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H2020 projects about "advantage"

The page lists 1089 projects related to the topic "advantage".

# achronym  title  year 
1 BGCN Bristol Bright Night 2014
2 Prominent Promoting Innovation in the Inland Waterways Transport Sector 2015
3 EUCLID EU-CHINA Lever for IPM Demonstration 2015
4 TRADITOM Traditional tomato varieties and cultural practices: a case for agricultural diversification with impact on food security and health of European population 2015
5 PROCROP Professional cross-priming for ovary and prostate cancer 2015
6 MoTriColor Molecularly guided trials with specific treatment strategies in patients with advanced newly molecular defined subtypes of colorectal cancer (MoTriColor) 2015
7 OMICON Organic Mixed Ion and Electron Conductors for High-Energy Batteries 2015
8 TIMON Enhanced real time services for an optimized multimodal mobility relying on cooperative networks and open data 2015
9 SocialCar Open social transport network for urban approach to carpooling 2015
10 RECOBA Cross-sectorial real-time sensing, advanced control and optimisation of batch processes saving energy and raw materials 2015
11 ISOBIO Development and Demonstration of Highly Insulating, Construction Materials from Bio-derived Aggregates 2015
12 sCorPiuS European Roadmap for Cyber-Physical Systems in Manufacturing 2015
13 COMBILASER COMbination of non-contact, high speed monitoring and non-destructive techniques applicable to LASER Based Manufacturing through a self-learning system 2015
14 MaMMoTH-Up Massively extended Modular Monitoring for Upper Stages 2015
15 PentaBrain Structural studies of mammalian Cys-loop receptors 2015
16 INTRAHETEROSEQ Molecular characterization of the role of intra-tumor heterogeneity in cancer progression and metastasis 2015
17 SYNTECH Synthesis Technologies for Reactive Systems Software Engineers 2015
18 C4T Climate change across Cenozoic cooling steps reconstructed with clumped isotope thermometry 2015
19 CIRCUITASSEMBLY Development of functional organization of the visual circuits in mice 2015
20 COFLeaf Fuel from sunlight: Covalent organic frameworks as integrated platforms for photocatalytic water splitting and CO2 reduction 2015
21 PROCELLDEATH Unraveling the regulatory network of developmental programmed cell death in plants 2015
22 FoQAL Frontiers of Quantum Atom-Light Interactions 2015
23 DOLFINS Distributed Global Financial Systems for Society 2015
24 GreenDiamond Green Electronics with Diamond Power Devices 2015
25 SolarPredict SolarPredict: An advanced predictive tool and service of the Solar 11-yr Activity Cycle 2015
26 INTERDOT INTERconnects enhanced by colloidal qDOT based optical amplifiers 2015
27 Carbon Heaters Next-generation of high performance, ultra-light carbon nanotube based heaters 2014
28 GHOST Galileo EnHancement as BoOster of the Smart CiTies 2015
29 JUPITER Joint EUropean Project for International ITS/EGNSS awareness Raising 2015
30 DREAM-GO Enabling Demand Response for short and real-time Efficient And Market Based smart Grid Operation - An intelligent and real-time simulation approach 2015
31 PIANO Policies, Innovation And Networks for enhancing Opportunities for China Europe Water Cooperation 2015
32 BigStorage BigStorage: Storage-based Convergence between HPC and Cloud to handle Big Data 2015
33 AEOLUS4FUTURE Efficient harvesting of the wind energy 2015
34 GreenBubbles Green Bubbles RISE for sustainable diving 2015
35 MARIO Managing active and healthy aging with use of caring service robots 2015
36 FIESTA Federated Interoperable Semantic IoT/cloud Testbeds and Applications 2015
37 RAGE Realising an Applied Gaming Eco-system 2015
38 MIREGAS Programmable multi-wavelength Mid-IR source for gas sensing 2015
39 RAPID Heterogeneous Secure Multi-level Remote Acceleration Service for Low-Power Integrated Systems and Devices 2015
40 NEAT A New, Evolutive API and Transport-Layer Architecture for the Internet 2015
41 EPP - eHealth European Procurers Platform - eHealth - Transforming the market for eHealth Solutions 2015
42 BigDataEurope Integrating Big Data, Software and Communities for Addressing Europe’s Societal Challenges 2015
43 POPART Previz for On-set Production - Adaptive Realtime Tracking 2015
44 FURNIT-SAVER Smart Augmented and Virtual Reality Marketplace for Furniture Customisation 2015
46 REMINE Reuse of mining waste into innovative geopolymeric-based structural panels, precast, ready mixes and insitu applications 2015
47 WMF2015 World Manufacturing Forum 2015 2015
48 TUNEMEM Externally Tuneable Separations for Membrane Reactors 2015
49 3D-LEAP 3 Dimensional Light Sensor for Advanced Portable Devices 2014
50 imbh Do intermediate-mass black holes exist? 2015
51 Protein Lego Protein design from sub-domain sized fragments 2015
52 GAINBYSTRAIN Gain by Strain: Precise Cuts of Cyclopropanes as Key to Molecular Complexity 2015
53 INTERACT Intelligent Non-woven Textiles and Elastomeric Responsive materials by Advancing liquid Crystal Technology 2015
54 UbiProPox Modulation of the Ubiquitin Proteasome System During Multiple Stages of the Poxvirus Lifecycle 2015
55 RESFARM Developing and implementing financial instruments for the mobilisation of investments in renewable energy in the agrarian sector 2015
56 ENERWATER Standard method and online tool for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants 2015
57 ANAPRINT Additive Printing for Cell-based Analysis 2014
58 EUROCATED Innovative services and platform for sustainable transport based on ecodriving techniques 2014
59 GLAD GNSS/INS Low-Cost Attitude Determination System 2014
60 DeReco Feasibility Study on Decentralised Heat Recovery 2014
61 CAPTOR cAPTor captures Advanced System Threats 2014
62 SEAMETEC Smart Efficient Affordable Marine Energy Technology Exploitation using Composites 2014
63 EMTECS Electrophile-Mediated Three-Component Enantiospecific Cross-Couplings 2015
64 CREDENTIAL Secure Cloud Identity Wallet 2015
65 KGBVIFEF Utilizing the fusion machinery of Herpes Simplex Virus to unveil the general process of membrane fusion 2015
66 RICAS2020 Design Study for the European Underground Research Infra-structure related to Advanced Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage 2015
67 ARTE Atomic Research for Topological Engineering 2015
68 MOSUDO Water and Drug Mobility at Silica Surfaces probed with DOSY NMR 2015
69 FLYELEC Quantum Optics with single flying electrons 2015
70 SIW-SAT-ANTENNAS Circularly Polarized Antenna Arrays for Broadband Satellite Data Terminals Using Substrate Integrated Waveguides enhanced with Metamaterials 2015
71 Cancer-Drug-Screen High-throughput drug screening for identifying personalized cancer treatments tailored to the particular mutations of the patient’s tumor 2015
72 Phonetic Processing Phonetic Processing in Bilinguals: Investigation of the bilingual advantage hypothesis in phonetic processing 2015
73 NMOSPEC Experimental Nuclear Magneto-Optic Spectroscopy 2015
74 FACADE FIRE Numerical characterisation of fire growth in external facades and other vertical spaces 2016
75 GATTACA Genetics of Alternative Transcript Abundance upon immune Cellular Activation 2015
76 Inflammafish Cross-talk between inflammation and autophagy in tuberculosis 2016
77 HYBRIPORE Hybrid DNA-protein nanopores with large and uniform pore sizes 2015
78 LANTERN Light-Atom Interactions in Nanophotonic Structures 2016
79 DEMONH DEsign of Multifunctional 2D-OrgaNic Hybrids 2016
80 GUTWORM Unravelling host intestine-parasite interactions that define immune responses to whipworms 2015
81 SPIN3 Spin triplet pairings in ferromagnet Josephson junctions 2015
82 ELSWIFLUOPRO Electrochemically Switchable Fluorescent Probes for Biological Applications 2015
83 NeuArc2Fun Biological neural networks: from structure to function 2016
84 ALGOVIS Algorithmic Approaches to Spatially-Informed Information Visualization 2015
85 GTHREG Differential regulation of gonadotropins 2015
86 EDPAS Regulation of early embryo development and pluripotency through alternative splicing 2015
87 FEEC discretizations Structure-preserving discretization of hierarchically-structured rotating covariant shallow-water equations using finite element exterior calculus 2016
88 TOP-DOL Topological physics in tunable optical lattices 2015
89 BIOMARK Biomarkers of disordered language in autism 2016
90 InVivo_DDR_ADPR Decoding the DNA damage signalling in C. elegans by proteomic analyses of ADP-ribosylation 2016
91 EMoGrIS Ecological Modelling of the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Ecosystem 2016
92 OPEDGP Omics Phenotyping of Endocrine Disease in the General Population 2015
93 SugarOsmoSignalling Analysis of sugar- and osmo-signalling mechanisms in cell wall integrity maintenance 2016
94 seQureNet Secure information processing in quantum networks 2015
95 SHDS Seismic-resistant Highly Deformable Structures 2015
96 N-SHEAD Nanoarrays: Self-assembled Hotspots for Enhanced Analyte Detection 2015
97 ChemoBOOM Development of Palladium-Labile Prodrugs for Bioorthogonally-Activated Chemotherapy 2016
98 DOGMITE The unique dioxygenases of phytophagous spider mites: new enzyme players in plant-herbivore interactions? 2015
99 LUMIMAGNET-NANO Multifunctional luminescent and magnetic nanoparticles for advanced biomedical applications 2015
100 BIDAMARK BIg DAta-driven MARKeting for better competitiveness 2015
101 Spinal cord fMRI Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spinal cord at 7 Tesla 2015
102 SOUNDCONE Scattering and Amplification of fundamental photonic-hydrodynamic excitations in Kerr non-linear media 2015
103 CLEF Conserving the Legacy of Evolution into the Future 2015
104 SCIL The role of social cues for infant word learning 2016
105 IntestineUb The role of Ubiquitin System on the homeostatic control of stem cell maintenance and differentiation in crypt stem cells 2016
106 SAC_EarlyEmbryo SAC robustness in the transition from meiosis to mitosis 2016
107 SchmaVirusVacDiag Novel vaccine and diagnostic strategies against Schmallenberg virus 2015
108 OPTIMAPIC Mapping the neuronal representation in dorsal inferior colliculus through optical imaging, stimulus optimization and optogenetics 2015
109 EpiLIVER Characterization and implications of DNA damage response in liver cancer 2016
110 HyHeat Profiling gene expression in Hydra vulgaris following Gold Nanoparticle-mediated hyperthermia 2015
111 APTALAPS Investigation of the interaction of mesenchymal stem cells with aptamer modified surfaces using Light-Addressable Potentiometric Sensors (LAPS) 2015
112 OPERACQC Operational characterization of quantum correlations 2015
113 CHAT Control of the Homeostasis of Actin through Time: actin homeostasis during embryonic development by means of single-molecule imaging and simulation in C. elegans 2015
114 PlasmaPerovSol A full plasma and vacuum integrated process for the synthesis of high efficiency planar and 1D conformal perovskite solar cells 2016
115 climote climote Advanced Demand Management of Heating and Cooling 2015
116 eTAG Thermoacoustic- based residential mCHP system 2015
117 GALiVMS Galileo based inshore-VMS for fisheries 2015
118 HighPower High Efficiency Distributed Power Plant 2015
120 Gait Biometrics 3 Main goal of the project is to create a prototype of the software, which will be able to identify peoplejust based on the way how they walk. 2015
121 RoadCast Dynamic Road Sign Casting 2015
122 IDEAL InDustrializing Elcogen’s Affordable and durabLe SOFC stack 2015
123 TRAINSFARE Transport System with Artificial Intelligence for Safety and Fare Evasion 2015
124 MalaDiag Development of a very rapid diagnostic test for malaria, based on break-through detection technology and new biomarkers of infection. 2014
126 WATLY An autonomous and mobile water treatment plant powered by solar energy 2015
127 GY GameYourself - Create a virtual 3D model of a person’s face based on a short video taken with any smartphone cam. 2014
128 NETEEG Spatial super-resolution of electrophysiological measurements 2015
129 FLOVISP Flow Visualization Based Pressure 2015
130 DEFLUG Development of Environmentally Friendly Flue Gas Purification Solution 2015
131 XER-HSA Engineered materials scale-up at industrial level for highest energy density ultracapacitors 2015
132 ADHESION Development of new biotech AdvanceD materials based on Hyaluronic acid and nanoparticlEs to prevent Surgical adhesIons and pOst surgical infectionNs 2015
133 CAIN Analysis of multimedia contents published on social networks, using a community of people willing to perform micro-tasks on their mobile devices. Application to marketing and branding 2015
134 Project NGR M Market Entry Feasibility Project for Next Generation Rubber 2015
136 PolyHalter Development of Polymer Halter for Oil Filters 2015
137 SmartRay Smart Large Scale Radio Technology for the Tactile Internet 2015
