The page lists 1298 projects related to the topic "care".
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1 | ALEC | Aging Lungs in European Cohorts | 2015 |
2 | RNEst14-15 | Estonian Researchers' Nights 2014-2015 | 2014 |
3 | MIROCALS | Efficacy and safety of low-dose IL-2 (ld-IL-2) as a Treg enhancer for anti-neuroinflammatory therapy in newly diagnosed Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) patients | 2015 |
4 | ULTRADIAN | Dynamic hormone diagnostics | 2015 |
5 | IDEAS | Improving Design, Evaluation and Analysis of early drug development Studies | 2015 |
6 | DiaChemo | Point-of-care microfluidic device for quantification of chemotherapeutic drugs in small body fluid samples by highly selective nanoparticle extraction and liquid crystal detection | 2015 |
7 | SHIPS | Screening to improve Health In very Preterm infantS in Europe | 2015 |
8 | DIAGORAS | Chair/bedside diagnosis of oral and respiratory tract infections, and identification of antibiotic resistances for personalised monitoring and treatment | 2015 |
9 | PHOCNOSIS | Advanced nanophotonic point-of-care analysis device for fast and early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases | 2015 |
10 | SUSTAIN | Sustainable tailored integrated care for older people in Europe | 2015 |
11 | MOCHA | Models of Child Health Appraised | 2015 |
12 | OPERAM | OPtimising thERapy to prevent Avoidable hospital admissions in the Multimorbid elderly | 2015 |
13 | SITless | SITless: Exercise Referral Schemes enhanced by Self-Management Strategies to battle sedentary behaviour | 2015 |
14 | SELFIE | Sustainable intEgrated care modeLs for multi-morbidity: delivery, FInancing and performancE | 2015 |
15 | EPoS | Elucidating Pathways of Steatohepatitis | 2015 |
16 | PoC-ID | Platform for ultra-sensitive Point-of-Care diagnostics for Infectious Diseases | 2015 |
17 | EU-CaRE | A EUropean study on effectiveness and sustainability of current Cardiac Rehabilitation programmes in the Elderly | 2015 |
18 | I-MOVE-plus | I-MOVE+ Integrated Monitoring of Vaccines Effects in Europe: a platform to measure and compare effectiveness and impact of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines and vaccination strategies in the elderly | 2015 |
19 | EUthyroid | Towards the elimination of iodine deficiency and preventable thyroid-related diseases in Europe | 2015 |
20 | ICare | Integrating Technology into Mental Health Care Delivery in Europe | 2015 |
21 | MDS-RIGHT | Providing the right care to the right patient with MyeloDysplastic Syndrome at the right time | 2015 |
22 | PRECIOUS | PREvention of Complications to Improve OUtcome in elderly patients with acute Stroke | 2015 |
23 | GLORIA | Comparing the effectiveness and safety of additional low-dose glucocorticoid in treatment strategies for elderly patients with rheumatoid arthritis | 2015 |
24 | GLAM | Laser Multiplexed Biosensor | 2015 |
25 | MycoSynVac | Engineering of Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a broad-spectrum animal vaccine | 2015 |
26 | ADVOCATE | Added Value for Oral Care | 2015 |
27 | LuMaSense | A Non-Invasive Test for Guiding Follow–up of Patients with CT-Detected Lung Nodules | 2015 |
28 | Lensless | High-resolution microscopy without lenses: a new generation of imaging technology | 2015 |
29 | ThermoTex | Woven and 3D-Printed Thermoelectric Textiles | 2015 |
30 | AArteMIS | Aneurysmal Arterial Mechanics: Into the Structure | 2015 |
31 | NDI | Nano-diamond tracers for MRI molecular imaging | 2014 |
32 | ChildCogn | Novel solutions for assessing child cognitive function | 2015 |
33 | ShaleXenvironmenT | Maximizing the EU shale gas potential by minimizing its environmental footprint | 2015 |
34 | ThermoDrill | Fast track innovative drilling system for deep geothermal challenges in Europe | 2015 |
35 | BioStealth | Explore the potentialities of biostealth coatings for tissue engineering and reconstructive medicine | 2015 |
36 | NextGenVis | Training the Next Generation of European Visual Neuroscientists for the benefit of innovation in health care and high-tech industry | 2015 |
37 | DiStruc | Directed Colloidal Structure at the Meso-Scale | 2015 |
38 | List_MAPS | Training and research in Listeria monocytogenes Adaptation through Proteomic and Transcriptome deep Sequencing Analysis | 2015 |
39 | NCPs CaRE | National Contact Points for Climate action, Raw materials, Environment and Resource Efficiency | 2015 |
40 | MUSICARE | MUltiSectoral Integrative approaches to CArdiac care | 2015 |
41 | EDEN | European Dry Eye Network | 2015 |
42 | HyMedPoly | Drug-Free Antibacterial Hybrid Biopolymers for Medical Applications | 2015 |
43 | EURO-HEALTHY | Shaping EUROpean policies to promote HEALTH equitY | 2015 |
44 | SMART4MD | Support, Monitoring and Reminder Technology for Mild Dementia | 2015 |
45 | GCOF | A stepping stone approach towards the Genetics Clinic of the Future | 2015 |
46 | SCIENCE | Stem Cell therapy in IschEmic Non-treatable Cardiac diseasE (SCIENCE) | 2015 |
47 | ELECTOR | eHealth in Rheumatology | 2015 |
48 | PATHway | PATHway: Technology enabled behavioural change as a pathway towards better self-management of CVD | 2015 |
49 | iManageCancer | iManageCancer - Empowering patients and strengthening self-management in cancer diseases | 2015 |
50 | m-RESIST | Mobile Therapeutic Attention for Patients with Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia | 2015 |
51 | ehcoBUTLER | ehcoBUTLER. A global ecosystem for the independent and healty living of elder people with mild cognitive impairments. | 2015 |
52 | FRESHER | FoResight and Modelling for European HEalth Policy and Regulation | 2015 |
53 | E-Rare-3 | ERA-NET rare disease research implementing IRDiRC objectives | 2014 |
54 | GrowMeUp | GrowMeUp | 2015 |
55 | ENRICHME | Enabling Robot and assisted living environment for Independent Care and Health Monitoring of the Elderly | 2015 |
56 | SMART2D | A people-centred approach through Self-Management and Reciprocal learning for the prevention and management of Type-2-Diabetes | 2015 |
57 | PD_manager | mhealth platform for Parkinson’s disease management | 2015 |
58 | Do CHANGE | Do Cardiac Health: Advanced New Generation Ecosystem | 2015 |
59 | EmERGE | Evaluating mHealth technology in HIV to improve Empowerment and healthcare utilisation: Research and innovation to Generate Evidence for personalised care | 2015 |
60 | iHealth-T2D | Family-based intervention to improve healthy lifestyle and prevent Type 2 Diabetes amongst South Asians with central obesity and prediabetes | 2015 |
61 | TREGeneration | Repair of tissue and organ damage in refractory chronic graft versus host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation by the infusion of purified allogeneic donor regulatory T lymphocytes | 2015 |
62 | MyCyFAPP | Innovative approach for self-management and social welfare of Cystic Fibrosis patients in Europe: development, validation and implementation of a telematics tool. | 2015 |
63 | MARIO | Managing active and healthy aging with use of caring service robots | 2015 |
64 | ASSESS CT | Assessing SNOMED CT for Large Scale eHealth Deployments in the EU | 2015 |
65 | RADIO | Robots in assisted living environments: Unobtrusive, efficient, reliable and modular solutions for independent ageing | 2015 |
66 | eNHANCE | eNHANCE - intention based enhancement of reaching and grasping in physically disabled people - personalized to maximize user performance | 2015 |
67 | 3D Tune-In | 3D-games for TUNing and lEarnINg about hearing aids | 2015 |
68 | SAPHELY | Self-amplified photonic biosensing platform for microRNA-based early diagnosis of diseases | 2015 |
69 | MEDILIGHT | Miniaturized smart system for light stimulation and monitoring of wound healing | 2015 |
70 | PERGAMON | PERvasive Serious GAMes suppOrted by Virtual CoachiNg | 2015 |
71 | EPP - eHealth | European Procurers Platform - eHealth - Transforming the market for eHealth Solutions | 2015 |
72 | CARDIS | Early stage CARdio Vascular Disease Detection with Integrated Silicon Photonics | 2015 |
73 | AEGLE | AEGLE (Ancient Greek: Αá¼´γλη) – An analytics framework for integrated and personalized healthcare services in Europe | 2015 |
74 | RAIS | Scalable, point-of-care and label free microarray platform for rapid detection of Sepsis | 2015 |
75 | KRISTINA | Knowledge-Based Information Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities | 2015 |
76 | INEXCA | Excellent research and expertise of quality of cancer care by internationally trained staff | 2015 |
77 | PQCRYPTO | Post-quantum cryptography for long-term security | 2015 |
78 | PRECeDI | Personalized PREvention of Chronic DIseases | 2015 |
79 | PROPHETIC | PROPHETIC:An innovating Personal Healthcare Service for a holistic remote management and treatment of Parkinson patients. | 2015 |
80 | TROPSENSE | Development of a non-invassive breath test for early diagnosis of tropical diseases | 2015 |
81 | R2R Biofluidics | Large scale micro-and nanofabrication technologies for bioanalytical devices based on R2R imprinting | 2015 |
82 | OCTAVE | Objective Control for TAlker VErification | 2015 |
83 | SUPERCELL | Single-Use paPER-based fuel CELLs | 2015 |
84 | Pro-Staph-ID | Clinical biomarker and rapid diagnostic test for Staphylococcus aureus induced ventilator-associated pneumonia | 2014 |
85 | RE-InVEST | Rebuilding an Inclusive, Value-based Europe of Solidarity and Trust through Social Investments | 2015 |
86 | CP2 | CP2 is a project to develop a new wrist placement technology that can detect anomalies with both the Cardio and Vascular systems simultaneously. | 2014 |
87 | COMAWARE | COMmunication and Assessment With Adaptive Realtime Environments | 2014 |
88 | ASTHMAPOC | Disposable nitric oxide POC (point-of-care) test for home care easy management of asthma in chronic patients | 2014 |
89 | PneumoSIP | PneumoSIP – a cost-effective solution for the rapid diagnostic of pneumonia | 2014 |
90 | iMUC | Improving the Management of Unexplained Chest-pain | 2014 |
91 | ENABLE | Establishment of a Neutrophil elastase Activity home test for the Better management and treatment of Lung Exacerbations | 2014 |
92 | ThinkEHR Platform | Think!EHR Platform as vendor-neutral, open health data platform, designed for real-time, transactional health data storage enabling to go from idea to application in one hour. | 2014 |
93 | SINTRAN | Safe and INtegrated thermal TRANsformation of humid organic waste resulting in green energy and valuable remainders | 2014 |
94 | iMoHEALTH | iMoHEALTH: A pan-national collaborative analytics platform for the exploration of population health. | 2014 |
95 | PREMADES | Preterm Feeding Maturity Measurement and Evaluation | 2014 |
96 | eyePoC | Clinical validation of a new diagnostic and monitoring PoC medical device based on quantification of biomarkers in tear fluids to improve the quality of eye health care | 2014 |
97 | PoC-Cycle | Innovative Molecular Diagnostics point-of-care device for MRSA | 2014 |
98 | FIBERSTAR | FIBER-optic sensors for Smart Thermal Ablation at Radiofrequency | 2016 |
99 | DARWIN | Expecting the unexpected and know how to respond | 2015 |
100 | IMPACT | Impact of Cultural aspects in the management of emergencies in public Transport | 2015 |
102 | OPERANDO | Online Privacy Enforcement, Rights Assurance and Optimization | 2015 |
104 | FOC4SIP | Functionalised Organic Complexes for rapid Sensing of Industrial Polluters | 2015 |
105 | GUIDES | GUideline Implementation with DEcision Support systems | 2015 |
106 | BlaC E-assay | Portable electrochemical assay system for on-chip quantitative estimation of bladder cancer biomarkers in real samples | 2015 |
107 | Dietary biomarkers | Dietary biomarkers and compliance | 2016 |
108 | APE | An analyzer for preterm EEG | 2015 |
109 | STATE CAPACITY | Neither Dwarf nor Leviathan: Explaining Territorial and Functional Variation in State Capacity | 2016 |
110 | IPSIBiM | Improved Patient Safety through Intensive Biosignal Monitoring | 2015 |
112 | RESCBONE | The influence of mechanical loading on the decline in bone mass with ageing | 2015 |
113 | ECECWorkforce | Knowledge, Skills and Attitudinal Competences for Quality Early childhood Education and Care | 2015 |
114 | FOODWASTE | Food Waste In Denmark and Sweden - Understanding Household Consumption Practices to develop Sustainable Food Care | 2016 |
115 | YAKUT | Genomics, epigenomics and transcriptomics of Yakutian horses, a unique domestic breed adapted to life in the Arctic | 2015 |
116 | PEMETH | Planning and Evaluation Methodologies for Mental Healthcare Buildings | 2015 |
117 | OLIGOBINPRO | Non-canonical nucleoside incorporation into synthetic RNA-oligonucleotides: investigations towards the discovery of selective RNA-binding proteins | 2015 |
118 | BIMEDA | Big Medical Data Use in Primary Care: an ethnographic, socio-technical, investigation of challenges and opportunities | 2015 |
119 | MDR Tuberculosis | Evolution and success of the multi-drug resistant M. tuberculosis SIT41 (LAM7-TUR) lineage | 2015 |
120 | APTALAPS | Investigation of the interaction of mesenchymal stem cells with aptamer modified surfaces using Light-Addressable Potentiometric Sensors (LAPS) | 2015 |
121 | Global eHealth | Creating an evaluation and research strategy and an evidence base for eHealth systems to improve the quality of data collection and care in low and middle income settings | 2015 |
122 | COSMOS | Optical point of care system for heart failure mass screening | 2015 |
123 | PAOLInA | Physical Activities of Older Adults: Longitudinal Interdisciplinary Analysis | 2016 |
124 | IMAGINACTIVISM | Cultural production, social movements and virtuous spirals; Using cultural production to influence social transformation. An ethnographic case study of a transmedia and translocal experiment. | 2015 |
125 | EGRET | European Glaucoma Research Training Program | 2015 |
126 | FETAL MONITORING | Safe and accurate fetal monitoring | 2015 |
127 | PReDicT | Predicting Response to Depression Treatment | 2015 |
128 | SENSITIVITYMARKERS | Clinical validation of prognostic biomarkers of chemotherapy response in liquid biopsies | 2015 |
129 | St. Bernard | St. Bernard - Emergency EEG and auditory evoked potentials for earlier diagnostics and treatment planning of unconscious patients | 2015 |
130 | NEUMARQ | Neurodegenerative disease biomarkers based on high quality wireless EEG. | 2015 |
131 | USELA | Useful energy from contaminated landfill gas | 2014 |
132 | MAMANUCA | Microfluidic Advanced Manufacturing of Ultrasound Contrast Agents | 2015 |
133 | Bacticon1 | BACTerial detection and CONtrol of urinary tract infection | 2015 |
134 | NASTEX | Study feasibility and best route to market for telecare solution in Germany and Japan | 2015 |
135 | IVANCA | IntraVenous ANtibiotic Compounding Automation | 2015 |
136 | eMediCare2 | Promoting sustainable patient treatment by an intelligent online medicine dispenser for home care use. | 2015 |
137 | BARAT | Biomechancial Aneurysm Risk Assessment Trial | 2015 |
138 | BIOCURE | Novel Biomaterial for Improved and Cost-efficient Wound Healing | 2015 |
139 | OABCAP | Demonstration of a new diagnostic device for the Overactive Bladder syndrome | 2015 |
140 | Pathogens detection | Antibiotics reduction with early mastitis pathogens detection for @ point of animal care usages | 2015 |
141 | ScanZ | Point of care medical device enabling patient self-assessment for acne diagnosis support. | 2015 |
142 | ENBIOSURF | Enzymatic production of a novel class of nonionic, mild and biobased surfactants | 2015 |
143 | VANGUARD | Versatile optomechANical GRaphene Device for bio-tissue engineering | 2015 |
144 | HYMEDNA | Hypermethylated DNA detection using NanoGaps | 2015 |
145 | DIRS | Deusto International Research School | 2016 |
146 | EbolaVac | Development of a Chimpanzee Adenovirus Type 3 Ebolavirus Zaire Vaccine | 2014 |
147 | Ebola_Tx | Emergency evaluation of convalescent blood and plasma for Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) in affected West African countries. | 2014 |
148 | EVIDENT | Ebola Virus Disease - correlates of protection, determinants of outcome, and clinical management | 2014 |
149 | Sentab | SENTAB: Combatting Senior Loneliness through Fun and Entertaining Technology | 2015 |
150 | ICE Cubes | ICE Cubes Service - International Commercial Experiment Cubes Service | 2015 |
151 | ERMOS | Enhanced Resolution MRI Ocular Scanner (ERMOS) | 2015 |
152 | HYscreen | A fast, cost-effective breath analysis technology for Helicobacter pYlori screening at both large and small scale. | 2015 |
153 | CLINISC | Clinical validation of pCO2 sensor system for ischemia detection | 2015 |
154 | GaSeS | First low cost handheld infrared camera for fugitive emissions, early detection and location, increasing energy efficiency in industrial plants, infrastructures and utilities | 2015 |
155 | ADHESION | Development of new biotech AdvanceD materials based on Hyaluronic acid and nanoparticlEs to prevent Surgical adhesIons and pOst surgical infectionNs | 2015 |
156 | IRIS-1 | IRIS Feasibility Study – Phase 1 | 2015 |
157 | Vaprosep | Validation of Progranulin as Biomarker in Diagnostics and Prognosis of Sepsis | 2015 |
158 | Delirium Monitor | Objective delirium detection with an innovative EEG-based spot monitor | 2015 |
159 | FGFSTAB | Industrial Production of Stable Fibroblast Growth Factors for Broad Therapeutic, Research, and Personal Care Applications | 2015 |
160 | PREKIND | PreEclampsia diagnosis by Early Kidney Injury Detection | 2015 |
161 | MD | Rapid monitoring of biomarkers in postoperative care | 2015 |
163 | NewMoon | NewMoon - Smart Garments in Newborns and Babies Monitoring | 2015 |
164 | ZOONOMARKS | Development of simple to use point of care tests for zoonotic pathogens and their validation for use in clinical research setting | 2015 |
165 | HELMO | Cardiovascular Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart Remote Monitoring System based on known Heart Activity Biomarkers | 2015 |
166 | i2D | i2D – intelligence to drive | 2015 |
