The page lists 807 projects related to the topic "treatments".
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1 | BIOCYCLE | BIOlogical therapy CYCLEs towards tailored, needs-driven, safer and cost-effective management of Crohn’s disease | 2015 |
2 | IDEAS | Improving Design, Evaluation and Analysis of early drug development Studies | 2015 |
3 | Ageing with elegans | Validating C. elegans healthspan model for better understanding factors causing health and disease, to develop evidence based prevention, diagnostic, therapeutic and other strategies. | 2015 |
4 | DIAGORAS | Chair/bedside diagnosis of oral and respiratory tract infections, and identification of antibiotic resistances for personalised monitoring and treatment | 2015 |
5 | PHOCNOSIS | Advanced nanophotonic point-of-care analysis device for fast and early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases | 2015 |
6 | NEPHSTROM | Novel Stromal Cell Therapy for Diabetic Kidney Disease | 2015 |
7 | ParaFishControl | Advanced Tools and Research Strategies for Parasite Control in European farmed fish | 2015 |
8 | GLAM | Laser Multiplexed Biosensor | 2015 |
9 | MoTriColor | Molecularly guided trials with specific treatment strategies in patients with advanced newly molecular defined subtypes of colorectal cancer (MoTriColor) | 2015 |
10 | HIPSTER | Deployment of high pressure and temperature food processing for sustainable, safe and nutritious foods with fresh-like quality | 2015 |
11 | EyeRegen | Engineering a scaffold based therapy for corneal regeneration | 2015 |
12 | RevMito | Deciphering and reversing the consequences of mitochondrial DNA damage | 2015 |
13 | NEUROMITO | Elucidating Neuronal Susceptibility to Mitochondrial Disease | 2015 |
14 | AArteMIS | Aneurysmal Arterial Mechanics: Into the Structure | 2015 |
15 | REMEMBER | Adaptive immunity in prokaryotes: how Bacteria do not forgive and do not forget their enemies | 2015 |
16 | NextGenVis | Training the Next Generation of European Visual Neuroscientists for the benefit of innovation in health care and high-tech industry | 2015 |
17 | BonePain | European Training Network on Bone Pain | 2015 |
18 | EDEN | European Dry Eye Network | 2015 |
19 | BRAINVIEW | Integrated view on disruptions of early brain development | 2015 |
20 | Biorapid | Rapid Bioprocess Development | 2015 |
21 | CLEAN-Gas | Combustion for Low Emission Applications of Natural Gas | 2015 |
22 | JPco-fuND | ERA-NET for establishing synergies between the Joint Programming on Neurodegenerative Diseases Research and Horizon 2020 | 2015 |
23 | SAPHELY | Self-amplified photonic biosensing platform for microRNA-based early diagnosis of diseases | 2015 |
24 | smart-MEMPHIS | Smart MEMs Piezo based energy Harvesting with Integrated Supercapacitor and packaging | 2014 |
25 | EurEyeCase | Use Case for European Robotics in Ophthalmologic Micro−Surgery | 2015 |
26 | MAT4TREAT | Enhancing water quality by developing novel materials for organic pollutant removal in tertiary water treatments | 2015 |
27 | MULTISURF | MULTI-functional metallic SURFaces via active Layered Double Hydroxide treatments | 2015 |
28 | NANOFACTURING | The Development of Medium- and Large-Scale Sustainable Manufacturing Process Platforms for Clinically Compliant Solid Core Nanopharmaceuticals | 2015 |
29 | MODEST | Mathematical Optimization for clinical DEcision Support and Training | 2015 |
30 | GLYCO-TOOLS | Bio-Inspired Tools for Glycoscience | 2015 |
31 | SolDent | An innovative dental implant with osteoinductive properties by means of bioactive sol-gel coating | 2014 |
32 | ULTRABOAT | Ultrasonic System for Antifouling Protection of Ships | 2014 |
33 | PneumoSIP | PneumoSIP – a cost-effective solution for the rapid diagnostic of pneumonia | 2014 |
34 | iMoHEALTH | iMoHEALTH: A pan-national collaborative analytics platform for the exploration of population health. | 2014 |
35 | eyePoC | Clinical validation of a new diagnostic and monitoring PoC medical device based on quantification of biomarkers in tear fluids to improve the quality of eye health care | 2014 |
36 | Insuwaste | Recycling of hard-to-treat, post-consumer textile wastes and conversion to insulation material for construction industry using a novel conversion technology. | 2014 |
37 | STRESSAGED | Molecular Mechanisms Linking Psychological Stress and Ageing-Related Disease | 2015 |
38 | PWP | Power and Powerlessness | 2015 |
39 | Cancer-Drug-Screen | High-throughput drug screening for identifying personalized cancer treatments tailored to the particular mutations of the patient’s tumor | 2015 |
40 | SexDiff | Sex differences in expression in the shared genome | 2016 |
41 | NIBSAD | Electrophysiological markers of cognitive processes and neuroplasticity in healthy ageing and Alzheimer`s disease | 2015 |
42 | FireAndRiskPrevention | When the smoke clears: predicting and preventing catastrophic erosion and flooding after wildfires in volcanic terrains | 2015 |
43 | AllergyBLOCK | Blocking peanut allergy through protective IgG antibodies | 2015 |
44 | MRTGS | Mechanical regulation of tissue growth and signalling | 2016 |
45 | BIOMARK | Biomarkers of disordered language in autism | 2016 |
46 | RejuvenateBone | Enhancing the regeneration of bone defects in elderly: Rejuvenation of bone microenvironment | 2015 |
47 | MitoTAGs | Developing next-generation tools for mitochondrial dissection with cell-specific resolution. | 2015 |
48 | AstroSignals | Spatiotemporal dynamics of subcellular energy metabolism in astrocytes | 2015 |
49 | MUCDIFF | Competition between the enteric pathogen Clostridium difficile and the commensal members of the gut microbiota for mucosal sugars | 2015 |
50 | Als-on-a-chip | A tissue-on-a-chip platform for systems-level studies of ALS pathology and drug screening | 2015 |
51 | MaSCheNav | Mass Spectrometry-Based Chemoproteomic Profiling of Nav1.7, a Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel | 2015 |
52 | GLOID | Genetic and Lifestyle Origins of Inflammation in Depression | 2015 |
53 | PHELLINI | Plasmonic Heaters Linked to Lanthanide-Based Nanothermometers for Photodynamic Therapy in the Near-Infrared | 2015 |
54 | ReconsolidationDynamics | A Cross-Species Investigation of Memory Replay During Reconsolidation | 2015 |
55 | BIMEDA | Big Medical Data Use in Primary Care: an ethnographic, socio-technical, investigation of challenges and opportunities | 2015 |
56 | depreg | Antidepressants during pregnancy: underlying mechanisms associated with neurodevelopmental outcome | 2015 |
57 | CONTESSA | COuNt data TimE SerieS Analysis: significance tests and sequencing data application | 2015 |
58 | BRACE | Breaking down arenavirus cell entry | 2015 |
59 | OPTIC BIOEM | Toward the comprehension of primary bioelectromagnetic interactions: real time non-linear OPTICal imaging of BIO-samples under ElectroMagnetic exposure | 2015 |
60 | virus-DNP-NMR | Development of high-field DNP-enhanced MAS NMR techniques for structure determination of viral capsids | 2015 |
61 | EPI_nanoSTIM | Enabling motor control after a spinal cord injury through nanoscaled electrical | 2015 |
62 | CARDIOTOX | Predicting Cardiotoxicity Induced by Kinase Inhibitors: From Systems Biology to Systems Pharmacology | 2015 |
63 | EGRET | European Glaucoma Research Training Program | 2015 |
64 | St. Bernard | St. Bernard - Emergency EEG and auditory evoked potentials for earlier diagnostics and treatment planning of unconscious patients | 2015 |
65 | ADDITION | Arthritis Differential DIagnostic validaTION | 2015 |
66 | Cardiacom IMPLANT | Intelligent human diagnostic and therapy platform | 2014 |
67 | VETBIOMAT | Advanced material for the regeneration of joints in veterinary medicine | 2015 |
68 | PANOSTICS | The AA2-Ratio: A Novel Diagnostic Biomarker for Primary Aldosteronism | 2015 |
69 | PCMPS | Precision Cancer Medicine Pipeline and Services | 2015 |
70 | BI-MARK | Clinical validation of the CD32b biomarker on the European market | 2015 |
71 | MyNano | Towards the design of Personalised Polymer-based Combination Nanomedicines for Advanced Stage Breast Cancer Patients | 2015 |
72 | MEDICIS-PROMED | MEDICIS-produced radioisotope beams for medicine | 2015 |
73 | MtbTransReg | Translational regulation in the persistence and drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis | 2015 |
74 | CONQUER | Contrast by Quadrupole Enhanced Relaxation | 2015 |
76 | SmartMarker | SmartMarker - Clinical Validation of Biomarkers by Smart Data Analyses | 2015 |
77 | Inflammostrome | Stromal cells as primary drivers of immunopathology: towards targeted disease modification in spondyloarthritis | 2015 |
78 | PNANOMED | Personalized Nanomedicines for Leukemia Patients | 2015 |
79 | ZF-MEL-CHEMBIO | Chemical Biology in Zebrafish: Drug-Leads and New Targets in the Melanocyte Lineage and Melanoma | 2015 |
80 | E-SPACE | European Standardised Process Approach to Cognitive Evaluation in older people | 2016 |
81 | INTICE | Pathways to Intrinsically Icephobic Surfaces | 2015 |
82 | platinDx | A test for predicting the efficacy of common platinum drugs enabling personalized chemotherapy for bladder cancer patients. | 2015 |
83 | AutArt | Clinical validation of the AutArt rheumatoid arthritis diagnostic device | 2015 |
84 | ScoliosisManager | Monitoring platform for scoliosis treatment to empower kids, parents, physicians and orthotists | 2015 |
85 | CSC-IS | Development of a more effective and safer therapeutic antibody for cancer treatment with a dual mechanism of action to eliminate CSCs and reactivate the tumour’s immune system. | 2015 |
86 | DEMOS | DEMOnStrators of micro waves efficiency for agrifood industry | 2015 |
87 | CORBEL | Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services | 2015 |
88 | PROMETHEUS | Novel Cells for Organ Repair | 2015 |
90 | Gazelab | A precision, computer-vision measurement system for the early diagnosis of schizophrenia | 2015 |
91 | STARS | Strategies Targeting Thyroid Hormone in Athrophy Related Syndromes | 2015 |
92 | LEGO | Multimodal glycoconjugates: a molecular Lego approach for antitumoral immunotherapy | 2015 |
93 | TRANSPOP | The Transformation of Popular Politics in Europe’s Long Nineteenth Century | 2015 |
94 | Ada | Ada 2020 | Visual Reasoning Support for Healthcare Professionals | 2015 |
95 | RELEVANCE | Regulation of red cell life-span, erythropoiesis, survival, senescence and clearance | 2015 |
96 | p38Cure | New breast cancer therapies based on available p38 MAPK inhibitors | 2015 |
97 | LeukoTheranostics | Harnessing Targeted Nanotheranostics to Reprogram Activated Leukocytes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease | 2015 |
98 | Cancer-Recurrence | Tumor cell death supports recurrence of cancer | 2015 |
99 | EGRET-Plus | European Glaucoma Research Training Program-Plus | 2016 |
100 | VIPER | VIbro-acoustics of PERiodic media | 2016 |
101 | Biomarkers for PD | Validation of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for Parkinson disease | 2015 |
102 | EPIGEN | EPIGEN: A New Predictive Response Test for Non Small Cells Lung Cancer Treatment | 2015 |
103 | PAINSTRAT | Novel neurophysiological techniques to quantify pain and stratify patients | 2016 |