138 GULWESS-PROP Green Ultra Light Weight Energy Storage System for Propulsion 2015
139 VSP Volumental - The Cloud-Delivered 3D Scanning Service Supporting A Future Of Mass Customization 2015
140 FAnFArE Fourier Analysis For/And Partial Differential Equations 2015
141 PIGRISK Investigation into emerging, evolving or novel viruses of swine in respiratory, reproductive and enteric pathologies: horizon scanning for risks to swine health and food security 2016
142 HyPoGA Feasibility study of a superefficient hybrid power train as a replacement unit for existing engines - Hybrid Power for General Aviation (HyPoGA) 2015
143 ELECTHANE Microbiological conversion of renewable electricity and CO2 to a natural gas quality bio-fuel 2015
144 SWOS Satellite-based Wetland Observation Service 2015
145 APESA Advanced Pump Engineering for Severe Applications 2015
146 PERSISTDEBT Debt and Persistence of Financial Shocks 2015
147 MAGIC Middleware for collaborative Applications and Global vIrtual Communities 2015
148 LineVu A novel optical sensor platform for detection and measurement of contaminants in gas pipelines to protect critical infrastructure from disruption and damage - Linevu 2015
149 SMARTAgriFor Collaboration to develop a business plan for the Centre of Agriculture and Forestry 2015
150 OCAMIR The world’s fastest low noise infrared camera: Optic camera infrared 2015
151 ECO - ENGAGE GreenApes Sustainability Software Service: Employee Engagement for Eco-innovation 2015
152 INSULCLOCK Empowered control of drugs's dosage in chronic diseases. 2015
153 CosMyFY A new Business Model for the Natural Cosmetic market 2015
154 SUSPINTRONICS Magnetic, electric-field and light induced control of spin-polarized supercurrents: fundamentals for an offbeat electronics 2015
155 AIRCRANE New building methodology for improved full-concrete wind towers for wind turbines. 2015
157 GAREP Novel GAsification REactor for combined heat and power Plant 2015
158 CliniSenz CliniSenz(TM) - A Cost-effective Biosensor for Automatic Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring 2015
159 AEROFLEX AEROelastic instabilities and control of FLEXible Structures 2015
160 TRECKQUITY Social equity goals in conservation interventions: a system thinking approach to track progress at global level 2015
161 ERAatUC Enhancing Research in Ageing at the University of Coimbra 2015
162 PUFOOTCO2 Sustainable Polyurethane Elastomers for Footwear based on CO2 with improved properties 2015
164 CleanTechBlock CleanTechBlock 2015
165 DISCO Data Integrated Supply Chain Optimisation 2015
166 CRAGSMAN The Impact of Cosmic Rays on Galaxy and Cluster Formation 2016
167 BIOMENDELIAN Linking Cardiometabolic Disease and Cancer in the Level of Genetics, Circulating Biomarkers, Microbiota and Environmental Risk Factors 2015
168 ADVANTAGE ADvanced Validation of A Novel TB Active disease diagnostic to address Global unmet needs: a European consortium approach 2015
169 SmartSite Optimisation, demonstration and implementation of an all-encompassing smart site management system for infrastructure construction and maintenance. 2015
170 PlugBioIn Plug and play enzymes for an accelerated uptake of Biocatalysis in the Pharmaceutical Industry 2015
171 SMART DESIGN Spin-orbit mechanism in adaptive magnetization-reversal techniques, for magnetic memory design 2015
172 HemNichMDS Functional and Molecular Analyses of the Interplay between Hematopoietic and Mesenchymal Niche Cells in Human Myelodysplastic Syndromes. 2015
173 DECRESIM A Chemical Approach to Molecular Spin Qubits: Decoherence and Organisation of Rare Earth Single Ion Magnets 2015
174 RSM Rich, Structured Models for Scene Recovery, Understanding and Interaction 2015
175 SPICE Synthetic Lethal Phenotype Identification through Cancer Evolution Analysis 2015
177 MaGic The Materials Genome in Action 2015
179 Bio-AX A new wearable, cost effective and non-invasive biometric solution for accurate and high throughput screening of people, bags and vehicles 2015
180 3D-LEAP 3 Dimensional Light sEnsing for Advanced Portable Devices 2015
181 SElySOs Development of new electrode materials and understanding of degradation mechanisms on Solid Oxide High Temperature Electrolysis Cells. 2015
182 dynamicmodifications Complexity and dynamics of nucleic acids modifications in vivo 2015
183 TRIGGDRUG Reactions That Translate mRNA into Drug-like Molecules 2016
184 BASKAM Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs during 2015-2016 2015
185 KAMWAL 2.1 EEN Advanced Support Services for Walloon SMEs 2015-2016 2015
186 ARCADES Algebraic Representations in Computer-Aided Design for complEx Shapes 2016
187 INFORM Interfaces in opto-electronic thin film multilayer devices 2015
188 STARRY STARs that 'R' Young : When do stars form in clustered environments? 2016
189 TERRA Tandem Electrocatalytic Reactor for energy/Resource efficiency And process intensification 2015
190 TESSe2b Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings. An integrated solution for residential building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources 2015
191 OCEANFISH Open Ocean Fish farms 2015
192 CholangioConcept Functional in vivo analysis of cholangiocarcinoma development, progression and metastasis. 2015
193 AMORPHORM New stability testing method to predict the performance of amorphous formulations 2016
194 MASAM New tools for key questions in plant development: using qualitative and quantitative proteomics for direct determination of the set of DNA and RNA-binding factors regulating single copy genes 2015
195 AMEFOCT Add-on module for optical coherence tomography with en-face view option 2015
196 Biomarkers for PD Validation of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for Parkinson disease 2015
197 M-Imm Novel etiology of autoimmune disorders: the role of acquired somatic mutations in lymphoid cells 2015
198 CELLPLASTICITY New Frontiers in Cellular Reprogramming: Exploiting Cellular Plasticity 2015
199 EPOCH28 Epigenetic Profiling of Chemotherapy Efficacy 2015
200 MC-SUITE ICT Powered Machining Software Suite 2015
201 sustainablySMART Sustainable Smart Mobile Devices Lifecycles through Advanced Re-design, Reliability, and Re-use and Remanufacturing Technologies 2015
202 MapCOM Geographic mapping of radio signals 2016
203 NANOTUN3D Development of the complete workflow for producing and using a novel nanomodified Ti-based alloy for additive manufacturing in special applications. 2015
204 PROCETS PROtective composite Coatings via Electrodeposition and Thermal Spraying 2016
205 SexSeed Sexual Plant Reproduction – Seed formation 2016
206 ONCOCHECK A simple blood test to monitor disease progression in patients undergoing cancer therapy 2015
207 Foodakai-1 Foodakai-1: Feasibility Assessment of an Intelligent Consumer App for Early Warning on Food Threats 2015
208 SMAV SMAV: Best for the Environment Soda Fountain Smart Valves 2015
209 SV2 Machine vision system for road safety inspection- SV2 2015
210 CANDLE Cancer Diagnosis by Multiplex Protein Epitope Profiling 2015
211 O3MET Vegetable ozone therapy for the defense of greenhouse crops 2015
212 ANAPRINT Additive Printing for Cell-Based Analysis 2015
213 EO-SLR Enhanced Satellite Laser Ranging System 2015
214 SE-NBW Demonstration of a self-erection system for wind turbine towers 2015
215 CHPM2030 Combined Heat, Power and Metal extraction from ultra-deep ore bodies 2016
216 SAFEPOWER Safe and secure mixed-criticality systems with low power requirements 2016
217 PRESCREENARRAY Peptide arrays as a high throughput pre-screening tool 2015
219 MeloVDU A new architecture for visual display technology based upon recent advances in our understanding of visual physiology. 2015
220 PICs4All Photonic Integrated Circuits Accessible to Everyone 2016
221 NGTMod Next generation technologies for modeling the full complexity of living and designed structures 2016
222 ReTAPP Re-Think All Plastic Packaging 2015
223 BACRES Feasibility study: Cloud-based diagnostic software for infectious diseases 2015
224 APOLLO Advisory platform for small farms based on earth observation 2016
225 ONION Operational Network of Individual Observation Nodes 2016
226 WEAR_n_PAY Wearables for Payment 2015
227 MYBIOASSET My own bio-imprint as asset for competitive advantage 2015
228 WASCOP Water Saving for Solar Concentrated Power 2016
229 MOBNET MOBile NETwork for people's location in natural and man-made disasters 2016
230 STREAMS Smart Technologies for eneRgy Efficient Active cooling in advanced Microelectronic Systems 2016
231 C-Heat Condensed Heat - Optimization and scaling up of an energy efficient, long-during biomass condensation boiler with curved heat exchanger 2015
232 Loc8torHC A disruptive healthcare monitoring solution that by nature of what and how it monitors (IoT) improves home safety, user wellbeing and provides early warning to help avoid critical admissions 2016
233 DYNAMIQS Relaxation dynamics in closed quantum systems 2016
234 CARIM Commercialization of a full carbon wheel manufactured with an automated high-volume process for the automotive market 2016
236 INTER-IoT Interoperability of Heterogeneous IoT Platforms 2016
237 CRISPAIR Study of the interplay between CRISPR interference and DNA repair pathways towards the development of novel CRISPR tools 2016
238 COMIET Engineering Complex Intestinal Epithelial Tissue Models 2015
239 CODOVIREVOL Evolution of viral codon usage preferences:manipulation of translation accuracy and evasion of immune response 2016
240 HERCULES Comprehensive characterization and effective combinatorial targeting of high-grade serous ovarian cancer via single-cell analysis 2016
241 LSFM4LIFE Production and characterization of endocrine cells derived from human pancreas organoids for the cell-based therapy of type 1 diabetes 2016
242 BLUEGNSS Promoting EGNSS Operational Adoption in BLUEMED FAB 2016
243 REPLICATE cReative-asset harvEsting PipeLine to Inspire Collective-AuThoring and Experimentation 2016
244 SMARTBUY Enhanced Buying Experiences in SMART CITIES 2016
245 MAZI A DIY networking toolkit for location-based collective awareness 2016
247 UniServer A Universal Micro-Server Ecosystem by Exceeding the Energy and Performance Scaling Boundaries 2016
248 Endoo Endoscopic versatile robotic guidance, diagnosis and therapy of magnetic-driven soft-tethered endoluminal robots 2015
249 netCommons network infrastructure as commons 2016
252 ReDSHIFT Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies 2016
253 SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2016
254 SuFoRun Models and decision SUpport tools for integrated FOrest policy development under global change and associated Risk and UNcertainty 2016
255 MACAO Development of VOCs and ozone Micro-analysers based on microfluidic devices for Aircraft Cabin Air mOnitoring (MACAO) 2016
256 BEVSTREAM High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for large beverage productions 2016
257 SCOoPE Saving COOPerative Energy 2016
258 BIAF Bird Inspired Autonomous Flight 2016
259 CONENE Control of Large-scale Stochastic Hybrid Systems for Stability of Power Grid with Renewable Energy 2016
260 TOREADOR TrustwOrthy model-awaRE Analytics Data platfORm 2016
261 Co-ReSyF Coastal Waters Research Synergy Framework 2016
262 HEASIT High Efficiency Access Solution for the Internet of Things 2016
263 ERESCUE e-Rescue System: the next level in Post-Accident-Safety. Saving time and lives during the Golden Hour 2016
264 FruitWatcher FruitWatcher: Monitoring traceability assessment for fresh products transport conditionsWatcher: Monitoring traceability assessment for fresh products transport conditions 2016
265 MIROR Methods in Research on Research 2016
266 MultiSens A revolutionary quality indicator platform for the food industry 2017
267 WASTE2FUELS Sustainable production of next generation biofuels from waste streams 2016
268 Magintlec Controlling interfacial spin effects in magnetic devices through applied electric fields 2016
269 WearMark New approach to Wearable devices wireless performance testing 2016
270 CV SUBUNIQC Sub-Universal Quantum Circuits in Continuous Variables 2016
271 SOFT-TISSUES Mathematical modelling of soft tissues 2017
272 DISSection Doctoral Industrial School on Human Skin models for Staphylococcal infections 2016
273 TOTAL Technology transfer between modern algorithmic paradigms 2016
274 NEUROGOAL Neuronal Coding of Choice and Action-Selection during Decision-Making in Behaving Mice 2016
275 DYNAMICSS Labour market dynamics and optimal policies 2016
276 ULTRA-SOFC Breaking the temperature limits of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Towards a newfamily of ultra-thin portable power sources 2016
277 AMSEL Atomic Force Microscopy for Molecular Structure Elucidation 2016
278 EIROS Erosion and Ice Resistant cOmposite for Severe operating conditions 2016
279 MALORCA Machine Learning of Speech Recognition Models for Controller Assistance 2016
