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H2020 projects about "team"

The page lists 1586 projects related to the topic "team".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ESC European Reseearchers Night: Researchers in Real Life. 2014
2 REN-ATHENS Researcher's Night: meeting science and your next door scientist 2014
3 YorNight York: City of the Past, City of the Future 2014
4 SHARPER SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Excellence and Results. European Reserarchers' Night in the Centre of Italy 2014 - 2015 2014
6 FLIRT Fall in Love wIth Research Tonight 2014
7 IDEAS Improving Design, Evaluation and Analysis of early drug development Studies 2015
8 ULTRAPLACAD ULTRAsensitive PLAsmonic devices for early CAncer Diagnosis 2015
9 SOUND Statistical multi-Omics UNDerstanding of Patient Samples 2015
10 MedBioinformatics Creating medically-driven integrative bioinformatics applications focused on oncology, CNS disorders and their comorbidities (MedBioinformatics) 2015
11 FORECEE Female cancer prediction using cervical omics to individualise screening and prevention 2015
12 SUCCESS Strategic Use of Competitiveness towards Consolidating the Economic Sustainability of the european Seafood sector 2015
13 CITYLAB City Logistics in Living Laboratories 2015
14 AGILE Aircraft 3rd Generation MDO for Innovative Collaboration of Heterogeneous Teams of Experts 2015
15 LYNCEUS2MARKET An innovative people localisation system for safe evacuation of large passenger ships 2015
16 SatisFactory A collaborative and augmented-enabled ecosystem for increasing SATISfaction and working experience in smart FACTORY environments 2015
17 CIPTEC Collective Innovation for Public Transport in European Cities 2015
18 SocialCar Open social transport network for urban approach to carpooling 2015
19 LOWBRASYS a LOW environmental impact BRAke SYStem 2015
20 HUCO Human Cooperation to Protect the Global Commons 2015
21 MEASURE Metrics for Sustainability Assessment in European Process Industries 2015
22 SteamBio Flexible Superheated Steam Torrefaction and Grinding of Indigenous Biomass from Remote Rural Sources to Produce Stable Densified Feedstocks for Chemical and Energy Applications 2015
23 Built2Spec Built to Specifications: Self-Inspection, 3D Modelling, Management and Quality-Check Tools for the 21st Century Construction Worksite 2015
24 GADGET Geometry and Anomalous Dynamic Growth of Elastic instabiliTies 2015
25 GQCOP Genuine Quantumness in Cooperative Phenomena 2015
26 BLOC Mathematical study of Boundary Layers in Oceanic Motions 2015
27 Highland Connections Remoteness and Connectivity: Highland Asia in the World 2015
28 SoSGlobal Stories of Survival: Recovering the Connected Histories of Eastern Christianity in the Early Modern World 2015
29 SenseX Sensory Experiences for Interactive Technologies 2015
30 FirstDawn Imaging the cosmic dawn and the first galaxies with 21cm and atomic line intensity mapping 2015
31 BSMFLEET Challenging the Standard Model using an extended Physics program in LHCb 2015
32 PRCTOERC Novel Regulatory Principles of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 2015
33 PEDAL Plasmonic Enhancement and Directionality of Emission for Advanced Luminescent Solar Devices 2015
34 EURO-CARES European Curation of Astromaterials Returned from the Exploration of Space 2015
35 PLUGIN Payload Universal Geostationary Interface 2015
36 IRENA International Re-Entry demoNstrator Action 2015
37 MIND-SETS Mobility Innovations for a New Dawn in Sustainable (European) Transport Systems 2014
38 DHaptics DHaptics: Creating silent and sharp Mid-air Haptics using phased array of ultrasound transducers 2014
39 ShaleXenvironmenT Maximizing the EU shale gas potential by minimizing its environmental footprint 2015
40 QuProCS Quantum Probes for Complex Systems 2015
41 eDrug Drug eDesign: Building the next generation of software solutions for drug design 2015
42 iPUBLIC Inkjet Printed Ultrafast Batteries and Large Integrated Capacitors 2014
43 FOSTER ITS First Operational, Secured and Trusted galilEo Receiver for ITS 2015
44 e-Airport Increase airport capacity, safety and security using European GNSS 2015
45 GNSS.asia2 Industrial cooperation across continents 2015
46 CaBilAvi Capacity building for aviation stakeholders, inside and outside the EU 2015
47 EPIMAC The next generation epigenetic medicine for inflammation 2015
48 NextGenVis Training the Next Generation of European Visual Neuroscientists for the benefit of innovation in health care and high-tech industry 2015
49 TOLLerant Toll-Like Receptor 4 activation and function in diseases: an integrated chemical-biology approach. 2015
50 MUSICARE MUltiSectoral Integrative approaches to CArdiac care 2015
51 ALFF The Algal Microbiome: Friends and Foes 2015
52 INTEGRATE Interdisciplinary Training Network for Validation of Gram-Negative Antibacterial Targets 2015
53 InCeM Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility 2015
54 CLEAN-Gas Combustion for Low Emission Applications of Natural Gas 2015
55 KAMWAL Assessing and improving the innovation management capacity of Walloon SMEs through specialized EEN services 2014
56 INNO-EEN 2014 Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO-EEN 2014) 2014
57 INNCAT Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2014
58 m-RESIST Mobile Therapeutic Attention for Patients with Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia 2015
59 FRESHER FoResight and Modelling for European HEalth Policy and Regulation 2015
60 openMedicine openMedicine 2015
61 AEROWORKS Collaborative Aerial Robotic Workers 2015
62 RRI-ICT Forum Supporting and promoting responsible research and innovation in ICT 2015
63 ProsocialLearn ProsocialLearn - Gamification of Prosocial Learning for Increased Youth Inclusion and Academic Achievement 2015
64 ePlus Ecosystem Fostering Web Entrepreneurship in Europe: e-talent, e-mentoring, e-services and e-capital for e-entrepreneurs 2015
65 RePhrase REfactoring Parallel Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Applications - a Software Engineering Approach 2015
66 DiDIY Digital Do It Yourself 2015
69 CloudTeams Collaborative Software Development Framework based on Trusted, Secure Cloud-based Pool of Users 2015
70 POPULATE POPULate AsymmeTric mobile gamEs 2015
71 CogIMon Cognitive Interaction in Motion 2015
72 COCOHA Cognitive Control of a Hearing Aid 2015
73 POPART Previz for On-set Production - Adaptive Realtime Tracking 2015
74 LIGHT2015 The International Year of Light in Europe 2015 2015
75 WiMUST Widely scalable Mobile Underwater Sonar Technology 2015
76 TRANSLITERACY Exploiting transmedia skills and informal learning strategies to improve formal education 2015
77 DiasporaLink DiasporaLink 2015
78 PRO4VIP Innovative PROcurement for Visual Impaired People 2015
79 Muscle stress relief Muscle Stress Relief: An integrated research program linking together basic research on secondary myopathies in stress states to innovative translation in applied myology. 2016
80 SALEACOM Overcoming Inequalities in Schools and Learning Communities: Innovative Education for a New Century 2015
81 Immuno-NanoDecoder Nanostructured molecular decoders for the quantitative, multiplexed, layer-by-layer detection of disease-associated proteins 2015
82 HYMADE Hybrid Drug Delivery Systems upon Mesoporous Materials, Self Assembled Therapeutics and Virosomes 2015
83 PROTINUS PROviding new insighT into INteractions between soil fUnctions and Structure 2015
84 PRECeDI Personalized PREvention of Chronic DIseases 2015
85 INCAS Understanding institutional change in Asia: a comparative perspective with Europe 2015
86 greenGain Supporting Sustainable Energy Production from Biomass from Landscape Conservation and Maintenance Work 2015
87 TUNEMEM Externally Tuneable Separations for Membrane Reactors 2015
88 COBHUNI Contemporary Bioethics and the History of the Unborn in Islam 2015
89 SSBD Small Summaries for Big Data 2015
90 FNPMLS Fundamental nuclear properties measured with laser spectroscopy 2015
91 ENLIGHTEN European Legitimacy in Governing through Hard Times: the role of European Networks 2015
92 SeagateSail 20% fuel saving for commercial vessels through a hybrid wind plus motor cruise mode. 2014
93 SWaM Smart Water Manager SCADA system for entire grid of water wells management. 2014
94 BeadCAP-DNA BeadCAP-DNA: 30-minute on-site DNA test kit 2014
95 NDTMF New Drying Techniques for Moulded Fibres 2014
96 TM Field Analyzer Developing a monitoring system for urban gas pipelines by utilizing state of the art accelerometers, advanced signal processing, and advanced intelligent algorithm based recognition 2014
97 Accellta Accellta Market Study 2014
99 AGRISPIN Space for Agricultural Innovation 2015
100 AORAC-SA Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Support Action 2015
101 COLUMBUS COLUMBUS - Monitoring, Managing and Transferring Marine and Maritime Knowledge for Sustainable Blue Growth 2015
102 EuroStemCell European Consortium for Communicating Stem Cell Research 2015
103 NEXES NEXt generation Emergency Services 2015
104 PANORAMIX Privacy and Accountability in Networks via Optimized Randomized Mix-nets 2015
105 LAW-TRAIN Mixed-reality environment for training teams in joint investigative interrogation-Intelligent interrogation training simulator 2015
106 AUGGMED Automated Serious Game Scenario Generator for Mixed Reality Training 2015
107 FIVEVB Five Volt Lithium Ion Batteries with Silicon Anodes produced for Next Generation Electric Vehicles 2015
108 Silver Stream Social innovation and light electric vehicle revolution on streets and ambient 2015
109 EPINET Detection of brain patterns for the characterisation of epileptic networks 2015
110 AUDICON Neural mechanisms of spectral context effects on auditory processing 2015
111 LANTERN Light-Atom Interactions in Nanophotonic Structures 2016
112 RADIOGENFF RADIOGENOMICS: Finding Genetic Functional Variants Through Fine Mapping 2016
113 IPSIBiM Improved Patient Safety through Intensive Biosignal Monitoring 2015
114 CHELALZ Multitarget compounds with therapeutic potential against Alzheimer disease: Design and in vitro studies 2016
115 INAME Imaging nucleic acid metabolism in cells 2016
116 DROUGHTROOT Plants in search of water: physiological and molecular interplay between root hydraulics and architecture during drought stress 2016
117 SIBG Strongly Interacting Bose Gases 2015
118 S4ILS Solar Sailing for Space Situational Awareness In the Lunar System 2015
119 Helping in Cyanopica Why helping others? The role of direct fitness benefits within the social-networks in cooperatively breeding azure-winged magpies 2015
120 ORRmetIR Development and in situ Infrared study of Novel Strained Core-shell Electrocatalysts: Towards an Understanding of the Oxygen Reduction Mechanism 2015
121 SeisMo SEismology of the MOon 2016
122 CRYPTRANS Characterization of newly discovered but poorly understood fungal-driven trophic processes in freshwater lake ecosystems by metatranscriptomic 2015
123 HOOKaWORM Hook a Worm to Catch a Man: Tracking Historical and Recent Human Settlement, Land use and Migration in Neotropical Rainforests using Ecosystem Engineers 2015
124 FeedbackTeamContest FEEDBACK IN TEAM COMPETITIONS 2015
125 TITLY Inhibition of the T-cell receptor signalling pathway for treatment of T-cell lymphoma 2015
126 PE4PPI Peer ethnography for the promotion of patient and public involvement: young people and sexual health service development. 2015
127 BigDataScore Improving loan quality and acceptance rates by predicting credit behavior through social mediadata. 2015
128 OLDIAS Online Dialysis Sensor 2015
129 Ph1ProHap2 hapticom launches the world‘s 1st special tablet for over 20 million visually impaired people in the EU, enabling them access to barrier-free digital information and communication with all of society 2015
130 MeRIT MeRIT - Maximising Renewable Energy Integration 2015
131 LEGEND LEGEND, Sport goes viral 2015
132 MultiRev Multi-revolution non-volatile magnetic sensors 2016
133 IONOSENSE-POC Exploitation of Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Biological Ionsensing – Proof Of Concept 2015
134 ACOFORS Launching Acoustic Force Spectroscopy - unlocking the potential of biomolecular bungee jumping 2015
135 PAYPLUG LABS Next generation online payments and fraud detection API for European SMEs 2015
136 Adaptcontrol A modular and compact controller design for light electric vehicles 2015
137 CLAYMBAR Injected Moulded barriers for cost effective food packaging 2015
138 eKuore eKoure: the world´s first wireless stethoscope of the mhealth market. 2015
139 Elistair Bringing unlimited autonomy to Civilian Drones : PULSE, an Intelligent Tethered Power Supply. 2015
140 BI-MARK Clinical validation of the CD32b biomarker on the European market 2015
141 PFMaker PFMaker, the Advanced Interactive Video Tool 2015
142 BIFLOW Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works (ca. 1260 - ca. 1416) 2015
143 AWESOME Advanced Wind Energy Systems Operation and Maintenance Expertise 2015
144 ERA-LEARN 2020 Strengthening joint programming in Europe 2015
145 NMP TeAm 3 Improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through Transnational Activities 2015
146 ProBIO Professional support to the uptake of bioeconomy RD results towards market, further research and policy for a more competitive European bioeconomy 2015
148 VSP Volumental - The Cloud-Delivered 3D Scanning Service Supporting A Future Of Mass Customization 2015
149 HiLASE CoE HiLASE Centre of Excellence 2015
150 WeChangEd Agents of Change: Women Editors and Socio-Cultural Transformation in Europe (1710-1920) 2015
151 ABLASE Advanced Bioderived and Biocompatible Lasers 2015
152 ECWRTI ECOLORO: Reuse of Waste Water from the Textile Industry 2015
153 ECOFISH Researches on the potential conversion of conventional fish farms into organic by establishing a model and good practice guide 2015
154 ENSURE Exploring the New Science and engineering unveiled by Ultraintense ultrashort Radiation interaction with mattEr 2015
155 BlackHoleMaps Mapping gravitational waves from collisions of black holes 2015
156 IQFT Integrable Structures in Quantum Field Theory 2015
157 Integrating Turkish Beyond East and West: Developing and Documenting an Evolving Transcultural Musical Practice 2015
158 HoNESt History of Nuclear Energy and Society 2015
159 IBSEN Bridging the gap: from Individual Behaviour to the Socio-tEchnical MaN 2015
160 KIOS KIOS Research Center of Excellence for Intelligent Systems and Networks 2015
161 2D-INK Redesigning 2D Materials for the Formulation of Semiconducting Inks 2016
162 VOXEL volumetric medical x-ray imaging at extremely low dose 2015
163 ABIOMATER Magnetically actuated bio-inspired metamaterials 2015
164 Lingvist Lingvist - the next generation language-learning software 2015
165 ECO - ENGAGE GreenApes Sustainability Software Service: Employee Engagement for Eco-innovation 2015
166 TEMARA Teaming to Extend Maltese Ambitions in the Aerospace Sector 2015
168 EcoMultiCloud Hierarchical Approach for Green Workload Management in Distributed Data Centers reducing energy bill and carbon footprint 2015
169 GAREP Novel GAsification REactor for combined heat and power Plant 2015
170 PNANOMED Personalized Nanomedicines for Leukemia Patients 2015
171 RENALTRACT Development and disease of the renal tract 2015
172 HighTPSAFM High throughput spectroscopy atomic force microscopy for the foot printing of bacteria and cellular organelle 2016
173 INTRASTEM INTRASTEM: High Efficiency Delivery of Proteins, Nucleic Acids and Particles to Human Cells 2015
174 PULTAR Delivery of PULmonary Therapeutics through TARgetted Delivery using Phononics 2015
175 GEDII Gender Diversity Impact – Improving research and innovation through gender diversity 2015
176 FoReCaST Forefront Research in 3D Disease Cancer Models as in vitro Screening Technologies 2015
177 TransGeno The ERA Chair for Translational Genomics and Personalized Medicine 2015
178 SynBioTEC Establishing ERA Chair position in Synthetic Biology at University of Tartu Institute of Technology 2015
179 ERAatUC Enhancing Research in Ageing at the University of Coimbra 2015
180 AIMS Accessible, Impactful, Measurable and Socially responsible tutoring 2015
181 NICENAV NICENAV Navigation-grade ITAR-free Certifiable Equipment for the Navigation of manned and unmanned Air Vehicle, based on FOG technology 2015
182 RVT The Reversible Variable Transmission – Visionary Transmission for unprecedented Fuel, CO2 and Cost Savings 2015
183 Salesdat Unlock the full power of your Point of Sales 2015
184 Excalibur 2.0 Revolutionary trustworthy platform for seamless authentication of Internet users 2015
185 CSC-IS Development of a more effective and safer therapeutic antibody for cancer treatment with a dual mechanism of action to eliminate CSCs and reactivate the tumour’s immune system. 2015
186 AVS-ISS Analysis, Verification, and Synthesis for Infinite-State Systems 2015
187 ABCvolume The ABC of Cell Volume Regulation 2015
188 SILVERWINE Antiseptic kaolin-silver complex for substituting the use of sulfites in winemaking 2015
189 CoCoBondsValuation New System for Credit Rating of Hybrid Securities 2015
190 ANICOLEVO Animal coloration through deep time: evolutionary novelty, homology and taphonomy 2016
191 AYURYOG Medicine, Immortality, Moksha: Entangled Histories of Yoga, Ayurveda and Alchemy in South Asia 2015
192 ReactiveFronts Mixing interfaces as reactive hotspots of porous media flows: theoretical upscaling, experimental imaging and field scale validation 2015
193 TIPPDECRA Tolerogenic immunotherapy with peptide-pulsed dendritic cells in rheumatoid arthritis 2016
194 PROMETHEUS Novel Cells for Organ Repair 2015
195 PanEur1970s Looking West: the European Socialist regimes facing pan-European cooperation and the European Community 2015
196 PERFUME Smart Device Communication: A paradigm for high PERformance FUture Mobile nEtworking 2015
197 Bio-AX A new wearable, cost effective and non-invasive biometric solution for accurate and high throughput screening of people, bags and vehicles 2015
198 INNO EEN-M Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) 2015
199 INNCAT1516 Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2015-2016 2015
200 FLOWERPOWER Establishing a new generation of horticulturists: Multidisciplinary approach for breeding innovative novelties using classical and biotechnological methods 2016
201 WASP Wide Spectral Range Photonic Glucometer 2015
202 WANDERINGMINDS Not all minds that wander are lost: A neurocognitive test of mind-wandering state’s contribution to human cognition. 2015
203 EPN2020-RI EUROPLANET 2020 Research Infrastructure 2015
204 MultiCO Promoting Youth Scientific Career Awareness and it Attractiveness through Multi-stakeholder Co-operation 2015
205 JEWSEAST Jews and Christians in the East: Strategies of Interaction between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean 2015