167 | C-ENERGY 2020 | Connecting Energy National Contact Points in a pro-active network under Societal Challenge 3 'Secure, clean and efficient energy' in Horizon 2020 | 2014 |
168 | UNCAP | Ubiquitous iNteroperable Care for Ageing People | 2015 |
169 | Colibri | The compact LIBS module for advanced materials analysis | 2015 |
170 | PCSP | Odour-GPCRs based technology for detection and stratification of cancer: Prostate Cancer Smell Print as first vertical market | 2015 |
171 | ImplantFreeSpine | World’s first complete motion-preservation 'Implant-less' surgical correction for Scoliosis | 2015 |
172 | MenWomenCare | Men, Women and Care: The gendering of formal and informal care-giving in interwar Britain | 2015 |
173 | Family Justice | Justice and the Family: An Analysis of the Normative Significance of Procreation and Parenthood in a Just Society | 2015 |
174 | SPRINT | Social Protection Innovative Investment in Long Term Care | 2015 |
175 | VirtualPatients | Effective Clinical reasoning in Virtual Patients | 2015 |
176 | NUCL-EU 2020 | Connecting EURATOM National Contact Points in a pro-active network under EURATOM Programme in Horizon 2020 | 2015 |
177 | ADWICE | Advanced Wireless Technologies for Clever Engineering | 2015 |
178 | Dementia | DNA rEpair impaired Mice with accElerated Neurodegeneration as Tool to Improve Alzheimer therapeutics | 2015 |
179 | PreventSepticShock | Bioactive AdrenoMedullin is a Novel Outstanding Marker to Predict and Prevent Septic Shock | 2015 |
180 | QuantOnCal | Feasibility study for clinical validation of an innovative point of care assay for the detection of low-grade-infections in joint replacement | 2015 |
181 | Dermtest | An empowering toolkit for general practitioners to prevent, detect and treat melanoma (Dermtest) | 2015 |
182 | DIADEM | Low-Cost Diagnostics Monitoring Technology | 2015 |
183 | INSULCLOCK | Empowered control of drugs's dosage in chronic diseases. | 2015 |
184 | ProCanEx | Prostate cancer diagnostic assay based on protein kinase activity profiling in exosomes | 2015 |
185 | Scan4Reco | Multimodal Scanning of Cultural Heritage Assets for their multilayered digitization and preventive conservation via spatiotemporal 4D Reconstruction and 3D Printing | 2015 |
186 | IDH | Digital Health Hub Europe | 2015 |
187 | ChemoPredict | Predictive in vitro diagnostics test for individualized tailoring of chemotherapy in primary breast cancer | 2015 |
188 | CliniSenz | CliniSenz(TM) - A Cost-effective Biosensor for Automatic Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring | 2015 |
189 | SIME-LMT | Development of a digital diagnostics rapid Lung Maturity Test (LMT) for premature infants, to assist neonatologists in the diagnosis of Respiratory Distress Syndrome at birth | 2015 |
190 | MEDMICO | Moving to Efficient Diabetes care: Multimode Integrated CO-morbidity diagnostics platform | 2015 |
191 | INNODIAB | Innovative diagnostic device for the early detection of diabetic neuropathy in diabetes patients | 2015 |
192 | POC products | A novel microfluid-based modular system to address POC challenges within the field of coagulation and hemostasis | 2015 |
193 | PIONEeRING | PatIent specific bONE RepositionING | 2015 |
194 | eMurmur | eMurmur, a software based, clinically tested medical device for automated heart murmur detection | 2015 |
195 | IMMUTRAIN | Training Network for the Immunotherapy of Cancer | 2015 |
196 | NACCA | New Approaches in the Conservation of Contemporary Art | 2015 |
197 | E-SPACE | European Standardised Process Approach to Cognitive Evaluation in older people | 2016 |
198 | RABIOPRED | RABIOPRED - Clinical validation of BIOmarker assay to PREDict treatment response in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients | 2015 |
199 | ValChem | ValChem - Value added Chemical building blocks and lignin from wood | 2015 |
200 | ERAatUC | Enhancing Research in Ageing at the University of Coimbra | 2015 |
201 | PULP2VALUE | Processing Underutilised Low value sugarbeet Pulp into VALUE added products (PULP2VALUE) | 2015 |
202 | SWORD | Advanced Analytics Platform for Stroke Patients Rehabilitation | 2015 |
203 | BLACANDI | BLACANDI can improve life quality and cut cost of diagnosing and managing bladder cancer in half | 2015 |
204 | C-POC | Hyper/Hypo Coagulability Assessment Photonic Integrated Chip based Point of Care | 2015 |
205 | MultiDiag | Rapid, cost-effective, multiplex point of care diagnostic immunoassay system | 2015 |
206 | LIBERATE | Blood Biomarker Array Technology | 2015 |
207 | Safe Gestation | Feasibility study for clinical validation of NTproCNP as a novel biomarker for pregnancy complications | 2015 |
208 | REVEN-X1 | REVEN-X1: Automatic Vulnerability Detection in Binary | 2015 |
209 | ANDROTEST | Point of care test for non invasive differential diagnosis of obstrutive and non-obstructive azoospermia in male fertility | 2015 |
210 | BIOXYARN | In vitro evaluation of the biocompatibility of nanofibrous yarns from an oxidative stress perspective | 2015 |
211 | ADVANTAGE | ADvanced Validation of A Novel TB Active disease diagnostic to address Global unmet needs: a European consortium approach | 2015 |
212 | ExaFLOW | Enabling Exascale Fluid Dynamics Simulations | 2015 |
213 | WoundCure | Personalized Wound Dressings Based on Nanofiber Mats | 2015 |
214 | CORBEL | Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services | 2015 |
215 | MOvE-ECG | Moving from genome wide association to elucidating causal mechanisms of electrocardiographic traits | 2015 |
216 | RapidEx | Validation of a point-of-care H-FABP test for a rapid exclusion of Acute Myocardial Infarction in patients with cardiac complaints. | 2015 |
217 | LASSO | Learning, Analysis, SynthesiS and Optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems | 2015 |
218 | Baby Beat | Providing Clarity of Fetus Heartbeat Through Baby Beat Bracelet Measuring Fetal Arterial Pulse Wave | 2015 |
219 | SMARTMEM | Stimuli-responsive Membranes for consumer goods sustainability | 2016 |
220 | Gazelab | A precision, computer-vision measurement system for the early diagnosis of schizophrenia | 2015 |
221 | InForMed | An integrated pilot line for micro-fabricated medical devices | 2015 |
222 | INDUCT | Interdisciplinary Network for Dementia Utilising Current Technology (INDUCT) | 2016 |
223 | Ada | Ada 2020 | Visual Reasoning Support for Healthcare Professionals | 2015 |
224 | RELEVANCE | Regulation of red cell life-span, erythropoiesis, survival, senescence and clearance | 2015 |
225 | WiBEC | Wireless In-Body Environment | 2016 |
226 | ND4ID | New Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases: “ND4ID” | 2016 |
227 | CHESS | Connected Health Early Stage Researcher Support System | 2015 |
228 | MaX | Materials design at the eXascale | 2015 |
229 | MovAiD | Movement Assisting Devices: Manufacturing of personalized Kineto-Dynamics parts and products for workers, elderly and children | 2015 |
230 | ECO-LOGIC GREEN FARM | Design of an agricultural greenhouse for intensive growing of microalgae in fresh / sea water with a syngas production plant and organic farming of chickens and pigs outdoors. | 2015 |
231 | OPATHY | From Omics to Patient: Improving Diagnostics of Pathogenic Yeasts | 2015 |
232 | LeukoTheranostics | Harnessing Targeted Nanotheranostics to Reprogram Activated Leukocytes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease | 2015 |
233 | CyberCare | Integrated Sensing Architectures and Tools for Health Care | 2016 |
234 | MICROMAN | European Training Network on “Process Fingerprint for Zero-defect Net-shape MICROMANufacturing” | 2015 |
235 | EGRET-Plus | European Glaucoma Research Training Program-Plus | 2016 |
236 | PANINI | Physical Activity and Nutrition INfluences In ageing | 2016 |
237 | BitMap | Brain injury and trauma monitoring using advanced photonics | 2016 |
238 | i-LiveRest | Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure ulcer risk by real time measuring of tissue viability and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context | 2015 |
239 | DIA-VIT | DIA-VIT, a non-invasive glucose self-monitoring device for diabetes patients | 2015 |
240 | EUBorderCare | Intimate Encounters in EU Borderlands: Migrant Maternity, Sovereignty and the Politics of Care on Europe’s Peripheries | 2015 |
241 | CRADLE | Cancer treatment during pregnancy: from fetal safety to maternal efficacy | 2015 |
242 | APPROAcH | APPROAcH: Antimicrobial and Save 3D-Printable Polymers for Oral Health | 2016 |
243 | AVATAR | Integrating Genomics and Avatar Mouse Models to Personalize Pancreatic Cancer Treatment | 2015 |
244 | ScienceSquared | ERC = ScienceSquared | 2015 |
245 | TETRA | Autologous Stem Cell Seeded Tissue Engineered Trachea | 2016 |
246 | SEPCELL | Title of Proposal: Restoring the immune system homeostasis and organ function in severe community acquired pneumonia- induced sepsis through adipose derived allogeneic stem cells (SEPCELL Proje | 2015 |
247 | SmokeFreeBrain | Multidisciplinary tools for improving the efficacy of public prevention measures against smoking | 2015 |
248 | NEWROFEED | Personalized medical device for the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD based on EEG biomarkers and Neurofeedback Training | 2015 |
249 | ProDIA | Production, control and Demonstration of structured hybrid nanoporous materials for Industrial adsorption Applications | 2015 |
250 | PEPTICAPS | Design of polyPEPTIdes diblock copolymers as emulsifiers to produce safe, controlled and reliable novel stimuli-responsive nanoCAPSules for skin care applications | 2015 |
251 | OPENCARE | Open Participatory Engagement in Collective Awareness for REdesign of Care Services | 2016 |
252 | RecoveriX | Motor Recovery with Paired Associative Stimulation (RecoveriX) | 2016 |
253 | KareShare | KareShare Platform for Effective Collaborative Clinical Care Management | 2015 |
254 | CANDLE | Cancer Diagnosis by Multiplex Protein Epitope Profiling | 2015 |
255 | Key Cloud | Mobile phone as a Key - A new access ecosystem for 112, service companies and citizens “Key Cloud” | 2015 |
256 | TOPO-TB | TOPO-TB | 2015 |
257 | SMART Guide | Guided dental surgery fitting into daily clinical routine | 2015 |
258 | REALM | A disruptive method to free physicians from Hospital Information Systems by generating fault free patient diagnostic documents in real-time using natural language | 2015 |
259 | ALBINO | Effect of ALlopurinol in addition to hypothermia for hypoxic-ischemic Brain Injury on Neurocognitive Outcome | 2016 |
261 | GLOBE | Global Lensing Observations to go Beyond Einstein | 2015 |
262 | ARVisS | Augmented Reality Vision for Surgery | 2015 |
263 | PRIGeoC | Partnership for Research in Geopolymer Concretes | 2016 |
264 | PreventIT | Early risk detection and prevention in ageing people by self-administered ICT-supported assessment and a behavioural change intervention delivered by use of smartphones and smartwatches | 2016 |
265 | LASIG-TWIN | Laser Ignition - A Twinning Collaboration for Frontier Research in Eco-Friendly Fuel-Saving Combustion | 2016 |
267 | BACRES | Feasibility study: Cloud-based diagnostic software for infectious diseases | 2015 |
268 | FrailSafe | Sensing and predictive treatment of frailty and associated co-morbidities using advanced personalized patient models and advanced interventions | 2016 |
269 | JUMPAIR | JUMPAIR: Decubitus Ulcers Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart Anti-Decubitus System based on known Ulcers Activity Biomarkers | 2015 |
270 | TRANSBIO | A BIOmarker-based assay for prognosis and monitoring in renal TRANSplantation | 2015 |
271 | Body Interact | Body Interact - Training skills environment to improve patient safety and medical education | 2015 |
272 | GFeed | Safe and discrete gastrostomy tube for enteral feeding improving the delivery of nutrition and patient care. | 2015 |
273 | DuoTrainer | New robotic medical device for autonomous, home-based gait neurorehabilitation and weight-bearing leg exercise, aimed at adults with loss of standing and walking function | 2015 |
274 | SMARTDIAGNOS | Next generation sepsis diagnosis | 2016 |
275 | Loc8torHC | A disruptive healthcare monitoring solution that by nature of what and how it monitors (IoT) improves home safety, user wellbeing and provides early warning to help avoid critical admissions | 2016 |
276 | INNOHEM | Innovative 5-part haematology analyser for near-patient diagnostics | 2015 |
277 | BILISTICK | BILISTICK: A low cost point-of-care for early diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns | 2016 |
278 | SenseCare | Sensor Enabled Affective Computing for Enhancing Medical Care | 2016 |
279 | OCTCHIP | Ophthalmic OCT on a Chip | 2016 |
280 | MemoMCI | Targeting reconsolidation to strengthen memories in individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment | 2016 |
281 | EuroPOND | Data-driven models for Progression Of Neurological Disease | 2016 |
282 | VISION DMD | VISION-DMD - Phase 2 Clinical Trials of VBP15: An Innovative Steroid-like Intervention on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy | 2016 |
283 | T2DSystems | Development of a systems biomedicine approach for risk identification, prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes | 2016 |
284 | HERCULES | Comprehensive characterization and effective combinatorial targeting of high-grade serous ovarian cancer via single-cell analysis | 2016 |
286 | UM Cure 2020 | New therapies for uveal melanoma | 2016 |
287 | MIB | Multi-modal, Endoscopic Biophotonic Imaging of Bladder Cancer for Point-of-Care Diagnosis | 2016 |
288 | CARAT | Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CARs) for Advanced Therapies | 2016 |
289 | PERFORM | Personalised Risk assessment in febrile illness to Optimise Real-life Management across the European Union | 2016 |
290 | U-PGx | Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics (U-PGx): Making actionable pharmacogenomic data and effective treatment optimization accessible to every European citizen | 2016 |
291 | ChiLTERN | Children’s Liver Tumour European Research Network | 2016 |
292 | H2020MM04 | DC-based immunotherapy to treat Malignant Mesothelioma | 2016 |
293 | NanoHybrids | New generation of nanoporous organic and hybrid aerogels for industrial applications: from the lab to pilot scale production | 2015 |
294 | SPEXOR | Spinal Exoskeletal Robot for Low Back Pain Prevention and Vocational Reintegration | 2016 |
295 | INNODERM | Innovative Dermatology Healthcare based on Label-Free Spectral Optoacoustic Mesoscopy | 2016 |
296 | LUCA | Laser and Ultrasound Co-Analyzer for thyroid nodules | 2016 |
297 | selfBACK | A decision support system for self-management of low back pain | 2016 |
298 | PICASO | A Personalised Integrated Care Approach for Service Organisations and Care Models for Patients with Multi-Morbidity and Chronic Conditions | 2016 |
299 | POWER2DM | POWER2DM - Predictive model-based decision support for diabetes patient empowerment | 2016 |
300 | NEVERMIND | NEurobehavioural predictiVE and peRsonalised Modelling of depressIve symptoms duriNg primary somatic Diseases with ICT-enabled self-management procedures | 2016 |
301 | ProACT | Integrated Technology Ecosystem for ProACTive Patient Centred Care | 2016 |
302 | ICT4Life | ICT services for Life Improvement For the Elderly | 2016 |
303 | CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD | Self-management interventions and mutual assistance community services, helping patients with dementia and caregivers connect with others for evaluation, support and inspiration to improve the care experience | 2016 |
304 | DESIREE | Decision Support and Information Management System for Breast Cancer | 2016 |
305 | POLYCARE | POLY-stakeholders for integrated CARE for chronic patients in acute phases | 2016 |
306 | miRNA-DisEASY | microRNA biomarkers in an innovative biophotonic sensor kit for high-specific diagnosis | 2015 |
307 | Errspitals | A knowledge transfer and sharing action for developing A new integrative approach to mitigating errors in hospitals: Resolving tensions in error research | 2016 |
308 | MinD | Designing for People with Dementia: designing for mindful self-empowerment and social engagement | 2016 |
309 | CARDIALLY | Capturing and quantitative analysis of multi-scale multi-channel diagnostic data. | 2015 |
310 | INTUI-VIEW | Intelligent needle tracking using ultrasound imaging for improved minimally invasive interventions | 2015 |
311 | EVA | EVA - patient ventilation beyond limits | 2015 |
312 | BISON | BrIdging Structural BiOlogy with Biological SyNthesis and Self Assembly to Reveal Key Processes in Living Systems | 2016 |
313 | ESPrIT | Strengthening the Occupational Health Expertise and Scientific Capacity of Public Health Institution of Turkey [ESPRIT] | 2016 |
314 | CerISMA | Cerenkov Imaging for Surgical Margin Assessment | 2015 |
315 | OncoMasTR | OncoMasTR - Novel Prognostic Assay for Early Stage Breast Cancer | 2016 |
316 | CRADL | Continuous Regional Analysis Device for neonate Lung | 2016 |
317 | FLOWTONICS | Solid-state flow as a novel approach for the fabrication of photonic devices | 2016 |
318 | math4AAArisk | A mathematical platform for Abdominal Aortic Aneurism risk assessment and surgical planning | 2015 |
319 | my-AHA | My Active and Healthy Aging | 2016 |
320 | SMARTool | Simulation Modeling of coronary ARTery disease: a tool for clinical decision support | 2016 |
321 | NeMoFoil | NeMoFoil: electronic foil for neuromonitoring | 2016 |
322 | MAGIC | Mobile Assistance for Groups Individuals within the Community - STROKE REHABILITATION | 2016 |
323 | THALEA II | THALEA II - Telemonitoring and Telemedicine for Hospitals Assisted by ICT for Life saving co-morbid patients in Europe As part of a Patient personalised care program of the EU | 2016 |
325 | EMPATTICS | EMpowering PAtients for a BeTTer Information and improvement of the Communication Systems | 2016 |
326 | EuroDairy | A Europe-wide thematic network supporting a sustainable future for EU dairy farmers | 2016 |