280 SPIN-MA Schizophrenia Psychological Interventions Network Meta-Analysis of randomized evidence 2016
281 AmpiDots Exponential Amplification and Rapid Detection of miRNAs using DNA-Quantum Dot Bioconjugates for Disease Diagnostics 2017
282 reSGulating Functional analysis of Stress Granules formation in plant adaptation to stress 2017
283 MARKTHEPIG Applied phenomics to identify biomarkers in pigs for new concepts in precision livestock farming 2016
284 NCR Visible Light-Mediated Synthesis of Nitrogen-Centered Radicals: New Reactivity via Photoredox Catalysis and Electron-Transfer Complexes 2017
285 DipInQuantum Dipolar quantum gases of Dysprosium 2016
286 BosQuanTran Quantum simulation of transport properties in arbitrary shaped potential landscapes with ultracold bosonic atoms 2016
287 SDchirnanocat Sputtering-deposition of metallic nanoparticles onto chiral ionic liquids andapplications in enantioselective hydrogenation 2016
288 QuP Long Range Surface Plasmon Polaritons as an Alternative Information Carrier for Nanoscale Quantum Circuitry 2016
289 GROUPNIP Model theory of groups in NIP theories 2017
290 VOLTAIC VOLcanic lighTning: a lAb and fIeld ApproaCh 2016
291 QUINTESSENS QUantum INTErface between Superconducting circuits and Spin ENSemble 2016
292 Cells-in-drops High throughput screening of single-cells using droplet microfluidics 2016
293 FUTBOL Two Dimensional Materials for Bolometers of the Future 2016
294 t-Clinic An innovative medical device for early diagnosis based on a disruptive body temperature monitoring and analysis scheme-t-Clinic 2016
296 ESSENCE Innovative espresso machine with new water heating and boiler design to improve efficiency and coffee quality 2016
297 SmartCOMBI Energy savings in residential buildings using a modular platform to control an all-in-one unit for water heating, climate control, and ventilation 2016
299 SKLCarbonP2 Project: Scale up of CDC production for inclusion in ultracapacitor to double the performance. 2016
300 CYgnaling Probing the role of orphan Cytochrome P450 oxygenases in signaling compounds biosynthesis in plants by a comparative genomics and gene conservation approach 2016
301 PrinTendon Development of a tendon/ligament substitute through bioprinting 2016
302 CS2-WP714-DE Advanced Design of Very High Power Density Piston Engine and Thermal Management Challenges for Aircraft Application 2016
303 SIM4NEXUS Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe 2016
304 SmartCast Smart casting of concrete structures by active control of rheology 2016
305 MATRIX MAchine for Time Reversal and Immersive wave eXperimentation 2016
306 DANCING Dualities ANd Correspondences IN algebraic Geometry via derived categories and noncommutative methods 2017
307 DrugSense Ribo-regulators that sense trace antibiotics 2016
308 Nano-PieZoelecTrics Novel Nanoporous PZT Materials for Efficient Utrasonic Biomedical Sensors 2016
309 HybCell Engineering of hybrid cells using lab-on-chip technology 2016
310 MODCOMP Modified cost effective fibre based structures with improved multi-functionality and performance 2016
311 STAMP Separation Technology for A Million Peaks 2016
312 VisNav Vision and Navigation in Mouse Cortex 2016
313 nextDART Next-generation Detection of Antigen Responsive T-cells 2016
314 DELPHI4LED From Measurements to Standardized Multi-Domain Compact Models of LEDs 2016
315 PRIME Ultra-Low PoweR technologIes and MEmory architectures for IoT 2015
316 IMAGIT Information gain in Multi-pixel Acquisition Ghost Imaging Techniques 2017
317 IceXL IceXL: Advanced modeling and slicing software for additive manufacturing 2016
318 DISPMIC Dispersal limitation and colonization of new land by symbiotic microorganisms 2016
319 NanoSCAN Developing multi-modality nanomedicines for targeted annotation of oncogenic signaling pathways 2016
320 Antibodyomics Vaccine profiling and immunodiagnostic discovery by high-throughput antibody repertoire analysis 2016
321 SOFTBREAK From bond breaking to material failure in soft polymer networks 2016
323 BIO-AX A novel wearable, cost-effective and non-invasive biometric body worn video solution for accurate and high throughput screening of people, bags and vehicles 2016
324 DISCO Data Integrated Supply Chain Optimisation 2016
325 AVELEDA Fruit Wine AVELEDA Fruit Wine 2016
326 Drygair20 Energy efficient greenhouse dehumidifier for warm climate operating at wide temperature ranges (4-40° C) and free of fluorinated gases 2016
327 SuperEh Super Variable Vector Combnation for Voltage Optmisation Energy Saving Hub 2016
328 PlastDeink Topic identifier: SMEInst-11-2016-2017 2016
329 DTD SYSTEM A disruptive innovation for the minimisation of railway maintenance costs 2016
330 SOLVE new machine tool for SimultaneOus pLate beVElling on all material types 2016
331 AbsZero Feasibility Study: A First-of-its-Kind Software-Defined Virtual Reality Camera 2016
332 ECOOL Evaporative Cooling Technologies for dry and humid climates 2016
333 STATLEARN The reading brain as a statistical learning machine 2016
334 IsoMS Mass Spectrometry of Isomeric Ions 2016
335 PhyMeBa The Physical Mechanics of Swimming Bacteria 2016
336 MitoVin Mechanism and Consequences of the Interplay between Mitosis and Human Papillomavirus Initial Infection 2016
337 FuSEL FUnerals as public Services in long Eighteenth century London 2016
338 ENGINENCY A Holistic System for Building Inspection and Energy Efficiency Management 2016
339 BUNGEE-TOOLS Building Next-Generation Computational Tools for High Resolution Neuroimaging Studies 2016
340 CBTC The Resurgence in Wage Inequality and Technological Change: A New Approach 2016
341 ConvergeAnt An Integrative Approach to Understanding Convergent Evolution in Ant-eating Mammals 2016
342 CentrioleBirthDeath Mechanism of centriole inheritance and maintenance 2017
343 BIO4SELF Biobased self-functionalised self-reinforced composite materials based on high performance nanofibrillar PLA fibres 2016
344 RUC-APS Enhancing and implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems 2016
345 Materials Networking Enhancing the scientific capacity of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy at Sofia University as leading regional research and innovation centre in the area of advanced functional materials 2016
346 NaTuRe Nanotube Mechanical Resonator, Spin, and Superfluidity 2017
347 HEXTREME Hexahedral mesh generation in real time 2016
348 MMDYNASYS Molecular Motors, powering dynamic functional molecular systems 2016
349 INTEGRAL Signal Integration by Gene Regulatory Landscapes 2016
351 chemech From Chemical Bond Forces and Breakage to Macroscopic Fracture of Soft Materials 2016
352 HOLOGRAM Holomorphic Dynamics connecting Geometry, Root-Finding, Algebra, and the Mandelbrot set 2016
353 AutoStopS GluCl as an epileptic seizure autoregulatory Gene therapeutic approach 2016
354 e-Gates Precision diagnostics using electrogating of liquids in capillary-driven microfluidics 2016
355 SURE Exploring Subtitle Reading Process with Eyetracking Technology 2016
356 I-SEE Intelligent Sensor Enabled Eyewear 2016
357 AirWatt Innovative Microturbine Technology For Delocalised, Off-Grid Electricity Generation 2016
358 PRE2POS PREcession-based drive mechanisms for high-PREcision energy-efficient POSitionining devices 2016
359 e-SPACE monitoring e-Solar Performance Analysis and data Collection for Energy Monitoring: an innovative solution based on measures correlation between an autonomous ground-based solar sensor and Earth observation data 2016
360 EVEARA EVEARA: Testing a New Business Model for Digital Music Distribution 2016
361 MORPHCAST Real time video creation according to your emotions 2016
362 In-K Strain System In-K Strain System: Carbon Nanotube ink based realization of ultraflexible composite strain sensors 2016
363 Plasmapower PlasmaPower: hydro-catalytic plasma gasification for high-efficiency energy generation 2016
364 MOON-MEMS speaker Development of the most advanced audio systems enabling the production of a revolutionary generation of MEMS micro speakers that will be deployed in the world's top mobile applications 2016
365 BactInd Bacterial cooperation at the individual cell level 2016
366 CLEARSILVER Industrial manufacturing of conductive, transparent and flexible electrodes with nanoinks fororganic electronic devices such as OPV and OLED lighting 2016
367 CoDiS Compact, high-power, frequency-converted diode laser systems (CoDiS) 2016
368 C-HEAT Condensed Heat - Optimization and scaling up of an energy efficient, long-during biomass condensation boiler with curved heat exchanger 2016
369 ASPAir Accelerated Synthesis of Nanoporous Photocatalysts for Indoor Air Purification 2016
370 ADC Next-Generation Antibody-Drug Conjugates for safer and more effective cancer therapies 2016
371 SYNTRAIN Targeting SYNthetic lethal interactions for new cancer treatments TRAINing network 2016
373 SAINT Science and Innovation with thunderstorms 2017
374 PEMs4Nano Portable Nano-Particle Emission Measurement System 2016
375 PULPACKTION Optimised moulded pulp for renewable packaging solutions 2016
376 HUMAN HUman MANufacturing 2016
377 A4BLUE Adaptive Automation in Assembly For BLUE collar workers satisfaction in Evolvable context 2016
378 SAFIRE Cloud-based Situational Analysis for Factories providing Real-time Reconfiguration Services 2016
379 DIGICOR Decentralised Agile Coordination Across Supply Chains 2016
380 AeroPul Curved profiles for aerospace applications manufactured by Pultrusion 2016
381 LIBBIO Lupinus mutabilis for Increased Biomass from marginal lands and value for BIOrefineries 2016
382 TC2D 2D nanomaterials-based composite films for more efficient thermal conduction 2016
383 4PRIMA Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area 2016
384 reLIVE Unraveling complex organ regeneration through live imaging and molecular profiling approaches 2017
385 ivMX Development of the new generation of structural biology by coupling in vivo crystallography to intense x-ray sources 2016
386 IPCOM Next generation IP-based smart Push-to-Talk communication device for public security 2016
387 CarbSens An ultra compact greenhouse gas remote sensing system for ranges between 500 and 2000 m 2017
388 CENSUS Cell-Based Models for Neurodegeneration Study and Use in Screening 2016
389 GRAMOFON New process for efficient CO2 capture by innovative adsorbents based on modified graphene aerogels and MOF materials 2016
390 TOPSIM Topology and symmetries in synthetic fermionic systems 2016
391 NICENAV Navigation-grade ITAR-free Certifiable Equipment for the Navigation of Air Vehicle, based onFOG technology 2016
392 CombiCat Combined Catalysis: Enhancing Asymmetric Synthesis 2016
393 SCREEN Synergic Circular Economy across European Regions 2016
394 inSSIght In-depth support for innovation and exploitation in Smart Systems Integration 2017
395 ToyLabs Enabling an Open Innovation Model for EU Toy Industry SMEs through Co-Creation with FabLabs, Safety Experts and Customer Communities 2017
396 AGROinLOG Demonstration of innovative integrated biomass logistics centres for the Agro-industry sector in Europe 2016
397 CPSwarm CPSwarm 2017
398 CYRail Cybersecurity in the RAILway sector 2016
399 MELODIC Multi-cloud Execution-ware for Large-scale Optimized Data-Intensive Computing 2016
400 MINOTOR MagnetIc NOzzle thruster with elecTron cyclOtron Resonance 2017
401 BITCAT Blocking Inhibition of T-cell Co-stimulation for Anti-tumour Therapy 2017
402 GABLE GAmification for a BEtter Life 2016
403 ULPEC Ultra-Low Power Event-Based Camera 2017
404 A-LEAF An Artificial Leaf: a photo-electro-catalytic cell from earth-abundant materials for sustainable solar production of CO2-based chemicals and fuels 2017
405 MOON Multi-modal Optical Diagnostics for Ocular and Neurodegenerative Disease 2016
406 PIMTOC Photonic Integrated Multi-Channel Telecommunication Optical frequency Comb 2017
407 INSULCLOCK Empowered control of drugs’ dosage in chronic diseases 2016
408 PJ09 DCB Advanced DCB 2016
409 PJ01 EAD Enhanced Arrivals and Departures 2016
410 RTEL1inHHS Characterization of RTEL1 mutations in Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson Syndrome 2017
411 DPC_REPAIR Mechanism of DNA-protein cross-link repair in S phase 2017
412 PIXAPP Photonic Integrated Circuits Assembly and Packaging Pilot Line 2017
413 Bonseyes Platform for Open Development of Systems of Artificial Intelligence 2016
414 CloudPerfect Enabling CLoud Orchestration, Performance and Cost Efficiency Tools for QoE Enhancement and Provider Ranking 2016
416 CaBiS Chemistry and Biology in Synergy - Studies of hydrogenases using a combination of synthetic chemistry and biological tools 2017
417 PHENOSPACE Quantifying behavioural phenotype space: chemistry-to-gene screens and combination therapies 2016
418 FLICs Enabling flexible integrated circuits and applications 2017
419 CareSTOR Market Uptake of Sustainable and Competitive Carbons for Energy Storage 2016
