and AI-Deep Learning software for the Food Industry | 2019 |
1029 | PLUTO | One-of-a-kind therapy for crossed eyes. Helping families to reduce emotional and financial burden of eye therapy. | 2019 |
1030 | BD Body Dryer | A reliable, fast and comfortable body dryer | 2019 |
1031 | FIRESENSE | Flame Detector Based on Epitaxial Metal Oxides (EMO) Technology | 2019 |
1032 | stalkIT | NB-IoT Robust Tracking and Monitoring Solution | 2019 |
1033 | NEOROCKS | The NEO Rapid Observation, Characterization and Key Simulations | 2020 |
1034 | MediaMotorEurope | Media Motor Europe | 2020 |
1035 | ReACTIVE Too | Reliable Electronics for Tomorrow’s Active Systems | 2020 |
1036 | eBORDER | Secure and Wireless Multimodal Biometric Scanning Device for Passenger Verification Targeting Land and Sea Border Control | 2020 |
1037 | Rising STARS | RISE International Network for Solutions Technologies and Applications of Real-time Systems | 2020 |
1038 | PJ05-W2 DTT | PJ05-W2 Digital Technologies for Tower | 2019 |
1039 | PJ02-W2 AART | Airport airside and runway throughput | 2019 |
1040 | MILDTECH | Affordable, low temperature, rapid and energy efficient dual frequency microwave assisted vacuum system for drying and cooking foods | 2019 |
1042 | HEGIAS | The World’s First Browser-based and Automated High-end Virtual Reality Content Management System | 2020 |
1043 | RBF2CAD | Unique stand-alone software based on mesh morphing technology for fast and accurate Computer Aided Engineering to develop safer and greener products. | 2020 |
1044 | SmartGUIDE | SmartGUIDE - Enabling a New Standard of Care Through a Smart Guidewire Device to Fight Stroke and Save Lives | 2019 |
1045 | I.AM. | Impact Aware Manipulation by Dexterous Robot Control and Learning in Dynamic Semi-Structured Logistic Environments | 2020 |
1046 | Equal-Life | Early Environmental quality and life-course mental health effects | 2020 |
1048 | MycoProScale | MycoProScale – Creating global markets with a unique large-scale Mycorrhiza production method | 2020 |
1049 | ToxMate | Continuous real-time monitoring of water toxicity | 2020 |
1050 | PAPER SOLUTIONS | PAPER SOLUTIONS: Providing the switch from plastic to paper packaging | 2020 |
1052 | SVELTE | State-of-the-art solution for efficient manufacturing of complex geometry panels | 2020 |
1053 | MAGSHAKE | Shaken and stirred: Terahertz electric field control of magnetism | 2020 |
1054 | PERCISTAND | Development of all thin-film PERovskite on CIS TANDem photovoltaics | 2020 |
1055 | POPULIZATION | Behavioral Foundations of Populism and Polarization | 2020 |
1056 | AgingTimer | Systems biology of the individual stochastic timer of aging | 2020 |
1057 | RRTB | Recovery and Return-To-Base European Reusable Micro-Launcher Project | 2020 |
1058 | SIPhoDiAS | Space-grade Opto-electronic Interfaces for Photonic Digital and Analogue Very-high-throughput Satellite payloads | 2020 |
1059 | Hafnium | Faster and smarter chemical R&D with accurate physical property predictions | 2020 |
1060 | OUTOFPAPUA | Papuans on the move. The linguistic prehistory of the West Papuan languages. | 2020 |
1061 | Worlds of Lithium | A multi-sited and transnational study of transitions towards post-fossil fuel societies | 2020 |
1062 | INNODK IV | Innovation Services for Danish SMEs IV 2020-2021 | 2020 |
1063 | AVeriTeC | Automated Verification of Textual Claims | 2020 |
1064 | ConPhoNo | Next Generation of Concentrated Photovoltaics Using Node Concentrators | 2020 |
1065 | PIPE | Learning Pixel-Perfect 3D Vision and Generative Modeling | 2020 |