327 | BIOCURE | Novel Biomaterial for Improved and Cost-efficient Wound Healing | 2016 |
328 | FLAIR | Flexible Hyperspectral Infrared Detectors | 2016 |
329 | BD2Decide | Big Data and models for personalized Head and Neck Cancer Decision support | 2016 |
330 | MAINTRAC-Auto | MAINTRAC-Auto: Automatization and validation of a liquid biopsy assay “Maintrac-AUTO CTC-analyser” for predictive real time monitoring and success control of solid tumor cancer therapy | 2016 |
331 | HG | Real-time molecular diagnostic testing for human infectious diseases using LAMP (Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification) technology. | 2016 |
332 | SGSOFT | Antimicrobial wound care solution to prevent and cure wound infections and cut health care costs | 2016 |
333 | DiaMon | Continuous Diaphragm Monitoring for mechanically ventilated patients | 2016 |
334 | RobSpear | Robust Speech Encoding in Impaired Hearing | 2016 |
336 | PEPTO1 | Feasibility study of a novel treatment for cancer based on a recombinant peptide therapy | 2016 |
337 | REACH2020 | Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare | 2016 |
338 | ReProCounters | ‘Reciprocal Encounters’ - Young Adults Leaving Care | 2016 |
339 | CoronaTag | Analysis of protein corona formation on nanoparticles by DNA barcodes | 2016 |
340 | FERTISSIMO | Oxidative Stress as a biomarker for Embryo Selection in IVF Process | 2016 |
341 | SOILCARE | Soil Care for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe | 2016 |
342 | PAPAstudy | Podocyte Adaptation Proliferation and Ageing | 2016 |
343 | LDC4PCaTher | BMX-targeted ligand-drug conjugates for prostate cancer therapy | 2016 |
345 | ThruBlood | Clinical validation of Trop-2 as a serum biomarker for monitoring of disease-course in patients affected by breast and colon cancer | 2016 |
346 | DIALOY | Mosaic loss of chromosome Y (LOY) in blood cells - a new biomarker for risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease in men | 2016 |
347 | SCD | Sexual Citizenship and Disability - Implications for Theory, Practice and Policy | 2017 |
348 | SurgASSIST | A novel 3D Stereoscopic e-learning SolutIon for theoretical Surgical Training | 2016 |
349 | RE-FRUIT | “Rehabilitation: Family Role within the UK in comparison to Turkey” | 2016 |
350 | MULTISIMO | MULTImodal and MULTIparty Social Interactions MOdelling | 2016 |
351 | BEAMED | Better Addiction Medicine Education for Doctors | 2017 |
352 | BigERRORS | Exploring the promise of big data for medical error elimination | 2016 |
353 | CKD AKI | Chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury – evaluation of EU and global epidemiology | 2016 |
354 | EBAR | Evidence Based Planning of Future Clinical Research | 2016 |
355 | MIRNANO | Multifunctional miRNA-targeting nanodevices for pluripotent cancer theranostics | 2017 |
356 | UPR | Unconditional parental regard: Its nature and its consequences | 2016 |
357 | PEARLE | Peers in ECEC centres: who are they and do they matter? An empirical analysis on ECEC group composition, its drivers and its effects | 2016 |
358 | Cleanup-MOFs | Decontamination of emerging pollutant using porous Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and silica-MOFs composites | 2016 |
359 | AVITAG | Alphaviral Immunotherapy against Glioblastoma | 2016 |
360 | RECORDER | Rare Earth based Upconversion Luminescent Nanomaterials as novel bioprobes for the detection of cardiac biomarkers | 2016 |
361 | CAMEOS | Cardiac micro-engineered tissue for high-throughput screening | 2016 |
362 | TACT | Towards an objective and quantitative Assessment of human Corneal Transparency | 2017 |
363 | SmartPosition | Smartphone-based Mobile Positioning System | 2016 |
364 | PREPARE | Preventing Respiratory Events through Proactive Assessment of Respiratory Effort | 2016 |
365 | PRONKJEWAIL | Protecting patients with enhanced susceptibility to infections | 2016 |
366 | t-Clinic | An innovative medical device for early diagnosis based on a disruptive body temperature monitoring and analysis scheme-t-Clinic | 2016 |
368 | EpiHelmet | Clinical validation of a mobile EEG medical device for diagnosis and remote monitoring in epileptic patients | 2016 |
369 | ProstaPalp | Feasibility study to evaluate a novel prostate cancer diagnostic | 2016 |
370 | NEBU-ONE | NEBU-ONE : A revolutionary method for anatomic pathology slides staining | 2016 |
371 | RETINAL | Retinal Imaging prevention and early detection of chronic diseases | 2016 |
372 | BIOFOSTE | Clinical validation of a BIOmarker panel For OSTEoarthritis diagnosis: BIOFOSTE | 2016 |
373 | EUWaste | Ecological Utilization of Waste | 2016 |
374 | Panatomy | Panatomy | 2016 |
375 | iBILD | iBILD: Imaging Biomarker for Intelligent Lung Cancer Detection | 2016 |
376 | TAVIguide | ICT platform to reduce mortality rates for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) by pre-operative risk management | 2016 |
377 | OSTEOMET | Clinical Validation of a Novel Biomarker for the Prediction of Bone Metastasis in Early Stage Breast and Prostate Cancer | 2016 |
378 | DesignerAntibiotics | Towards the prevention of aminoglycoside antibiotic-related deafness | 2017 |
379 | NanoPorous DNA-array | Ultra-high density three dimentional DNA arrays for biosensing | 2016 |
380 | Feel your Reach | Non-invasive decoding of cortical patterns induced by goal directed movement intentions and artificial sensory feedback in humans | 2016 |
381 | NANOZ-ONIC | Bio-inspired electrONIC NOSE interfacing olfactory electrical biosensors and carbon NANOtubes | 2016 |
382 | C3-Cloud | A Federated Collaborative Care Cure Cloud Architecture for Addressing the Needs of Multi-morbidity and Managing Poly-pharmacy | 2016 |
383 | CONNECARE | Personalised Connected Care for Complex Chronic Patients | 2016 |
384 | SUMOWO | Surface modulation of wounds: heal by inhalants!Novel drug-based treatment for excessive scars and chronic wounds. | 2016 |
385 | MEMORAGE | Attention and memory components in every-day cognitive problems in aging | 2017 |
386 | AMUSIC | nonlineAr Multimode and mUlticore optical fiberS for multIple appliCations | 2016 |
387 | EpiHope | Epigenetic biomarkers for prediction of vascular complications and response to treatment in subjects with diabetes | 2016 |
388 | PainDynamics | PainDynamics: Research on the dynamics of attention bias for pain in daily life. | 2016 |
389 | ANGIO-IMAGE | ANGIO-tracer for immuno-PET imaging: a stratification and monitoring tool for anti-angiogenesis treatment | 2016 |
390 | SPuMP | SpacePharma Microgravity Miniature Pump | 2016 |
391 | PET3D | PET Imaging in Drug Design and Development | 2016 |
392 | MAGIC | Moving Towards Adaptive Governance in Complexity: Informing Nexus Security | 2016 |
393 | MIDOC | Multimodal Imaging of Disorders of Consciousness | 2016 |
394 | BAR2LEGAB | Women travelling to seek abortion care in Europe: the impact of barriers to legal abortion on women living in countries with ostensibly liberal abortion laws | 2016 |
395 | ENABLE-S3 | European Initiative to Enable Validation for Highly Automated Safe and Secure Systems | 2016 |
396 | ASTONISH | Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health | 2016 |
397 | CoSMaS | Developing an interdisciplinary Collaborative Self-Management Support model: behavioural and communication tools for integrated care | 2017 |
398 | AIDSsilences | The Power of Silence: A Medical Anthropological Approach to AIDS Care Narratives | 2017 |
399 | VAMOS | The value of mothers to society: responses to motherhood and child rearing practices in prehistoric Europe | 2016 |
400 | IMCIS | Individualised medicine in chronic inflammatory skin diseases | 2016 |
401 | Outgroup | Consequences of out-group conflict | 2016 |
402 | iCARE | MobIle health-Care system for monitoring toxicity and symptoms in cAncer patients ReceivingdiseasE-oriented therapy | 2016 |
404 | GREENAQUA | Universal system for microbial analysis of water quality to guarantee a safe and healthy agro-food sector | 2016 |
405 | MP-ORIF | Innovative biocompatible game changing material for medical implants in trauma | 2016 |
406 | OWISE4EU | OWise for Europe - A feasibility study of a pan-European mobile app providing people with cancer with useful tools and treatment information in one easily accessible place. | 2016 |
407 | SACCSCAN | SACCSCAN - personalising clinical management of major psychiatric disorders | 2016 |
408 | MYA | MYA, the innovative diagnostics platform for the full mapping of personal allergies | 2016 |
410 | Glucoset | Boronic acid hydrogel sensor for intravascular (arterial) blood glucose monitoring | 2016 |
411 | CHEMCHECK | CHECKPOINTS IN CHECK: Novel Chemical Toolbox for Local Cancer Immunotherapy | 2016 |
412 | pocL-CI | A lab-on-chip platform for blood cell counting and identification at the point-of-care | 2016 |
413 | Miniature Robots | Commercialisation of new miniaturised, automated robots for high throughput training and assessment of dexterity in rats and mice. | 2016 |
414 | FETAL MONITORING | Safe and accurate fetal monitoring | 2016 |
415 | RADIcAL | Non-invasive rapid assessment of chronic liver disease using Magnetic Resonance Imaging with LiverMultiScan | 2016 |
416 | LEASP | Learning spatiotemporal patterns in longitudinal image data sets of the aging brain | 2016 |
417 | MiTSoPro | Migration and Transnational Social Protection in (post-)crisis Europe | 2016 |
418 | LeukaemiaTargeted | Selecting genetic lesions with essential function for patients' leukaemia in vivo as targets for precision medicine | 2016 |
419 | MoralisingMisfortune | Moralising Misfortune: A comparative anthropology of commercial insurance | 2016 |
420 | e-Gates | Precision diagnostics using electrogating of liquids in capillary-driven microfluidics | 2016 |
421 | ID-Lyme | A novel immunity-based test for early diagnosis of Lyme disease | 2016 |
422 | I-SEE | Intelligent Sensor Enabled Eyewear | 2016 |
423 | LASER-HISTO | In vivo histology using femtosecond laser multiphoton tomograph for the early diagnosis of skin cancer and corneal diseases while simultaneously reducing Europe’s health care costs | 2016 |
424 | Neuro Care System | Adaptive Neuro Care System | 2016 |
425 | PLATINUM | Portable Diagnostic Medical Device Based on Lab-on-Chip for Detection of Protein Biomarkers of Medical Interest. | 2016 |
426 | ScanZ | Digital acne assessment tool enabling acne diagnosis in cost and time efficient way | 2016 |
427 | Blue Iodine II | Boost BLUE economy trough market uptake an innovative seaweed bioextract for IODINE fortification II | 2016 |
428 | NO-META | Feasibility study of a NOvel METAbolic liquid biopsy for cancer therapy monitoring | 2016 |
429 | Fox-IT | Fitting-to-Outcome eXpert for semi-automated cochlear implant fine-tuning | 2016 |
430 | Qone | Novel pressure relieving and sensing mattress and an intelligent control system that predicts and prevents pressure ulcers in bedridden patients | 2016 |
431 | BLUE SNOW | Integrated system for queue monitoring and speed automatic modulation in ropeways. | 2016 |
432 | MY FISH CURE | Zebrafish avatar as a real-time in vivo platform for personalized cancer therapeutics | 2016 |
433 | BlockPLA | Innovative Biodegradable PLA Plastic for an Increased Range of Packaging Applications | 2016 |
434 | ERYTHROAG | A new ICT-based device (RHEO-01) for fast point-of-care analysis of acute ischemic stroke and other emergency situations. | 2016 |
435 | EASYPONIC | The unique “Nanny” sensor and app that cares and engages growers through the hydroponic process | 2016 |
436 | Monoma | MONOMA: B2B Feasibility Study | 2016 |
437 | LAB2MARKET | Zebra Academy Ready to Market Feasibility Study | 2016 |
438 | AutoPilot-Dx | Fast tracking market adoption of a novel immune-based diagnostic for improving antibiotic stewardship: automation, piloting and health economics | 2016 |
439 | INVeST | INdividual Vascular SignaTure: A new machine learning tool to aid personalised management of risk for cardiovascular disease | 2016 |
440 | MIMICS | MicroRNA Isoforms for Molecular Interception of Cervical cancer using Self-samples | 2016 |
441 | TINOHEAT | Reduced energy consumption and carbon footprint of the plastic packaging industry, using a novel environmentally friendly nanoparticle based industrial process | 2016 |
442 | PROBIt | Identifying Predictors of Risk and Resilience for poor neuropsychological Outcome following childhood Brain InsulTs (PROBIt) | 2016 |
443 | TRANSMIT | TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis | 2017 |
444 | NIMBLE | Collaboration Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe | 2016 |
445 | BBDiag | Blood Biomarker-based Diagnostic Tools for Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease | 2017 |
446 | IQCE | Improving Quality of Care in Europe | 2017 |
447 | TREATMENT | Training European Network: Metabolic Dysfunctions associated with Pharmacological Treatment of Schizophrenia | 2017 |
448 | CATCH | Cancer: Activating Technology for Connected Health | 2016 |
449 | TEAM | Technology Enabled Adolescent Mental Health | 2016 |
450 | BioCapture | Smart capture phases for proteomics, glycomics and biomarker assays | 2016 |
451 | CHEurope | Critical Heritage Studies and the Future of Europe_Towards an integrated, interdisciplinary and transnational training model in cultural heritage research and management | 2016 |
452 | DryFiciency | Waste Heat Recovery in Industrial Drying Processes | 2016 |
453 | eHealth Hub | eHealth Hub, The European Hub for eHealth Business Support | 2016 |
454 | OBSTETRICVIOLENCE | Obstetric violence.The new goal for research, policies and human rights on childbirth | 2016 |
455 | xMEMSDBS | Dried Blood Spot sampling at home in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring | 2016 |
456 | BiomemeDx | A study to establish the technical and economic feasibility of a mobile DNA and RNA testing tool, for use in general clinics and homecare. | 2016 |
457 | CENSUS | Cell-Based Models for Neurodegeneration Study and Use in Screening | 2016 |
458 | TRANSBIO | Cellular BIOtechnology for prognosis and monitoring in renal TRANSplantation | 2017 |
459 | AtmoHealth | A pan-national collaborative analytics platform for the exploration and improvement of population health | 2016 |
460 | ISOTIS | Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society | 2017 |
461 | HKADeC | Human Capital Accumulation in Developing Countries: Mechanisms, Constraints and Policies | 2016 |
462 | MIDAS | Meaningful Integration of Data, Analytics and Services | 2016 |
463 | LIVE INCITE | Lifestyle intervention in the perioperative process through digital service | 2016 |
464 | ProEmpower | Procuring innovative ICT for patient empowerment and self-management for type 2 diabetes mellitus | 2016 |
465 | NIGHTINGALE | Connecting Patients and Carers using wearable sensor technology | 2016 |
466 | RITMOCORE | Arrhythmias monitoring and comprehensive care | 2016 |
467 | GENIALG | GENetic diversity exploitation for Innovative macro-ALGal biorefinery | 2017 |
468 | TiMaScan | Recirculated tissue macrophages (TiMa) in blood: Novel approach to early diagnosis and treatment monitoring in oncology | 2016 |
469 | SIPEA | Social Investment Perspective in Work-Family Reconciliation Measures in Europe and East Asia | 2016 |
470 | BIOCDx | A miniature Bio-photonics Companion Diagnostics platform for reliable cancer diagnosis and treatment monitoring. | 2017 |
471 | GABLE | GAmification for a BEtter Life | 2016 |
472 | PAMMOTH | Photoacoustic/Ultrasound Mammoscopy for evaluating screening-detected abnormalities in the breast | 2017 |
473 | MADIA | Magnetic DIagnostic Assay for neurodegenerative diseases | 2017 |
474 | INSULCLOCK | Empowered control of drugs’ dosage in chronic diseases | 2016 |
475 | ROPOD | Ultra-flat, ultra-flexible, cost-effective robotic pods for handling legacy in logistics | 2017 |
476 | ALZSYN | Imaging synaptic contributors to dementia | 2016 |
477 | RESTASSURED | Secure Data Processing in the Cloud | 2017 |
478 | SOLUS | Smart optical and ultrasound diagnostics of breast cancer | 2016 |
479 | ESOTRAC | Hybrid optical and optoacoustic endoscope for esophageal tracking. | 2017 |
480 | Botteega | Botteega is a platform that makes it easy to do grocery shopping from traditional city markets, local shops and artisanal producers. | 2016 |
481 | AGATM | A Global Anthropology of Transforming Marriage | 2017 |
482 | ACTIVAGE | ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well | 2017 |
483 | ACEnano | Analytical and Characterisation Excellence in nanomaterial risk assessment: A tiered approach | 2017 |
484 | FORCE | Formulations and Computational Engineering | 2017 |
485 | GlucoTab | A Novel ICT Assistant Solution for de-Risked Management of Insulin Dosing and Blood Glucose Levels in Hospitalized Patients with Type 2 Diabetes | 2016 |
486 | SkinXCare | Integral cell-biology platform for the development of the first effective treatment of radiodermatitis. | 2016 |
487 | MEDimprove | A novel online service to support self-care and responsible self-medication | 2016 |
488 | IntegraMouse3 | Next-generation, modular computer mouse device for disabled people | 2016 |
489 | FAMILIADOS | - a marketplace for professional caregiving | 2016 |
490 | pCPR | Personalized cardiopulmonary resuscitation device for emergency teams | 2016 |
491 | MyTherapyTools | ABI telerehabilitation system with high impact in patient’s wellbeing at limited cost | 2016 |
492 | CliniTrial | Enhancement of an advanced clinical trial recruitment platform for Europe to ensure maximum intake of eligible consenting patients for participation | 2016 |
493 | CARBOMET | Metrology of Carbohydrates for Enabling European Bioindustries | 2017 |
494 | CARESSES | Culture Aware Robots and Environmental Sensor Systems for Elderly Support | 2017 |
495 | PREMSOT | Precision Multi-Spectral Optoacoustic Tomography for Discovery Diagnosis and Intervention | 2017 |
496 | CARER-AID | Controlled Autonomous Robot for Early detection and Rehabilitation of Autism and Intellectual Disability | 2017 |