104 | SocioSmell | Social Chemosignaling as a Factor in Human Behavior in both Health and Disease | 2015 |
105 | COMbAT | Commercialization of a novel tool for designing personalized nOvel MelAnoma Therapies | 2015 |
106 | SEPCELL | Title of Proposal: Restoring the immune system homeostasis and organ function in severe community acquired pneumonia- induced sepsis through adipose derived allogeneic stem cells (SEPCELL Proje | 2015 |
107 | BIO-CHIP | BIOengineered grafts for Cartilage Healing In Patients (BIO-CHIP) | 2015 |
108 | SmokeFreeBrain | Multidisciplinary tools for improving the efficacy of public prevention measures against smoking | 2015 |
109 | BIOVALID | Clinical validation of the DiviTum assay in two high profile clinical studies in Europe | 2015 |
110 | PNEUMOSIP | PNEUMOSIP | 2015 |
111 | LUCY | Early detector of comorbid depression | 2015 |
112 | Infarnosys | Novel biomarker diagnostic system for the assessment of the prognosis of acute myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury and infarction and the effectiveness of the treatment | 2015 |
113 | SMART Guide | Guided dental surgery fitting into daily clinical routine | 2015 |
114 | POTENTIATE | A Molecular Framework for Plant Cell Totipotency | 2015 |
115 | ELOXIRAS | Electrochemical Oxidation in the Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Industry | 2015 |
116 | JUMPAIR | JUMPAIR: Decubitus Ulcers Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart Anti-Decubitus System based on known Ulcers Activity Biomarkers | 2015 |
117 | RCC-TEST | A breakthrough in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Personalized RCC-Test | 2016 |
118 | PanaMast | Development of non-antibiotic therapy for the treatment of bovine mastitis | 2015 |
119 | iMPACT | innovative Medical Protons Achromatic Calorimeter and Tracker | 2016 |
120 | TiAlCracks | Crack growth threshold analysis in TiAl alloys | 2016 |
121 | SVDs-at-target | Small vessel diseases in a mechanistic perspective: Targets for Intervention Affected pathways and mechanistic exploitation for prevention of stroke and dementia | 2016 |
122 | BATCure | Developing new therapies for Batten disease | 2016 |
123 | EuroPOND | Data-driven models for Progression Of Neurological Disease | 2016 |
124 | TAT-CF | Novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of cystic fibrosis based on small molecule transmembrane anion transporters | 2016 |
125 | CoCA | Comorbid Conditions of Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder | 2016 |
126 | HERCULES | Comprehensive characterization and effective combinatorial targeting of high-grade serous ovarian cancer via single-cell analysis | 2016 |
127 | GALAXY | GALAXY: Gut-and-liver axis in alcoholic liver fibrosis | 2016 |
128 | RELENT | RELapses prevENTion in chronic autoimmune disease: common mechanisms and co-morbidities | 2015 |
129 | H2020MM04 | DC-based immunotherapy to treat Malignant Mesothelioma | 2016 |
130 | CONQUEST | Companion Nanodiagnostics for Quantifying EPR and Stratifying Patients to Targeted Nanotherapies | 2016 |
131 | MEDLEM | Cost-effective microfluidic electronic devices for optimal drug administration based on fractional pharmacokinetics for leukemia treatments | 2016 |
132 | Bi-Stretch-4-Biomed | BIaxial STRETCHing of PLLA-WS2 nanocomposites FOR thinner and stronger BIOMEDical scaffolds | 2016 |
133 | DESTRESS | Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs | 2016 |
134 | IMPEDE | Immunomodulatory effects of sustained pantethine release in inflammatory diseases | 2016 |
135 | CerISMA | Cerenkov Imaging for Surgical Margin Assessment | 2015 |
136 | ARREST BLINDNESS | Advanced Regenerative and REStorative Therapies to combat corneal BLINDNESS | 2016 |
137 | FOLSMART | Folate-Target Nanodevices To Activated Macrophages For Rheumatoid Arthritis | 2016 |
139 | BD2Decide | Big Data and models for personalized Head and Neck Cancer Decision support | 2016 |
140 | VIAWORD | From speech and print to meaning: an integrated account of word recognition in young and older adults. | 2016 |
141 | ICARO | Colloidal Inorganic Nanostructures for Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy | 2016 |
142 | NEURICE | New commercial EUropean RICE (Oryza sativa) harbouring salt tolerance alleles to protect the rice sector against climate change and apple snail (Pomacea insularum) invasion | 2016 |
143 | TAME-Plasmons | a Theoretical chemistry Approach to tiME-resolved molecular Plasmonics | 2016 |
144 | LDC4PCaTher | BMX-targeted ligand-drug conjugates for prostate cancer therapy | 2016 |
145 | ThruBlood | Clinical validation of Trop-2 as a serum biomarker for monitoring of disease-course in patients affected by breast and colon cancer | 2016 |
146 | Remote memory traces | Cellular and molecular mechanisms of remote fear attenuation | 2016 |
147 | REDRAF | Assessing the aerosol radiative impact employing advanced methods to reduce uncertainties in the aerosol optical properties | 2016 |
148 | SPIN-MA | Schizophrenia Psychological Interventions Network Meta-Analysis of randomized evidence | 2016 |
149 | IFNBetaMito | Role of IFN-β in mitochondrial homeostasis and impact on Parkinson Disease | 2016 |
150 | iGEMMdev | Development and Characterisation of New Immunogenic GEMMs of Lung Cancer | 2017 |
151 | CAP-CANCER | Cold atmospheric plasma treatment for effective cancer cell apoptosis | 2016 |
152 | SmartCubes | An innovative class of nanoparticles (“SmartCubes”) for the targeted delivery of protein therapeutics | 2016 |
153 | FOIPO | Functional optical probes for otology | 2017 |
154 | PERICYTEStroma | Pericyte-derived tumor stroma – a target for cancer therapy | 2016 |
155 | ENVERESP | Crosstalk between nuclear envelope and DNA Damage Response: Role of nucleoporin TPR in the maintenance of genomic integrity | 2016 |
156 | RAC | Defining the Role of Antioxidants on Cancer progression and metastasis | 2016 |
157 | BiominAB-3D | Revealing the composition and formation mechanism of carcinogenic asbestos bodies in human lungs | 2016 |
158 | THERAGEL | Development of a chemotherapeutic gel for glioblastoma multiforme treatment | 2016 |
159 | CAMEOS | Cardiac micro-engineered tissue for high-throughput screening | 2016 |
160 | Microbiota and aging | Interaction between gut-microbiota and the central stress system in cognitive alterations associated with aging. | 2016 |
161 | SafeWood | Novel bio-inspired environmentally-friendly process for producing durable and dimensionally-stable wood | 2016 |
162 | DDBSD | Diagnostic Test For The Differential Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder | 2016 |
163 | MIR-CHROM-C | Investigating the microRNA-chromatin remodelling circuitry in cardiac development | 2016 |
164 | EDGE | Training network providing cutting-EDGE knowlEDGE on Herpes Virology and Immunology | 2016 |
165 | SYNVIA | Synthetic viability of homologous recombination-deficient cancers | 2016 |
166 | BOOST | Biomimetic trick to re-balance Osteblast-Osteoclast loop in osteoporoSis treatment: a Topological and materials driven approach | 2016 |
167 | HGTCODONUSE | The evolutionary significance of synonymous variations: Can codon usage preferences drive the propagation of antibiotic resistance? | 2016 |
168 | SUPRABIOTICS | Supramolecular Protective Groups Enabling Antibiotics and Bioimaging | 2016 |
169 | PreclinSR | Increasing clinical translation of experimental stroke research: new approaches to systematic review | 2016 |
170 | MESO-JBIR-102 | Development of the aza-Prins reaction; synthesis and biological evaluation of JBIR-102 | 2016 |
171 | 2MoveMate4Melanoma | A treatment for BRAF inhibitor resistant melanoma | 2016 |
172 | SimVisSim | Simultaneous Vision Simulator for optimizing selection of presbyopic correcions | 2016 |
173 | SCoTMOF | Combined Chemo- and Radiotherapies by Controlling the Surface Chemistry of Truncated Metal Organic Framework Nanoparticles | 2016 |
174 | AquaNES | Demonstrating synergies in combined natural and engineered processes for water treatment systems | 2016 |
175 | SALTGAE | Demonstration project to prove the techno-economic feasibility of using algae to treat saline wastewater from the food industry. | 2016 |
176 | ALERT | Local Training Network on Novel Tailor-Made Antimicrobials and Delivery Strategies From Synthesis towards Clinical Applications | 2016 |
177 | BoneMalar | Mechanisms of bone marrow sequestration during malaria infection | 2016 |
178 | URBANREC | New approaches for the valorisation of URBAN bulky waste into high added value RECycled products | 2016 |
179 | Lumiblast | A paradigm shift in cancer therapy – using mitochondria-powered chemiluminescence to non-invasively treat inaccessible tumours | 2016 |
180 | NANOTER | Development of Ultra-Sensitive Nanotherapeutic Anticancer Agents for Boron Neutron CaptureTherapy | 2016 |
181 | TMS_ATT | Brain stimulation of attention networks: examining old principles and developing new clinical applications | 2016 |
182 | iRELaTE | Immune Response and Social Cognition in Schizophrenia | 2016 |
183 | Cell3Ditor | Cost-effective and flexible 3D printed SOFC stacks for commercial applications | 2016 |
184 | MP-ORIF | Innovative biocompatible game changing material for medical implants in trauma | 2016 |
185 | ECOPULPING | Valorising the straw waste stream through a novel bio-mechanical process which converts 100% of the waste into three high value products including bleached paper pulp. | 2016 |
186 | OWISE4EU | OWise for Europe - A feasibility study of a pan-European mobile app providing people with cancer with useful tools and treatment information in one easily accessible place. | 2016 |
187 | OZONELASER | Cost and time-effective universal medical device for treatment of onychomycosis by combining several technologies | 2016 |
188 | MYA | MYA, the innovative diagnostics platform for the full mapping of personal allergies | 2016 |
189 | CompBioMed | A Centre of Excellence in Computational Biomedicine | 2016 |
190 | ELC | The evolution of linguistic complexity | 2016 |
191 | POnTE | Pest Organisms Threatening Europe | 2015 |
192 | LEASP | Learning spatiotemporal patterns in longitudinal image data sets of the aging brain | 2016 |
193 | Gradual_Change | Gradual and abrupt environmental change: connecting physiology, evolution and community composition | 2016 |
194 | ExtendGlass | Extending the range of the glassy state: Exploring structure and property limits in metallic glasses | 2016 |
195 | iPSCAtaxia | An induced pluripotent stem cell-based neuronal model of Spinocerebellar ataxia | 2016 |
196 | GBM-CPP | Developing an anti-Myc cell-penetrating peptide for cancer treatment | 2016 |
197 | Qone | Novel pressure relieving and sensing mattress and an intelligent control system that predicts and prevents pressure ulcers in bedridden patients | 2016 |
198 | MAGTEST | MAGTEST: Simple and specific next generation lab-on-a-chip in-vitro molecular diagnostic device | 2016 |
199 | RIGVIR | Feasibility study for registration of medicine RIGVIR with the European Medicine Agency | 2016 |
200 | ATx201 | A novel class of antibiotics for treatment of infected atopic dermatitis: an innovative solution for a significant unmet medical need | 2016 |