1066 | Walleye | The world’s first fully portable hand-held microwave imaging technology scanner | 2019 |
1067 | RNAVirFitness | The dark side of evolution: the deleterious mutational landscape of RNA viruses | 2020 |
1068 | SURE | 3-D Super resolution Ultrasound Real time imaging of Erythrocytes | 2020 |
1069 | EHSTACK | Lightweight, Compact and Low-Cost Hydrogen Fuel Cell | 2020 |
1070 | GutBrainGABA | Mapping the impact of gut microbiota on brain and behaviour through the lens of GABA | 2020 |
1071 | Phonon-ART | Uncovering Phonon Dynamics by Advanced Raman Techniques | 2020 |
1072 | NEMABOX | Deciphering the cyst nematode parasitic program by uncovering how their virulence is orchestrated | 2020 |
1073 | Pollenity | Introducing the Internet of Bees: A Smart Beehive System | 2020 |
1074 | CAPTURE | Carbon pathways in the Southern Ocean | 2020 |
1075 | SHE | The most profitable Solar collector on the market to supply Heat and Electricity | 2020 |
1076 | NANOMORT | Development of a novel and ecologic mortar based on nanoparticles of lime and organic additives for the repair of Built Heritage and new construction | 2020 |
1077 | AEONS | Advancing the Equation of state of Neutron Stars | 2020 |
1078 | Micro-GIFT | Microrobotic Gamete/Zygote IntraFallopian Transfer | 2020 |
1079 | CYCLOTUBES | Artificial microtubules based on switchable cyclic peptides | 2020 |
1080 | PROCESS REASONING | Reasoning about processes: a logico-philosophical investigation | 2021 |
1081 | MadByz | Being ‘Mad’ in Byzantium. Toward a History of Mental Disorders in Early and Middle Greek Middle Ages | 2020 |
1082 | CIRCULAR X | Experimenting with Circular Service Business Models | 2020 |
1083 | AISLES | Archipelagic Imperatives: Shipwreck and Lifesaving in European Societies since 1800 | 2020 |
1084 | ComBATageing | Exploiting superlongevous model mammals to explore new links between protein and organelle homeostasis and lifespan extension | 2021 |
1085 | AsymmFlow | Go with the continuous flow: Asymmetric Synthesis of Bioactive Alkaloids by Multistep Continuous-Flow Processes | 2020 |
1086 | TMC4MPO | Transition metal carbides as efficient catalysts for methane partial oxidation | 2021 |
1087 | EUDIC | EU Foreign Policy Differentiation and Integration: Informal Groups in EU Approach to Conflicts and Crises | 2021 |
1088 | PERCOSDECAM | PERiscopic COnsumer Stereo DEpth CAMera (PERCOSDECAM) | 2020 |
1089 | NuMagLongRx | Nuclear magnetic long-lived state relaxation | 2020 |
1090 | SupraRNA | A Comprehensive Supramolecular Approach for an RNA vaccine for Influenza A (H1N1) | 2020 |
1091 | CardioZoom | High-fidelity Cardiovascular Modeling from Super-Fast Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 2020 |
1092 | APOCRYPHA | Storyworlds in Transition: Coptic Apocrypha in Changing Contexts in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods | 2020 |
1093 | Siphony | Combination of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Water for foaming of polymers | 2021 |
1094 | ELECTRAMMOX | Bioelectrochemical anaerobic oxidation of ammonia for sustainable N removal from wastewater | 2020 |
1095 | CLEAR | ComputationaL dEsign optimization for unpolluted wAteR | 2020 |
1096 | POTION | Photodiode integration on silicon nitride | 2020 |
1097 | DJINN | Decrease Jet-Installation Noise | 2020 |
1098 | RCE-OPP | Resonant-Cavity-Enhanced Organic Photo-detectors and Photovoltaics | 2020 |
1099 | MICROSCOPE | Molecular dIffusion of organiCs in secondaRy Organic aeroSols and impaCts On Particle chEmistry | 2020 |