497 | iGBMavatars | Glioblastoma Subtype Avatar models for Target Discovery and Biology | 2017 |
498 | GlycoImaging | Imaging and detection of tumor-associated glycan structures on tumor cells | 2017 |
499 | BAMOS | Biomaterials and Additive Manufacturing: Osteochondral Scaffold innovation applied to osteoarthritis | 2017 |
500 | REMIND | The use of computational techniques to Improve compliance to reminders within smart environments | 2017 |
501 | INTERWASTE | Synergising International Research Studies into the Environmental Fate and Behaviour of Toxic Organic Chemicals in the Waste Stream | 2017 |
502 | CO-LAB | Improving collaborative working between correctional and mental health services | 2017 |
503 | SZ_TEST | Towards Early Molecular Diagnostics of Schizophrenia | 2017 |
504 | wellwatch | A hands-free remote monitoring solution for continuous and accurate medical grade assessment of heart health | 2017 |
505 | NOC | Nerve-on-Chips | 2016 |
506 | Oncosmart | ONCOlogic patient profiling and personalized treatment through SMART bedside diagnostics | 2016 |
507 | Homer | HOMER - Development of Home Rehabilitation system | 2016 |
508 | spinitCompanion | A point of care device to provide real-time blood analysis for chronic diseases. | 2016 |
509 | HbMP-700 | The World's First Safe and Efficacious Human Blood Substitute: HbMP-700, a Haemoglobin based oxygen carrier, based on bovine blood. | 2017 |
510 | Talkitt | Speech recognition technology to enable the speech disabled to communicate freely | 2016 |
511 | HEXKIN | Healing Exosomes for sKIN | 2016 |
512 | OLEA | Outdoor Lean Elderly Assistant | 2017 |
513 | PaDiCare | Patient empowered Diabetes care in ambulatory settings | 2016 |
514 | ESIL | Early Stage Investing Launchpad - Unleashing the potential of early stage investing in Europe | 2017 |
515 | SHiELD | European Security in Health Data Exchange | 2017 |
516 | KONFIDO | KONFIDO - Secure and Trusted Paradigm for Interoperable eHealth Services | 2016 |
517 | KidsAP | The artificial pancreas in children aged 1 to 7 years with type 1 diabetes | 2017 |
519 | PACE | A multicenter phase IIb study using HLA-unmatched allogeneic placenta-derived stromal cells (PLX-PAD) for the treatment of severe critical limb ischemia accompanied by mechanistic studies | 2017 |
520 | ImpleMentAll | Towards evidence-based tailored implementation strategies for eHealth | 2017 |
521 | IMPACT TB | IMPACT TB: Implementing proven community-based active case finding interventions in Vietnam and Nepal | 2017 |
522 | TO-REACH | Transfer of Organisational innovations for Resilient, Effective, equitable, Accessible, sustainable and Comprehnsive Health Services and Systems. | 2016 |
523 | STRENGTHS | Fostering responsive mental health systems in the Syrian refugee crisis | 2017 |
524 | Perform 2 scale | Strengthening management at district level to support the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (PERFORM2scale) | 2017 |
525 | GGP-EPI | Generations and Gender Programme: Evaluate, Plan, Initiate | 2017 |
526 | ANTI-SUPERBUGS PCP | ANTI-SUPERBUG Precommercial procurement | 2016 |
527 | STONE WOOD | Silicon Treatment ON Exterior Wood | 2016 |
528 | EUROlinkCAT | EUROlinkCAT: Establishing a linked European Cohort of Children with Congenital Anomalies | 2017 |
529 | IMMUNOSABR | Clinical proof of concept through a randomised phase II study: a combination of immunotherapy and stereotactic ablative radiotherapy as a curative treatment for limited metastatic lung cancer | 2017 |
530 | PAPA-ARTIS | Paraplegia Prevention in Aortic Aneurysm Repair by Thoracoabdominal Staging with ‘Minimally-Invasive Segmental Artery Coil-Embolization’: A Randomized Controlled Multicentre Trial | 2017 |
531 | PROOF | Penumbral Rescue by Normobaric O=O Administration in Patients With Ischaemic Stroke and Target Mismatch ProFile: A Phase II Proof-of-Concept Trial | 2017 |
532 | CHARMED | Characterisation Of A Green Microenvironment And To Study Its Impact Upon Health and Well-Being in The Elderly As A Way Forward For Health Tourism. | 2017 |
533 | TALK | International impact of TALK©: a simple and practical approach to multi-professional structured feedback and debriefing, to be used after unplanned learning events in clinical environments. | 2017 |
534 | VAHVISTUS | Integrative development of smart drug-vector nanostructures for adaptive delivery to target cells | 2017 |
535 | AutoLiqHand | A Compact and Automated Liquid Handling Platform for Biomedical Assays | 2017 |
536 | EuroNanoMed III | ERA-NET ON NANOMEDICINE | 2016 |
537 | Keep Control | Industrial Academic Initial Training Network towards specific diagnosis and treatment of age-related gait and balance deficits | 2017 |
538 | NOGOPROOF | Towards clinical trials for a novel treatment for stroke | 2017 |
539 | FAST-bact | A novel fast test for antibiotic susceptibility testing for Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria | 2016 |
540 | FlowOx | Novel treatment for peripheral arterial disease | 2016 |
541 | SmartGuide | Smart Biopsy Tool for Real-Time Cancerous Cell Characterization at the Tip of the Needle | 2017 |
542 | SynchroSelf | Harnessing reversibility of peptide Self-Assembly processes to Synchronise Extracellular Matrix substitutes with cellular driven tissue reconstruction | 2016 |
543 | GART-PSYSPAC | Psychiatric spaces in transition: discourse, dwelling, doing | 2017 |
544 | CHILDMOVE | The impact of flight experiences on the psychological wellbeing of unaccompanied refugee minors | 2017 |
545 | CTO Com | Context- and Task-Oriented Communication | 2017 |
546 | MetResistance | The role of tumour microenvironment in metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer | 2017 |
547 | ACTIVEPHANTOM | Active Organ Phantoms for Medical Robotics | 2017 |
548 | CONCILIO | Development of a global, inclusive, digital health concierge | 2017 |
549 | Tinnitus Platform | Commercialization of novel Diagnostic Platform with Synaptic adaptation Arc treatment method for tinnitus patients. | 2017 |
550 | ARMeD_free | Antibiotic resistance-free meat and dairy products | 2017 |
551 | BabyLux | Launching the First Non-Invasive Brain-Monitoring System for the Early Detection and Management of Encephalopathy In Preterm Babies | 2017 |
552 | Tail | Redefining the dog collar - fresh and innovative, first all-in-one IoT platform. | 2017 |
553 | SIRENA | An emancipation device to increase mobility for disabled people | 2017 |
554 | HoplaCare | Advanced e-marketplace for a new way of purchasing and sharing Home Care Services and Assisted Living Technologies | 2017 |
555 | EMTECH | Emotional Machines:The Technological Transformation of Intimacy in Japan | 2017 |
556 | QuantSURG | Quantitative Surgical Guidance for Colorectal Surgery using Endogenous Molecular Contrast | 2017 |
557 | PREMADES | Preterm Feeding Maturity Measurement and Evaluation | 2017 |
558 | SmartECG | The world's first universally compatible algorithm and platform for automatic interpretation of electrocardiogram analysis data | 2017 |
559 | MePlat | Application of Cold Plasma Treatment for Antimicrobial Contact Lenses | 2017 |
560 | PREGNABIT | PREGNABIT – the world’s first complex telemedical mobile CTG system for pregnancy examination | 2017 |
561 | Curtana | Patented small molecule therapeutics that target cancer stem cells for the treatment of glioblastoma and other brain cancers | 2017 |
562 | CG-100 | A next generation medical device that enhances patient care and treatment following colorectal surgery | 2017 |
564 | WECARMON | Wearable Cardiorespiratory Monitor | 2017 |
565 | iMDx | Microfiber Electrofluidics for Integrated Molecular Diagnostics | 2017 |
566 | FIMBUG | Heterogeneity in fimbrial length and abundance as a generic regulator of E. coli surface colonization | 2018 |
567 | WHO-ITU-mHealth | WHO - ITU mHealth Hub in EU | 2017 |
568 | TreatStroke | arTificial neuRal nEtwork prediction of hAemorrhagic Transformation in STROKE. | 2017 |
569 | MULTIDET | Multiplex qPCR detection and chemical analysis towards multifunctional diagnosis | 2017 |
570 | AqPDRA | Industrial research into the properties of molecular capsules in commercially relevant media | 2017 |
571 | SACCSCAN-IA-ML | Developing Machine Learning Classifier Models for Eye Movements to Diagnose Major Psychiatric Disorders | 2017 |
572 | DOC | Dark Ocean Cosmeceuticals -DOC-: The Cosmetical and Pharmaceutical Potential of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter | 2017 |
573 | MATESI | Multi-modal Approaches for Treatment and Evaluation of Swallowing Insufficiencies | 2018 |
574 | NETBIO-GE | Quantitative brain network biomarkers for patient-specific diagnostics in idiopathic generalized epilepsy | 2017 |
575 | FGFSTAB | Industrial Production of Stable Fibroblast Growth Factors for Regenerative Medicine and Related Research Areas | 2017 |
576 | CHINO | The Health Data Security Platform for EU Developers Enterprises | 2017 |
577 | MindSElS | Resilience, Mindfulness and Medication Safety with Electronic Systems | 2018 |
578 | PERMETFIT | Personalized Metabolomics for Fitness and Training | 2017 |
579 | LACTOPOC | A Low-cost disposAble eleCTrochemical biOsensor for Point Of Care (POC) hypolactasia diagnostic testing | 2017 |
580 | AgedLGBT | Ageing Diversity: LGBT* – Housing and Long-term Care | 2017 |
581 | LakeMP | Spatial and temporal biotransformation of micropollutants in a lake ecosystem | 2017 |
582 | FIT-UTI | Fully Integrated Technology based on quantitative polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of Urinal Tract Infection | 2017 |
583 | TrueCell | A microfluidic chip for automating three-dimensional cell culture for personalized medicine | 2018 |
584 | CrowdHEALTH | Collective wisdom driving public health policies | 2017 |
585 | INCluSilver | Innovation in personalised Nutrition through Cluster cooperation in the Silver economy | 2017 |
586 | AGenDA | Civil society organizations and the politics of long-term care reform: coalitions and multiple inequalities | 2018 |
587 | IAPEMIDE | Impact of Intrapartum Antimicrobial Prophylaxis as an early determinant in Microbiome Development | 2017 |
588 | COMPEL | COsts and Mechanisms of Personalised Exercise and Education for chronic Low back pain | 2018 |
589 | DEBBIE | A database of experimental biomaterials and their biological effect | 2018 |
590 | DRAPer | Dressing Robotic Assistants for Persons with Reduced Mobility | 2018 |
591 | SmartNurse | Bringing persuasive computing training assistance for healthcare personnel from lab experiments to educational practice | 2017 |
592 | Mofina | Mobile Filovirus Nucleic Acid Test – Sofia ref.: 115848 | 2015 |
593 | FILODIAG | Ultra-Fast Molecular Filovirus Diagnostics - Sofia ref.: 115844 | 2015 |
594 | EbolaMoDRAD | Ebola Virus: Modern Approaches for developing bedside Rapid Diagnostics – Sofia ref.: 115843 | 2015 |
595 | RADAR-CNS | Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse in Central Nervous System Disorders - Sofia ref.: 115902 | 2016 |
596 | HARMONY | Healthcare Alliance for Resourceful Medicines Offensive against Neoplasms in HematologY - Sofia ref.: 116026 | 2017 |
597 | MOPEAD | Models Of Patient Engagement for Alzheimer’s Disease - Sofia ref.: 115985 | 2016 |
598 | DO-IT | Big Data for Better Outcomes, Policy Innovation and Healthcare System Transformation - Sofia ref.: 116055 | 2017 |
599 | IB4SD-TRISTAN | Imaging Biomarkers (IBs) for Safer Drugs: Validation of Translational Imaging Methods in Drug Safety Assessment - Sofia ref.: 116106 | 2017 |
600 | ACCLIM | Acclimatization scenarios and early warning system of temperature-related mortality in Europe | 2017 |
601 | ERA | Expanding Rights in an Age of Retrenchment: Women, Social Movements and the Politics of Family Leave | 2017 |
602 | CARING | CARe in an INterGenerational contextHow do changes in family formation trajectories reflect in later intergenerational relations? A three-generations perspective | 2017 |
603 | GLEC-LAW | Global Ecological Custodianship: Innovative International Environmental Law for theAnthropocene | 2018 |
604 | DRiveR | How does dopamine link QMP with reproductive repression to mediate colony harmony and productivity in the honeybee? | 2018 |
605 | IASIS | Integration and analysis of heterogeneous big data for precision medicine and suggested treatments for different types of patients | 2017 |
606 | GenomMed | Genomics and Mechanisms in Translational Medicine Doctoral Programme | 2017 |
607 | ProbSenS | Probabilistic neuromorphic architecture for real-time Sensor fusion applied to Smart, water quality monitoring systems | 2017 |
608 | GlucoTear | Non-Invasive Fluorescence-based Tear Glucose Sensor Integrated to a Smartphone | 2018 |
609 | STressD | Stressfully Transmitted Diseases: How your partner’s past stress affects your current and future health | 2017 |
610 | CanFaster | The Translational Cancer Faster Forward doctoral programme – CanFaster | 2017 |
611 | LUMABS | Therapeutic antibody drug monitoring using bioluminescent sensors proteins and a smartphone | 2017 |
612 | PLAY.CARE | PLAY.CARE – revolution in early detection and therapy of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). | 2017 |
614 | DrugComb | Informatics approaches for the rational selection of personalized cancer drug combinations | 2017 |
615 | PhonLab | A clinical phonetics laboratory service (PhonLab): diagnostics of speech impairment via the web | 2017 |
616 | MoQuOS | Molecular Quantum Opto-Spintronics | 2017 |
617 | BIOSEA | Innovative cost-effective technology for maximizing aquatic biomass-based molecules for food, feed and cosmetic applications | 2017 |
618 | POLYBIOSKIN | High performance functional bio-based polymers for skin-contact products in biomedical, cosmetic and sanitary industry | 2017 |
619 | MIMICS | Electromyography-driven musculoskeletal modelling for biomimetic myoelectric control of prostheses with variable stiffness actuators | 2018 |
620 | MINDED | MultIscale precision therapies for NeuroDEvelopmental Disorders | 2018 |
621 | CORFEDITING | Gene Editing as Therapeutic Strategy for C9ORF72 Linked ALS/FTD | 2017 |
622 | DOCTRINA | A Unique Virtual Environment where Healthcare Professionals Can Find the Support that They Need for an Adequate Use of Pharmaceutical Products | 2017 |
623 | KEEN | KEEN Quality Keeper - A Competence and Quality Assurance System representing a totally new standard for the health care sector | 2017 |
624 | SONO-textile | An advanced process for coating medical textiles with antibacterial nanoparticles through a one-step sonochemical reaction | 2017 |
625 | MEDAS | MedAS: a Machine learning enabled Clinical Decision Support System to prevent prescription errors and improve patient safety | 2017 |
626 | EHW17 | High Level eHealth Conference 2017 | 2017 |
627 | POLITICO | Political Concepts in the World | 2018 |
628 | PRELICAN | Treatment of liver disease and cancer prevention | 2017 |
629 | MovEAID | A novel wearable medical device and eHealth system to improve the mobility of patients withhemiparesis | 2017 |
630 | FeetWell | Innovative diagnostic and eHealth monitoring system for diabetic foot complications | 2017 |
631 | HApi | HApi - Hyperthermia in Apculture - A new product against the Deformed Wing Virus of honey bees. | 2017 |
632 | Covomo | Covomo: Europe’s user-generated insurance platform | 2017 |
633 | TruVue | A novel and easy to interpret patient safety monitor, for the diagnosis and management of cardiac function, fluid delivery and drug administration during surgery and intensive care. | 2017 |
634 | AUTOCOMPLEMENT | The role of complement in the induction of autoimmunity against post-translationally modified proteins | 2017 |
635 | REALTA | Challenging Hypertension Through Novel Medical Device Development | 2017 |
636 | HOTFLOW | A Photothermal Lateral Flow Test for Visual Point of Care Detection | 2017 |
637 | MOWOOT | Integral Intestinal Transit Management System for chronic constipation | 2017 |
638 | ColoFast | Developing a Non-Invasive Kit for Early Colorectal Cancer Detection | 2017 |
639 | MEMS 4.0 | Additive Micro-Manufacturing for Plastic Micro-flectro-Mechanical-Systems | 2017 |
640 | Nano4 | Providing the New Generation of Nano-Based Molecular Technology for the Early Detection of Bacteria, Viruses and Cancer at the Point of Care | 2017 |
641 | NSstop | Development of a policy to stop the suffering caused by Nodding Syndrome and Onchocerciasis associated epilepsy | 2017 |
642 | PoCOsteo | PoC in-office device for identifying individuals at high risk of Osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture | 2017 |
643 | PRIDIKTIV | Pridiktiv - Exploring European expansion through 4 pilot studies | 2017 |
644 | Quipu Cloud | A suite of software applications hosted in the cloud for medical ultrasound diagnostics | 2017 |
645 | SAAM | Supporting Active Ageing through Multimodal coaching | 2017 |
646 | Smartscope-X | Affordable, accessible and automatic screening solution for diabetic retinopathy | 2017 |
647 | SocialDiabetes | Hack your Diabetes Experience | 2017 |
648 | WE4AHA | Widening the support for large scale uptake of Digital Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing | 2017 |
649 | Cross4Health | Collaboration among Aerospace, Biotechnology, ICT, Energy and Medical Devices sectors in generating innovative solutions, business models and work-flows that enhance patient-centered care | 2017 |
650 | Clinnova | Centre of Excellence in Digital Health and Personalised Medicine | 2017 |
651 | EMME-CARE | Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East – Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre | 2017 |
652 | CAPSYS | Capillary systems for advanced point-of-care diagnostics | 2018 |
653 | DiaMon | Continuous Diaphragm Monitoring of mechanically ventilated patients | 2017 |
654 | BabyMinder | BabyMinder: Automatic diagnosis of neurocognitive impairment in infants | 2017 |
655 | AllerScreening | Point-of-care device based on KETs for diagnosis of food allergies | 2017 |