201 | tagMDR | Identification of Multidrug Resistance for Chemotherapy Guidance in Cancer Using a Lab-on-a-chip Platform | 2016 |
202 | INVeST | INdividual Vascular SignaTure: A new machine learning tool to aid personalised management of risk for cardiovascular disease | 2016 |
203 | Qlice | Qlice: Environmentally-friendly system to combat sea lice in salmon farms | 2016 |
204 | Neobetacell | Neogenesis of new functional Beta Cells through Modulation of Neurogenin-3 Expression to provide Regenerative Therapy for Diabetes Patients | 2016 |
205 | STRAVIR | Role of the stroma-derived ‘alarmin’ IL-33 in anti-viral immunity | 2016 |
206 | SYNTRAIN | Targeting SYNthetic lethal interactions for new cancer treatments TRAINing network | 2016 |
207 | BBDiag | Blood Biomarker-based Diagnostic Tools for Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease | 2017 |
208 | TREATMENT | Training European Network: Metabolic Dysfunctions associated with Pharmacological Treatment of Schizophrenia | 2017 |
209 | PATHSENSE | Training Network to Understand and Exploit Mechanisms of Sensory Perception in Bacteria | 2017 |
210 | PAIN-Net | Molecule-to-man pain network | 2017 |
211 | CuraBone | Predictive models and simulations in bone regeneration: a multiscale patient-specific approach | 2017 |
212 | CarBon | Controlling Cartilage to Bone Transitions for Improved Treatment of Bone Defects and Osteoarthritis | 2017 |
213 | CONSEED | CONSumer Energy Efficiency Decision Making | 2016 |
214 | AgriMax | Agri and food waste valorisation co-ops based on flexible multi-feedstocks biorefinery processing technologies for new high added value applications | 2016 |
215 | NOMBIS | Nano-OptoMechanical Systems for Biological Sensors | 2016 |
216 | AtmoHealth | A pan-national collaborative analytics platform for the exploration and improvement of population health | 2016 |
217 | NASCENT | Novel Approach to Systematically Characterize Exercise- and Nutrient- responsive genes in Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease | 2017 |
218 | EPIPHARM | Development of a ncRNA DNA Methylation Kit for Treatment Guidance in Cancer of Unknown Primary | 2017 |
219 | ROBOCHIP | MicroRobotic toolkit to deliver spatiotemporally resolved physicochemical signals and control cell sociology | 2017 |
220 | MOUSIE | Multi-Organ UltraSound-based Inborn Evaluation | 2016 |
221 | PATHAD | Pathways to Alzheimer's disease | 2016 |
222 | MMpredict | Validation of a personalised medicine tool for Multiple Myeloma that predicts treatment effectiveness in patients | 2016 |
223 | SEMA3C | Genetic dissection of the SEMA3C/Neuropilin 1 signalling pathway in Chronic Kidney Disease progression | 2016 |
224 | REUSE4MALARIA | Drug Repurposing for Malaria Chemoprotection | 2016 |
225 | IMAGENE | Characterizing Function Genetic Variants Linking Immunity and Psychiatric Disorders | 2017 |
226 | PHENOSPACE | Quantifying behavioural phenotype space: chemistry-to-gene screens and combination therapies | 2016 |
227 | Diet-namic | From fast food to healthy diet: Addressing the dynamic molecular mechanism of sequential diet switch-induced T cell plasticity for the purpose of developing new treatments for immuno-mediated diseases | 2016 |
228 | SWEETBULLETS | Sweet Theranostics in Bitter Infections - Seek and Destroy | 2017 |
229 | 3D NEONET | Drug Discovery and Delivery NEtwork for ONcology and Eye Therapeutics | 2017 |
230 | InCa | InCa - Cardio Watch for Continuous Intra-Cardiac Blood Pressure Sensing | 2016 |
231 | CUPIDO | Cardio Ultraefficient nanoParticles for Inhalation of Drug prOducts | 2017 |
234 | 3D-Plant2Cells | Exploring the Impact of Pesticide on the 3D Metabolome and the Microbiota from the Whole Plant to the Cell Scale | 2017 |
235 | iGBMavatars | Glioblastoma Subtype Avatar models for Target Discovery and Biology | 2017 |
236 | EVOMICROCOMM | Evolving interactions in microbial communities | 2017 |
237 | TKI resistance | Resistance mechanisms to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in solid tumors | 2016 |
238 | LISTEN | Liaison in Scientific Training for European auditory Neuroscience | 2016 |
239 | INTRICARE | International Network for Training on Risks of vascular Intimal Calcification And roads to Regression of cardiovascular diseasE | 2017 |
240 | BiofoulRepel | Biofoulant-repelling surfaces for catheters and other biomedical devices | 2017 |
241 | ABD | A bioengineered, naturally-derived, sustainable biocide for breaking down organic biofilms formed by drug-resistant bacteria. | 2016 |
243 | Fucoderm | An effective, side effect-free topical emollient treatment for atopic dermatitis made from a sustainably procured seaweed extract | 2016 |
244 | ZIKAVAX | Fast track development of a Zika vaccine based on measles vector | 2016 |
245 | TISuMR | Integrated Tissue Slice Culture and NMR Metabolomics – A Novel Approach Towards SystemicUnderstanding of Liver Function And Disease | 2017 |
246 | SUMCASTEC | Semiconductor-based Ultrawideband Micromanipulation of CAncer STEm Cells | 2017 |
247 | BYPASSWITHOUTSURGERY | Reaching the effects of gastric bypass on diabetes and obesity without surgery | 2017 |
248 | FlexNanoFlow | Ultra-flexible nanostructures in flow: controlling folding, fracture and orientation in large-scale liquid processing of 2D nanomaterials | 2017 |
249 | PedCRIN | Paediatric Clinical Research Infrastructure Network | 2017 |
250 | ORTHOUNION | ORTHOpedic randomized clinical trial with expanded bone marrow MSC and bioceramics versus autograft in long bone nonUNIONs | 2017 |
251 | PROOF | Penumbral Rescue by Normobaric O=O Administration in Patients With Ischaemic Stroke and Target Mismatch ProFile: A Phase II Proof-of-Concept Trial | 2017 |
252 | EVOLVE | Extracellular Vesicle-Internalizing Receptors (EVIRs) for Cancer ImmunoGeneTherapy | 2017 |
253 | MYCONEUTROPHILS | Elucidating the involvement of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis using a zebrafish model | 2017 |
254 | MIX-Effectors | T6SS MIX-effectors: secretion, activities and use as antibacterial treatment | 2017 |
255 | TREATCilia | Novel Therapeutic Avenues for dynein-related Ciliopathies | 2017 |
256 | SpheroPredict | A 3D advanced test for prediction of drug response in secondary liver cancer | 2017 |
257 | METAdiag | METAdiag: Diagnose to Cure | 2017 |
258 | INNOBCT | Innovative combination therapy against bladder cancer | 2017 |
259 | BIOECOMARINE | New Ultrasonic Cost-Effective Equipment as Anti-Fouling System for Vessels | 2017 |
260 | RELEASE | Nanofiber based drug delivery for surgical therapy of adult and paediatric solid tumours | 2017 |
261 | IMCoLoR | Injection Moulding with Continuous Local Reinforcements | 2017 |
262 | AMPK-DIAB | A small molecule AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) activator, denoted O304, as a novelinnovative drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes | 2016 |
263 | FUNGISEI | Liquid biopesticide for integrated and effective pest control | 2017 |
264 | REJUVENATION | Repair of Junctional Atrioventricular Conduction and Impulse Formation | 2017 |
265 | INVESTIGERFE | Investigating the regulation of iron homeostasis by erythroferrone and therapeutic applications | 2017 |
266 | GlycoModels | 3D glyco-engineered models to address the role of glycosylation in gastric cancer clinical management | 2017 |
267 | EGYPTOMICS | Paleoproteomics for cultural heritage conservation: biomolecular analysis of ancient Egyptian paint binders | 2017 |
268 | metabolicomp | Computational dynamics studies of drug metabolism by P450 enzymes | 2017 |
269 | MILAS | MIcro-pulsed, diode-based LASer | 2017 |
270 | SACCSCAN-IA-ML | Developing Machine Learning Classifier Models for Eye Movements to Diagnose Major Psychiatric Disorders | 2017 |
271 | BCSC-ST | Breast cancer stem-like cells specific vulnerabilities: focus in HER2 over-expression and protein glycosylation | 2017 |
272 | ZINCLAPS | Light-addressable potentiometric sensors (LAPS) for zinc imaging with high spatiotemporal resolution for elucidating the role of zinc in age related macular degeneration. | 2017 |
273 | ACRoNNIM | Aerosol and Climate Response to NH3 in the NMMB/BSC Inter-Scale Model | 2017 |
274 | DENOCS | The Double Edged Role of Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Peroxide in a Coral Symbiosis | 2017 |
275 | Schizo-EPICOG | Inflammatory processes underlying cognitive deficits in schizophrenia: epigenetic mechanisms and pharmacological regulation | 2018 |
276 | DOC | Dark Ocean Cosmeceuticals -DOC-: The Cosmetical and Pharmaceutical Potential of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter | 2017 |
277 | BIOSTISYM | Investigation of plant biostimulating properties of feather protein hydrolyzate and the effects on symbiotic microorganisms | 2017 |
278 | GOSSAN | GOethite in Supergene Systems: ANalysing trace element substitution goethite and related iron oxides and oxyhydroxides. | 2017 |
279 | LIFEOMEGA | Innovative highly concentrated Omega-3 Specialized Nutrition Product | 2017 |
280 | ULTIMATE | Towards the ultimate dark matter detector | 2017 |
281 | DREMATURE | DNA repair mechanisms and therapy resistance of BRCA2-deficient cancers | 2018 |
282 | CriTiClean | Supercritical carbon dioxide for delipidation of soft tissue - Suppressing transplant rejection. | 2017 |
283 | ResistEpist | Dissection of the mechanisms causing the epistasis between antibiotic resistance mutations in Escherichia coli | 2018 |
284 | EsterPep | Polyester/Polypeptide hybrid biomaterials for biomedical scaffolds | 2017 |
285 | SHAPPI | Scaffold hybridization approach targeting PPIs | 2017 |
286 | TrueCell | A microfluidic chip for automating three-dimensional cell culture for personalized medicine | 2018 |
287 | OSMOSIS | One Step Modification of Space-Integrated Systems | 2017 |
288 | PIONEER | Peri-Ocularly Navigated Exteroceptive Snake Robot for Novel Retinal Interventions | 2017 |
289 | MArylAND | At the host-bacteria interface: Modulation of the intestinal microbiota and its metabolic activity by Card9 signalling in health and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases | 2017 |
290 | MSCHIPBIO | Multiscale computational modelling for natural hip biomechanics and tribology | 2017 |
291 | HUNTINFISH | Generation of new zebrafish models for the study of the pathogenesis of Huntington´s disease and for the identification of new therapeutic targets. | 2018 |
292 | ILCSIGNALLING | Deciphering cell-cell and cell-microbiome interactions of innate lymphoid cells at the single cell level | 2018 |
293 | AttoDNA | AttoDNA: how electronic motions affect the photostability of the genomic material | 2018 |
294 | SMART-WORKFLOW | Development of a smart workflow based on high resolution mass spectrometry for the assessment of the performance of wastewater treatment technologies | 2018 |
295 | TeloChromatin | Dissecting the chromatin dynamics at telomeres during mouse pre-implantation development. | 2017 |
296 | StressEBOV | Ebola virus manipulation of the cellular stress responses | 2017 |
298 | METMEL | Long range-acting drivers of premetastatic niches in melanoma | 2017 |