206 iPURXL iPURXL: Scale-Up of Liquid Nano-reactor for the Destruction of Contaminants in Turbid Fluids 2015
207 BE-OPTICAL Advanced BiomEdical OPTICAL Imaging and Data Analysis 2015
208 ANSWER ANtibioticS and mobile resistance elements in WastEwater Reuse applications: risks and innovative solutions 2015
209 SINGEK Promoting SINgle cell GEnomics to explore the ecology and evolution of hidden microeuKaryotes 2016
210 TERRE Training Engineers and Researchers to Rethink geotechnical Engineering for a low carbon future 2015
211 ArchSci2020 Archaeology on the Edge: Northern Europe and the Circumpolar World 2016
212 BIGCHEM Big Data in Chemistry 2016
213 NewTREND New integrated methodology and Tools for Retrofit design towards a next generation of ENergy efficient and sustainable buildings and Districts 2015
214 ADREM Adaptable Reactors for Resource- and Energy-Efficient Methane Valorisation 2015
215 SENSOILS Sensing soil processes for improved crop nitrogen bioavailability 2015
216 PERIF Perivascular cells at the crossroads of inflammation, regeneration and fibrosis 2015
217 RATCHETCOG The Cog in the Ratchet: Illuminating the Cognitive Mechanisms Generating Human Cumulative Culture 2015
218 MyFUN Myopia: Fundamental understanding needed 2016
219 ICEYE Microsatellite radar network for fast update Arctic ice surveillance. 2015
220 THUNDHUB ThunderMaps HomeHub 2015
222 Virtual Optics Virtual Optics - A software revolution in the optical industry 2015
223 DIA-VIT DIA-VIT, a non-invasive glucose self-monitoring device for diabetes patients 2015
224 RENEGAS RENewable AdvancEd GAsification FeedstockS 2015
225 EUBorderCare Intimate Encounters in EU Borderlands: Migrant Maternity, Sovereignty and the Politics of Care on Europe’s Peripheries 2015
226 Eurasia3angle Millet and beans, language and genes. The origin and dispersal of the Transeurasian family. 2015
227 CRADLE Cancer treatment during pregnancy: from fetal safety to maternal efficacy 2015
228 MMAF Novel multimodal approach to atrial fibrillation risk assessment and identification of targets for prevention by interdisciplinary exploitation of omics, advanced electrocardiography, and imaging 2016
229 ANT Automata in Number Theory 2015
230 EU-rhythmy Molecular strategies to treat inherited arrhythmias 2015
231 ObesityDevelop Effects of maternal gestational adiposity on fetal development and perinatal, postnatal and next generation health. 2015
232 StabilityDTCluster Stability conditions, Donaldson-Thomas invariants and cluster varieties 2015
233 MAMSIE Mixing and Angular Momentum tranSport of massIvE stars 2016
234 SEEVCA Self-Enforcing Electronic Voting For Commercial Applications 2015
235 EPOCH28 Epigenetic Profiling of Chemotherapy Efficacy 2015
236 OPTIMISED Operational Planning Tool Interfacing Manufacturing Integrated Simulations with Empirical Data 2015
237 ECINPERSON the European Community IN PERSON: connecting people and cultures through home dining 2015
238 SOCRATIC SOcial CReATive IntelligenCe Platform for achieving Global Sustainability Goals 2016
239 SWINE-GEN Genetic markers assisted selection for improvement of swine breeding productivity. 2015
240 NEWERA Innovative micro-abrasive Water Jet for high precision machining and finishing 2015
242 ACTICAPS Actiwhey based microencapsulation solution for sustainable food manufacturing 2015
243 LUCY Early detector of comorbid depression 2015
244 Smart Ski Smart Ski 2015
245 NETIK Smart sensor metering using cloud storage and PLC communication for efficient energy management 2015
246 CellViewer CellViewer: super-resolution systems microscopy to assess pluripotency and differentiation of stem cells at single cell level 2016
247 MARA Molecular Analytical Robotics Assays 2015
248 GLOBE Global Lensing Observations to go Beyond Einstein 2015
249 KAMINO Establishing of EEN-services for supporting the Key Account Management process in the SME-instrument and enhancing the INnOvation management capacities of SMEs – KAMINO 2015
250 RespiceSME Regional, National and European Support for Photonics Innovation Clusters enhancing SMEs Innovative Potential 2016
251 SBSI Structure-based subwavelength imaging 2015
252 FAST SPECTRO Spatially Multiplexed Spectrophotometry 2015
253 NEO-NAT Understanding the mass scales in nature 2015
254 PLICO Plant lipidome remodelling during cold acclimation 2016
255 PreventIT Early risk detection and prevention in ageing people by self-administered ICT-supported assessment and a behavioural change intervention delivered by use of smartphones and smartwatches 2016
256 SBNAF Small Bodies: Near and Far 2016
257 MOSAIC Multi object spectrometer with an array of superconducting integrated circuits 2016
258 DATA4WATER Excellence in Smart Data and Services for Supporting Water Management 2016
259 SELAM Large-scale piloting and market maturation of a novel process for sustainable European lobster aqua- and mariculture 2015
260 iSIM Integrated Standard Imager for Earth Observation Microsatellites 2015
261 PAPHOS Parallel photogrammetry system for object panoramas 2015
262 IMERSO IMERSO - Virtual Reality System 2015
266 META-REFLECTOR Next generation meta-material based Optical Solar Reflectors 2016
267 SPECTRA280 A cloud-based food analytics platform for the rapid detection of adulterant matter and quality assessment of milk, fruit juice and olive oil 2015
268 EEN-BG InnoSupp Innovation Support services by EEN for Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of Bulgarian SMEs 2015
269 TopDyn Probing topology and dynamics in driven quantum many-body systems 2016
270 ENERGY SPECTRUM Market uptake a innovative Non-intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring (NIALM) to enlarge ENERGY efficiency SPECTRUM to comprise the families factor 2016
271 SEO-DWARF Semantic EO Data Web Alert and Retrieval Framework 2016
272 OptArch Optimization Driven Architectural Design of Structures 2016
273 ORISON Innovative infrastructure for astronomical research based on stratospheric balloons 2016
274 DevTMF Development of Experimental Techniques and Predictive Tools to Characterise Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Behaviour and Damage Mechanisms 2016
275 BILISTICK BILISTICK: A low cost point-of-care for early diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns 2016
276 DARKJETS Discovery strategies for Dark Matter and new phenomena in hadronic signatures with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider 2016
277 MALIG A mathematical approach to the liquid-glass transition: kinetically constrained models, cellular automata and mixed order phase transitions 2016
278 BlueHealth Linking Up Environment, Health and Climate for Inter-sector Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in a Rapidly Changing Environment 2016
279 TAT-CF Novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of cystic fibrosis based on small molecule transmembrane anion transporters 2016
280 CoCA Comorbid Conditions of Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder 2016
281 INTENS INtestinal Tissue ENgineering Solution 2016
282 EvoGenMed Evolutionary genomics: new perspectives and novel medical applications 2016
283 CIVILWARS Social Dynamics of Civil Wars 2016
284 NormativeEconomics Reconstructing normative economics on a foundation of mutual advantage 2016
285 MIRASYS The diagnostic potential of miRNAs for early diagnosis of Systemic Sclerosis 2016
286 REPLICATE cReative-asset harvEsting PipeLine to Inspire Collective-AuThoring and Experimentation 2016
287 TrimBot2020 A gardening robot for rose, hedge and topiary trimming 2016
288 QUEST QUantitative paleoEnvironments from SpeleoThems 2016
290 NHQWAVE Non-Hermitian Quantum Wave Engineering 2016
291 ISABEL Triggering Sustainable Biogas Energy Communities through Social Innovation 2016
292 SEEMLA Sustainable exploitation of biomass for bioenergy from marginal lands in Europe 2016
293 IMPRINT Defeat of Insider Theft in Nuclear and Radioactive Sites 2015
294 WInspector Advanced shearography kit and a robotic deployment platform for on-site inspection of wind turbine blades 2016
295 GAP60PTP Gap Waveguides for Point-To-Point Wireless Links at 60 GHz and beyond 2016
296 FluoroFix Catalytic C–F Bond Functionalization for the Fixation of Environmentally Persistent Fluorocarbons 2016
297 MedReset MEDRESET.A comprehensive, integrated,and bottom-up approach to reset our understanding of the Mediterranean space, remap the region,and reconstruct inclusive, responsive,and flexible EU policies in it 2016
298 ENLIVEN Encouraging Lifelong Learning for an Inclusive and Vibrant Europe 2016
299 PREWArAs The Dark Side of the Belle Époque. Political violence and Armed Associations in Europe before the First World War 2016
300 CAIV_EPBD Concerted Action EPBD IV 2015
301 guarantEE Energy Efficiency with Performance Guarantees in Private and Public Sector 2016
302 TRANSITION ZERO Make Net Zero Energy refurbishments for houses a mass market reality 2016
303 SAFEIMMUNOSUPPRESS Development of immunosuppressive treatments with better safety 2016
304 NeMoFoil NeMoFoil: electronic foil for neuromonitoring 2016
305 MAGIC Mobile Assistance for Groups Individuals within the Community - STROKE REHABILITATION 2016
306 MARSU MARine atmospheric Science Unravelled: Analytical and mass spectrometric techniques development and application 2016
307 FourCmodelling Conflict, Competition, Cooperation and Complexity: Using Evolutionary Game Theory to model realistic populations 2016
308 DIGITAL ALFIERI Digital Alfieri. Dynamic Digital Editions: Case study Alfieri 13 2016
309 MICA Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis 2015
310 EKLIPSE Establishing a European Knowledge and Learning Mechanism to Improve the Policy-Science-Society Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 2016
311 NitroPortugal Strengthening Portuguese research and innovation capacities in the field of excess reactive nitrogen 2016
313 PEPTO1 Feasibility study of a novel treatment for cancer based on a recombinant peptide therapy 2016
314 PROTASIS Restoring Trust in the cyber space: a Systems Security Proposal 2016
315 DIPPHASE Exotic quantum phases with dipolar Fermi gases of spin-polarized Erbium atoms in reduced dimensions 2016
316 PEARRL Pharmaceutical Education And Research with Regulatory Links: Innovative drug development strategies and regulatory tools tailored to facilitate earlier access to medicines 2016
317 ATLAS A Trans-AtLantic Assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based Spatial management plan for Europe 2016
318 IrisPhone A novel and intuitive communication interface providing life enriching experiences for users in risk of social exclusion 2016
319 Token Communities Token Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean 2016
320 HiggspT Differential Higgs distributions as a unique window to New Physics at the LHC 2016
321 DigitalDoctors Making Clinical Sense: A comparative study of how doctors learn in digital times 2016
322 PLASMIC Plasmonically-enhanced III-V nanowire lasers on silicon for integrated communications 2016
323 Optimal-Immunity Optimal diversity in immunity – to overcome pathogens and maximize fitness; moving from correlative associations to a more mechanistic understanding using wild songbirds. 2016
324 Extinction Genomics Exploring and exploiting the potential of extinct genome sequencing 2016
325 AROMA-CFD Advanced Reduced Order Methods with Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics 2016
326 CIRCUS An end-to-end verification architecture for building Certified Implementations of Robust, Cryptographically Secure web applications 2016
327 NOVAMAG NOVel, critical materials free, high Anisotropy phases for permanent MAGnets, by design. 2016
328 TRACES Transmitting Contentious Cultural Heritages with the Arts: From Intervention to Co-Production 2016
329 DOLORES Degradation of Lifetime of fuel cell Resistance by Electrochemical impedance Spectroscopy 2016
330 SocialBrain Brain growth under social pressure: mathematical modelling of brain growth when individuals face social challenges 2016
331 Stim-Plast-O Effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on motor learning-related neuroplasticity in healthy older adults 2016
332 STILLING Towards improved understanding of the worldwide decline of wind speed in a climate change scenario 2016
333 SELDOM SElective Deposition Of 2D Materials 2016
334 InfGroups Foundations for computing with infinite linear groups 2016
335 Ex Anatolia lux Ex Anatolia lux. The Linguistic Origins of Europe: Word-formation and Lexicon in Anatolian and Core Indo-European. 2016
336 COMPLEX Control and Optimization of Energy Flow in Complex Molecular Networks 2016
337 GENDER-CF Gender-related differences in expression of microRNAs in cystic fibrosis 2017
338 FreshProof A real-time forecast decision support system for the food supply chain 2017
339 PREPARE Preventing Respiratory Events through Proactive Assessment of Respiratory Effort 2016
340 CR-Compressor Centric Recipocating Compressor 2016
341 BEST Postdoctoral Programme in Bioengineering Excellence Scientific Training 2017
342 EUCYS2016 European Union Contest for Young Scientists 2016 2015
343 COCOAPRO COCOA In Vitro PROpagation 2016
344 OXM Patent pending gearboxA patent pending gearbox for ships that decrease fuel consumption with 25% (appr 500 ton fuel and 1500 ton carbon dioxide per ship and year) 2016
345 PureBlade Clean Sheet Compressor design to supply pure air for the food and pharmaceutical industry 2016
346 Panatomy Panatomy 2016
347 Desolenator Green and Affordable Water Supply for All 2016
348 DIDSON Paracoustics : System active sound reducing system against noise pollution due to transport 2016
349 EUICIT EU Intersex Citizenship 2016
350 MEAN4SG Metrology Excellence Academic Network for Smart Grids 2016
351 SOCIAL ROBOTS Mechanisms and Consequences of Attributing Socialness to Artificial Agents 2016
353 QOM3D Quantum Optomechanics in 3D 2016
354 BuildingPlanS Building planetary systems: linking architectures with formation 2016
355 SKYOPENER SKYOPENER - establishing new foundations for the use of Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Systems for civilian applications. 2016
356 WATERSPOUTT Water - Sustainable Point-Of-Use Treatment Technologies 2016
357 C3-Cloud A Federated Collaborative Care Cure Cloud Architecture for Addressing the Needs of Multi-morbidity and Managing Poly-pharmacy 2016
358 iSCAPE Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe 2016
359 PROTECTIVE Proactive Risk Management through Improved Cyber Situational Awareness 2016
360 STORM Safeguarding Cultural Heritage through Technical and Organisational Resources Management 2016
361 ESPREssO Enhancing Synergies for disaster PRevention in the EurOpean Union 2016
362 BRIGAID BRIdges the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience 2016
363 Wnt and CRC Therapeutic inhibition of the oncogenic Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in mismatch repair deficient hypermutant tumors 2017
364 OSCA Ozone Sensitivity of Crops in Africa 2016
365 artes EUmanities a.r.t.e.s. EUmanities - European Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne 2017
366 HOW2WALKAGAIN Mechanisms of recovery after severe spinal cord injury 2016
367 SIFRm Semantic Indexing of French Biomedical Data Resources - mobility 2016
368 GECEM Global Encounters between China and Europe: Trade Networks, Consumption and Cultural Exchanges in Macau and Marseille (1680-1840) 2016
369 PRESTISSIMO Plasma Reconnection, Shocks and Turbulence in Solar System Interactions: Modelling and Observations 2016
370 SNDUST Supernova dust: production and survival rates 2016
371 EUREC4A Elucidating the Role of Clouds-Circulation Coupling in Climate 2016
372 MADAME Mesoscopic lAttices of ryDbergs for quAntuM thErmalization 2016
373 SmARTS Smart technology for analysis and monitoring of Cultural Heritage materials 2016
374 Lumiblast A paradigm shift in cancer therapy – using mitochondria-powered chemiluminescence to non-invasively treat inaccessible tumours 2016
375 ROUFER Eighteenth-century republicanism and the critique of commercial society: the case of Rousseau and Ferguson 2017
376 Goal Attribution in Groups Perceiving the intentions of the weakest link: How attributed individual and collective goals impact reactions to low performers in groups 2016
377 CSI.interface A molecular interface science approach: Decoding single molecular reactions and interactions at dynamic solid/liquid interfaces 2016
378 TRANSREG Structural and biochemical studies on the regulation of transcription during elongation 2016
379 EU-LAC-MUSEUMS Museums and Community: Concepts, Experiences, and Sustainability in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean 2016
380 iGOLDD Commercialising MR-HIFU: an Image-Guided Local Drug-Delivery Platform 2016
381 BIO-AX A novel wearable, cost-effective and non-invasive biometric body worn video solution for accurate and high throughput screening of people, bags and vehicles 2016
382 NEOBALLAST New high-performant and long-lasting ballast for sustainable railway infrastructures 2016
383 A reinvented wheel A disruptive innovation removing the need for tyre change on bicycles 2016
384 reSEARCH Re(search) 2016
386 SPRAYDECO Developing Wireless Application-based Spray Printer Device for Wall Decoration 2016
387 Scubacraft Submersible vessel used for multi-purpose sub-aqua applications to enhance marine life, environment conservation and structural integrity of offshore installations. 2016
388 SET - Chronic Pain SET – The defibrillator for Chronic Pain 2016
389 RENA REsearchers' Nights organized by Athens area Research Institutions to convey the science benefits to the public and motivate young people to science careers 2016
390 STMS Smart Tyre Management System for Safer, Greener and More Economic Transport through Innovative Technology for Smart Infrastructure from Silent Sensors Limited. 2016
391 USONIPRO Ultrasonic technology for bioprocess enhancement 2016
392 shippiesbags Hamburg Airport Feasibility Pilot for Seamless Bagshuttle Service 2016
393 ECOOL Evaporative Cooling Technologies for dry and humid climates 2016
394 CHEMCHECK CHECKPOINTS IN CHECK: Novel Chemical Toolbox for Local Cancer Immunotherapy 2016
395 COTCA Cultures of Occupation in Twentieth-century Asia 2016
396 BIGSEA Biogeochemical and ecosystem interactions with socio-economic activity in the global ocean 2016
397 MeerTRAP Discovering Fast Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT for Cosmology and to Test the Laws of Gravity 2016
398 SHARPER SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Engagement and Responsibility 2016
399 Dtorque111 Dtorque111 - world’s first turbodiesel outboard engine below 100 HP 2016
400 StandBy-U Real Time Response System towards Safety and Emergency Management Improvement in critical infrastructures and soft targets 2016