656 | CryO2 | Telemetric control of oxygen delivery for therapy optimization and adherence | 2017 |
657 | Garsia | Moving from Cure to Care: an integrated care delivery platform for a new person-oriented approach | 2017 |
658 | AQB-CARE | AQUABUDDY-CARE: A Groundbreaking Solution for Elderly and Disabled people with Reduced Mobility that Finally Enables Caregivers to Effectively and Safely Bathe/Shower them in their own Beds. | 2017 |
659 | ConCare | Leveraging the scalability of mobile devices to improve the outcome of all critically ill patients: a multi-faceted health platform to enable the continuum of care from ICU to home. | 2017 |
660 | vCare | Virtual Coaching Activities for Rehabilitation in Elderly | 2017 |
661 | WEGO | Well-being, Ecology, Gender, and cOmmunity | 2018 |
662 | ASTRail | SAtellite-based Signalling and Automation SysTems on Railways along with Formal Method and Moving Block validation | 2017 |
663 | BIOCUDET | Identify and detect key ocular biomarkers towards personal medicine | 2017 |
664 | INDEX | Integrated nanoparticle isolation and detection system for complete on-chip analysis of exosomes | 2017 |
665 | KardiaTool | An integrated POC solution for non-invasive diagnosis and therapy monitoring of Heart Failure patients | 2017 |
666 | MP-ORIF | Innovative biocompatible game changing material for medical implants in trauma | 2017 |
667 | NESTORE | Novel Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activities | 2017 |
668 | Ovage | OvAge: an innovative, user-friendly digital methodology that quantifies ovarian reserve by integratingclinical, biochemical and 3D-sonographic data to help decision-making in all phases of woman life | 2017 |
669 | NCore | Networking and Care: Helping young people with mental health problems through outreach and eHealth | 2017 |
670 | ErasmusBlink | ErasmusBlink: A low cost and easy to use measurement system for medical research with diagnostic potential | 2017 |
671 | SmartPhoneSmartAging | Smartphones, Smart Ageing and mHealth | 2017 |
672 | ViBrANT | VIral and BacteRial Adhesin Network Training | 2018 |
673 | TRABIT | Translational Brain Imaging Training Network | 2017 |
674 | HealthPros | Healthcare Performance Intelligence Professionals | 2018 |
675 | COSMIC | COmbatting disorders of adaptive immunity with Systems MedICine | 2018 |
676 | PREDICT | A new era in personalised medicine: Radiomics as decision support tool for diagnostics and theragnostics in oncology | 2017 |
677 | eTEACHER | end-users Tools to Empower and raise Awareness of Behavioural CHange towards EneRgy efficiency | 2017 |
678 | ANTHEM | ANTHEM: A Novel Tolerogenic vaccine for the treatment of antibodies in HaEMophilia | 2017 |
679 | AptaCheck | Bioelectronic lab-on-a-chip for point-of-care detection of infectious agents | 2017 |
680 | GLUCOSTAT | Automatic Control of Blood Glucose Concentration for Intensive Care patients | 2017 |
681 | ALGOA | Novel algorithm for treatment planning of patients with osteoarthritis | 2018 |
682 | LITMUS | Liver Investigation: Testing Marker Utility in Steatohepatitis | 2017 |
683 | eco-soft | Industrial manufacturing of eco-innovative, safe, sustainable functionalised microencapsulated fragrances for fabric softeners | 2017 |
684 | EUCHILD | Understanding the impact of EU policies on the deinstitutionalization of child care in non-EU Eastern European countries | 2018 |
685 | SoCaTel | A multi-stakeholder co-creation platform for better access to long-term care services | 2017 |
686 | SmartCow | SmartCow: an integrated infrastructure for increased research capability and innovation in the European cattle sector | 2018 |
687 | IMMUNISA | A Next Generation Immunotherapy for Human Papilloma Virus induced Cervical Cancer | 2017 |
688 | GET READY | GET READY - a unique intervention addressing activity reduction co-designed with Care Home residents and University students, following a service-learning methodology | 2018 |
689 | CAREANDWORK | Male Family Caregiver’s Well-being: Balancing Work and Long-Term Care in France and Japan | 2018 |
690 | ECoWeB | Assessing and Enhancing Emotional Competence for Well-Being (ECoWeB) in the Young: A principled, evidence-based, mobile-health approach to prevent mental disorders and promote mental well-being | 2018 |
691 | ME-WE | Psychosocial Support for Promoting Mental Health and Well-being among Adolescent Young Carers in Europe | 2018 |
692 | MESI-STRAT | Systems Medicine of Metabolic-Signaling Networks: A New Concept for Breast Cancer Patient Stratification | 2018 |
693 | CONVINCE | The Comparison of High-Dose Heamodiafiltration (HDF) versus Haemodialyse | 2018 |
694 | EURO SHOCK | Testing the value of a novel strategic approach and its cost efficacy to improve the poor outcomes in Cardiogenic Shock | 2018 |
695 | EU-TRAIN | The EUropean TRAnsplantation and INnovation (EU-TRAIN) consortium for improving diagnosis and risk stratification in kidney transplant patients | 2018 |
696 | MyPeBS | International Randomized Study Comparing personalized, Risk-Stratified to Standard Breast Cancer Screening In Women Aged 40-70 | 2018 |
697 | NeuroLang | Accelerating Neuroscience Research by Unifying Knowledge Representation and Analysis Through a Domain Specific Language | 2018 |
698 | MATUROLIFE | Metallisation of Textiles to make Urban living for Older people more Independent Fashionable | 2018 |
699 | INNPAPER | Innovative and Smart Printed Electronics based on Multifunctionalized Paper: from Smart Labelling to Point of Care Bioplatforms | 2018 |
700 | IMPETUS | Pilot line for paper based electrochemical test strips dedicated to quantitative biosensing in liquids | 2018 |
701 | EASIVIRAL | EASIVIRAL | 2017 |
702 | CareHD | Patient Centered Connected Health Model of Care for Huntingtons Disease | 2018 |
703 | SCALA | Scale-up of Prevention and Management of Alcohol Use Disorders and Comorbid Depression in Latin America | 2017 |
704 | WISH | WISH – Wearable Integrated System for Early Detection of Preterm Labour | 2017 |
705 | PRODEMOS | Prevention of Dementia using Mobile phone Applications | 2018 |
706 | PECUNIA | ProgrammE in Costing, resource use measurement and outcome valuation for Use in multi-sectoral National and International health economic evaluAtions | 2018 |
707 | RECOVER-E | LaRge-scalE implementation of COmmunity based mental health care for people with seVere and Enduring mental ill health in EuRopE | 2018 |
708 | IMPULSE | Implementation of an effective and cost-effective intervention for patients with psychotic disorders in low and middle income countries in South Eastern Europe | 2018 |
709 | SARAS | Smart Autonomous Robotic Assistant Surgeon | 2018 |
710 | SHARE4RARE | Social media platform dedicated to rare diseases, using collective intelligence for the generation of awareness and advanced knowledge on this large group of diseases. | 2018 |
711 | MIRACLE | Mid-infrared arthroscopy innovative imaging system for real-time clinical in depth examination and diagnosis of degenerative joint diseases | 2018 |
712 | INSENSION | Personalized intelligent platform enabling interaction with digital services to individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities | 2018 |
713 | OneRNA4Bladder | Non invasive Cell Based Liquid Biopsy Platform for Bladder Cancer | 2017 |
714 | PREDESA | Non-invasive technology for remote screening and personalised therapy of sleeping disorders: EU piloting and commercialisation project | 2017 |
715 | CLEANFUEL | Clean and low costs paper-based batteries for powering single use disposable diagnostic devices. | 2017 |
716 | SINUSLIGHT | Laser-spectroscopic sensing device for diagnostic assessment of sinusitis | 2018 |
717 | LymphoDrain | First subcutaneous implant to treat lymphedema. Definitive solution for chronic lymphedema | 2017 |
718 | OSAS | Olmedo Smart Ambulance real-time diagnosis System | 2017 |
719 | ProstOmics | 'Tissue is the issue': a multi-omics approach to improve prostate cancer diagnosis | 2018 |
720 | UNIVERSAL HEALTH | Engaged Universals: Ethnographic explorations of ‘Universal Health Coverage’ and the public good in Africa | 2018 |
721 | EPIDEMICSonCHIP | EPIDEMICS in ant societies ON a CHIP | 2018 |
722 | ElIonT | Electron- and Ion Transfer at the Interface: a Hyphenated Dynamic Multi-Frequency Approach | 2018 |
723 | MicroCaT | Micro-tumor Guided Cancer Therapy Selection MicroCaT | 2018 |
724 | BigMedilytics | Big Data for Medical Analytics | 2018 |
725 | BASIC | Functional Blood Analysis for Clinical Application in Sepsis | 2018 |
726 | JUMPAIR | Decubitus Ulcers Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart ICT Anti-Decubitus System based on known Ulcers Activity Biomarkers | 2018 |
727 | peLabDisk | Point-of-care molecular diagnostics of psoriasis and eczema – peLabDisk | 2018 |
728 | LoCoLight | Low cost coherent light sources from nanoparticle array surface plasmon polariton systems | 2018 |
729 | TARASOL | TARASÓL - The pioneering bio-marine liposomal Sunscreen released to the skin upon sunlight exposure | 2018 |
730 | DrBox | eHealth platform to assess patient clinical progress due to prescribed medication | 2018 |
731 | LABMASTER LUCIA | Labmaster Lucia - revolutionizing blood diagnostics with rapid accurate low-cost point-of-care tests | 2018 |
732 | BlindTouch | Eye-Free user interface to give full access to smart devices for blind and visually impaired people | 2018 |
733 | RemoRehab | Empowering the society with a cost-effective solution for remote rehabilitation | 2018 |
734 | Furhat Robotics | The Human Face of AI: a novel platform to build social conversational robots for education, healthcare, retail other verticals | 2018 |
735 | PulseHaler | PulseHaler: Improving the Lives of COPD Patients | 2017 |
736 | KYTERA COMPANION | Disrupting the elderly home care with contextual analysis software | 2018 |
737 | MicroSpot | The first portable, low-cost, robotized scanner microscope that converts any smartphone into a high quality and intelligent tele-microscopy image diagnosis system | 2018 |
738 | MISSINGMIDDLE | The Causal Effect of Public Policy and Income on Child Health and Human Capital | 2018 |
739 | NovInDXS | Development of novel inhibitors of the anti-infective target DXS using dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) | 2018 |
740 | LifeCall | LifeCall Wearable EKG Heart Health Monitoring, Analysing and Warning System | 2018 |
741 | ONALABS | Non-invasive smart wearable solution for continuous monitoring of physiological parameters and biomarkers for chronic patientswith cardiac and respiratory diseases from the neonate to the elderly | 2018 |
742 | GenTime | Temporal structures of gender inequalities in Asian and Western welfare regimes | 2018 |
743 | ACOUSTIC | Assessment of cardiac function by new ultrasound imaging strategies: towards a reliable clinical routine | 2018 |
744 | ASYMFLU | Asymmetric Organocatalytic Fluorination with fluoride salts | 2018 |
745 | CF3-DIAZOMETHYLATOR | Photocatalytic C–H Bond CF3-diazomethylation | 2018 |
746 | CAD4FACE | Computational modelling for personalised treatment of congenital craniofacial abnormalities | 2018 |
747 | eyecontrol | EyeControl | 2018 |
748 | STAR | Safe, Transparent, Active and Reliable mineral sunscreen technology | 2018 |
749 | OE Scan | A next generation diagnostic device that effectively screens for breast cancer in all tissue types, without the use of ionising radiation | 2018 |
750 | Gri3D | The industrialization and market entry of a novel bioengineered hydrogel grid to standardize stem cell cultures for precision medicine. | 2018 |
751 | BAHCI | Bringing a health claim to information: Measuring the impact of health data on the health outcomes of European citizens | 2018 |
752 | C-POS | Children's Palliative care Outcome Scale | 2018 |
753 | ClinGen-PsychTx | Identifying Clinical, Demographic, and Genomic Risk Factors for Treatment-Resistant Psychiatric Disorders | 2018 |
754 | DYNaMIC | DiarY by Nurses' iMplemented in the Intensive Care unit | 2018 |
755 | SynBioBrain | Building biological computers from bacterial populations | 2018 |
756 | VENUSCANCER | Women’s cancers: do variations in patterns of care explain the world-wide inequalities in survival and avoidable premature deaths? | 2018 |
757 | ResolveStroke | Stroke diagnostic imaging performed with ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy (uULM) | 2018 |
758 | MoViS | An innovative screening protocol device for early identification of neonates at high-risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2018 |
759 | INCARE | Social and gender inequalities in care: childcare-related policies and parenting practices in the post-Yugoslav countries and the role of policy ideas | 2018 |
760 | VOICEs | Controversies in Childbirth: from Epistemology to Practices | 2018 |
761 | Nanozymes POC | Nanozymes POC | 2018 |
762 | THESIS | The Single Optical Fibre Scalpel | 2018 |
763 | SenPET | Innovative cancer management: First in human senescence imaging | 2018 |
764 | AROMAs-FLOW | Biocatalytic flow reactors using extremophilic enzymes for a greener generation of aroma-compounds | 2018 |
765 | ORTHOCAT | Bioorthogonal Photocatalytic Activation of Metal-Based Prodrugs | 2018 |
766 | SHINE | Self-Healthcare for breast cancer detection using an INtegrated paper-based Electrochemical device | 2019 |
767 | SUPRAforORGANS | Synthetic supramolecular polymers as artificial extracellular matrix for stem cell expansion towards organoids. | 2019 |
768 | ONCOTHERANOSTICS | Advanced Theranostic Nanomedicines for Oncology. Development of new combinatorial therapies for primary and metastatic Breast Cancer. | 2019 |
769 | MOFUS | Metal Oxide Functionalized carbon nanostrUctures for photonic gas Sensors | 2018 |
770 | PREMOTHER | PREvention of MOther-to-child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis using an Electrochemical Readout based on DNA Switches | 2019 |
771 | COAGULANT | CK2-dependent cytoskeletal regulation and molecular signaling of Neutrophil Extracellular Trap (NET) formation | 2018 |
772 | FaMInART | “Family Making in India through Adoption or Reproductive Technology ” An interdisciplinary investigation of preference of Indian couples experiencing infertility regarding means of family formation | 2019 |
773 | LIDIA | Living with Others, Living with Diabetes: Relational Care among Diabetes Patients in Delhi, India | 2018 |
774 | MAJORdom | Intersections of class and ethnicity in paid domestic and care work: theoretical development and policy recommendations based on the study of 'majority workers' in Italy and in the USA | 2018 |
775 | Smart BioSense | Smart engineered Bioreceptors for developing BioSensors | 2018 |
776 | EyeTREAT | Innovative tool for personalized treatment of patients with neovascular age-macular degeneration: dosage optimization for long term efficacy treatment | 2018 |
777 | 2STOP_TBE | Structural Openings to Understand and Prevent Tick Borne Encephalitis | 2018 |
778 | ProMeta | Non-histone protein acetylation targets of KAT2A in AML | 2018 |
779 | MagElastic | Magneto-elastic technologies for point-of-care diagnostics | 2018 |
780 | ICU-CARE | Delivering BEACON Caresystem – a ground-breaking ICT-enabled ICU bed-side assistant providing recommenda-tions for critical mechanical ventilation support for better care and reduced costs. | 2018 |
781 | OSTEOproSPINE | Novel Bone Regeneration Drug Osteogrow: Therapeutic Solution for Lumbar Back Pain | 2018 |
782 | WELL-BEING | The dynamics underlying Well-being; Understanding the Exposome-Genome interplay | 2018 |
783 | GENPARENT | Revealing Sources of Gendered Parenthood: A multi-method comparative study of the transition to parenthood in same-sex and different-sex couples | 2018 |
784 | LawsOfSocRep | Laws of Social Reproduction | 2018 |
785 | CarE-Service | Circular Economy Business Models for innovative hybrid and electric mobility through advanced reuse and remanufacturing technologies and services | 2018 |
786 | PIONEER | Prostate Cancer DIagnOsis and TreatmeNt Enhancement through the Power of Big Data in EuRope | 2018 |
787 | IMI-PainCare | Improving the care of patients suffering from acute or chronic pain | 2018 |
788 | RECAGE | How to best meet the needs of people with dementia with severe behavioural disturbances. Toward a respectful and cost-effective model | 2018 |
789 | ChildRescue | ChildRescue - Collective Awareness Platform for Missing Children Investigation and Rescue | 2018 |
790 | GLIOGUIDE | Commercialising a novel glioblastoma targeted therapy and a companion diagnostic compound | 2018 |
791 | NO FEAR | Network Of practitioners For Emergency medicAl systems and cRitical care | 2018 |
792 | CodingHeart | Novel Coding Factors in Heart Disease | 2019 |
793 | AUTO NERVE | Tracers for targeting nerves in the autonomic nervous system | 2018 |
794 | LABPATCH | Lab-in-a-patch for PKU self-assessment | 2018 |
795 | SUMMIT | Stepping Up mRNA Mutanome Immunotherapy | 2018 |
796 | PITBUL | Point-of-Care implementation of TB testing with ultra-fast Local Heating PCR | 2017 |
797 | Made4You | Open and Inclusive Healthcare for Citizens Based on Digital Fabrication | 2018 |
798 | Families_Share | Socializing and sharing time for work/ life balance through digital and social innovation | 2018 |
799 | IVS | Affordable airless packaging system to disrupt the airless packaging market | 2018 |
800 | Aladin | Aladin: A Smart Home-Care Solution for the Elderly. | 2018 |
801 | ProbeFix | ProbeFix: an Innovative MedTech Solution to improve the use of ultrasound for better Cardiac diagnosis in the EU | 2018 |
802 | PUPILOSCOPE | Pupiloscope, a Neuro-Critical Care Device, Enabling Quantitative, Real-Time, Pupillary Monitoring and Assessment of Patients with Neurotrauma and Head Injuries. | 2018 |
803 | Social Digital Lab | Gamified and collaborative digital learning open-source platform with a blockchain-based system to facilitate crowdsourced learning and the implementation of personalized education strategies | 2018 |