420 GFF Green Fast Ferry - the world’s first 30 knots battery powered Air Supported commuter ferry 2016
421 NGCTR DIGIFuel Distribution and Gauging Interconnected Fuel System for the Next Generation Civil Tilt Rotor 2016
422 Rafts4Biotech Synthetic bacterial lipid rafts to optimize industrial bioprocesses 2017
423 CHALLENGE 3C-SiC Hetero-epitaxiALLy grown on silicon compliancE substrates and 3C-SiC substrates for sustaiNable wide-band-Gap powEr devices 2017
424 InteractiveSkin InteractiveSkin: Digital Fabrication of Personalized On-Body User Interfaces 2017
425 FORCE Formulations and Computational Engineering 2017
426 AENEAS Advanced European Network of E-infrastructures for Astronomy with the SKA 2017
427 SPICOLOST Spin conversion, logic storage in oxide-based electronics 2017
428 UAV-Fuvex UAV-Fuvex Blue Growth 2016
429 DiGas Dual fuel A novel dual fuel system for diesel locomotive modernisation to CNG or LNG operation 2016
430 MyTherapyTools ABI telerehabilitation system with high impact in patient’s wellbeing at limited cost 2016
431 ZIKAction ZIKAction: Preparedness, research and action network on maternal-paediatric axis of ZIKV infection in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016
432 CableSENS Underground power cables remote monitoring by a smart control system based on a novel optical sensor platform 2016
433 whyBOTher Why does Clostridium botulinum kill? – In search for botulinum neurotoxin regulators 2017
434 SOLARIS Large-Scale Learning with Deep Kernel Machines 2017
435 DisDyn Distributed and Dynamic Graph Algorithms and Complexity 2017
436 FALCON Fuel and chemicals from lignin through enzymatic and chemical conversion 2017
437 SEPOMO Spins for Efficient Photovoltaic Devices based on Organic Molecules 2016
438 FluoSurf FLUOrinated SURFactant formulations for droplet-based microfluidics 2016
439 FIRST virtual Factories: Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovaTion 2017
440 is3DMIMO indoor small-cell Networks with 3D MIMO Array Antennas 2017
441 wellwatch A hands-free remote monitoring solution for continuous and accurate medical grade assessment of heart health 2017
442 VACCELERAID A novel vaccine technology leading to accelerated availability of vaccines and improved delivery 2016
443 HPE1 New high-performance excipients in pharmaceutical industry: an innovative solution for a more efficient and sustainable drug manufacturing process. 2016
444 SLIM Strong, Lightweight and Indestructible Marble 2016
445 ScaleMazeMap Scaling MazeMap to a global provider of indoor maps 2016
446 MultiViVax Development of Effective Vaccines against Multiple Lifecycle Stages of Plasmodium vivax malaria 2017
447 OptiMalVax Optimizing a deployable high efficacy malaria vaccine 2017
448 PECSYS Technology demonstration of large-scale photo-electrochemical system for solar hydrogen production 2017
449 SmartCore Smart Core/shell nanorod arrays for artificial skin 2016
450 STONE WOOD Silicon Treatment ON Exterior Wood 2016
451 Ultimate The best drug discovery platform 2016
452 ZIKAlliance A global alliance for Zika virus control and prevention 2016
454 CholeraIndex Pathoecology of Vibrio cholerae to better understand cholera index cases in endemic areas 2018
455 ONCOCHECK A simple blood test for prognosis and monitoring of patients undergoing cancer therapy. 2017
456 LKN Linknovate – Connect with Emerging Technologies and the Key-Players Behind Them 2017
457 COBOMEGA Automation of hand lay up manufacturing process for composites stiffeners 2017
458 ENFOC Exploiting the Nonlinear Fiber-Optical Channel 2016
459 SynchroSelf Harnessing reversibility of peptide Self-Assembly processes to Synchronise Extracellular Matrix substitutes with cellular driven tissue reconstruction 2016
460 ADVANTAG5 Advanced Wide-Band Transceiver Architectures for Beyond 5G Wireless Systems 2017
461 MONONANOCHEM In vivo engineering of monocytes loaded with nano-chemotherapeutic formulations: a novel live-cell mediated drug delivery system for the treatment of cancer 2017
462 DRANOEL Deciphering RAdio NOn-thermal Emission on the Largest scales 2017
463 RECEPT Real-time precision tests of lepton universality 2017
464 CaTs n DOCs Chemically and Thermally Stable Nano-sized Discrete Organic Cage Compounds 2017
465 EcoLipid Ecophysiology of membrane lipid remodelling in marine bacteria 2017
466 RocketChip High Speed, Cost Effective Optical Communications Module Enabling the Next Generation of Ethernet 400 GbE 2016
467 AgroRadar Using Copernicus Earth Observation radar data to disrupt Precision Agriculture 2017
468 OrbEx Innovative Low-Mass Tanks for a Low-Cost European Micro-Launch Vehicle 2017
469 ARMeD_free Antibiotic resistance-free meat and dairy products 2017
470 TownHall24 A 24/7 platform providing access to services for isolated communities and reduced mobility residents 2017
471 PEA Aluminium Portable Element Analyser 2016
472 B-On-Chip The first compact and easy-to-use microreactor device for Body-On-Chip experiments. 2017
473 RELEASE Nanofiber based drug delivery for surgical therapy of adult and paediatric solid tumours 2017
474 ECOLED Efficient and Low CO2 footprint B2B turnkey LED module with an innovative thermal solution 2017
475 TOPOQDot A bottom-up topological superconductor based on quantum dot arrays 2017
476 VisionBot Innovative and Affordable Pick and Place Robots with 10µm high mechanical accuracy and Advanced Computer Vision Algorithms for automatic electronics assembly manufacturing 2017
477 PRECISE Pulsed eddy current inspection system for pipeline health monitoring 2017
478 QSUP Demonstration of Quantum Supremacy in A Photonic Device 2017
479 MELODIC Molecule for low diffusion TPCs for rare event searches 2017
480 INVESTIGERFE Investigating the regulation of iron homeostasis by erythroferrone and therapeutic applications 2017
481 ChiPyrNMR Better tools for combating insect borne diseases by understanding influences on the fate of common pesticides in paint formulations 2017
482 FunGlass Centre for functional and surface-functionalized glasses 2017
483 CF-Web ClowdFlows Data and Text Analytics Marketplace on the Web 2017
484 OPERANDOCAT In situ and Operando Nanocatalysis: Size, Shape and Chemical State Effects 2017
485 MILAS MIcro-pulsed, diode-based LASer 2017
486 PITCHER boosting Performance with an Innovation associate with TeCHnical and business ExperRtise on short food supply chains 2017
487 CRISP-4-CROPS CRISPR/Cas9 technology implementation for improved resistance to Abiotic Stress in cereals 2017
488 REsiliENCe Research and development of innovative Enamels and Nanocoatings for the Cooking appliances market 2017
489 Hy-solFullGraph New hybrid-nanocarbon allotropes based on soluble fullerene derivatives in combination with carbon nanotubes and graphene. Application in organic solar cells and biomaterials. 2017
490 NESTOR Next gEneration Sequence sTORage 2017
491 Repro_organoid Direct reprogramming of human astrocytes into functional neurons in cerebral organoids derived from genome edited hiPSCs 2017
492 BIOFERTICELLULASER Role of bacterial cellulases in the transition from free living to root endophytes in rapeseed crops and in the design of efficient biofertilizers 2017
493 GeoInSight Geological constraints on the crustal structure at InSight landing site, Elysium Planitia, Mars 2017
494 rDNAevol Population genomics and experimental evolution of ribosomal RNA gene variants in Arabidopsis thaliana 2017
495 DrugSearchTool Innovative FRET-based toolkit for screening of drugs to fight miRNA-related diseases and its use in the development of cancer treatment with miRNA-96 as a therapeutic target 2018
496 RSCHD Functional dissection of the head-direction circuit in mouse retrosplenial cortex. 2017
497 MetEpiStem Dissecting the crosstalk between metabolism and transcriptional regulation in pluripotent stem cells. 2017
498 SecIoT Cybersecurity Threat Detection for Internet of Things Connected Devices 2017
499 Envisage ENVISAGE (Development of Environmentally-friendly Innovative Solutions for Affected Grounds and Ecosystems) 2017
500 SUPERSPIN Superconducting Spintronics for Highly Energery Efficient Cryogenic Memory Applications 2017
501 PhoRAu Photochemistry and radiolabelling of gold(III) anticancer prodrugs 2018
502 NANOCANCER Getting new insights into the radio-sensitization effects of nanoparticles in photon and charged particle therapy 2017
503 SIMOF Single-Molecule Spintronics: a Coordination Chemistry Approach to Quantum Computing 2017
504 MigrationRadar Elucidating continental-scale patterns of bird migration with weather radars 2018
505 ASSP Advanced Self-sorting and Supramolecular Polymers 2017
506 DNAmethAML Investigation of aberrant DNA methylation in malignant haematopoiesis 2018
507 DRYSTORE Exploring dry storage as an alternative biobanking strategy inspired by Nature 2017
508 iSave Ultrafast, scalable disaster-proof client-side backup solution 2017
509 APACHE Atmospheric Pressure plAsma meets biomaterials for bone Cancer HEaling 2017
510 CRNPE Chemical Recycling for the New Plastic Economy 2017
511 MArylAND At the host-bacteria interface: Modulation of the intestinal microbiota and its metabolic activity by Card9 signalling in health and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2017
512 Gal-HD Our Galaxy at full HD 2018
513 MULTICELLEXPEVO Reconstructing the origins of animal multicellularity using experimental evolution 2018
514 HUNTINFISH Generation of new zebrafish models for the study of the pathogenesis of Huntington´s disease and for the identification of new therapeutic targets. 2018
515 IVORIaN RAS/C-RAF interaction: A new pharmacological target in Kras-driven lung cancer. 2017
516 EMPHASIS Enabling Multifunctional Plasmonics on Hybrid Artificial Scale-Integrated Systems 2018
517 MER-CURE Using global marine metagenomics to understand MERcury microbial associated processes: finding a CURE for mercury contaminated environments 2018
518 FOOTLOOSE Synthesis of sp3-Rich Organofluorine Compounds through Homologation of Boronic Esters 2017
519 ESPSI Eruption Source Parameters for Explosive Eruptions in Iceland Over the Last 3 ka 2017
520 CuMiN Currents and Minimizing Networks 2017
521 NanoVoltSens Voltage-sensing nanorods for super-resolution voltage imaging in neurons 2017
522 HousePoetics House Poetics. An 'assemblage' approach to the production and transmission of value in Bronze Age Crete. 2017
523 REMES Regulation and Metabolic Engineering of Saponins for use as bio-pesticides. 2017
524 SPLICANCER Regulation and reprogramming of alternative splicing in cellular transformation 2017
525 ECtomics Dissecting spinal cord ependymal cell heterogeneity by single-cell transcriptomics 2017
526 MoniTank Underground Storage Tanks Risk Mitigation System for petrol fuel stations 2017
527 Mofina Mobile Filovirus Nucleic Acid Test – Sofia ref.: 115848 2015
528 CHIRALQUBIT Antiferromagnetic spin-chiral triangles as decoherence-free qubits 2017
529 DIVA Disentangling variation: A crosslinguistic investigation of bilingualism and non-standardization 2017
530 PEROPTO Single Crystalline Halide Metal Perovskites Based Optoelectronics 2018
531 MELCA Molecular evolution in the double-clonal longhorn crazy ant 2018
532 PolyVac Polysaccharide-based membrane for sublingual vaccination 2017
533 Pharynx2016 Evolution and development of pharyngeal pouches and pre-oral gut in basal fishes 2017
534 OPTiAGE The trade-off between longevity and reproduction: optimal control of aging 2018
535 NHYTE New Hybrid Thermoplastic Composite Aerostructures manufactured by Out of Autoclave Continuous Automated Technologies 2017
536 ContraNPM1AML Dissecting to hit the therapeutic targets in nucleophosmin (NPM1)-mutated acute myeloid leukemia 2017
537 M-DrivE Metabolic Drivers of Epigenetic Modifications: metabolic inducers of histone post-translational modifications in a biological setting 2018
538 HEGEMONIC HEpatocellular carcinoma GErmline MutatiONs ImpaCt (HEGEMONIC) 2017
539 ZNEOPSIN_II The role of novel opsins in non-visual light detection in the zebrafish brain 2018
540 protonCBCT Proton CT reconstruction with a Cone Beam CT prior 2017
541 Spontaneous activity Functional role of neuronal spontaneous activity for sensory processing 2018
542 PATHORISC Reprogramming of small RNA function in plant-pathogen interactions 2017
543 VADIS Variance Aware Determinate assembly Integrated System 2017
544 TopSpiD Topological states with Spin-Dependent potentials for ultracold lithium 2018
545 dCas9 Dissection of the mammalian transcription termination mechanism by CRISPRi technology. 2017
546 cTerF Realizing a development platform for sustainable sun powered production of intermediates for chemical industry. 2018
547 GEMiNI A genetic model for neurorehabilitation 2018
548 INNCASTHUR17 Innovation capacity analysis and services for SMEs in Thuringia 2017