401 BSD Euler systems and the conjectures of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, Bloch and Kato 2016
402 AutoMate Automation as accepted and trustful teamMate to enhance traffic safety and efficiency 2016
403 ETMD_ICEC Efficient pathways to neutralization and radical production enabled by environment 2016
404 GlobalBioIm Global integrative framework for Computational Bio-Imaging 2016
405 NaTuRe Nanotube Mechanical Resonator, Spin, and Superfluidity 2017
406 GroundForce GroundForce: Grounding Natural Language Semantics in Video Games 2016
407 HERITAGE Monumental Art of the Christian and Early Islamic East: Cultural Identities and Classical Heritage 2016
408 IFAMID Institutional Family Demography 2016
409 srEDM Search for electric dipole moments using storage rings 2016
410 CHANGE New CHallenges for (adaptive) PDE solvers: the interplay of ANalysis and GEometry 2016
411 GUPPYSEX Evolutionary genetics of guppy sex chromosomes 2016
412 MSG Making Sense of Games: A Methodology for Humanistic Game Analysis 2016
413 IMMUNOALZHEIMER The role of immune cells in Alzheimer's disease 2016
415 GlioDx GlioDx - Blood platelet-based monitoring and treatment optimisation for glioblastoma patients 2016
416 MUTX MUTATION++ library, technology transfer from atmospheric entry plasmas to biomass pyrolysis 2016
418 CREEV Novel Compound Rotary Engine Range Extender for Electric Vehicles 2016
419 MY FISH CURE Zebrafish avatar as a real-time in vivo platform for personalized cancer therapeutics 2016
420 CROPTI The disruptive management software that turns agricultural traceability information into actionable business data 2016
421 NANOMAN Nanosensors manufacturing 2016
422 Phespa Phytogenic HEat Stress Prevention in farm Animals 2016
423 TriboGlide Development of an innovative and cost-efficient friction and wear reduction solution (TriboGlide) 2016
424 INVENTORY INVENTORY: Unique Online B2B Marketplace for Industrial Products 2016
425 OurMythicalChildhood Our Mythical Childhood... The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges 2016
426 ChiC Creating high impact for CAPS 2016
427 HyTeChaN Hydrothermal synthesis of ThermoElectric Chalcogenide-based Nanocomposites 2016
428 SQuaPh Scalable Quantum Photonics with Ultra Bright Photon Sources 2016
429 SatStart Small satellites’ strategic analysis of realization potential and commercialization techniques 2016
430 EDURIO Edurio – a revolutionary web platform for school networks to improve the quality of education through deep analytics of stakeholder feedback 2016
431 DouxSweet Novel Flavour Delivery Technology for Sugar Reduction 2016
432 FluoroDendriNostic Combined fluorinated polymer and poly-L-lysine dendrimer as new potential contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging 19F 2016
433 SOM Statistical modeling for Optimization Mobility 2016
434 SAFE-FLY European industrial doctorate for damage modelling and online detection in aerospace composite structures 2017
435 INDEED Innovative Nanowire DEvicE Design 2017
436 GreenProtein Revalorisation of vegetable processing industry remnants into high-value functional proteins and other food ingredients 2016
437 NMP TeAm 4 Improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through Transnational Activities 4 2017
438 SUNDIAL SUrvey Network for Deep Imaging Analysis and Learning 2017
439 LASIMM Large Additive Subtractive Integrated Modular Machine 2016
440 PATHSENSE Training Network to Understand and Exploit Mechanisms of Sensory Perception in Bacteria 2017
441 TEAM Technology Enabled Adolescent Mental Health 2016
442 TEMPERA Teaching Emerging Methods in Palaeoproteomics for the European Research Area 2017
443 EJDFoodSci Food science, technology and engineering - European Joint Doctorate training towards knowledge, skills and mobility 2016
444 PLATO The Post-crisis Legitimacy of the European Union European Training Network 2017
445 MetalIntelligence European Industrial Doctorate in future efficient minerals analysis, processing and training 2016
446 CarbonNext The Next Generation of Carbon for the Process Industry 2016
447 ALGeSMo Advanced Landing Gear Sensing and Monitoring 2016
448 MPC-. GT Model Predictive Control and Innovative System Integration of GEOTABS;-) in Hybrid Low Grade Thermal Energy Systems - Hybrid MPC GEOTABS 2016
449 PHA-ST-TRAIN-VAC Leveraging Pharmaceutical Sciences and Structural Biology Training to develop 21st Century Vaccines 2016
450 EURO-EXPERT Cultural Expertise in Europe: What is it useful for? 2016
451 isitFlutter dIagnoSIs app for regular aTrial arrhytmia like Flutter 2016
452 SCR Disruptive Cybersecurity SaaS for SMEs and freelance developers 2016
453 REMINDER Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms 2017
454 dEUdil dEUdil: Building on open data as a new business model in the business information industry 2016
455 ViEWS The Violence Early-Warning System: Building a Scientific Foundation for Conflict Forecasting 2017
456 MMP Multiparametric probe for monitoring in real time environmental variables in drilling boreholes 2017
457 SeaLiT Seafaring Lives in Transition. Mediterranean Maritime Labour and Shipping during Globalization, 1850s-1920s. 2017
458 LADIO Live Action Data Input and Output 2016
459 CSEM The Collaborative Seismic Earth Model Project 2017
460 MSLOOP 2.0 Molten Salt Loop 2.0: key element for the new solar thermal energy plants. 2016
461 New Gluten World A Revolutionary, Safe and Cost-effective Industrial Process for Gluten Detoxification in Cereals 2016
462 MUTR Multipurpose test rig for transmissions gearboxes. 2016
463 SYNC_DEV The importance of transcriptional coordination during development 2017
464 MultimodalCellTrack Multimodal preclinical imaging probes to evaluate the safety and efficacy of regenerative medicine therapies 2016
466 STORIES Stories of Tomorrow - Students Visions on the Future of Space Exploration 2017
467 INSULCLOCK Empowered control of drugs’ dosage in chronic diseases 2016
468 eInfraCentral European E-Infrastructure Services Gateway 2017
469 Co4Robots Achieving Complex Collaborative Missions via Decentralized Control and Coordination of Interacting Robots 2017
470 ALZSYN Imaging synaptic contributors to dementia 2016
471 AARC2 Authentication and Authorisation For Research and Collaboration 2017
472 InKreate Transfer the real 3D world to interactive creative endeavours in apparel industry 2017
473 PIXAPP Photonic Integrated Circuits Assembly and Packaging Pilot Line 2017
474 REVEAL Realising Education through Virtual Environments and Augmented Locations 2017
475 KASKO KASKO – delivering insurance as a service at the point of demand 2016
476 MULTIDRONE MULTIple DRONE platform for media production 2017
477 PICCOLO Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improved in-vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision support 2017
478 GAPARS Gamification of participatory science for training and education purposes 2017
479 VISGEN Transcribing the processes of life: Visual Genetics 2017
480 PHYSIC Photovoltaic with superior crack resistance 2017
481 ThermaSiC New generation wear and corrosion coating enabling European industry growth 2016
482 CARESSES Culture Aware Robots and Environmental Sensor Systems for Elderly Support 2017
483 CARER-AID Controlled Autonomous Robot for Early detection and Rehabilitation of Autism and Intellectual Disability 2017
484 VISIRday VISible to far-IR optical tuning: passive DAYtime cooling by hierarchical structures and hybrid materials 2017
485 SPONGE ENGINE Fast and efficient sponge engines drive and modulate the food web of reef ecosystems 2017
486 WoCaFi Unlocking the Entire Wood Matrix for the Next Generation of Carbon Fibers 2017
487 PUNCA Preparing for Unveiling the Nature of the Cosmic Acceleration 2017
488 CAPICE Childhood and Adolescence Psychopathology: unravelling the complex etiology by a large Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Europe 2017
489 EoC Ethics of Coding: A Report on the Algorithmic Condition 2017
490 SMARTsurg SMart weArable Robotic Teleoperated Surgery 2017
491 mtFOIE GRAS mitoFOIE GRAS: Non-invasive Profiling of Mitochondrial Function in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 2017
492 is3DMIMO indoor small-cell Networks with 3D MIMO Array Antennas 2017
493 IVALO Europe to lead the way in revolutionary information lighting solutions 2017
494 ACCRA Agile Co-Creation of Robots for Ageing 2016
495 XPECAM A New Portable Spectral Camera System for the Cultural Heritage Conservation Market 2017
496 Prometeo Complete Automatization of Tissue Microarray Systems: Unleashing High-Throughput in Pathology Diagnosis, Prognosis and Anticancer Therapy 2016
497 Intranetum Disrupting the Way We Store and Search for Files, Replacing The Folder-Based With a Context-Based Filing Paradigm. 2017
498 ADIBAS Auotmatic Digital Biometry Analysis System for musculoskeletal disorders rehabilitation 2017
499 Homer HOMER - Development of Home Rehabilitation system 2016
500 Fucoderm An effective, side effect-free topical emollient treatment for atopic dermatitis made from a sustainably procured seaweed extract 2016
501 CM Prevention of Cosmetic-Induced Non-Communicable Diseases and Micro Plastics entering Food Chains with the CosmEthics- Health App 2016
502 HoloCyt A rapid, low-cost, cervical cancer screening platform 2017
503 SORCERER Structural pOweR CompositEs foR futurE civil aiRcraft 2017
504 ART Development of an Anger Regulation Tool for Hand-Held Devices 2017
505 TARICA PoliTical And socioinstitutional change in NoRth AfrICA: competition of models and diversity of national trajectories 2017
506 SoWe Commercializing soft wearable systems from a stretchable electronic material 2017
507 TALK International impact of TALK©: a simple and practical approach to multi-professional structured feedback and debriefing, to be used after unplanned learning events in clinical environments. 2017
508 GETM3 Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3 2017
509 LLR Laser Lightning Rod 2017
510 ULTRACHIRAL Ultrasensitive chiral detection by signal-reversing cavity polarimetry: applications to in-situ proteomics, single-molecule chirality, HPLC analysis, medical diagnostics, and atmospheric studies 2017
511 Levitate Levitation with localised tactile and audio feedback for mid-air interactions 2017
512 SolMAG Unravelling The Structure and Evolution of Solar Magnetic Flux Ropes and Their Magnetosheaths 2017
513 Advance_eLTER Advancing the European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure towards ESFRI 2017
514 TEN-COMPLEX Teneurin interactions in the neuronal synapse 2017
515 ACTING-NOW Algorithmic Containment of Threats in Graphs, Networks or Webs 2016
516 ODICON-ASMA Optimal Distributed Control and Application to Smart Grids 2017
517 GART-PSYSPAC Psychiatric spaces in transition: discourse, dwelling, doing 2017
518 DIMO6FIT DIMO6FIT: Extending the Standard Model -- Global Fits of Optimal Variables in Diboson Production 2017
519 EURECON The Making of a Lopsided Union: Economic Integration in the European Economic Community, 1957-1992 2017
520 Becoming Social Social Interaction Perception and the Social Brain Across Typical and Atypical Development 2017
521 RECEPT Real-time precision tests of lepton universality 2017
522 EMPIRE Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA Era - The Baryon Cycle and Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies 2017
523 DEEPVIEW High accuracy error detection in curved (prismatic) surfaces at high manufacturing speed 2017
524 AgroRadar Using Copernicus Earth Observation radar data to disrupt Precision Agriculture 2017
525 APU-OFF Auxiliary Power Unit SubstitutiOn Service For AircraFt 2017
526 Tinnitus Platform Commercialization of novel Diagnostic Platform with Synaptic adaptation Arc treatment method for tinnitus patients. 2017
527 Stepwise Stepwise Stapler is a laparoscopic device for vastly superior tissue closure 2017
528 PEA Aluminium Portable Element Analyser 2016
529 AltaGram 4.0 Launching the First One-Stop Video Game Culturalization Management Platform 2017
530 Watchity Launching the First 360° Crowdsourced Live Video Platform. 2017
531 Trafisense Trafisense is a real-time monitoring and early-warning service for high-risk situations in dry-type distribution and power transformers based on proprietary machine-learning technology. 2017
533 PLATIO Innovative outdoor solar and kinetic energy harvesting pavement system 2017
534 Rhizomia A novel cost-efficient bioreactor to accelerate growth of valuable plant roots for nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals cosmetics 2017
535 Oblow Oblow, an effective solution in the reduction of stress 2017
536 KUDURA Upscaling of a portable hybrid solution for power supply, smart waste-to-energy 2017
538 Skylynx Upgrading Railways from the Air 2017
539 AOrbit Orbiting Journal Bearing Experiment 2017
540 Part-up Phase1 - the open competence platform with high social impact 2017
541 PROXITRAK PROXITRAK – next generation IoT tracking solution for a connected logistics – collect, analyse and visualise big data in a true real time 2017
542 DUSTCOMB A Novel Method to Reduce Industrial Dust Pollution of Respirable Air 2017
543 CG-100 A next generation medical device that enhances patient care and treatment following colorectal surgery 2017
544 BriScrew BioResorbable Ostheosynthesis Implant 2017
545 PANTREAT Pancreatic cancer as a treatment target of Dwarfbody-Therapeutics 2017
546 INNCAT1718 Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2017-2018 2017
547 INNO EEN-M Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) 2017
548 COMPLEX The Degradation of Complex Modern Polymeric Objects in Heritage Collections: A System Dynamics Approach 2017
549 BOSS-WAVES Back-reaction Of Solar plaSma to WAVES 2017
550 CAlCULUS Causes And ConseqUences of Low Urban accessibility. Defining proper policy responses 2017
551 Cetacean Inner Ear Cetacean Inner Ear 2017
552 ODR A ubiquitous system for disrupting how Western blot imaging and data processing is carried for clinical analysis 2017
553 KIOS CoE KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence 2017
554 FOODSELFI FOOD Safety monitoring by Electrochemical Lateral Flow Immunoassay 2017
555 TUTOR TUTOR: A universal Learning Management System for Robot-based learning 2017
557 FASDEM Failing and Successful Sequences of Democratization 2017
558 TEDE Transient Engine Driven Explosions 2017
559 CoALIVE Coenzyme A – Launch of In Vivo Experiments 2017
560 MULTIDET Multiplex qPCR detection and chemical analysis towards multifunctional diagnosis 2017
561 PITCHER boosting Performance with an Innovation associate with TeCHnical and business ExperRtise on short food supply chains 2017
562 CMI2T IA Harmless Clostridium bacteria as a highly targeted, continuous delivery system for immunomodulatory anti-cancer drugs 2017
563 BrainChip Human on Chip : Microsensor unit and control algorithm integration for brain on a chip drug testing applications and development 2017
564 OF vacancy Expert in selective/genetic breeding 2017
565 ASSIGN Get on top of your multimedia content 2017
566 DataSci4Tapoi Data Science for Tapoi 2017
567 KAMWAL 2.2 EEN Innovation services for Walloon SMEs 2017-2018 2017
568 CustomCOF New strategies for the formation of two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks (2D-COFs) on surfaces. 2017
569 SHADOWS SHADOWS: Tackling Undeclared Work in the European Union 2017
570 MicroMod-PSII Microscopic modelling of the highly efficient intra- and inter-antennae energy transfer to the reaction centre in plant photosystem II 2017
571 XeMoon Sources and sinks for excess Xe and Ar on the Moon 2018
572 3D-POWER Three-Dimensional Perovskite Oxides as Working ElectRochemical devices 2017
573 SIFINS Stable isotope signatures in dorsal fin spines as a non-invasive and non-lethal alternative to otoliths for reconstructing fish life and environmental history 2017
574 WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit: easily revealing and managing personal information. 2017
575 ITC Revolutionary instant thread colouring technology for industrial embroidery 2017
576 CHINO The Health Data Security Platform for EU Developers Enterprises 2017
577 MobileDeaf Deaf mobilities across international borders: Visualising intersectionality and translanguaging 2017
578 SLATE Submarine LAndslides and Their impact on European continental margins 2017
579 CMBSPEC Next Steps in Cosmology with CMB Spectral Distortions 2017
580 SIGNSPACE Multilingual work spaces for sign language users – An online portal driving social innovation 2017
581 WILDBERRY Novel application targets and products derived from wild arctic berries 2017
582 SecIoT Cybersecurity Threat Detection for Internet of Things Connected Devices 2017
583 BOB Business Opportunity for innovative Biostimulant platform 2017
584 HumRobManip Robotic Manipulation Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration on Forceful Manufacturing Tasks 2017
585 PRE-PSYCH The Prelude to Psychosis: Brain network analysis in emerging schizophrenia 2017
586 CaraSlug Carabids as biocontrol agents for slugs in Oregon and Ireland - a novel and interdisciplinary approach to determine key malacophagous species and beneficial management options 2017
587 CONVGENOMS The genomic basis of convergent evolution in modern sloths (Xenarthra, Mammalia) 2017
588 FIT-UTI Fully Integrated Technology based on quantitative polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of Urinal Tract Infection 2017
589 DENPH Dental anthropology at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition – insights on lifestyle and funerary behaviour from Neolithic Liguria (Italy) 2017
590 VIVIR VIsual representations of VIew Relations to support effective data analysis on large and high-resolution displays 2017
591 iSave Ultrafast, scalable disaster-proof client-side backup solution 2017
592 APACHE Atmospheric Pressure plAsma meets biomaterials for bone Cancer HEaling 2017
593 GraTA Graphene Tunneling Accelerometer 2017
594 NearUS Network for European Research and Innovation acceleration in the US 2017
595 IPISA Inkjet Printed Sensor Arrays for high efficient, low cost, environmental monitoring 2017
596 ISOPARAMETRIC Geometric and analytic aspects of isoparametric hypersurfaces 2017
597 ENCOGLAP ENvironmental COnditions in GLAucoma Patients 2017
598 NanoLabels Labelling of engineered nanomaterials for nanosafety tracing 2018
599 MOBER Maternal Obesity and Epigenetic Reprogramming: from Gametogenesis to Early Embryonic Development 2017
600 CompAd Complementary Adhesive Coatings based on Molecular Association 2017
601 AMYPAD Amyloid imaging to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease – Sofia ref.: 115952 2016
602 MechaniChiral Mechanical Chirality: Synthesis, Properties and Applications at a New Horizon in Supramolecular Stereochemistry 2017