804 | Perlis ElderCare | Perlis ElderCare System for active independent ageing | 2018 |
805 | HypoSkin | Unique breakthrough ex vivo human skin model to predict efficacy and toxicity of subcutaneous drugs | 2018 |
806 | Care300 | A mango-based food ingredient, for food supplements and functional foods, that helps maintaining a healthy metabolism and an optimal body composition while preventing glucose intolerance | 2018 |
807 | BoneCut | Smart surgery system to selectively ablate bony tissue | 2018 |
809 | WoundRinse | Preventing Chronic wound infections with a novel, antibiotic Wound Irrigation Solution; relieving patients from pain, risk of amputations and ensuring large cost savings for all Healthcare Systems. | 2018 |
810 | TRILLIO | TRILLIO, a porTable pRescription assistant Improving heaLth of Europeans citizens by increasing therapeutic adherence in eLderly people and in patIents affected by chrOnic diseases | 2018 |
811 | WalkHome | Functional Electrical Stimulation for at Home Rehabilitation | 2018 |
812 | Cupris | The first smartphone-connected medical device for a secure remote diagnosis of ears, nose, eyes and skin conditions | 2018 |
813 | CONT-END | Attempts to Control the End of Life in People with Dementia: Two-level Approach to Examine Controversies | 2018 |
814 | LIFESPAN | Early-life influences on suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and suicide mortality: a life-courseperspective to inform prevention | 2018 |
815 | BlockPLA | Innovative nanostructured PLA polymer to expand suitable uses of biodegradable packaging | 2018 |
816 | plasmaCare | A small, portable cold plasma device for the treatment of chronic and acute wounds. | 2018 |
817 | Medipee | A novel touchless method and eHealth system for automated urine monitoring | 2018 |
818 | Nano4 | Colorimetric Precision Nanodiagnostics made Fast and Affordable | 2018 |
819 | GREEN LINE | A non-antibiotic treatment for Acne and Onychomycosis | 2018 |
820 | AGLYC | The First In Vitro Diagnostic Device for the Early Detection of Cardiac Ischemia | 2018 |
821 | Composite Gloves | Protective Composite Gloves for Health Care | 2018 |
822 | HeartWatch | HeartWatch - contactless patient vital signs monitoring | 2018 |
823 | Nanosynex | Ultra-fast Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test for diagnosing antimicrobial resistance to provide personalized antibiotic treatments | 2018 |
824 | QTrobot | QTrobot Autism Therapy Store | 2018 |
825 | OUTLIVE | OUTLIVE: a disruptive non-invasive ultrasound therapy to treat all patients affected with aortic stenosis. | 2019 |
826 | BrewiePro | The first fully automated brewing machine for the bar and restaurant industry | 2018 |
827 | KHON2bTREAT | Late Clinical Development of KH176: an innovative orphan drug to reach mitochondrial disease patients & market | 2018 |
828 | BQ-Technology | BrainQ, non-invasive, very low intensity, BCI-based frequency dependent electromagnetic field tailored treatment for neuro recovery (BQ). | 2018 |
829 | PrasinoMed | First in the world ecological and sustainable cream for wound care, based on microalgaprasinococcus capsulatus | 2018 |
830 | SkinKer | Absorbable and wearable keratin-based nanofibers for wound healing and skin reconstruction | 2018 |
831 | HepatoPredict | A decision tool for Liver Transplantation based on molecular signature | 2018 |
832 | MOMENTS | Multi-sensory experiences for in-home therapy and entertainment | 2018 |
833 | T-CONTROL | Novel catheter to reduce Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) | 2018 |
834 | HistologTM Scanner | Intra-operative microscope for tumor margin assessment | 2018 |
835 | PoCMICRUX | An affordable Multi-analyte Point-of-Care system for Chronic Disease Self-Control and Management | 2018 |
836 | CG01 | A novel gene therapy for epilepsy | 2018 |
837 | E-FREE | E-FREE (Smart Solutions): Towards a more ECO, HEALTHY and SAFE environment in every single lighting scenario. | 2018 |
838 | HemoScreen | Point-of-care hematology analyser based on visco-elastic focusing, digital imaging, image processing and machine learning | 2018 |
839 | denovoSkin | Personalized, bio-engineered skin grafts for the permanent treatment of skin defects. | 2018 |
840 | Child-MHO | Genetics of metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) and metabolically unhealthy normal weight (MUNW) in children, and the childhood predictors of adulthood MHO and MUNW | 2018 |
841 | FlexiBiome | Next Generation Microbiome Platform | 2018 |
842 | COMBO | A diagnostics platform for dengue fever and mosquito-borne diseases | 2018 |
843 | OR4.0 | Development of an intelligent and multi-hospital end-to-end surgical process management system | 2018 |
844 | Glucostratus | Bringing the benefits of interactive digital health to the care of elderly persons with diabetes | 2018 |
845 | UpSurgeOn Academy | UpSurgeOn Academy: A multilevel educational platform for neurosurgical training. | 2018 |
846 | ASPIVIX | Vacuum Medical Device for Safe and Gentle Cervix Grasping Gynecological Applications | 2018 |
847 | Redwave | Redwave: the future of blood pressure measurement | 2018 |
848 | Bio-LP-1 | Bio-LP-1 - A novel technology for water safety and surveillance testing | 2018 |
849 | Schrott24 | Scrap dealing in the digital age: a transparent and efficient platform for price and supply chain management | 2018 |
850 | SmartSyringe | SmartSyringe, world easiest, safest and fastest blood collection ever made. | 2018 |
851 | PaSION | A longitudinal assessment of treatment experience, symptoms and potential associations with biomarkers in cancer patients undergoing immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy | 2018 |
852 | LYSOCIL | Excel in Rare Diseases’ Research: Focus on LYSOsomal Disorders and CILiopathies | 2018 |
853 | SAMCAPS | Self-Assembled MicroCAPSules: Synthesis, Characterization, and Eco-friendly Application in Home Care Products | 2018 |
854 | FoodEnTwin | Twinning of research activities for the frontier research in the fields of food, nutrition and environmental ‘omics | 2018 |
855 | EFFECTIVE | Advanced Eco-designed Fibres and Films for large consumer products from biobased polyamides and polyesters in a circular EConomy perspecTIVE | 2018 |
856 | INVIS Care | Bringing connected to the active elderly | 2018 |
857 | WOUNDCOM | Interactive biomembranes for wound management – exploiting the unique wound healing and antimicrobial properties of human collagen VI | 2018 |
858 | PanINSULA | PanINSULA - The next first commercially sustainable and therapeutically effective beta cell therapy for diabetes | 2018 |
859 | TRANS-SENIOR | Transitional Care Innovation in Senior Citizens | 2018 |
860 | DIGIMAN4.0 | DIGItal MANufacturing Technologies for Zero-defect Industry 4.0 Production | 2019 |
861 | SIRIUS | Simulations for Inertial Particle Microfluidics | 2019 |
862 | denovoSkin | Personalized, bio-engineered skin grafts for the permanent treatment of skin defects | 2018 |
863 | ENTWINE | The European Training Network on Informal Care | 2018 |
864 | KlotoDx | KlotoDx A quick and cost-effective near-patient tool to identify sepsis-related bacteria and antibiotic resistances | 2018 |
865 | Mind-Gap | Bridging the treatment gap for mild and moderate anxiety and depression across EU | 2018 |
866 | COCLICAN | COllaborative Consortium for the early detection of LIver CANcer | 2018 |
867 | IROCSIM | Integrated high-resolution on-chip structured illumination microscopy | 2019 |
868 | DeltaScan | Public private partnership to revolutionize delirium care in hospitals | 2018 |
869 | STOP | STop Obesity Platform | 2019 |
870 | INNOVATEDIGNITY | Training the next generation of leaders to deliver innovations in dignified sustainable care systems for older people | 2019 |
871 | AD Detect-Prevent | Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Detect & Prevent - Presymptomatic AD detection and prevention | 2018 |
872 | MLFPM2018 | Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine | 2019 |
873 | PREVENTOMICS | Empowering consumers to PREVENT diet-related diseases through OMICS sciences | 2018 |
874 | CellsBox | CellsBox: a modular system for automated cell imaging experiments | 2019 |
876 | ProtCap | Protein Capsules | 2018 |
877 | MIGPACT | The impact of neighbourhoods, peers and families on psychiatric disorders, substance usedisorders and crime in first- and second-generation immigrants | 2018 |
878 | SENTINEL | Single-Entity NanoElectrochemistry | 2019 |
879 | A-WEAR | A network for dynamic WEarable Applications with pRivacy constraints | 2019 |
880 | STINTS | Skin Tissue INTegrity under Shear | 2019 |
881 | BiopSense | Proof of concept and pre-commercialisation of personalised liquid biopsies in cancer therapy | 2018 |
882 | TICARDIO | Thrombo-inflammation in cardiovascular disease | 2019 |
883 | FitteR-CATABOLIC | Survival of the Fittest: On how to enhance recovery from critical illness through learning from evolutionary conserved catabolic pathways | 2018 |
884 | LIFT | Liquid Foam Therapy (LIFT) for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) | 2018 |
885 | MetaboliQs | Leveraging room temperature diamond quantum dynamics to enable safe, first-of-its-kind, multimodal cardiac imaging | 2018 |
886 | WHILYAS | Wound healing ILYA-style | 2018 |
887 | MechanoIMM | Mechanical Immunoengineering for Enhanced T-cell Immunotherapy | 2018 |
888 | PoLiMeR | Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation | 2018 |
890 | DroneGrid | Simplifying Aerial Intelligence | 2018 |
891 | Symptoma | Symptoma, Better Diagnosis for Patients with Rare and Complex Diseases | 2018 |
892 | LiveRest | Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure injury risk by real time measure of tissue viability, and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context | 2018 |
893 | PCSCT | Photon Counting Spectral Computed Tomography | 2018 |
894 | IPOG | Improving Pregnancy Outcomes Gloablly | 2018 |
895 | NEUROTECH | Neuromorphic Technology | 2018 |
896 | EULOSAM II | EUropean LOw Speed Aircraft Model at high Reynolds II | 2018 |
897 | MagnoBeads | Removing endotoxins during sepsis: a blood purification platform using magnetic nanoparticles | 2018 |
898 | gSKIN BodyTemp | Integration of Heat flux sensor in (wrist) wearable devices for accurately and non-invasively continuous monitoring of core body temperature (CBT) for the early detection of health-related disorders | 2018 |
899 | Lymphit | LYMPHIT: an innovative easy-to-use and cost-efficient diagnostic microneedle patch for the early detection of Lymphedema | 2018 |
900 | DMAG | Draw Me A Garden: Ground-breaking SaaS / e-commerce platform that brings expert and sustainable gardening within everyone’s reach | 2018 |
901 | ACOUPLASMA | Market maturation of a blood plasma separation module enabling plasma based diagnostic point-of-care devices | 2018 |
902 | Medicortex | Launching the First Non-Invasive Point of Care Diagnostic Test for Traumatic Brain Injury | 2018 |
903 | PIPPI | Platform for Innovation of Procurement and Procurement of Innovation | 2018 |
904 | SmartWork | Smart Age-friendly Living and Working Environment | 2019 |
905 | VirtualBrainCloud | Personalized Recommendations for Neurodegenerative Disease | 2018 |
906 | DIH-HERO | Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics | 2019 |
907 | HEcoPerMed | Healthcare- and pharma-economic models in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine | 2019 |
908 | EULAC-PerMed | Widening EU-CELAC policy and research cooperation in Personalised Medicine | 2019 |
909 | IMPACCT | Improved Patient Care by Combinatorial Treatment | 2019 |
910 | RESHAPE | Reshaping undesired Inflammation in challenged Tissue Homeostasis by Next-Generation regulatory T cell (Treg) Approaches – from Advanced Technology Developments to First-in-Human Trials | 2019 |
912 | BIOTRAFO | Raising knowledge and developing technology for the design and deployment of high-performance power transformers immersed in biodegradable fluids“BIOTRAFO” | 2019 |
913 | HERMES | Hybrid Enhanced Regenerative Medicine Systems | 2019 |
914 | Smart2Go | Smart and Flexible Energy Supply Platform for Wearable Electronics | 2019 |
915 | LUMAX | Innovative Laser and Fiber System for Non-Toxic, Efficient and Cost-Effective Treatment of Cancer | 2018 |
916 | TopSurgeons | Understanding the influence of human and organizational factors on surgeon performance to enhance patient outcomes: experimental evaluation of a customized coaching program | 2019 |
917 | PD_Pal | Palliative care in Parkinson’s disease | 2019 |
918 | PhilHumans | Personal Health Interfaces Leveraging Human-Machine Natural Interactions | 2019 |
919 | ProTego | Data-protection toolkit reducing risks in hospitals and care centers | 2019 |
920 | MITrep | Automated mini-invasive surgical approach to the treatment of mitral insufficiency | 2018 |
921 | Nevada | Diagnostics device for rapid testing of prostate cancer at Point-of-care | 2018 |
922 | DIABFRAIL-LATAM | Scaling-up of and evidence-based intervention programme in older people with Diabetes and Frailty in LatinAmerica | 2019 |
924 | SCUBY | SCale Up an integrated care package for diaBetes and hYpertension for vulnerable people in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium | 2019 |
925 | JPCOFUND2 | ERA-NET to support the Joint Programming in Neurodegenerative Diseases strategic plan (JPND) | 2019 |
926 | WHO-PENatScale | Scaling up the WHO-PEN package for diabetes and hypertension in Swaziland: a nation-wide cluster-randomised evaluation of three strategies in Swaziland (WHO-PEN@Scale) | 2019 |
927 | INTE-AFRICA | Integrating and decentralising diabetes and hypertension services in Africa | 2019 |
928 | Predictix Antidepres | a user-friendly procedure that analyses genomic, clinical and demographic data to generate a personalized report with statistical analysis on the efficacy of antidepressants and their side effects | 2018 |
929 | NATURALSKIN | Rapid absorption denaturalized collagen dressings | 2019 |
930 | SINTEC | Soft intelligence epidermal communication platform | 2019 |
931 | SocketSense | Advanced sensor-based design and development of wearable prosthetic socket for amputees | 2019 |
932 | REFREAM | Re-Thinking of Fashion in Research and Artist collaborating development for Urban Manufacturing | 2018 |
933 | ELEVATE | Early detection of cervical cancer in hard-to-reach populations of women through portable and point-of-care HPV testing | 2019 |
934 | FURTHER | Focused Ultrasound and RadioTHERapy for Noninvasive Palliative Pain Treatment in Patients with Bone Metastasis | 2019 |
935 | CLOSER | Childhood Leukemia: Overcoming distance between South America and Europe Regions | 2019 |
936 | EURIPHI | EURopean wide Innovative Procurement of Health Innovation | 2019 |
937 | Smart4Health | Citizen-centred EU-EHR exchange for personalised health | 2019 |
938 | PANACEA | Protection and privAcy of hospital and health iNfrastructures with smArt Cyber sEcurity and cyber threat toolkit for dAta and people | 2019 |
939 | DigitalHealthEurope | DigitalHealthEurope: Support to a Digital Health and Care Innovation initiative in the context of Digital Single Market strategy | 2019 |
940 | CONTROL | Behavioral Foundations of Power and Control | 2019 |
941 | RESTORE | User-centred smart nanobiomaterial-based 3D matrices for chondral repair | 2019 |
942 | VHFMoDRAD | Viral Haemorrhagic Fever: Modern Approaches for developing bedside Rapid Diagnostics | 2019 |
943 | SELNET | Sarcoma as a model to improve diagnosis and clinical care of rare tumors through a European and Latin American multidisciplinary network | 2019 |
944 | Echophone | Launching the Point-of-Care Ultrasound Technology of the Future | 2019 |
945 | MycoVAP | Bacterial chassis for treating ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) | 2019 |
946 | DISPATCH Neuro-Sense | Distributed Signal Processing Algorithms for Chronic Neuro-Sensor Networks | 2019 |
947 | SmartEater | Enhancing recovery from eating and weight disorders using mHealth and psychological theory | 2019 |
948 | PRO-Heritage | PROtect traditional built HERITAGE Skills – PRO-Heritage | 2019 |
949 | EHDEN | European Health Data and Evidence Network | 2018 |
950 | SERUMS | Securing Medical Data in Smart Patient-Centric Healthcare Systems | 2019 |
951 | memetis | Modular fluidic platform with Shape Memory Alloy miniature valves to disrupt medical technology industry (memetis) | 2019 |
952 | MAMSCAN | New Method for Early Stage Breast Cancer Detection | 2019 |
953 | DELOX | Next generation decontamination: fast, effective, cheap and non-toxic | 2019 |
954 | SPHINX | A Universal Cyber Security Toolkit for Health-Care Industry | 2019 |
955 | BOND | Parental BONDing for a better start in life | 2018 |
956 | CARe | Career Advancement for Refugee Researchers in Europe | 2019 |
957 | PalliativeSedation | The use of proportional palliative sedation for the relief of refractory symptoms: an international multicenter study | 2019 |
958 | iGame | Multi-dimensional Intervention Support Architecture for Gamified eHealth and mHealth Products | 2019 |
959 | HiDALGO | HPC and Big Data Technologies for Global Systems | 2018 |
960 | TERI | Teaching Robots Interactively | 2019 |
961 | Homo.symbiosus | Assessing, preserving and restoring man-microbes symbiosis | 2019 |
962 | TechChild | Just because we can, should we? An anthropological perspective on the initiation of technology dependence to sustain a child’s life | 2019 |
963 | MOBILIZE | Improving health in people with multimorbidity: a paradigm shift in health care from disease-based curative models to personalized exercise therapy and self-management | 2019 |
964 | CEAD | Contextualizing Evidence for Action on Diabetes in low-resource Settings: A mixed-methods case study in Quito and Esmeraldas, Ecuador. | 2019 |
966 | EUPHORIA | Enhancing Ultrasound and PHOtoacoustics for Recognition of Intestinal Abnormalities | 2019 |
967 | EUSAT-RCS | European-Latin American TB Research Collaboration Network | 2019 |