549 EUNITY Cybersecurity and privacy dialogue between Europe and Japan 2017
550 juliaeconometrics Developing a Financial Econometrics Package for the Julia Programming Language 2018
551 TEAM-Coast Toward a new generation of Ecological Assessment tools for the Management Coastal environment 2018
552 ECM_INK Cells-self Extracellular Matrices-based Bioinks to create accurate 3D diseased skin tissue models 2017
554 VISCA Vineyards´ Integrated Smart Climate Application 2017
555 PhonLab A clinical phonetics laboratory service (PhonLab): diagnostics of speech impairment via the web 2017
556 BASKAM2 Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs during 2017-2018 2017
557 CAMELOT C2 Advanced Multi-domain Environment and Live Observation Technologies 2017
558 DATASOUND DATASOUND: Understanding data with sound 2017
559 ABACUS Algae for a biomass applied to the production of added value compounds 2017
560 ENVISION Enabling Visual IoT Applications with Advanced Network Coding Algorithms 2018
561 SMArtPlate A ductile, high energy absorptive and rapid post-tensioning system for extending life of concrete structures 2017
562 AdaSmartRes Adapter for a commercial grade camera or a smart phone to perform depth resolved imaging 2017
563 ChemPET Industrial scale PET chemical recycling plant based on innovative glycolysis process 2017
564 EnAcTiVa Environmental Accountability through real-Time analysis of the Value chain 2017
565 LETS DOHOP Leveraging the Environment of civil air TranSport with DOHOP 2017
566 B-shelf Edible coating for preventing loss of water and fungi proliferation in fruits and vegetables 2017
567 GreenSoft Toolset for development of high performance and energy-efficient software, realising the potential of ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things 2017
568 EUCLEG Breeding forage and grain legumes to increase EU's and China's protein self-sufficiency 2017
569 MAGIC Marginal lands for Growing Industrial Crops: Turning a burden into an opportunity 2017
570 BREEDCAFS BREEDing Coffee for AgroForestry Systems 2017
571 EEN-Innovate PT EEN-Innovate PT 2017
572 CLEANTECHBLOCK2 Market maturation of CleanTechBlock technology 2017
573 WIONM A novel solution to eliminate long wires during Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring [WIONM] - Phase 1 2017
574 NextWind Harvesting airborne wind energy using rigid kites. 2017
575 NINA 2.0 Changing the rules of domestic gas metering 2017
576 SILENSE (Ultra)Sound Interfaces and Low Energy iNtegrated SEnsors 2017
577 ZapGoCharger Rapid charging of cordless appliances using graphene-based supercapacitors 2017
578 PHOCONA Photonics in Flatland: Band Structure Engineering of 2D Excitons in Fluorescent Colloidal Nanomaterials 2017
579 DissectPcG Dissecting the Function of Multiple Polycomb Group Complexes in Establishing Transcriptional Identity 2017
580 EU-JUSTICE Building EU civil justice: challenges of procedural innovations bridging access to justice 2017
581 POLYWOOD Combining wood and polymers to produce a translucent, reinforced and ecological material 2017
582 CAPABLE Composite integrated photonic platform by femtosecond laser micromachining 2017
583 FunCoSpeedSpine Mapping the functional connectome for speed control in spinal motor circuits 2018
584 DATAMINE4.0 Advanced Data Modeling and Analysis Applied to next Generation Industry 4.0 settings and the Internet of Things 2018
585 ARIESS Augmented Reality and Indoor Navigation for Enhanced ASSembly 2017
586 MULTIECS MULTIivariable Environmental Control System 2017
587 SmartEEs SMART Emerging Electronics Servicing DIH 2017
588 5GCITY 5GCITY 2017
589 TERRANOVA Terabit/s Wireless Connectivity by TeraHertz innovative technologies to deliver Optical Network Quality of Experience in Systems beyond 5G 2017
590 MATCRACK Industrialization of software and libraries for crack propagation in material and structures using the Thick Level Set method 2017
591 ENERPAINT New thermo-regulating paints based on nanoencapsulation of phase-change materials 2017
592 NEUROON-MED NEUROON-MED – the future of at-home diagnosis of sleep disorders 2017
593 PPPL Novel paper pallet and manufacturing technology 2017
594 PropSafe Disruptive design innovation for safe and lower cost implementation of the alternative to the ozone-depleting gases in the heat pump heating and cooling systems 2017
595 BEATIK E-ClassicalMusic for everyone 2017
596 SCOUT Smart Monitoring COntrol and User interactive ecosystem for improving energy efficiency andeconomic maintenance of Medium-WeighT Ships 2017
597 SLICE3D Slovenian Centre of Excellence on 3D geodata 2017
599 ULTIMATE The best online drug discovery platform, Building the Ultimate chemical database for drug discovery 2017
600 WMF2018 World Manufacturing Forum 2018 2017
601 ArcheoDyn Globular clusters as living fossils of the past of galaxies 2017
602 CROSS Cryogenic Rare-event Observatory with Surface Sensitivity 2018
603 Classizer A novel and revolutionary instrument for the classification and sizing of micro-” and nano- particles in biological, industrial and environmental complex fluids. 2017
604 3DTRAY Innovative lightweight sustainable solutions for additively manufactured aircraft interior parts 2017
605 SwiftC A technology marketplace for hospitality compliance services that integrates with public sector authorities and relieves the burden of regulation for businesses 2017
606 TECSOME Technologies for Supporting Online Music Education 2017
607 u-PBeam Microdosimetry study of a new radiation therapy method based on proton minibeams 2017
608 YEASTDOC Yeast Biotechnology Doctoral Training Programme 2017
609 ATHOR Advanced THermomechanical mOdelling of Refractory linings 2017
610 BIOCUDET Identify and detect key ocular biomarkers towards personal medicine 2017
611 CITCOM A Complimentary Inspection Technique based on Computer Tomography and Plenoptic Camera for MEMS Components 2017
612 iDESIGN Delivering Better Starting Points for Drug Discovery: New Compound Libraries Driven By Intelligent Design 2018
613 MIDIH Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs 2017
614 REWAM Next generation renewable energy portfolio asset management based on predictive analytics 2017
615 SAFER Selective Agonists For Serotonin Receptors 2017
616 SALBAGE Sulfur-Aluminium Battery with Advanced Polymeric Gel Electrolytes 2017
617 SFICAM SFICAM: Ultrafast Fiber-Based Single-Photon Camera for Advanced Microscopy 2017
618 ENTPAR Entangled Parliamentarisms: Constitutional Practices in Russia, Ukraine, China and Mongolia, 1905–2005 2018
619 FUN-PM Fundamental Understanding of Nanoparticle chemistry: towards the prediction of Particulate emissions and Material synthesis 2018
620 PARATOP New paradigms for correlated quantum matter:Hierarchical topology, Kondo topological metals, and deep learning 2018
621 MajorNet Majorana neutrino discovery strategy with CMS 2018
622 MAMI Magnetics and Microhydrodynamics - from guided transport to delivery 2018
623 TWIST TOF PET With Strip SiPMs 2018
624 AptaCheck Bioelectronic lab-on-a-chip for point-of-care detection of infectious agents 2017
625 HYPER-INSIGHT Hypermutated tumors: insight into genome maintenance and cancer vulnerabilities provided by an extreme burden of somatic mutations 2018
626 PrecisionNuclei Strong interactions for precision nuclear physics 2018
627 EMERG-ANT Ant navigation: how complex behaviours emerge from mini-brains in interaction with their natural habitats 2018
628 HERMES High Efficiency Real-Time Multithreading Engine for Space applications 2017
629 InsularAnxiety Insular cortical circuits controlling fear and anxiety 2018
630 PANTHEON Precision Farming of Hazelnut Orchards 2017
631 5GRANGE Remote area Access Network for 5th GEneration 2017
632 LITMUS Liver Investigation: Testing Marker Utility in Steatohepatitis 2017
633 AdAI Revolutionary Artificial Intelligence Solution for Managing and Optimising Google AdWords 2017
634 eForcis and BeForcis Wave Energy Generators for Marine Buoys and Aquaculture Fish Farms 2017
635 PALaC Pre-Classical Anatolian Languages in Contact 2018
637 CARMOF CARMOF: New process for efficient CO2 capture by innovative adsorbents based on modified carbon nanotubes and MOF materials 2018
638 ENGICOIN Engineered microbial factories for CO2 exploitation in an integrated waste treatment platform 2018
639 SWAMI Space Weather Atmosphere Model and Indices 2018
640 ENSPACE Enhanced Navigation in Space 2017
641 BigDataGrapes Big Data to Enable Global Disruption of the Grapevine-powered Industries 2018
642 New Chol Development of New therapies against cholangiopathies. 2017
643 WACO West African Coastal Ocean - Finescale physics, biogeochemistry and climate change 2018
644 MicroBar Microsatellite Barcoding: reconstructing the family tree of hematopoietic cells 2018
645 NanoFLP Nanoparticles as Partners in Frustrated Lewis Pairs: Boosting the Surface Reactivity of Inorganic Nanoparticles 2018
646 ANTIViR Molecular mechanisms of interferon-induced antiviral restriction and signalling 2017
647 INTERACT European Industrial Doctorate on Next Generation for sustaINable auTomotive ElectRical ACtuaTion 2017
648 DARE Delivering Agile Research Excellence on European e-Infrastructures 2018
649 ESSnuSB Feasibility Study for employing the uniquely powerful ESS linear accelerator to generate an intense neutrino beam for leptonic CP violation discovery and measurement. 2018
650 COLOSTEO Nutraceutical supplementation based on colostrum for prevention of osteoporosis 2018
651 VERNE Guided (Ultra)sonic Waves for High Performance Deepwater Pipeline Inspection 2017
652 BigDataStack High-performance data-centric stack for big data applications and operations 2018
653 SHARE4RARE Social media platform dedicated to rare diseases, using collective intelligence for the generation of awareness and advanced knowledge on this large group of diseases. 2018
654 ReTV Enhancing and Re-Purposing TV Content for Trans-Vector Engagement 2018
655 micro-ROS micro-ROS: Platform for seamless integration of resource constrained devices in the robot ecosystem 2018
656 Startup Lighthouse Lighthouse: Lighting the way for European scale-ups 2018
657 Fun-COMP Functionally scaled computing technology: From novel devices to non-von Neumann architectures and algorithms for a connected intelligent world 2018
658 COTTON Capacity Optimisation in TrajecTory-based OperatioNs 2018
659 ENVISION Enhanced Situational Awareness through Video Integration with ADS-B Surveillance Infrastructure on Airports 2018
660 CLEANFUEL Clean and low costs paper-based batteries for powering single use disposable diagnostic devices. 2017
661 AdheSurf Polymeric nanocoating for tight and strong adhesion between challenging combinations of metals and plastics 2017
662 EcoFeel An all-in-one monitoring device for measuring the energy consumption of household appliances and providing real-time feedback to reduce environmental impact. 2017
663 roometric3D A disruptive smartphone application to measure three-dimensional spaces to digitally evaluate and view associated surface data 2017
664 U-Control Advanced Universal Control and monitoring solution to remotely manage complex power systems 2017
665 ImmuneHunter Bioinformatics platform for profiling of health: allowing early and accurate detection of multiple diseases simultaneously 2017
666 EXACT-dna EXtended Analysis of Circulating Tumour DNA to improve cancer management strategies 2017
667 PASIPHAE Overcoming the Dominant Foreground of Inflationary B-modes: Tomography of Galactic Magnetic Dust via Measurements of Starlight Polarization 2018
668 FORWARD New Frontiers for Optoelectronics with Artificial Media 2018
669 CLLCLONE Harnessing clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia 2018
670 IDAaaS Trusted online service for identity assurance 2017
671 M-Benefits Valuing and Communicating Multiple Benefits of Energy-Efficiency Measures 2018
672 DEFLECT DEvelopment of Functionalizable materiaLs for Electrical CabineTs 2018
673 RAISE Reliable Aircraft electrical Insulation System sElection 2018
674 ClearRing An innovative, minimally invasive medical device used for treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia symptoms. 2018
676 BotsAndUS BotsAndUS - First Assistant Robot For Retail And Hospitality 2018
677 MISSINGMIDDLE The Causal Effect of Public Policy and Income on Child Health and Human Capital 2018
678 PiedPiper PiedPiper®: smart pest control 2018
679 SynchroGuard Real-time distribution grid monitoring and automated fault management system 2018
680 B-SOCIAL BANK SOCIALISER: BANKing platform based on SOCIAL media Interactive SERvices 2018
681 ToCCaTa Tailoring the functional Capacity of Cytotoxic T cells for future Therapies 2018
682 CoreSat Dynamics of Earth’s core from multi-satellite observations 2018
683 DILECO DIgitalization of ground-testing Life cycle with ECO design criteria 2018
684 HIRIS Helicopter Innovative Rotating Instrumentation System 2018