603 BAPS Bayesian Agent-based Population Studies: Transforming Simulation Models of Human Migration 2017
604 TENGEAD Tribo-Electric-Nanogenerator for Energy Autonomous Devices 2017
605 EVACUATION Testing communication strategies to save lives in emergency evacuation 2018
606 V-ChiralSpin Voltage Control of Chiral Spin Structures 2018
607 INFLAMM-ALZ The Role of Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease 2017
608 HPA4CF Collectiveware: Highly-parallel algorithms for collective intelligence 2017
609 CAR ART Chimeric Antigen Receptor to generate Alloantigen-specific Regulatory T cells and promote allograft tolerance 2017
610 ECO_REBUS Profiting from ECO-innovation: the RolE of BUSiness model 2017
611 EpiPur The ATP-P2X7R axis: a target for drug-refractory epilepsy 2018
612 RaSiR Rule-algebraic Simple Rewriting 2017
613 CYCLOMB Disruptive Cyclone-based technology for effective and affordable particulate matter emission reduction in biomass combustion systems 2017
614 BRASILIAE Indigenous Knowledge in the Making of Science: Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648) 2018
615 BantuFirst The First Bantu Speakers South of the Rainforest: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Human Migration, Language Spread, Climate Change and Early Farming in Late Holocene Central Africa 2018
616 MFreeB Membrane-Free Redox Flow Batteries 2017
617 DLInnociate Innovation Associate knowledgeable in blockchain technologyfor real time economy platform business development 2017
618 SKELETON-ID Soft Computing and Computer Vision for Comparative Radiography in Forensic Identification 2018
619 FluMToGaC Florinated MOF for toxic gas capture 2018
620 TICOH Taming Irregular Computations On Heterogeneous processors 2017
621 Lawforms Forms of Law in the Early Modern Persianate World, 17th-19th centuries 2017
622 HYMEFCECS Hydrogen production by membrane free chemical – electrochemical systems 2017
623 EnFAIT Enabling Future Arrays in Tidal 2017
624 TopSpiD Topological states with Spin-Dependent potentials for ultracold lithium 2018
625 PHOTON-NeuroCom Photonic-assisted Neuromorphic Computing system 2017
626 FINCAP Fuel INjector Coking and Autoxidation Prediction 2017
627 MyTherapyTools SME Innovation Associate: matching MyTherapyTools up with a talented researcher 2018
628 GROGandGIN Growth in Groups and Graph Isomorphism Now 2017
629 TEAM-Coast Toward a new generation of Ecological Assessment tools for the Management Coastal environment 2018
630 SMuPhoS Solid-State Multi-Photon Sources for Larger-Scale Quantum Optics and Photonics 2017
631 FUTURE-PROOF FUTURE-PROOF: Wide Area Monitoring and Protection Systems for the Future Grid 2018
632 NGN-PET Modelling Neuron-Glia Networks into a drug discovery platform for Pain Efficacious Treatments - Sofia ref.: 116072 2017
633 TryptoBoost Boosting tryptophan fluorescence with optical nanoantennas to watch label-free protein dynamics with single molecule resolution at high concentration 2017
634 SOCCERMATICS Soccermatics: data for football fans and clubs 2017
635 EEN EF4INNO Enterprise Europe Network innovation management specific services in the two new regions of Eastern France 2017
636 NNNPDF Proton strucure for discovery at the Large Hadron Collider 2017
637 Cosmic_Gas Mapping the Cosmic Gas Supply with ALMA 2017
638 ENTRAP Enhanced Neutralisation of explosive Threats Reaching Across the Plot 2017
639 STOP-IT Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of water Infrastructure against cyber-physical Threats 2017
640 NewWorlds Magnetic Fields and the Formation of New Worlds 2017
641 ATM-GTP Atmospheric Gas-to-Particle conversion 2017
642 OPTISOCHEM OPTimized conversion of residual wheat straw to bio-ISObutene for bio based CHEMicals 2017
643 MIRAGE Augmented Reality Wearable Platform and Screen: Proof of Concept and Commercialization 2017
644 DeShield Hide and Seek with Cancer Drugs 2017
645 Metamorphosis On Request Mobile Testing Facility “Metamorphosis” 2017
646 SONO-textile An advanced process for coating medical textiles with antibacterial nanoparticles through a one-step sonochemical reaction 2017
647 MEDAS MedAS: a Machine learning enabled Clinical Decision Support System to prevent prescription errors and improve patient safety 2017
648 Nutri4g A disruptive nutrigenetic solution for ageing well 2017
649 GenTORE Genomic management Tools to Optimise Resilience and Efficiency 2017
650 DIVERSify Designing InnoVative plant teams for Ecosystem Resilience and agricultural Sustainability 2017
651 WoodNanoTech Wood Nanotechnology for Multifunctional Structures 2017
652 FBT Transforming Brain Rehabilitation 2017
653 ACTICELL Precision confiner for mechanical cell activation 2017
654 SeaBubble Fast-Forwarding to the Future of On-Demand Urban Water Transportation 2017
656 SPEEDY-3D Plugin-free easy-to-use software for high-speed virtual reality in e-commerce 2017
657 SidekickHealth Improving health the fun way… seriously 2017
658 SpeakUp-LearnUp Minimizing Bullying and Harassment with SpeakUp LearnUp! 2017
659 KERASTOP A big jump in preventing problems in refractive surgery for myopia 2017
660 FastFinder Artificial intelligence for automated, standardised interpretation of DNA testing results 2017
661 CIMNAS Corrosion Initiation Mechanisms at the Nanometric/Atomic Scale 2017
662 EnergyMemo Dynamic Interplay between Energy and Memory 2017
663 ImmuneCheckpointsAD Immune checkpoint blockade for fighting Alzheimer’s disease 2017
664 TeaM Cables European Tools and Methodologies for an efficient ageing management of nuclear power plant Cables 2017
665 PADDLE Planning in A liquiD worlD with tropicaL StakEs: solutions from an EU-Africa-Brazil perspective 2017
666 CAPITA CAPITA: Child Abuse Prevention International Training and Access 2017
667 acteno Industrial Energy Storage Integration - development of a new bussiness segment in the area of energy storage at the SME acteno energy 2017
668 POLYWOOD Combining wood and polymers to produce a translucent, reinforced and ecological material 2017
669 EnergySequence Building data scientist to help us dive deep into the very large amount structured time series data pertaining to building energy use 2017
670 THUNDERR Detection, simulation, modelling and loading of thunderstorm outflows to design wind-safer and cost-efficient structures 2017
671 TOPMAT Topological Materials: New Fermions, Realization of Single Crystals and their Physical Properties 2017
672 BRCA-ERC Understanding cancer development in BRCA 1/2 mutation carriers for improved Early detection and Risk Control 2017
673 GLOBAL-HOT A Global History of Technology, 1850-2000 2017
674 MIST Molecules, magnetic fields and Intermittency in coSmic Turbulence – Following the energy trail. 2017
675 ImmortaSTEM ImmortaSTEM: Transient Immortalisation for Patient Stem Cell Expansion and Therapeutic Application 2017
676 IoRL Internet of Radio Light 2017
677 HEART HEalth related Activity Recognition system based on IoT – an interdisciplinary training program for young researchers 2017
678 ColoFast Developing a Non-Invasive Kit for Early Colorectal Cancer Detection 2017
679 BMX-11 Providing Antifouling Additives for Marine Paints Inspired by Nature and Engineered for Industries 2017
680 iSIM Integrated Standard Imager for Earth Observation Microsatellites 2017
681 ANALYTICS All-electrical analytic platform for digital fluidics 2017
682 PropSafe Disruptive design innovation for safe and lower cost implementation of the alternative to the ozone-depleting gases in the heat pump heating and cooling systems 2017
683 ULTRANERVE Feasibility assessment of an all‐in‐one nerve repair and regeneration product 2017
684 Andiamo A revolutionary new orthotics service—consultation to delivery in less than a week. 2017
685 Lyfta Lyfta: an immersive educational storyworld platform 2017
686 NeurIMM Neuroimmune activation as a novel therapeutic approach for IBD 2017
687 STEPUP Synthetic DCs for a T cEll ProdUction Platform 2017
688 UDO The ultimate commuting solution for a car-free city 2017
689 XSTREAM X-ray-waveforms at the Space-Time Resolution Extreme for Atomic-scale Movies 2017
690 Clear5G Converged wireless access for reliable 5G MTC for factories of the future 2017
692 BBCE Baltic Biomaterials Centre of Excellence 2017
693 DSS Deaf Smart Space 2017
694 DeviceHub The next generation of internet-of-thing (IoT) connectivity. 2017
695 BOSOWS Blue Ocean Secondary Oily Water Separator 2017
696 ConCare Leveraging the scalability of mobile devices to improve the outcome of all critically ill patients: a multi-faceted health platform to enable the continuum of care from ICU to home. 2017
697 FIBRACEP “Valorization of European onion waste by-products into dietary fibre-based formula with hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycemic, and antioxidant effects” 2017
698 UNIFY A Unified Framework for the Assessment and Application of Cognitive Models 2018
699 ZEBRAONCOFISH Zebrafish avatar as a real-time in vivo platform for personalized cancer therapeutics 2017
700 BIOCUDET Identify and detect key ocular biomarkers towards personal medicine 2017
701 BioMechMeniscus A biomechanically driven, patient specific pre-planning and surgical tool to optimize placement of a novel meniscus prosthesis 2017
702 Corvid AI-based autonomous flight control for the electric passenger aircraft of the nearest future 2017
703 ECOMOBI Eco-friendly Modification of Bitumen (ECOMOBI). Recycling end of life tyres into an efficient bitumen modifier 2017
704 FATIGUE Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe 2018
705 GlymphEye The Ocular Glymphatic System 2017
706 HiTIMe High Frequency Topological Insulator devices for Metrology 2018
707 MixITiN Bringing the paradigm for marine pelagic production into the 21st century: incorporating mixotrophy into mainstream marine research 2017
708 NeuroQure Neuroprotective human antibodies to the flexible tail of the prion protein 2017
709 NOAH Network of Functional Molecular Containers with Controlled Switchable Abilities 2018
710 PASTRES Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Resilience: Global Lessons from the Margins 2017
711 PAY-ME-ATTENTION Disrupting the Communication between Humans and Computers - Understanding the Key Message in Simultaneous Conversations Through Voice Biometrics 2017
712 RAINBOW Rapid Biomechanics Simulation for Personalized Clinical Design 2018
713 REACT Optimising Radiomics for MRI-based personalised cancer treatment 2017
714 SAFERUP Sustainable, Accessible, Safe, Resilient and Smart Urban Pavements 2018
715 SAGAPROPLUS A Unique Herbal Product for the Symptomatic Treatment of Over Active Bladder 2017
716 SmartPhoneSmartAging Smartphones, Smart Ageing and mHealth 2017
717 ENTPAR Entangled Parliamentarisms: Constitutional Practices in Russia, Ukraine, China and Mongolia, 1905–2005 2018
718 EVWRIT Everyday Writing in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt (I - VIII AD). A Socio-Semiotic Study of Communicative Variation 2018
719 FEEDGALAXIES A new vantage point on how gas flows regulate the build-up of galaxies in the early universe 2018
720 ETOPEX Engineering Topological Phases and Excitations in Nanostructures with Interactions 2018
721 NANOSTEM New nanomaterials for neural stem cells drug delivery 2018
722 ViBrANT VIral and BacteRial Adhesin Network Training 2018
723 MAMI Magnetics and Microhydrodynamics - from guided transport to delivery 2018
724 PEGASUS Plasma Enabled and Graphene Allowed Synthesis of Unique nano Structures 2017
726 GET-UP BAT GPCR Exploitation To Unlock the Power of Brown/Beige Adipose Tissue 2017
727 ECHOES European Colonial Heritage Modalities in Entangled Cities 2018
728 UNITED-GRID Integrated cyber-physical solutions for intelligent distribution grid with high penetration of renewables 2017
729 ENTRANCE Developing the iTOP kit: Empowering scientists with efficient intracellular delivery of biologicals in hard-to-manipulate cell types 2017
730 NebuFlox Making it happen - Scalable biphasic reactions using a nebulizer-driven continuous flow reactor 2018
731 ExtruLub Commercialisation of Advanced Extrusion Technologies through Materials Innovation to Enhance the Performance Functionality of Catheter Based Medical Devices 2017
732 INTEND INtentify future Transport rEsearch NeeDs 2017
733 LIFEGATE Holographic super-resolution micro-endoscopy for in-vivo applications 2017
734 CRIMTANG Criminal Entanglements.A new ethnographic approach to transnational organised crime. 2018
735 PrecisionNuclei Strong interactions for precision nuclear physics 2018
736 Aftermath THE AFTERMATH OF THE EAST ASIAN WAR OF 1592-1598. 2018
737 TRAC Tailor-made Recycled Aggregate Concretes 2018
738 GALERACLUSTER Galera Cluster: World’s Most Advanced Technology to Protect Against Data Loss 2017
739 HERMES High Efficiency Real-Time Multithreading Engine for Space applications 2017
740 TRIPLE Three Indirect Probes of Lyman continuum LEakage from galaxies 2018
741 PURPOSE Opening a new route in solid mechanics: Printed protective structures 2018
742 SOPHIE Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe (SOPHIE): a Strategic Research Agenda for Europe and Beyond 2017
743 NanoC4 Autonomous Nanosatellite-Clusters Control, Coordination and Communication Software 2017
744 HealthScaping Healthscaping Urban Europe: Bio-Power, Space and Society, 1200-1500 2017
745 RISE Research Center on Interactive Media, Smart System and Emerging Technologies 2017
746 PALaC Pre-Classical Anatolian Languages in Contact 2018
747 ODYSSEY Open dynamics of interacting and disordered quantum systems 2018
748 COMICS Children in Comics: An Intercultural History from 1865 to Today 2018
749 Desert Networks Into the Eastern Desert of Egypt from the New Kingdom to the Roman period 2017
750 TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA Transition towards urban sustainability through socially integrative cities in the EU and in China 2018
751 EU-SysFlex Pan-European system with an efficient coordinated use of flexibilities for the integration of a large share of RES 2017
752 LEA The first Large European Antenna with a diameter larger than 5 meters 2017
754 AirQast A commercial platform providing operational Air Quality services using EO data 2017
755 RadHard Ultra High Efficiency Radiation Hard Space Solar Cells on Large Area Substrates 2018
756 DARWIN Dual capillary waveguide endoscope 2018
757 GEMS The World of the Gáidhealtachd and the origins of the Early Modern British State, 1513-1594. 2018
758 MESI-STRAT Systems Medicine of Metabolic-Signaling Networks: A New Concept for Breast Cancer Patient Stratification 2018
759 BOOST Building social and emotional skills to BOOST mental health resilience in children and young people in Europe 2018
760 bloodANDbone Blood and bone – conjoined twins in health and disease: bone marrow analogs for hematological and musculoskeletal diseases 2018
761 BioMatrix Structural Biology of Exopolysaccharide Secretion in Bacterial Biofilms 2018
762 PROTEUS Paradoxes and Metaphors of Time in Early Universe(s) 2018
763 SUPERSTARS Type Ia supernovae: from explosions to cosmology 2018
764 P2PMODELS Decentralized Blockchain-based Organizations for Bootstrapping the Collaborative Economy 2018
765 MATUROLIFE Metallisation of Textiles to make Urban living for Older people more Independent Fashionable 2018
766 InnovaConcrete Innovative materials and techniques for the conservation of 20th century concrete-based cultural heritage 2018
767 GENESIS High performance MOF and IPOSS enhanced membrane systems as next generation CO2 capture technologies 2018
768 WellCO Wellbeing and Health Virtual Coach 2017
769 Smart Exploration Sustainable mineral resources by utilizing new Exploration technologies 2017
770 ATOS Advanced Technological Solutions for X band Earth Observation Systems 2018
771 HATCH SME-led Space Portal for Europe 2017
772 HOLDON HgCdte APD Optimization for Lidar Detection Of greeNhouse gases 2018
773 PAPILA Prediction of Air Pollution in Latin America 2018
774 ENGIMA Engineering of Nanostructures with Giant Magneto-Piezoelectric and Multicaloric Functionalities 2017
775 EMERTOX Emergent Marine Toxins in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean: New Approaches to Assess their Occurrence and Future Scenarios in the Framework of Global Environmental Changes. 2018
776 Nano-OligoMed Hybrid Nanostructured Oligonucleotide Platforms for Biomedical Applications 2017
778 FENTEC Functional Encryption Technologies 2018
779 3eFERRO Energy Efficient Embedded Non-volatile Memory Logic based on Ferroelectric Hf(Zr)O2 2018
780 Easy Reading Easy Reading: A Framework for Personalised Cognitive Accessibility when using Original Digital Content 2018
781 INSENSION Personalized intelligent platform enabling interaction with digital services to individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities 2018
782 plaCMOS Wafer-scale, CMOS integration of photonics, plasmonics and electronics devices for mass manufacturing 200Gb/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) transceivers towards low-cost Terabit connectivity in Data Centers 2017
783 Engage Knowledge Transfer Network proposed in response to the SESAR-ER3-01-2016 Call 2018
784 ABC-S Acoustic Blood Cells Sorter 2018
785 WHIITE Waste Heat Integrated Industrialised Trucks and Tractors Engine 2017
786 Novel Jack Automatic Hydraulic Jack with improved capacity, safety and efficiency for agricultural implements 2017
787 AITEP Accurate Intravenous Therapy for Every Patient 2017
788 RIBATI Radically innovative bacterial treatment for recalcitrant industrial wastewater 2017
789 QLEX Creo QLEX Creo – Bringing reach to the drone market. 2017
790 AUTTO Unlocking intelligent workflow automation for the SME market through AUTTO, an AI powered micro-automation SaaS Platform 2017
791 HomyHub Unlocking the full potential of grarages and paving the way for 21st century garage 2017
792 Aerial Insights Aerial Insights: facilitating access to aerial drone imagery services through novel and cost-effective data analytics solutions 2017
793 LymphoDrain First subcutaneous implant to treat lymphedema. Definitive solution for chronic lymphedema 2017
794 U-Control Advanced Universal Control and monitoring solution to remotely manage complex power systems 2017
795 Glyco-DeCon Decontamination by glycosylation based wipes 2018
796 TiltHex Tilt Rotor Heat Exchanger 2018
797 BAHAMAS A holistic approach to large-scale structure cosmology 2018
798 Pros-RODAM Hypertension Susceptibility in African Migrants: Solving the puzzle through transcontinental prospective cohort study design 2018
799 NEPOSTRANS Negotiating post-imperial transitions: from remobilization to nation-state consolidation. A comparative study of local and regional transitions in post-Habsburg East and Central Europe 2018
800 Mat4Rail Designing the railway of the future: Fire resistant composite materials and smart modular design 2017