299 | mPOWER | Mobile platform to empower cancer patients with fatigue | 2017 |
300 | ADAPT-SMART | Accelerated Development of Appropriate Patient Therapies: a Sustainable, Multi-stakeholder Approach from Research to Treatment-outcomes - Sofia ref.: 115890 | 2015 |
301 | PRISM | Psychiatric Ratings using Intermediate Stratified Markers - Sofia ref.: 115916 | 2016 |
302 | BEAt-DKD | Biomarker Enterprise to Attack DKD - Sofia ref.: 115974 | 2016 |
303 | PHAGO | Inflammation and AD: modulating microglia function focussing on TREM2 and CD33 - Sofia ref.: 115976 | 2016 |
304 | HARMONY | Healthcare Alliance for Resourceful Medicines Offensive against Neoplasms in HematologY - Sofia ref.: 116026 | 2017 |
305 | DO-IT | Big Data for Better Outcomes, Policy Innovation and Healthcare System Transformation - Sofia ref.: 116055 | 2017 |
306 | NanoZfish | Restoration of motor dysfunction in vivo through nanomaterials based devices | 2017 |
307 | INFLAMM-ALZ | The Role of Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease | 2017 |
308 | RoNDBioCan | NLRP3 in cancer: Deciphering the role of NLRP3 in the DNA Damage response pathway | 2018 |
309 | SODIUMMRI-4-EU | Unlocking the potential of ultrahigh field 23Na magnetic resonance to quantify tissue sodium content for probing viability of the heart: where physics, biology and medicine meet | 2018 |
310 | IC_IL_EC_2017 | Investigating the effects of immunogenic chemoradiation in shaping the immune landscape of esophageal cancers | 2018 |
311 | MixAmox | Understanding nitrogen metabolic interactions in mixed anammox-based microbial communities | 2017 |
312 | FunKeyGut | Illuminating Functional Networks and Keystone Species in the Gut | 2017 |
313 | PHRD | The development of Personalised Host Response Diagnostic kit | 2017 |
314 | GenomMed | Genomics and Mechanisms in Translational Medicine Doctoral Programme | 2017 |
315 | NEUROMODEL | Statistical Modelling for relating multimodal neuroimaging to clinical outcomes in order to predict patient response to depression therapy. | 2017 |
316 | COMPCON | Competition under (niche) construction | 2017 |
317 | NEST | Nanoengineering of radioactive seeds for cancer therapy and diagnosis | 2017 |
318 | NanoMOFdeli | Design of NanoMOFs Capsules for Drug Delivery and Bioimaging. | 2017 |
319 | BLMs 4 TB | Beta-lactams for Tuberculosis Treatment | 2018 |
320 | NGN-PET | Modelling Neuron-Glia Networks into a drug discovery platform for Pain Efficacious Treatments - Sofia ref.: 116072 | 2017 |
321 | altEJrepair | Characterisation of DNA Double-Strand Break Repair by Alternative End-Joining: Potential Targets for Cancer Therapy | 2017 |
322 | GenEdiDS | Rescuing Cognitive Deficits in Neurodevelopmental Disorders by Gene Editing in Brain Development: the Case of Down Syndrome | 2017 |
323 | TROPICSAFE | Insect-borne prokaryote-associated diseases in tropical and subtropical perennial crops | 2017 |
324 | MIMICS | Electromyography-driven musculoskeletal modelling for biomimetic myoelectric control of prostheses with variable stiffness actuators | 2018 |
325 | Neuromapper | Cloud collaborative open platform for advanced brain analytics | 2017 |
327 | BioBarr | New bio-based food packaging materials with enhanced barrier properties – BioBarrier | 2017 |
328 | MetaboMARKER | A metabolism-based prognostic biomarker for prostate cancer | 2017 |
329 | IMMOVA | Novel Immunotherapeutic Vaccine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease | 2017 |
330 | Genome Biologics | Reducing the cost and increasing the speed of preclinical research in the pharmaceutical industry | 2017 |
331 | SidekickHealth | Improving health the fun way… seriously | 2017 |
332 | MEACTOS | Mitigating Environmentally Assissted Cracking Through Optimisation of Surface Condition | 2017 |
333 | GEMMA | GEneration iv Materials MAturity | 2017 |
334 | HILOGEAR | High load gear and bearings materials | 2017 |
335 | NOVITREP | Novel viral therapy through targeting DNA repair | 2017 |
336 | AlForAMA | Innovative Al alloy For aircraft structural parts using Additive MAnufacturing technology | 2017 |
337 | RHYP | A new hope for early gonarthrosis treatment using a biotechnological therapeutic drug to regenerate cartilage by intra-articular knee injection | 2017 |
338 | HYDROBLOOD | Innovative processing plant for optimal production of Decolourised Hydrolysed Protein (DHP). A secure, cost-effective and eco-friendly blood by-product solution. | 2017 |
339 | PanaMast | Progressing a non-antibiotic antimicrobial treatment for Bovine Mastitis towards market - PanaMast | 2017 |
340 | BigData Heart | Big Data 4 Better Hearts - Sofia ref.: 116074 | 2017 |
341 | PROBIOTEARS | Probiotic-based Ophtalmologic treatment for Bacterial and Allergic Conjunctivitis | 2017 |
342 | STOPCa | The cryptic path of tumor-microenvironment interactions in prostate cancer | 2017 |
343 | BioProbe-PIT | Local molecular profiling of tumor tissue sections: towards personalized immunotherapy | 2017 |
344 | BEEOXAL | Treatment against honeybee varroosis based on highly effective application of oxalic acid through sublimation | 2017 |
345 | SYN1002 | A New Therapeutic Option to Protect Central Nervous System against Acute Ischemic Stroke | 2017 |
346 | TIN-ACT | Research School for TINnitus Assessment, Causes and Treatments | 2017 |
347 | Tumor-Treg-Targeting | Training Network for the education of the next generation scientist in targeting the supressive capacity of regulatory T-cells specifically within tumours | 2018 |
348 | V-EPC | Inherited disfunctions of brain microcirculation | 2017 |
349 | ZEBRAONCOFISH | Zebrafish avatar as a real-time in vivo platform for personalized cancer therapeutics | 2017 |
350 | EndoSearch | A unique noninvasive diagnostic test based on endometrium tissue analysis, which assesses the presence or absence of endometriosis without surgery, helping the physician to make his diagnosis rapidly | 2017 |
351 | EQIPD | European Quality In Preclinical Data | 2017 |
352 | EuroNeurotrophin | A European training network for the discovery of neurotrophins small molecule mimetics as candidate therapeutic agents for neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation | 2018 |
353 | MACULA2 | Commercialising a novel diagnostic panel for patient stratification in Age-related MACULAr Degeneration | 2017 |
354 | RAINBOW | Rapid Biomechanics Simulation for Personalized Clinical Design | 2018 |
355 | REACT | Optimising Radiomics for MRI-based personalised cancer treatment | 2017 |
356 | SAFER | Selective Agonists For Serotonin Receptors | 2017 |
357 | NCore | Networking and Care: Helping young people with mental health problems through outreach and eHealth | 2017 |
358 | SpdTuM | SPD nanostructured magnets with tuneable properties | 2018 |
359 | transMed | Educating the next generation of scientists in translational medicine: Focus on eye diseases | 2017 |
360 | CURE | Constructing a ‘Eubiosis Reinstatement Therapy’ for Asthma | 2017 |
361 | RTCure | Rheuma Tolerance for Cure | 2017 |
362 | StroMaP | Stromal stress networks underlying phenotypic plasticity and tumor fitness | 2017 |
363 | ARMOR-T | Armoring multifunctional T cells for cancer therapy | 2018 |
364 | HYPERION | HYbrid PERovskites for Next GeneratION Solar Cells and Lighting | 2017 |
365 | ALGOA | Novel algorithm for treatment planning of patients with osteoarthritis | 2018 |
366 | TECNEC | Preclinical concept validation of tumor endothelial cell metabolism for novel anti-angiogenic therapy | 2017 |
367 | STARSTEM | NanoSTARS imaging for STEM cell therapy for arthritic joints | 2018 |
368 | INSIST | IN-Silico trials for treatment of acute Ischemic STroke | 2017 |
369 | OACTIVE | Advanced personalised, multi-scale computer models preventing OsteoArthritis | 2017 |
370 | safenolaTiCancerDrug | Highly and Widely Effective, Water Stable, and Non Toxic Titanium-Phenolato-based Anticancer Chemotherapy | 2017 |
371 | MINERGRACE | Graphene-based High Resolution Neural Interfaces for ICT-inspired Neuro-treatment | 2018 |
372 | DIDO-MS | Commercialization of a first in class multiple sclerosis drug | 2018 |
373 | SAVEBRAIN | Proof of principle for a first in class neuroprotective therapy in stroke and other acute neurodegenerative conditions | 2018 |
374 | CylcoRu4PACT | Cyclometallated ruthenium complexes for photo-activated chemotherapy | 2018 |
375 | MESI-STRAT | Systems Medicine of Metabolic-Signaling Networks: A New Concept for Breast Cancer Patient Stratification | 2018 |
376 | HIT-CF | Personalised Treatment For Cystic Fibrosis Patients With Ultra-rare CFTR Mutations (and beyond) | 2018 |
377 | TUDCA-ALS | Safety and efficacy of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) as add-on treatment in patients affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) | 2018 |
378 | CLINGLIO | A Clinical Phase IIB trial with 2OHOA in patients with newly-diagnosed malignant glioma. | 2017 |
379 | CureCN | Adeno-Associated Virus Vector-Mediated Liver Gene Therapy for Crigler-Najjar Syndrome | 2018 |
380 | MyPeBS | International Randomized Study Comparing personalized, Risk-Stratified to Standard Breast Cancer Screening In Women Aged 40-70 | 2018 |
381 | PLASREVOLUTION | Understanding the evolution of plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance in real life scenarios | 2018 |
382 | bloodANDbone | Blood and bone – conjoined twins in health and disease: bone marrow analogs for hematological and musculoskeletal diseases | 2018 |
383 | ELIMINATE | Development of strategies to eliminate cancer cells from the bone marrow | 2018 |
384 | transtryp | Structural differences in mRNA translation machineries between eukaryotic pathogens and their mammalian hosts | 2018 |
385 | ToMeTuM | Towards the Understanding a Metal-Tumour-Metabolism | 2018 |
386 | SymPAtHY | A neurosplenic pathway coupling Immunity and Hypertension | 2017 |
388 | NEMOSINE | Innovative packaging solutions for storage and conservation of 20th century cultural heritage of artefacts based on cellulose derivate | 2018 |
389 | nTRACK | Multimodal nanoparticles for structural and functional tracking of stem cell therapy on muscle regeneration | 2017 |
390 | MASTFAST | Rapid production of HUMAN MAST CELLS | 2017 |
391 | NO PROBleMS | Nourishing PRObiotics to Bees to Mitigate Stressors | 2018 |
392 | ITHACA | Immuno-targeting of human AML quiescent cells by a novel phage display approach. | 2018 |
393 | NEOMENTO | Redefining Virtual Reality Therapy for Anxiety Disorders | 2017 |
394 | MERLIN | Multi-modal, multi-scale retinal imaging | 2017 |
395 | OmnImmune | Manufacturing and testing of an allogeneic gamma delta T cell therapy for the treatment of cancer | 2017 |
396 | SHN | Universal Smart Hypodermic Needle for preventing reuse and accidental pricks | 2017 |
397 | RIBATI | Radically innovative bacterial treatment for recalcitrant industrial wastewater | 2017 |
398 | QS Mobile | Setting a standard for personal digital sperm analysis | 2017 |
399 | LymphoDrain | First subcutaneous implant to treat lymphedema. Definitive solution for chronic lymphedema | 2017 |
400 | CMTaaRS | Defective protein translation as a pathogenic mechanism of peripheral neuropathy | 2018 |