685 OptiSeLL Optimizing Second Language Learning: An Examination of Individual Differences in Speech Processing and their Role in Language Learning 2019
686 PHOTOCAMSYN Photocatalytic Reductive Coupling of Imines: A New Platform for Chiral Amine Synthesis 2018
687 PI2FA Partial Ionisation: Two-Fluid Approach 2018
688 MetaBil Metacognition and bilingualism in linguistic and non-linguistic domains 2018
689 ZIDOMS Using Zebrafish as a novel tool to Improve the Diagnosis and Outcome of Marfan Syndrome 2018
690 IRONAGE Iron as a driver of fibrosis and regeneration 2018
691 SPECTRE SPEciation and dynamiCs of TRace Elements 2018
692 SURVIVOR Historic response of a wide-ranging carnivore to climate change 2018
693 SomaGrapeGenome Fast-forward genomics of somatic variants adaptable to climate change for cultivar innovation in grapevine 2018
694 OptimisingIDS Optimisation of the linguistic input in the first years of life 2018
695 CROWDASSAY Folding Pathways of DNA G-quadruplexes in Crowding Conditions, and Implications for Mass Spectrometry-based Ligand Screening Assays 2018
696 NeuroBid Inside the bi-dialectal mind and brain: An electrophysiological study on executive functions 2018
697 BiHyOMat BioHybrid Optoelectronic Materials 2018
698 C-SERVEES Activating Circular Services in the Electric and Electronic Sector 2018
699 CAPPERAM Contrast Agents for Protontherapy PET Range Monitoring 2018
700 Crater Chron Understanding the role of impact cratering in Earth's evolution through state-of-the-art geochronology 2018
702 ECOFOULPEST From marine molecules to eco-friendly tools for agriculture 2018
703 HydroSocialExtremes Uncovering the Mutual Shaping of Hydrological Extremes and Society 2018
704 PhenomeNal Inheritance, expressivity and epistasis hidden behindthe phenotypic landscape of natural populations 2018
705 MicroC Agent-Based Modelling of Gene Networks to model clonal selection in the tumour microenvironment and predict therapeutic resistance 2018
706 RUBIZMO Replicable business models for modern rural economies 2018
707 CEN-CE CEN standard Certified ExpertsEU-wide qualification and training scheme based on EPBD mandated CEN standards 2018
708 GEOCLIME Climate change and Geodetic deformation 2019
709 REACT REactively Defending against Advanced Cybersecurity Threats 2018
710 R-I PEERS Pilot experiences for improving gender equality in research organisations 2018
711 N6MeA ChemSeq Development of chemical methods for DNA N6-methyladenine mapping 2018
712 HGB-StIC Human Genetic Basis of Severe Staphylococcal Infections in Childhood 2019
713 MINIRES A Minimalist Peptide Elastomer 2018
714 iPES-3DBat Innovative Polymeric Batteries by 3D Printing 2018
715 LIGHTCODESWORDS Illuminating every sound with lasers, coding words and complex sounds with light. 2018
716 ORO A General Strategy for the Generation and Use of Oxygen Centered Radicals in Organic Synthesis 2018
717 TimeAdapt Tracking Genetic Adaptation of Populations Using Time-Series Genomic Data 2019
718 MEET Multidisciplinary and multi-context demonstration of EGS exploration and Exploitation Techniques and potentials 2018
719 HybridImmunogenetics Effects of major histocompatibility complex immunogenetic profiles of wild hybrid and non-hybrid marmosets on their susceptibility to arbovirus infections 2019
720 GSAS Genomic Strategies Against STB disease of wheat 2018
721 SUPEREVOL Evolution of supergenes and the genetic basis of snail colour polymorphism 2018
722 Metabeyond Beyond metamaterials: Designing novel optical materials from Angstrom-scale interactions 2019
723 HTS-STABTHERAPRO High-throughput directed evolution to engineer thermostable therapeutic proteins 2018
724 FluPRINT Tracing the inFLUenza vaccine imPRINT on immune system to identify cellular signature of protection 2018
725 IDPOQ Evaluation and implementation of post-quantum cryptographic schemes 2018
726 UVSIGNAL Unravelling the mechanisms underlying the evolution of ultraviolet signals 2018
727 QUANTUM HARVEST Harvesting Non-Classical Fluctuations with Thermal Machines 2018
728 PathAutoBIO Uncovering the pathway of DNA-induced autophagy and its biological functions in viral central nervous system infection 2018
729 ARTEMIS Graphene Molecule Interfaces for Spintronics 2019
730 JUMP JUpiter Modeling Platform 2018
731 P-MaleReg Establishment of P-element silencing in Drosophila simulans dysgenic males 2019
732 HYBSPN Hybrid Learning Systems utilizing Sum-Product Networks 2018
733 NEMoCuRe Role of S-Nitrosylation of epigenetic modifiers in vascular regeneration 2018
734 NanoPyroMat ZnS Wurtzite Nanotextured Ceramic Materials for Pyroelectric Energy Harvesting 2018
735 ProCenDecl Synthesis and validation of chemical Probes for Centrosome Declustering: development of potent and selective anti-cancer agents. 2019
736 FastMeasure Development and industry transfer of new techniques: full characterization of vector ultrashort pulsed laser beams 2018
737 TEMPNET Climate change and phenology: long-term temporal dynamics of mutualistic ecological networks 2018
739 HI-PHRET High-resolution Imaging with Phase Retrieved Tomography 2019
740 Gold3Cat (P,C) and (O,O) well-defined gold(III) complexes for the development of new gold(III) catalytic processes 2018
741 THINKPV Forecasting Tool for supporting of grid operations with HIgh INtegration of distributed PV generation 2018
742 ULTRACONTROL Ultra-low cost orbit transfer and orbit control for future libration point missions 2019
743 FUCTURE Fucosylated Clusterin: a novel mechanism of tumor escape from immune response 2018
744 NI HTS machine Developing novel high temperature superconductor rotor windings for electric aircraft propulsion machines 2018
745 IntegraSea Integrated offshore cultivation of high value seaweed and their potential use in controlling harmful algal blooms. 2019
746 RUSTWATCH RustWatch: A European early-warning system for wheat rust diseases 2018
747 LOGISTAR Enhanced data management techniques for real time logistics planning and scheduling 2018
748 PortForward Towards a green and sustainable ecosystem for the EU Port of the Future 2018
749 WELL-BEING The dynamics underlying Well-being; Understanding the Exposome-Genome interplay 2018
750 SHADOKS Active nanofluidics towards ionic machines 2018
751 IntraGutSex Sex differences in intestinal plasticity 2018
752 SUPRAWOC Supramolecular Architectures for Ruthenium Water Oxidation Catalysis 2018
753 LEAP-EXTREME Local Edaphic Adaptation in Plants through Leveraging an Extremophile Model 2018
754 HIDDeN HIDDeN - Exploring the Hidden Dusty Nuclei of Galaxies 2018
755 ArtMetBio Directed Evolution of Novel Artificial Metalloenzyme Platforms for Biocatalysis 2018
756 BIO4A Advanced sustainable BIOfuels for Aviation 2018
757 CellTrainer Low Cost Real-time Multi-Physics Virtual Reality Training System For In-vitro Fertilisation Microinjection Tasks 2018
758 HYDRIDE4MOBILITY Hydrogen fuelled utility vehicles and their support systems utilising metal hydrides 2017
759 SENCAN Senescence therapy for cancer 2018
760 COVOPRIM A Comparative Study of Voice Perception in Primates 2019
761 GENESIS GEnerating extreme NEutrons for achieving controlled r-process nucleosyntheSIS 2019
762 BLUECAL Sustainable calcium food additives and dietary supplements of high pureness to boost the ocean clam fisheries 2018
764 FLEMANIE Flexible Microchip Manufacturing for New Industries in Europe 2018
765 SEEVIX Phase-1 Spidersilk fibers as scaffold for tissue engineering: skin regeneratin and wound healing 2018
766 Green Radar An advance Multi-Side Boating Platform working with Passive Radar technology boosting a new emerging market 2018
767 WELLGENETICS Disruptive tracer technology based on synthetic DNA to map subterranean resources 2018
768 KOBOLD The first Local Production Unit allowing Printing of Complex Multi-material Objects Remotely 2018
769 E-DURA Commercialization of novel soft neural interfaces 2018
770 iMEC Real-time assessment of toxic sulphide in wastewater – market maturation of an Industrial Micro Electrochemical Cell 2018
771 AnisakFree NIRs computer vision system for detecting Anisakis in fish industrial processing lines 2018
772 BC SKIN Bacterial Cellulose (and)- based Skin Repair material - BC 2018
773 Pangea Aerospace Pangea Aerospace - Launch Vehicles for small satellites (payload capacity up to 150kg), wich provide affordable access to space tailored to the micro/nano satellite market 2018
774 BrewiePro The first fully automated brewing machine for the bar and restaurant industry 2018
776 MYRES Innovative biotechnology using mycorrhizal fungi to restore and remediate damaged soils 2018
778 FOOT TRANSPORT Foot Transport for a Smart Mobility 2018
779 BrainBase Knowledge management platform for clinical use of brain data 2018
780 SkinKer Absorbable and wearable keratin-based nanofibers for wound healing and skin reconstruction 2018
781 LocateIT Locate IT - accurate self-learning IoT asset tracking 2018
782 MOGU floor Natural-Grown Flooring for Circular Buildings 2018
783 MORE Multi-modal Optimisation for Road-space in Europe 2018
784 EOLI FPS Roof top wind turbine for urban areas 2018
785 X1 Wind Disruptive technology for cost-effective and reliable Floating Wind 2018
786 RAPID RNA particles for Preparedness against Infectious Diseases 2018
787 Schrott24 Scrap dealing in the digital age: a transparent and efficient platform for price and supply chain management 2018
788 SWIRL Short, weakly interacting RNA ligands for the development of high-concentration monoclonal antibody therapeutics 2018
789 AntiCamp Developing proprietary antibacterial phage-based particles against Campylobacter jejuni for food decontamination 2018
790 DECENTER Decentralised technologies for orchestrated cloud-to-edge intelligence 2018
791 VitaminBlock Development of antibacterial compounds that block essential transport function 2018
792 K-TRIO 3 Researchers in the knowledge triangle 2018
793 AROBMACH Cognibotics: driving the revolution in accurate robotic machining 2018
794 TARDIS A novel robotic parcel locker platform for cheap, efficient & convenient last-mile delivery 2018
795 DINBEATPRO An innovative system to monitor pet’s health in veterinary clinics 2018
796 vAMRes Vaccines as a remedy for antimicrobial resistant bacterial infections 2018
797 2D-SIPC Two-dimensional quantum materials and devices for scalable integrated photonic circuits 2018
798 ViewGas ViewGas – Patented gas vision system for a safe and fast detection of gas leaks 2018
799 MiniMasonryTesting Seismic Testing of 3D Printed Miniature Masonry in a Geotechnical Centrifuge 2019
800 MetaScience The Metaphysical Unity of Science 2018
801 SPACEPORT 3D Volumetric Video Capturing and Streaming Software- SPACEPORT 2018
802 PulseTester Next-Generation Thyristor pulse technology for testing of high power magnetic components in DC Smart Grids 2018
803 LUOS A platform to boost robotic innovation by enabling fast development cycles, reduced cost and low barrier to entry. 2018
804 OptiVerter Solving the triangle for solar mass adoption – Cost, Efficiency and Simplicity 2018
805 Chairless Chair The worldwide first exoskeleton for the creation of ergonomic, age-neutral and low-fatigue workplaces in industry and for the reduction of physical strains in the ageing workforce 2018
806 FASTFACEREC FAST track 2 FACE REcognition Camera dominance 2018
807 Pulp and Fuel Pulp and Paper Industry Wastes to Fuel 2018
808 SmartShip A data analytics, decision support and circular economy – based multi-layer optimisation platform towards a holistic energy efficiency, fuel consumption and emissions management of vessels 2019
809 CEVOLVER Connected Electric Vehicle Optimized for Life, Value, Efficiency and Range 2018
810 DARE Disability Advocacy Research in Europe 2019
811 iFishIENCi Intelligent Fish feeding through Integration of ENabling technologies and Circular principle 2018
812 RockDEaF Dynamics of rock deformation at the brittle-plastic transition and the depth of earthquake faulting 2019
813 QMiCS Quantum Microwave Communcation and Sensing 2018
814 CUHL Controlling Ultrafast Heat in Layered materials 2018
815 GIDE Molecular diversification of inhibitory neurons during development 2019
816 Topo2DEG Topological states in superconducting two-dimensional electron gases 2019
817 FastCode The Next 100 Optimizing Compilers 2019
818 LIFT Lightweight Innovative Generator for Future Air Transportation 2018
819 PASQuanS Programmable Atomic Large-Scale Quantum Simulation 2018
820 AQTION Advanced quantum computing with trapped ions 2018
821 CiViQ Continuous Variable Quantum Communications 2018
822 MCS-MD The Molecular Dynamics of Membrane Contact Sites 2019
823 BrainNanoFlow Nanoscale dynamics in the extracellular space of the brain in vivo 2018
824 TOD Thermoplastic on Doors 2018
825 Symptoma Symptoma, Better Diagnosis for Patients with Rare and Complex Diseases 2018