801 P-ViTAL The Precompetitive Steps of Virtual Transparency and Augmented Laparoscopy 2018
802 ARION Reusable launch vehicle for small payloads 2018
803 DrBox eHealth platform to assess patient clinical progress due to prescribed medication 2018
804 GEODEPOWER Cutting-edge deep geothermal system and drilling technology suitable for all users and locations 2018
805 RPS Disruptive Radar Positioning System for trains 2018
806 Verbatizer A cutting edge transcription process and technology revolutionizing the transcription industry. 2018
807 Furhat Robotics The Human Face of AI: a novel platform to build social conversational robots for education, healthcare, retail other verticals 2018
809 Multi-AD Feasibility High performance MULTIphase Anaerobic Digester for agroindustrial wastewater treatment 2018
810 CAALA CAALA - Computer Aided Architectural Life-cycle Assessment 2018
811 WasteShark Marine Litter Prevention with Autonomous Water Drones 2018
812 AlkFood A disruptive cost-efficient industrial technology using bioreactor to boost compounds yields in roots, shoots, leaves for agri-food, flavors, biopesticides 2018
813 QuCIP Qur'anic Commentary: An Integrative Paradigm 2018
814 GHOST Geographies and Histories of the Ottoman Supernatural Tradition Exploring Magic, the Marvelous, and the Strange in Ottoman Mentalities 2018
815 ENIGMA Supervisor Control for ENhanced electrIcal enerGy MAnagement 2018
816 WAI Wiraya Activation Intelligence 2018
817 KEEP-IT-UP KEEP-IT-UP: Redefining shelf life monitoring in the global food industry with a new intelligent Time-Temperature Indicator for perishable products 2018
818 PROSEU PROSumers for the Energy Union: mainstreaming active participation of citizens in the energy transition 2018
819 ISLAS Isotopic links to atmopheric water's sources 2018
820 DeepRNA Discovering functional protein-RNA interactions through data integration and machine learning. 2018
821 SOCIOCOMPLEXITY Sociocomplexity — new paradigms for understanding complex group-level adaptation 2018
822 INSPIRE Instrument Shape Sensing for Minimally Invasive Interventions 2018
823 ZEOCO2 ZEOlites for the conversion of CO2 to fuels and chemicals 2018
824 SoRoHuMI Soft Robotic Human-Machine Interfaces for Rehabilitation 2019
825 NEW_WAY New speakers and use of Russian in the Northern Norway 2018
826 BorGal Borelli Galaxy. Visualizing Galileo's Heritage (1635-1700 ca.) 2018
827 BioCore VIP Development of environmentally-friendly Bio-sources aerogel as the support Core for vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) 2018
828 BOMB Multi-scale BiOmechanical characterization of peri-iMplant Bone tissue: influence of the environment 2018
829 CANDELA Copernicus Access Platform Intermediate Layers Small Scale Demonstrator 2018
830 Co-Inform Co-Creating Misinformation-Resilient Societies 2018
831 DeepPatient Deep Understanding of Patient Experience of Healthcare from Social Media 2018
832 EMOMETER EMOMETER: Developing an Integrated Toolbox for the Assessment of Emotional Functioning in Dogs 2018
833 FutureHealth Global future health: a multi-sited ethnography of an adaptive intervention 2018
834 TARGETMENISCUS Targeting Meniscus Degradation in Osteoarthritis 2018
835 Amitochondriates Life without mitochondrion 2018
836 JUSTINT Justice Interactions and Peacebuilding: From Static to Dynamic Discourses across National, Ethnic, Gender and Age Groups 2018
837 mPP machine learning for Particle Physics 2018
838 OPEN3GEN Opening the Third Generation: The Search for Long-Lived Fundamental Particles 2019
839 KITAB Exploring Cultural Memory in the Pre-Modern Islamic World (700–1500):Knowledge, Information Technology, and the Arabic Book 2018
840 SuperPests Innovative tools for rational control of the most difficult-to-manage pests (super pests) and the diseases they transmit 2018
841 SCALMS Engineering of Supported Catalytically Active Liquid Metal Solutions 2018
842 NOTAE NOT A writtEn word but graphic symbols. NOTAE: An evidence-based reconstruction of another written world in pragmatic literacy from Late Antiquity to early medieval Europe. 2018
843 ACB The Analytic Conformal Bootstrap 2018
844 WaSH-UPP Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in sub-Saharan Africa: Understanding Policy and Practice 2018
845 FMSystem The European Fiscal-Military System 1530-1870 2018
846 LLPS-NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of liquid-liquid phase separation 2018
847 SEXinMALARIA Sex in malaria parasites – from basic biology to targets for transmission blocking interventions. 2018
848 PRECALI PREeclampsia risk stratification test: development of a suitable CALIbration framework for the analysis of a multiplex panel of endogenous compounds by LC-MS 2018
849 PhoW Photon High Way - Integrated single-photon sources: crossing the chasm 2018
850 Work-STeP Workforce Sustainability Testing Platform 2018
851 PolyHeal Autonomously Healable Thermoplastic Polymer Coatings based on Cooperative Interactions 2018
852 SenPET Innovative cancer management: First in human senescence imaging 2018
853 REWOFUEL REsidual soft WOod conversion to high characteristics drop-in bioFUELs 2018
854 Learn2 Learning and Being in Sport: A Phenomenological Investigation 2019
855 AMP-FWBD Advanced Molecular Platform for detection of Food- and WaterBorne Diseases 2019
856 NeuPES Inducing Neural Plasticity Using Electrical Stimulation Delivered by Nano-Structured Electrodes: A Critical Step Toward Post-Stroke Recovery 2018
857 TUBEURB Tunnelling beneath piled structures in urban areas 2018
858 TRANSACT Book History and Translation History: Copyright, Wages, Censorship, and the (Proto-)Professionalisation of Translators in Nineteenth-Century Britain and Ireland 2018
859 GAE Genomics of Ageing in Elephants: Genomic architecture of senescence in a long-lived mammal 2018
860 INTOM Infant Theory of Mind 2019
861 MAGMATS The effects of magmatic systems maturation on geophysical signals recorded in volcanic areas. 2018
862 SPECADIS Speciation and bioavailability of heavy metal cadmium (Cd) in the soil-plant system: a novel approach combining stable isotope geochemistry and experimental spectroscopy. 2019
863 MOVEMED Linking Human Mobility and Marine Megafauna Movement in the Mediterranean Sea for a better integration of Blue Growth 2019
864 TRuST TRanscriptomic analysis improving models to predict microbial SafeTy of ready-to-eat foods 2019
865 TRANSURBICIDE Transition urbicide: Post-conflict reconstruction in post-socialist Belgrade 2018
866 UPDWMI Ultra-low Power Digital circuits for Wireless Medical Implants 2018
867 nanoTOM Conversion of natural plant nanovesicles into nutraceutical delivery system 2018
868 TUNING-BRAKES Fine-tuning the brain’s brakes – modulating inhibitory control with transcranial alternating current stimulation 2019
869 PLaTONE PLasmonics@Transparent cONductive oxidEs 2018
870 ESSINDEX Essential Indexicality 2019
871 GEISIE Gender and Ethnic Integration in Science, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship 2018
872 SHOGANAI World´s first real-time solution for controlling airplane operating costs 2018
873 HEAF High-Efficiency Axial Flux Machines 2018
874 SOFTCAR The cleanest and lowest cost car ever! 2018
875 SAGEX Scattering Amplitudes: from Geometry to Experiment 2018
876 HyFiSyn Hybrid Fibre-reinforced composites: achieving Synergetic effects through microstructural design and advanced simulation tools 2018
877 Handshake Enabling the transferability of cycling innovations and assessment of its implications 2018
878 SILKNOW SILKNOW. Silk heritage in the Knowledge Society: from punched cards to big data, deep learning and visual / tangible simulations 2018
879 DRONETHICS Emergent Ethics of Drone Violence: Toward a Comprehensive Governance Framework 2018
880 LICCI Local Indicators of Climate Change Impacts. The Contribution of Local Knowledge to Climate Change Research 2018
881 DEBATE Debate: Innovation as Performance in Late-Medieval Universities 2018
882 Loops and groups Loops and groups: Geodesics, moduli spaces, and infinite discrete groups via string topology and homological stability 2018
883 BETTER Big-data Earth observation Technology and Tools Enhancing Research and development 2017
884 BroadWay Innovation activity to develop technologies to enable a pan-European interoperable broadband mobile system for PPDR, validated by sustainable testing facilities 2018
885 MENTICA The Middle East Neolithic Transition: Integrated Community Approaches 2018
886 Dyn-Syn-Mem Dynamic mechanisms and functional roles of synaptic plasticity in memory 2019
887 CardHeal Novel strategies for mammalian cardiac repair 2018
888 SNICC Studying Secondary Nucleation for the Intensification of Continuous Crystallization 2018
889 FirstGalaxies Finding the most distant galaxies with NIRSpec guaranteed time on the James Webb Space Telescope 2020
890 RespViRALI Structural and functional insights into the assembly of respiratory complexes by a novel putative chaperone 2019
891 HEALIGRAFT Synergistic growth factor microenvironments for veterinary bone regeneration. 2018
892 EUROVISION Self-reported vision status and associated risk factors in Europe: prevalence and temporal change 2018
893 MyoChip Building a 3D innervated and irrigated muscle on a chip. 2018
894 P2P Digital P2P Digitalisation Support to SME 2018
895 RENATURE promoting Research Excellence in NAture-based soluTions for innovation, sUstainable economic GRowth and human wEll-being in Malta 2018
896 J. Heyrovsky Chair ERA Chair at J. Heyrovsky institute Institute of Physical chemistry AS CR – The institutional approach towards ERA 2018
897 IN4ACT Industry 4.0 impact on management practices and economics 2018
898 SimEA Modeling and Simulation for Engineering Applications 2019
899 COMPETE Chair Of Micro Process Engineering and TEchnology 2019
900 HERCULES towards geoHazards rEsilient infRastruCtUre under changing cLimatES 2018
901 DynaMORE Dynamic MOdelling of REsilience 2018
902 HOPE Host Protective Engineering of Cancer Immunity by Targeting the Intracellular Immune Checkpoint NR2F6 2018
903 CONCERTO Intensity mapping of the atomic carbon CII line: the promise of a new observational probe of dusty star-formation in post-reionization and reionization epoch 2019
904 BACKUP Unveiling the relationship between brain connectivity and function by integrated photonics 2018
905 BIOCOPY BIOCOPY: the new biomolecule copying and screening solution for diagnostics and therapeutics 2018
906 Roksnet e-Society Interconnections Software 2018
907 BLUECAL Sustainable calcium food additives and dietary supplements of high pureness to boost the ocean clam fisheries 2018
908 GDS A safe and effective non-surgical and reversible procedure for weight loss 2018
909 VOLTCLOUD VoltCloud: Bringing the power of the Cloud to a revolutionary renewable home battery 2018
910 botconnect Collaboration of humans and AI in the enterprise 2018
911 GI-BCT Disruptive imaging technology for accurate and painless breast cancer diagnosis 2018
912 CHICKPRO70 The chickpea protein revolution – a novel plant-based food ingredient 2018
913 ReHub Rehabilitation Hub: The World’s first Digital Recovery Therapy solution 2018
914 Perlis ElderCare Perlis ElderCare System for active independent ageing 2018
915 CABLESMART Innovative cable car for urban transport 2018
916 WELLGENETICS Disruptive tracer technology based on synthetic DNA to map subterranean resources 2018
917 GoSleep Global scale-up of GoSleep Pods more than a seat 2018
918 Microbot Medical SCS – a self-cleaning shunt for the continuous prevention of shunt blockage in hydrocephalus and NPH patients 2018
919 FoodMonitor Inline real-time 4.0 quality monitoring in food production 2018
921 OHMIO Transparent and flexible conductive polymers to boost the photovoltaic industry in Europe 2018
923 ENIT Agent 2.0 The world's first edge computing solution for SMEs enabling energy efficiency, Industry 4.0 and new business models for the energy sector 2018
924 HyperCollar3D Improving the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer without Additional Side Effects 2018
925 TRILLIO TRILLIO, a porTable pRescription assistant Improving heaLth of Europeans citizens by increasing therapeutic adherence in eLderly people and in patIents affected by chrOnic diseases 2018
926 DLEDA Do Legislatures Enhance Democracy in Africa? 2018
927 PROTECTA Pathogen-informed Resistance to Oomycete diseases in Ecosystems, Agriculture and Aquaculture 2018
928 ACTIVITY EXCHANGE A data streaming platform to empower companies with intelligence through their entire business and value chains 2018
929 LiCrete LiCrete - Light transmitting composite material for building purposes 2018
930 Sensa Effortlessly Diagnosing Sleep Apnea with the Sensa Platform 2018
931 MIGNEX Aligning Migration Management and the Migration-Development Nexus 2018
932 ASSYSt A reliable CXCL4 biomarker assay to improve diagnosis and treatment of Systemic Sclerosis 2018
933 MNEMOSYNE EU ERA Chair in Digital Cultural Heritage: Mnemosyne 2019
934 Medipee A novel touchless method and eHealth system for automated urine monitoring 2018
935 Be12 A cyphered cloud based DataBank for the corporate sector 2018
936 e4SME Utilities engaging SMEs with end-to-end Energy Management Experiences 2018
937 EMBRACE Electric space propulsion Matures the Booming technology space RACE 2018
938 GRUNDIUM The world´s first portable and smart digital microscope scanner for clinical and research use 2018
939 MyKeople Innovative SaaS platform for assessment, training and support to companies Innovative SaaS platform for assessment, training and support to companies and employees embracing the digital transformation 2018
940 Prodsmart Real time process tracking for production lines and job shops – across the supply chain 2018
941 FOGSCREEN MINI FogsScreen Mini - breakthrough laminar air purification technology with stunning interactive images 2018
942 SensaSticker Improving the global cold chain with cutting-edge temperature monitoring solution 2018
943 Composite Gloves Protective Composite Gloves for Health Care 2018
944 BC SKIN Bacterial Cellulose (and)- based Skin Repair material - BC 2018
945 Pangea Aerospace Pangea Aerospace - Launch Vehicles for small satellites (payload capacity up to 150kg), wich provide affordable access to space tailored to the micro/nano satellite market 2018
947 SHERPA-CAR You will never drive alone 2018
948 FAERSK FAERSK – Innovative fish processing and logistics solution 2018
950 LONGRIDER Long Autonomy E-bike through enhanced Regenerative Braking 2018
951 Materialize.X Smart Bio Adhesives for the Wood Industry Powered by Machine Learning 2018
952 IPUD IPUD – An Implantable Peritoneal Ultrafiltration Device that actively and continuously prevents fluid overload in diuretic resistant heart failure patients. 2018
953 AIx Automated Trade Execution Engine for Power Markets 2018
954 Barbara-IoT Barbara is an Operating System Software Platform which enables IoT device manufacturers to boost their level of security, reduce time-to-market, and reduce costs. 2018
955 GLAZER A breakthrough laser technology for all types of glass processing (ordinary, laminated, tempered, smart, low-energy and other) 2018
957 Seventh Sense Sight for the visually impaired using wearable remote touch sensing technology 2018
958 FlexCoil A New Generation of Small Electric Motors: More Powerful, Smaller, Greener 2018
959 BDVB Oil-Stick “BDVB Oil Stick” – Key enabling technology for online monitoring of crucial electric grid infrastructure. Striving for global market leadership 2018
960 Olfactomics Bringing Surgery to the 21st Century: Feasibility Verification of Real-time Tissue Analysis During Surgery 2018
961 The Data Security Platform for Health Application Developers 2018
962 Safe SAD "First ""All-in-one"" and Adjustable Supraglottic Airway Device for a Safely Clinical Airway Management" 2018
963 BEATIK Beatik- Collaborative Digital Scores Platform for Classical Music 2018
964 Sea4Pain Development of a novel analgesic for chronic pain from marine-derived compounds 2018
965 Woodoo Woodoo Augmented Wood - transforming wood into construction material strong as concrete and translucent as amber 2018
966 MiCoBion Microbial Communities in Biomedical and Environmental Areas, and Systems Biology 2018
967 MAXHEAT The best wearable heating system on the market. Together with strong clothing brands. 2018
968 UltraLiquid Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Ultradilute Liquids 2019
969 PlantEmulGel Emulsions in Plant-based Edible Cellulose Microfibril Gels: Structure, Texture and Stability 2018
970 SHAPINGENERATIONS How changing social contexts shape solidarity and adjustment between generations 2019
971 DUSTCOMB A Novel Technology to Reduce Industrial Dust Pollution and to Enable Most Efficient Energy Recovery 2018
972 PROBE.LY - Web Application Vulnerability Scanning Suite for Agile Teams 2018
973 Airline Team xStream Airspace User Support to Arrival Management 2018
974 EPiGRAM-HS Exascale Programming Models for Heterogeneous Systems 2018
975 XPECAM A New Portable Spectral Camera System for the Cultural Heritage Conservation Market 2018
976 X1 Wind Disruptive technology for cost-effective and reliable Floating Wind 2018
977 Quiske RowP The RowP system by Quiske Ltd is a game changing rowing technique measuring and coaching system for any level of rowers or crew both outdoor and indoors. 2018
978 MiRAGE Enhanced mission autonomy through on-board Artificial Intelligence for next generation spacecraft 2018
979 POM: Peace of Mind for everyone's invoice administration 2018
980 TERRIFFIC Tools for early and Effective Reconnaissance in cbRne Incidents providing First responders Faster Information and enabling better management of the Control zone 2018
981 4CWhite The first high-precision Computer-Controlled Collarbone Cutter for Whitefish 2018
982 Oncarin A scientifically proven Microbiome immunotherapy for the treatment of colorectal cancer 2018
983 MOVARC Modified Vacuum Rankine Cycle 2018
984 Separative Disruptive purification consumables for the pharmaceutical industry 2018
985 VeCoScan Development of a Multispectral, Versatile Film Scanner 2018
986 AntiCamp Developing proprietary antibacterial phage-based particles against Campylobacter jejuni for food decontamination 2018
987 AIRSCAN A customised low-cost ultralight aircraft for survey, filming and animal tracking in wild environments. 2018
988 RENA II REsearchers' Nights organized by Athens area Research Institutions to convey the science benefits to the public and motivate young people to science careers 2018
989 MaMs3 Crack-Defined Nanogap Electrodes for High-Throughput Decoding of DNA 2018
990 ThoR TeraHertz end-to-end wireless systems supporting ultra high data Rate applications 2018
991 PEA aluminium Portable Element Analyzer 2018
992 IMPLAGUIDE Smart & Autonomous Guidance System for Citizen Security in Public Transport and large facilities 2018