968 | PREMUS | Preservation and Efficacy of Music and Singing in Ageing, Aphasia, and Alzheimer’s Disease | 2019 |
969 | MagentiqEye | Automatic Polyp Detection System | 2019 |
970 | 3DLT | 3D Living Tissues | 2019 |
971 | LION-HEARTED | Light and Organic Nanotechnology for Cardiovascular Disease | 2019 |
972 | PRIME | Advanced and versatile PRInting platform for the next generation of active Microfluidic dEvices | 2019 |
973 | StopAutoimmunity | Recurrent disease in the liver transplant: window to identify and stop gut signals driving autoimmunity | 2019 |
974 | WelfareStruggles | Welfare for Migrant Factory Workers: Moral Struggles and Politics of Care under Market Socialism | 2019 |
975 | NEOCANTAL | New Oleocanthal-based functional ingredients with anti-inflamatory properties obtained from olive pomace valorisation | 2019 |
976 | BeeHome | Automated beekeeping platform powered by AI that increases honey production by 50%, reduces labour use by 90%, and reduces colony loss by 80%. | 2019 |
977 | RayVS1 | A unique radar sensor system to monitor movement and vital signs for elderly people in care homes | 2019 |
978 | FLEXDYM | FLEXDYM, the material revolution for microfluidics | 2019 |
979 | TEApot | AI-based, Hardware-agnostic, Predictive Wi-Fi Network Management Software | 2019 |
980 | EQOP | Socioeconomic gaps in language development and school achievement: Mechanisms of inequality and opportunity | 2019 |
981 | FirmIneq | Wage inequality within and across firms: The role of market forces, government and firm policies | 2019 |
982 | LArcHer | Breaking barriers between Science and Heritage approaches to Levantine Rock Art through Archaeology, Heritage Science and IT | 2019 |
983 | PanCareFollowUp | PanCareFollowUp: Novel, patient-centred survivorship care to improve care quality, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and accessibility for survivors and caregivers | 2019 |
984 | EJP RD | European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases | 2019 |
985 | PREFERABLE | Project on Exercise for Fatigue Eradication in Advanced Breast cancer to improve quality of life | 2019 |
986 | MICROB-PREDICT | MICROBiome-based biomarkers to PREDICT decompensation of liver cirrhosis and treatment response | 2019 |
987 | DIAdIC | Evaluation of Dyadic Psychoeducational Interventions for People with Advanced Cancer and their Informal Caregivers (DIAdIC): An international randomized controlled trial | 2019 |
988 | iLIVE | Living well, dying well. A research programme to support living until the end | 2019 |
989 | INADVANCE | Patient-centred pathways of early palliative care, supportive ecosystems and appraisal standard | 2019 |
990 | HEADSpAcE | Translational studies of HEAD and neck cancer in South America and Europe | 2019 |
991 | MyPal | MyPal: Fostering Palliative Care of Adults and Children with Cancer through Advanced Patient Reported Outcome Systems | 2019 |
992 | ARREST-TB | Accurate, Rapid, Robust and Economical diagnostic technoliogieS for Tuberculosis | 2019 |
993 | GUDGET | GUst generators and model DesiGn for transonic wind tunnel tEsTs | 2019 |
994 | MicroMotors | The most advanced micromotors in the world | 2019 |
995 | BioHealx | Anal Fistula Treatment | 2019 |
996 | SINUSHUNT | SinuShunt – New disruptive medical device for treatment of hydrocephalus | 2019 |
997 | QSEIF | QSEIF: The new pathogen, DNA and immunological testing platform | 2019 |
998 | HomeSafe | Non-Invasive, Private and Ultra-Low Cost 24/7 Health Care Monitoring for the Elderly Community | 2019 |
999 | HAIKU | A breakthrough alternative to antibiotics for preventing and curing infectious diseases at Intensive Care Units | 2018 |
1000 | Oximonitor | The first portable monitoring medical device providing accurate prognosis for patients with circulatory failure | 2019 |
1001 | MeningoSpeed | A unique cost-effective and point of care (PoC) kit for the non-invasive rapid in vitro diagnosis of meningococcal disease | 2019 |
1002 | CKDSens | A novel healthcare tool for the active ageing with chronic kidney disease | 2019 |
1003 | | The New Era of Self-Care's Digitalisation. Better Health with Lower Costs More Individually. | 2019 |
1004 | ARSS | Accessible, Reliable and Simple Screening of stress- and memory-related diseases | 2018 |
1005 | Vitreoject | Disrupting Medical Instruments for Eye Care. | 2019 |
1006 | SECONDS | On Time Emergency Response System | 2019 |
1007 | SyntheticPaper | Enabling high performance and cost-efficient Point-of-Care diagnostics using a new innovative synthetic lateral flow substrate | 2019 |
1008 | ABT | AXVIRIUM BIOACTIVE TECNOLOGY_ The first medical device able to eliminate the fluids biological hazard | 2019 |
1009 | ARFM | Automated Remote Foetal Monitoring | 2019 |
1010 | INCALO | INCALO: Internal black carbon loading: validation of a novel biomarker | 2019 |
1011 | iPC | individualizedPaediatricCure: Cloud-based virtual-patient models for precision paediatric oncology | 2019 |
1012 | DNACom | Compartmentalized DNA Computers for In-Vitro Diagnostic Applications | 2019 |
1013 | Olfactomics Surgery | BRINGING SURGERY TO THE 21ST CENTURY: REAL-TIME TISSUE ANALYSIS DURING CANCER SURGERY. Improving Patient Safety, Quality and Cost-Effectiveness | 2019 |
1014 | SERAS_v4.0 | Seizure Risk Asessment for Epilepsy | 2019 |
1015 | NEEDbioWash | Natural Enzymes for Ecological Detergents to improve biologically certified Washing products | 2019 |
1016 | ECMO-BIOMARKER | Delivering ECMO-BIOMARKER – a ground-breaking ICT-enabled ECMO Biomarker system providing clinicians with bedside decision support for better care and reduced costs of severe ICU patients | 2019 |
1017 | VITAL | Vaccines and Infectious Diseases in the Ageing PopuLation | 2019 |
1018 | ExACT | European network staff eXchange for integrAting precision health in the health Care sysTems | 2019 |
1019 | SWALLIS | SWALLIS - a disruptive wearable device that uses sound patterns to diagnose and monitor swallowing disorders | 2019 |
1020 | ARISE | African Research and Innovative Initiative for Sickle cell Education: Improving Research Capacity for Service Improvement | 2019 |
1021 | LIFEBOTS Exchange | LIFEBOTS Exchange - creating a new reality of care and welfare through the inclusion of social robots. | 2019 |
1022 | DNAsensPROT | Ultrasensitive Quantification of Proteins based on Amplification of DNA Displaced from DNA Aptamer Duplex using Semiconductor Technology | 2018 |
1023 | PRO-TOOLKITS | Programmable nucleic acid toolkits for cell-free diagnostics and genetically encoded biosensing | 2019 |
1025 | RENASCENCE | The Role of European National Health Services in the enhancement of sustainable food systems | 2019 |
1026 | RESIST3D | Targeting drug resistance in ovarian cancer through large-scale drug-response profiling in physiologically relevant cancer organoids | 2020 |
1027 | FAIR4Health | Improving Health Research in EU through FAIR Data | 2018 |
1028 | NeuroAPA | Neurodevelopmental outcome in offspring conceived by parents at advanced parental age | 2019 |
1029 | GLIOHAB | Multiparametric imaging of glioblastoma tumour heterogeneity for supporting treatment decisions and accurate prognostic estimation | 2019 |
1030 | PCinBC | Plasma cell heterogeneity and dynamics in patient tumors | 2019 |
1031 | PHAS | Development of a new generation of bioengineered bandages | 2019 |
1032 | C-Energy 2020 V2 | Connecting Energy National Contact Points in a pro-active network under Societal Challenge 3 ‘Secure, clean and efficient energy’ in Horizon 2020 | 2019 |
1033 | PoS | The price of success: what is the impact of improving patients’ survival on utilisation of care? | 2019 |
1034 | CoCoUnit | CoCoUnit: An Energy-Efficient Processing Unit for Cognitive Computing | 2019 |
1035 | AllergenDetect | Comprehensive allergen detection using synthetic DNA libraries | 2019 |
1036 | AR-DDR | Co-targeting androgen receptor signalling and DNA damage repair for precision therapy in advanced prostate cancer | 2019 |
1037 | Smartpolymer | Developing smart polymer compositions for highly sensitive multiplex PCR assays | 2019 |
1038 | SAECG | Prediction of AF incidence using PR interval measurements, echocardiographic data and biomarker profiles: Analyses within epidemiological Framingham Heart Study and LIFE Health Care Study cohorts | 2019 |
1039 | SNFWD | A pH-Responsive Bionanohybrid Nanofibrous Wound Dressing | 2019 |
1040 | ViSionRF | ViSionRF: Vital Signal Monitoring using Radio-Frequency Technologies – Standard IF-RI | 2019 |
1041 | ReMIND | Reactivating Neglected Heritages, Reweaving Unspoken Memories. A Study on the Adaptive Reuse of Former Asylums into “mind museums”. | 2019 |
1042 | WEAN-IT | WEaning practices in ANcient ITaly: from Neolithic farmers to the first cities | 2020 |
1043 | DNA-NANO-AB | “DNA-based NANOdevices for the point-of-care electrochemical detection of AntiBodies” | 2020 |
1044 | FIT-SEP | Fully integrated technology for predictive diagnosis of sepsis | 2020 |
1045 | PANI WATER | Photo-irradiation and Adsorption based Novel Innovations for Water-treatment | 2019 |
1046 | CARDIATEAM | CARdiomyopathy in type 2 DIAbetes mellitus | 2019 |
1047 | IDIH | International Digital Health Cooperation for Preventive, Integrated, Independent and Inclusive Living | 2019 |
1048 | Biochip-images | A Breast Cancer Biomarker Point of CarePOCDiagnostic Platform Integrating Dual-Functionalized Nanoparticle for Magnetic Gradient Ranking and Electrochemical Sensing | 2019 |
1049 | iProcureSecurity | Strategic Partnership of Emergency Medical Service Practitioners for Coordination of Innovation Procurement | 2019 |
1050 | FrogsInSpace | From ecology to neurobiology: spatial cognition in rainforest frogs | 2019 |
1051 | OncoViroMRI | Brain Cancer Therapy Monitoring using a Novel Quantitative and Rapid Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based Method | 2019 |
1052 | BIOnTop | Novel packaging films and textiles with tailored end of life and performance based on bio-based copolymers and coatings | 2019 |
1053 | ECOAT | ECO sustainable multifunctional biobased COATings with enhanced performance and end of life options | 2019 |
1054 | DIVE into AD | Study of tau strains to understand the phenotypic diversity of Alzheimer’s disease: A step toward personalized therapies | 2020 |
1055 | RADIOFREPOLIS | An Innovative and Energy-Efficient Radio Frequency Pretreatment on Emerging Micropollutants and Transformation Products in Anaerobic Sludge Digestion for Waste Reuse | 2019 |
1056 | CosmopolitanCare | On the frontiers of public health. Care for refugee sex workers in Paris as a case of internationalization of cities. | 2019 |
1057 | LTCpolicies | Optimizing access to long-term care? Impact of long-term care policies on use, health and equity among the elderly | 2020 |
1058 | SCHEME | Sewage chemical information mining – development of a novel concept for the assessment of human exposure to pollutants through wastewater analysis | 2019 |
1059 | RTTOPHAGY | """Investigating autophagy enhancement as a therapeutic approach for the treatment of Rett syndrome.""" | 2019 |
1060 | VITAL-ISE | Development and application of ion-sensors for multi-analyte detection | 2020 |
1061 | MechanoMVP | Mechanosensing and Mitral Valve Prolapse: from the Molecular Mechanisms to the Progression of the Disease | 2019 |
1062 | GeneLifeCard | Genetic and lifestyle regulators of cardiometabolic risk in individuals gaining weight | 2020 |
1063 | PEDPOC | Rapid diagnosis of preeclampsia at the point-of-care | 2019 |
1064 | MindCare | AutoMatic and Personalized Mental HealthCare Solution | 2019 |
1065 | CB-103 | First effective targeted therapy for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) and other NOTCH pathway driven cancers | 2019 |
1066 | LIBSED | Libiguins: a remedy for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions | 2019 |
1067 | NOCK | NOCK: Real time safety for our senior relatives. | 2019 |
1068 | Everfill | Improving the Quality of Life of Millions through the Revolutionary Approach in Dermal Regeneration Care | 2019 |
1069 | MLS | Multi Lawn Care System Robotic mower fleets to take care of large green areas and replace the fossil-fuel powered mowers | 2019 |
1070 | EVAPO-CONTROL | EVAPO-CONTROL: System for avoiding evaporation losses in Agriculture dedicated water reservoirs | 2019 |
1071 | FS-UNIT | FS-UNIT: Light-weight, portable medical Field Suction Unit to disrupt the pre-hospital market | 2019 |
1072 | RAPID | The first effective remedy for acute pancreatitis disease | 2019 |
1073 | IBL-302 | Inflection Bioscience unique dual mechanism, small molecule, orally available therapeutic targeting major unmet medical needs in breast cancer | 2019 |
1074 | ENTRAIN | ENdoThelial macRophage Alliance In Neuroinflammation | 2019 |
1075 | PIN3S | Pilot Integration of 3nm Semiconducter technology | 2019 |
1076 | e-NeuroPharma | Electronic Neuropharmacology | 2019 |
1077 | FEASIBLE | Fostering Sustainable Living cities | 2019 |
1078 | EuReCa | Institut Curie EuReCa PhD Programme | 2020 |
1079 | ALICE | Active Living Infrastructure: Controlled Environment | 2019 |
1080 | Nocturne | The eye as a window to the brain, extending lifelong brain health | 2019 |
1082 | ONCOTECT | Early detection of tumor DNA in liquid biopsies as a biomarker of cancer recurrence | 2019 |
1083 | Bio Ring Diagnostics | Bio Ring Diagnostics | 2019 |
1085 | GAIA-Health | GAIA-Health: microbiome suite for personalized medicine | 2019 |
1086 | DISPERzero | High performing microgranulated Biopesticides for plants protection | 2019 |
1087 | MyoSuit | The MyoSuit – mobility assistance for everyday life | 2019 |
1088 | HARPER | Home based Augmented Reality Platform for Efficient Rehabilitation of stroke patients | 2019 |
1089 | Dignum | Innovative toilet assistive device enabling people with reduced mobility to become independent | 2019 |
1090 | DIABETESMART | The first Clinically Validated AI-powered Diabetes Assistant | 2019 |
1091 | ScleroTest | A rapid and cost-effective point-of-care diagnostic kit able to predict treatment response for appropriate Multiple Sclerosis management | 2019 |
1092 | STRONG-2020 | The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge: fundamental research and applications | 2019 |
1093 | VERDAD | A blood based biomarker identifying early Alzheimer Disease's pathology | 2019 |
1094 | Keelcrab | Keelcrab the Drone for an automated hull cleaning: fast & essential | 2019 |
1095 | RESTORE | RESTORE Health by Advanced Therapies (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and Biologized Medical Devices) – ALL for Advanced Therapies – with Passion – For Patients | 2019 |
1096 | M-Runners | Modal Nonlinear Resonance for Efficient and Versatile Legged Locomotion | 2019 |
1097 | Usersnap Suite | Analyzing Smart Bug Tracking and Customer Experience Feedback to Create and Evolve Software Products Users Love | 2019 |
1098 | PD2PI | From Postdoc to PI: Future leaders of ERA | 2019 |
1099 | ARCAID | Amsterdam Rheumatology Center for AutoImmune Diseases | 2020 |
1100 | iTrust | In-time TReatment of acUte ischaemic STroke | 2019 |
1101 | VagX | Diagnostic tool for Vaginitis | 2019 |
1102 | EarWay | EarWay: a simple, safe and efficient medical device for earwax removal | 2019 |
1103 | ReSurg | Realistic, accessible, and affordable models for surgical education | 2019 |
1104 | ADOPT GRANDPARENTS | Creating value by bridging the Intergenerational Gap | 2019 |
1105 | LASER-HEAL | A breakthrough laser-based medical device to eradicate bacterial biofilm in chronic wounds and accelerate wound healing. | 2019 |
1106 | BE Therapy | A revolutionary digital therapeutics platform for personalized and effective neurocognitive rehabilitation | 2019 |
1108 | PYRATEX | Natural, health-benefiting fabrics to protect our skin from external agents | 2019 |
1109 | DISTINCT | Dementia: Intersectorial Strategy for Training and Innovation Network for Current Technology (DISTINCT) | 2019 |
1110 | INVADERS | Mucus-Penetrating Microbiota: Characterization, Mechanism and Therapeutic in Metabolic Disease | 2019 |
1111 | INTEGROMED | Integration of knowledge and biobank resources in comprehensive translational approach for personalized prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders | 2019 |
1112 | MARCIUS | MARie Curie Intelligent UltraSound | 2019 |
1113 | CY-BIOBANK | Biobanking and the Cyprus Human Genome Project | 2019 |
1115 | eCARE | Digital solutions supporting continuum of care for frailty prevention in old adults | 2019 |
1116 | MMEM | Miniaturized Matrixed Enthalpy Metter - Portable, affordable, easy to operate, diagnostic device enabling a rapid & accurate diagnosis of a patient infected by antibiotic-resistant bacteria | 2019 |
1117 | OPIOIDREWARD | How distress alters opioid drug effects and abuse liability | 2019 |
1118 | DiCED | Digital Campaigning and Electoral Democracy | 2020 |
1119 | OpCo | Operation Co-Pilot: Healthcare Process Improvement through Patient Empowerment | 2019 |
1120 | EMME-CARE | Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East – Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre | 2019 |
1121 | ETIMan | ETIMan: Emergency and Triage Information Manager, disrupting the Emergency Medicine industry | 2019 |
1122 | EpiShuttle 2.0 | EpiShuttle: Isolation and Transportation of Infectious Disease Patients | 2019 |
1123 | 24G | 24G: Accurate and Reliable Health Genetic Tests | 2019 |
1124 | NANOELAST | Next-Generation Urinary Catheters for Preventing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections: Emphasis on Antibiotic Resistance | 2019 |
1125 | HEARTBIT_4.0 | HeartBIT_4.0 - Application of innovative Medical Data Science technologies for heart diseases. | 2020 |
1126 | PATSAFE | Developing the University of Tartu to a well-networked PATient SAFEty research center in Estonia | 2019 |
1127 | NoChaPFI | Novel Characterisation Platform for Formulation Industry | 2020 |
1128 | DEMPREV | Dementia Prevention: Imaging risk in primary care and catalysing behaviour change | 2019 |
1129 | LIVE-I | Lightening and Innovating transmission for improving Vehicle: Environmental Impacts | 2020 |