826 ACDC Artificial Cells with Distributed Cores to Decipher Protein Function 2019
827 SKYTOP Skyrmion-Topological insulator and Weyl semimetal technology 2018
828 IMPACTA Innovative Mechanically Pumped loop for ACtive Antennae 2019
829 BEACON Boosting Agricultural Insurance based on Earth Observation data 2019
830 BEAWARE Early warning system for enteropathies in intensive broiler farming. 2018
831 REFRACT Repeat protein Function Refinement, Annotation and Classification of Topologies 2019
832 RI-VIS Expanding research infrastructure visibility to strengthen strategic partnerships 2019
833 PERDY Perceptually-Driven Optimizations of Graphics Content for Novel Displays 2019
834 REMIND Targeting pathological synaptic pruning by microglia in neurodegeneration 2019
835 Consentio Boosting conversations to disrupt horticulture trading 2018
836 CuRE Cardiac REgeneration from within 2019
837 Vinarom Development of an innovative and resource-efficient starter culture for the baking industry to enhance flavour diversity 2018
838 Predictix Antidepres a user-friendly procedure that analyses genomic, clinical and demographic data to generate a personalized report with statistical analysis on the efficacy of antidepressants and their side effects 2018
839 SYNPATH Regulation of synaptic development and plasticity by molecular pathways linked to human evolution 2019
840 HERO Hidden, entangled and resonating orders 2019
841 ENUF Evaluation of Novel Ultra-Fast selective III-V Epitaxy 2019
842 OS for Ind robots Disrupting industrial robots with AI software - how new AI-driven software can be used to program industrial robots to do new tasks faster, resulting in massive productivity savings 2019
843 PdbU Securing Continuous Operations of Mission Critical IoT Endpoints 2019
844 TE_INVASION The evolutionary genetics of transposable element invasions 2019
845 B Massive Binary massive black hole astrophysics 2019
846 ENGAGES Next generation algorithms for grabbing and exploiting symmetry 2019
847 LEE-BED Innovation test bed for development and production of nanomaterials for lightweight embedded electronics 2019
848 EVOLVE HPC and Cloud-enhanced Testbed for Extracting Value from Diverse Data at Large Scale 2018
849 IONPEN Trapped-ion quantum information in 2-dimensional Penning trap arrays 2019
850 IBERIA XRF Compact X-Ray Fluorescence borehole probe for uniquely flexible, efficient and complete underground material analysis 2019
851 Pret-a-LLOD Ready-to-use Multilingual Linked Language Data for Knowledge Services across Sectors 2019
852 ResisTEST Developing a rapid diagnostic kit for antibiotic resistance 2019
853 Quromorphic Neuromrophic Quantum Computing 2019
855 MesoPhone Vibrating carbon nanotubes for probing quantum systems at the mesoscale 2019
856 GuidedNW-PV High-Voltage Micro-Photovoltaic Cells and Photodetectors Based on Guided Nanowires for On-Chip Powering of Autonomous Microsystems 2019
857 GlyCan Innovative Glycan-based analysis for Cancer diagnostics 2019
858 ReSpire Respirable Advanced Therapeutics for Cystic Fibrosis & other Lung Diseases 2019
859 EXTRU-PUR Reactive Extrusion Technology for Thermoset Polyurethane Resins to Provide High Performance and Sustainable Plastic Materials in Construction and Related Industrial Markets. 2019
860 ArpComplexity Defining the role of Arp2/3 complex diversity at multiple scales of biology 2019
861 HBP SGA2 Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 2 2018
862 FOODCULT Food, Culture and Identity in Ireland, 1550-1650 2019
863 REMINISCENCE REflection Matrix ImagiNg In wave SCiENCE 2019
864 INVIOO INVIOO – data-driven decision-making apps for everyon 2019
865 EDE The Sustainable Renovation Hub for Existing Buildings 2019
866 PLATOSCIENCE Personalized Neurostimulation Approach for the Treatment of Depression 2019
867 INCALO INCALO: Internal black carbon loading: validation of a novel biomarker 2019
868 SCOPUS Smart Converters for Optimized Power Usage and Storage 2019
869 DIGESTAIR A novel anaerobic DIGESTer solution in AIR transport for on-board safe and efficient waste management 2019
870 RUSH AI Revolutionary Ultra-Fast System for Hot-stamping of light weight structural vehicle components with Artificial Intelligence quality control monitoring 2019
871 CATTLECHAIN 4.0 Enhancing farm productivity and guaranteeing CATTLE traceability and welfare with blockCHAIN 2019
872 ULISSES Ultra low-power integrated optical sensor systems for networked environmental multichannel gas Sensing 2019
873 SPARTA Strategic programs for advanced research and technology in Europe 2019
874 2021 GRIP Crouzet Next Grip Generation 2019
875 SealedwithoUTaKiss Non-destructive testing (NDT) of bonded assemblies 2019
876 TraffikGene Peptide Dynamic Amphiphiles for Gene Therapy and Macromolecular Delivery 2019
877 eOutboard High Performance Electric Outboard Motor System and Supply Chain Innovation 2018
878 FETFX Stimulating effects of Future and Emerging Technologies through communication and outreach 2019
879 PRO-TOOLKITS Programmable nucleic acid toolkits for cell-free diagnostics and genetically encoded biosensing 2019
880 MaGnum Majorana bound states in Ge/SiGe heterostructures 2019
881 IRF4 Degradation Using a novel protein degradation approach to uncover IRF4-regulated genes in plasma cells 2019
882 Solar Cofund 2 SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2 2018
883 cQMM circuit Quantum Magneto-Mechanics : interfacing single molecular spins with nanomechanical resonators in the quantum regime. 2019
884 MAGIMOX Nanometre scale imaging of magnetic perovskite oxide thin films using scanning transmission electron microscopy 2019
885 R-FunSel In vivo functional screening via CRISPR-Cas9 to systematically identify cardiomyocyte receptors as targets for the innovative therapies for myocardial infarction and heart failure 2019
886 CHAiRLIFT Compact Helical Arranged combustoRs with lean LIFTed flames 2019
887 PLASMIONICO Plasmon-resonance driven thermionic emitters for improved solar energy harvesting 2019
888 GATE4RAIL GNSS Automated Virtualized Test Environment for RAIL 2018
889 REBELLION Light-REsponsive Nanomachines for Targeted Eradication of BactErial Pathogens in LocaLised InfectIONs 2020
890 Safe4RAIL-2 Safe architecture for Robust distributed Application Integration in roLling stock 2 2018
891 SpinScreen Screening of an electron spin by an epitaxial superconducting island in a semiconductor nanowire 2019
892 PerSiSTanCe Low-cost and Large-Area Perovskite-Silicon Solar Tandem Cells 2019
893 X-MIXING Efficient mixing method at the microscale for Time-Resolved Serial Femtosecond Crystallography 2019
894 ConvergeAnt Uncovering the genomic underpinnings of the convergent evolution of a major social trait 2019
895 QuantumSolarFuels Photoelectrochemical Solar Light Conversion into Fuels on Colloidal Quantum Dots Based Photoanodes 2019
896 ZWIPE Zwipe is a technology provider that enables ultra-low-power biometric authentication solutions for Financial Services. Mission is to “Make Convenience Secure” for banks, merchants and consumers. 2019
897 REFINE Robots Explore plankton-driven Fluxes in the marine twIlight zoNE 2019
898 MOSAiC Multimode cOrrelations in microwave photonics with Superconducting quAntum Circuits 2019
899 SURFCAT Surface-functionalised nanocrystal catalysts for the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide 2020
900 BB-SLM Polychromatic digital optics for structured light 2020
901 ARCTICO Uncovering the Magnitude of Arctic Climate Change 2019
902 BILINGUALPLAS Neurophysiological correlates of bilingual advantage and its contribution to cognitive reserve 2020
904 LIBED-PDs Light Induced Bipolar Electrochemical Doping in Perovskite Devices 2020
905 NeuroStemX In vitro model of Fragile X Syndrome using naïve iPSCs 2019
906 E2-CREATE E2-CREATE: Encoding Embodied CreativityVisual arts, performing arts, film, design 2020
907 PRESQUE A predicting platform for designing semiconductor quantum devices 2019
908 Thin-CATALYzER Nanostructured anode catalyst layer for oxygen evolution reaction based on a novel thin-film architecture 2020
909 TFZN Understanding the mechanisms that govern organ morphostasis and repair 2019
910 LUNG-BIM Induction of B cell immunity in the lung mucosa 2019
911 COHESiV Coherent Optomechanical and Hyperfine interactions Engineering with Silicon-Vacancy impurities in diamond for quantum networks 2020
912 qCHROMDEK Quantitative insight into chromatin nanoscale structure: sub-nuclear organisation of oncoprotein DEK 2019
913 Salmofish Tracing T3SS effectors in vivo during Salmonella infection in the zebrafish model 2019
914 POLAR STAR Polymeric cyclodextrin-based nanoparticles for combination therapy of castrate-resistant prostate cancer 2019
915 SingCelCD Single Cell approaches for the study of oncogenic processes during coeliac disease. 2019
916 MAGI Microbial therapy against gut inflammation 2019
917 MigrationRadar Elucidating continental-scale patterns of bird migration with weather radars 2019
918 SHIGETECVAX Early clinical development of a live, attenuated combination vaccine against Shigella and ETEC diarrhoea 2019
919 TT4CL Clinical development of oral oleylphosphocholine as a new drug for the treatment of Old World Cutaneous Leishmaniasis 2019
920 LactaDiff Assessing cellular compartmentation of brain lactate using diffusion MR spectroscopy in vivo 2019
921 UreaCa Deciphering the metabolic roles of the urea-cycle pathway in carcinogenesis for improving diagnosis and therapy 2019
922 INDIA-H2O bIo-mimetic and phyto-techNologies DesIgned for low-cost purficAtion and recycling of water 2019
923 RegRNA Mechanistic principles of regulation by small RNAs 2019
924 ScalableControl Scalable Control of Interconnected Systems 2019
925 ALGOCERT Devising certifiable and explainable algorithms for verification and planning in cyber-physical systems 2019
926 HoloLif Lifshitz holography: hydrodynamics and the large-D limit 2019
927 nanoCellSense A nanotechnology-based approach for label-free single-cell analysis of cytoplasmic proteome 2019
928 RegADyn In vivo characterization of novel actin dynamic regulators during cell migration 2020
929 LOBSTER Development of Photochemical Strategies for the Generation and Use of Sulfur Radicals in the Assembly of C-S Bonds 2019
930 ReproXimera Modelling in vivo lineage reprogramming of human astrocytes into induced neurons in the adult mouse brain 2020
931 GenSPaD Genomic Selection for Pasture Digestibility 2020
932 GRASAD Uncovering the genetic roots of ASD and ADHD 2020
933 LEANOR Detecting Low-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos with KM3NeT/ORCA: the Transient Neutrino Sky at the GeV Scale 2019
934 PolyPath Insights from within-host dynamics on the coexistence of antibiotic resistant and sensitive pathogens 2019
935 WIKOLLECT Workflows for the Large-Scale Collection and Transference of Knowledge across Languages: Using Natural Language Processing to Produce High-Quality Contents with Language Learners 2020
936 BrainInformationFlow Principles underlying information flow across the entire brain of the zebrafish 2020
937 POLARC High Arctic Polynyas in a Changing Climate 2019
938 ECO-DEKS External knowledge sourcing strategies for environmental innovation in the industrial sector of Nigeria 2019
939 PUMP3M2D Innovative pump to carry out asbestos level measurements by remote control through IOS/ Android App 2019
940 WaMoS Wastewater Treatment Monitoring and Advisory System 2019
941 RAPID The first effective remedy for acute pancreatitis disease 2019
942 4 ALL The first foldable kid car seat to easy travel in family 2019
944 AGRICORE Agent-based support tool for the development of agriculture policies 2019
945 DIAS Smart Adaptive Remote Diagnostic Antitampering Systems 2019
946 CONSTRAIN Constraining uncertainty of multi decadal climate projections 2019
947 RISE Real-time Earthquake Risk Reduction for a Resilient Europe 2019
948 UWB-IODA SF-PC Ultra Wide Band Integrated Optical-and-Digital Approach for Smart Factory and Perceptive Car 2020
949 PERICLeS PERovskIte Coherent Light Sources 2020
950 SELENe Strain Engineering of Light-Emitting Nanodomes 2019
951 HARP Heating Appliances Retrofit Planning 2019
952 ARDRE Ageing, Regeneration, and Drug Research 2019
953 Prognolite The first holistic restaurant forecasting tool to reduce food waste by predicting future demand 2019
954 AI for a faster web An automatic approach for creating faster websites using HTTP/2, machine learning, and AI 2019
955 SentiSquareCX Qualitative Jump in Customer Experience: Omnichannel Impact of Distributional Semantics 2019
956 Starborne Novel map-population and rendering techniques for reinventing massively multiplayer online computer games 2019
957 CeleSte Commensal microbiota regulation of neuro-immune networks 2020
958 PEARL Programme for EArly-stage Researchers in Lille 2019