993 PROBE PROBE: European Researchers' Night at Trinity College Dublin 2018
994 LIFE LAB LIFE LAB - Connecting Communities with the UK's leading Biotechnology and Life Science Hub 2018
995 NeuroProtect Novel Drug Therapy with Potential to Cure Neuro-Degenerative Diseases 2018
996 Nello One Self-installable device that converts intercoms into a smart keys to allow access from anywhere. 2018
998 GlucoSet Microsensor for continuous arterial blood glucose monitoring 2018
999 SILVER Silver and the Origins of the Viking Age 2019
1000 TRANS-SENIOR Transitional Care Innovation in Senior Citizens 2018
1002 MANNA Joint Doctorate in Molecular Animal Nutrition 2018
1003 MapCat High spatial resolution mapping of catalytic reactions on single nanoparticles 2019
1004 MUSIQ Multiphoton Microscopy and Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Imaging meets Quantum 2019
1005 IMPROVE-PD Identification and Management of Patients at Risk – Outcome and Vascular Events in Peritoneal Dialysis 2019
1006 RenalToolBox Developing novel tools and technologies to assess the safety and efficacy of cell-based regenerative medicine therapies, focusing on kidney disease 2018
1007 ENTWINE The European Training Network on Informal Care 2018
1008 FIT4FoF Making our Workforce Fit for the Factory of the Future 2018
1009 WEO International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook analysis of the implications of the European Union’s Energy Union on key energy sector indicators. 2018
1010 SURFWIRE Innovative machine for surface finishing of wire-drawn products 2018
1011 MAREITA Mapping Remediation in Italian Literature Beyond the Digital Revolution 2018
1012 QDOOZ An innovative digital crowdsourced platform to foster soft skills development to boost Europe’s productivity and economic growth. 2018
1013 QSAREACH QSAR computational models' self-using platform for EC Regulation-REACH 2018
1014 OptiVerter Solving the triangle for solar mass adoption – Cost, Efficiency and Simplicity 2018
1015 MuFLOART Microbiological fluorescence observatory for antibiotic resistance tracking 2018
1016 CL-IO Commercial feasibility of non-pathogenic Clostridium-Mediated Cancer Immunotherapy: leveraging the presence of tumour hypoxia & necrosis 2018
1017 Pulp and Fuel Pulp and Paper Industry Wastes to Fuel 2018
1018 ROSSINI RObot enhanced SenSing, INtelligence and actuation to Improve job quality in manufacturing 2018
1019 OLEDSOLAR Innovative manufacturing processes and in-line monitoring techniques for the OLED and thin film and organic photovoltaic industries (CIGS and OPV) 2018
1020 NEUME Neuroplasticity and the Musical Experience 2018
1021 ANGULON Angulon: physics and applications of a new quasiparticle 2019
1022 CytoPro A breakthrough cancer diagnostic instrument to save 3000 years of human lives annually and up 2018
1023 OPEN Outcomes of Patients’ Evidence With Novel, Do-It-Yourself Artificial Pancreas Technology 2019
1024 Lung EpiCheck Blood Samples and DNA-an Innovative Technique for Lung Cancer Diagnostics 2018
1025 ACHILES Advanced Architectures Chassis/Traction concept for Future Electric vehicles 2018
1026 5G-DRIVE 5G HarmoniseD Research and TrIals for serVice Evolution between EU and China 2018
1027 RESIST Resurrection plants reveal secrets of vegetative desiccation tolerance 2019
1028 ProMeTeus Membrane protein integrated technologies development for drug design 2019
1029 ModGravTrial Modified Gravity on Trial 2019
1030 GasFermTEC GasFermTEC: Gas Fermentation Technologies ERA Chair 2018
1031 OXIGENATED Hemoglobin based Protein Nanocarriers for Tumour Oxygenation and a more effective Photodynamic Therapy 2019
1032 CLARITY Bringing social impact to markets - Social Impact rating agency and AI powered SaaS tool for investors to optimize the social impact of their investment portfolios. 2018
1033 sunlight2.0 Highly efficient, solar-powered irrigation pump 2018
1034 RiboLife Resurrecting LUCA - Engineering of RNA-encoded Cellular Life Using Dual Evolution and Intergenomic Transplantation 2019
1035 Phys2BioMed Biomechanics in health and disease: advanced physical tools for innovative early diagnosis 2019
1036 synBIOcarb Synthetic biology of carbohydrate-binding proteins: engineering protein-carbohydrate interactions for diagnostics and cell targeting 2018
1037 TeamUp5G New RAN TEchniques for 5G UltrA-dense Mobile networks 2019
1038 BIKE Bimetallic catalyst knowledge-based development for energy applications 2019
1039 CAFE Climate Advanced Forecasting of sub-seasonal Extremes 2019
1040 OXYGEN SENSING Acute oxygen sensing and oxygen tolerance in C. elegans 2019
1041 AxScale Axions and relatives across different mass scales 2018
1042 LIFT Liquid Foam Therapy (LIFT) for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) 2018
1043 SHIVADHARMA Translocal Identities. The Åšivadharma and the Making of Regional Religious Traditions in Premodern South Asia 2018
1044 In Motion Investigation and Monitoring of Time-varying Environments on Macro and Nano Scales 2018
1045 Topo2DEG Topological states in superconducting two-dimensional electron gases 2019
1046 CReaNet Chemical Reaction Networks: signal amplification, spatiotemporal control, and materials 2019
1047 pHioniC pH and Ion Transport in Pancreatic Cancer 2018
1048 ReTraCE Realising the Transition to the Circular Economy: Models, Methods and Applications 2018
1049 Secreters A new generation of microbial expression hosts and tools for the production of biotherapeutics and high-value enzymes 2019
1050 FLOURISH IdentiFication of brain deveLopmental gene co-expression netwOrks to Understand RIsk for SchizopHrenia 2018
1051 HACE Making wave energy competitive with wind and solar energy 2018
1052 2D-PnictoChem Chemistry and Interface Control of Novel 2D-Pnictogen Nanomaterials 2018
1053 MARIPOLDATA The Politics of Marine Biodiversity Data: Global and National Policies and Practices of Monitoring the Oceans 2018
1054 ADORNO Aicraft Design and nOise RatiNg for regiOnal aicraft 2018
1055 NeEDS Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Network of European Data Scientists 2019
1056 HydMet Fundamentals of Hydrogen in Structural Metals at the Atomic Scale 2018
1057 MPA Mobile Application for Hybrid Internet 2018
1058 ACDC Artificial Cells with Distributed Cores to Decipher Protein Function 2019
1059 DUNES Sea, Sand and People. An Environmental History of Coastal Dunes 2018
1060 ALFAMA Advanced Lightweight and Flexible Array with Mechanical Architecture 2018
1061 EO4AGRI Bringing together the Knowledge for Better Agriculture Monitoring 2018
1062 IPOG Improving Pregnancy Outcomes Gloablly 2018
1064 WEAFING Wearable Electroactive Fabrics Integrated in Garments 2019
1065 NGI4ALL Next Generation Internet for All - Promoting Global Visibility on the Human-Centric Internet 2019
1066 GROWINPRO Growth Welfare Innovation Productivity 2019
1067 FIBROHALT Advancing a novel peptide-based therapeutic for pancreatic cancer 2018
1068 PanCaVax Personalised Pancreatic Cancer Vaccination Therapy derived from Autologous Tumor Cells and Neoantigens 2018
1069 GASTEJO Decentralized Travel Apartment Distribution Platform 2018
1070 Unispotter International higher education student recruitment going mobile 2018
1071 BEAWARE Early warning system for enteropathies in intensive broiler farming. 2018
1072 APICUS Artificial Intelligence approach for Product Inspection through the use of Cobot enabling quality control of Unshaped products Solution 2018
1073 BioFlex Second life of wood: technology to dissolve waste wood to get raw materials 2018
1074 RUST Revolutionizing the Utilization of compound Semiconductor Technology 2018
1075 SENET Strengthening international R&I cooperations between China and the EU 2019
1076 SmartWork Smart Age-friendly Living and Working Environment 2019
1077 Norrdigi NorrDigi revolutionary Energy Saver 2018
1078 sustAGE Smart environments for person-centered sustainable work and well-being 2019
1079 HEcoPerMed Healthcare- and pharma-economic models in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine 2019
1080 MANAGLOBAL Globalised governance norms and local management and business practices in Africa and on the Arab peninsula 2019
1081 ATM2BT Atomistic to Molecular to Bulk Turbulence 2019
1082 PERDY Perceptually-Driven Optimizations of Graphics Content for Novel Displays 2019
1083 LeanLab Next Generation Lean Lab Digital Platform combining AI, Visual Management Tools & Touch Screen Technology (LeanLab) 2018
1084 B2C Beasts to Craft: BioCodicology as a new approach to the study of parchment manuscripts 2018
1085 PedSarc Targeting genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in pediatric sarcomas. 2019
1086 MULTIPALEOIBERIA Population dynamics and cultural adaptations of the last Neandertals and first Modern humans in inland Iberia: a multi-proxy investigation 2019
1088 DIGITENS DIGITal ENcyclopedia of European Sociability 2019
1089 BALANCED LETHALS Untangling the Evolution of a Balanced Lethal System 2019
1090 GyroGlove Development and Commercialisation of an Intelligent Wearable Platforms to Stabilise Hand Tremors in Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor 2018
1091 TopSurgeons Understanding the influence of human and organizational factors on surgeon performance to enhance patient outcomes: experimental evaluation of a customized coaching program 2019
1092 PD_Pal Palliative care in Parkinson’s disease 2019
1093 Consentio Boosting conversations to disrupt horticulture trading 2018
1094 BUBBLE CURE Targeted microbubble vibrations to accurately diagnose and treat cardiac device-related bacterial biofilm infections 2019
1095 PhilHumans Personal Health Interfaces Leveraging Human-Machine Natural Interactions 2019
1096 LO-ACT Low Carbon Action in Ordinary Cities 2019
1097 OZeye Developing Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence for best-quality and cost-effective live sports production and distribution 2018
1098 SYNCANO 2.0 Accelerating software development, empowering rapid innovation 2018
1100 Skyx Agricultural-robotics technology company enabling a modular swarm of autonomous drones for spraying 2018
1101 SmoothTool Welding SmoothTool 2018
1102 DIABFRAIL-LATAM Scaling-up of and evidence-based intervention programme in older people with Diabetes and Frailty in LatinAmerica 2019
1103 WingtraOne A VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) drone for mapping and surveying, uniquely combining long range, heavy payloads and ease of use. 2018
1104 MOCEAN INTELLIGENCE Empowering SMEs to take part in the Ocean Industry with an Intelligent Platform that will support their Business decisions 2018
1105 WINNING Emotional and Social Intelligence Analysis Advanced Solution for Business Performance Improvement 2018
1106 IRIS AI IRIS.AI: The Artificial Intelligence-powered R&D assistant 2018
1107 THEAC 25 From heat to cold with THEAC-25®, the Thermo Acoustic Energy Converter. 2019
1108 System EYE System EYE - сutting-edge innovation to make your drive safer, collect and monetize automotive data 2018
1109 ALL Animated Language Learning Ltd 2018
1110 NU-CLEUS Exploring coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering with gram-scale cryogenic calorimeters 2019
1111 ELEVATE Early detection of cervical cancer in hard-to-reach populations of women through portable and point-of-care HPV testing 2019
1112 iPSpine Induced pluripotent stem cell-based therapy for spinal regeneration 2019
1113 PillSense Accelerating market introduction of the first real-time diagnistic and monitoring device for upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) 2019
1114 BIONIC Personalised Body Sensor Networks with Built-In Intelligence for Real-Time Risk Assessment and Coaching of Ageing workers, in all types of working and living environments 2019
1115 OS for Ind robots Disrupting industrial robots with AI software - how new AI-driven software can be used to program industrial robots to do new tasks faster, resulting in massive productivity savings 2019
1117 Digital Good The Digital Disruption of Health Research and the Common Good. An Empirical-Philosophical Study 2019
1118 INTERSECT Interoperable Material-to-Device simulation box for disruptive electronics 2019
1119 WASTE2GRIDS Converting WASTE to offer flexible GRID balancing Services with highly-integrated, efficient solid-oxide plants 2019
1120 Echophone Launching the Point-of-Care Ultrasound Technology of the Future 2019
1121 Panda Guide Panda Guide 2019
1122 PRsuite Artificial Intelligence for a new generation of Public Relations (PR): smart digital assistant for start-ups and SMEs to maximise results of press releases within the EU-28 and beyond 2018
1123 J-INNOVATECH Beyond Eureka: The Foundations of Japan's Industrialization, 1800-1885 2020
1124 TRAXEN tracking TRAXEN – Ultra low power, long life tracking sensor 2019
1125 MaX MAterials design at the eXascale. European Centre of Excellence in materials modelling, simulations, and design 2018
1126 PhytoTrace Wanted: Micronutrients! Phytosiderophore-mediated acquisition strategies in grass crops 2019
1127 NoLiMiTs Novel Lifesaving Magnetic Tentacles 2019
1128 TETRA Technology harvest & transfer for an Open Internet initiative 2019
1130 IBERIA XRF Compact X-Ray Fluorescence borehole probe for uniquely flexible, efficient and complete underground material analysis 2019
1131 ImpactVision A new standard for food safety and quality 2019
1132 Minespider Blockchain protocol for responsible mineral sourcing 2018
1133 GRAPH-IC Silicon-Integrated Graphene Photodetectors for Future Photonic Integrated Circuits – Graph-IC 2019
1134 BEBOP Binaries Escorted By Orbiting Planets 2018
1135 HANDLING Writers handling pictures: a material intermediality (1880-today) 2019
1136 MapModern Social Networks of the Past: Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959 2018
1137 LORAX The Lorax Project: Understanding Ecosystemic Politics 2019
1139 CONCISE Communication role on perception and beliefs of EU Citizens about Science 2018
1140 MICS Developing metrics and instruments to evaluate citizen science impacts on the environment and society 2019
1141 KETJU Post-Newtonian modelling of the dynamics of supermassive black holes in galactic-scale hydrodynamical simulations (KETJU) 2019
1142 TERMINUS in-built Triggered Enzymes to Recycle Multi-layers: an INnovation for USes in plastic-packaging 2019
1143 FuncMAB High-throughput single-cell phenotypic analysis of functional antibody repertoires 2019
1144 MILESTONE From mineral inclusions in zircon to continents: An in situ isotopic perspective on the evolution of the continental crust, the onset of plate tectonics and the development of a habitable Earth 2019
1145 AGENSI A Genetic View into Past Sea Ice Variability in the Arctic 2019
1146 LRC Laser Resonance Chromatography of Superheavy Metals 2019
1147 QuidProQuo True digitalisation of all transactional administration in the trade value chain through smart legal contracts. 2018
1148 LOQR Digital Identity Management Platform: Verifying, Authenticating and Managing the end-to-end Digital Identity Lifecycle 2019
1149 Smart Certificate The trusted solution for issuing certified documents to the blockchain, checkable in just a click 2018
1150 ThinAirWater Providing water for everyone with water-from-air technology 2018
1151 NCLas NanoCrystals in Fibre Lasers 2019
1152 triboREMEDY The triboreactor as breakthrough remediation strategy for safeguarding human and environmental health 2019
1153 FRINGE Fluorescence and Reactive oxygen Intermediates by Neutron Generated electronic Excitation as a foundation for radically new cancer therapies 2019
1154 EEN-Innovate Plus PT EEN-Innovate Plus Portugal 2019
1155 INNO EEN-M Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) 2019
1156 DCRIDDLE A novel physiological role for IRE1 and RIDD..., maintaining the balance between tolerance and immunity? 2019
1157 AILAS Artificial Intelligence Legal Analytic Solution 2019
1158 THRIVE Helping Businesses Thrive in Sales with a new fully automatic platform that integrates and coordinates different sales tools 2019
1159 MoonVision 2.0 Using AI Computer Vision 2.0 for Visual Inspection in the Industry 2019
1160 LightField Seamless mixing of virtual & real-world objects in VR & AR 2019
1161 GlyCan Innovative Glycan-based analysis for Cancer diagnostics 2019
1162 Geowox COMP Quick, cost-effective and accurate residential property valuations for the European mortgage lender market. 2018
1163 F-BioIce Fundamentals of Biological Ice Nucleation 2019
1164 dataFlow dataFlow: A Data-driven Fluid Flow Solving Platform 2019
1165 AMR-G Smart your Water Meter 2019
1166 EMP Motion Planning Software for Autonomous Car Industry 2018
1167 ME4OER Mechanism Engineering of the Oxygen Evolution Reaction 2019
1168 MARSoluT Managed Aquifer Recharge Solutions Training Network 2019
1169 F-ELEMENT_ARCHITECT Building Precise Molecular Architectures to Unlock Remarkable f-Element Properties 2019
1170 ViroPedTher Oncolytic viruses for the treatment of pediatric brain tumors: An integrated clinical and lab approach 2019
1171 NEPAL NEw Physics searches with tAu Leptons 2019
1172 UnRef Unlikely refuge? Refugees and citizens in East-Central Europe in the 20th century 2019
1173 VINCULUM Entailing Perpetuity: Family, Power, Identity. The Social Agency of a Corporate Body(Southern Europe, 14th-17th Centuries) 2019
1174 DIFFUSION A device enabling quantification of molecular and nanoparticle diffusion within thin solvated films 2019
1175 SENFLEX SenFlex: the first truly smart and flexible fiber sensor 2019
1176 LIGHTYEAR Developing the electric car that charges itself: Lightyear One 2019
1177 STOP-COPD PulseHaler™: A Novel Treatment Device for COPD. 2019
1178 REBICOM New innovative REcyclable and BIo-COMpostable film for flexible packaging 2019
1179 SafeCHIP2 "A software platform used by electronic-chip designers to add ""Functional Safety"" to their chips to meet the highest safety requirements of the Automotive Functional Safety standard ISO-26262, ASIL-D" 2019
1180 INVIOO INVIOO – data-driven decision-making apps for everyon 2019
1181 MyKite Fly with Big Data 2019
1182 BATTERY 2030 BATTERY 2030+ At the heart of a connected green society 2019
1183 MUSSILAMS Mussila MS (Mussila Music School) - An innovative solution in Music Education 2019
1184 ClarifyLupus Launching the Breakthrough in Lupus Diagnostics 2019
1185 Sound Health Acoustic Intelligence and AI, the Next Frontier. Listen, detect, predict. 2019
1186 Lernwolke The first AI-driven smart-learning platform that teaches not only contents but also interdisciplinary skills as the key to success 2019
1187 DOCKNROLL Tackling Idleness and Under-utilization of Heavy-Machinery with a new fully Automated and Versatile Docking System 2019
1188 BIEL SMARTGAZE Electronic glasses which use computer vision and augmented reality to improve visual capacity and increase autonomy of people who have low vision 2019