401 | CLLCLONE | Harnessing clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia | 2018 |
402 | UFLNMR | Ultrafast Laplace NMR | 2018 |
403 | MAXIBONE | Personalised maxillofacial bone regeneration | 2018 |
404 | JUMPAIR | Decubitus Ulcers Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart ICT Anti-Decubitus System based on known Ulcers Activity Biomarkers | 2018 |
405 | DEFLECT | DEvelopment of Functionalizable materiaLs for Electrical CabineTs | 2018 |
406 | FLOWCAASH | FLOW Control Actuators at Aircraft scale manufacturing by SLM with high aerodynamic performance for using in Harsh environment | 2018 |
407 | MicroBone | Novel 3D platforms to engineer bone microtissues for in vitro disease models | 2018 |
408 | PREDICT | PREDICT | 2018 |
409 | AdamFrame | AdamFrame: A Low-cost, High-performance, Software guided Quadrilateral Octopod External Fixator | 2018 |
410 | STEMpop | Mechanisms of stem cell population dynamics and reprogramming | 2018 |
411 | MISSINGMIDDLE | The Causal Effect of Public Policy and Income on Child Health and Human Capital | 2018 |
412 | MicroAdiPSChip | Micro-Fat Tissue on Chip | 2018 |
413 | MARSI | Disruptive technologies for effectively rehabilitating chronic ambulatory disability | 2018 |
414 | SUPERMIN | Correlative Super Resolution Imaging of the Collagen Mineralization Process | 2018 |
415 | iaFRET | An amplified signal imaging software for prognosis of cancer enabling the evaluation of clinicalefficiency of personalised cancer treatments to an unprecedented level. | 2018 |
416 | iPS-ChOp-AF | Combining induced pluripotent stem cells, tissue engineering, optogenetic and chemogenetic concepts for the study and treatment of atrial fibrillation | 2018 |
417 | SaveHER | The inhibition of sorting proteins as a therapeutic avenue in HER2 positive breast cancer | 2018 |
418 | BIONICS | A biomimetic and neuroprotective delivery nanocapsule for the targeted treatment of post-ischemic stroke effects | 2018 |
419 | Treat2ReUse | Treatment of Animal Waste to Reduce Gaseous Emissions and Promote Nutrient Reuse | 2019 |
420 | POLYTHEA | Design and photo-optimization of Photosensitizer for Human Health and Food security applications or “how light can save lives” | 2018 |
421 | ZIDOMS | Using Zebrafish as a novel tool to Improve the Diagnosis and Outcome of Marfan Syndrome | 2018 |
422 | FINDER | FINDER: FIghtiNg DEngue viRus, a novel strategy for the development of fully protective antiviralsthat act by disrupting the DENV NS3/NS5 interaction | 2018 |
423 | MaGMa | Applying Metabolomics to Unveil follow-up treatment biomarkers and Identify Novel TherapeuticTargets in Glioblastoma | 2018 |
424 | BetweenTwoBrains | Between Two Brains: Brain oscillatory basis of human collaboration | 2018 |
425 | Biased AI | Biased Artificial Intelligence: Openness, innovation and the remaking of mental health | 2018 |
426 | CRYOSTEM | Solvent free Cryopreservation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells | 2018 |
427 | Ctrl Code | Proactive Brain State Regulation: a closed-loop brain-state dependent stimulation approach | 2019 |
428 | DiaMoND | Development of composite Metamaterials having Negative stiffness inclusions and exceptional Damping properties | 2018 |
429 | E-SPECTR | Excitation Spectroscopy Sensor | 2018 |
430 | SynBioBrain | Building biological computers from bacterial populations | 2018 |
431 | MicroC | Agent-Based Modelling of Gene Networks to model clonal selection in the tumour microenvironment and predict therapeutic resistance | 2018 |
432 | ImmunAID | Immunome project consortium for AutoInflammatory Disorders | 2018 |
433 | VERA | VERA: Extracellular VEsicles, miRNAs and particulate Air pollution: developing a new tool to identify subjects with high exposure-associated cardiovascular risk | 2018 |
434 | NS-COMP | Development of composite structures having negative stiffness inclusions and exceptional dampingproperties | 2019 |
435 | LLPS-NMR | Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of liquid-liquid phase separation | 2018 |
436 | Za-AV | Determination of physiologically relevant RNA substrate(s) and design of small-molecule inhibitors for Zα domains as potential intervention strategies for viral infections and autoimmunity | 2018 |
437 | TCELLTIGIT | Structural characterization of immune signaling protein TIGIT using x-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy | 2019 |
438 | VALSL | Valorisation of splice-switching oligonucleotides for lung cancer therapy | 2018 |
439 | NELMA | Nanoscale Electrochemistry on Light Metallic Alloys | 2018 |
440 | Tracer-T | Analysis of the effect of the tumour microenvironment on T cell functional phenotype | 2018 |
441 | SunPro | Sunflower: Durable Resistance to Broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) | 2019 |
442 | ESTREA | Exome Sequencing in stages of Treatment REsistance to Antidepressants | 2018 |
443 | ILBAB | The interoceptive link between anxiety and breathing perception | 2018 |
444 | MECH-LoC | Mechanically tuned Lung-on-a-Chip device to model pathology and drug screening for lung disease | 2018 |
445 | OSCBAGDIS | Oscillations in Basal Ganglia Disorders | 2018 |
446 | MITIG | Addressing MITochondrial Import by Glioblastoma cells to rewire respiratory metabolism | 2019 |
447 | NEUROTARGET | Treatment of traumatic brain injury using dye-loaded polymeric nanoparticles | 2018 |
448 | Tick ThaNK | Tick-borne encephalitis Targeted by Human Active NK cells | 2019 |
449 | AMNEsIA | Interactions of amyloid peptides with the neuronal membrane interface: molecular mechanisms involved in Alzheimer’s disease | 2018 |
450 | NeuroLSD | Neuro-metabolic, structural and functional hallmarks of Lysosomal Storage Diseases | 2018 |
451 | PREMEDiCARE | PREcision MEDicine with induced pluripotent stem cells for Cardiac Arrhythmias Risk Evaluation | 2018 |
452 | ONCOTHERANOSTICS | Advanced Theranostic Nanomedicines for Oncology. Development of new combinatorial therapies for primary and metastatic Breast Cancer. | 2019 |
453 | Gal3-BrainMets | A novel immunotherapy against brain metastasis: Anti-Galectin-3 | 2019 |
454 | NeMESIS | Neuron-based Monitoring Electrochemical Bio-Sensor Interface System | 2019 |
455 | Flat_Leaf | How to grow a flat leaf? | 2019 |
456 | INMARE | Injectable hydrogels for magnetically-activated, remote-controlled drug delivery | 2019 |
457 | PBDM | Payoff-Based Decision-Making | 2018 |
458 | GutMIND | Gut microbiota-Microglia Interactions in NeuroDevelopment | 2018 |
459 | IMPACT-HEALTH | IMaging Pancreatic Alpha-cells Calcium Tied with HEterogeneous Analysis of Labeled Transcription factors with in situ Hybridization | 2018 |
460 | Multiple Sclerosis | Development of a Functionalised Biomaterial Scaffold to Treat Multiple Sclerosis | 2018 |
461 | 3DPRINT-VASCU-CHIP | 3D Printed Vascular Model-on-Chip Platform with Automated Customization | 2018 |
462 | SZFunc | Functional Analysis of Schizophrenia Risk Gene RBM12 | 2018 |
463 | TUNING-BRAKES | Fine-tuning the brain’s brakes – modulating inhibitory control with transcranial alternating current stimulation | 2019 |
464 | UNNAMEd-2 | Unraveling the conceptional novel ADAM17 regulation by PP2A in metastasis formation. | 2019 |
465 | IN-3D-CAN | Instrumented 3D-Printed Miniature Muscles for Cardiotoxicity Screens of Cancer Therapies | 2018 |
466 | MAGIC | Magnification of Asthma by human memory Group 2 Innate lymphoid Cells | 2018 |
467 | TissueMaps | Elemental imaging of human tissue: clinical therapy support and development of new diagnostics | 2018 |
468 | EyeTREAT | Innovative tool for personalized treatment of patients with neovascular age-macular degeneration: dosage optimization for long term efficacy treatment | 2018 |
469 | 2STOP_TBE | Structural Openings to Understand and Prevent Tick Borne Encephalitis | 2018 |
470 | TAMYOCAL | Tamoxifen mediated protection on X-linked centronuclear myopathy: a mechanistic and pre-clinical study | 2018 |
471 | Enhanced-MUMs | Enhanced MUlti-Functional Membranes for Water Treatment and Desalination | 2018 |
472 | EuroXpand | EUROpean clinical validation of a new ex vivo eXpanded stem cell theraPy for cArdiac regeNeration after acute myocarDial infarction: EUROXPAND | 2018 |
473 | mitozippers | Mitochondrial membrane-targeted compounds for cancer therapy | 2018 |
474 | EVO-NANO | Evolvable platform for programmable nanoparticle-based cancer therapies | 2018 |
475 | EDIT | Novel precision technological platforms to promote non-invasive early diagnosis, eradication and prevention of cancer relapse: proof of concept in the bladder carcinoma. | 2018 |
476 | AGRISCENTS | Scents and sensibility in agriculture: exploiting specificity in herbivore- and pathogen-induced plant volatiles for real-time crop monitoring | 2018 |
477 | SUMMIT | Stepping Up mRNA Mutanome Immunotherapy | 2018 |
478 | ReCaP | Regeneration of Articular Cartilage using Advanced Biomaterials and Printing Technology | 2018 |
479 | RV001 | RV001: An anti-metastatic cancer vaccine | 2018 |
480 | WasteWater Science | A novel affordable, portable and autonomous wastewater treatment unit for the agriculture industry | 2018 |
481 | GDS | A safe and effective non-surgical and reversible procedure for weight loss | 2018 |
482 | SOLUPORE | Solupore® - Enabling the Manufacture of Affordable New Treatments to Cure Cancer | 2018 |
483 | NovaTests | The first predictive test for radio-sensitivity. A step towards an improved and personalised radiation therapy cancer treatment. | 2018 |
484 | RheumArth | New drug for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis | 2018 |
485 | TRILLIO | TRILLIO, a porTable pRescription assistant Improving heaLth of Europeans citizens by increasing therapeutic adherence in eLderly people and in patIents affected by chrOnic diseases | 2018 |
486 | MIMetiCO | Multiscale Integrative Approach for Corneal Biomechanics to Assess Corneal Crosslinking | 2018 |
487 | ASSYSt | A reliable CXCL4 biomarker assay to improve diagnosis and treatment of Systemic Sclerosis | 2018 |
488 | TLA-Gut | Novel Personalized Cellular Therapy Approach for Immune Diseases | 2018 |
489 | MASTERCOW | MASTERCOW, an antibiotic-free bioinorganic therapy for bovine mastitis | 2018 |
490 | GREEN LINE | A non-antibiotic treatment for Acne and Onychomycosis | 2018 |
491 | MOOD | Feasibility Study for the introduction into pre-clinical study domain of the first-of-a-kind Multi Organ On Device (MOOD) technology | 2018 |
492 | EASYFISH | Development of a new biomolecule to better control reproduction in fish | 2018 |
494 | IPUD | IPUD – An Implantable Peritoneal Ultrafiltration Device that actively and continuously prevents fluid overload in diuretic resistant heart failure patients. | 2018 |
495 | Sea4Pain | Development of a novel analgesic for chronic pain from marine-derived compounds | 2018 |
496 | AbCURE_COPD | Antibody mediated clearance of senescent cells for treatment of COPD | 2018 |
497 | THERMONANO | Nanoassemblies for the subcutaneous self-administration of anticancer drugs | 2018 |
498 | ONCOscanner | ONCOscanner – oncological probe for intra-operative identification of cancerous tissues during surgical treatment for breast cancer | 2018 |