959 HAPGuide Smart and sensing robotic system for endovascular interventions with haptic feedback 2019
960 UHMob Ultra-high Charge Carrier Mobility to Elucidate Transport Mechanisms in Molecular Semiconductors 2019
961 FLAMINCO Flameless affordable and high efficency micro turbine system for sustainable residential cogeneration 2019
963 DINEMOS Discovery of New Molecular Semiconductors 2019
964 NANO-TUNE Reproducible synthesis of nanocrystals with tunable properties for sustainable energy solutions 2019
965 ADAPT2FLOW Adaptive and maladaptive endothelial cell dynamics during blood flow-driven vascular patterning 2019
966 MetEpiC P53-dependent Metabolic and Epigenetic Reprogramming in Carcinogenesis 2020
967 MultiSeaSpace Developing a unified spatial modelling strategy that accounts for interactions between species at different marine trophic levels, and different types of survey data. 2019
968 PD2PI From Postdoc to PI: Future leaders of ERA 2019
969 PRESENT Photoreal REaltime Sentient ENTity 2019
970 ARTimmune Programmable ARTificial immune systems to fight cancer 2019
971 ON-MERRIT Observing and Negating Matthew Effects in Responsible Research and Innovation Transition 2019
972 PRIME Innovative Low-Mass Tanks for a Low-Cost, Low-Carbon European Micro-Launch Vehicle 2019
973 HECARRUS Hybrid ElectriC smAll commuteR aiRcraft conceptUal deSign 2019
974 InSoMa Feasibility study for lancing an innovative software tool based on mathematical methods in the B2B market 2019
975 SELKOAI Feasibility of SELKO AI 2019
976 TROPIBIO Expanding potential in TROPIcal BIOdiversity and ecosystem research towards sustainable life on land 2019
977 Regen-membrane Pulsed Electrophoretic Deposition to give Membranes for Regenerative Medicine 2019
978 NANOELAST Next-Generation Urinary Catheters for Preventing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections: Emphasis on Antibiotic Resistance 2019
979 Nano-Edison The most viable stationary energy storage solution for grid applications 2019
981 ActLight Delivering a new, key enabling technology that will drive the development of far-reaching advances in photonics, nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing 2019
982 MATE The First Industrial-Scale Commercially Viable & Environmentally Sensitive System For Empty Fruit Bunch Waste Disposal 2019
983 Tuberculini A novel in-vitro diagnostic test for drug-resistant tuberculosis and a personalized antibiotic treatment plan. 2019
984 AVATAR SW application for smartphones enabling accurate and easy-to-use 3D body scanning for digitalized design and production process in fashion and textile industry. 2019
985 StreptoMANIAC Cost and benefit of beta-lactam resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae: interplay between the resistance determinants and the cell elongation/division components 2019
987 HEL4CHIROLED Helical systems for chiral organic light emitting diodes 2020
989 KissAndSpitRhoptry Unravelling the secretion machinery for virulence factors in apicomplexan parasites 2020
990 D3T Data Driven Digital Transformation 2019
991 Comm4CHILD Communication for Children with Hearing Impairment to optimise Language Development 2020
992 AACCT Advanced Atmospheric Carbon Capture Technology 2019
993 ECRC Developing a diverse portfolio of vaccine candidates for Rift Valley Fever, Chikungunya and Ebola 2019
994 FreeATPOC Towards an instrument-free future of molecular diagnostics at the point-of-care 2020
995 SPRING SPin Research IN Graphene 2019
996 DigiJourney Digital transformation journey for SMEs 2019
997 De-RISC De-RISC: Dependable Real-time Infrastructure for Safety-critical Computer 2019
998 CAST Active Monitoring of Cancer As An Alternative To Surgery 2019
999 STRICT SN: The first blood biomarker to accurately STratify mortality Risk In patients with Cardiac arrhyTmia 2019
1000 ADDI-OPTIMISE ADDI-OPTIMISE - Process Efficiency & Quality Assurance in Metal Additive Manufacturing 2019
1001 TCTOOL Innovative Tooling, End-Effector Development and Industrialisation for Welding of Thermoplastic Components 2019
1002 PACE The leading manufacturer-independent connected-car platform, disrupting value creation and customer communication in the automotive aftermarket 2019
1003 UNLOCK-EDD UNLOCKing next generation computer-guided Enzyme Discovery and Design. 2019
1004 ComBioTES Compact bio-based thermal energy storage for buildings 2019
1005 EnTER Enhanced Mass Transport in Electrochemical Systems for Renewable Fuels and Clean Water 2020
1006 TERAmeasure Non-contact millimeter and Terahertz frequency measurement paradigm for instrumentation and sensing applications unlocking metrology-grade results 2019
1007 APRICOT Anatomically Precise Revolutionary Implant for bone Conserving Osteoarthritis Treatment 2019
1008 LIGHT4LUNGS Inhalable Aerosol Light Source for Controlling Drug-Resistant Bacterial Lung Infections 2019
1009 Movi Player SDK New mobile video platform technology for interactive experiences and added-value from video distribution 2019
1010 EPICA Improved Credentialess and Secure Cloud Access 2019
1011 TABASCO Testing Advanced Basic Structures with novel Low-Cost Solutions 2019
1012 HLFC 4.0 Hybrid Laminar Fluid Control 4.0 2019
1013 TRINITI Multi-Material Thermoplastic high pressure Nitrogen Tanks for Aircraft 2019
1014 MAMEMS Mount Athos in Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Society: Contextualizing the History of a Monastic Republic (ca. 850-1550) 2020
1017 sociOlfa Learning from social scents: from territory to identity 2020
1018 NoBiasFluors Non-biased fluorescent dyes as markers of drugs for optical in cellulo and in vivo imaging 2020
1019 QBusSi Optomechanical quantum bus for spins in silicon 2020
1020 DoReMI Dominating redox mechanisms in iron-mediated C-C bond formations: reactivity, new paradigms and applications 2020
1021 MACBETH Membranes And Catalysts Beyond Economic and Technological Hurdles 2019
1022 OXIR Vegetable Ozone Therapy Crops Sanitized Naturally from Seed to Feed 2019
1023 cs-BIPV-FS Next-generation transparent PV for Building Integrated Photovoltaics 2019
1024 ASCAPE Artificial intelligence Supporting CAncer Patients across Europe 2020
1025 IMPACTOUR IMproving Sustainable Development Policies and PrActices to assess, diversify and foster Cultural TOURism in European regions and areas 2020
1026 AD-TO-STORE Public Marketplace Platform for Digital Marketing applied for driving in-store Sales. 2019
1027 PJP Plasma Jet Pack 2020
1028 EN-UAC Urban Accessibility and Connectivity 2019
1030 INFINITE 2.0 Revolutionary laser machine for industrial engraving & 3D texturing 2019
1031 EENClientInnoJourney The extended EEN innovation support service for innovative SMEs in Serbia — EEN Client Inno Journey 2020
1032 PLAST2bCLEANED PLASTtics to be CLEANED by sorting and separation of plastics and subsequent recycling of polymers, bromine flame retardants and antimony trioxide 2019
1033 CoMorMent Predicting comorbid cardiovascular disease in individuals with mental disorder by decoding disease mechanisms 2020
1034 ATTOSTRUCTURA Structured attosecond pulses for ultrafast nanoscience 2020
1035 PRO-S PRO-S: The first highly energy efficient and eco-friendly bio based-photovoltaic module that works without sunlight or battery consumption for Smart buildings 2019
1036 Pledger Performance optimization and edge computing orchestration for enhanced experience and Quality of Service 2019
1037 PJ01-W2 EAD PJ01 Wave 2 Enhanced Arrivals and Departures 2019
1038 FORCEDMIGDEV Forced Migration and Development 2020
1039 KERASOL Functional Keratin Kerasol 2019
1040 GOIN Development of a fintech saving and investment application based on data-driven learning algorithms and blockchain technology 2019
1041 CRUCIAL MiCrovasculaR rarefaction in vascUlar Cognitive Impairement and heArt faiLure 2020
1042 EpigeneticScars Understanding DSB repair from pathway choice to long term effects and their consequences. 2020
1043 SMIC Formal Models of Social Meaning and Identity Construction through Language 2020
1044 BARRIER BREAK Breaking the barrier: How inflammation spreads from skin to joint 2020
1045 BugWright2 Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Maintenance on Ship Hulls and Storage Tanks 2020
1046 ReHyb Rehabilitation based on Hybrid neuroprosthesis 2020
1047 PICOMB Photonic Integrated Comb Source 2020
1048 GET LOCAL Unified digital booking platform promoting local tourist services 2020
1049 NanoDrip Revolutionary Nanodrip printing technology for industrial scale manufacturing enabling the next generation of high-end devices Type of funding scheme: SME Instrument 2019
1050 NanoCooling Graphene-based nanofluid for advanced thermal properties 2020
1051 DFD Deep Forestry Drones - revolutionising forestry mapping and analysis with artificial intelligence 2020
1052 EvoBias Sex-specific demography and the evolution of gender-biased harmful cultural practices 2020
1053 FRACTAL Electrons in Fractal Geometries 2020
1054 EPOCHAL Beyond seasonal suffering: Effects of Pollen on Cardiorespiratory Health and Allergies 2020
1055 NextMGT Next Generation of Micro Gas Turbines for High Efficiency, Low Emissions and Fuel Flexibility 2020
1056 nbPTMs A multifaceted platform for exploring nucleotide-based post-translational modifications 2021
1057 MIGHTY Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing of Hierarchical Li-Ion Battery Electrodes 2020
1058 uNIQUE NanophononIcs for QUantum information procEssing 2020
1059 SecureTracker New-generation bifacial solar tracker with integrated wind protection system for large scale photovoltaic arrays 2019
1060 CoaExMatter Bio-inspired Coacervate Extruded Materials 2020
1061 Trep-AB Repurposing clinically approved antibacterial drugs for treponematoses therapy 2020
1062 ELIXIR-CONVERGE Connect and align ELIXIR Nodes to deliver sustainable FAIR life-science data management services 2020
1063 IBERIA XRF Compact X-Ray Fluorescence probe for uniquely flexible, efficient and accurate underground material analysis 2020
1064 Green-MIQUEC Low-powered microwave quantum-enhanced communication: conceptualisation and preliminary design 2020
1065 CLEAN Clean evidence on dirty deeds 2020
1066 EQUATE Bridging Europe: A Quaternary Timescale For The Expansion And Evolution Of Humans 2020
1067 BraINstorm Engineered nanocarriers for simultaneous anticancer immune response and “switching” of tumor-associated macrophages for intranasal glioblastoma treatment 2020
1068 Cartesian Networks Cartesian Networks in Early Modern Europe: A Quantitative and Interdisciplinary Approach 2020
1069 BioTempSense Understanding the thermodynamic and mechanistic basis of a model biological temperature sensor 2021
1070 Turbo-MPMI-Discovery TurboID-charging discovery of plant pathogen virulence and host resistance mechanisms 2020
1071 EnergUP Development of alga-based photovoltaic devices: Electron transport from photosynthesis via the cell wall to electrodes 2020
1072 NanoscAM Nanoscale active matter to power microstructures 2020
1073 TReSFiDS Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of Strong-Field-Driven Solids 2021
1074 THEOCORPES Theoretical Methods for Better Core Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy 2021
1075 PlaGE Playing at the Gateways of Europe: theatrical languages and performatives practices in the Migrants' Reception Centres of the Mediterranean Area 2020
1076 Trojan Redefining Tsetse symbiont bacteria: A Trojan horse against Trypanosome transmission 2020
1077 NITROGEN-LIGHT Photo(electro)catalytic Nitrogen Fixation 2021
1078 RENOPROTECT Targeting tubular reabsorption for kidney protection 2020
1079 FluAttack Validation of a novel antiviral drug candidate against influenza 2020
1080 MesoSi-CO2 Design of low-cost and carbon-resistant Ni-based mesoporous silicas for chemical CO2 utilization through tri-reforming of methane 2020
1081 FairPersonalization Personalized commercial practices and digital market manipulation: enhancing fairness in consumer protection 2020
1082 GUTMAPS Cellular cartography of the intestine in health and inflammation 2021
1083 A.L.I.B.I. Helping Children to Make the Best of their Transition to High School 2020
1084 ARMISTICE Analysis and Risk Mitigation measures for Induced Seismicity in supercriTICal gEothermal systems 2021
1085 BioScal Monitoring functional traits by combining multi-scale and multi-temporal remote sensing data to assess biodiversity across Europe 2021
1086 REPTARQ Ecstatic Utopias: Reorienting audiovisual Evocations of Place Towards A Relational Queer future 2021
1087 VENUS inVestigation of distributEd propulsion Noise and its mitigation through wind tUnnel experiments and numerical Simulations 2020
1088 EcoScan guano-based monitoring of ecosystems – a novel approach to capture ecological processes underlying ecosystem health 2020
1089 EscaPI Exploring the non-genetic (i.e. ePIgenetic) mechanisms that contribute to therapy Escape in melanoma 2020