1189 ThermoEye ThermoEye an innovative system for pigs' fever early detection 2019
1190 USERBOT Artificial Intelligence for Customer Service 2019
1191 BitBox BitBox Enterprise - Enterprise-grade Solution for Digital Assets Custody 2019
1192 ABLE Home use, affordable and lightweight exoskeleton for people with lower-limb paralysis 2019
1193 The New Era of Self-Care's Digitalisation. Better Health with Lower Costs More Individually. 2019
1194 AutoRay New solution for fully automated analysis and reporting of routine musculoskeletal X-rays 2019
1195 iGames Immersive audiogames for the Blind and Visually Impaired people 2019
1196 Cinnamon From Essence to Cinnamon: Making our Proprietary CMS Open Source for Customizable Web- Platforms 2019
1197 AIRSHADE Sustainable Responsive Shading System 2019
1198 ARSS Accessible, Reliable and Simple Screening of stress- and memory-related diseases 2018
1199 Vitreoject Disrupting Medical Instruments for Eye Care. 2019
1200 NEWTRAL First real-time fact-checking tool to fight against the fake news and disinformation 2019
1201 SteriWeed The first bioherbicide blocking germination of herbicide-resistant weeds 2019
1202 ViR We are developing ground-breaking therapeutics to cure currently untreatable respiratory infections affecting children and the elderly 2019
1203 ARFM Automated Remote Foetal Monitoring 2019
1204 FORTITUDE Project Fortitude: Improving children's legal capability 2019
1205 iPC individualizedPaediatricCure: Cloud-based virtual-patient models for precision paediatric oncology 2019
1206 Olfactomics Surgery BRINGING SURGERY TO THE 21ST CENTURY: REAL-TIME TISSUE ANALYSIS DURING CANCER SURGERY. Improving Patient Safety, Quality and Cost-Effectiveness 2019
1208 COSMOS COherent Support for MObility.E Strategy 2018
1209 BioDisOrder Order and Disorder at the Surface of Biological Membranes. 2019
1210 SQP Opening new markets for Single Quantum Photodetectors 2019
1211 Lipofabrik A ground-breaking biomolecular production platform for safer, more efficient and sustainable pest control and crop health management 2019
1212 SUPRAVACC Supramolecular engineering of glycan-decorated peptides as synthetic vaccines 2019
1213 INSULAE Maximizing the impact of innovative energy approaches in the EU islands 2019
1214 EnviroCaps Enabling a future of safer laundry products and cleaner oceans 2019
1215 RECODID Integrated human data repositories for infectious disease-related international cohorts to foster personalized medicine approaches to infectious disease research 2019
1216 THOR Thermoplastic Hydrogen tanks Optimised and Recyclable 2019
1217 SELENDIS SELENDIS: A novel detection strategy to discover light Dark Matter 2019
1218 TER4RAIL Transversal Exploratory Research Activities for Railway 2018
1219 eXcape3D Functional dissection of X-linked regulatory DNA: unravelling the impact of genome topology on transcriptional regulation 2019
1220 DNA-bots Enzyme-powered DNA nanorobotic devices 2019
1221 CNSOL Carbon Nanomembranes with Sub-Nanometer Channels for Molecular Separation in Organic Liquids 2019
1222 NMJ Neuromuscular-Junction-on-a-Chip to study medication for Parkinson 2019
1223 RAISD Reshaping Attention and Inclusion Strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced 2019
1224 GATE4RAIL GNSS Automated Virtualized Test Environment for RAIL 2018
1225 WiPASS Wireless Power for Autonomous Sensor Systems 2019
1226 FR and ENG Petrarch Translational Traditions and Imaginaries: A Comparative History of Petrarch’s Canzoniere in French and English 2019
1227 SMART THEME Surface-supported Molecular ARchiTectures: THEory Meets Experiment 2019
1228 SPECTO Athletics Advanced Sports Data Measurement and Analysis Solution for Athletics 2019
1229 ADMIGOV Advancing Alternative Migration Governance 2019
1230 DECOMPACT Development of Collagenase Polymeric nanocapsules as Therapeutics 2019
1231 TANBCPdyes Triggerable, Anchoring Novel Block Copolymer Dyes for Use in Inkjet Printing 2020
1232 STRICt Sustainable development Transition through Regulation-Induced technological Change 2020
1233 EMERGE Reconstructing the emergence of the Milky Way’s stellar population with Gaia, SDSS-V and JWST 2019
1234 STAND4HERITAGE New STANDards for seismic assessment of built cultural HERITAGE 2019
1235 EARTH@LTERNATIVES Sustainability, efficiency, equity and resilience of land and water use for global food and energy security: synergies and fundamental trade-offs 2019
1236 EDIFOU Foucault's manuscripts on phenomenology (1950s) at BnF archive: a digital approach to the edition 2019
1238 Smartpolymer Developing smart polymer compositions for highly sensitive multiplex PCR assays 2019
1239 SNDTD Resolving the origins of supernovae: constraining progenitors with integral field spectroscopy 2019
1240 SemioMaths Towards a theory of mathematical signs based on the automatic treatment of mathematical corpora 2019
1241 StopIG Translating fundamental insights in podocyte metabolism and cell cycle regulation: development of a new treatment for Stopping crescentic Immune Glomerulonephritis 2019
1242 Lac-TB Dissecting the impact of Lactate in Tuberculosis 2020
1243 TAXON-TIME Rediscovering biodiversity: using big-data to trace taxonomic knowledge through time 2019
1244 SEDILAND Sediment regime disturbance of river catchments in a changing land cover context: Geoenvironmental and population dynamics 2019
1245 SeeRRI Building Self-Sustaining Research and Innovation Ecosystems in Europe through Responsible Research and Innovation 2019
1246 WEARTUAL Designing and Developing Wearables for Virtual Reality Environments with a Research Through Design Process 2019
1247 ARESIBO Augmented Reality Enriched Situation awareness for Border security 2019
1249 VIR MAXIMUS Moral & Intellectual Qualities of the Political Man in the Translations of Gracián's Work (XVII-XXI cent.) 2019
1250 MICROX Microscopy of living cancer cells at physiological oxygen levels: the MICROX platform 2019
1251 HeriCare 2D Materials/Polyoxometalate Hybrids for Heritage Conservation 2019
1252 CLOUDWORLDS Cloud Worlds: from Venus to Exoplanet 2019
1253 GAII Governing activation in Ireland: comparing Ireland's mixed-economy of public employment services 2020
1254 DIGDEEP Digging deeper into genes to track infectious disease outbreaks 2020
1255 LaBRhythms Language and Brain Rhythms 2019
1256 3DConfigurator Fully-automated software platform with 3D freeform configurator for design and production of individual and affordable furniture 2019
1257 Seabubbles Delivering the future of urban water transportation with novel electric hydrofoil boats 2019
1258 SenseGuard SenseGuard – A breakthrough respiratory monitoring device incorporating novel nanotechnology-based sensors 2019
1259 Utilizing Urban Tech to Power Smarter Cities 2019
1260 ITDS Intelligent Theatrical Distribution System 2019
1261 cleanFIRE The first pellet stove with ultra-precise air supply that reduces to near-zero the harmful emissions produced during single room heating 2019
1262 E-ODD Extending On-Demand wheel Drive to On-Road applications 2019
1263 CLS Technology to use any standard microscope for correlative imaging 2019
1264 SensoGenic SensoGenic: empower food allergy sufferers and their families with the freedom to enjoy eating safely everywhere & anytime 2019
1265 EMphiTech A new generation of electric motors that provides higher power density and safety features by a novel winding architecture 2019
1266 UNITY Unified, holistic medical data collection and analysis platform 2019
1267 Hologlass A New Generation of Augmented Reality Smart Glasses 2019
1268 VARIANT Multiband miniature antenna for Open Hardware IoT Platforms 2019
1269 BIOsens BIOsens – cutting-edge portable device for precise and rapid analysis of crops 2019
1270 e-pack 3D The intelligent online platform for lean packaging eco-design 2019
1271 CONSOLE CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry 2019
1272 HARNESS Harnessing experimental evolution of rhizobia for an integrative view of endosymbiosis 2019
1273 Beyond EPICA Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Core: 1,5 Myr of greenhouse gas – climate feedbacks 2019
1274 BovReg BovReg - Identification of functionally active genomic features relevant to phenotypic diversity and plasticity in cattle 2019
1275 DIAS Smart Adaptive Remote Diagnostic Antitampering Systems 2019
1276 TRIATLAS Tropical and South Atlantic climate-based marine ecosystem predictions for sustainable management 2019
1277 AlSiCal Towards sustainable mineral and metal industry: ZERO Bauxite Residue and ZERO CO2 from co-production of Alumina, Silica and precipitated Calcium carbonate by the Aranda-Mastin technology 2019
1278 SUSMAGPRO Sustainable Recovery, Reprocessing and Reuse of Rare-Earth Magnets in a Circular Economy (SUSMAGPRO) 2019
1279 TURNkey Towards more Earthquake-resilient Urban Societies through a Multi-sensor-based Information System enabling Earthquake Forecasting, Early Warning and Rapid Response actions 2019
1280 RISE Real-time Earthquake Risk Reduction for a Resilient Europe 2019
1281 FineFuture Innovative technologies and concepts for fine particle flotation: unlocking future fine-grained deposits and Critical Raw Materials resources for the EU 2019
1282 CIRCULAR FLOORING New products from waste PVC flooring and safe end-of-life treatment of plasticisers 2019
1283 VIREVOL Cells and giant viruses: a win-win co-evolution 2019
1284 GERMINOID Development of human primordial germ cells towards the onset of sperm and egg differentiation in a novel model culture system 2019
1285 Robust Robust and Energy-Efficient Numerical Solvers Towards Reliable and Sustainable Scientific Computations 2019
1286 MALAGA Applying Machine Learning to Cyber Risk Analysis and Mitigation 2019
1287 SMERUPOL Analysing Politicisation around Sports Mega Events (SME) in contemporary Russia 2020
1288 ODYSSEE-MURE Monitoring EU energy efficiency first principle and policy implementation 2019
1289 ARDRE Ageing, Regeneration, and Drug Research 2019
1290 DynamicColor Energy-efficient digital outdoor billboards for sustainable advertising 2019
1291 Forsway Next Gen Hybrid Networks for Global Internet Access 2019
1292 Modvion Modular wood-made wind turbine towers 2019
1293 PERISCOPE Perioperative infection prediction 2019
1294 ArtIST Pre-clinical evaluation and feasibility study for Artificial Inteligence-based Strain Typing and Bacterial Resistance analysis software 2019
1295 SUPAIR Spectroscopy SUPAIR Spectroscopy: Single-Use Process Analytical Infrared Spectroscopy 2019
1296 DBP Create a business plan for implementing the data-analysis software DatenBerg Backpack in the manufacturing site in the rubber processing industry. 2019
1297 Starborne Novel map-population and rendering techniques for reinventing massively multiplayer online computer games 2019
1298 IP-SMS The Augnet Platform - Using Internet Protocol as the SMS Data Communication System 2019
1299 RV by RE Rabbit-View by Rabbit-Eyes 2019
1300 SPLITVAC Harnessing the innate and adaptive immune system with targeted neoantigen based cancer vaccines 2019
1301 WearHealth Worker 4.0 – Connected. Empowered. Safe and Healthy. The first intelligent and interoperable platform based on AI and wearable/IoT devices for real-time workers safety and health monitoring 2019
1302 DIABETESMART The first Clinically Validated AI-powered Diabetes Assistant 2019
1303 HAPGuide Smart and sensing robotic system for endovascular interventions with haptic feedback 2019
1304 INITIATE INnate-ImmunomeTabolIsm as Antiviral TargEt 2019
1305 DIRNDL Directions in Development 2019
1306 OvaVAx 100% Bacteria free eggs for use in production of human and animal vaccines 2019
1307 AIM Commercializing the world’s leading platform for influencer-driven commerce 2019
1308 FIVE-G Functional Improvement & Validation of next Generation Equipment - Pulsed Laser Deposition for High Volume Manufacturing of enhanced piezo thin film materials enabling 5G data communication 2019
1309 TANDEM Tuneable Acoustic Noise DampEning Material 2019
1310 CTI A novel, efficient and minimally invasive medical procedure to treat anastomotic leakage during colorectal cancer surgery. 2019
1311 ElectroGas New Technology for Efficient Electrochemical Production of Synthetic Natural Gas 2019
1312 NeoPur New treatments and novel diagnostic tests for neonatal seizures based on purinergic signaling. 2019
1313 TheRealCompetition When Public Health Campaigns Warn You, but Your Friends Like to Drink – Connecting Computational Social Science and Neuroscience to Understand Real-World Health Behavior 2019
1314 Usersnap Suite Analyzing Smart Bug Tracking and Customer Experience Feedback to Create and Evolve Software Products Users Love 2019
1315 SIMULTANEOUS DBTMI Preclinical and Pilot Co-Clinical Evaluation of Simultaneous Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Mechanical Imaging 2019
1316 ARCAID Amsterdam Rheumatology Center for AutoImmune Diseases 2020
1317 ALTAGRAM4.0 First One-Stop Video Game Culturalization Management Platform 2019
1318 IMPACT Improving DNA Analysis for Correct Healthcare 2019
1319 XMOS Multimodal context and voice recognition for seamless voice control technology interfaces with low upfront cost 2019
1320 LeydenJar Pure Silicon Anodes Boosting the Energy Density of Li-ion Batteries 2019
1321 REMAT A new patented technology to turn currently non-recyclable waste into recyclable composite products for a truly circular economy 2019
1322 MicroCoating Boosting the Performances of Wind Turbines thanks to Microstructure Coating 2019
1323 iv4XR Intelligent Verification/Validation for Extended Reality Based Systems 2019
1324 DropletScan Scanning Droplet Tribometer for Characterizing Surface Wetting Properties 2019
1325 Stoli Catalysts Disrupting fine chemicals manufacturing with catalyst-coated tube reactors 2019
1326 STUDIOTEC Film Studios: Infrastructure, Culture, Innovation in Britain, France, Germany and Italy, 1930-60. 2019
1327 BIOAVENGER The first and ultimate bio-solution to Europe’s mould and rot fungi! 2019
1328 SmartPhotonics Facilitating photonics innovation, through a modular, integration technology platform 2019
1329 SPELITEC Sequence sPecific ELImination of shiga-Toxin E. Coli 2019
1330 STRINGHANDBIKE Innovative push-pull wheelchair accessory to provide mobility, rehabilitation and leisure activities for much more disabled people than today 2019
1331 MatManager MatManager - New standard in road construction efficiency 2019
1332 MAU Making Africa Urban: The transcalar politics of large-scale urban development 2019
1333 TRANSPACIFIC The Structure and Impact of Trans-Pacific Trade, 16th to 18th Centuries: The Manila Galleon Trade Beyond Silver and Silks 2020
1334 DISTINCT Dementia: Intersectorial Strategy for Training and Innovation Network for Current Technology (DISTINCT) 2019
1335 GATHERS Integration of Geodetic and imAging TecHiques for monitoring and modelling the Earth's surface defoRmations and Seismic risk 2019
1337 ARGO The Quest of the Argonautes - from Myth to Reality 2019
1338 SInnoPSis ERA-Chair in Science and Innovation Policy and Studies 2019
1339 SiNfONiA Safety in NanOmaterials & NAnotechnology 2019
1340 STRENTEX ERA Chair for emerging technologies and innovative research in Stretchable and Textile Electronics 2020
1341 MicroRepro Medical microbots to support new assisted reproduction techniques 2019
1342 EERAdata Data-driven decision-support to increase energy efficiency through renovation in European building stock. 2019
1343 OpCo Operation Co-Pilot: Healthcare Process Improvement through Patient Empowerment 2019
1344 Cool Wool Box Lowering the environmental impact of fresh fish logistics 2019
1345 VIEW World first self-responsive emergency call system 2019
1346 SELKOAI Feasibility of SELKO AI 2019
1347 NOMATEN Centre of Excellence in Multifunctional Materials for Industrial and Medical Applications 2019
1348 NANOPLANT The creation of the Department of Plant Nanotechnology to maximise the impact of the ERA Chair culture on the IPG PAS 2019
1349 CIPHR ERA Chair for Computational Imaging and Processing in High Resolution 2019
1350 ECePS ERA Chair in E-Governance and Digital Public Services 2019
1351 INCOMING INnovation and excellence in massive-scale COMmunications and information processING 2020
1352 IMpaCT Imaging life from Molecules to cells - building knowledge on Cryo-electron microscopy methodologies 2019
1354 Promitil Promitil® - a new ‘smart’ nanomedicine for cancer chemo-radiotherapy. 2019
1355 CAARESYS CAARESYS: vehicle passenger monitoring system based on contactless low emission radio frequency radar. 2019
1356 CyRaCo Box The next-generation digital inspection platform for fully remote supply chain monitoring 2019
1357 YesElf We help employees to adopt digital solutions 2019
1358 PWS Polyurethane Window System: energy efficient monolithic windows towards Europe’s energy transition 2019
1359 EpiShuttle 2.0 EpiShuttle: Isolation and Transportation of Infectious Disease Patients 2019
1360 Wooden Tower Wooden structured telecommunications tower for the complete mobile network coverage 2019
1361 DrugPhosphoProfiler Accelerating drug and biomarker discovery through a new proteomic service: DrugPhosphoProfiler 2019
1362 SolMate The world’s first “Plug-in and Use-Solar PV with Storage”, designed for small city apartments in the EU. 2019
1363 RDS Artificial Intelligence Powered Fashion Insights and Personal Styling Solutions 2019
1364 QUESTPAIR Pairing Business with Scientific Expertise 2019
1365 TECTONIC The physics of Earthquake faulting: learning from laboratory earthquake prediCTiON to Improve forecasts of the spectrum of tectoniC failure modes: TECTONIC 2020
1366 DEMOSERIES Shaping Democratic Spaces: Security and TV Series 2020
1367 DIMMs Durable Infrastructure Materials Modified by self-assembled hollow nanostructured materials 2020
1368 COMBIVET Setting up the ERA Chair of Comparative Medicine in the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences 2019
1369 Turbulent A revolutionary HYDRO POWER technology to sustainably exploit super-low-head water steps 2019
1370 ActLight Delivering a new, key enabling technology that will drive the development of far-reaching advances in photonics, nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing 2019
1371 CoP1stRespond Secured Collaboration Platform for Law Enforcement and First Responders 2019
1372 SmartMelt SmartMelt: A Data-Driven Melting Process Optimizer 2019
1373 DAICY Design and AI for sustainable and safe motorCYcles 2019
1375 FRAME FRAME - tumor genome-based personalized anti-cancer vaccines off-the-shelf 2019
1376 COMMIOS Communities and Connectivities: Iron Age Britons and their Continental Neighbours 2019
1377 MATTER ERA Chair position in Materials Research in Extreme Environments 2020
1378 InnoCAP Innovation Capacity Building in SMEs (InnoCAP) 2019