1130 | ABOLED | Commercial feasibility of an anti-bacterial treatment | 2019 |
1131 | Igentify | The disruptive personalized machine-based genetic counseling platform | 2019 |
1132 | ESPS | Epileptic Seizure Prediction System (ESPS) - Predicting and preventing epileptic seizures based on respiratory biofeedback & machine learning. | 2019 |
1133 | Presque | Smart Nursing Bra | 2019 |
1134 | COSA | Contagion Spread Awareness System in Neonatal Intensive Care Units | 2019 |
1135 | FRAME | FRAME - tumor genome-based personalized anti-cancer vaccines off-the-shelf | 2019 |
1136 | HELoS | Health.E Lighthouse Support Initiative | 2019 |
1138 | Malaria POC | Ultrasensitive detection of transmissible malaria | 2019 |
1139 | QTB4AMR | Utilizing an innovative chemical platform to defeat antimicrobial resistance | 2019 |
1140 | PrevictDrugs | Smartphone Measured Eye-Based Digital Biomarkers for Drug Use Detection | 2019 |
1141 | DosiKit | DosiKit, a first portable field medical device for fast triage of people after external irradiation | 2019 |
1142 | CognitiVRehab | Cognitive neurorehabilitation with virtual reality | 2019 |
1143 | Archimede | An Archimedes-inspired sit-to-stand desk to tackle workplace sedentarism | 2019 |
1144 | REsPecTMe | Resolving Precariousness: Advancing the Theory and Measurement of Precariousness across the paid/unpaid work continuum | 2019 |
1145 | THERADNET | International NETwork for training and innovations in THErapeutic RADiation | 2019 |
1146 | PREMUROSA | Precision medicine for muscoloskeletal regeneration, prosthetics and active ageing | 2020 |
1147 | INSIGHT EU | INSIGHT FOR EYESIGHT – Novel mRNA medicines for eye disease | 2019 |
1148 | PepZoSkin | PepZoSkin: Biocompatible Self-powered Electronic Skin | 2019 |
1149 | LymphoDrain | LymphoDrain: The definitive solution for chronic lymphedema | 2019 |
1150 | Smart Tracker | First wearable sensor for real-time monitoring and optimisation of sport training | 2019 |
1151 | DiurnalHealth | The circadian clock in day-active species: preserving our health in modern society | 2019 |
1152 | 3TR | Identification of the Molecular Mechanisms of non-response to Treatments, Relapses and Remission in Autoimmune, Inflammatory, and Allergic Conditions | 2019 |
1153 | MOSAICS | Hearing Matters: European Industrial Doctorate to train experts in auditory implants for minimised outcome spread and maximized participation in society | 2019 |
1154 | Comm4CHILD | Communication for Children with Hearing Impairment to optimise Language Development | 2020 |
1155 | TrainCKDis | Multidisciplinary Training in Chronic Kidney Disease: from genetic modifiers to drug discovery | 2020 |
1156 | BeatsDigTherapeutics | Project SCALE: Tailored Digital Therapeutics for Neurological and Brain Disorders | 2019 |
1157 | Mirnagreen | First scalable food-grade technology for the direct extraction and purification of miRNAs-rich extracts from plants | 2019 |
1158 | IMPACT | Implementation of ACT in Daily Life | 2019 |
1160 | SMART BEAR | Smart Big Data Platform to Offer Evidence-based Personalised Support for Healthy and Independent Living at Home | 2019 |
1161 | FreeATPOC | Towards an instrument-free future of molecular diagnostics at the point-of-care | 2020 |
1162 | FATMOLS | FAult Tolerant MOLecular Spin processor | 2020 |
1163 | RISE-WELL | Critical solutions for elderly well-being | 2020 |
1164 | HSMonitor | Pre-commercial Procurement of innovative ICT-enabled monitoring to improve health status and optimise hypertension care | 2019 |
1165 | DELTA | AI Enabled Managemement of Patients at Risk of Diabetic Foot Ulcer | 2019 |
1166 | KOMP Pro | KOMP Pro - The one-button screen connecting care providers and family with non-digital seniors through pictures, messages, video, apps and services. | 2020 |
1167 | METACELL | Artificial metabolic cells for biomanufacturing of bio-based chiral fine chemicals | 2020 |
1168 | POCSEL | Portable infrared biochemical sensor enabled by pixelated dielectric metasurfaces | 2020 |
1169 | CAST | Active Monitoring of Cancer As An Alternative To Surgery | 2019 |
1170 | StaphIMPACT | SA.100: Next-generation targeted antibacterial product entering European market | 2019 |
1171 | PersonalizeAF | Personalized Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation. A Translational Approach | 2020 |
1172 | DEFOG | Data science tool for Epidemic FOrecastinG | 2019 |
1173 | MATER | Innovative Training Network in Female Reproductive Care | 2019 |
1174 | EDGE | ADL monitoring of Elderly in homes using Gas sensors | 2019 |
1175 | MATPASE | Developing new MATerial solutions for cardiac PAce lead and SEnsor encapsulation | 2019 |
1176 | IPANEMA | Integration of PAper-based Nucleic acid testing mEthods into Microfluidic devices for improved biosensing Applications | 2020 |
1177 | SUNNRL | Novel Photoprotective Cosmetics: From Fundamental Science to Product | 2020 |
1178 | PLS | Perinatal Life Support System: Integration of Enabling Technologies for Clinical Translation | 2019 |
1179 | DERMAREP | Clinical validation and production upscaling of a novel product for healing of Pressure Ulcers, Leg Ulcers and Diabetic Foot Ulcers. | 2019 |
1180 | ABODYFORCE | High Throughput Microfluidic Cell and Nanoparticle Handling by Molecular and Thermal Gradient Acoustic Focusing | 2019 |
1181 | CanFaster-Postdoc | The Translational Cancer Faster Forward postdoctoral programme – CanFaster-ER | 2020 |
1182 | SAFE-CAB | Laser-Assisted Surgical System to Revolutionize Cardiac Bypass Surgeries | 2019 |
1183 | NanoEX | Nanoextraction, separation and detection of micropollutants in one single and simple step | 2019 |
1184 | MEDICAL | Medical Treatments in Medieval Leprosaria. Exploring Healing Remedies through Dental Calculus Analysis | 2020 |
1185 | CMD-COAT | Bioactive coating to prevent catheter infection and thrombosis | 2019 |
1186 | EASY-Diabetes | Individualised and Equitable Care of Type 2 Diabetes | 2019 |
1187 | Kerefish | KerecisTM Omega3 Wound: the first fish skin substitute in the European Market for chronic wound care | 2019 |
1188 | SHAPES | Smart and Healthy Ageing through People Engaging in Supportive Systems | 2019 |
1189 | PROT-RESIST | Toward the Commercialization of a Proteolytically Resistant APPI Variant for Inhibiting Metastasis in Prostate and Pancreatic Cancer | 2019 |
1190 | QUALITOP | Monitoring multidimensional aspects of QUAlity of Life after cancer ImmunoTherapy - an Open smart digital Platform for personalized prevention and patient management | 2020 |
1192 | TeNDER | affecTive basEd iNtegrateD carE for betteR Quality of Life | 2019 |
1193 | CAPABLE | CAncer PAtients Better Life Experience | 2020 |
1194 | MaxONCO | A cancer vaccine to boost body’s natural defences to fight chordoma and head and neck cancer | 2020 |
1195 | WILDHOPPER | WILD HOPPER - Heavy-Duty UAV for day and night firefighting operations | 2019 |
1196 | Path Feel | Insoles for Neuropathy and Balance Issues | 2019 |
1197 | mfloDx | Adaptable Multiflow Diagnostic Platform to Genetically Identify Drug Resistant Infection | 2019 |
1198 | PROSCOPE | Point-of-care instrument for diagnosis and image-guided intervention of Colo-Rectal Cancer | 2020 |
1199 | CLARIFY | Cancer Long Survivors Artificial Intelligence Follow Up | 2020 |
1200 | BD4QoL | Big Data Models and Intelligent tools for Quality of Life monitorinBig Data Models and Intelligent tools for Quality of Life monitoring and participatory empowerment of head and neck cancer survivors | 2020 |
1202 | PERSIST | Patients-centered SurvivorShIp care plan after Cancer treatments based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies | 2020 |
1203 | ONCORELIEF | A digital guardian angel enhancing cancer patient’s wellbeing and health status improvement following treatment. | 2020 |
1204 | LifeChamps | A Collective Intelligence Platform to Support Cancer Champions | 2019 |
1205 | Medical Express | Optimal use of healthcare resources through AI-guided support of healthcare professionals | 2019 |
1206 | bio-T | Enabling medical device vendors to realize the potential of the data collectible by their devices | 2019 |
1207 | FAITH | a Federated Artificial Intelligence solution for moniToring mental Health status after cancer treatment | 2020 |
1208 | CoachingRituals | Coaching as a social ritual: acting on people in a liberal-individualistic society (parenting, education, mental health care) | 2020 |
1209 | EUROSHIP | Closing gaps in social citizenship. New tools to foster social resilience in Europe | 2020 |
1210 | Preemie | Personalised nutrition of low-birth-weight infants | 2019 |
1211 | PROCareLife | PeRsOnalized Integrated CARE Solution for Elderly facing several short or long term conditions and enabling a better quality of LIFE | 2020 |
1212 | HECAT | Disruptive Technologies Supporting Labour Market Decision Making | 2020 |
1213 | EARLYDETECT | Development of an accurate, early diagnostic tool for ovarian cancer | 2020 |
1214 | NIGHTWATCH | NightWatch - Clinically-proven detection and alert system for critical nocturnal epileptic seizures. | 2019 |
1215 | ContiTRACE | Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring and automated therapeutic closed loop medical device for Intensive Care Units | 2019 |
1216 | ADAMO Robot | The future of precise personalised robotic physiotherapy | 2019 |
1217 | FACE | FACE: A real-time facial analysis software to improve the skincare e-commerce. | 2019 |
1218 | TIMAN262O | A new generation of dry & quiet street sweepers | 2019 |
1219 | ID Ward | ID Ward: blockchain-based universal ID for privacy-preserving personalisation | 2019 |
1220 | B6VitaStat | A diagnostic device for personalized determination of vitamin B6 status and health | 2019 |
1221 | NORATEST | NORATEST: An e-Health solution for a better Alzheimer's diagnosis and management | 2019 |
1222 | SHARE-COHESION | Cohesion in further developing and innovating SHARE across all 28 member countries | 2019 |
1223 | EDAS HEALTHCARE | AI-based infectious diseases diagnosis in seconds | 2019 |
1224 | ICPstatu | Non-Invasive Technology for Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Measurement | 2019 |
1225 | RheoCare | Rheological Monitoring of Chronic Respiratory Diseases | 2019 |
1226 | CoMorMent | Predicting comorbid cardiovascular disease in individuals with mental disorder by decoding disease mechanisms | 2020 |
1228 | OXYPREM | Precise brain oxygen monitoring for high-risk preterm infants | 2019 |
1229 | HUGODECA | Human Gonad Developmental Cell Atlas | 2020 |
1230 | ENDofLIFE | Globalizing Palliative Care? A Multi-sited Ethnographic Study of Practices, Policies and Discourses of Care at the End of Life | 2020 |
1231 | ReACTIVE Too | Reliable Electronics for Tomorrow’s Active Systems | 2020 |
1232 | IPN-Bio | Integrated Photonic-Nano Technologies for Bioapplications | 2020 |
1233 | DCPM | Digitalized Clone for Personalized Medicine | 2020 |
1234 | PRISAR2 | proactive monitoring of cancer as an alternative to surgery | 2020 |
1235 | FEST | Future Experiments seek Smart Technologies | 2020 |
1236 | CoAct | Co-designing Citizen Social Science for Collective Action | 2020 |
1237 | SWORD | Smart Wound monitoring Restorative Dressings | 2020 |
1238 | AutoCRAT | Automated Cellular Robot-Assisted Technologies for translation of discovery-led research in Osteoarthritis | 2020 |
1239 | Clarity | Real-time renal diagnostic to prevent ICU-acquired Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). | 2019 |
1240 | Tolka Pro | Manual Assistant (hand for upper limb disability) – a new approach designed to restore user's manual capabilities. | 2019 |
1241 | Colourganisms | Microbial production of custom-made, pure and sustainable anthocyanins | 2020 |
1242 | SepsiCare | A disruptive multi-sensor chip for fast and effective management of Sepsis at the point of Care | 2020 |
1243 | KERASOL | Functional Keratin Kerasol | 2019 |
1244 | BTD | The EEG Dementia Index – Fast and Affordable Dementia Diagnosis | 2019 |
1245 | MyGoalMEDAL | META DATA ANALYSIS LAB to Enhance Training Quality | 2019 |
1246 | ICone | ICone: a novel device to scale up robotic rehabilitation and unlock the potential of motor recovery for stroke survivors. | 2019 |
1247 | HDM-FUN | Host directed medicine in invasive fungal infection | 2020 |
1248 | ALERT | Action Leveraging Evidence to Reduce perinatal morTality and morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa | 2020 |
1249 | PRIME | Prevention and Remediation of Insulin Multimorbidity in Europe | 2020 |
1251 | Magnet4Europe | Magnet4Europe: Improving Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Health Care Workplace | 2020 |
1252 | GC_1000 | GROUP CARE FOR THE FIRST 1000 DAYS (GC_1000): If it takes a village to raise a child, group care is the first step | 2020 |
1253 | DIAMONDS | Diagnosis and Management of Febrile Illness using RNA Personalised Molecular Signature Diagnosis | 2020 |
1255 | EarlyCause | Causative mechanisms & integrative models linking early-life-stress to psycho-cardio-metabolic multi-morbidity | 2020 |
1256 | HandheldOCT | Handheld optical coherence tomography | 2020 |
1257 | EPHOR | Exposome project for health and occupational research | 2020 |
1258 | GenomtecTumor | MicroRNA-based tool for non-invasive early-stage cancer diagnosis | 2019 |
1259 | PROSKit | Prostate cancer urinary diagnostic kit based on RNA biomarkers | 2020 |
1260 | PatientDataChain | PatientDataChain - Blockchain approach to disrupt patient-provider medical records data exchange | 2020 |
1261 | iScan | Automated retinal scans for early detection of diabetic eye diseases through use of artificial intelligence | 2020 |
1262 | mecasa-AI | Inclusive innovation bringing the digitalizing world to the changing care needs and preferences of Europe’s ageing population | 2020 |
1263 | ImmunoSep | Personalized immunotherapy in sepsis: a precision medicine based approach | 2020 |
1264 | PROFID | Implementation of personalised risk prediction and prevention of sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction | 2020 |
1265 | DISCOvERIE | Development, dIagnostic and prevention of gender-related Somatic and mental COmorbitiEs in iRritable bowel syndrome In Europe | 2020 |
1266 | DC-ren | Drug combinations for rewriting trajectories of renal pathologies in type II diabetes (DC-ren) | 2020 |
1267 | QSPainRelief | Effective combinational treatment of chronic pain in individual patients, by an innovative quantitative systems pharmacology pain relief approach. | 2020 |
1268 | CoroPrevention | Personalized Prevention for Coronary Heart Disease | 2020 |
1269 | NeoliberalTerror | Neoliberal Terror: The Radicalisation of Social Policy in Europe | 2020 |
1270 | PIPESCANNER | Precise Condition Assessment of Metallic Pipes Dramatically Reducing Maintenance and Investment Cost in District Heating and Drinking Water Pipe Networks by pinpointing Pipe Segments to be replaced | 2020 |
1271 | PATCHED | Microfabricated hydrogel-based complex patch with time dependent controlled multiple-release of biomolecules for improved healing of skin wounds | 2020 |
1272 | IPERION HS | Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science | 2020 |
1273 | ADVOS | ADVanced Organ Support – Revolution in intensive care for treatment of multiple organ failure | 2019 |
1274 | DECODE | reDucing the health and Economic COst of Diagnostic uncErtainty: launch and randomized control trial of the first validated bacterial versus viral test | 2020 |
1275 | mARs | mARs: Mobile DNA driven antibiotic resistance spreading: molecular strategies, control and evolution for broad distribution | 2021 |
1276 | HUMANeye | Implantable titanium net to combat pathological corneal shape deformations | 2019 |
1277 | NIMBUS4CIP | Effective management of pregnant cancer patients through a cloud-based integrative and highly specialized advisory board platform | 2020 |
1278 | INCENTIVE | Indo-European Consortium for Next Generation Influenza Vaccine Innovation | 2020 |
1279 | BiFlowFilter | Bidirectional flow filter: microfluidic device for separation of biomolecules | 2020 |
1280 | BEAMOLED | Beam-forming OLED with nanostructured fluorescence layer | 2020 |
1281 | GONDOLA AMPS | An innovative solution to neurological walking and balance disabilities | 2020 |
1283 | SynWaiXen | Total Synthesis of Waixenicin A and Xenibellol A | 2020 |
1284 | BraINstorm | Engineered nanocarriers for simultaneous anticancer immune response and “switching” of tumor-associated macrophages for intranasal glioblastoma treatment | 2020 |
1285 | TeamUp | Understanding and improving team decision making in uncertain environments | 2020 |
1286 | CellSorb | Cost-efficient and safe cellulosic food pad | 2020 |
1287 | MiNeMI | Micronnedle-assisted nanovector skin patch for immunomodulation of the inflammatory response upon occurrence of myocardial infarction injury (MiNeMi) | 2020 |
1288 | AquaLub | A new high-performance aqueous lubricant formulation for soft bio-contact surfaces | 2020 |
1289 | PregnancyAD | Antidepressant discontinuation during pregnancy and relapse risk in the perinatal period | 2021 |
1290 | GlioTarget | Inflaming the microenvironment of glioblastoma tumors by ADAR1 inhibition: a two-hit approach for the treatment of brain cancer. | 2021 |
1291 | 3DFOSSILDIET | Tracing the Ontogenetic Evolution of Diet and Behavior in Neandertals and Anatomically Modern Humans in the Franco-Cantabrian Region. An Integrative study of 3D Tooth Wear Patterns | 2020 |
1292 | Ceratina | Social evolution in Ceratina bees: a comparative approach | 2020 |
1293 | Immuno-Predictor | Mechanical Biomarkers for Prediction of Cancer Immunotherapy | 2020 |
1294 | SkinMicrobiome | Paradigm Change in Skin Health: Novel Microbiome-based Cosmetics for Acne and Other Skin Conditions | 2020 |
1296 | i-CARE | Disruptive high-performance polymers | 2020 |
1297 | COMMiT | Cancer Organoids Multiplexed Screening in Microfluidic Textile chips | 2020 |
1298 | RASATaC | Regulating RAS Activity to Target RAS-Driven Cancers | 2020 |