499 | COSMOS-Fenix | Process for the reuse of fly ash derived from waste thermal treatments as substitution of critical and toxic flame retardants in the plastic manufacturing. | 2018 |
500 | LYSADERM | Platelet LYSAte based DERMal formulation for the treatment of skin ulcers | 2018 |
501 | LapIt | Making AML treatment a clinical reality: A novel anti-IL7 receptor antibody to deliver Lap to 5LO positive cells | 2019 |
502 | ONCOSMART | ONCOlogic patient profiling and personalized treatment through SMART bedside diagnostics | 2018 |
503 | SLAMseq | SLAMseq: Temporal resolution in gene expression profiling across multiple platforms | 2019 |
504 | CHANGE | Cultural Heritage Analysis for New GEnerations | 2019 |
505 | SIRIUS | Simulations for Inertial Particle Microfluidics | 2019 |
506 | Neo-PRISM-C | Neo-PRISM-C: NEurodevelopmental Optimal-Predictors, Risk factors, and Intervention from a Systems approach to Maladjustment in Children | 2018 |
507 | PET-AlphaSy | PET Imaging of Alpha-Synuclein Fibril Formation | 2018 |
508 | DELIVER | DELIVERy of advanced therapies for diabetes training network | 2019 |
509 | EUROoC | Interdisciplinary training network for advancing Organ-on-a-chip technology in Europe | 2018 |
510 | ChromDesign | Chromatin architecture and Design | 2018 |
511 | V.A. Cure | A multidisciplinary approach towards sustainable improvement in rare diseases care uniting Europe's top class vascular research to find new treatment strategies for vascular anomalies | 2019 |
512 | IAWAS | Innovative Aluminium filler Wires for Aircraft Structures | 2018 |
513 | Mind-Gap | Bridging the treatment gap for mild and moderate anxiety and depression across EU | 2018 |
514 | REWATERGY | Sustainable Reactor Engineering for Applications on the Water-Energy Nexus | 2019 |
515 | CytoPro | A breakthrough cancer diagnostic instrument to save 3000 years of human lives annually and up | 2018 |
516 | FUNCOAT | Development and design of novel multiFUNctional PEO COATings | 2019 |
517 | Treat-HSP | Development of new therapy for rare motor neuron diseases | 2018 |
518 | CereBrill | Brain training tools for better focus - using games and brainwaves to improve performance in children with ADHD | 2018 |
519 | MicroTher | MicroTher: Drug Discovery from the Microbiota | 2018 |
520 | WoodZymes | Extremozymes for wood based building blocks: From pulp mill to board and insulation products | 2018 |
521 | FLAMMINGGOS | Functional Links in Avian, Microbial, Macrophyte, and INvertebrate Greenhouse Gas Output Stimulation | 2018 |
522 | BestTreat | BestTreat – Building a Gut Microbiome Engineering Toolbox for In-Situ Therapeutic Treatments for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease | 2018 |
523 | PROVEC | Promoting Osteogenesis through Vascular Endothelial Cells | 2019 |
524 | STACCATO | European Industrial Doctorate for enhancing upstream biopharmaceutical manufacturing process development through single cell analysis | 2019 |
525 | MechanoIMM | Mechanical Immunoengineering for Enhanced T-cell Immunotherapy | 2018 |
526 | AIMS-2-TRIALS | Autism Innovative Medicine Studies – 2 – Trials | 2018 |
527 | StarT | European Training Network to Diagnose, Understand and Treat Stargardt Disease, a Frequent Inherited Blinding Disorder | 2018 |
528 | IPOG | Improving Pregnancy Outcomes Gloablly | 2018 |
529 | SALUTE | Smart Acoustic Lining for UHBR Technologies Engines | 2018 |
530 | ERICE | Super hydrophobic and erosion resistant coating for turbine scroll and downstream pipe | 2018 |
531 | NEWTEAM | Next gEneration loW pressure TurbinE Airfoils by aM | 2018 |
532 | MagnoBeads | Removing endotoxins during sepsis: a blood purification platform using magnetic nanoparticles | 2018 |
533 | NEFERTITI | NEFERTITI: A Novel Eco-Friendly, dually Efficient and Resistance-free Treatment of vaginITIs | 2018 |
534 | BEF 2.0 | Bee Ethic Frames 2.0 a disruptive technology in Apiculture | 2018 |
535 | HD4HF | Heart Damper: a revolutionary device for Heart Failure | 2018 |
536 | Lymphit | LYMPHIT: an innovative easy-to-use and cost-efficient diagnostic microneedle patch for the early detection of Lymphedema | 2018 |
537 | NanoMed-CKD | Feasibility of mCura1: A kidney-targeted nanomedicine that promotes self-healing of Chronic Kidney Disease with messenger RNA. | 2018 |
538 | BGV1 | New vaccine for a paradigm shift in Brucellosis | 2018 |
539 | LIPOBITS | Liposome-based Biomimetic Treatment for auto-immune diabetes (T1D) | 2018 |
540 | p38_InTh | Innovative therapeutic tools to ameliorate chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity | 2018 |
541 | EVERBONE | Mechano-activated Extracellular Vesicle Based Repair of Bone | 2019 |
542 | VirtualBrainCloud | Personalized Recommendations for Neurodegenerative Disease | 2018 |
543 | HEcoPerMed | Healthcare- and pharma-economic models in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine | 2019 |
544 | MARTE | Medically Assisted Reproduction: The Effects on Children, Adults and Families | 2019 |
545 | Citrus | End-to-End Remote Site Monitoring and Clinical Trial Management Solution | 2018 |
546 | CROSSONT | CROwned Spline Surface Optimization using New Treatments | 2019 |
547 | LUMAX | Innovative Laser and Fiber System for Non-Toxic, Efficient and Cost-Effective Treatment of Cancer | 2018 |
548 | CuRE | Cardiac REgeneration from within | 2019 |
549 | MegaALS | Unravelling the Interplay between Metabolism, Gut Microbiome and Adaptive Immunity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | 2018 |
550 | JPCOFUND2 | ERA-NET to support the Joint Programming in Neurodegenerative Diseases strategic plan (JPND) | 2019 |
551 | UPGRADE | Unlocking Precision Gene Therapy | 2019 |
552 | Predictix Antidepres | a user-friendly procedure that analyses genomic, clinical and demographic data to generate a personalized report with statistical analysis on the efficacy of antidepressants and their side effects | 2018 |
553 | kINPen | Developing a high-innovative portable cold plasma device for efficient healing of chronic wounds in veterinary medicine | 2019 |
554 | NATURALSKIN | Rapid absorption denaturalized collagen dressings | 2019 |
555 | CancerQR | Next generation cancer therapies targeting cancer networks | 2019 |
556 | iPSpine | Induced pluripotent stem cell-based therapy for spinal regeneration | 2019 |
557 | LEGACy | CeLac and European consortium for a personalized medicine approach to Gastric Cancer | 2019 |
558 | POLYMMUNE | Off-the-Shelf Polypeptide-based Immunotherapy for Advanced Melanoma Treatment | 2019 |
559 | NECESSITY | NEw Clinical Endpoints in primary Sjögren’s Syndrome: an Interventional Trial based on stratifYing patients | 2019 |
560 | FACTA | An innovative process to extend commercial bioprosthetic heart valves lifespan. | 2018 |
561 | ResisTEST | Developing a rapid diagnostic kit for antibiotic resistance | 2019 |
562 | CardioReGenix | CardioReGenix: Development of Next-Generation Gene Therapies for Cardiovascular Disease | 2019 |
563 | MOBILIZE | Improving health in people with multimorbidity: a paradigm shift in health care from disease-based curative models to personalized exercise therapy and self-management | 2019 |
564 | FTHPC | Fault Tolerant High Performance Computing | 2019 |
565 | FutureTrophicFactors | Elucidating therapeutic effects and mode of action of future trophic factorsin ALS and Parkinson’s disease | 2019 |
566 | NoPest | Novel Pesticides for a Sustainable Agriculture | 2019 |
567 | triboREMEDY | The triboreactor as breakthrough remediation strategy for safeguarding human and environmental health | 2019 |
568 | ZygoFix | True Minimally Invasive Spinal Fusion System | 2019 |
569 | TOL2 | An effective and safe targeted therapy for treatment of Myasthenia gravis | 2018 |
570 | BPET | The Next-Generation of Small, Cost-Effective and Mobile Brain Scanner for an Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease | 2019 |
572 | NOWELTIES | Joint PhD Laboratory for New Materials and Inventive Water Treatment Technologies. Harnessing resources effectively through innovation | 2019 |
573 | ArthritisHeal | Establishing the molecular fundamentals of arthritic diseases – a step forward to Heal Arthritis | 2019 |
574 | PROTONMBRT | Spatial fractionation of the dose in proton therapy: a novel therapeutic approach | 2019 |
575 | DEVORHBIOSHIP | The Developmental Origins of Health: Biology, Shocks, Investments, and Policies | 2019 |
576 | MUMVIP | Metabolic Profiling of the Vaginal Microbiome for Reproductive Health | 2019 |
577 | NIMM | Fluorescence-based nano-immunoassay IVD platform | 2019 |
578 | Lakhesys | Lakhesys: building the machine to make the medicines of tomorrow | 2019 |
579 | I-SOFT | Intelligent Electrochemical Cooling Water Softening System | 2019 |
581 | AutoRay | New solution for fully automated analysis and reporting of routine musculoskeletal X-rays | 2019 |
582 | SyntheticPaper | Enabling high performance and cost-efficient Point-of-Care diagnostics using a new innovative synthetic lateral flow substrate | 2019 |
583 | iPC | individualizedPaediatricCure: Cloud-based virtual-patient models for precision paediatric oncology | 2019 |
584 | CancerFingerPrints | Identification of nano-mechanical fingerprints as a biomarker for cancer treatment prognosis | 2019 |
585 | SERAS_v4.0 | Seizure Risk Asessment for Epilepsy | 2019 |
586 | RESOLVE | tPA-Nanoconstructs for Treating Acute Ischemic Stroke: a Technical and Commercial Analysis | 2019 |
587 | ReCoDE | Reshaping cortical circuits to decrease binge eating | 2019 |
588 | DNAsensPROT | Ultrasensitive Quantification of Proteins based on Amplification of DNA Displaced from DNA Aptamer Duplex using Semiconductor Technology | 2018 |
589 | Diacosm | Nano Diamond Powder Additive for Cosmetics | 2018 |
590 | ProtMind | Protecting Minds: The Right to Mental Integrity and The Ethics of Arational Influence | 2020 |
591 | PATRES-MDS | Pathogenesis and treatment of splicing factor mutant myelodysplastic syndromes | 2019 |
593 | Facer | The First Cell Culture Platform that Enables Affordable Cell Therapies at a Large Scale | 2019 |
594 | SCAMPICITY | cAMP-dependend plasticity of striatal projection neurons in health and disease | 2019 |
595 | LifeTime | Revolutionizing Healthcare by Tracking and Understanding Human Cells during Disease | 2019 |
596 | VALUE-Dx | The value of diagnostics to combat antimicrobial resistance by optimising antibiotic use | 2019 |
597 | GLIOHAB | Multiparametric imaging of glioblastoma tumour heterogeneity for supporting treatment decisions and accurate prognostic estimation | 2019 |
598 | BrainWatch | Transient micromachined pressure-monitoring implants for chronic brain disorders | 2019 |
599 | PHAS | Development of a new generation of bioengineered bandages | 2019 |
600 | BIONA4ART | BIO-inspired NAcre-like materials FOR the next generation of conservation treatments in stone ART works | 2019 |
601 | DECOMPACT | Development of Collagenase Polymeric nanocapsules as Therapeutics | 2019 |
602 | THERAPROBES | Biodegradable fluorescent nanoprobes for early detection of (pre)malignant lesions of the gastrointestinal tract | 2019 |