1379 DosiKit DosiKit, a first portable field medical device for fast triage of people after external irradiation 2019
1380 RASMAC Regulatory Approved Software for Mutation Analysis in Cancer 2019
1381 StrongPIN The first mobile app to enable LoA 4 hardware backed security on any existing mobile phone safeguarding the identity and privacy on the everyday digital life in an easy to use and scalable manner 2019
1382 LIQUAM High-Power Ultrasound technology to disrupt the honey industry and revolutionize beekeeping sector 2019
1383 OPENQKD Open European Quantum Key Distribution Testbed 2019
1384 DINNOS Diversity innovation support scheme for SMEs 2019
1385 MIRIADE Multi-omics Interdisciplinary Research Integration to Address DEmentia diagnosis 2019
1386 II-LCA Integrated Imaging in live Cell Analysis (II-LCA), for enhanced development and manufacturing of biologic and cell therapies. 2019
1387 InnovationOrigin Assessment of Zoan products as biomaterials for 3D printing in health care 2019
1388 PROVA Pitot probe for non-ideal compressible flows of organic fluids for renewable energy applications 2019
1389 ATRA Aerial Transport for Remote Areas 2019
1390 UPTEKO First Fully Integrated Drone System for Maritime Operations 2019
1391 MAGELIA A disruptive Magnetically Enhanced Library preparation platform for Next Generation Sequencing 2019
1392 NPP NanoPowder Plant – Metal nanopowders for a world of great opportunities 2019
1393 MyWave Efficient Millimetre-Wave Communications for mobile users 2019
1394 3TR Identification of the Molecular Mechanisms of non-response to Treatments, Relapses and Remission in Autoimmune, Inflammatory, and Allergic Conditions 2019
1395 BiD4BEST Big Data applications for Black hole Evolution STudies 2020
1396 MINTS Millimeter-wave Networking and Sensing for Beyond 5G 2019
1397 TIPAT Training towards Personalized Antibiotic Treatment 2020
1398 BOB Business Opportunities in Biotech: Innovation Associate to leverage cell-free synthetic biology 2019
1399 CVTVT A Non-Surgical Treatment to Restore Heart Valve Function 2019
1400 VETEX Deep Vein Thrombosis; A Paradigm Change in Treatment through Drug-Free Clot Removal 2019
1401 S2IGI Integrated Fire Management System 2019
1402 SIHS QOOWEAR, Advanced Connected Worker Technologies: World’s first Smart Interconnected Heating Suite for sub-zero Oil&Gas workers. 2019
1403 SCAN and WORK Full Stack Digital Plant Scan and Work 2019
1404 SIRA A disruptive machine to enable mass production of composite parts 2019
1405 ONCORNET2.0 ONCOgenic Receptor Network of Excellence and Training 2.0 2020
1406 Saraswati 2.0 Identifying best available technologies for decentralized wastewater treatment and resource recovery for India 2019
1408 PHArA-ON Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing 2019
1409 UltraFastNano Electronic generation and detection in nanoelectronic devices at the picosecond scale 2020
1410 SENTINEL Multi-spectral remote system for real-time alarm and monitoring of natural hazards 2019
1411 SKELETONID Fast, Unbiased & Accurate Human Identification: Artificial Intelligence at the service of Physical and Forensic Anthropology 2019
1412 AWARE Advanced Face Recognition and CroWd Behavior Analysis for Next GeneRation VidEo Surveillance 2019
1413 e-LADDA Early Language Development in the Digital Age 2019
1414 INTERfaces Heterogenous biocatalytic reaction cascades training network 2020
1415 DoSSIER Domain Specific Systems for Information Extraction and Retrieval 2019
1416 MOTOR5G MObility and Training fOR beyond 5G Ecosystems 2019
1417 CYPNASH Validation of a novel class of cyclophilin inhibitors for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis 2019
1418 PeptiCHIP PEPTICHIP: Streamlined identification of tumour neoantigens for personalised anti-cancer immunotherapy 2019
1419 ENCATFLOW Encapsulated catalysts in flow chemistry for continues chemical processes 2019
1420 FieldTwin First centralized data platform for efficient and collaborative development of offshore energy projects 2019
1421 MetaboSENS Metabolic integration by nutrient SENSing 2019
1422 CMBLENS CMB Lensing at Sub-Percent Precision: A New Probe of Cosmology and Fundamental Physics 2020
1423 ContraVib Chemical Control of Vibronic Coupling for Magnetic Materials 2020
1424 AuDACE Attosecond Dynamics in Advanced Materials 2020
1425 AngstroCAP Fundamental and Applied Science using Two Dimensional Angstrom-scale capillaries 2020
1426 AgRefine A Disruptive Innovative Cooperative Entrepreneurial (DICE) education, training and skills development programme rolling out the next generation of Agri Biorefinery and Valorisation Bioeconomy leaders 2019
1427 DEFOG Data science tool for Epidemic FOrecastinG 2019
1428 EoPPP A Global Comparative Ethnography of Parliaments, Politicians and People: representation, relationships and ruptures 2019
1429 PolyHelix Helically-Locked π-Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers with Tunable Twist 2019
1430 SAPHIRE Self-Assembling Plant-based Hydrogels Induced by Redox Enzymes 2019
1431 EDGE ADL monitoring of Elderly in homes using Gas sensors 2019
1433 TEXAD TEXAD – Tailoring EXosomes for Autoimmune Diseases 2019
1434 CustomerServiceAI CustomerServiceAI: Fully language-independent AI platform for automated and augmented customer service 2019
1435 UNLOCK-EDD UNLOCKing next generation computer-guided Enzyme Discovery and Design. 2019
1436 StarDestroyers Realizing the Potential of the Transients Boom: A Consolidated Study of Stellar Demise 2020
1437 ConsQuanDyn Constrained Quantum Dynamics 2020
1439 OASyS Overall Air Transport System Vehicle Scenarios 2019
1440 TOX-ANT Toxin-antidote selfish elements in animals: from gene drive to speciation 2020
1441 SHADES Scintillator-He3 Array for Deep-underground Experiments on the S-process 2020
1442 SpinENGINE Harnessing the Emergent Properties of Nanomagnet Ensembles for Massively Parallel Data Analysis 2020
1443 CENTRAL ASIAN LAW Legal Cultures and Business Environments in Central Asia 2020
1444 COOLWIND Subsea Cooler for Offshore Wind HVDC transformer platforms 2019
1445 SIPAR A revolutionary gait analysis system for smart injury and performance management. 2019
1446 ADAPTOS ADAPTOS - Changing the way bone voids are treated 2019
1447 Movi Player SDK New mobile video platform technology for interactive experiences and added-value from video distribution 2019
1448 AUTO-RST Flexible automated manufacturing of RST Facets: High Performance Solar Reflectors for CSP industry 2019
1449 MAMEMS Mount Athos in Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Society: Contextualizing the History of a Monastic Republic (ca. 850-1550) 2020
1450 TerreStriAL Terrestrialization: Stress Signalling Dynamics in the Algal Progenitors of Land Plants 2019
1451 FutureLSS Fundamental physics from the large-scale structure of the Universe 2020
1452 Aware Aiding Antibiotic Development with Deep Analysis of Resistance Evolution 2019
1453 OZeye Developing Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence for best-quality and cost-effective live sports production and distribution 2019
1454 RE-SOURCING Global Stakeholder Platform for Responsible Sourcing 2019
1455 SeaClear SEarch, identificAtion and Collection of marine Litter with Autonomous Robots 2020
1456 COALA COALA - Cloud-based AI-driven and Language-agnostic Customer Support Assistant 2019
1457 Fotokite Aerial Situational Awareness for Every Firefighter 2019
1458 MUSICOL The Sound of Empire in 20th-c. Colonial Cultures: Rethinking History through Music 2019
1459 FEDD Fruits of Eurasia: Domestication and Dispersal 2020
1460 ActiDrops Synthetic Active Droplets Inspired by Life 2020
1461 CENSE Enabling the continuous monitoring of drinking water with an all-in-one sensor 2019
1462 EASY-Diabetes Individualised and Equitable Care of Type 2 Diabetes 2019
1463 STRATUS Replicating the rain process to provide a sustainable drinking water supply where most needed 2019
1464 IOTI4.0 Integral Open Technology for Industry 4.0 2019
1465 CAPABLE CAncer PAtients Better Life Experience 2020
1466 PEVAP Planet Evaporation as a Window into Exoplanetary Origins 2020
1467 vWISE Vine and Wine Innovation through Scientific Exchange 2020
1468 Neuron-AFib Commercialising cardiac autonomic modulation to treat Atrial Fibrillation 2019
1469 AQUAGARLIC An innovative dual action (antimicrobial & immunomodulator) product for the aquaculture feed additives market 2019
1470 Piomic Empowering homecare solutions in advanced wound care 2019
1471 TheCoroRevolution The Coro: a revolutionary product to bring breastfeeding into the 21st century 2019
1472 AiforCancerDX Deep learning AI in cancer diagnostics 2019
1473 Musicon BAND A complex educational tool based on the power of music, dedicated to preparing children for the challenges of the future by supporting global educational and therapeutic systems. 2019
1474 HumanITcare Disruptive Real World Data & Real World Evidence Internet of Things platform for faster and more accurate clinical studies 2019
1475 PLMSAT Power line vegetation monitoring and maintenance optimization with satellite imagery 2019
1476 DV SUPPORT Building an evidence base to support Polish women victims of domestic violence in the UK. 2020
1478 DAPSI Data Portability and Services Incubator 2019
1479 Preemie Personalised nutrition of low-birth-weight infants 2019
1480 CAESAR Developing Therapeutic Antibodies for Pets 2019
1481 PAGER Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic Storms and Energetic Radiation 2020
1482 PJP Plasma Jet Pack 2020
1483 GALACTIC High Performance Alexandrite Crystals and Coatings for High Power Space Applications 2020
1484 ATLOMY Anatomy in Ancient Greece and Rome: An Interactive Visual and Textual Atlas 2020
1485 PREVEX Preventing Violent Extremism in the Balkans and the MENA: Strengthening Resilience in Enabling Environments 2020
1486 FLOURISH Creating a sustainable, flourishing industry: digitizing the traditional cut-flower industry 2019
1487 DEMABIS Democratizing Machine Learning for Big Series 2019
1488 PHOMETAPAN PHOMETAPAN- Meta-materials for Green High-Performance Soundproofing 2019
1489 TrojanDC TrojanDC 2019
1490 ReCreo Sustainable Use of Metallic Resources: Industrial Waste Prevention 2019
1491 AUTOSITE100 Autonomous cranes based on computer vision and AI to increase productivity and safety on construction sites 2019
1492 DigiPharm Value-based Healthcare Platform Secured with Blockchain Technology 2019
1493 B6VitaStat A diagnostic device for personalized determination of vitamin B6 status and health 2019
1494 CUBE Unravelling the secrets of Cu-based catalysts for C-H activation 2020
1495 POLIVERNACULARS India's Politics in Its Vernaculars 2020
1496 ARIA Accurate Roms for Industrial Applications 2019
1497 SAAT2020 Scoring crops with Agricultural Artificial intelligence Technologies 2019
1498 ICPstatu Non-Invasive Technology for Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Measurement 2019
1499 CoMorMent Predicting comorbid cardiovascular disease in individuals with mental disorder by decoding disease mechanisms 2020
1500 EJCM Early Jewish and Christian Magical Traditions in Comparison and Contact 2020
1501 CANDY Comorbid Analysis of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Epilepsy 2020
1502 NEOROCKS The NEO Rapid Observation, Characterization and Key Simulations 2020
1503 aiVision Innovative AI-based Ophthalmologic Diagnosis 2019
1504 SALICROP Overcoming the salinity barrier 2019
1505 ARCAone Next generation security platform to safeguard critical applications and sensitive digital assets 2019
1506 ALIGNING MINDS When, and how, do team members’ minds align? A dynamic perspective on shared mental models in teams with different levels of task and outcome interdependence 2020
1507 HELMET High integrity EGNSS Layer for Multimodal Eco-friendly Transportation 2020
1508 INNO EEN-M Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) 2020
1509 CountIce A portable instrument (PINE) for the autonomous detection of atmospheric ice nucleating particles aimed at the research, global monitoring and cloud seeding markets 2020
1510 POINT.IoT Stimulating the fusion of IoT and GNSS technologies 2019
1511 ReACTIVE Too Reliable Electronics for Tomorrow’s Active Systems 2020
1513 FALAH Family farming, lifestyle and health in the Pacific 2020
1514 SIROCO Sparing gene therapy for Inherited ROd COne dystrophies 2019
1515 ETC Solarshade Invisible metal contacts for solar cells – boosting power output while cutting costs 2019
1517 SensorM3D Artificial Intelligence and Privacy Enabled Multi-Sensor Smart Cameras for 3D Analytics 2019
1519 Predictive sigma Predictive maintenance platform for industrial assets based on AI and IoT 2019
1520 Lottare GBM LOcalized Targeted Therapy to Avoid REcurrent GlioBlastoma Multiforme 2019
1521 IVObility Revolutionizing ground-handling procedures and increasing airport efficiency, economy, and safety 2019
1522 WorkFREE Slavery, Work and Freedom: What Can Cash Transfers Contribute to the Fight for Decent Work? 2020
1523 PRIME Prevention and Remediation of Insulin Multimorbidity in Europe 2020
1524 MISTRAL Microbiome-based stratification of individuals at risk of HIV-1 acquisition, chronic clinical complications,antimicrobial drug resistance,and unresponsiveness to therapeutic HIV-1 vaccination 2020
1525 ADAM Autonomous Discovery of Advanced Materials 2020
1526 CHUbVi Ubiquitin Chains in Viral Infections 2020
1527 4 4 - Leveraging Asia for European GNSS 2020
1528 CUDI Implementation of contrast-ultrasound dispersion imaging for better prostate cancer care 2020
1529 READY Getting ready to treat human patients with nanobody-targeted photodynamic therapy 2020
1530 IURIO Artificial Intelligence for optimal contract management and enhanced legal teams' collaboration 2020
1531 NEOSIGHT Bringing to the market a new generation of AI-powered Media Monitoring Tools 2020
1532 LPS For a full data privacy on the go. 2019
1533 SEECLEAR Feasibility of ergonomic interface for adaptive eyeglasses for presbyopia correction. 2020
1534 SGPR Development of a breakthrough spectral ground-penetrating radar revolutionizing sub-surface analysis across industries 2020
1535 NanoFLUX Revolutionary nano coatings, for enhanced heat transfer in heating and cooling applications 2020
1536 EVERCAM Intelligent Vision System for Improved Communication and Higher Productivity in Construction 2020
1537 EvoBias Sex-specific demography and the evolution of gender-biased harmful cultural practices 2020
1538 ATTIDA Attosecond space-time imaging of coherent quantum dynamics 2020
1539 LiLI Later Life Intimacy: Women’s Unruly Practices, Spaces and Representations 2020
1540 PhotoRedesign Redesigning the Photosynthetic Light Reactions 2020
1541 NONLOCAL Foundations of nonlocal and nonabelian condensed-matter systems 2020
1543 GPRV Overcoming stellar activity in radial velocity planet searches 2020
1544 QS2DM Quantum sensing of two-dimensional magnets 2021
1545 NEO-MAPP Near Earth Object Modelling and Payloads for Protection 2020
1546 PREP-IBISBA Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator Preparatory Phase 2020
1547 HyCat In-situ fabricated hydrogen evolution catalysts for alkaline water electrolysis 2020
1548 PHYRIST Physiological roles of the Ribotoxic Stress Response 2020
1549 INNCAT2021 Enhancing INNovation managament capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2020 – 2021 2020
1550 Trep-AB Repurposing clinically approved antibacterial drugs for treponematoses therapy 2020
1551 MIMIc Malleability in mediated ideals: A paradigm to understand effects of contemporary media in adolescents’ well-being 2020
1552 ThoriumNuclearClock Thorium nuclear clocks for fundamental tests of physics 2020
1553 EEN-InnovationJourne EEN-InnovationJouney PT 2020
1554 CCedit Coiled-coil mediated exonuclease tethering technology for the enhancement of CRISPR gene editing 2020
1555 ResilienceBuilding Social Resilience, Gendered Dynamics, and Local Peace in Protracted Conflicts 2020
1556 NIMBUS4CIP Effective management of pregnant cancer patients through a cloud-based integrative and highly specialized advisory board platform 2020
1557 NeuroTrans NEUROtransmitter TRANSporters: from single molecules to human pathologies 2020
1558 SCFTAlg Algebraic Foundations of Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory 2020
1559 Programmable Matter New materials enabled by programmable two-dimensional chemical reactions across van der Waals gap 2020
1561 IBERIA XRF Compact X-Ray Fluorescence probe for uniquely flexible, efficient and accurate underground material analysis 2020
1562 InstrAct From instructions to actions: characterizing the spatiotemporal neural signatures of instructions following. 2020
1563 EHSTACK Lightweight, Compact and Low-Cost Hydrogen Fuel Cell 2020
1564 RECYPION Resurrecting the Carboxyl Polyether Ionophores 2020
1565 Green-MIQUEC Low-powered microwave quantum-enhanced communication: conceptualisation and preliminary design 2020
1566 MICROWATER Anaerobic methane oxidation processes in wastewater management, as sustainable applications against climate change 2021
1567 CYBER-PDR Disempowering Cyber-Attackers 2020
1568 ASTRA ASsembly and phase Transitions of Ribonucleoprotein Aggregates in neurons: from physiology to pathology. 2020
1569 ADDITIVES Exposure to ‘cocktails’ of food additives and chronic disease risk 2020
1570 NitroScission Electrochemical scission of dinitrogen under ambient conditions 2021
1571 EXECUT.ER Dissecting the molecular mechanisms that execute developmental programmed cell death in plants 2020
1572 RAIKA A.I. enabled knowledge analysis automation to increase resilience, security and performance of Enterprise ICT systems. 2019
1573 SMART POP SMART POwder and Products 2020
1574 MaCDAC Machining and Commercialising Diamond Anvil Cells 2020
1575 NanoscAM Nanoscale active matter to power microstructures 2020
1576 LACONIA Living Alone CONsumption ImpAct 2020
1577 OTTOLEGAL The Making of Ottoman Law: The Agency and Interaction of Diverse Groups in Lawmaking, 1450–1650 2020
1578 RoCCAA Roman Coin Circulation in Ancient Armenia 2020
1579 REALMAX Replenishing the limited Aluminium reservoir of MAX phase coatings in harsh environments 2020
1580 VIS-A-VIS How visual action shapes active vision 2020
1581 SkinMicrobiome Paradigm Change in Skin Health: Novel Microbiome-based Cosmetics for Acne and Other Skin Conditions 2020
1582 EURO IMJIN European Literature and the “First East Asian War” of 1592-1598 (EURO-IMJIN) 2020
1583 SUBIMAP SUBduction Initiation at Magma-poor rifted margins: an Atlantic Perspective 2021
1584 APOLITICAL The first global peer-to-peer platform for government, to help public servants find the ideas, experts and partners they need to solve today’s hardest challenges 2020
1585 ANEUPLOIDY Molecular origins of aneuploidies in healthy and diseased human tissues 2020
1586 EASIER Electric Aircraft System Integration Enabler 2020