603 | NPsVLCD | Natural Product-Inspired Therapies for Leishmaniasis and Chagas Disease | 2019 |
604 | DIEinPEACE | Double Incremental Expansion in Potential Energies from Automized Computational Exploration | 2019 |
605 | ULTRA-OLEO | Ultrasonic standing waves as a new tool for improved oleogels | 2020 |
606 | BispecificsThatClick | Combinatorial Antibody Synthesis for the Discovery of New Anti-Tumour Immunomodulators | 2019 |
607 | DROSI | Death Rites and the Origins of Social Inequality | 2019 |
608 | BacDrug | Bacterial membrane vesicles a novel delivery system for the treatment of multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections. | 2020 |
609 | TRIDOS | Targeted Radiotherapy Internal Dosimetry: A platform for individualized patient dosimetry and radiobiological assessment | 2019 |
610 | EPIOBESITY | Unravelling the hypothalamic epigenetic code behind obesity. | 2020 |
611 | EpimiRTherapy | Using human tissue to translate microRNA-based therapies for epilepsy | 2019 |
612 | StopIG | Translating fundamental insights in podocyte metabolism and cell cycle regulation: development of a new treatment for Stopping crescentic Immune Glomerulonephritis | 2019 |
613 | EndoReproTox | Embodied Ecologies: An Ethnographic Study of Reproductive Toxicity, Infertility, Endometriosis and Delayed Childbearing | 2019 |
614 | CutGrow | A CutFEM Paradigm for Surgical Guided Growth of Bone Joints | 2020 |
615 | TFZN | Understanding the mechanisms that govern organ morphostasis and repair | 2019 |
616 | PDX-PC | Elucidation of tumour cell plasticity mechanisms associated to treatment in metastatic prostate cancer | 2019 |
617 | AnxNPS | Anxiety across childhood and adolescence: Neural, psychological, and social factors | 2020 |
618 | COATING | COATING - slippery wires: revolutionizing COronAry sTentING | 2019 |
619 | ARGONAUT | ARGONAUT: from the synthesis of gAnglioside tumouR antiGens to a platfOrm for caNcer Active immUnoTherapy | 2019 |
620 | PredAlgoBC | Machine learning prediction for breast cancer therapy | 2019 |
621 | 3D NKCC1 | Interdisciplinary approach to characterize the structure and the ion transport mechanism of NKCC1, a key target for brain disorders. | 2019 |
622 | INF-CVD | Chronic inflammation and cardiovascular risk | 2019 |
623 | Tumor microbiome | The tumor microbial communities: Characterization, effects and translational opportunities | 2019 |
624 | DISCONNECTOME | Brain connections, Stroke, Symptoms Predictions and Brain Repair | 2019 |
625 | CancerADAPT | Targeting the adaptive capacity of prostate cancer through the manipulation of transcriptional and metabolic traits | 2019 |
626 | MATRIX | Novel mitochondria-targeted therapies for cancer treatment-induced cardiotoxicity | 2019 |
627 | THERAPE | Novel blood-brain barrier permeable CDNF-derived therapeutic peptides for the protection and regeneration of dopamine neurons | 2019 |
628 | GRETE | Green chemicals and technologies for the wood-to-textile value chain | 2019 |
629 | MICROX | Microscopy of living cancer cells at physiological oxygen levels: the MICROX platform | 2019 |
630 | PARENT_EMPATHY | Imaging circles of engagement: Neural correlates of parent empathic distress in the context of chronic pain | 2020 |
631 | 3D-PRESS | 3D-PRintable glass-based Electrolytes for all-Solid-State lithium batteries | 2020 |
632 | MIMIC | Deciphering how microbiota modulate anti-tumor immune responses in checkpoint therapy | 2020 |
633 | FreeDigital | The impact of 'free' digital offers on individual behavior and its implications for consumer and data protection laws | 2019 |
634 | OPTIMISE | Dissecting the molecular pathogenesis of Legionella spp. in human lung models | 2019 |
635 | BITFORM | Multiplexed biosensing and tissue-on-a-chip integrated platform for breast cancer biomarkers monitoring | 2019 |
636 | BrainInformationFlow | Principles underlying information flow across the entire brain of the zebrafish | 2020 |
637 | KiT-FIG | Kidney Transplantation - Functional ImmunoGenomics | 2019 |
639 | NeoCellBank | A revolutionary regenerative therapy for management of chronic inflammatory diseases based on neonatal Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 2019 |
640 | MindCare | AutoMatic and Personalized Mental HealthCare Solution | 2019 |
641 | LIBSED | Libiguins: a remedy for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions | 2019 |
642 | KATA | The therapy app for more air and health | 2019 |
643 | TARGLIO | Improved glioblastoma treatment through targeted, local drug delivery | 2019 |
644 | INTRA | The first ultrasound-compatible cranial prosthesis enabling diagnostic and therapeutic use of ultrasound in brain pathologies | 2019 |
645 | ENTRAIN | ENdoThelial macRophage Alliance In Neuroinflammation | 2019 |
647 | REACT | REcycling of waste ACrylic Textiles | 2019 |
648 | e-NeuroPharma | Electronic Neuropharmacology | 2019 |
649 | HARMONIC | Health effects of cArdiac fluoRoscopy and MOderN radIotherapy in paediatriCs | 2019 |
650 | MRI PADS | Dielectric pads for high field MRI | 2019 |
651 | RespiriNTM | Progress novel assets (one FIH start) for non-tubercular mycobacteria that may act synergistically with bedaquiline and cytochrome bc drugs | 2019 |
652 | GRAPHENE WATER | High-Quality Graphene Dispersion in Water for Anti-Corrosion Applications | 2019 |
653 | BrainPatch | BrainPatch – Breakthrough non-invasive brain stimulation using AI | 2019 |
654 | GAIA-Health | GAIA-Health: microbiome suite for personalized medicine | 2019 |
655 | PRO-SCT | PROducing Stem Cells for improved Treatment of patients | 2019 |
656 | SIMCARE | SImulation-assisted Minimally invasive CAncer tREatment using the gosmart environment | 2019 |
657 | ZeNewCardio | ZeNewCardio: Discovering Heart Regeneration Therapies Through Zebrafish | 2019 |
658 | SPLITVAC | Harnessing the innate and adaptive immune system with targeted neoantigen based cancer vaccines | 2019 |
659 | CHAMPION | Cartilage Healing Approach Merging Polymer InnOvation with Nature | 2019 |
660 | PREDICT | Big Data EEG-Analysis for Advanced Personalised Medicine in Depression | 2019 |
661 | SILK-EYE | Silk-based ocular implants: treating eye conditions at the interface of photonics and biology | 2020 |
662 | PRIUS-TE | Printing Ultrasound Stimulated piezoelectric materials for Tissue Engineering | 2020 |
663 | NanoPSYCH | Neuropsychiatric disorders are a heterogeneous group of mental pathologies that demand prolonged and treatments that are frequently ineffective. Elucidating the cellular and molecular mechanisms under | 2019 |
664 | P2Med | IMIBIC Fellowship Programme for Personalised and Precision Medicine | 2019 |
665 | FibroFix | FibroFix™Cartilage, an innovative implant for cartilage repair and regeneration, introducing a new paradigm in osteoarthritis (OA) treatment. | 2019 |
666 | U-TURBT | A revolutionary shape memory alloy-based disposable device for bladder cancer removal | 2019 |
667 | EarWay | EarWay: a simple, safe and efficient medical device for earwax removal | 2019 |
668 | Anti-L1CAM | Anti-L1CAM antibody: A novel efficacious immunotherapy for pancreatic and ovarian cancer patients | 2019 |
670 | RODRESET | Development of novel optogenetic approaches for improving vision in macular degeneration | 2019 |
671 | SPELITEC | Sequence sPecific ELImination of shiga-Toxin E. Coli | 2019 |
672 | MABIOS | The first microalgae platform for the production of anticancer biopharmaceuticals | 2019 |
673 | HIVE-TECH | Artificial Intelligence revolution in beekeeping sector: the “Internet of Bees” | 2019 |
674 | TAcTIC | TArgeTed molecular Imaging and surgery for gastro-intestinal Cancer | 2019 |
675 | MIBEst | Molecular Infection Biology Estonia - Research capacity building | 2019 |
676 | Light4Sight | Light-activated carriers for the controlled delivery of therapeutic peptides in posterior segment eye diseases | 2019 |
677 | Angio-NYT | Investigating the crosstalk between Notch and YAP/TAZ in sprouting angiogenesis | 2020 |
678 | ABOLED | Commercial feasibility of an anti-bacterial treatment | 2019 |
679 | MPT system | Innovative, cost-effective, ultra-compact MRI-guided therapy system for diagnosis and immediate treatment of Parkinson's Disease | 2019 |
680 | AGRICAM | AGRICAM – reducing the usage of antibiotics and increasing animal welfare through advanced thermal imaging system for detecting early cases of mastitis in dairy cows | 2019 |
681 | ImmunoGrow | Making life-saving cancer therapies more widely available by simplifying production processes, reducing costs and enhancing patient safety through its patent-protected biomimicking mesh material. | 2019 |
682 | RetinDR | RetinDR: The first topical ophthalmic formulation (eye drops) that effectively prevents and/or treats the retinal neurodegeneration induced by diabetes (diabetic retinopathy) and/or aging | 2019 |
683 | MATE | The First Industrial-Scale Commercially Viable & Environmentally Sensitive System For Empty Fruit Bunch Waste Disposal | 2019 |
684 | ORIGAMI | cOmpRession of Genomic dAta to facilitate precision MedIcine | 2019 |
685 | ADDEGE | Dramatically improving chronic knee pain from osteoarthritis using an active steering telescopic microcatheter device in conjunction with a new ultra-low friction hydrophilic coating | 2019 |
686 | IRIS Phase-1 | A revolutionary blood test to easily diagnose and prevent deadly complications of organs and tissue transplants. | 2019 |
687 | CITRUS-PORT | Global advisory DSS platform for citrus fruit growers | 2019 |
688 | Salmino | Regaining health through Salmon discards | 2019 |
689 | IPUD | An Implantable Peritoneal Ultrafiltration Device that actively and continuously prevents fluid overload in congestive heart failure patients | 2019 |
690 | VALUE-RUBBER | Recycling technology to introduce rubber from End-of-Life Tyres into production lines as virgin rubbers substitute | 2019 |
691 | AORTYX | Revolutionary vascular repair patch to treat aortic dissections | 2019 |
692 | PrevictDrugs | Smartphone Measured Eye-Based Digital Biomarkers for Drug Use Detection | 2019 |
693 | IMMUNOTRAP | Diagnosis test for immuno-oncology therapies. | 2019 |
694 | INIA | Intersex- New Interdisciplinary Approaches | 2020 |
695 | LymphoDrain | LymphoDrain: The definitive solution for chronic lymphedema | 2019 |
696 | CANCERPREV | Innovative strategies for cancer prevention with focus on sex hormone signaling and chronic inflammation | 2019 |
697 | TrainCKDis | Multidisciplinary Training in Chronic Kidney Disease: from genetic modifiers to drug discovery | 2020 |
698 | EUROVA | European Oocyte Biology Research Innovation Training Net | 2019 |
699 | TIPAT | Training towards Personalized Antibiotic Treatment | 2020 |
700 | InnovEOX | Training of a new generation of researchers in Innovative Electrochemical OXidation processes for the removal and analysis of micro-pollutants in water streams | 2019 |
702 | MYCure | Innovative cancer therapy through Myc inhibition: taking OMO-103 to market | 2019 |
704 | SkinFactory 2.0 | SkinFactory 2.0: GMP-in-a-box | 2019 |
705 | TubInTrain | Tuning Tubulin Dynamics and Interactions to Face Neurotoxicity: a Multidisciplinary Approach for Training and Research | 2019 |
706 | CYPNASH | Validation of a novel class of cyclophilin inhibitors for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis | 2019 |
707 | StopAddict | The game changer drug to cure alcohol use disorders | 2019 |
708 | NUADA | YOUR LIFE. HANDS-ON. | 2019 |
709 | PexyEazy | PexyEazy® - an innovative surgical device for treatment of haemorrhoids. | 2019 |
710 | PersonalizeAF | Personalized Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation. A Translational Approach | 2020 |
711 | Magicbullet Reloaded | Small-Molecule Drug Conjugates for Targeted Delivery in Tumor Therapy | 2019 |
712 | TEXAD | TEXAD – Tailoring EXosomes for Autoimmune Diseases | 2019 |
713 | CHANCE | Structure guided inhibition of IDOL to treat atherosclerosis and the metabolic syndrome | 2019 |
714 | HIL PT System | A revolutionary, cost effective, ultra-compact proton therapy system for cancer treatment | 2019 |
715 | NEUROPA | Non-invasive dynamic neural control by laser-based technology | 2020 |
716 | SHOW MOTION | SHOW MOTION: Real time intelligent system for biomechanical motion and muscular diagnosis | 2019 |
717 | RV001 | RV001: An anti-metastatic cancer vaccine | 2019 |
718 | Immune-Image | Immune-Image: Specific Imaging of Immune Cell Dynamics Using Novel Tracer Strategies | 2019 |
719 | NOVACHIP | Novel vascular-like BBB-on-a-chip | 2020 |
720 | MEDICAL | Medical Treatments in Medieval Leprosaria. Exploring Healing Remedies through Dental Calculus Analysis | 2020 |
721 | GelGeneCircuit | Cancer heterogeneity and therapy profiling using bioresponsive nanohydrogels for the delivery of multicolor logic genetic circuits. | 2020 |
722 | VIDEC | Visualizing Death Inducing Protein Complexes | 2020 |
723 | CHINEQUALJUSTICE | Testing the Chinese Development Model under the Capabilities Approach: The Effects of Preferential Policies and Special Economic Zones on Inequality and Social Justice | 2020 |
724 | NanoGut | Exploiting the pathophysiology of the gut towards innovative oral peptide delivery strategies | 2020 |
725 | Cenya | Ex vivo cell labelling for in vivo imaging applied to cell therapeutics | 2019 |
726 | PROT-RESIST | Toward the Commercialization of a Proteolytically Resistant APPI Variant for Inhibiting Metastasis in Prostate and Pancreatic Cancer | 2019 |
727 | CAPABLE | CAncer PAtients Better Life Experience | 2020 |
728 | Neuron-AFib | Commercialising cardiac autonomic modulation to treat Atrial Fibrillation | 2019 |
729 | mfloDx | Adaptable Multiflow Diagnostic Platform to Genetically Identify Drug Resistant Infection | 2019 |
730 | AGERPIX | Artificial intelligence for yield estimations at fruit orchards | 2019 |
731 | CLARIFY | Cancer Long Survivors Artificial Intelligence Follow Up | 2020 |
732 | VEMoS | Virtual eye model system for personalised refractive surgery treatment | 2019 |
733 | ONCORELIEF | A digital guardian angel enhancing cancer patient’s wellbeing and health status improvement following treatment. | 2020 |
734 | LifeChamps | A Collective Intelligence Platform to Support Cancer Champions | 2019 |
735 | bio-T | Enabling medical device vendors to realize the potential of the data collectible by their devices | 2019 |
736 | SA-VOIR | Assessing the feasibility of MT-011, a first-in-class drug to treat glaucoma and other neurodegenerative diseases via a breakthrough mechanism-of-action | 2019 |
737 | BREAK | Blue light remote analgesia with K+ channels | 2019 |
738 | DeBug | Effective and environmentally friendly mechanical treatment for salmon delousing | 2019 |
739 | HyperBiota | Exploring the diet-microbiota axis for immunomodulation and organ protection in hypertension | 2020 |
740 | EVIE 2.0 | A slow release insemination that doubles the success rate of the most common first line treatment of infertility. | 2019 |
741 | ADAMO Robot | The future of precise personalised robotic physiotherapy | 2019 |
742 | NeuroPa | Targeting the brain sigma-1 receptor: A paradigm shift for the treatment of neuro-degenerative disorders | 2019 |
743 | ImOPac | GemciTest: An innovative In Vitro Diagnostic for the decision-making process of pancreatic cancer treatment | 2019 |
744 | ICPstatu | Non-Invasive Technology for Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Measurement | 2019 |
745 | RheoCare | Rheological Monitoring of Chronic Respiratory Diseases | 2019 |
746 | CANDY | Comorbid Analysis of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Epilepsy | 2020 |
747 | SALICROP | Overcoming the salinity barrier | 2019 |
748 | TheraLymph | Gene Therapy to restore lymphatic flow lymphedema | 2020 |
749 | Synthetic T-rEX | A synthetic biology approach for T cell exhaustion | 2020 |
750 | RARITY | RAtional design of canceR ImmunoTherapY: one size does not fit all | 2019 |
751 | EU-PEARL | EU Patient- cEntric clinicAl tRial pLatform | 2019 |
752 | Bio-TUNE | Fine tune of cellular behavior: multifunctional materials for medical implants | 2020 |
753 | PERMIT | PERsonalised MedicIne Trials | 2020 |
754 | AutoCRAT | Automated Cellular Robot-Assisted Technologies for translation of discovery-led research in Osteoarthritis | 2020 |
755 | C-stemGMP | c-GMP compliance of C-stem, an IPSc based cell therapies production technology | 2019 |
756 | ClearPlasma | ClearPlasma is an innovative medical device that enhances coagulation properties for improved treatment of excessive bleeding. | 2019 |
757 | Gasgon | Development of a Novel Medical Device to Remove Air Bubbles from Medicines, Which Will Improve Patient Safety and Reduce Costs of IV Infusion | 2020 |
758 | CardioProtectMI | A New Drug Therapy for the treatment of ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | 2019 |
760 | KERASOL | Functional Keratin Kerasol | 2019 |
761 | BTD | The EEG Dementia Index – Fast and Affordable Dementia Diagnosis | 2019 |
762 | Lottare GBM | LOcalized Targeted Therapy to Avoid REcurrent GlioBlastoma Multiforme | 2019 |
765 | BARRIER BREAK | Breaking the barrier: How inflammation spreads from skin to joint | 2020 |
766 | PEROXIS | ground-breaking PEROvskite technologies for advanced X-ray medical Imaging Systems | 2020 |
767 | HEDIMED | Human Exposomic Determinants of Immune Mediated Diseases | 2020 |
768 | NEFERTITI | A Novel Eco-Friendly, dually Efficient and Resistance-free Treatment of vaginITIs | 2020 |
769 | PICSOHF | PICSOHF, A minimally invasive cardiac intervention medical device to regenerate a damaged heart and extend the life of patients with Heart Failure | 2020 |
770 | QSPainRelief | Effective combinational treatment of chronic pain in individual patients, by an innovative quantitative systems pharmacology pain relief approach. | 2020 |
771 | oncNGS | NGS diagnostics in 21st century oncology: the best, for all, at all times | 2020 |
772 | EIS | An innovative, effective and minimally-invasive retinal cell therapy combined with a new injection system for treatment of retinal degenerative diseases. | 2019 |
774 | DDREAMM | Dna Damage REsponse: Actionabilities, Maps and Mechanisms | 2020 |
775 | GUT-SEQ | Single-cell analysis of intestinal lymphocytes reveals targets for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease | 2020 |
776 | AuriMod | From pills to bio-electronics: a wearable neurostimulator for the personalised treatment of chronic pain | 2019 |
777 | METABOLIGHT | Optical imaging platform to unravel metabolic reprogramming of cancer: a path for improved treatments | 2020 |
778 | GONDOLA AMPS | An innovative solution to neurological walking and balance disabilities | 2020 |
779 | OLI.VAS | The Oligo-Vascular interface: understanding its properties and functions | 2020 |
780 | CTS-TEs-ADprogress | Cell type-specific molecular analysis of epigenetic changes and transposable element derepression in Alzheimer's disease progression | 2020 |
781 | FEET | FEET (From Excreta to Energy, Transformation) / Hydrothermal carbonization as a sustainable solution for faecal waste treatment in less developed communities | 2020 |
782 | WLEP | White Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Organometal Halide Perovskites | 2021 |
783 | nanoEx | Towards nanopore proteomics: enhancing cytolysin performance through genetically encoded noncanonical amino acids | 2020 |
784 | Hemstem | Targeting leukaemia by modulating hematopoietic stem cell competitiveness | 2020 |
785 | SERWOM | Understanding Serotonergic Regulation of Working Memory | 2020 |
786 | C.A.R.E. OA | Cross-linking Adenosine Receptors - Estrogen receptors for OA treatment | 2021 |
787 | TeamUp | Understanding and improving team decision making in uncertain environments | 2020 |
788 | neutronSPHERE | Neutron Spectroscopy with a Spherical Proportional Counter for precision measurements in deep-underground laboratories | 2020 |
789 | EpiStress | Epigenetic mechanisms controlling hypoxia and pathogen Stress responses in plants | 2021 |
790 | MOBETA | Motor cortical beta bursts for movement planning and evaluation: Mechanisms, functional roles, and development | 2020 |
791 | MEANINGFEEL | Just noticeable differences in affect: Estimating the minimum change in positive and negative affect that meaningfully impact people’s subjective experience of emotions | 2021 |
792 | EnergUP | Development of alga-based photovoltaic devices: Electron transport from photosynthesis via the cell wall to electrodes | 2020 |
793 | DiStRes | Disentangling the stringent response to engineer novel anti-persister drugs | 2020 |
795 | MANTARGET | Super resolution imaging of nanoPMOs for cancer drug delivery | 2021 |
796 | hyP5 | Adopting orphan pumps: Structural and functional characterization of P5-ATPases | 2021 |
797 | AlzheimersInAction | AlzheimersInAction: A multi-disciplinary approach to determine the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the inflammatory response to amyloid-β in Alzheimer’s disease. | 2021 |
798 | POMOLIM | Polycystic ovarian syndrome: novel molecular characterization and personalized in vitro maturation protocol. | 2020 |
799 | PRECISMEDLYM | Aggressive T cell Lymphomas, integrated clinical and genomic analysis for a precision medicine. | 2020 |
800 | Heart Fi-Re | HEART FIne REgulation through mechanosensing in myosin filaments: merging theory and experiments into a multi-scale heart simulator | 2021 |
801 | MAP-AD | A multimodal approach to accelerate drug discovery and development in Alzheimer’s disease | 2021 |
802 | SkinMicrobiome | Paradigm Change in Skin Health: Novel Microbiome-based Cosmetics for Acne and Other Skin Conditions | 2020 |
803 | ROSETTA | Deciphering the Role of aberrant glycOSylation in the rEsponse to Targeted TherApies for breast cancer | 2020 |
804 | Pept-AGE | Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of age-related muscle loss to inform Artificial Intelligence-based discovery of novel peptide therapeutics for sarcopenia. | 2020 |
805 | ADGENTHE-CDA | Advances in the Diagnosis and Gene Therapy of Congenital dyserythropoietic Anemia | 2020 |
806 | COMMiT | Cancer Organoids Multiplexed Screening in Microfluidic Textile chips | 2020 |
807 | TARGETOF | Mass cytometry nanotools for intracellular target engagement. Towards precision medicine. | 2021 |